Ecology Vocabulary List #1

Ecology Vocabulary List #1
Study and complete this entire ditto.
1. environment (noun)
Science definition: The physical surroundings of an organism which includes the living (biotic) and
nonliving (abiotic) components.
Example: The type of soil and the bacteria contained in it are all part of an earthworm’s environment.
2. ecosystem (noun)
Science definition: A group/community of organisms interacting with their environment.
Example: An ecosystem is the interaction of organisms (in communities or populations) and the abiotic
and biotic factors of their habitat.
3. organism (noun)
Science definition: Any living thing.
Example: Animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi are all examples of organisms because they are all living
4. species (noun)
Science definition: A group of organisms that are similar and reproduce to produce fertile offspring.
Example: There are many different species of dogs, including Hounds, Pit Bulls, and Labradors.
5. habitat (noun)
Science definition: The local environment in which an organism, population, or species lives. It is
characterized by physical and chemical features, and the presence of other species.
Example: A squirrel’s habitat is usually in the woods because they live near trees.
6. population (noun)
Science definition: A group of the same species that live in the same area at the same time.
Example: We have a large population of deer living in Maryland.
7. predator (noun)
Science definition: An organism that kills and eats another organism.
Example: A lion is a predator because it kills and eats zebras.
8. prey (noun)
Science definition: An organism that is killed and eaten by another organism.
Example: The zebra is the lion’s prey since it is hunted, killed, and eaten by the lion.
9. community (noun)
Science definition: Different species living together at the same time in a habitat with some mutual
(shared) dependence.
Example: Tulips and bees exist in a community together. As the bees eat the nectar of a flower, they
pick up some pollen and transport it to another flower. The tulip plant benefits because it gets fertilized
by the pollen and can now make a seed to create a new tulip plant.
10. biotic factor (noun)
Science definition: Living features of an ecosystem.
Example: The type of trees growing in a forest is a biotic factor, because trees are living organisms.
11. abiotic factor (noun)
Science definition: Nonliving features of an ecosystem.
Example: Climate, light, and type of soil are all abiotic factors since none of these features of the
ecosystem are living.
12. carrying capacity (noun)
Science definition: The largest population that an environment can support.
Example: The carrying capacity of deer in Maryland is 3,000 deer, since there are not enough resources
to support anymore deer.
13. limiting factor (noun)
Science definition: A resource that is so scarce that it limits the size of a population
Example: Amount of food is a limiting factor. If there is not enough food, the population of deer will
Application of Vocabulary Words
A zebra is an ___________________________ because it is a living thing. A large group of zebras
living together in the same area is called a ____________________________. The largest population that
can be supported in this area is its _________________________ _________________________. The
population is controlled by the ___________________________ __________________________, such
as the amount of food and water. The area they live in, or the local surroundings of grasslands is the
species’ _________________________. Zebras live in the same area, or habitat, as lions, so they are all
part of a _________________________. The ____________________________ includes the physical
surroundings of the organisms, including living and nonliving components. The living components of an
environment, such as trees, are the ________________________ factors, while the nonliving
components, such as rocks and soil, are ______________________ factors. Since lions hunt and eat
zebras, lions are considered ___________________________. The zebras would be considered
_______________________ since they are hunted by another organism. This community of organisms
interacting with their environment are all part of an _____________________________.
Word Bank
carrying capacity
limiting factor