(Amended 5/03) Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 2 Idaho Panhandle National Forest’s Wellness Plan has been revised and approved as of 1/9/02 (Amended 5/03) /s/ Ranotta K. McNair Ranotta K. McNair, Forest Supervisor Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 3 IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FOREST WELLNESS PLAN (This supersedes the Wellness Program of 2002) (Amended 5/03) MISSION STATEMENT The IPNF Wellness Plan is designed around wellness activities authorized in FSM 6145 and includes providing health services and education, specific disease screening, encouraging health maintenance, and establishment and operation of physical fitness programs. Overall objectives encourage units to establish employee programs to promote active life-styles to maintain mental and physical well-being, enhance an individual’s ability to lead a satisfying and productive life both on and off the job, and reduce Forest Service costs by increasing productivity and reducing illness and injuries. Education, prevention, and personal fitness programs have been incorporated within the overall scope of the Wellness Plan to meet these objectives. 1. TYPES OF PROGRAMS a. Education Program. The objective of this program is to make employees aware of available information and opportunities to develop and pursue healthy lifestyles that could improve their own “wellness”. Programs may include information sessions on such subjects as nutrition, weight control, eye care, smoking cessation, dealing with stress, etc. www.intelihealth.com b. Health Screening and Evaluation Program. The objective of this program is to reduce the potential risk of illness in a community work environment and also to provide base line data as well as health monitoring data to employees on a continuing basis. This program offers participatory activities such as Flu vaccinations, Health Risk Appraisals, Health Screening, and blood testing, and interpretation of the results. c. Personal Fitness Program. The objective of this program is to improve individual employee fitness as appropriate (i.e. weight loss, flexibility, muscle tone, aerobic capacity, stress reduction, etc.), and encourage personal health maintenance including physical exercise. It is required that participants in approved exercise activities adhere to all recommended safety practices and approved equipment. Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 4 2. ELIGIBILITY a. Employees: The Wellness Plan provisions are available to all employees with continuing appointments (career, career conditional, and excepted conditional appointments). Temporaries may participate with supervisory approval while they are in pay status, with the exception of the non permanent full-time employees in fire status that are in mandatory PT training during fire season. b. Retirees and Family Members: Although an employee’s immediate family and Forest Service retirees may not utilize Government facilities or equipment for personal fitness activities, they are encouraged to participate in other activities described in the Wellness Plan. If any activity has a cost per individual, family members and retirees must pay their own fees at the Government’s negotiated rate. c. Employees in travel status: Employees who have approved Physical Fitness Contracts and who are in travel status may utilize Government vehicles to drive to and from health clubs, etc., in order to continue the fitness program. Official travel time or per diem costs for this purpose are not appropriate. d. Termination from the Program. Failure of an employee to fulfill all requirements of the Wellness program may be grounds for termination of that employee’s agency support by the supervisor under the program. 3. PARTICIPATION. Participation in all programs under the IPNF Wellness Plan is voluntary. This includes offerings under the Education, Prevention, and Personal Fitness Programs. Time schedules and coordination with work activities need to be worked out so they are mutually agreeable between the employee and his/her supervisor. Self-responsibility is the key to a successful wellness program. Employees are responsible for carrying out physical fitness activities that are approved; this includes Government supported and personal contribution portions. Employees are also responsible for disclosing information on personal situations and conditions that might constitute a health risk in any approved fitness activity. Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 5 The accountability between employees and supervisors will be emphasized. The supervisor will be more accountable for work absences for the “Excused Absence Option” through review and approval of employee’s timesheets each pay period. Supervisors are also responsible to review and update the Physical Fitness Contract with employees annually For participation in the Personal Fitness Program, employees will be required to complete two forms. The first is a medical form (attached), which may require approval of their physician. This will outline what activities the employee is released to participate in and if a physician’s approval is required, the cost associated with that is an employee expense (unless an approved work capacity evaluation and health screening questionnaire (HSQ) for fire is on file). In addition, employees will be required to sign a Physical Fitness Contract form (attached), which must be signed by the supervisor and staff or line officer. Federal employees injured while engaging in approved fitness activities and following the requirements of the IPNF Wellness Plan are generally covered by Worker’s Compensation benefits provided under Federal Employees Compensation Act and administered by the Department of Labor, Office of Worker’s Compensation Programs. 4. OPTIONS UNDER THE PERSONAL FITNESS PROGRAM. The Personal Fitness Program offers two options, the Excused Absence option and the Health Club option, which are explained in detail below. Under either option the employee must follow all of the guidance listed below under SIGNING UP and APPROVED ACTIVITIES. OPTION 1 – HEALTH CLUB MEMBERSHIP. Employees may choose any health club. Employees will be reimbursed for their membership fees up to $100.00 quarterly. The employees must complete all screening requirements and sign the Personal Fitness Contract. Employees’ agree to perform approved fitness activities at the club an average of nine times each month. Reimbursement will be paid using the form SF 1164 (see pages 15 and 16) and an accompanying original receipt. Employees not complying with any part of these requirements will be terminated from the program. When in travel status, employees may use alternate forms of physical fitness to meet the requirements. No work time is approved for exercise under the Health Club option. Employees cannot sign up for the Excused Absence and Health Club options concurrently. Personal responsibility is a large factor in successfully managing this program. Employees are responsible for their attendance. Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 6 Listed are some thoughts you might consider when choosing a Health Club. Is the club close to your home or work place? Convenience is vital to a lasting fitness program. Have you visited the club during the hours you plan to use them to determine how crowded it is and other factors important to you? Does the club have the variety and type of equipment and amenities that you need to make your fitness program motivating and successful? Does the club offer programs for the family? Are there any hidden costs in the club such as towel fees, childcare fees, or locker fees? OPTION 2 – EXCUSED ABSENCE. Employee's cannot sign up for the Excused Absence Option and Health Club Options concurrently. Once the Screening Form and appropriate Contract is signed the employee is eligible to use up to 3 hours of official time each week to participate in approved activities. No official time for a workout on any single day will be less than 15 minutes or more than 1 hour. The intent is to encourage multiple workouts over several days. The official time used must fall between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m at times mutually agreeable between the employee and his/her supervisor. Excused Absence is not allowed on weekends unless that is a scheduled workday within the employees’ normal tour of duty. Time shall be recorded as other paid absence on the timesheet. For instance, if you regularly work from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. with 1/2 hour for lunch (7 hours) and exercise from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m., your time sheet should show the actual work time of 7 hours coded to 01 and the hour from 5pm to 6 pm coded to TC 66 until the Washington Office establishes a wellness transaction code. Travel time is not compensable under the Wellness Program. Following flexitime guidelines it is allowable to use time under this Excused Absence Program and work beyond 8 hours in a day while balancing the 40 hours/week or 80 hours/payperiod requirement. It is also allowable to earn credit hours in the same week that you use Excused Absence time under this option. Use discretion in both situations so this option remains available. SIGNING UP FOR OPTIONS 1 OR 2. Employees who choose to participate in either the Excused Absence or Health Club options will need to complete a medical form and a Physical Fitness Contract prior to any participation in the program. The questionnaire is based on screening criteria developed by the American College of Sports Medicine and is used to determine if it is safe for the employee to exercise. Any employee not meeting these criteria will need their doctor’s approval before participating in the personal fitness program. We encourage employees to consult their doctor nevertheless since our Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 7 questionnaire is merely a screening device. The Physical Fitness Contract is an agreement between you and your supervisor regarding participation in the program. APPROVED ACTIVITIES. Forest Service Manual 6145.2 requires us to identify sanctioned fitness activities by considering the potential for injuries and the image such activities present to the public. When reviewing activities for inclusion into or exclusion from the Wellness Plan, three major factors were considered: 1. How the public would view the appropriateness of a particular activity were they aware that Government money was supporting the activity(s). 2. The potential for injury or illness in the various activities in order to assess the risks associated with potential worker’s compensation claims. 3. An overall assessment of whether the particular activity fits into the Wellness Plan’s goals of motivating employees rather than just providing recreation. The potential for injury is determined by a great number of variables such as age, weight, familiarity with the activity, state of fitness and flexibility, frequency and intensity of the exercise, competitive drive, warm-up and cool-down. Some personal fitness activities experience frequent less serious injuries, while other activities have less frequent but more serious injuries. Moderate intensity exercise lasting 30 minutes, four or more times a week, provides excellent fitness and health benefits with minimal risk. High intensity exercise is associated with increasing injury potential and those activities are not included in the Person Fitness Program. Competitive sports events are not part of the Personal Fitness Program. Following is a list of approved activities under this Wellness Plan. These activities should be performed moderately rather than in a strenuous manner. For your information, we have also listed some activities that were considered and rejected. If there is activities not listed below that you would like reviewed for possible inclusion into the Plan, please submit your request in writing for consideration by the Wellness Committee (this would include any activity, which may be approved by a participant’s physician) to ensure it also fits into the Wellness Plan. The Wellness committee will evaluate all requests twice a year. All activities will be done utilizing approved personal protective equipment (PPE) Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/03 Page 8 The following examples OF NON-CONTACT/NON-COMPETITIVE ACTIVITIES include but are not limited to: Jogging Rowing Machine Aerobics Tennis Aerobic Walking X-country skiing on groomed trails Bicycling (road) Treadmill Racquet Ball Stair/Step Machine Free Weights Tae Kwan-Do Skipping Rope Stationary Bicycle Ski Machine Weight Machines Swimming (in a pool) Walking Stretching Tai Chi Yoga Pilates Taebo Kickboxing Volleyball/Wallyball Softball Downhill Skiing Rollerblading X-country skiing in hazardous situations Table Tennis Basketball Telemark Skiing Roller Skating Mountain-biking on trails or other off-road Non-approved Activities Canoeing Dancing Golf Ice Skating Contact-type Martial Arts Soccer 5. EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS. Planned expenditure of funds for Wellness need to be included in the Project Work Plan (PWP) system. 6. WELLNESS COMMITTEE. The Wellness committee will be comprised of at least one member from each Zone and Nursery, one member from the Supervisor’s Office, and one member of the union who has program responsibility for Wellness. This committee will meet at least twice per year to manage the program and clarify issues that arise. Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 9 FSM 6145 6145 – WELLNESS. For related direction, refer to FSM 6243 for the Employee Assistance Program covering topics on alcohol and drug abuse; FSSSM 6700 on Safety and Health Programs for topics on occupational health and safety; FSM 6180 on compensation for injury; and FSH 5109.17, chapter 20, for firefighter physical qualifications and fitness. For direction on use of appropriated funds for wellness and fitness programs, see FSM 6511.13h. 6145.01 – Authority. Title 5, United States Code, section 7901 (5 U.S.C. 7901) and Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 792 (5 CFR Part 792) provide authority to establish preventive programs related to health (wellness). Authorized activities related to wellness include providing health services, health education, specific disease screening, encouraging health maintenance, and establishment and operation of physical fitness programs. 6145.02 – Objectives. Forest Service units are encouraged to establish employee wellness programs, which promote active lifestyles to maintain mental and physical well being, enhance an individual’s ability to lead a satisfying and productive life both on and off the job, and reduce Forest Service costs by increasing productivity and reducing illness and injuries. 6145.03 – Policy. It is Forest Service policy to encourage employee wellness programs, where appropriate, to enhance employee ability to lead a satisfying and productive life and reduce Forest Service costs through increased productivity and reduction of illness and injury. 6145.1 – Health Risk Screening. Wellness programs should be based on health risk screening to identify problems such as high blood pressure, high percent of body fat, use of tobacco products, inability to cope with stress, improper nutrition (high cholesterol), low activity or energy levels, or the inability to perform jobs safely and proficiently. 6145.2 – Physical Fitness Programs. If a unit enters a physical fitness program where Government time is involved, the unit must develop a plan that provides for screening to identify individuals in high-risk categories, develop an individual exercise program based on fitness goals and benefits to the Forest Service, identification of sanctioned fitness activities that consider the potential for injuries and the image such activities present to the public, and program administration and monitoring to determine benefits as well as risks. Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 10 Employees injured while participating in an agency approved physical fitness activity, even outside duty hours, may be eligible for worker’s compensation benefits. Approved programs must be documented and incorporate safeguards to limit the potential for injury or illness. 6145.3 – Expenditure of Funds. (FSM 6511.13h). Expenditure of appropriated funds (for example, for supplies or equipment) must be supported by, and consistent with, the unit’s plan that identifies goals, benefits to the Forest Service, how and where equipment will be used, and risk factors considered to minimize the potential for injury and liability. Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 11 MEDICAL FORM Idaho Panhandle National Forests Wellness Plan Participant’s Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________________ Your Doctor’s authorization is required if: 1. You are 45 years of age or older regardless of health. 2. You have indicated the presence of any of the following symptoms or conditions: (Please check any that apply.) ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ High blood pressure (above 140/90 at screening Cigarette smoking (within the past 5 years) Family history of heart disease (parent, sister or brother age 50 or younger) Diabetes Mellitus Presently have a sedentary lifestyle Bone or joint problems Symptoms of coronary heart disease To the best of my knowledge, the above categories do not apply I have an approved HSQ on file. ___________________________ (Signature) Authorizing Physician: Name: _______________________________ Phone: _______________________________ To be filled out by physician: ____________________________________(PATIENT NAME) may participate in an unsupervised exercise program offered through the U.S. Forest Service. This may include aerobic conditioning equipment (bicycling x-country skiing, walking/running, rowing, etc.) and perhaps some muscle conditioning (calisthenics or weight training). Please specify any recommendations, limitations, or comments that the Forest Service, as administrators of this program, should be aware of: Does this condition warrant re-evaluation? If so, when? _______________________ ___________________________________ Physician’s Signature ________________________________________ Date Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 12 EXCUSED ABSENCE OPTION—PHYSICAL FITNESS CONTRACT Idaho Panhandle NF’s Wellness Plan I, _______________________________, agree to engage in the physical fitness activity(s) allowed in the IPNF Wellness Plan under the Excused Absence Option of the Physical Fitness Program and I agree to abide by all requirements of the Wellness Plan. Employees are eligible to use up to 3 hours of official time each week, to participate in approved activities. No official time for a workout on any single day will be less than 15 minutes or more than 1 hour. The intent is to encourage multiple workouts over several days. The official time used must fall between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. at times mutually agreeable between the employee and his/her supervisor. Excused Absence is not allowed on weekends unless that is a scheduled workday within the employee’s normal tour of duty. Activities chosen must be from the approved activities listed in the Wellness Plan. My activity(s) will be (describe): __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ My health objectives are: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Known health risks: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Employee’s Signature _____________________________ Date APPROVED _____ DISAPPROVED _____ (If disapproved, state reason(s) on back) _______________________________________ Recommended by Supervisor’s Signature ______________________________ Date _______________________________________ Staff or Line Officer’s Signature ______________________________ Date The supervisor must approve any deviations from this contract in advance. If you terminate participation in the excused absence option, notify your supervisor and timekeeper in writing (IBM message is sufficient). Distribution of form: Employee Supervisor Wellness Coordinator Original Copy Copy Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 13 HEALTH CLUB OPTION—PHYSICAL FITNESS CONTRACT Idaho Panhandle NF’s Wellness Plan I, ______________________________________, agree to engage in the physical fitness activity(s) allowed in the IPNF’s Wellness Plan under the health Club option of the Physical Fitness Program and I agree to abide by all requirements of the Wellness Plan. I understand that personal responsibility is a large factor in successfully managing this program. I understand that if I want to put my Health Club membership on hold or terminate the membership, it is my responsibility to arrange with the Health Club. Employees will be reimbursed for their membership fees up to $100.00 quarterly. Activities chosen must be from the approved activities listed in the Wellness Plan. This is to be reviewed annually between employee and supervisor. My activity(s) will be (describe): 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ My health objectives are: 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ Known health risks: 1. ________________________________________________________________________________ 2. ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________ Employee’s Signature _____________________________ Date APPROVED _____ DISAPPROVED _____ (If disapproved, state reason(s) on back) _______________________________________ Recommended by Supervisor’s Signature ______________________________ Date _______________________________________ Staff or Line Officer’s Signature ______________________________ Date The supervisor must approve any deviations from this contract in advance. If you terminate participation in this option notify your supervisor and timekeeper, in writing (IBM message is sufficient). Distribution of form: Employee Supervisor Wellness Coordinator Original Copy Copy OPTIONAL PHYSICAL FITNESS TIME SHEET Employee:______________________ Option Selected: ______1 DATE START TIME STOP TIME cc: Supervisor, Employee ______2 Home Base__________________ Activity(s) Selected__________________________ ACTIVITY/COMMENTS Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 15 Standard and Optional Forms Facsimile Handbook SF-1164 1. DEPARTMENT OR ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU, DIVISION OR OFFICE 2. VOUCHER NUMBER CLAIM FOR REIMBURSEMENT 3. SCHEDULE NUMBER FOR EXPENDITURES ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS Read the Privacy Act Statement on the back of this form. ANT 4. CLA IM a. NAME (Last, First, middle initial) 5. PAID BY b. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. Blue, Joe R. 111 Iron Road Kemp ID 88888 555-11-5555 c. MAILING ADDRESS (include ZIP code) d. OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER 208 888-8888 6. EXPENDITURES (If fare claimed in col. (g) exceeds charge for one person, show in col. (h) the number of additional persons which accompanied the claimant.) DATE Show appropriate code in col. (b): A- Local travel O B-Telephone or telegraph, or D C- Other Expenses (itemized) E (a) AMOUNT CLAIMED MILEAGE C RATE ¢ (c) FROM FARE ADD TIPS AND OR TOLL PER- MISCEL- SONS LANEOUS (h) (i) NO. OF MILES (Explain expenditures in specific details:) (b) MILEAGE (d) TO (e) (f) (g) nd 1/02 2 Quarter 3/02 Wellness (Receipt of expenditure for Each quarter is Required) $100.00 If additional space is required continue on the back SUBTOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM THE BACK 7. AMOUNT CLAIMED (Total of cols. (f), (g) and (I) $ $100.00 TOTALS 8. This claim is approved. Long distance telephone calls, if shown are certified as necessary in the interest of the Government. (Note: if long distance calls are included, the approving official must have been authorized, in writing, by the head of the department or agency to so certify (31 U.S.C. 680a).) 10. I certify that this claim is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that payment or credit has not been received by me. Sign Original Only Sign Original Only CLAIMANT SIGN HERE Joe R Blue DATE 11. CASH PAYMENT RECEIPT DATE a. PAYEE (signature) b. DATE RECEIVED APPROVING OFFICIAL SIGN HERE Supervisor’s Signature c. AMOUNT 9. This claim is certified correct and proper for payment. $ Sign Original Only AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGN HERE DATE a. PAYMENT MADE BY CHECK NO. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION Job Code: TTTT04 1164-210 STANDARD FORM 1164 (Rev. 11-77) Prescribed by GSA, FPMR (CFR 41) 101-7 Approved 1/9/02 Amended 5/2003 Page 16 1. DEPARTMENT OR ESTABLISHMENT, BUREAU, DIVISION OR OFFICE 2. VOUCHER NUMBER CLAIM FOR REIMBURSEMENT 3. SCHEDULE NUMBER FOR EXPENDITURES ON OFFICIAL BUSINESS Read the Privacy Act Statement on the back of this form. 5. PAID BY a. NAME (Last, First, middle initial) b. SOCIAL SECURITY NO. c. MAILING ADDRESS (include ZIP code) d. OFFICE TELEPHONE NUMBER ANT CLA IM 4. 6. EXPENDITURES (If fare claimed in col. (g) exceeds charge for one person, show in col. (h) the number of additional persons which accompanied the claimant.) DATE Show appropriate code in col. (b): A- Local travel O B-Telephone or telegraph, or D RATE ¢ C- Other Expenses (itemized) E (a) AMOUNT CLAIMED MILEAGE C (b) FARE ADD TIPS AND OR TOLL PER- MISCEL- SONS LANEOUS (h) (i) NO. OF MILES (Explain expenditures in specific details:) (c) FROM MILEAGE (d) TO (e) If additional space is required continue on the back SUBTOTALS CARRIED FORWARD FROM THE BACK 7. AMOUNT CLAIMED (Total of cols. (f), (g) and (I) $ (f) (g) TOTALS 8. This claim is approved. Long distance telephone calls, if shown are certified as necessary in the interest of the Government. (Note: if long distance calls are included, the approving official must have been authorized, in writing, by the head of the department or agency to so certify (31 U.S.C. 680a).) 10. I certify that this claim is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that payment or credit has not been received by me. Sign Original Only Sign Original Only DATE CLAIMANT SIGN HERE 11. CASH PAYMENT RECEIPT DATE a. PAYEE (signature) b. DATE RECEIVED APPROVING OFFICIAL SIGN HERE c. AMOUNT 9. This claim is certified correct and proper for payment. $ Sign Original Only AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICER SIGN HERE DATE a. PAYMENT MADE BY CHECK NO. ACCOUNTING CLASSIFICATION 1164-210 STANDARD FORM 1164 (Rev. 11-77) Prescribed by GSA, FPMR (CFR 41) 101-7