The Witch of Blackbird Pond Vocabulary Activities Unit Word List: 1- disheartening (p7) 2- tedious (p10) 3- deliberation (p13) 4- tantalize (p19) 5- scandalized (p23) 6- incredulous (p27) 7- imploringly (p29) 8- winced (p53) 9- provoked (p60) 10- monotonous (p61) 11- inexorably (p61) 12- implacable (p70) 13- vengeance (p82) 14- decorum (p84) 15- incoherent (p89) 16- ingenious 17- tryst 18- concoct 19- instigation 20- intercede Activity 1: Vocabulary Overview (Context clues) Students will infer the definition of 12 unit vocabulary words using meaningful clues and prior knowledge. They will work with a seat partner to complete this activity. Students may also find the word in the text and use in text context clues. Page numbers provided. Activity 2: Word Parts Students will work independently to determine the meaning of 5 vocabulary words using word parts. (prefixes, roots, suffixes) Activity 3: Word Webs All 20 vocabulary words will be divided up among students. Each student will complete a word web for two vocabulary words. They will define the words; come up with a synonym and antonym for each one, and write an original sentence with their words. Activity 4: Concept Map (Same to Opposite) Each student will partner with two or three other students. Together, these students will complete a concept map from synonym to antonym using the words from their word webs. As a group, they should have at least six different words on their map. These will be posted around the room. Groups will move around the room reading each other’s maps. Activity 5: Frayer Model Student will now be assigned a partner. Each group of partners will be given a piece of chart paper. Partners will decide which word from their unit they wish to use to complete the Frayer Model activity. Students will determine essential and non-essential characteristics of their word. They will also come up with examples and nonexamples. Charts will be displayed around the room throughout the unit of study. Unit Test Review: Use all words in a game like concentration where words are matched to definitions, synonyms, or fill in the blank sentences. Unit Vocabulary Test: The unit test will be a mixture of multiple choice, matching, fill in the blank and paragraph writing using vocabulary wor Name _________________________________ Date________ Vocabulary Overview Guide The Witch of Blackbird Pond Use the clue below and prior knowledge to guess the definition of each word. Word: __TEDIOUS_______ Clue: ___Homework_______ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: _ TANTALIZE_____ Clue: __Expensive Car____ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: _WINCED________ Clue: _Don’t pinch me!____ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: __INGENIOUS____ Clue: ___Creative________ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: SCANDALIZED____ Clue: _Embarrassment___ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: _____TRYST______ Clue: __Romeo & Juliet____ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: ___INCREDULOUS_ Clue: __Win $100,000,000__ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: ____VENGEANCE__ Clue: _____Hurricane_____ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: ___PROVOKED____ Clue: _____Teasing______ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: __MONOTONOUS__ Clue: ______I’m bored____ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: ____DECORUM____ Clue: ___Behave yourself! __ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Word: __INSTIGATION__ Clue: __Starts fights___ Definition: __________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ Name __________________________________________ Date_________ WORD PARTS Many words are like a puzzle. They can be broken down into smaller parts: prefix/root/suffix. Each part has a meaning. By putting these meanings together, you can determine the meaning of unfamiliar words. Use the following Greek & Latin roots to help you determine the meaning of the following words from your novel: Prefix de dis in, im, ir, ill inter mono Meaning opposite of not, opposite of not between, among one, single Suffix -ous -able, -ible Meaning full of, having able, capable 1- Disheartening prefix: dis- ________________ root: hearten ______________ suffix: -ing ________________ Word Meaning: 2- Implacable prefix: im- ________________ root: placate________________ suffix: -able ________________ Word Meaning: 3- Incoherent prefix: in- ________________ root: coherent______________ Word Meaning: 4- Intercede prefix: inter- _________________ root: cede _________________ Word Meaning: 5- Monotonous prefix: mono-_________________ root: tone __________________ suffix: -ous _________________ Word Meaning: Name ______________________________ Date ________ The Witch of Blackbird Pond Frayer Model Vocabulary Activity Nonessential Characteristics Essential Characteristic Word Examples Non-examples