Abbreviations and Acronyms § section # number ± plus/minus ~ approximately > more than < less than ≥ more than or equal to 3 µg/m micrograms per cubic meter °F Degrees Fahrenheit AC alternating current ACTR Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement AP Alquist-Priolo APM Applicant Proposed Measure AQ Air Quality AQMP Air Quality Management Plan ASCR aluminum conductor steel reinforced AST aboveground storage tank BAS Bryan A. Stirrat & Associates BAT best available technology BCAP Biennial Cost Allocation Proceeding BCF billion cubic feet Bcfd billion cubic feet per day BCT Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology bgs below ground surface BLM Bureau of Land Management BMPs Best Management Practices BOPD barrels of oil per day B.P. before present ca. circa CAA Clean Air Act CAAQS California Ambient Air Quality Standards CAISC California Independent System Operator Caltrans California Department of Transportation CARB California Air Resources Board CCAA California Clean Air Act CCAR California Climate Action Registry CBC California Building Code CBD Central Business District CCR California Code of Regulations CDC California Department of Conservation CDFG California Department of Fish and Game CDMG California Department of Conservation, Division of Mines and Geology CDOF California Department of Finance CEMS Continuous Emissions Monitoring System CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CESA California Endangered Species Act cfd cubic feet per day CFR Code of Federal Regulations CGS California Geological Survey CIWMB CNDDB CNEL CNG CNPS CO CO2 CPCN CPUC CRHR CT CUP CUPA CUPA CWA DAA DBH DC DMG DNL or Ldn DOGGR DOT DPW DRP DTSC DWP DWR EDR e.g. EIR EMF EPA EPCRA EPRI ERA ERCRA ERP ESA et al. et seq. etc. FAA FEMA FESA FIX FMMP FMP ft2 FTA FWKO California Integrated Waste Management Board California Natural Diversity Database community noise equivalent level compressed natural gas California Native Plant Society carbon monoxide carbon dioxide Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity California Public Utilities Commission California Registry of Historic Resources current transformer Conditional Use Permit Certified Unified Program Agency Certified Unified Program Agency Clean Water Act Designated Administrative Agency diameter at breast height direct current California Division of Mines and Geology day-night average sound level California Department of Conservation, Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal United States Department of Transportation Department of Public Works Department of Regional Planning California Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Toxic Substances Control Department of Water and Power California Department of Water Resources Environmental Data Resources for example (exempli gratia) Environmental Impact Report electric and magnetic field Environmental Protection Agency Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act Electric Power Research Institute Environmentally Restricted Area Environmental Resource Conservation and Recovery Act Operational Area Emergency Response Plan Endangered Species Act and others (et alii, et alia) and the following (et sequential) and so forth (et cetera) Federal Aviation Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Endangered Species Act Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program Field Management Plan square feet Federal Transit Authority free water knock out g G.E. GHG GIS GO GPS H&SC HMBP HMI HOA HP HW Hz ICU i.e. IEEE IERP in/sec ISO kbps kcmil km km2 km/hr kV LACC LACDPW LACDRP LACFD LADWP LAFD LAMC LARWQCB LAUSD lbs/day Leq LNG LOS LST LST m3 M MBTA MCE mD MDA MEER mg/m3 mi MMcfd amount of ground shaking General Electric greenhouse gas Geographic Information System General Order Global Positioning System California Health and Safety Code Hazardous Materials Business Plan human-machine interface Homeowners Association horsepower Highway hertz Intersection Capacity Utilization that is (id est) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Integrates Energy Policy Report inches per second International Organization for Standardization kilobyte thousand circular mils kilometer square kilometers kilometers per hour kilovolt Los Angeles County Code Los Angeles County Department of Public Works Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Los Angeles County Fire Department Los Angeles Department of Water and Power Los Angeles Fire Department Los Angeles Municipal Code Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board Los Angeles Unified School District pounds per day equivalent noise level liquefied natural gas level of service lattice steel tower Localized Significance Threshold cubic meters magnitude Migratory Bird Treaty Act maximum credible earthquake millidarcy Michael D. Antonovich mechanical engineering and electrical room milligrams per cubic meter Miles million cubic feet per day mm/yr MPE mph MRZ MSDS MSL MT MVA Mw MX NA NAAQS NAHC NASA NCWD NESHAPs NO2 NOI NOP NOx NPDES NRCS NSPS NSR NWP OHWM OSHA OVOV PEA pH PI PLC PM10 PM2.5 PPL ppm ppy PSD psia psig PSV PT PTC PVC P/Z RCB RECLAIM rms ROG ROW millimeters per year Maximum Probable Earthquake miles per hour Mineral Resource Zone Material Safety Data Sheets mean sea level metric ton megavolt ampere estimated maximum earthquake magnitude mixed use not applicable National Ambient Air Quality Standards Native American Heritage Commission National Aeronautics and Space Administration Newhall County Water District National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant nitrogen dioxide Notice of Intent Notice of Preparation nitrogen oxide National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Natural Resource Conservation Service New Stationary Performance Source New Source Review Nationwide Permit Ordinary High Water Mark Occupational Safety and Health Administration One Valley One Vision Proponent's Environmental Assessment negative log of the hydrogen ion concentration Process Information pig launcher control Particulate matter less than 10 microns Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns Plant Power Line parts per million peak particle velocity prevention of significant deterioration pounds per square inch pounds per square inch (gauge) pressure safety valve potential transformer Permit to Construct polyvinyl chloride reservoir pressure/modified gas compressibility River Coastal Basin Regional Clean Air Incentive Market root mean square reactive organic gases right-of-way RP RTC RWQCB SA SARA SCAB SCADA SCAG SCAQMD SCE SCG SCMC SCRV SCV SDG&E SEA SEATAC SEMS SF6 SIC SMARA SO2 SOx SP SPCC SRA SSC SSURGO SWPPP SWRCB TAC TDC TNW TPD TSP UBC ULARA USACE USDA USFWS USGS VdB VFD VOC WATCH WEAP WRP Ridgeline Preservation RECLAIM Trading Credits Regional Water Quality Control Board Settlement Agreement Superfund Act Reauthorization Amendments South Coast Air Basin Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Southern California Association of Governments South Coast Air Quality Management District Southern California Edison Company Southern California Gas Company Santa Clarita Municipal Code Santa Clarita River Valley Santa Clarita Valley San Diego Gas and Electric Company Significant Ecological Area Significant Ecological Area Technical Advisory Committee State Emergency Management System sulfur hexafluoride Standard Industrial Classification Surface Mining and Reclamation Act sulfur dioxide sulfur oxide Special Publication Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures Significant Resource Area Species of Special Concern Soil Survey Geographic Database Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan State Water Resources Control Board toxic air contaminants turbine driven compressor Traditional Navigable Water tons per day tubular steel pole Uniform Building Code Upper Los Angeles River Area United States Army Corps of Engineers United States Department of Agriculture United States Fish and Wildlife Service United States Geological Survey Vibration decibels variable frequency drive volatile organic compound Work Area Traffic Control Handbook Worker Environmental Awareness Program Water Reclamation Plant