request for qualifications

RFQ No. 2016-01
March 30, 2016
No later than 4:00 p.m.
Deliver to:
Reading Regional Airport
Terminal Building-Administrative Offices
2501 Bernville Road, Reading PA 19605
(610) 372-4666
(610) 372-4811 Fax
RFQ NO. 2016-01
The Reading Regional Airport AUTHORITY (the “AUTHORITY”) is soliciting
qualifications from professional airport planning/engineering firms to assist with the development
of future airport projects at the Reading Regional Airport, and to provide special services beyond
the scope of basic design services.
The work is expected to be accomplished during the course of several grant projects. The
anticipated schedule extends three (3) calendar years, 2016, 2017, and 2018; the estimated total
cost of the proposed projects is $3.2 million. Some of the anticipated services may not be required
and the AUTHORITY reserves the right to initiate additional procurement action for any services
included in this procurement.
Interested firms must be knowledgeable of Federal Aviation Administration policies and
procedures and be able to demonstrate experience in the various types of consultant services
discussed in Advisory Circular 150/1500-41E, Architectural, Engineering, and Planning
Consultant Services for Airport Grant Projects (25 September 2015).
To be considered eligible, firms must:
a. Show experience providing engineering services to airports certified under Part 139
of the Federal Aviation Regulations.
b. Have experience in the planning, design, and construction management of ALL the
projects described in Section III of this proposal.
c. Have experience with FAA funded AIP development projects, and be knowledgeable
of FAA Advisory Circulars on the planning, engineering, design, and construction of
airport/airfield facilities.
d. Have no record of unsatisfactory performance. Firms that are, or have been, seriously
deficient in current or recent contract performance, in the absence of circumstances
properly beyond the control of the firm, shall be presumed to be unable to meet this
requirement and be deemed non-responsive to this RFQ.
e. Have the administrative and fiscal capability to provide and manage the proposed
services and to ensure an adequate audit trail.
f. Assign a Pennsylvania-licensed Professional Engineer (PE) with a bachelor degree
from an accredited college in the field of engineering to perform engineering/design
services for ALL of the projects described in Section III of this RFQ.
g. Meet the other presentation and participation requirements listed in this RFQ.
The AUTHORITY intends to complete the projects listed below within the next three
years. Availability of funding may require that some projects be postponed or eliminated. At the
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same time, emerging needs may require unanticipated projects to be undertaken. Firms submitting
a Statement of Qualifications must be able to demonstrate the experience and ability to assist with
or perform all of the required professional services as described in Section IV of this RFQ.
a. FY 2016
Airfield Security Fence upgrades – Phase I, Design & Phase II, Construction
b. FY 2017
Airfield Security Fence upgrades – Phase III, Construction
Obstruction Removal- Phase I, Design
Upgrade Runway 13/31 Surfaces Sensors
c. FY 2018
Rehabilitate West / North Aprons- Phase I Design
Obstruction Removal –Phase II, Construction
Rehabilitate Terminal Parking lot
The AUTHORITY anticipates a need for a variety of professional services in order to
complete the future FAA funded Airport Improvement Program (AIP) development projects. This
general scope of services depicts a range of professional services that might be required and will
service as a basis by which the AUTHORITY will assess the ability and experience of the firms
submitting Statements of Qualifications. However, the AUTHORITY is under no obligation to
negotiate or award a Contract for any or all of these services.
a. Preliminary Phase. This phase involves those activities required for defining the
scope of a project and establishing preliminary requirements. Some examples of
activities within this phase of a project include:
Conferring with the AUTHORITY on project requirements, finances,
schedules, early phases of the project, and other pertinent matters; and
meeting with FAA and other concerned agencies and parties on matters
affecting the project
Planning procuring and/or necessary surveys, geotechnical engineering
investigations, field investigations, and archeological and engineering studies
required for preliminary design considerations
Developing design schematics, sketches, environmental and aesthetic
considerations, project recommendations, and preliminary layouts
b. Design Phase. This phase includes all activities required to undertake and accomplish
a full and complete project design. Examples include:
Conducting and attending meetings and design conferences to obtain
information and to coordinate and resolve design matters
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Collecting engineering data and undertaking field investigations; performing
geotechnical engineering studies; and archeological, engineering, and special
environmental studies
Preparing necessary engineering reports and recommendations.
Preparing detailed plans, specifications, and cost estimates
Printing and providing necessary copies of engineering drawings and
contract specifications
c. Bidding and Negotiation Phase. These activities are sometimes considered part of the
construction phase. They involve assisting the Airport in advertising and securing
bids, negotiating for services, analyzing bid results, furnishing recommendations on
the award of contracts, and preparing contract documents.
d. Construction Phase. This phase includes all basis services rendered after the award of
a construction contract, including (but not limited to) the following activities:
Providing consultation and advice to the Airport during all phases of
Representing the Airport at preconstruction conferences
Inspecting work in progress periodically and providing appropriate reports to
the airport
Review and approving shop drawings submitted by contractors for
compliance with the design concept
Reviewing, analyzing, and approving laboratory and mill test reports of
materials and equipment
Preparing and negotiating change orders and supplemental agreements
Observing or reviewing performance tests required by specifications
Determining amounts owed to contractors and assisting the Airport in the
preparation of payment requests
Making final inspection and submitting a report of the completed project to
the Airport
e. Special Services. The development of some projects may involve activities or studies
outside the scope of basic design services routinely performed by the consultant.
These special services may vary greatly in scope, complexity, and timing and may
involve a number of disciplines and fields of expertise. Consultants performing
special services may be employed by the Selected Firm via a subcontract agreement.
Some examples of special services that might be employed for airport projects
Soils investigations, including core sampling, laboratory tests, related
analysis, and reports
Detailed mill, shop, and laboratory inspection of materials and equipment
Land surveys and topographic maps
Field and/or construction surveys
Photogrammetry surveys
On-site construction inspection and/or management involving the services of
a full-time resident engineer(s), inspector(s), or manager(s) during the
construction or installation phase of a project. This differs from the periodic
inspection responsibilities included as part of the basis services
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Special planning, environmental and/or feasibility studies and analysis
Expert witness testimony in litigation involving specific projects
Project feasibility studies
Public information and community involvement surveys, studies and
Preparation of as-built construction plans
Assisting the AUTHORITY in the preparation of necessary applications for
local, State and Federal grants
Preparation of or updating the airport layout plan
Preparation of aerial photos
Preparation of property maps
Construction management
Preparation of quality control plans
Preparation of final reports
To receive consideration, submit five (5) signed copies of the Statement of Qualifications
by the stated deadline.
Submissions are limited to a maximum of twenty-five (25) pages, 8 ½ by 11 inches,
single-sided, firmly bound or stapled, with each page clearly and consecutively numbered. A
cover/transmittal letter, signed by an officer of the firm, will NOT count against the 25-page
limitation. Standard Forms 254/255 may be submitted as appendices and will NOT be counted
against the 25-page limitation.
The AUTHORITY reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to reject all
proposals or to accept that proposal, if any, which in its judgment, will under all the
circumstances, best serve its interest and to waive any defects in any proposal.
a. Experience of Firm. The AUTHORITY will evaluate the firm’s experience to
determine whether the organization contains sufficient expertise to carry out the
duties required. Respondents shall:
Describe, in detail, the level of services available from the firm.
Provide qualifications for the firm and any sub consultants identified.
Identify client references.
Identify areas of special expertise.
Demonstrate the firm’s experience with FAA and PA DOT design standards and
operations and maintenance of airport facilities.
b. Key Personnel. The AUTHORITY will evaluate whether the proposed project team
contains sufficiently experienced personnel to perform the work required.
Respondents shall:
Identify key staff who would be assigned to the project and describe their role on
the project.
Provide a resume for each of the key staff illustrating overall experience in their
areas of expertise.
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Describe the relevant experience of these key staff and their familiarity with
airport work.
Provide a summary of the total personnel resources in their firm and any
proposed subcontracting firms. This summary shall indicate any present
commitments of various personnel to other clients. Substitutions in key
personnel as presented in the proposal will not be permitted without prior written
approval from the AUTHORITY.
c. Technical Approach. The AUTHORITY will evaluate the technical merits of the
proposal based on completeness, interrelationships of work elements, identification
of key issues and understanding of the consultant’s role. Respondents shall:
Describe, in general, how you envision the role of the Engineer.
Demonstrate an understanding of the key issues and entities or personnel
involved in carrying out the duties of the Engineer.
Propose a project management strategy, including utilization of dedicated staff.
Describe, in detail, how each technical area will be covered.
Describe the quality assurance/quality control process to be applied to this
Submissions may be hand delivered at, or be mailed to, the Terminal
Building/Administration Office, Reading Regional Airport, 2501 Bernville Road, Reading, PA
19605, so as to arrive prior to 4:00 p.m. on March 30, 2016. All submissions shall be in sealed
envelopes which are clearly marked “RFQ 2016-01.” No faxed, emailed, or electronic
submissions will be accepted.
The AUTHORITY will evaluate the use of Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE)
and Woman-owned Business Enterprise (WBE) firms in performing the work required for this
project. It is the policy of the AUTHORITY to afford maximum opportunity for certified DBE
and WBE firms to participate in RRAA projects. The selected firm will be required to fully
comply with all applicable requirements of 49 C.F.R. Parts 23 and 26. The AUTHORITY has set
a DBE/WBE goal of 10 percent participation for FAA-assisted contracts. Consultants shall make
a good faith effort to obtain disadvantaged participation up to 10 percent of the dollar value of the
contracted services.
a. Advertisements/Availability of the RFQ. An advertisement for this RFQ is expected
to appear in the following publications: The Reading Times/Eagle, the AAAE’s
Aviation News Today e-mail and Airport Report Today, and Airport
Consultant’s Council weekly listing. The AUTHORITY’S contact person for the
RFQ is:
Terry P. Sroka, A.A.E., Airport Manager
2501 Bernville Road
Reading, Pennsylvania 19605;
Phone: 610-372-4666;
Fax: 610-372-4811;
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b. Review of Existing Information. Interested firms may review existing airport
information such as the master plan, or airport layout plan, at the airport manager’s
office during regular business hours. The AUTHORITY will not provide copies of
these documents or accept requests for interviews prior to the RFQ due date (March
30, 2016).
c. Questions and Clarifications. Written questions or requests for clarifications must be
submitted by fax to the designated Contact Person by 4:00 p.m, Tuesday, March 15,
2016. Questions and the AUTHORITY’S responses will be provided to all listed
a. List of Submissions. At 10:00 a.m., April 1, 2016, a list of firms submitting
Statements of Qualifications prior to the established deadline will be compiled and
made available to the public upon request.
b. Evaluation Process and Criteria. All Statements of Qualifications will be evaluated
by a Selection Committee consisting of representatives from the AUTHORITY.
Consultant selection and any agreement will be in accordance with the provisions of
FAA Advisory Circular 150/5100-14 (latest edition). Evaluation criteria shall
include, but may not be limited to, the following:
Recent experience and past performance on airport projects similar to those
described in Attachment A. Experience to include: a. preliminary phase; b.
design phase; c. bidding and negotiation phase; d. construction phase; and e.,
special services
Qualifications of the proposed project team members
Demonstrated ability to meet schedules or deadlines and to complete the
design work without design-related amendments (provide specific examples)
Familiarity with the FAA HARADO and PA DOT
Plan to meet DBE participation goals
Plan to meet QA/QC goals and objectives
References on similar sized airports performed within the last five (5) years
(provide letters of recommendation)
Current workload.
Familiarity of Land Development Plan process with County and Township
c. Selection Process. The three (3) highest ranking firms may be invited to an interview
in order to present their qualifications in person, to introduce their project manager
and key staff members, and to answer questions raised by the AUTHORITY. The
AUTHORITY reserves the right, in its sole and absolute discretion, to select a firm
based on the Statement of Qualifications submitted, without a shortlist or interview.
If interviews are held, further instructions will be forwarded to shortlisted firms as
ranked by the Selection Committee. The AUTHORITY does not anticipate
requesting detailed technical proposals.
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d. Schedule for Award. The following is an anticipated schedule for the consultant
selection process, with the AUTHORITY reserving the right to modify any part of
this schedule:
1. RFQ Announcement
January 26 2016
2. Response due date
March 30, 2016
3. Announcement of shortlisted firms*
April 1, 2016
4. Begin interviews / shortlisted firms*
April 11, 2016
5. Award
May 17, 2016
* If necessary.
The initial contract term shall be three (3) years. The contract may renew at the
option of the AUTHORITY for up to two (2) one-year terms, for a potential total of five
consecutive years, based on availability of each year’s funds. Each project shall be handled as
a task order to the contract signed by the Engineer and authorized by the AUTHORITY. Fees for
each task order shall be negotiated based on complexity of the project.
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