Augustine, Donna - Science and Technology in Society

Augustine, Donna
M.S., 2003
 Obesity and the Technological Fix: Weight Loss Surgery in American Women
Balderrama, Rafael
Ph.D., 1996
 The Social Construction in Compatibility: Setting Voluntary Safety Standards for
Agricultural Tractors
Bausch, Francis
M.S., 2002
 Examining One’s Own: Reflexivity and Critique in STS
Blechschmidt, Lara
M.S., 1992
 Environmental Ethics and the Oyster of the Chesapeake Bay
Bochenski, Leslie
M.S., 1999
 Hands-on Teaching in a History of Science Curriculum
Bott, Jr., David
M.S., 1988
 Program Officers at the National Science Foundation: A Case Study of the Biological
Instrumentation Program
Bouzid, Ahmed
Ph.D., 1998
 Man, Society and Knowledge in the Islamist Discourse of Sayyid Qutb
Burrows, Andrea
M.S., 1988
 Computers in Organizations: A Survey of PC Week Articles Between 1984 and 1988
Ph.D., 1991
 A Social Study of Women in Contemporary Biological Sciences
Cagle, Caroline
Ph.D., 2003
 Technology in Society: The Pipe Organ in Early Modern England
Callaham, Arthur
M.S., 2002
 Reengineering Engineering: A Glimpse of Late Professionalism
Castelao, Teresa
M.S., 1990
 Gaston Bachelard’s Scientific Philosophy: An Approach to Science and Technology
Ph.D., 1993
 Scientific Phenomenology and Science Studies: Gaston Bachelard and the Concept of
Castonguay, Stephane
M.S., 1993
 Managing Scientific Change in Agricultural Policies: Soil Productivity, Resource
Conservation and the Legitimization of Agrobiology
Cato, Mary
M.S., 1996
 The Limits of Law as Technology for Environmental Policy: A Case Study of the Bronx
Community Paper Company
Chaudhuri, Ranjan
M.S., 1992
 Science as Practice: A Methodological Critique and Case Study
Chen, Xiang
M.S., 1988
 Conceptual Problems in Theory Appraisal
Ph.D., 1992
 Theories, Experiments, and Human Agents: The Controversy Between Emissionists and
Undulationists in Britain, 1827-1859
Cohen, Benjamin
M.S., 2001
 Uniquely Structured: Debating Concepts of Science, from the Two Cultures to the
Science Wars
Collier, James
M.S., 1993
 Scientific Discourse, Sociological Theory and the Structure of Rhetoric
Ph.D., 1998
 The Structure of Meta-Scientific Claims: Toward a Philosophy of Science and
Technology Studies
Curfs, Garrit
M.S., 1990
 Experiment as Rhetoric in the Cold Fusion Controversy
Crumpton, Amy
Ph.D., 1999
 Toward a Democratic Science? Environmental Justice Activists, Multiple
Epidemiologies, and Toxic Waste Controversies
DeWeese, Pamela
M.S., 2002
 The ELSI Research Program and Genetic Nondiscrimination Legislation: A Study in
Science and Public Policy
Downes, Stephen
Ph.D., 1991
 Prospects for a Cognitive Science of Science
Dunlap, Daniel
M.S., 1995
 Rethinking Scientific Literacy Standards
Ph.D., 2002
 A Study of the LiNC Project: Collaboration, Teaching, Research, and the Social
Construction of Technology
Ferro, David
M.S., 1996
 Science and the Press: Nascent Institutions in Colonial America
Ph.D., 2001
 Selling Science in the Colonial American Newspaper: How the Middle Colonial
American General Periodical Represented Nature, Philosophy, Medicine, and
Technology, 1728-1765
Fitzpatrick, Anne
Ph.D., 1997
 Technology and the Secret Science: The Los Alamos Thermonuclear Weapons Project,
Friedensen, Victoria
M.S., 2000
 Protesting Space: A Study of Technology Choice, Perception of Risk, and Space
Furlow, Christopher
M.S., 1993
 The Legitimization of Knowledge: A Case Study of the Islamization of Knowledge
Garber, Stephen
M.S., 2002
 Birds of a Feather? How Technological Style and Politics Affected the Designs of the
U.S. Space Shuttle and the Soviet Buran
Garnar, Andrew
M.S., 1998
 Sport Utility Vehicles as Technologies of the Self: The Only Civilized Way to Leave
Gatlin, Stephen
M.S., 1992
 William H. Sheldon’s Constitutional Psychology: The Somatotype as Fiction
Ph.D., 1997
 William H. Sheldon and the Culture of the Somatotype
M.S., 1996
 Non-thesis option
Gentry, Allison
M.S., 2000
 Non-thesis option
Gile, Krista
Glenn, Tracy
M.S., 1991
 The Recategorization of “Chaos”: A Case Study of Language Change and Conceptual
Gold, Anna Keller
M.S., 1999
 Against Community: Reassessing Shaping and Schaffer’s-Leviathan and the Air-Pump
Goldstein, Samantha
M.S., 2000
 U.S. Importation of French Cheeses: Trade Protectionism or Consumer Protection?
Griffiths, Robert
M.S., 1988
 Industrial Drug Development: Application of the Theoretical Framework of Abernathy,
Clark, and Kantrow (1983) in an Analysis of Factors Which Determine Productivity
Guarino, Michael
M.S., 1996
 Religious Appeals in the Popular Presentation of Cosmology
Hagedorn, Susan
Ph.D., 2000
 Arguing the Genome: Benefits, Risks, and Setting Boundaries in the Rhetorical
Construction of the Human Genome Project
Harris, Heather
M.S., 1995
 Constructing Colonialism: Medicine, Technology, and the Frontier Nursing Service
Hauger, Scott
Ph.D., 1995
 Reading Machines for the Blind: A Study of Federally Supported Technology
Development and Innovation
Hegg, Shannon
M.S., 1995
 Women in and out of Engineering: A Guide to Diverse Experiences
Heyboer, Maarten
M.S., 1989
 Knowledge-Development in Applied Science: The Case of Range Management
Ph.D., 1992
 Grass-Counters, Stock-Feeders, and the Dual Orientation of Applied Science: The
History of Range Science, 1895-1960
Hohauser, Robyn
M.S., 1995
 The Social Construction of Technology: The Case of LSD
Hoyt, Diana
M.S., 2000
 UFO’s, Social Intelligence, and the Condon Report
Hu, Ming-Hui
M.S., 1995
 Maintaining NASTRAN: The Politics and Technologies of Aerospace Computing
M.S., 1998
 Non-thesis option
Hu, Sigang
Huston, Annette
Ph.D., 2002
 Carilion: A Corporate System of Managed Health Care
M.S., 1999
 Non-thesis option
Jenison, Brian
Jesiek, Brent
M.S., 2003
 Betwixt the Popular and Academic: The Histories and Origins of Memetics
Johnston, Peter
M.S., 1992
 Astronomers and the Hubble Space Telescope: An Historical Analysis
Jones, Mary Ellen
Ph.D., 2000
 Politically Corrected Science: The Early Negotiation of U.S. Agricultural Biotechnology
Jurotich, Theresa
M.S., 2003
 Network Infiltration: Gaining Utility Acceptance of Alternative Energy Systems
Kestel, Joseph
M.S., 1999
 Don’t Take My Kodachrome Away! Eastman Kodak and the Loss of System Control in
the Digital Era
Koay, Pei
Ph.D., 2003
 (Re)presenting Human Population Data Base Projects: virtually designing and siting
biomedical informatics ventures case studies: *Iceland Health Sector Database*Gene
Trust*BioBank UK
Krumnacher, Paul
M.S., 2001
 Lime and Cement Technology: Transition from Traditional to Standardized Treatment
Lamb, Ed
M.S., 1997
 Managing Technological Systems: The Development of the American Brewing
Industry, 1933-1990
Lehr, Jane
M.S., 2002
 Theory and Practice: Steps Toward a More Productive Relationship Between Science
and Technology Studies and Nontraditional Science Education Practices
Lin, Chung-Hsi
Ph.D., 1994
 The Politics of Scientific Practice in Taiwan: The Hepatitis B Control Program
Lucena, Juan
Ph.D., 1997
 Making Policy for Making Selves in Science and Engineering: From Sputnik to Global
Lynch, William
M.S., 1990
 Politics in Hobbes’ Mechanics: A Case Study in the Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
Mannikko, Nancy
M.S., 1990
 Technological Innovation in Forest Harvesting
Ph.D., 1997
 Brothers Professionally and Socially: The Rise of Local Engineering Clubs During the
Gilded Age
Miller, Jean
M.S., 1997
 Enlightenment Error and Experiment: Henry Cavendish’s Electrical Research
M.S., 1999
 Non-thesis option
Mitchell, Sarah
Nichols-Belo, Amy
M.S., 2003
 Globalization on the Ground: Health, Development, and Volunteerism in Meatu,
Njambi, Wairimu
Ph.D., 2000
 Colonizing Bodies: A Postcolonial Feminist Science Studies Critique of Anti-FGM
Obregon, Diana
Ph.D., 1997
 Struggling Against Leprosy: Physicians, Medicine and Society in Columbia, 1870-1938
Oei, Hong Lim
M.S., 1989
 The Influence of Social Factors on the Performance of a Center: A Case Study of the
“University Research Center”
Parayil, Govindan
Ph.D., 1990
 Conceptualizing Technological Change: Technology Transfer in the Green Revolution
Park, Jongwon
M.S., 1996
 The Promise and Performance of Interactive Cable TV: Diehard Utopian Dream in
QUBE Project
M.S., 2000
 Non-thesis option
Ragusa, Angela
Raman, Sujatha
M.S., 1991
 The Relevance of STS to Peace Research: The Need for a Third Voice on Nuclear
Rea, Matthew
M.S., 1995
 Policy, Values, and Incommensurability: The Northern Rocky Mountain Wolf Recovery
Rentetzi, Maria
Ph.D., 2003
 Gender, Politics and Radioactivity Research in Vienna, 1910-1938
Roberts, Jody
M.S., 2002
 Instruments and Domains of Knowledge: The Case of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Spectrometers, 1956-1969
M.S., 2000
 Non-thesis option
Roberts, Michael
Rogers, Juan
Ph.D., 1996
 Implementation of a National Information Infrastructure: Science and the Building of
Rogers, Moira
Ph.D., 1997
 The Public Culture of Science in the Early German Enlightenment: Leipzig ca. 16871750
M.S., 1998
 Non-thesis option
Ross, Michael
Rumrill, Deborah
M.S., 1993
 Initiating International Collaboration: A Study of the Human Genome Organization
Russell, Mark
M.S., 1997
 Appropriating Wittgenstein: Citation and Content Analysis of Journals in Science and
Ph.D., 2002
 Heredity and the Human Condition: A Study of 20th-Century Genetic Accounts of
Salmon, Virginia
M.S., 1991
 Computers and Creativity in the Theatre
Saridakis, Voula
M.S., 1993
 Scientific Controversy and the New Astronomy: The Intellectual and Social Context of
the Hevelius-Hooke Dispute
Ph.D., 2002
 Converging Elements in the Development of Late Seventeenth-Century Disciplinary
Astronomy: Instrumentation, Education, Networks, and the Hevelius-Hooke
Schwartzman, Peter
M.S., 1993
 Population Growth as a Problem in the Public Sphere: Current State of Play and Future
Sears, Carmen
M.S., 1996
 (Re)Visions of the Village: Building and Participating in the Blacksburg Electronic
Seltzer, Michael
M.S., 1993
 Atomic Testing and Population Genetics: Following the Classical Balance Controversy,
Serchuck, Adam
M.S., 1989
 Connectionism, Disciplinary Identity and Continuity
Ph.D., 1995
 Federal Giants and Wind Energy Entrepreneurs: Utility-Scale Wind Power in America,
Smith, II, Richard
M.S., 1998
 A Framework for a Nanotechnology Program
Takeshita, Chikako
M.S., 2000
 Coordinates of Control: Indigenous Peoples and Knowledges in Bioprospecting
M.S., 1993
 Non-thesis option
Udavcak, Randall
Webb, Charlotte
M.S., 1993
 Science Goes South: John Millington, Frederick Barnard, and the University of
Mississippi, 1848-1861
Ph.D., 1997
 Networks and Professionalization in the South: The Virginia Academy of Science, 19231996
Wertman, Ellen
M.S., 1999
 Scientific Communication Patterns: An Analysis of Physicists and Chemists in Their Use
of Formal and Informal Electronic Publications
White, Tobin
M.S., 1996
 How to Solve a Physics Problem: Negotiating Knowledge and Identity in Introductory
University Physics
M.S., 1999
 Non-thesis option
Yu, Bing Bing