Analytical Skills -

Ex. No. 1
Study the following information to answer the given
The following are the criteria for registration in a Training
Workshop. The participant must
(i) be more than 30 years of age.
(ii) be a graduate with 60% marks.
(iii) have at least four years of experience of working in industry.
(iv) be sponsored by his/her employer for the workshop.
(v) have sent one paper for presentation in the workshop.
However, if a person fulfils all these criteria except
(a) (iii) above, he or she should be registered as Trainee Participant.
(b)(ii) above, but is a post-graduate, he or she should be registered.
(c) (v) above, he or she should be referred to the Workshop
On the basis of these criteria and the information provided in
each case, you have to make the decision regarding registration
for the Workshop. Do not assume anything. If the information
provided is not adequate to take the decision, the answer would
be “data inadequate”. Study each case and give answer
to be registered.
registered as a Trainee participant.
referred to Workshop Coordinator.
Data Inadequate.
NOT to be registered.
1. 31-year-old Kavitha has 66% marks in her postgraduation. She has 2 years ‘experience in industry and has
been sponsored by her employer. She has also submitted
the paper.
2. 31-year-old Anjale is a post-graduate in Economics. She
has been sponsored by her employer and has submitted the
paper. She has been working in the industry for 10 years.
3. Mohan has been working in the industry for the last six
years. He informed that he would not be submitting the
paper. He has been sponsored by his employer. He is 29
years old and has got 64% marks in his graduation.
4. Vijay is 32 years old and has been working in the industry
for the last seven years. He has been sponsored by his
employer and has sent the paper.
5. Ram is a graduate with 60% marks and has 3 years
experience in industry. He is 31 years old. He has submitted
the paper.
Question #
Answer Choice
5: More than one basic condition violated; ii and iii
1; i+(b)+ii+iv+v.
Ex No 2:
The following are the criteria lay down by a government agency to accept or
reject a proposal for foreign investment by a foreign company:
I. The company should be willing to employ only Indians in its cadre
except for the post of chairman
II. The company must have a business proposal of at least $ 1 million
(Rs. 3.5 crore)
III. The company should have a global turnover of at least $ 100 million
(Rs.350 crore)
IV. The company’s business offer must not cover the privileged category
(bulk drugs, oil, defence and space research).
If a company fulfills all these criteria, the agency would clear the proposal.
However, if a company fulfills all these criteria except
a. I above but is willing to export atleast 80% of its production, its offer
will be cleared.
b. II above, the case will be referred to the finance ministry.
c. III above, the case will be referred to the commerce ministry.
You have to read the details of all the proposals given below and than decide
the course of action that would be taken by the agency.
1) If the proposal will be cleared.
2) If the proposal will be referred to the finance ministry.
3) If the proposal will be referred to the commerce ministry.
4) If the data are inadequate to come to a definite conclusion.
5) If the proposal will not be cleared.
Read the information carefully and choose appropriate answers.
1) AIWA of a S. Korea has proposed to manufacture audio equipments
in India. It has a global turn over of $ 2000 million and proposes to
invest $ 20 million in India. It is willing to employ an all-Indians
2) SOTIZA of Japan proposes to invest $ 100,000 in India for the
production of terry-towels. This company has a global turnover of $
120 million. It is willing to employ only Indian except for the post
of chairman.
3) PHILIPSIC of Holland has a global turnover of over $ 680 million. It
proposes to invest $ 15 million in India. It is willing to employ only
Indians in the company.
4) STERLING INC. of USA proposes to invest $ 160 million in India in
a project of power generation. The company has given an under
taking to the effect that it will employ only Indians in its Indian
5) HAZARAT-UL-SULEMAN is willing to invest 150 millions dollars in a
project of space-research equipments. It proposes to employ an
all-Indians staff. It has a global turnover of $ 1500 million
6) SAM PETERPAN of Holland proposes to have an all-Indians staff in
a project of terry-towel manufacturing. It has a global turnover of
180 million rupees and it proposes to invest 50 million rupees in
7) STANDARD ORGANIC of Australia proposes to manufacture car
accessories in India. It does not agree to have Indian workers in
the project. It has a global turnover of $ 120 million and its
proposed investment outlay in India is of $ 800,000.
8) CIPLA of U.A.E. it is not willing to have Indian workers in its
proposed business of manufacturing synthetic dye in India. It has a
global turnover of $ 1200 million and proposes to invest $ 80
million in India.
9) SOMU ELECTRONICS INC. of U.A.E. has a global turnover of $ 160
million. It proposes to invest $ 300,000 in a project to manufacture
ball-point pens and is willing to export 80% of its production. It
does not disagree to the condition of having an all-Indians staff.
10) SECADA INC. of U.K. is not willing to employ Indian workers in a
project to manufacture cigarettes. It proposes to invest $ 10
million in the project and is willing to export 100% of its
production. The global turnover of the company is $ 1600 million.
2; $ 100,000 < $ 1 million.
4; No information about the nature of business.
4; No information about global turnover.
5; Condition IV violated.
1; 10 million rupees= 1 crore rupees.
5; More than one basic condition violated:II and I.
4; No information as to whether the company agrees to export 80% of its
production, in case it does not agree to have Indian staff.
9) 1.
10) 1; Although condition I is violated, condition (a) is fulfilled.
Ex No 3: The following are the criteria laid down by a organization to select
personnel in its research department:
I. The candidate must not be above 30 years of age as on 1 st
august, 1995.
II. The candidate must be an M.Sc with at least 65 % marks
III. The candidate must have submitted at least one paper on
science during his academic career.
IV. The candidate’s application must be accompanied by the
recommendation of a professor of his institute.
V. The candidate should have obtained at least 60% marks in
the interview3 that carries full marks of 150.
If a candidate fulfills all these criteria, he or she would be appointed as a
science officer in the organization. However, if a candidate fulfills all other
criteria except
a) I above, his or her case may be referred to the M.D.,
b) II above but has submitted more than two papers, he or she
be appointed as assistant science officer.
c) III above but has 75% are more marks in M.Sc., he or she
may be
appointed as science officer.
Now read the information presented about each of the candidates below, and
decide what course of action would be taken in his or her case. Mark answer:
If the candidate should be appointed as science officer
If the candidate should be appointed as assistant science officer.
If the case needs to be referred to the M.D., personnel.
If the data are inadequate, i.e., if it is not possible to decide, on
the basis of the given data, the exact course of action that would
be taken.
5. If the candidate is not to be selected.
Now read the information carefully and mark appropriate answers:
1.Gopal is 27 years old. He is an M.Sc. and obtained 67% marks in
his post-graduation. He has obtained 90 marks in the interview. He
has submitted a paper during his academic career.
2. Raju is an M.Sc. with 70% marks. He was born on 1 st September
1972. He has obtained 62% marks in the interview. He has
submitted two papers during his career. He has obtained the
recommendation of his professor.
3.Arun has not obtained a recommendation of his professor but has
submitted three papers during his career and has 79% marks in
M.Sc. he is 27 years old. He obtained 65% in the interview.
4.Lakshmi has obtained 89 in the interview. She is an M.Sc with 80%
marks. She has submitted a paper and has been recommended by a
professor of her institute. She is 25.
5.Anita has obtained the recommendation of his professor. He is an
M.Sc. with 68% marks. He has not submitted any paper. He
obtained 96 in the interview and his 27 years old.
6.Raja is 29 years old. He is an M.Sc with 71% marks. He has
obtained the required recommendation. He has submitted two
papers during his career. The marks obtained by him in the interview
are more than that obtained by Lakshmi.
7.Amutha is an M.Sc. with 63% marks in post-graduation. He has
submitted three papers during his career. He has secured 93 in the
interview and obtained the recommendation of his professor. He was
born on 2nd July 1968.
8.Vinayakan is a M.Sc. with 70% marks in post-graduation. She has
more marks in the interview than Anita. She has obtained her
professor’s recommendation. She has submitted two papers during
her academic career.
9.Anitha was born on 2nd July 1965. She is a post-graduate in
science with more than 70% marks. She has submitted two papers
during her academic career. She has obtained the recommendation
of her professor. She obtained 62% in the interview.
10.Arvind is an M.Sc. with 79% marks but has not submitted any
paper. He has obtained the recommendation of his professor. He has
98 in the interview. He was born earlier than Anitha.
4; No information about recommendation.
1; All conditions satisfied.
5; Condition IV not satisfied.
5; Condition V violated.
5; Condition III violated. Condition (c) also.
4; Minimum marks required in the interview is: 60% of
150=90. Lakshmi has 89. He has more than Lakshmi. But it
means he may have 89.5 or 91 as well. Hence data are
7. 2.
8. 4; No information about age.
9. 3.
10. 5; More than one basic condition violated.