Ul. SNP 995/3 , 924 01 G A L A N T A PRODUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF TECHNOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Galanta, August 2008 Ul. SNP 995/3 , 924 01 G A L A N T A 1. The company Ligand s.r.o. is a business company established on the basis of a partner contract according to §105 to §153 of Act No. 513/1991 Coll. under commercial name: LIGAND , s. r. o. SNP 995/3, 924 00 GALANTA SLOVAKIA Company ID (IČO): Tax ID (DIČ): Bank: Account no.: Agent: Telephone / Fax : E-mail : 36 23 74 18 SK 2020 192 559 VUB Banka 172 56 10 556/0200 František Bánczi +421 31 780 2192 ligand@stonline.sk Ligand, s.r.o. is an owner of trade license for a declared trade and is registered at District Court Trnava, section: s.r.o., file number: 11008/T Ligand s.r.o. is a company qualified for performing the following activities: Installation, reconstruction, reparation, maintenance, professional revision and testing of pressure equipment; number of authorization: 872/4/2008-TZ-O(OU,M)Aa1,a2,a3,a4,b1,b2,Ba1,b1,b2,d1,d2,e1,e2,e3,e4 Installation, reconstruction, reparation, maintenance, professional revision and testing of gas equipment; number of authorization: 323/4/2008-PZ-O(OU,M,R)Aa,b,c,1,c2,d,e,f,g1,g2,g3,h,i,Ba,b,c,d,f,g1,g2,g3,h1,h2,i Ligand s.r.o. is a ISO 9001 : 2001 registered company. Our company is a holder of certificate STN En ISO 3834-2 . Ligand, s.r.o. was established by separating from a joint-stock company Hutné montáže Ostrava. After gaining its independence a new legal subject was established that took over all the activities from its predecessor. Ul. SNP 995/3 , 924 01 G A L A N T A 2. Professional activities of Ligand, s.r.o. elaboration of tender offers commercial activities realization of installation and reparation activities on individual technical equipment used for reconstruction, modernization or reparation of industrial facilities; construction and reconstruction of sewage-treatment equipment – supply and installation of technological elements, supply and construction of steel-construction halls and its construction elements revisions carried out in compliance with actual technical standards documenting revisions and test realization of pressure vessel installations realization of gas equipment installations an revisions production, supply and installation of storage tanks Ligand, s.r.o. has 46 regular employees. In case of bigger orders, the company is capable to extend this number according to the requirements of the customer. The company owns the following mechanical and transportation equipment: drop-side truck Tatra T-815, crane truck Tatra AD 28 t, crane truck V3S, truck Avia 30 , truck LIAZ 110 -HR 3000 Other facilities can be provided according to the requirements of the given construction work. The company staff consists of the following professionals: - technical management of the company – 8 people - welders with authorizations 141 T BW W01,111 T BW W03 B,311 TBW W01,111 T BW W11 B,111 T BW W01 B – 12 people. - pipe fitters – 8 people. - locksmiths and fitters of steel constructions – 18 people. Ul. SNP 995/3 , 924 01 G A L A N T A 3. References Ligand, s.r.o. is a company qualified for performing investment supply and installation activities, reconstructions, modernizations and reparations of industrial equipment. The main activities of Ligand, s.r.o. are as follows: Slovnaft: Taking part in general revisions at refinery and petrochemical plant Slovnaft, a.s.: - reparations on production units technological equipment of chemical Taking part in investment projects: - supply and installation of technological elements for reforming production - supply and installation of technological elements for Management of alkali solutions - supply and installation of storage tanks of petrochemical products - supply and installation of storage tank for crude oil Other than Slovnaft a.s.: - supply, installation and gasification of boiler house DIAMONMOTOR a.s. Rajec - supply and installation of technology for ŽOS Vrútky a.s. - supply and installation of engine room for ZŤS TEES Martin a.s. - production and installation of floating roofs at Transpetrol a.s. Tupa - supply and installation of technology for sewage-treatment plant in Galanta Ul. SNP 995/3 , 924 01 G A L A N T A - taking part in works on alkylation and nitrosation facilities in Duslo a.s. Šaľa - production and installation of steel constructions for Samsung in Galanta - production and installation of steel constructions for Menzolit Fibron in Sládkovičovo - production and installation of steel constructions for Mlinica plant of Holcim Rohožník - production and installation of steel constructions for FIAT center in Bratislava - metal works, welding operations and installations at general reconstruction activities in Duslo a.s. Šaľa The main objective of Ligand s.r.o. is to provide high-quality and complex supply and installation activities on schedule as required by the customers. František BÁNCZI Chief executive officer