Monitoring Report
(as at January 19 , 2011)
Project Number: HRD 01/2010A
Committee/WG/Fora: Human Resource Development
Project Name: Capacity Building for Policies and Monitoring of Cross-border Education in the APEC
Project Overseer: ZHANG YUN
Date of submission : January 19, 2011
1. Current Status of Project: On Schedule (Yes/No) YES On Budget (Yes/No) YES
On target to meet project objectives (Yes / No): YES
2. Progress since last report (July 2010 - January 2011)
Since the last report (July 2010), the research team has been able to accomplish the following:
Completed the Special Survey and received seven completed questionnaires from Australia,
Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, the People’s Republic of China, Peru, and the United States.
Outlined the economy cases on: Australia, Chile, Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, People’s Republic of China, Peru, The Republic of the
Philippines, The Russian Federation, Singapore, Thailand, United States and Viet Nam.
Completed eight case studies namely: Challenges for Australian Universities in International
Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (Australia), Quality Assurance on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running School (China), Accreditation and Monitoring System for Cross-border Education
(China), Information Management and Service for Cross-Border Education (China), International
Cooperation for International Students Management (China). some good practices on crossborder education management on economy level (Australia), some good practices on crossborder education management on national level (China), some good practices on cross-border education management on national level (Japan).
Drafted Initial Framework for Policies and Monitoring of Cross-border Education.
Drafted the project seminar schedule.
3. Objectives and Outputs
How do the results of the project thus far (if any) compare with its expected results? Are outputs being delivered on time and of sufficient quality?
Special Survey
A special survey was made “Policies and Monitoring of Cross-border Education in the APEC Region”., and distributed to each economy by e-mail through the APEC Secretariat. Up to now, there are seven economies who have submitted the completed questionnaire: Australia, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand,
People’s Republic of China, Peru, and United States. The PO is still expecting more answers.
The economies which answered the questionnaire provided detailed information about policies and monitoring of cross-border education, as well as achieved the expected results.
Outline for the Economy Cases
During the survey, we completed outlines about policies and monitoring of cross-border education for eighteen economies though desk study and workshop. The eighteen economies are Australia, Chile,
Hong Kong, China, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, People’s
Republic of China, Peru, the Republic of the Philippines, The Russian Federation, Singapore,
Thailand, United States and Viet Nam.
The outlines for eighteen economies is part of the special survey, and achieved expected results. The outlines highlight similarities and differences among economies, and demonstrate the diverse models and instruments of polices and monitoring of cross-border education in APEC region.
Case Studies
During the survey, we carried out some case studies. Up to now, we completed eight case studies, as follows:
Challenges for Australian Universities in International Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
Quality Assurance on Chinese-Foreign Cooperation in Running School (China)
Accreditation and Monitoring System for Cross-border Education (China)
Information Management and Service for Cross-Border Education (China)
International Cooperation for International Students Management (China) some good practices on cross-border education management on economy level (Australia) some good practices on cross-border education management on national level (China) some good practices on cross-border education management on national level (Japan)
Other relevant case studies are in progress. These case studies provided some best practices on economy level and school level, and achieved expected results.
Draft Initial Framework and Seminar Schedule
According to the project planning, we shall hold a three-day seminar in Shanghai in June 2011. This seminar will focus on capacity building for policies and monitoring of cross-border education in the
APEC region.
To ensure the successful convening of this seminar, and to achieve the expected results, we drafted the seminar schedule and initial framework for policies and monitoring of cross-border education, especially in the field of sharing information and cooperation in policy-making and coordinating the monitoring of cross-border education in APEC region.
4. Methodology
Is the project being implemented as planned? Describe any problems which have arisen in implementation and how they were resolved, including any changes to the project schedule and budget. Describe the status of planned linkages with stakeholders and other APEC groups. Are beneficiaries being engaged, including women, private sector representatives etc.?
Content, Schedule and Budget
The project is being implemented as planned. We haven’t met any problems yet, and everything goes well.
At present, there is a slight delay in the implementation of the budget. The PO has not submitted claim to the APEC Secretariat, so that the consulting fees are not paid to the relevant experts. We plan to submit researcher/consultant fees claim to the APEC Secretariat in January 2011.
In terms of schedule, it is voluntary for each economy to complete the questionnaire. Up to now, not all economies have submitted their questionnaire. We welcome each economy to response the questionnaire and submit related information before the seminar.
Engagement of Stakeholders and Beneficiaries
The project has got involvement of stakeholders and beneficiaries including Universities (i.e. Tsinghua
University, Fudan University, Shanghai University, Flinders University, Monash University, etc.), government officials (Ministry of Education, China, Australian Education International, etc.), and
representatives from Non-governmental organizations (Chinese Service Center for Scholarly
Exchange, China Academic Degrees & Graduate Education Development Center, etc.) .Gender balance is considered and achieved.
5. Is the project management effective?
Are APEC project guidelines being followed?
Yes, the project management is effective, and the APEC guidelines are being followed.
6. Considering the above, and any other relevant factors, is the project on track to be successfully completed on time?
Considering current progress, the project can be completed as scheduled.