FASS Draft FASS Minutes Nov 2009 - Florida Association of Science

Ft. Lauderdale
Nov. 10, 11, & 12, 2009
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2009
Lunch sponsored by Fisher Scientific
 Business Meeting: called to order at 1p.m. by Ginger Davis and introduced the
Executive Board members that were present (Rick Tully and Claudia Rowe absent)
 Overview of agenda with discussion of modifications for time frames.
 Members asked to update contact information and collect one copy of Evolution book
per district
 All members introduced self
 Legislative Update – Bob Bedford. (handout)
 Financial picture worst in 45 years. Stimulus and Reserve funds were used to
supplement school budgets this year. Race to Top monies (if awarded) will target
student achievement and teacher compensation. Anticipate further cuts of 6% in ’0910
 Fl recession will lag 9-18 months behind nation due to nature of industries.
 New HS grading system will lead to increase enrollment in AP and Dual Enrollment.
Virtual school will support this. May lead to differentiated diplomas in future.
 Class size will likely have a harmless penalty next year. Textbook adoption is still on
track and instructional material money will continue but districts will have more
discretion on how to spend those funds.
 Contact Bob if you have any questions concerning a specific bill. Email Bob if you
are interested in evaluating Discovery’s new video streaming program.
Break sponsored by Sargent-Welch, Ward’s and Science Kit
 Implementing the 5E Model – Ruth Senftleber, Duval County (power point)
Overview of history of 5E model in research and in Duval County
Traced development in district beginning with HS and moving down to elementary.
Showed examples of power points used to train HS and elementary teachers on how
to teach and write lesson plans using 5 E model.
Posted training power points and lesson plan formats
 Preparing to Use ARRA Funds for PROMiSE Content Module Professional
Development – Marge Hayden & Andrea Valdovinos. (Power point & handout)
 Overview of structure and benefit of science content modules.
 John Bailey provided a website and phone number to access modules if you do not
have the CD and/or printed materials.
Break-out sessions were centered around K-2, 3-5, 6-8, and Biology, Chemistry,
Earth Space, and Physics and allowed participants to look at modules with
modifications and question facilitators
Each district was provided a CD with a copy of the work that was done in Duval
including modifications.
Dinner: Sponsored by Penda Learning, Lori Berman
Submitted by Margaret Hayden, FASS Secretary – minutes not yet approved
Ft. Lauderdale
Nov. 10, 11, & 12, 2009
Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2009
Breakfast - Sponsored by McGraw Hill Companies, Cecilia Lopez
 Aerospace Education Services – Les Gold, NASA Education.
 AESP outreach program comes out to schools at no cost to the school (funded
through NASA)
 Hands-on workshops and school programs provide opportunities for professional
development for teachers or interactive presentations to students.
 Informed and demonstrated to group a free astronomy program “Stellarium”. Google
search and download to computer.
 Has aligned all activities to NGSSS and FCAT style assessments. Besides
astronomy, also has programs that explore weather principals along with Newton’s
Laws of Motion.
 Contact Les directly at -----------to secure a date or discuss a specific topic of interest.
 Role of District Leadership in Quality Science Instruction – Ginger Davis,
 Groups were presented with 5 vignettes and asked to provide opinion on how to
proceed if faced with this situation.
 Discussion followed and Ginger provided possible answers as well as a pamphlet
that Brevard provides to all science teachers “The Nature of Science: Addressing
Issues in the Science Classroom” with freedom to publish and use in personal
 General thoughts of group: must teach NGSSS (state statute), work with teacher to
unpack benchmarks to identify what is the science versus the its’ social implications,
stress science is based on evidence (it is not a view), and students are not allowed
to opt out of NGSSS so provide more information to parents that instruction is
looking at evidence, and provide leadership to our principals to deal with parental
Break - Sponsored by Lab-Aids, Linda Cox
 Uncovering Student Ideas in Science. Using Formative Assessment to Support
Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development – Page Keeley
Past president of NSTA and author of 5 books that provide opportunities to assess
students prior knowledge and misconceptions around a variety of science concepts.
Presentation centered on research that has shown educators that students bring
prior knowledge and often misconceptions to science classrooms. Teachers must be
aware of this and use it to develop appropriate instruction in the classroom.
Wrote the “Uncovering Student Ideas Series to help teachers of all levels uncover
student thinking. Each concept has a question that is designed t link important ideas
and what the research says students generally think about the idea.
Page believes that formative assessment is transformative for teachers.
Power-point of presentation provided.
Lunch - Sponsored by National Geographic, Dr. Maria Fadiman, Ethnobiologist,
featured speaker
Submitted by Margaret Hayden, FASS Secretary – minutes not yet approved
Ft. Lauderdale
Nov. 10, 11, & 12, 2009
 Hot Topics: The Nature of Science – Danielle Sherdan & Mabry Gaboardi, FCRSTEM
 Overall purpose of session was to distinguish between observations and inferences
(characteristics of scientific processes) as it relates to evolution and apply this
understanding as we evaluate evidence of climate change.
Hands-on activity “The Great Fossil Find” allowed participants to experience the
difference between an observation and inference and there importance to the
scientific process. Also highlighted the critical aspects of sharing information, fear of
being discredited, and loss of funding.
Also looked at data from the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) to
answer the question “How do we know what we know?” concerning climate change.
Power point posted
Break - Sponsored by CPO Science.
 What is Inquiry, Inquiring Minds Want to Know – Arthur Eisenkraft
 Author, past president of NSTA, AAAS Fellow, Tapestry Grant Winner.
 Presentation looked at the key aspects of what an inquiry lesson in science should
include to engage students: interest, tension, and puzzle.
 Used the 7 E model (extended version of the 5 E) that includes elicit and elaborate
as key components. Elicit is used to uncover misconceptions and prior knowledge
/beliefs. Elaborate is the portion where you can go deeper into the content.
 Believes in ABC “activity before content”. Most of what is in textbooks are the
artifacts of science, the end products. It is not science.
 Power point posted.
Group Activity – Role Alike Sharing
 Breakout at tables to discuss problems and issues important to science education at
the district level.
Dinner - Sponsored by Holt McDougal
Thursday, Nov. 12, 2009
Breakfast - Sponsored by Pearson
 DOE Update: Sally Sanders, FLDOE Science Specialist, Office of Mathematics and
Science, Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction.
Reported on the successes with science grades in 5 and 8 but decline in grade 11;
low numbers of level 5 proficiency at all grades.
ELL learners are the lowers performing subgroup and this is a high issue with the
state deputy chancellor.
Course descriptions were finally adopted 9/15/09. State policy still does not indicate
which sciences are required for HS graduation, only that students must have 3 and 2
of those have to have a lab component. New legislation will require Biology 1 (or its
equivalent) as we move to EOC exam.
Actions of Office of Math and Science include:
Submitted by Margaret Hayden, FASS Secretary – minutes not yet approved
Ft. Lauderdale
Nov. 10, 11, & 12, 2009
CPALMS and PROMiSE with Model Lesson Project designed to video exemplar
teachers and post on CPALMS to model standards based teaching and learning
and its relationship to RTI.
 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science teaching is open
to k-6 teachers. Nominations are currently open and will close 4/1/10. Teacher
application process closes 5/3/10. Anyone can nominate a math or science
teacher and state selection committee will select up to 3 FL finalists to enter the
national selection process. 2008 winner was Wendy Shelden, Brevard County.
Visit http://www.paemst.org to nominate a public or private school teacher.
 Real World Design Challenge is an engineering competition for teams of HS
students. Application deadline was 11/16/09 (think about next year). Engineering
software is provided free. Winning team will go to DC free for national
competition. No cost to register at www.scied.science.doe.gov/RWDC/index.html
 Sunshine State Scholars is in a reorganization year and will be back in place in
 State Materials Adoption Committees will be accepting applications soon. They
will be created in Jan. 2010 and will review materials and meet in Orlando during
the Fall of 2010.
VieVie Baird announced she will be retiring this year.
Power point posted
Break - Sponsored by FASS
 FCAT Science Update: Linda Orvetz, FLDOE Testing.
 Current assessment will continue through spring 2011.
 Loss of performance tasks at all grade levels
 Grade 5 will have 60-65 items, grade 8 and 11 will have MC (53-61 items) and
GR (4-7 items).
 Test will have the same number of raw points of prior years with similar content
representation and difficulty. Scores will be reported in the same manner as in
previous years.
 New assessment will have field test items in the 2011 test for grades 5 and 8.
 EOC biology will not be field tested in comprehensive test grade 11. There will
be a stand alone field test administered to a sample of schools. Announcements
will come to District Assessment Coordinators if chosen.
 NGSSS will be assessed in Spring 2012 for all students. Standard setting will be
Fall 2011.
 Comprehensive Test specific to Grades 5-8
 Test will remain in grades 5 and 8 and be all multiple choice. Item specifications
will be posted directly to DOE website by the end of July 2010. Will include
references to prior knowledge, i.e. 305 will refer to k-2 and 6-8 will refer to k-5.
 Reporting categories will remain the same and benchmarks will be identified as
annually assessed or content-sampled. Plan to release Appendix B by 5/2010.
 Do not know range of points for each reporting category, how many questions,
administrative items, and achievement levels and cut scores. Look under Test
Design Summary to show reduction of time because of loss of performance task.
 Cut scores and achievement levels by 2013.
 No reference sheets except for periodic table for 8 grade.
Submitted by Margaret Hayden, FASS Secretary – minutes not yet approved
Ft. Lauderdale
Nov. 10, 11, & 12, 2009
EOC Biology Exam will replace the comprehensive grade 11 test in 2012.
Chemistry, physics, and earth space science are on the list for upcoming EOC’s in
that order.
 State is working towards computer based assessments.
 There is only one test that honors and standards students will take and all items
are multiple choice (no gridded response or performance tasks). Everything is
annually assessed and nature of science will be assessed in a biology context.
 Item review will be held in April 2010.
 No position yet on how the grade on the EOC will influence the final grade of the
Power point posted
 Business Meeting called to order by Ginger Davis, President
 Old Business
 May 2009 minutes approved and will be posted on website. Minutes provided.
 New Business
 Becky Braaten presented Treasury Report for Claudia Rowe. Record 79 paying
members present. Motion to accept, approved. Report provided.
 Members requested more information about/from the Office of Differentiated
Accountability and how it applies to science. Sally Sanders spoke to this concern
and stated that the two offices (DA and FCR-STEM) do not communicate directly
with each other. Statute says that each district makes is own decisions concerning
remediation, not DA/FCIM. Members would like to ivite someone from the Bureau of
School Improvement to speak to the group at the May 2010 meeting. Discussion
was to write a letter but motion to disregard was approved and seconded. Ginger will
contact Nicoli Vetti and invite to our spring meeting.
 Motion to adjourn approved and seconded
Lunch – Sponsored by PASCO, Speaker Dr. Randy Yerrick, University of Buffalo
Submitted by Margaret Hayden, FASS Secretary – minutes not yet approved