Physical Doc 001

1 Executive Summary
Our proposal is in response to a request to analyze the current University
of Texas at Dallas system of selling parking permits. Due to the numerous
complaints reported, UTD is looking into new technology that will resolve this
issue. We have chosen a plan that will implement an online system for
purchasing a hangtag. In order to improve the present situation, we have to
interface the new automated service with the existing Student Information
Systems, with which everyone is familiar.
In addition to fulfilling the requests of university students, faculty and staff,
this system is guaranteed to make everyday operations of UTD easier to
maintain. This plan will enable UTD to capitalize on an opportunity that has been
missed in the past, and focus on providing a more efficient process for the
University of Texas at Dallas community as a whole.
2 Introduction
The University of Texas at Dallas has an opportunity to improve its
existing system that is labor-intensive for the Parking and Traffic Division. It will
also resolve a frustrating system for the faculty and students involved in utilizing
the current process to purchase a parking decal. Recognizing that UTD is on its
way to achieving coveted status as a prestige institution, it is important to extend
that reputation. By solving the frustrating problem of purchasing parking permits
or paying for citations, students, faculty, and staff will find, that the University of
Texas at Dallas on par with other top universities.
Next Level is a corporate consulting firm which provides guidance and
technological solutions to the businesses desiring to take their companies to the
next level. We are CMM Level V certified. Next Level has 7 consultants and
developers with over 15 years of combined experience. Our corporate
headquarters are located in the heart of Downtown Dallas. The physical address
is 4447 Woodall Rogers Fwy, Suite 110, Dallas, TX 75201. Next Level has
impacted the consulting industry globally specifically providing solutions to
multiple European firms.
Next Level’s current targeted client is the University of Texas at Dallas.
We will provide an automated solution to enhance their efficiency and
productivity. Our solution will focus on the current processes and procedures
associated with purchasing a Parking Decal. Current website design does not
allow for electronic registration and distribution of parking decals. This current
market flaw leads to volumes of disgruntled students and faculty flooding the
small Parking & Traffic Department office, extended transaction completion
times, manual workarounds and overall inadequate and inefficient procedures.
BR001 Parking & Traffic Decal System has been approved by the UTD
Administration and targeted to be implemented end of November 2005. The new
process and design changes will have the capability to handle online decal
registration transactions, effectively process the requested need, bill the
consumer and distribute the decals via mail. With these defined rules, UTD can
better serve their customers with ease and efficiency.
 Parking tags are cheaper than other campus’s parking tags.
 Hangtags are more convenient than a sticker.
 Can register up to three vehicles under one tag
 Centrally located on UTD campus.
 Purchase hangtags for entire year.
 Can upgrade parking area for second semester.
 Long lines to purchase a hangtag.
 Manual system that needs to be automated.
 Poor record keeping of permits sold.
 Poor customer service.
 Inconsistent fines and citations.
 Ever-increasing prices of parking permits.
 Create an online system.
 Integrate the online system with UTD Student Information System (SIS).
 Improve convenience and efficiency for purchasing a hangtag.
 Improve record keeping for permits sold and citations.
 Improve customer service.
 Attempt to decrease the rising costs of permits.
 More DART users.
 Increasing carpools and rides.
4 Problem Statement
As mentioned above, the Police Department’s Parking and Traffic Office’s current
system is inefficient in accommodating the increasing population of UT Dallas
students and staff needing to purchase a parking permit. The system is
inconvenient for students and staff who must stand in long lines for hours to
acquire one. The Parking and Traffic Office is not currently equipped with an
automated system like other top universities are. Another problem they face is
severe understaffing during the beginning of classes each semester. The office
has only two computers equipped with the appropriate software to process
transactions. Sometimes only one station is available for getting a permit.
There have been several complaints from both sides to address this issue
Our objectives to solve these problems are:
 To create an online system that will allow user to buy a permit faster.
 Interface new automated application with Student Information System
o Users will be required to have a login ID and password.
 As a special note, the faculty and staff members will not be given any
deadlines to comply with other than the date of their current hangtag
expiration. Most faculty and staff are allocated parking spaces for their
use; therefore the system will be setup to recognize such details when
they are buying a permit.
 Generate an invoice with payment amount based on permit type.
 Verify the payment amount is correct for the permit type (approve/reject).
 Allow the user to make a payment online using various payment methods
(credit card, e-check).
 Notify user of receipt of payment and generate an online printable
 Notify user of balance due.
 Provide a method for the user to receive refund.
 Keep a record of permit type and availability.
 Store up to 3 vehicles associated with one tag.
 Allow Police Department to enter and manage arriving inventory of tags.
 Verify that tags are available for upgrade/downgrade.
5 Feasibility Study
In order to determine the scope of the project, there are three main areas
of feasibility studies that must be researched in order to proceed with the
implementation phase of the project. The steps are operational, technical, and
economic practicability. Operational study involves all developmental and
maintenance costs, and other leading factors. Technical factors are focused on
the system requirements and details. Economic study revolves around methods
used to estimate cost-benefit analysis.
5.1 Operational Feasibility
The following questions are important when considering operational feasibility:
o Does the school and users approve the project?
o Will this result in workforce reduction?
o Will the users be involved in planning the new system from the beginning?
o Is the time frame for the implementation reasonable?
o Is special training needed?
o How does this affect customer experience?
Approval of the Project
Based on our research, we have discovered that the project is highly
supported by users and management. The level of stress a student, faculty or
staff member, and management currently feels is the same.
Training and Workforce Reduction
Training is going to be necessary for the IT department and management;
however, there is a possibility that new workers to maintain the system will need
to be hired. No training for the end user will be required due to their existing
knowledge of the SIS.
Time Frame
The time required for implementation is four months. The time frame for the
development of the system is reasonable.
Customer Experience
The implementation of this system will affect the customers experience in a
positive manner. The end users were heavily involved in the planning of the
system. Through the use of surveys revealed what was most important in the
design of the system.
5.2 Technical Feasibility
The following are the technical related questions we asked to implement the
o Do we need to develop a new network for support?
o Is the hardware available and reliable for the proposed system?
o What type of software do we need?
o Will it integrate with other IS?
o Does UTD have the needed technical expertise?
Network Support
Looking at the technical factors, we have concluded that we need to
expand into the existing UTD Student Information System. The UTD network is
flexible and has enough capacity to support the proposed system.
This expansion will require the purchase of a new server. UTD has the
available hardware, which is reliable.
We do not need homegrown technology; instead we will purchase the
software from a vendor who provides such products and services. The three
leading vendors for decal sales, etc. are T2 Systems, Cardinal, and IParq. We
opted to use TouchNet Information Systems since the university has dealt with
them in the past with the purchase of the SIS. The university was not
considering TouchNet, however, the company contacted the university with the
software capable of providing these services during the time the university was
looking to expand.
Integration with UTD SIS
We can provide a link from the SIS to the decal webpage as well as a link
from the UTD homepage. The SIS account will be updated once a decal
transaction is processed. The payment deadline messages will be displayed on
the UTD main page for all students, faculty, and staff members to see.
Technical Expertise
The University currently does not have the needed technical expertise to
maintain the system. As mentioned before in the Operational Feasibility Study
the university will need to train their staff. The outlined time for the training
involved is one week.
5.3 Economic Feasibility
There are several factors considered when calculating costs and benefit
analysis of the project. We have determined the tangible and intangible aspects
in the process. The three methods used to calculate cost-benefit analysis are
Payback Period, Return on Investment (ROI) and Net Present Value.
Cost and Benefit Factors
Tangible Costs
o Development Costs
o New software, Licensing
o New server
o Employee Salary (2)
o Utilities
o Maintenance Costs
o Workers needed to maintain system
o Utilities and connectivity
Intangible Costs
o The time needed to learn how to operate the new system.
o Employee resistance to use the new system.
o When staff needs to check data manually to confirm data accuracy.
Tangible Benefits
o Increase revenue by raising a certain amount on each decal price.
o The purchasing population for the year 0 was 7,000 with a $10
price increase.
o Year 1 population is planned at 8,000 with an $11 price increase.
o Year 2 population is planned at 9,000 with a $12 price increase.
o Following Year 2 the price and population were capped at $15 and
9,000 respectively.
(Special note: the UTD population is expected to increase at a much faster pace
but we have increased the population to the same ratio as the decal price for
consistency purposes).
Intangible Benefits
o Customer satisfaction increase due to the elimination of standing in long
lines to purchase a decal.
o UTD’s overall image will be enhanced.
o Less work and stress for the Police Department staff.
6 Processes of Current UTD Decal System
Major Processes of the Current Decal System:
There are five major involved processes, with three main entities: the Police
Department (clerk), the Applicant (student, faculty or staff member), and the UTD
Bursar (financial office).
Verify Information
The student fills out an application onsite for a decal. Information included in the
application is as follows:
i. Student Name
ii. SSN
iii. Driver’s License
iv. Vehicle Information
1. Year make and model
2. Color of the car
3. License Plate
v. Car Insurance
After filling out the application, the Police Dept. clerk inputs all the information
into the system and checks for holds or any unpaid citations. The clerk checks if
the student is registered for the semester through the Student Information
Systems (SIS), and what kind of decal they are eligible for. After confirming all
the information, the clerk accepts payment for the parking tag.
Verify Payment
The applicant pays in Credit/Debit Card, Cash or Check. The card transaction is
input manually in the system and is approved by the credit card reader machine
the clerk uses. After approval, the applicant can obtain a decal.
Create Receipt & Issue Decal
The clerk creates a receipt from the payment method. There are three receipts
created: one for the applicant, one for the police department records and one is
given to the Bursar Office. The clerk issues the corresponding parking tag to the
Update Records
The completed transaction and updated applicant information is stored the police
department’s data store of UTD applicants for future use. The system updates
itself each night.
Collect Applicant Records
The completed record of the applicant is gathered and copied into a data store
(as mentioned). One copy is sent to the Bursar’s office for their file records.
6.1 Processes of OASIS Proposed Online Decal System
The major processes involving the proposed system are in six steps: Verify
LoginID, Create New Order, Lookup Decal Information, Calculate Payment,
Verify Payment, Query and Update Records, and Query Application Information.
There are four entities involved in this system: the Applicant, LDAP (Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) system used by the university, TouchNet Payment
Gateway currently utilized by the UT Dallas SIS, and the UTD Police
1. Verify LoginID – Process determining whether the user is a valid UTD
UTD student, faculty, or staff member are all potential applicants. The
applicant signs onto the system using their NetID (given by the university) and
password. The system has to make sure that the applicant is a valid user in
the system.
a. Gather LoginID and Password
The applicant LoginID and Password is inputted into the system,
and is transferred to the next step where the system sends a
verification request to the LDAP whether such an account exists.
b. Verify LoginID and Password
The LDAP replies to the system’s request and sends back the
available information on the applicant’s LoginID and Password.
system now checks verified ID sent by the LDAP with the applicant’s input.
After matching both the records, the applicant is given access to use the
decal purchasing process. A confirmation or rejection notice is sent out to
the applicant.
2. Create New Order – Process of verifying all information used in
purchasing a decal.
a. Process Order
The applicant logs on to the system by using his/her NetID and password
and has been approved. Now, they fill out an online application for a decal
with the following information.
i. Student/Faculty/Staff Name
ii. SSN or UTD assigned SSN
iii. Driver’s License
iv. Address
v. Decal Type Choice
vi. Vehicle Information
vii. License Plate
viii. Car year make & model
ix. Color of the car
b. Verify Application
Again, the system requests information from the LDAP. It requests
NetID, applicant’s registration information and any holds on the account. For
the faculty and staff, the system requires SSN confirmation from the LDAP,
that the account is valid in the system. LDAP sends the requested
information or sends a message that the information does not exist, or is
invalid for the account. A confirmation or rejection notice is sent out to the
3. Lookup Decal Information – Process of making sure that the decal
selected is available for purchase and update the decal databank
after each online purchase.
a. Check Decal Availability
The applicant’s selected type of decal needs to be checked for
availability. The Police Department will input the decal information in
the system’s databank (types available and pricing) beforehand.
b. Update Decal Inventory
The system will use the updated decal information and process the
applicant’s request accordingly. The system will also keep track of
decals sold and input decal decrement for future records.
4. Calculate Payment – Process handling the calculations of what the
applicant owes the Police Department.
Only an approved application is eligible for the payment process.
a. Gather and Sum Citations and Decal Price Info
After receiving the approved applications, the system looks up of any citations
the applicant holds and tallies the amounts with the decal they are have elected
and been approved to purchase.
Any holds on the account must be paid before processing a decal; citations
can be paid online along with the decal. The LDAP will provide information about
the holds.
The citation information will already be uploaded from the Police
Department. The citation is calculated with the decal price.
b. Create Invoice
The finalized amount is transferred to this process where the
system will create a payment notice. It will notify the applicant the final
amount owed and the approved application is forward to the next step.
It will also send a citation notice to the applicant if eligible.
5. Verify Payment – Processing of payment received from the
This next step is part of a two-step process involving decal and citation
a. Validate Payment
There are three payment methods available online for the applicant:
Credit Card, Debit Card or Check.
For any cash payments, the
applicant must print the form and take it to the UTD Police Department
to obtain a decal.
A request is sent to TouchNet for verifying all the payment
methods. The TouchNet Payment Gateway takes all the payment
information and verifies the account from its database. The TouchNet
Payment confirms the payment and sends a confirmation receipt to the
system. If the payment is rejected, the TouchNet sends a rejection
notice, which is also sent to the system.
b. Create Payment Receipt or Rejection Notice
The system, depending on confirmation or rejection received from
the TouchNet Payment Gateway will create a receipt for the applicant.
The applicant must print out a receipt for their records and present it at
the Police Station to pick up a decal. A transaction receipt showing the
completed transaction will be sent to the applicant record.
6. Query And Update Records – A process involving bookkeeping for
the Police Department and extracting key data related to the
applicant, while having the option to modify the data.
a. Create and Modify Record
Once the application and payment have been approved and
completed, the system will gather all that information for future use.
The information included in this process is the transaction receipt, as
well as new applicant information. The record will also include the
application information.
Once all the information is ready, the system will create an easy to
read and easy to access record in an applicant databank.
databank is accessed by the Police Department frequently.
If and
when necessary, the Police Department can modify the current data
and add new information about the applicant.
b. Process Clerk’s Request
When the applicant produces a receipt at the station, the Police
Department clerk can pull up all the records pertaining to the applicant
by requesting the information from the system. The system extracts
the data from the applicant databank and the Police Department can
check the receipt.
All updated information, from the applicant’s application and Police
Department will be stored in the Applicant Databank (along with the old
records of the Applicant).
Once the Police Department has the
confirmed information, it can issue a decal to the applicant.
6.2 Summary of User Requirements
The University of Texas at Dallas student, faculty, and staff members are
the end users of the proposed system. While consulting them to create the new
decal system, they asked for an online decal system that was easy to use. They
specifically asked to have their LoginID and password that they are currently
using with other UTD online systems available for this proposed system. They
wanted the option of choosing and paying their decal online. They also asked for
a citation and the option of paying their citations along with the decal.
The management requested a system integrated with the current UTD
webpage, TouchNet Payment Gateway, and LDAP for smooth flow of data.
6.3 Differences between the two Systems
 New system
o Completely an online and convenient process.
o Has protocol to follow if the user does not have the proper LoginID,
application information, or valid payment method.
o Calculate automatically the amount owed by the applicant,
including any citations.
o Figure out what decal one is eligible for and approving the
application choice.
o Utilizing the LDAP for verification purposes.
o Utilizing with the TouchNet Payment Gateway system for faster
financial approval.
o No cash payment option.
o Creating a user-friendly Applicant and Decal Databank for
administrative purposes.
o Police Department can extract any required data from the system
o Police Department can modify and add new applicant data and
store it in the system file.
7 Event List of Current Decal System
Student fills out an application at the Police Station with their information.
The clerk checks the information and takes payment from the applicant. The
Bursar Office processes the payment. Nightly records are created for the Police
Department and Bursars. The applicant walks out with the decal after the
purchase payment goes through.
8 Gantt Chart