Moral Mazes for each Key Stage:

KS2: Pocket money: There’s a game that you’ve wanted for months for
your Play Station 2. You’ve saved your pocket money each week but both
your parents have just been made redundant and you only get 25p a week.
At this rate it’ll take you nearly 3 years to buy it. You are walking along the
street on your way home from school when you find a purse on the ground.
You open it up and find £30. You could get the game you want now. What
do you do?
KS2: Grandmother’s earrings: Your grandmother gives you some
earrings that she had when she was a girl. You don’t really like them but
you know they mean a great deal to her. You lose them and you know she
will be really upset! What do you do? Do you tell her or pretend you still
have them?
KS2: Homework Worker of the Week: You have Maths and English
homework to do but you really don’t understand what to do. Your mum
spends hours explaining it all to you and showing you what to do. You end
up with your homework done but your mum did a large chunk of it. You win
“Homework Worker of the Week” award from your teacher for all the hard
work you did on your homework. Do you accept the award or tell the truth?
KS2: Chanukah presents: Just before Chanukah (the Jewish festival of
Lights) you discover where your parents are hiding your presents. You are
really tempted to have a peak. What do you do?
KS2: Dad’s wallet: Your dad keeps his wallet on top of the chest of
drawers in his bedroom. He says one day that he thinks he’s lost some
money. The next week he says he’s sure that more money has gone but
he isn’t sure where he could have lost it. You’ve noticed that your younger
brother has suddenly got a couple of CDs. When you ask him about them
he acts really strangely but says that his friend gave them to him. You think
that he has been stealing the money from your dad. What should you do?
KS2: Fooling with Fireworks: Your friend gives you money to go and buy
fireworks even though neither of you are old enough to buy them legally.
Your Mum will kill you if she finds out but your friend will never talk to you
again if you don't. What should you do?
KS2: Bang goes your image: You are hanging out with your mates when
one of them pulls out a firework and starts acting crazily. Should you stop
KS2: That Bully: Oh no! That boy is being horrible again. Your Dad said
always tell someone at school if anyone threatens you but that will just
make it worse. Won't it?
KS2: Love Hurts: Tim really likes Rosie and Rosie really likes him. The
trouble is they're both too shy to say anything to each other! They are both
feeling miserable. What should they do?
KS2: Being Nice: How do you choose who your best friends are? What
happens if your two best friends don't like each other?
KS2: My Gang: Sometimes you don't have anyone to play with. A kid in
your class has asked if you want to be in their gang. It would be fun and
you wouldn't be on your own anymore but this gang often gets into trouble!