Fundamentals of Physical Ed. part 2

Fundamentals of Physical Education - Part 2
Name: ____________________________
Period: _______
Teacher: _____________________
Points _______/80
Answer all questions in complete thought out sentences for full credit.
1. What is the Principle of Overload? (2 pnts)
2. How can you use the FITT Principle: (10 pnts)__________________________________________________
F = _______________________________
I = _______________________________
3. What is the Principle of Progression? (2 pnts)
4. What is the Principle of Specificity? (2 pnts)
5. Name and define the 3 different body types? (6 points)
1. _________________________: Definition
2. _________________________: Definition
3. _________________________: Definition
6. What is the definition of body fat percentage? (2 pnts)
7. What are the body fat percentage categories? (10 points)
Women (%fat)
men (% fat)
Essential Fat
8. Define what it means to be overweight and to be obese. (2 pnts)
9. A calorie is defined as what? What factors determine how many calories a person should consume? (2 pnts)
10. Using a calorie calculator how many calories should you consume each day? How and why did you come
up with this number? What criteria did you use? (4 pnts)
11. Define the following types of stretches: (8 pnts)
Static Stretching-______________________________________________________________________
Dynamic Stretching-___________________________________________________________________
Ballistic Stretching____________________________________________________________________
Isostatic Stretching-___________________________________________________________________
12. What are 3 benefits of warming up? (6 pnts)
13. What are 3 benefits of cooling down? (6 pnts)
14. Google or type in: fitzones (go to second web site in list = polar Heart Rate Monitors)(10pnts)
Complete the Heart-Rate calculator form
Zone 1 (Light 50-60%)
Zone 2 (Easy 60-70%)
Zone 3 (Aerobic 70-80%)
Zone 4 (Anaerobic 80-90%) _____
Zone 5 (VO2 Max 90-100% _____
15. What 2 factors influence MHR?
(2 points)
16. Heart Rate Zones: Explain Zone 3 (2 pnts)
17. Heart Rate Zones: Explain Zone 4 (2 pnts)
18. What is the value of training in Zone 5 (VO2 Max)? (2 pnts)