Animal Farm Final Project - Averys-English

Animal Farm Final Project
Choose two of the following options. Your written work must be typed. Any artistic
type activities must be colorful and on paper larger than 8 ½ by 11 (a standard white
sheet of paper)
Imagine that you were given a piece of land the size of Texas. You have plenty of
farming land, plenty of water resources, plenty of oil reserves, and enough forest
land to cover over half of your country. You also inherited a population of about
one million people.
 View a world atlas. Notice how countries are drawn and labeled.
 Create a map of your country and include the capital, rivers, lakes,
forestland, and any mountain ranges you would like to have. This should
be colored and drawn onto a posterboard and large enough that we can
read the names of any cities, towns, or parks. Name this country you
inherited. Place the name at the top of your drawing. Mark also any
“special places” in your country. Write a short paragraph introducing new
people to your country.
All world leaders have been through a journey to their political office. Research a
world leader (past or present) and write a two page summary (in your own words)
of this person’s journey through political life. When did they become interested
in politics? What are their policies? Include a picture of this world leader in your
paper. 12 pt Times New Roman font double spaced.
Managing employees is a difficult job. You have to organize work hours and
scheduling. Create a fictional company of your choice and decide what you are
going to manufacture or do. Imagine that you have 5 employees working for you.
Design a work schedule for one week’s time and a pay scale for your employees.
Write a one page summary of what a week at your business would be like.
Pretend you are a news reporter and you have found Snowball. Write a one page
news article telling about where he has been and what he has been doing since his
expulsion from Animal Farm. Include his plans for the future.
Make a shoe box scene depicting the setting, characters, and theme of Animal
Write a revolutionary song like “Beasts of England”.
Make a poster tracking the changes in Napoleon from the beginning of the
rebellion to the end of the book. The chart should include a description of how
his personality changed as well as drawings to show how his appearance changed.
Suppose the animals revolt again, this time against Napoleon. Map out plans for a
successful revolt. Be sure to include a suggested leader, a list of new
commandments, plans for feeding the troops, and a campaign strategy for gaining
support of the sheep.