Student's name (print): Spanish class period: ____________2014

Student’s name (print): ___________________________________________
Spanish class period: ____________2014-15
STUDENT : Since each of your classes may require something different of you, you will want to read
your class handout for Spanish class thoroughly and keep it handy throughout the year in your binder.
The handout represents the class guidelines for the entire year. Please be aware of everything in the
handout to avoid unnecessary confusion or embarrassment about something related to class. Also,
be aware of school expectations outlined in the school handout. If you have any questions, please ask at
any time during the year. Also, please share the handout with your parent(s)/guardian(s). He/She/They
should read the handout. Since each of your classes may require different things of you, you should
make sure that your parent or guardian understands what is expected in Spanish class to also avoid
unnecessary confusion or embarrassment about something related to class.
PARENT(S)/GUARDIAN(S), your student should go over with you the class handout dealing with class
expectations and policies. Also, please be aware of the guidelines outlined in the Hinsdale Central
handbook, as they will be followed in class as well. You may also call, email or see me in person if you
have a concern. I hope to be in touch with you for only positive things. You are encouraged to check the
Hinsdale Central website (Parent Portal) to find updates for your student’s grade throughout the year.
Thank you and I look forward to working with your student,
Señora Tanya Walery, 630-570-8407
Visit SharePoint (class website) via HCHS website
**We have read the handout, understand the expectations and procedures for Spanish class, and are aware
that we should consult it or the teacher with any questions throughout the year.
Print clearly: Student name___________________________ Sign student name: __________________
Sign: Parent/Guardian___________________________________
Student checklist
_____ I went over the syllabus with my parent / guardian.
_____ We signed and turned in this sheet verifying that we went over the syllabus together.
_____ I logged onto Sharepoint from home to make sure I can see Sra. Walery’s page. If I had a problem
with that, I told Sra. Walery
_____ For 1 bonus point, I had my parent email Sra. introducing himself/herself. For an extra bonus
point, my parent told Sra. something that I taught him/her in Spanish to say.