INT. GEN’S CELL - UNDETERMINED (ala Inside Man) An ECU of GEN NATALIA,22, Asian, grease man, spoofing Yen from Ocean’s Eleven, five o’clock shadow. GEN stares into the CAMERA FRAME with an indistinct background. GEN My name is Gen Natalia…pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully…and I never repeat myself… GEN pauses as CAMERA PANS into his face GEN I never repeat myself… GEN’S eyes shift accordingly, as he notices the contradiction. Several drops of water in the background become audible. GEN I’ve told you my name… A “flush” of yellowish water streams by GEN interrupting his dialogue. GEN pauses in frustration as he collects himself and continues. GEN(cont’d) I’ve told you my name that's the who…the where, can most readily be described as a shit hole…but there's vast difference between being stuck in a tiny hole…and being stuck in shit… GEN struggles in the small space trying to write in his journal. he shifts positions, eventually resulting in his pencil breaking entirely. GEN attempts to do some push ups but can't get his back all the way up because of the small space. GEN struggles to take off his shoe when he suspects he stepped in something. when he does, he sniffs the bottom of his shoe, and judging by his reaction it’s shit! GEN The what is easy…recently I helped plan and set in motion events to execute the perfect robbery…that's also the when …as for the why… beyond the obvious financial motivation…it’s exceedingly simple… 1 GEN pauses a moment. he forgets his dialogue. he picks up a cue card that he has in his pants. he reads it GEN …because I can…which only leaves us with the how…and the rest…as Nick Lachey’s career will tell us…is history. MUSIC BEGINS ("The Lion King" theme) GEN notices that this is the wrong theme as he fiddles around with his IPOD and changes the song. the song changes to ("Soak up the sun" by Sheryl Crow.) CAMERA CUTS to GEN’S embittered face as he trys to move around and switch the tune again. he changes the IPOD tune to "chaiyyachaiyya" (theme from "Inside man") he sighs and shakes his head SONG FADES INTO THE MAIN MUSIC SCORE OPENING CREDITS OVER QUICKCUTS OF THE MAJESTIC 20 THEATER INT. MAJESTIC 20 MOVIE THEATER – NIGHT CLOSE ON: A movie poster that says: “Tyler Perry’s: Diary Of A Mad Fat Women”. Poster has women stuffing a man into her mouth as children are tied with bacon strips on a skillet awaiting their fate Crowd of people enter theater #1 INT. THEATER #1 - NIGHT "GET BITCHED OR DIE CRYIN'"(spoofing “GET RICH OR DIE TRYIN’” is playing). QUICKCUTS around to fascinated audience members really into the movie. CAMERA CUTS TO man with open shirt into the movie, as two girls under each arm lick his nipples. bootleggers with video camera equipment set up their camera and start filming. Mid 20's woman sits with her 7 kids all dressed in urban attire, all different races. we hear a cell phone ring, all kids pick up their phone. INT. P-UNIT MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE – NIGHT - THEATER SCREEN FILTHY SCENT, spoofing 50 cent, stealthily creeps against a wall, trying to stay out of sight. men, with guns in S.W.A.T attire, guard a room that is glowing. CAMERA PUSHES into room. it contains a case of platinum spinning 2 "P" medallions. FILTHY SCENT slips by them. As he continues, he steps on a Cookie Monster Doll (Gangsta edition), dressed with urban attire, releasing the theme ("Holla Holla" by Ja rule). FILTHY SCENT stomps on it repeatedly to stop the tune FILTHY SCENT (referring to the doll) God damn Wankstas! guards begin to move in towards the sound of the doll as FILTHY SCENT exposes himself from behind the wall. It begins to run in slow "MATRIX" motion as FILTHY SCENT runs towards them shooting. He only gets three shots off before they shoot nine rounds that go right through his holes that he already has. FILTHY SCENT You dumb niggas, I already took nine! Audience goes crazy. we see three men dressed in all black, shake their heads in disbelief that they give into the senseless amusement. We CUT BACK to the screen. FILTHY SCENT then takes them out by throwing his hat like a boomerang that coinsidently has a blade at the tip of it. FILTHY SCENT makes his way through the door. momentarily, he sees the object that he has infiltrated for…the medallions Suddenly…he hears a familiar voice VOICE Ah yes…FILTHY! FILTHY SCENT Vivica? He turns around only to see VIVICA A FOX. VIVICA You have mistreated women for the last time! She raises up like trinity from THE MATRIX while audience gasps STANLEY(V.O) (over radio) Okay, we’re set… We hear a surge of energy followed by an explosion 3 SCREEN GOES BLACK FADE IN: INT. EMPTY ROOM WITH SINGLE CHAIR – (ala Ocean’s Eleven) - ONE MONTH AGO We hear a door open and close followed by approaching footsteps. DANNY SEAWATER, mid 20’s, 5 o’clock shadow, dressed in wrinkled shirt and tie with lipstick stains on it, enters FRAME and sits. VOICE(V.O) Good Morning. DANNY Good Morning. VOICE(V.O) Please state your name. DANNY Daniel Seawater VOICE(V.O) Thank you. Mr. Seawater the purpose of this meeting is to determine whether, if rehired, You are likely to sell our company on Ebay again. In this, being your first investigation, we discovered that you and your accomplices were speaking in code, so we’re going to put this in words you can understand. DANNY holds a nonchalant expression VOICE Sally’s cat ate a rat… Brad Pitt…ate some shit… easy squeezy lemon peezy… bucky beggy ducky Dumpers… she sells cracked shells in a hale storm. What can you tell us about this? DANNY thinks a moment DANNY I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. INT. THEATER MANAGER’S OFFICE – WIDER VIEW – MORNING (ala Office Space) SIX MANAGERS sit opposite DANNY, behind a table 4 MANAGER #1 Okay…let’s try this again. Good Morning Danny, I’m Bob have you met Bob? He points to the MANAGER next to him MANAGER #2 Hi, I’m Bob have you met Bob? He points to MANAGER next to him MANAGER #3 You can call me Bob, have you met Bob? DANNY’S in a state of disorientation as We CUT TO the second to last Bob MANAGER #5 I’m Bob, have you met Beranne? DANNY pauses DANNY So it’s Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Beranne? DRUM HITS MANAGER #2 Yeah, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Beranne. DANNY What? Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Beranne? MUSIC BEGINS (“Boperane” by the Beach Boys) All MANAGERS fold their hands looking at DANNY with a straight face. DANNY looks around the room wondering where the music is coming from BOB #1 picks up stereo remote and turns stereo off BOB #1 That’s just a little intro we like to put together when ever we start these meetings DANNY (Laid back) Cool. MANAGER #1 What were doing here Danny, is were trying to get a feel for how people spend there time 5 here. As you know, our Detroit branch was taken under siege… which happen to be during your vacation coincidentally, we need to take every precaution we can. So, could you take us through a typical day…for you? DANNY (nonchalant) Okay well, I come in about fifteen minutes late. I come through the side door, so you know, Benedict doesn’t see me. Um, I get Benedict his morning coffee, which I add a little bit of my own special creamer to. DANNY motions his hand like a masturbate, as he points and winks at BOB #1. DANNY(cont’d) Then I head over to the maintenance closet where I inhale a little bit of floor cleaner and space out for about an hour. MANAGER #2 Space out? DANNY Yeah. You know just stare at my desk so it looks like I’m working. I do that after lunch too…I’d say in a givin’ week I only do about seven seconds of actual work and that’s just turning on my computer. They all pause at his honesty MANAGER #1 Can you be a good sport and tell us just a little bit more? DANNY It’s not that I’m lazy or anything… DANNY considers DANNY Well god damn it! Maybe I am lazy, But it can also be a question of motivation… 6 MANAGER #2 Wait a second…what happened with the occupational therapist we recommended to you? INT. DR. SWEINHORN C.C.C HYPNOTHERAPY OFFICE – NIGHT - FLASHBACK (ala Office Space) Six adults sit in folding chairs, in a semi-circle, forming a support group DANNY So I was sitting at my desk today, and I realized, ever since I started working for Benedict, um…every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me…that’s on the worse day of my life. DR. SWEINHORN What about today? Is today the worse day of your life? DANNY Yeah. DR. SWEINHORN Damn. (singing terribly) You got it…you got it bad. The group pauses at the comment. DR. SWEINHORN I’m sorry. Go on. DANNY Is there anyway that you can sort of just zonk me out so that, like, I don’t know that I work for an asshole like Benedict…Could I think that I work for like Jerry Springer or something? DR. SWEINHORN That’s not really what I do Danny…However…the good news I think I can help you. DANNY (inquiring) Really? DR. SWEINHORN 7 I want you to do something for me Danny. I want you to try and relax…I want you to relax every muscle in your body…beginning with your neck your back…and your coochie just like that… DANNY opens his eyes a little bit DR. SWEINHORN Now, I want you to relax your legs…You’re beginning to feel your nipples getting heavy… DANNY shifts forward a bit DR. SWEINHORN(CONT’D) …As you slip deeper and deeper… into a state of complete relaxation. All your cares and concerns are disappearing as your go deeper and deeper way down. Now when I count back from three…I want you to think of the worst thing that you can do to Mr. Benedict, for this will make you feel better about going to work… DANNY’S eyes get smaller and smaller as DR. SWEINHORN begins to cough. MAN#1 Why is Dr. Sweinhorn sweating so badly? WOMEN #1 He said he had a premonition he thinks that Death is coming for him CUTS BACK to DR. SWIENHORN. A man in Grim Reaper’s outfit stands behind DR. SWEINHORN rubbing his hands together. DR. SWEINHORN …And when you find it, hold on to it like that is your purpose… DANNY’S shifting body hold still DR. SWEINHORN …and you will remain in that state until I snap my neck… Couple looks at DR. SWEINHORN as he makes eye contact with them and then turns back to DANNY. 8 DR. SWEINHORN(CONT’D) …I mean my fingers…three, deeper and deeper way, way down…two deeper and deeper …W-W-way down…whu…whu… A man in GEORGE W.BUSH mask bursts out of the closet with a silencer pistol and shoots two rounds into DR. SWIENHORN’S chest. Man jumps through the window and runs away. Male group members run after man through the front door. MAN #1 Damn, he must have thought the Doctor was from New Orleans. INT. THEATER MANAGER’S OFFICE – MORNING – BACK TO NORMAL All the managers are silent looking around at each other, as DANNY has the most laid back expression than anyone they’d ever seen, with his hands resting on the back of his head. MANAGER #3 Well… MANAGER #1 Well Danny what if… MANAGER #1 gestures his fingers in a quote end quote motion. MANAGER #1(CONT’D) …And believe me this is so hypothetical… They all laugh. BERANNE more than others. They all look at him. MANAGER #1(CONT'D) What if we were to offer you an upper management position would that do anything for you… DANNY Gee…I don’t know…maybe…listen I’m just gonna quit but…thanks it’s been a pleasure. MANAGER #2 (suspicious) Quit? MANAGER #1 No, believe me Danny the Pleasure is all on this side of the table. And you can count on a positive recommendation. 9 DANNY No thanks, I don’t think I’d like another Job. DANNY shakes the bobs hands. BERANNE sticks his hand out. DANNY goes in to shake his hand but doesn’t and just walks away. All managers laugh and tease BERANNE as he talks to himself BERANNE Well I could burn down the building. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER - ARCADE ROOM – MORNING An elevator opens. DANNY steps out and casually makes his way over to the exit. EXT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER – PARKING LOT – MORNING DANNY casually walks through parking lot. he reaches in his pocket and pulls out a cell phone. he puts it to his ear. INT. ARCADE GAME ROOM – NIGHT (ala Mr. and Mrs. Smith) A POKER STYLE TABLE. AROUND THE TABLE SIT: RUSTY SMITH, 24, Trendy, attractive, (if your spoofing Brad Pitt, what else would it be) Cory Matthews, Steve Urkel, Carlton Banks, and Screech playing a game of five card stud. RUSTY You’re a damn cheater…no I don’t wanna here it you’re a damn cheater… Screech is a God damn cheater. RUSTY cell phone rings. He picks it up DANNY (V.O) McSalad shakers are appreciated when the coal minds are renovated. CAMERA PANS into RUSTY’S face. he hangs up the phone. RUSTY I gotta jet fellas SCREECH No way man your just tryin’ to bail because I’m up… CORY MATTHEWS Yeah it’s not like you have a job Rusty. 10 THEY ALL LAUGH AT RUSTY. RUSTY TAKES THIS IN. RUSTY You are the job. RUSTY brings out two silencer pistols and takes out the four. RUSTY puts his guns back in his holsters and picks up his jacket. he heads for the exit as he picks up DUSTIN’S cards. RUSTY Pair of 3’s INT. 7-11 CONVENIENT STORE – MORNING (ala Mission: Impossible III) RUSTY enters and walks over to an aisle. he stands there. we pan back. DANNY enters FRAME. INTERCUT between DANNY and RUSTY. RUSTY Sarcasm…is a delicacy among elves in the Netherlands… DANNY When Queen Latifah works at Home Depot…all the molecules in water will become aroused… RUSTY Honda Accords and BMW’s happen to agree that Lil’ Bow Wow should’ve won American Idol in 1994. DANNY takes this in, and walks away. he drops a disposable camera, and exits. rusty picks up the camera. INT. BATHROOM – STALL RUSTY pushes in a button on the side of the camera. camera morphs into a little monitor. a red beam scans RUSTY’S right eye. computer generated voice speaks. VOICE(V.O) Confirmation…faget ass rusty…granted! RUSTY (shaking his head) Danny. DANNY(V.O) How’s it goin’ Rusty? You 11 still teaching has beens how to play cards?…you god damn loser…anyway I’ve got a job for us…it’s in LA…meet me in the Game room in 10 minutes… this message will self destruct. The messages cuts off. RUSTY places camera into the toilet. He leaves stall and exits bathroom. Enters a very fat man. He sits on the toilet that RUSTY was on. CUTS TO RUSTY walking through the exit doors “blam!” we hear a loud noise from the bathroom. The clerk runs into bathroom. Tons of hamburgers and hot dogs on the floor around the fat man’s clothes. Clerk stands there a moment shaking his head. CLERK Fat bastard. INT. GAME ROOM CAFE LOUNGE – NIGHT (ala Ocean’s Eleven) DANNY It’s tricky, it’s never been done before…It’s going to need planning and a large crew. RUSTY What is? DANNY slides RUSTY a thick script, RUSTY examines the document RUSTY How’d you get a copy of “Get bitched or die cryin’” when it hasn’t even been released in theaters yet? Under the title it indicates “WRITTEN BY DANIEL SEAWATER”. CUTS BACK to RUSTY, as he looks up at DANNY. DANNY Because I wrote it. RUSTY That’s impossible. This is Arnold Benedict’s movie. DANNY Not quite… EXT. BRIDGE IN SNOWY MOUNTAINS – MORNING – FLASHBACK (ala “The Italian Job”) DANNY (V.O) We just finished shooting the film, when I was going to get paid for my script… An oncoming black van approaching, and a tailgating black 12 van follow a lincoln navigator which plates read “benedict”. oncoming van begins to veer into the center DRIVER Would you look at this Idiot right in the middle of the road. CAMERA ANGLE is behind EVELYN MERCY not exposing her face to audience view. EVELYN MERCY What’s this, What’s this— INT. GAME ROOM CAFE LOUNGE – NIGHT The flashback ends RUSTY looks at DANNY with teacup in mid sip. DANNY loosens his tie and wipes sweat off his forehead. RUSTY (realizing) The Detroit Swindle… That was nice work… DANNY Yeah…and they swindled me, so I’m stealing it back…along with every thing else. RUSTY How do you plan to do that? DANNY hesitates a moment DANNY I think we’re long over for an L.A swindle. RUSTY What’s the target? DANNY 8 figures each. RUSTY Yeah, that’s the take… what’s the target? DANNY sips his tea DANNY When’s the last time you’ve been to the movies? RUSTY You wanna knock over a movie theater? 13 DANNY shakes his head and holds up his middle finger. RUSTY is offended RUSTY What? DANNY glances back at RUSTY. DANNY No, not you, that bitch. CATWOMEN stands on top of a table licking the side of a man’s face while glancing over at DANNY. She waves obscenities to the both of them, as she pole dances for men surrounding the table. DANNY just looks on, as rusty brings DANNY back to reality RUSTY Danny?! DANNY Huh?…oh… DANNY shakes his head again and holds up three fingers. RUSTY hesitates while he takes this in. RUSTY You wanna knock over Three theaters? DANNY The Majestic 20, The American AMC, and the LA Plaza. RUSTY pauses a moment RUSTY Those are Arnold Benedict’s theaters. DANNY Yes they are. You think he’ll mind? RUSTY Does Bush mind hurricanes? DANNY pauses DANNY Well actually…no…he doesn’t. RUSTY Good point. INT. GAME ROOM IN FRONT OF ELEVATOR – NIGHT – SAMETIME RUSTY You’re looking at over a dozen guys doing a 14 combination of cons. DANNY Like what? RUSTY Well off the top of my head…I’d Say your looking at a Basher, a Livingston…a Lyle, a left ear, a Sponge Bob, and a Shaquille O’Neal. Not to mention the biggest Julia Roberts ever. Where you gonna get the money to back this? DANNY Well…we knock over these three theaters we get our bankroll…Benedict’s got a long list of enemies… RUSTY Yeah, but enemies with loose cash and nothing to lose… They both pause as they come to a simultaneous realization. RUSTY looks at DANNY DANNY Tom Cruise. RUSTY hesitates as he expected DANNY to answer his own implication correctly RUSTY You mean Rueben, right? DANNY pauses for a moment with his eyes shut RUSTY once again wakes him up RUSTY DANNY!? DANNY Huh?…oh yeah right…Rueben. Elevator doors opens DANNY and RUSTY enter. RUSTY You become narcoleptic or something. DANNY (sarcastically) Perhaps. DANNY presses the elevator button RUSTY I wonder what Rueben 15 will say? EXT. RUEBEN’S COURTYARD IN HIS MANSION – MORNING (ala Ocean’s Eleven) RUEBEN (V.O) Your out of your freakin’ minds! DANNY and RUSTY with straight face. DANNY and RUSTY exchange glances. DANNY whispers to RUSTY on the Side. DANNY (sarcastically) Why is his wife beater so God damn small? RUEBEN What was that? RUSTY intervenes RUSTY He said he forgot to fill the parking meter by the big and tall. RUEBEN settles RUEBEN You’re freaking crazy. I know more about movie theater security than any man alive I invented it and it cannot be beaten. DANNY and RUSTY nonchalant RUEBEN They got cameras, they got watchers, they got locks, They got timers, they got vaults, they got lions, they got tigers, they got…”The Parkers”. RUSTY You mean bears! RUEBEN What’s the difference? RUEBEN (Cont’d) Okay, I was rambling. They got enough armed personnel to occupy the Hilton in Paris… 16 DANNY The hotel or the tramp? RUEBEN BOTH! DANNY and RUSTY exchange glances again DANNY AND RUSTY Damn. RUEBEN But yet again I’m not doubting your ability, you guys are the best…you can make it out of the theater…of course less we forget once you get out the door, you’re still in the middle of the God damn desert. DANNY, RUEBEN, and RUSTY pause a moment RUSTY Your right…he’s right! DANNY Rueben your right… DANNY shuts his eyes and just sits there a moment. RUSTY notices and hits DANNY on the shoulder. RUEBEN DANNY!? DANNY opens his eyes DANNY …Rueben you’re right. RUEBEN You become narcoleptic? DANNY I must’ve had a long Weekend. RUEBEN The Detroit Job? That was nice work. RUSTY looks at DANNY RUSTY (to Rueben) Don’t ask… 17 DANNY Thanks for lunch…sorry to bother you. DANNY and RUSTY get up from table and head toward the exit RUEBEN Look just out of curiosity, Which movie theaters did you genius’ pick to rob? DANNY The Majestic 20… RUSTY The Majestic 20, the American AMC, and the LA Plaza. RUEBEN starts to choke on his chicken teriyaki. RUEBEN coughing and holding his neck. RUSTY and DANNY look back at RUEBEN in careless concern. He starts to bang his head on the table, as his butler runs up behind him with a chair and hits him. The chair shatters as the chicken goes flying out of his mouth and into the swimming pool. RUEBEN (breathing hard) Those are Arnold Benedict’s theaters. RUEBEN gets up and walks towards RUSTY and DANNY RUEBEN What do you have against Arnold Benedict? DANNY What do you have against him? That’s the question. RUEBEN He torpedoed my theaters… muscled me out. RUSTY and DANNY nod. RUEBEN (CONT’D) Look, If your gonna steal from Arnold Benedict you better goddamn know…this kinda thing used to be civilized, you hit a guy he’d whack you…done…but with Benedict, he’ll cut your dick and jerk you 18 off with alcohol. DANNY That’s why we need to be very careful, very precise… RUSTY Well funded. RUEBEN Yeah…you gotta be nuts too…and your gonna need a crew as nuts as you are… RUSTY …a crew that has it in for Arnold Benedict. CAMERA PANS into RUEBEN face as he smiles and his gold tooth “Blings” RUEBEN Who do you got in mind? EXT. STREETS OF MIAMI – NIGHT – (ala 2Fast 2Furious) DANNY(V.O) …What about drivers…? RUSTY (V.O) Paulker and Tyreik. These guys are former BHL delivery drivers as well as street racers in Miami…After Benedict laid them off, they’ve just been buying their time… Two cars pull up from the distance. CUTS TO TJ, MONICA, PAULKER, and TYREIK awaiting the vehicles. TJ Yeah…here they come. Both drivers get out of their vehicles and meet TYREIK and PAULKER in the center. TYREIK Fonzi and fabio. FONZI Baby boy and Joyride. We heard you want to get rid of those crackerjack toys? 19 PAULKER Well actually I just thought I’d wake up without showering, mumble through my lines, and be a suck ass actor but still keep getting work because I’m sexy and I know Vin Diesal. They all pause at the comment FONZI Well… FONZI and FABIO look over at TYRIEK FONZI (referring to Tyreik) What about you? TYREIK (pointing to himself) What me?…Oh I just try to keep a straight face and act gangsta hoping that everyone forgets that I used to sing songs like… MUSIC BEGINS (“How you gonna act like that” by Tyrese) TYREIK starts to dance like the “How you gonna act like that” video while he sings. PAULKER smacks him in the shoulder, as he stops dancing and puts his hard face back on. FONZI Hey, why don’t we solve this right now… They all walk away to their cars, as MONICA pulls PAULKER to the side. MONICA (referring to tyreik) What’s his deal? PAULKER Oh…Tyreik? No, don’t mind him, he thinks he’s Tyrese. he memorized all his songs and movies. Even to the point where he can’t control whenever he blurts out a line or two. TYREIK jumps into his convertible talking smack trying to intimidate him. 20 TYREIK You ain’t ready Fabio… I’m in the zone man…It’s like every time I drive… “something keeps pulling me back, me back” QUICKCUTS around to everyone’s shocked reaction, as TYRIEK comes too and starts his engine RUEBEN(V.O) Is he gonna be a problem? RUSTY (V.O) Not at all, he’s crazy as hell…in a good way though they’re definitely the men for the job. MONICA stands in the middle of the two cars raising her hands in a “Ready, set, go” motion. Cars peel off. DANNY(V.O) Electronics? INT. LA NIGHT CLUB IN V.I.P – NIGHT (ala Swordfish) RUSTY(V.O) Stanley Bell…He was an electronics expert for Benedict’s production company. Unfairly fired. RUEBEN(V.O) What’d he do? RUSTY(V.O) He planted a virus that extracted money from the company account. DANNY, RUSTY, and RUEBEN looks around at each other. RUEBEN(V.O) Where is he now? DANNY(V.O) He was last found doing a hack job in L.A. STANLEY, 29, Caucasian, spoofing Hugh Jackson’s character from Swordfish. He bares a terrifying expression as he is pleasured with fellatio, while he sits in front of a laptop computer. He’s instructed by a voice that’s face isn’t revealed to the audience 21 yet. His arms are grabbed from behind him by a brute in a suit. STANLEY can barely get a word out as a result of the head. VOICE Now I was told that the best can do this in 60 minutes. I need someone that can do it in 60 seconds. STANLEY anxious expression is spotlighted as both his feet drag on the floor and drool drips down his lip. Voice looks at his watch. VOICE GO! Brute lets go of STANLEY’S arms as STANLEY rapidly types on the Dell laptop computer. He is still groaning over his oral distraction. STANLEY wipes sweat off his forehead. Voice comments again while looking at his watch. VOICE 15 seconds! BEAUTIFUL WOMEN looks on at the action. STANLEY gets weaker and weaker as the women in his lap moves her head faster and faster. VOICE 5…4…3…2…1! STANLEY violently yells as an eruption in his lap sends the women in his lap to the ceiling being elevated by the gushing white substance. The liquid stops coming up as WOMAN falls to the floor creating a loud thud. STANLEY presses “enter” as he turns the laptop around to audience view. The screen has a game of “Tetris” on it that blinks “New High Score”. Voice sinisterly rubs his hands together as he commends STANLEY on his work. VOICE Excellent! DANNY(V.O) …Munitions? INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION – BASEMENT – AFTERNOON RUEBEN, RUSTY, and DANNY sitting at a table. RUSTY Right ear’s in town… 22 DANNY He maybe a little Rusty, Benedict laid him off his Last action project after he blew out his other ear… EXT. MOVIE SET – MORNING BASH EAR, 34, Black, spoofing Mos Def’s character from the Italian Job. He stands by mixing sound board, as team member walks over to him. TEAM MEMBER Hey, Right ear…we need to check the last track so keep an eye on it… BASH EAR nods to him. TEAM MEMBER walks to BASH EAR’S left side. TEAM MEMBER #1 (cont’d) Oh, and for god sake’s whatever you do, don’t put on the head phones… BASH EAR doesn’t show any attentiveness. Another team member gives BASH EAR a thumbs up. BASH EAR notices and gives him a returning thumbs up. BASH EAR puts a head phone on his left ear. Team member #1 pushes down what looks to be a dynamite detonator…we hear a loud bang…BASH EAR stands still a moment, then falls out of frame. RUSTY(V.O) He goes by Bash ear now. INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION – BASEMENT – AFTERNOON DANNY When’s the last time you heard from Gen? RUSTY smiles at DANNY RUSTY You don’t watch BET do you? INT. 106TH AND PARK – LIVE BROADCASTING – NIGHT GEN and another man stand in front of each other on the stage in 106TH & PARK STUDIO. A freestyle Friday battle is taking place as GEN’S opponent begins. GEN’S OPPONENT …so take your little Chinese ass to bed…you can’t mess with 23 ATL or you’ll end up dead…you get no shorties except your mom… You think that you a MC but you only a con… His time runs out. GEN’S opponent faces the audience, raises his hands and over reacts. GEN’S OPPONENT Yeah…Yeah…who wants it? The audience gives him a moderate ovation. The DJ gives GEN the cue to begin. GEN Yo…yo…yo…You would think I’m From saint louie, all these Chicks that I’m rammin’ in… I got more friends than Courtney Cox and Jennifer Aniston…and I Love Christina Milian, and J-Lo With me, I’m parkin’ with Free Cause all three of them ain’t costin’ a thing… Scene continues in-audible RUSTY(V.O) He used to be the best grease man we could find until he discovered marijuana. He’s now one of the biggest burn out’s in North America. He’s an impressive MC though. Audio returns GEN You wanna talk black, bitch I’m blacker than you… (faces the audience) I’m the blackest one in here all ya’ll niggas missin’ a screw… The DJ scratches the record to a stop. They all look at GEN. GEN slowly trying to slip off stage. The DJ, GEN’S opponent, and entire audience run after GEN. INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION IN THE DEN - NIGHT RUSTY, DANNY, and RUEBEN sit in his den in silence. RUSTY We’re still short… 24 DANNY How many? RUSTY Four. DANNY locks eyes with RUSTY who is already looking at him. DANNY yawns to himself and raises his arms. DANNY (suspiciously) Aw…would you look at the time RUSTY looks over at the clock it says “1:14 pm”. RUSTY looks back over at DANNY, DANNY speeds off in FAST MOTION. RUEBEN What about the brothers? RUSTY considers RUSTY There maybe a question of availability RUEBEN Why is that? RUSTY They’re in Detroit their mom died. EXT. FROZEN LAKE MICHIGAN – MORNING - FUNERAL Less than 30 people stand in a semi circle out on the ice of frozen Lake Michigan. QUICKCUTS around to all of the guests. PRIEST We pray that Evelyn Mercy will rest in the peace that she brought to all of us…now, upon the request of Evelyn Mercy in her will, she will be buried by lake. ROBBY MERCY,26, spoofing Mark Wahlberg’s character from Four Brothers. ANGEL MERCY,26, spoofing Tyrese’s character from Four Brothers. JEREMY MERCY,27, spoofing Andre 3000’s character from Four Brothers. JAKE MERCY, 24, spoofing Garret Hedlund’s character from Four Brothers. The Brothers sit on black folding chairs with their heads down in respect to their mother. EVELYN’S casket is being lifted by three men in black suits. They rest the casket down and open it. They pick up EVELYN’S body and throw her through a hole made in the ice. The priest begins to start talking again when his assistant interrupts him. 25 ASSISTANT (Holding a document) It says here that she wanted to be cremated. PREIST puts on his glasses and reads carefully PRIEST Oh shit! ROBBY looks up at PRIEST. ROBBY cocks his arm back and punches the PRIEST. The PREIST falls out of frame. RUEBEN(V.O) Okay…so we’re going to Detroit! INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION – DEN - NIGHT RUSTY and RUEBEN get up and grab their jackets. RUEBEN Danny you’re coming too, right? DANNY tries to hide, posing as a lamp, with the lamp shade on his head not moving a muscle. RUSTY The brothers might not be so anxious to work with Danny again. RUSTY and RUEBEN exit MUSIC BEGINS (“TROUBLE MAN” by Marvin Gaye) EXT. STREETS OF DETROIT – MORNING – (ala Four Brothers) ROBBY MERCY pulls on to a street in Detroit. ROBBY’S in deep thought as he listens to an oldie but a goody. He closes his eyes and sings with the tune. We hear car horns and drivers cursing at him. ROBBY opens his eyes, realizes what’s going on, and swerves his steering wheel. His CD begins to skip. He bangs the car CD player, and it gets back on track momentarily. it starts to skip on another similar part. He bangs it several times more but the skipping doesn’t stop. He angrily rips the CD out of the player and flings it out the window. As it is traveling it hits someone in the head. INT. RUEBEN’S MERCURY MILAN – MORNING – SAMETIME In the car sit RUSTY and RUEBEN. ROBBY MERCY pulls up to the driver side window, flicks them off and drives away. 26 RUSTY (to Rueben) It’s been a long time Since anyone’s seen that face around here… RUEBEN takes this in and looks at RUSTY RUEBEN The hell you talking about, you don’t live here. So who are these guys and what can they do? RUSTY looks back at RUEBEN RUSTY All in due time Rueben…all in due time. RUSTY exits vehicle. RUEBEN follows. EXT. OUTSIDE JEREMY’S HOUSE – MORNING (ala Four Brothers) A man with black trench coat and top hat kneels in front of two little girls GIRL #1 Your not my uncle, your white. CUTS TO MICHAEL JACKSON trying to persuade little girls to come with him MICHAEL JACKSON No, no I am. GIRL #2 Grandma Eve’s white. GIRL #1 No, but he’s white, white like if he made snow angels, we wouldn’t be able to find him. RUSTY and RUEBEN walk over MICHAEL JACKSON Come to Neverland with me I have candy. RUSTY Hey…get away…for I turn you in…God damn 27 pedophile. MICHEAL JACKSON notices RUSTY. he stands up, lays flat on the snow and disappears. ROBBY What about me Rusty? You gonna turn me in too? RUSTY That depends Robby, You keepin’ straight? ROBBY Of course, but you know, Jake here is still a little queer. RUSTY and ROBBY exchange greetings RUSTY (to Jake) Sorry about your mom, brother. Give me some love. JAKE slips his tongue in RUSTY’S ear when they dap/hug. RUSTY jumps back. RUSTY Hey… JAKE winks at RUSTY RUSTY (to Robby) You never made it to the funeral? ROBBY I didn’t come back for no funeral. RUSTY Any leads? ROBBY I don’t know, we’ve already torn this town upside down. RUSTY Maybe you’re looking in the wrong place. 28 RUSTY smiles and hands ROBBY a card of some sort. RUSTY and RUEBEN walk away. cuts to RUEBEN and rusty. RUEBEN Where the hell are we going don’t we need those guys? RUSTY Trust me…They’re down. CUTS BACK to the brothers JAKE What the hell…? JAKE picks up the card ANGEL What’s it say? ROBBY stares at the card and looks up at ANGEL ROBBY Call Jeremy. EXT. OUTSIDE OF AHMED VIDEO STORE – MORNING JEREMY pulls up to an awaiting JAKE, ROBBY, and ANGEL. JEREMY gets out of the vehicle and walks towards them. JEREMY All right what’s this all about? ANGEL We got a lead from our old friend Rusty. So we thought we come down and investigate. JEREMY Are you serious—come on now. ROBBY looks up at JEREMY ROBBY You really need to take some acting lessons Jeremy. AHMED,30, Arabian, goofy. He walks up to the store front door as he minds his back continuously looking over his shoulder back at the four fiddling with his keys. JAKE approaches man very calm from behind. 29 AHMED Can I help you gentlemen? JAKE If we could please just have a moment of your… ROBBY snaps and rushes man up against the door. ROBBY Man, open the god damn door. JAKE and ANGEL grab ROBBY and restrain him. ANGEL CALM DOWN ROBBY. AHMED You don’t know who you’re flipping with… I’m down with O.P.P ANGEL pulls ROBBY off to the side JAKE I apologize sir. Evelyn Mercy was our mother… AHMED settles AHMED Oh I see…she was a very nice women. Polite.Great rack Good head… ANGEL You said what? AHMED I said if you want a snack you can go ahead… let’s come inside. INT. AHMED VIDEO STORE – MORNING The brothers and AHMED stand in the back storage room as AHMED looks through a catalog of video shelves. AHMED A few nights ago a young Man came in here and sold me an amateur “Caught on tape” video. I call it 30 “Road Rage”. ROBBY and ANGEL exchange a suspicious glance. AHMED(CONT’D) When I recognized who the victim was I thought it might be of great value to her family… JAKE Why didn’t you just give it to the cops… AHMED Please…cops couldn’t find tits in a strip joint. Plus… I’ve got warrants. AHMED stumbles upon the item. AHMED AHA! Here we are? ROBBY You found it? AHMED What?…no, this is the Snickers bar I lost last year! AHMED takes a bite and wrestles with the rock hard candy. ROBBY and ANGEL are pissed off. ANGEL Hey!…M.Night Shyamalan? Hurry that shit up. AHMED notices and looks once more. AHMED Ah…here it is. A video monitor turns on. On the monitor four people sit in a car. In the driver’s seat, DANNY in the passenger, and EVELYN MERCY in the back, and a couple of others non-visble to the camera…it suddenly turns into a cut of AHMED doing a porno. He screams. Ahmed turns the monitor off, and looks at the brothers. ROBBY The guy who sold you this… would you recognize him if you see him again? 31 AHMED Yes…it’s big guy…works over at the McDonalds. He never washes his jacket even with stains or shit. He is his height …his weight… JEREMY is puzzled JEREMY What me? AHMED Yes, and he has a…you know… AHMED motions his hands at the top of his head ANGEL What a fro? Like an Afro? Like Ben Wallace the basketball player? AHMED Uh…no. JAKE What, like carrot top? AHMED No…you know…the…Big mac Man…Chicken McGriddle Big and nasty McNugget face… He continues to motions his hands. ROBBY Who the hell could that be? AHMED He gave me his information for compensation purposes… AHMED hands the brothers the document. ANGEL Got somethin’…he lives in the gardens right over there. JEREMY raises his eyebrows. JAKE Thanks for your help. 32 JEREMY, JAKE and ANGEL exit. ROBBY stares down AHMED as he walks out. ROBBY bucks at AHMED. AHMED flinches back so hard, that he knocks down the entire self that’s behind him. ROBBY exits. INT. STREET – MORNING - SAMETIME ROBBY, JAKE, JEREMY, and ANGEL rush out of store on a mission. ROBBY That was no road rage that was an execution… they set mom up…they set her up…come on… They rush forward out of frame. We hear a loud smack. We pan over to see that they ran straight into a brick wall at the side of the building. All four lay down flat on the ground. INT. ROBBY’S CAR – PARKING LOT OF THE GARDENS – MORNING ROBBY, JAKE, JEREMY, and ANGEL sitting in ROBBY’S car JEREMY Why would someone try To shoot mom? ROBBY Probably the same reason Why they hired you as an actor, they were trying to kill someone. ANGEL and JAKE laugh JEREMY For the last time I do not look like Andre 3000 ANGEL You still got some big ass teeth though. JAKE …And Idlewid was some shit, Percival. They all laugh. JEREMY Alright, enough clowning 33 Around you know I gotta go. He taps ROBBY shoulder ROBBY Alright Jeremy. JEREMY exits ANGEL Alright, Alright…we have to stay focused…now he said that he had a shit stained coat…and somethin’ about a Big and Tasty hold the pickles, hold the lettuce. JAKE looks around and realizes JAKE Hey that’s him…it’s him! A man in Hip-Hop street attire with a red afro walks towards the Gardens Apartment Building with his back to the CAMERA. They all glance over at him and jump out of the car. He now enters the apartment building, still not revealing himself, as he pushes the elevator button. ROBBY, JAKE, and ANGEL all running through apartment building entrance. Elevator door opens. Mid 20’s man with white make-up and red lipstick with black eye shadow (like Ronald Mcdonald) and a laid back expression in his face. ROBBY Hey you? He turns and his laidback expression turns into fright as he sees ROBBY waving a gun in the air. He jumps on the elevator. ROBBY Oh shit!…it is Ronald McDonald! RONALD stands in the elevator completely tranquil, as he grooves with the elevator music thinking he’s escaped. He starts to look around, as we hear noises that seem like their coming from inside the elevator shaft. INT. GARDEN’S APARTMENT BUILDING – 6TH FLOOR – MORNING “Ping” the elevator door opens. RONALD cautiously steps out. He glances through his surroundings. He thinks that he is completely alone. He casually walks to his apartment door occasionally breaking out in a dance move. A gun is put against RONALD’S smiling face. 34 ROBBY Get your “we love to see you smile” ass over here. RONALD steps backwards to where ROBBY is ROBBY Ha, Ha, Ha punk ass gonna try to run from me…who you workin’ for…? RONALD hesitates at first RONALD I work at the Mc… ROBBY SHUT UP! For I buss a cap in your bitch ass! ROBBY pats him down ROBBY Now you aint got no gun… but where the fries at…? RONALD I ain’t got no… ROBBY SHUT UP! JAKE and ANGEL that just make it up the stairwell. JAKE sees ROBBY and runs towards him. ANGEL attempts to run as well but falls out of exhaustion. ROBBY What time McDonalds close on weekends? RONALD I don’t kn… ROBBY SAY ANOTHER FLIPPIN’ WORD AND THIS SHIT IS OVER! AND I AINT PLAYIN’ NEITHER! ANGEL is still laid out on the floor ROBBY I want you to listen very carefully…If you don’t tell 35 me what I wanna hear, I’m turning your lights off…right now where, in the world is… (drops to deep tone) Carmen Sandiego? RONALD pauses a moment in fright. ROBBY presses the gun on his face harder expecting an answer RONALD Italy?… ROBBY gets livid and throws a total fit ROBBY DIDN’T I SAY…OH…OH…OH SHIT…SAY IT AGAIN SAY SOMETHIN ELSE…SAY SOMETHIN’ ELSE. JAKE cuts into frame JAKE Robby? Wait… JAKE runs over to ROBBY and tries to detain him JAKE Robby…stop put down the gun…there has to be another way! JAKE reasons with ROBBY. ROBBY puts the gun down, as RONALD flings an open hand back, and smacks JAKE and ROBBY in the face with the same swing. JAKE desists for a moment. JAKE You little bitch… JAKE and ROBBY knock RONALD to the ground. They begin to stomp and kick RONALD. The more that they kick him the more fries and chicken mcnuggets fall out of his pockets. JAKE and ROBBY finish thrashing him. ROBBY wipes his mouth. ROBBY This mother bitch told me he didn’t have no fries!…I just wanted to talk you piece of shit… ROBBY kicks RONALD again. RONALD is completely flat like a deflated air mattress. JAKE spits on RONALD. JAKE 36 Well I guess we can talk to him now. EXT. PARKING LOT – NIGHT – (ala Four Brothers) Trunk opens ROBBY You should call Rusty and tell him we’re down. We need some utilities first. ROBBY (CONT’D) (to Angel) Be careful with my baby. ROBBY hands ANGEL a sling shot. ANGEL examines it, and is disgusted. ANGEL Man, the hell a look like Dennis the Menace? ROBBY snatches back sling shot, and pulls out another item. ROBBY What about this? He hands ANGEL a rocket launcher. ANGEL (pointing) What about that? ANGEL points in the corner of the trunk. ROBBY notices. ROBBY pulls out a brick. ROBBY What, you want this? ROBBY hands ANGEL the brick. ROBBY and JAKE just look at ANGEL ANGEL What? It worked for Mark Wahlberg. ROBBY hands JAKE a gas can ROBBY Hold that Jake. ROBBY goes to close trunk but JAKE holds it open 37 JAKE Wait… ROBBY and ANGEL look at JAKE JAKE Should we take him with us? RONALD is tied up on the ground with duct tape on his mouth squirming around like an insect wrapped up in a spider web. ROBBY You know what, we should. ANGEL, ROBBY, and JAKE all pick up RONALD and toss him into the trunk. RONALD tries to say something. ROBBY rips the tape off his mouth to let him speak. RONALD opens his mouth… RONALD Fuc… ROBBY punches him and puts the tape back on his mouth. ROBBY closes trunk. EXT. RUEBEN’S COURTYARD – NIGHT – “LOS ANGELES” (ala Ocean’s Eleven) GEN sits on a lounge chair with headphones listening to rap, with pen and pad in his hand flowing with the music. DANNY walks through the patio door to the outside where the other men are. DANNY Gentlemen…welcome to Los Angeles. What I am about to propose to you is the dumbest and most illegal thing you’ll probably hear this month. If you don’t give a shit about either of those…great. If not, you ain’t gotta go home…but you gotta get the hell out of here. QUICKCUTS around to the group with straight faces DANNY Otherwise come with me. All attendants get up and walk inside of RUEBEN’S mansion. ROBBY, ANGEL, and JAKE pull into RUEBEN’S driveway. They exit ROBBY’S car. ROBBY walks back to the trunk, and opens it. ROBBY drags a heavy, lumpy duffle bag out of his trunk. JAKE closes trunk. they walk towards RUEBEN’S front door. 38 JAKE We’re late… ROBBY So is your period Jake, who gives a shit. INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION – DEN – NIGHT DANNY stands next to a projector screen mounted on the wall. It has a power point image of the interior/exterior of three movie theaters. The three theaters are art deco in design, and spacious, with movie studio themes. The others sit across from DANNY some seated some standing. DANNY Gentlemen…the Majestic 20, the American AMC, and the LA Plaza…together they are the three most profitable movie theaters in Los Angeles…we’re going rob them. QUICKCUTS around to ROBBY, JAKE then GEN, and BASH EAR ANGEL I’m sorry, what are we stealing? DANNY Good question…Gentlemen in 1989 Arnold Benedict accepted a movie budget for “Dark Doom 3”. The project was shut down after Benedict filed a bogus law suit against the company bankrupting it, and some how $53 million turned up missing. I found It. It’s been sitting in a bank account… Compounding interest. That was over 16 years ago. Does anybody have any idea how much money that is today? QUICKCUTS around to all the men awaiting elaboration DANNY ...$396 Million. QUICKCUTS to men with smiles and anxious expressions. DANNY clicks the remote at the screen. DANNY …The Majestic 20… the venue where the world premiere of “Get bitched or die cryin’” is going to debut 2 weeks from now. 39 DANNY (CONT’D) The actual shooting script written by myself, last year was ripped off from me, through an inside man Arnold Benedict has at the copyright office…so, naturally…we’ll be stealing the entire earnings for the opening night. JAKE bares a practical grin on his face DANNY And finally…the LA plaza. Depending on the success of the most world premieres, they are followed by sequels. “Get bitched or die cryin’ 2” the shooting script, written by…Filthy Scent himself is in the vault at the LA plaza…we’ll be holding it hostage…as a fail safe. CUTS TO the group, as they all pause a moment. BASH EAR shakes his head. DANNY Now Arnold Benedict is closing the American AMC on the night of the premiere for maintenance, so there should be no armed personnel at the facility…Theoretically… QUICKCUTS around the group. DANNY Any questions? GEN Yeah…can I have some of what ever you’re smoking? RUSTY (to Gen) Don’t worry, it’s a lot more complicated than it sounds. GEN No I mean, I couldn’t even sneak my cameras in any of those theaters to bootleg… and you think we can sneak equipment in to handle a job? 40 PAULKER (sarcastically) Like where supposed to just walk in with all that shit, right? They pause, and look at DANNY. DANNY stands there a moment with eyes shut. RUSTY Danny!! DANNY opens his eyes DANNY Yeah. GEN Oh…okay…so, CAMERA PANS into GEN’S face GEN What’s the plan? The brothers duffle bag starts to shake. The group looks over at the bag, then at the brothers. The brothers act as if they don’t see or hear a thing. RUEBEN What the hell is that? The bag rips open and RONALD pop up on his feet. He looks around the room. GEN (singing) That’s my Ronald…McDonald RONALD punches ROBBY in the face. ROBBY falls back on ANGEL and JAKE. RONALD It’s me you jackass! ROBBY Jeremy? What the hell are you doing? RONALD I don’t go by Jeremy anymore…It’s Ronald. JAKE Since when do you work at McDonalds? 41 RONALD Since, my business failed. who would have thought that hot dog flavored ice cream would be a bad idea? PAULKER (to himself) I would. ANGEL Wait…so you were the one that had mom’s tape? RONALD No, No, No…I sold Ahmed his porno back. I had to do anything to get money. I had no idea mom was on that tape. RUEBEN (loud) Gentlemen…If you don’t mind. The group gets quiet again. GEN Yeah, like I was saying. CAMERA PANS into GEN’S face again GEN What’s the plan… INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER – BREAK ROOM – NIGHT (ala Ocean’s Eleven) DANNY (V.O) Okay…this is how we’ll begin… first task…reconnaissance. I wanna know everything that’s going on in all three theaters. the rotation of the employees, the path of every cash cart…The color of everyone’s shit turd, I wanna know how many rats it has… Guards in employee break room finish their lunch and talk at the table. The guards get up, throw they’re lunch away, and exit break room. GUARD #1 Filthy Scent is having a sneak peek of the movie 42 the night before the premiere, and he has the nerve to say “P-Unit don’t need no security”… We pan out in the break room. A COCA-COLA machine CUTS INTO frame. The machine starts to shake, as the door swings open. GEN climbs out of the soda machine, looks around, then exits the break room. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER – CORRIDOR – NIGHT We pan down with guards walking down the hallway still talking amongst each other. They pass a decoration plant. We stay with the plant as the guards walk out of frame. GEN folding branches down listening in on them with a recording device. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER – NIGHT DANNY (V.O) Most of all I want you guys to Know these theaters…they were Built like rat cages to keep People in…I want you to know The quick routes out… A theater guard types in a code sequence on a door. The light on door turns green. The guard looks over his shoulder, then enters the room. The door closes. we pan back RONALD enters frame sitting at a café table holding a mirror in his hand keeping an eye on the guards activity behind him. CLOSE ON: Security door as RONALD makes his way over to it. he looks around him. he pulls out of his pocket powdered make-up. he blows some of it on the keypad. the key pad reveals through finger prints the keys that were pressed. RONALD writes them down on his hand. he types in a sequence. the light turns red. a guard walks by RONALD. he starts to put the make-up on his face. the guard looks at him. he blows a kiss at the guard. the guard gets disgusted and walks away. he tries another sequence. the light turns green. he smiles to himself. someone taps him on his shoulder. we see mid 30’s male lick his lips and puts his finger in his mouth. RONALD shakes his head “no” and runs away. the man runs after RONALD. EXT. SIDEWALK IN LOS ANGELES – MORNING DANNY: (V.O) Second task power…on the night of the world premiere we’re going to throw the switch on the city of angels, Bash ear it’s your show. BASH EAR holds orange cones in his hands walking towards an open man hole in the street. He directs traffic to drive around him. 43 INT. MACK TRUCK – MORNING – SAMETIME A truck driver, that is seemingly drowsy, sits in the cockpit of an eighteen wheeler. BASH EAR signals the truck to drive around him, but driver doesn’t see him in time. Truck driver picks his head up and see bash ear. DRIVER Oh Shit! Women in his lap picks up her head WOMEN #1 What? The the the EAR and truck swerves in the middle of the road. BASH EAR jumps on sidewalk out of the way. The truck creates a major pile up in road. We hear a lot of angry voices, cursing and honking. BASH puts his hands in his pockets, starts to casually whistle, runs away. EXT. STREETS OF NEW YORK – MORNING (ala TAXI) DANNY:(V.O) Third task…transport. Paulker, Tyriek. You’re the best in the business, but for what I have planned, we’re going to need another driver…preferably one with some prior swindle experience. PAULKER and TYREIK sit in a two door vehicle. PAULKER sucks a lollipop while they wait across the street from a bank in Manhattan. We hear the bank alarm go off. A blue BMW pulls up in front of the bank. PAULKER and TYRIEK get out of the car. Four women in black suits walk out of bank holding three black bags. They drop the bags into a trash can. They enter the BMW and drive off. PAULKER and TYRIEK walk into frame. They look into the trash can, then look at each other. EXT. BACK ALLEY – MORNING The BMW pulls into back alley. The four women get out, and start taking off their clothes. A closed dumpster starts to peek open. We see a hobo in the dumpster looking on at the models changing. women #2 picks up their clothes and puts them in the dumpster. The hobo sniffs their underwear inside the dumpster. Cuts To women #3 holding a gas can and a lighter. She throws a gas can into the dumpster. The hobo bares a terrifying look on his face, as she throws lighter in the dumpster. PAULKER and TYRIEK approach the women holding the black bags. ISABELLA, 27, Brazilian, model, spoofing Gisele Buncheen’s character from TAXI, notices and pulls her gun. They stop in 44 their tracks and put their hands in the air. PAULKER Whoa. TYRIEK (lusting) Whoa, is definitely not the word ISABELLA Who the hell are you? PAULKER How would you like to make five times this. PAULKER and TYRIEK drop the bags in front of them. ISABELLA considers. She lowers her gun and smiles. ISABELLA Tell me. The DUMPSTER pops open as the hobo, that’s in flames, jumps out and runs away. camera pans into PAULKER and TYRIEK. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER – OPERATION’S SECURITY CENTER – MORNING DANNY (V.O) Fourth task…surveillance. Theater security has an eye and an ear on everything so we want an eye and an ear on them…Stanley? SCENE SHIFTS INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION - DEN – NIGHT STANLEY Well…it’s not the least Accessible system I’ve seen…but it’s close…I don’t suppose they have a closed circuit feed I could tap into? DANNY No. STANLEY Then we’ve got one hell of a problem. RUSTY What’s that? STANLEY 45 Any one of these random codes can pop up while your on the program we need if your a new user. The only way to continue without the system shutting down is to key in what ever code it asks for in five seconds. RUSTY That is a problem. Angel Well why don’t you just memorize the codes? STANLEY Because there is… STANLEY keys in his laptop and pressed enter. STANLEY (CONT’D) Six thousand, two hundred, and eleven of them. DANNY (turns to Rusty) Why don’t we just… RUSTY In two weeks?… RUSTY shakes his head, and thinks a moment. RUSTY Tessa’s in town. DANNY No way man, you know What happened the last Time I saw her? INT. APARTMENT – KITCHEN – NIGHT - FLASHBACK (ala My Super Ex-Girlfriend) TESSA, 24, pretty, conservative, spoofing Scarlett Johansson’s character from the Perfect Score. She chops vegetables at a cutting board. DANNY enters the kitchen. We PAN around the room as DANNY’S expression gives us the idea that she has re-arranged everything in the house. We see a picture of DANNY AND TESSA, written on it says: “TESSA and DANNY till death”. under that it says: “no, i really mean it…till death”. DANNY You know Tessa…I think it’s time that we reevaluated 46 where this is going. TESSA stops chopping. She looks up at DANNY TESSA Are you breaking up with me? DANNY No…I just think that we should take some… TESSA THROWS A MICROWAVE AT DANNY. DANNY DUCKS IT IN TIME DANNY What the hell was that? TESSA I don’t get dumped! TESSA rams her head into the refrigerator. It makes a large dent and the door falls off. DANNY backs up against the wall. Cuts To TESSA opening a knife drawer. She throws all of the blades at DANNY. He dodges those as well. DANNY looks back at the wall behind him. The knives spell out: “screw you”. DANNY looks back, as TESSA blows him to the ground. DANNY goes flying back. TESSA You are so gonna regret this. TESSA raises her arms up, and flies through DANNY’S ceiling. DANNY gets up and looks through the hole. DANNY Oh shit. We hear a loud thump! We hear TESSA falling from a high distance. TESSA falls back into DANNY’S kitchen. DANNY I was going to tell you…concrete roof! TESSA gets up. TESSA That’s fine. I’ll take the stairs. She walks towards the door. She walks back. TESSA EY-YAA! TESSA head butts DANNY, as he falls out of frame. TESSA walks towards the door and exits 47 INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION - DEN – NIGHT QUICKCUTS around the group RUSTY Well. DANNY We can try to get the codes from the security office. RUSTY No good. Everybody that knows them has been working for Arnold Benedict for over a decade…they have them all memorized. STANLEY Back to square one…unless we can get someone that already knows the system well enough… RUSTY (looking at Danny) I hate to be the one to say it Danny… DANNY Then don’t… RUEBEN Say what? RUSTY We need Tessa. RUEBEN Tessa?…Tessa Benedict? …Benedict’s daughter? RUSTY …Without Tessa there’s no plan… RUEBEN Are you freakin’ crazy? We mind as well call the whole thing off…why would she wanna double cross her father? RUSTY looks up at RUEBEN RUSTY …What’d you just say? 48 RUEBEN I said why would Tessa wanna double cross Benedict? RUSTY Hang on a minute. RUSTY pauses, as we cut to the other men awaiting RUSTY’S response. It comes to him. RUSTY We could use a peach. RUEBEN The hell is a peach? DANNY Why would a peach be necessary now? RUSTY Think about it…what’s the one thing that Tessa can’t stand? DANNY Me. RUSTY I was gonna say not getting attention but yeah she can’t stand you either. DANNY shrugs his shoulders RUSTY You see one of the things that Tessa hates the most is competition. She always drove every women away that has even come close to her father, that’s why he still is single. RUEBEN So? RUSTY So, a peach, is a women that is irresistible to all men, so there’s no question rather or not she will have Benedict wrapped around her finger. She 49 would take up his time, keep him occupied…he’ll completely ignore Tessa… DANNY And Tessa’s not the type of girl that gets mad… she gets even. RUSTY Exactly. DANNY thinks a moment DANNY I think it’ll work. RUEBEN Okay…but where we gonna get a women like that? Jessica Simpson’s on tour. CAMERA PUSHES into STANLEY’S face looking on at the conversation STANLEY I might know someone. The group looks at STANLEY wondering. EXT. MANSION BALCONY – MORNING (ala Swordfish) STANLEY opens the balcony door and steps out. He closes the door after him. He approaches something that is not revealed to the audience yet. He keeps walking, and clears his throat. STANLEY Ginger? GINGER KNOWSALL, 31, very sexy, spoofing Halle Berry’s character from Swordfish. She reads a Vibe magazine covering her upper body. When she overhears STANLEY, the magazine drops. She has on a bikini top. GINGER Oh…hey Stanley. STANLEY pauses STANLEY Uh…aren’t you forgetting something? GINGER 50 Huh?…oh, of course… She slowly takes off her bikini top. CAMERA ANGLE is behind GINGER obviously her bikini top is off and her breasts are being exposed TO STANLEY. STANLEY That’s better, listen…I Need your help. I’m helping some guys do a job in LA and we could really use your assistance. GINGER What kind of job? STANLEY I’ll explain later…hurry up we’re taking your car. STANLEY turns and heads for the door GINGER Hold on Stanley. STANLEY turns back around STANLEY Yeah? MUSIC BEGINS (“BUTTONS” by The Pussycat Dolls) GINGER Could you help me with Something?…I mean it’s just so hot out here…and it’s so hard to keep cool. GINGER spreads honey over her neck and body. STANLEY swallows hard. GINGER holds an enticing expression on her face calling him over with one finger. STANLEY shakes his head “no”. GINGER shakes her head “yes”. STANLEY shakes “no”. GINGER reaches down out of camera frame, and pulls up her bikini bottom, swinging it around her finger. Then she motions her finger to him again. He follows with no problem. MUSIC ENDS STANLEY stands in the middle of the balcony floor. GINGER with her bikini top on, focusing on STANLEY. It was a daydream. GINGER You we’re saying something? STANLEY 51 Huh? GINGER A job?…What kind of job? STANLEY (Stuttering) I’ll explain later. Come on let’s take your car STANLEY turns around, bangs into a side table, trips over a lounge chair and falls over balcony. GINGER Gets up and looks over balcony rail. GINGER STANLEY! STANLEY is laid out on the ground covered in sand not moving a muscle. STANLEY I’m good…I’m good. INT. RUEBEN’S MANSION – DEN –MORNING The men are playing cards in RUEBEN’S den. QUICKCUTS to all that have their poker faces on. RUEBEN Got any threes? RONALD Go fish. The door opens, as all men turn to the door. RUSTY gets up and walks over to the door, as STANLEY enters. RUSTY Well…what happened? STANLEY With what? RUSTY looks at RUEBEN and goes to sit back down STANLEY Oh the… RUEBEN Yeah. STANLEY partially leans out the door, and speaks unclearly. RUEBEN, RUSTY, and DANNY await the a bombshell. STANLEY 52 Gentlemen…I’d like you to meet Ginger Knowsall. MUSIC BEGINS (“BOSSY” by Kelis) GINGER enters with a stunning red dress (Halle Berry’s ensemble from “Swordfish”). She stands and poses. RUSTY and RUEBEN nod at each other, music stops. GEN We need to test her on a gay guy…someone call Simon Cowell. EXT. BENEDICT’S MANSION – MORNING (ala The Italian Job) A white unmarked van pulls up onto prelude of BENEDICT’S mansion. The van parks behind a NETROM cable van. OPERATOR (V.O) Netrom cable how can I help you? GUARD #1(V.O) Yeah, I’m here up at 3320 east galaxy place, and the cable has just gone out, our modem. Everything. GINGER and RUSTY exit the unmarked van and discreetly enter the NETROM cable van. OPERATOR (V.O) Okay sir, I have a Thursday between nine and three If that would be good? GUARD #1 (V.O) That’s gonna work…thank you. STANLEY I knocked out the cable around 9:56…the guard just called the cable company…that’s our in… RUSTY What times the appointment? STANLEY Thursday between 9 and 3. ANGEL pulls out a cellular phone and dials. He puts the phone to his ear and looks at GINGER and RUSTY not paying attention to him. 53 EXT. GUARD TOWER – MORNING – SAMETIME CUTS TO GUARD WATCHING JERRY SPRINGER. WE HEAR THE PHONE RING. GUARD PICKS UP PHONE. INTERCUT BETWEEN ANGEL AND GUARD. GUARD #1 Hello? ANGEL Yeah, we over here at the um…the god damn um …Netcom cable place. I heard ya’ll nigga’s hook-up was out and ya’ll want us to pop up on Thursday? GUARD #1 Excuse me? RUSTY snatches the phone from ANGEL. RUSTY scowls at him RUSTY We have a technician that’s working in your area and finished with their appointment earlier than expected…will someone be there for the next hour? GUARD #1 Sure that be great. RUSTY Great our technician will see you then. Have a nice day. RUSTY hangs up phone and looks at ANGEL. RUSTY What the hell was that? ANGEL shrugs his shoulders STANLEY (to Ginger) Here’s all the paper work you’ll need…just have him sign and date it. STANLEY hands clipboard documents to GINGER 54 GINGER So what exactly do I do. RUSTY Ginger…we need Tessa Benedict on our crew, now that only way that’s going to happen is if you threaten her… GINGER What you want me to beat the bitches ass? RUSTY No…what we mean is…we need you to date her father…keep him occupied and don’t give Tessa any time with him…you know, make her jealous. GINGER (doubtful) And that will make her join your crew? RUSTY It’s worth a shot. STANLEY If not…then you can whoop her ass. GINGER Well can I at least know what I’m going up against… STANLEY and RUSTY exchange glances. RUSTY moves towards video monitors. RUSTY Ginger…meet Arnold Benedict… MUSIC BEGINS (“I’m too Sexy” by Right said Fred ) INT. VIDEO MONITOR SCREEN ARNOLD BENEDICT, 42, (Charlie Sheen) raises out of his bed and yawns. RUSTY (v.o) …every morning he wakes up at 9:30 sharp. 55 BENEDICT starts to dance in his underwear. He dances his way to the bathroom. He dances while he brushes his teeth. He dances his way into the shower. RUSTY (V.O) He hops in the shower at about 9:33…he spends about 15 minutes in there… BENEDICT dances in the shower rhythmically smacking his soap soaked butt. RUSTY (V.O) …at about 9:48, he heads down stairs…he eats the same thing every morning…7 pancakes…9 sausages…6 strips of bacon …and eggs. BENEDICT at breakfast table with TESSA. He eats in fast motion. TESSA, with coffee cup in hand, frozen in place as she watches BENEDICT devour the truck load of grub. RUSTY (V.O) …He finishes eating at about 9:56…then he’s off to living room where he turns on “Good Morning America”… BENEDICT turning on television. Television is just static. BENEDICT is livid, as he picks up phone and yells a minute. He throws the phone back down. EXT. OUTSIDE BENEDICT’S MANSION MUSIC FADES WITH AN ECHO. RUSTY (v.o) …and that’s where we got him. Your going in as a cable girl…your mission is to seduce him. INT. NETROM CABLE VAN – MORNING QUICKCUTS TO GINGER, RUSTY, AND STANLEY STANLEY Well…now you know. GINGER sits their a moment still as a deer in truck headlights. ANGEL This should be easy for 56 you…didn’t you win “Flavor of Love”?… EXT. FLAV’S FOYER IN HIS MANSION – NIGHT – (Flashback) GINGER and NEW YORK, weird, dramatic, black female standing parallel to each other. FLAVA FLAV I think I’m gonna roll with Ginger, New York. NEW YORK stands next to GINGER and looks over at her disgusted. NEW YORK gets livid, she runs around the room screaming, and throwing things. QUICKCUTS to FLAVA FLAV, BIG ROCK, and GINGER looking on at her tantrum. NEW YORK I don’t care…I don’t want you anyway, I’m not going anywhere I’m staying right here! Your time is up. She continues to ramble as FLAVA FLAV turns to BIG ROCK. FLAVA FLAV Take care of this for me Rock. BIG ROCK walks outside. NEW YORK still talks smack to FLAVA FLAV, as GINGER looks on in dismay. BIG ROCK comes back inside with the dinosaur from FLAV’S front yard. BIG ROCK walks over to NEW YORK and smacks her with the lizard making a loud crack! NEW YORK lays flat on the ground, as her hair crawls away. INT. NETROM CABLE VAN – MORNING ANGEL If you can roll wit a black skid mark, you can definitely hold down Arnold Benedict. GINGER hesitates a minute GINGER All right…whatever it takes…I’m in RUSTY Great. 57 EXT. GATE AT GUARD TOWER – MORNING Netrom cable truck pulls up to gate rail. Guard approaches the van from the tower. GINGER rolls down her window. She gives the guard a seductive look. The guard is mesmerized. GUARD #1 …May I…May I see some I.D please? GINGER slowly reaches down for I.D while still locking eyes with the guard. She begins to smile at the guard, as he smiles back. GINGER (Sexy) Here you go. Guard is holding the I.D in his hand…though not looking at it. The I.D has a picture of very obese Caucasian male with thick beard and handle bar mustache. He holds it for a minute, making eye contact with her, then gives it back to her. He walks back to the watch tower. GINGER still obtains a seductive look. He opens the gate as she blows him a kiss, and drives off. EXT. BENEDICT’S MANSION – DRIVEWAY – MORNING (ala The Italian Job) GINGER pulls up into driveway and parks. GINGER (on earpiece) Okay, guys…I’m in. STANLEY (v.o) Fantastic. Moments later, two Rottweilers jump up on the side of the van. They bark viciously. She exits the van, and pets the dogs on the head kissing for them. The dogs stop barking and become very friendly. BENEDICT walks outside. BENEDICT Hey…what the hell’s going on… Both dogs humping her leg. BENEDICT (CONT’D) (to dogs) Get in the house…hey…now… The dogs begin to growl at BENEDICT. GINGER convinces them to go into the house. BENEDICT looks up and is stunned. GINGER It’s okay…I love all dogs. 58 BENEDICT Have we met before? GINGER Yeah. BENEDICT wonders GINGER (v.o) I’m that girl from your dreams BENEDICT smiles. BENEDICT Oh really… BENEDICT and GINGER just lock eyes a minute GINGER You wanna show me to that problem? BENEDICT glances at the cable truck BENEDICT Sure. INT. BENEDICT’S MANSION GINGER and BENEDICT walk through front door. GINGER (in a gasp) Your house is so beautiful! BENEDICT Thank you…I’m glad you like it…maybe you can visit some other time. GINGER Maybe I can spend the night. BENEDICT I knew it was going to be a good day. TESSA enters entrance hall. TESSA Daddy…is…this the cable guy? TESSA gives GINGER a dirty look. GINGER just smiles back 59 at TESSA. GINGER Hi, I’m Ginger… She shakes TESSA’S hand. TESSA looks and GINGER’S shirt. She notices GINGER’S name tag that says “LARRY”. TESSA Ginger huh?…who’s Larry? GINGER’S smile slightly descends. They exchange moderate expressions. GINGER (to Benedict) Why don’t you show me to that problem? BENEDICT Sure…follow me. BENEDICT leads the way to the living room, as GINGER follows. She looks back at TESSA and gives her a scowl. TESSA preserves a look of suspicion. INT. BENEDICT’S LIVING ROOM BENEDICT walks over to living room table, picks up remote controller, and turns the television on. The television has a mute static. BENEDICT It just went out this morning. TESSA hides behind a wall from 2nd floor monitoring BENEDICT and GINGER’S activity. GINGER slowly grabs the remote out of BENEDICT’S hand. GINGER Sometimes there’s no problem at all…sometimes you just have to rub it the right way. GINGER strokes the remote control between her breast area. CAMERA PANS up to GINGER’S lips. BENEDICT stares at her lips, as she licks them. GINGER …and then when it’s ready …it will do it on it’s own. TESSA has a look of critical disbelief. 60 TESSA (to herself) What the hell? GINGER and BENEDICT lock eyes. They slowly look like they’re moving in for a kiss. INT. NETROM CABLE VAN RUSTY (to Stanley) Turn it back on…now, now… STANLEY rapidly types on laptop. INT. BENEDICT’S LIVING ROOM – MORNING They are moving closer and closer to each other. BENEDICT with his eyes closed, and GINGER with her eyes wide open with worry. The television turns on. GINGER and BENEDICT stop what they’re doing and look around. TESSA stands in back of them holding television remote in hand. TESSA It looks fine to me. BENEDICT (to Tessa) You have no idea. GINGER Well this was fun…we should do this again sometime. GINGER takes out a pen. She takes BENEDICT’S hand and writes on it. TESSA squints her eyes in incredulity. BENEDICT giggles to himself. GINGER hands him documents to sign, and he signs them. While still staring at TESSA, she gets up and heads for the door. She turns back to BENEDICT. GINGER See you soon? BENEDICT Definitely GINGER blows him a kiss and keeps walking. She passes TESSA on her way to the door. GINGER (to Tessa) What was your name? …Algebra Test? 61 TESSA smiles TESSA It was nice to meet you…Cinnamon. They exchange smirks GINGER See you soon. MUSIC BEGINS (“Do Something” by Britney Spears) GINGER exits the door closes right behind her. TESSA heavily sighs INT. BENEDICT’S MANSION – MORNING – DAYS LATER – MUSIC CONTINUES The door opens right after it closes instantaneously. GINGER enters arm and arm with BENEDICT. They walk passed TESSA sitting on a couch reading a book. TESSA puts her book down and looks into kitchen. GINGER is feeding BENEDICT strawberries. Their commotion is loud enough to drive TESSA to madness. BENEDICT walks GINGER to the door. GINGER gives BENEDICT a long kiss, while looking at TESSA. TESSA takes this in frustrated, as GINGER exits. BENEDICT closes door after her. INT. BENEDICT’S MANSION – NEXT NIGHT - MUSIC CONTINUES Door opens as soon as it closes enters with stunning red dress, watching television. She double head. BENEDICT and GINGER exit. gets up from couch. from previous night. GINGER while TESSA sits on couch takes at GINGER and shakes her TESSA hesitates a moment and EXT. RESTAURANT - VALET AREA – NIGHT - MUSIC CONTINUES A red Lamborghini pulls into the valet station in front of a Restaurant in Los Angeles. BENEDICT exits the car. He walks over to the passenger side door. He opens the door for GINGER, as GINGER exits. BENEDICT hands valet car keys, as they walk into the restaurant. TESSA momentarily pulls up in silver convertible Lexus. INT. SILVER CONVERTIBLE LEXUS – NIGHT TESSA sits in her car, in the parking lot. She’s looking through binoculars in the restaurant window. BENEDICT and GINGER are seated. They sit talking a minute. BENEDICT reaches in his pocket. He pulls out a case of some sort. He opens it. It’s a ring. GINGER gets excited. TESSA lets her binoculars down slowly. She throws a fit in car and speeds off. MUSIC FADES out with an echo 62 EXT. RUEBEN’S BACKYARD – BASKETBALL COURT – NIGHT DANNY, RUEBEN, RUSTY, and GEN play basketball on RUEBEN’S NBA size outdoor basketball quad. DANNY’S cell phone rings. DANNY shoots the basketball and runs over to his phone and picks it up. INTERCUT between DANNY and TESSA. DANNY Hello… INT. BENEDICT’S MANSION – TESSA’S BEDROOM TESSA …I wanna see my fathers face when we rip off his theaters. EXT. RUEBEN’S BACKYARD – BASKETBALL COURT DANNY What do you mean? INT. BENEDICT’S MANSION – TESSA’S BEDROOM TESSA You don’t have to play dumb Danny, Rusty told me everything. I’m in. She hangs up phone. EXT. RUEBEN’S BACKYARD – BASKETBALL COURT DANNY looks at his phone, then to RUEBEN and RUSTY DANNY Tessa’s in… He hangs up phone RUEBEN Well, alright! It’s a go then. RUEBEN checks ball with DANNY. RUSTY Are you sure you don’t want me to guard him, Danny? DANNY turns to RUSTY. 63 DANNY I got this Russ relax RUEBEN takes his shirt off. DANNY returns the ball to RUEBEN while still facing RUSTY. He turns back to RUEBEN, as RUEBEN jumps up for a shot attempt. We run in slow motion, as RUEBEN’S wet stomach smears all over DANNY’S face while he reacts accordingly (ala Along came Polly) MUSIC SCORE BEGINS EXT. LA PLAZA PARKING LOT – MORNING A BHL van pull into La Plaza parking lot and parks. DANNY (v.o) Okay, fifth task…intelligence. We need to get a blueprint Interior of the La Plaza…Tessa? It’s up to you. INT. BHL VAN In the truck sit STANLEY, TESSA, DANNY, PAULKER and TYRIEK. TYRIEK Nah, nah why does it gotta be up to her? DANNY sighs DANNY Does your father own the building? TYRIEK hesitates, as PAULKER elbows TYRIEK and shakes his head. TESSA looks over at PAULKER and TYRIEK. DANNY (to Tessa) Stanley hooked us up with a mic-robe 16 DANNY pulls out a shirt pin DANNY (v.o) …this is a device that can scan it’s entire surroundings, when voice activated, making a 3-D replica of the operation’s vault here on Stanley’s laptop. 64 PAULKER So what do we do? TESSA pulls out a brown box. She opens it and takes out two shirt uniforms. TESSA You’re BHL delivery drivers. PAULKER and TYRIEK glance at each other. TESSA You’re delivering “Get bitched or die cryin’” along with 3 other films. MUSIC SCORE FADES OUT INT. LA PLAZA THEATER MAIN LOBBY (ala The Perfect Score) TESSA walks over to the operation’s door holding clip board in hand. PAULKER and TYRIEK soon follow rolling delivery dollies. PAULKER and TYRIEK walk into elevator. TESSA BHL Delivery, services the entire building…They change driver’s almost on a regular basis…they won’t know you, so just act like you own the place. TYRIEK That’s easy for you to say, you do. TESSA Do you wanna know what we’re up against of not? …you’ll be fine Elevator door closes while TESSA gives them a discomforting smile. INT. ELEVATOR PAULKER and TYRIEK exchange glances, then face front. TYRIEK looks back at PAULKER. TYRIEK Who’s hotter, Tessa or Gin… PAULKER (confident) Ginger. 65 PAULKER looks back at TYRIEK INT. OPERATION’S ROOM PAULKER and TYRIEK walk down the main hallway discreetly passing employees. Front desk employee double takes, as PAULKER and TYRIEK make eye contact, but try to keep moving. FRONT DESK EMPLOYEE Excuse me?…May I help you? PAULKER and TYRIEK stop rolling the dollies. TYRIEK gets frustrated and sighs TYRIEK It’s cause we’re black. Front desk employee awaiting a response. PAULKER and TYRIEK look at each other in a loss for words. GEN walks into frame dressed in mail uniform pushing mail cart. GEN Uh…these are the new BHL slaves…you forgot your badges… PAULKER and TYRIEK look at GEN, then look at front desk employee FRONT DESK EMPLOYEE Okay…sign in. INT. OPERATIONS HALLWAY DOUBLE DOOR ENTRANCE PAULKER, TYRIEK, and GEN come through the double doors. They roll delivery dollies and mail cart fast down the hallway. GEN sticks his foot out, as TYRIEK trips over his foot and falls. PAULKER and GEN turn into the second door on the right. TYRIEK gets up and enters the door. GEN peeks his head outside the door, and look both ways. INT. MAILROOM GEN shuts the door, and locks it. PAULKER Man, where the hell did you come from? GEN shrugs off his mail uniform GEN Didn’t Danny tell you?…I’m the master of disguise. 66 PAULKER looks at TYRIEK. He shakes his head, as GEN unloads the mail cart. He throws all the packages he has in the cart on the floor. He rips the material up on the floor of the cart. PAULKER and TYRIEK coming closer as GEN reaches for the bottom of the cart. GEN Vuala! Tools and equipment are discreetly packed together at the bottom of the cart. PAULKER I guess we did just walk in…didn’t we? PAULKER, TYRIEK, and GEN all smile at each other. Cuts Back to tools and equipment INT. RUEBEN’S BASEMENT – NIGHT ROBBY, JAKE, ANGEL, and RONALD enter the basement door. They walk down the stairs, and approach STANLEY. JAKE You wanted to see us. STANLEY spins around on his chair STANLEY We’ve got a problem. EXT. RUEBEN’S MANSION CAMERA CUTS to the outside of RUEBEN’S mansion emphasizing the passing of time. INT. RUEBEN’S BASEMENT QUICKCUTS AROUND TO ALL THE BROTHERS IN SILENCE. CUTS TO STANLEY. ANGEL So, What your saying is… If Filthy Scent is at the premiere while we’re robbing It, you think Benedict is going to call our bluff. STANLEY Precisely. ROBBY That’s an easy one fellas. JAKE We do it some other night, 67 Right? ROBBY Wait, Jake…slow down you’re Looking at this the wrong way, this is good news for us. STANLEY Well how do you figure that? ROBBY We need to take out Filthy Scent before the world premiere. What better way to do that, then to get him in an excluded area where no one can hear him scream. JAKE thinks a moment, then comes to a realization JAKE At the sneak peek. ROBBY You got it. It’s open season gentlemen, and we’re hunting gorillas. EXT. LA PLAZA THEATER PARKING LOT – NIGHT A red HUMMER on 24’s pulls into the parking lot of the LA PLAZA. FILTHY SCENT, TOMMY YOYO, LLOYD SPANX, and YOUNGSUCK exit the vehicle. We PAN BACK and see ROBBY, ANGEL, JAKE, AND RONALD sitting in ROBBY’S car. INT. ROBBY’S CAR ANGEL There they go. ROBBY Let’s go. They exit ROBBY’S car. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER - AUDITORIUM 1 - NIGHT FILTHY SCENT and the P-UNIT sit in a lit auditorium, waiting for “GET BITCHED OR DIE CRYIN’” to begin. FILTHY SCENT gets restless. FILTHY SCENT What the hell is taking so damn long, son? TOMMY YOYO Why don’t you go up there and regulate Filthy? 68 FILTHY SCENT But that might actually entail physical a confrontation… LLYOD SPANX: I thought we was gangsta Filthy? FILTHY SCENT convinces himself. FILTHY SCENT (enthusiastically) Oh yeah…Yeah…I keep forgetting. LLYOD SPANX I question you sometimes Filthy. FILTHY SCENT You know this isn’t really me. I wanna come out the closet man. LLOYD SPANX, TOMMY YOYO, and YOUNGSUCK move over a seat. FILTHY SCENT moves over with them. FILTHY SCENT No, not like that man Damn…although, I do like long walks on the beach, fluffy pillows… LLOYD SPANX, TOMMY YOYO, and YOUNGSUCK with a look of disbelief. FILTHY SCENT (CONT’D) (Singing) …And I wanna be the reason You smile… LLOYD SPANX, TOMMY YOYO, and YOUNGSUCK are frozen solid. TOMMY YOYO (sarcastically) I’m starting to think That you were in love With Ja Rule… TOMMY YOYO laughs to himself. FILTHY SCENT stares at TOMMY YOYO with a straight face. TOMMY YOYO double takes at FILTHY. TOMMY YOYO Oh, hell nah man. I knew you was a fruity loop, that’s why you 69 got all those colors on your tank top. FILTHY SCENT What? TOMMY YOYO Who’s hotter Halle Berry, or Eric Benet? FILTHY SCENT Eric with of without dreads? All three of them look over at FILTHY FILTHY SCENT Let’s just go see what’s going on man. FILTHY SCENT, TOMMY YOYO, LLYOD SPANX, and YOUNGSUCK get up and exit the theater. INT. RUEBEN’S BASEMENT – NIGHT TESSA, DANNY, RUSTY, BASH EAR, STANLEY, PAULKER, TYRIEK, and GEN, as RUEBEN enters. RUEBEN So everything is straight? The mission is a go? STANLEY Yeah. We’re just about ready. RUEBEN slaps his hands together and rubs them firmly. RUEBEN looks around the room. GEN changes from his casual clothes into an all black outfit with his headphones in his ears. RUEBEN Are we missing someone? STANLEY If you’re referring to the brothers they had a prior engagement with other certain thieves. TESSA Wait, it’s the night before The premiere… STANLEY Don’t worry. They’ll be back, they only went to Detroit. 70 TESSA Detroit! Who’s gonna take the LA Plaza with me? DANNY I’ll do it. TESSA looks at DANNY. TESSA looks around the room. TESSA Where the hell did they go? INT. LA PLAZA THEATER – PROJECTION ROOM – NIGHT FILTHY SCENT, LLYOD SPANX, TOMMY YOYO, and YOUNGSUCK get off an elevator, and walk towards the projection reel. They turn a corner and see the projectionist tied up with tape on his mouth. They make their way over to the projectionist. FILTHY SCENT rips the tape off of his mouth. FILTHY SCENT What happened? PROJECTIONIST These four guys came up here and roughed me up. CAMERA PANS into FILTHY SCENT’S worried expression. PROJECTIONIST They left you a note. The projectionists points to a projection reel. FILTHY SCENT makes his way over to the reel. The reel is cut, running with a note attached to it. FILTHY SCENT snatches the note from the reel and reads it. TOMMY YOYO What’s going on Filthy? FILTHY SCENT picks his head up from reading the note. He turns to TOMMY YOYO, LLOYD SPANX, and YOUNGSUCK. FILTHY SCENT They found me. INT. RUEBEN’S BASEMENT – NIGHT STANLEY, RUEBEN, RUSTY, BASH EAR, PAULKER, TYRIEK, TESSA, and DANNY still stand around the room in disorganization PAULKER What do you mean other thieves? 71 STANLEY They believe that the P-Unit has the answers to Evelyn Mercy’s decease, and they went to go beat it out of them. RUSTY nods towards outside to DANNY. DANNY notices, as they both exit through patio door. They look back at the others. TESSA looking around the room. TESSA Wait…where the hell is Gen? An open window attracts TESSA’S attention INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER – NIGHT QUICKCUTS around the empty lobby of the American AMC. A security guard casually walks around, patrolling the hallways. We pan down with the guard as he walks passed a pillar, and continues. He walks passed another pillar and continues. He walks passed another pillar, GEN posts against this pillar staying out of sight. The security guard continues down the hallway swinging his night stick. GEN takes off running up the hallway parallel to the pillars. He comes to a door that requires a key card. GEN pauses, and feels around on his pockets. He realizes he doesn’t have it. GEN Shit. The guard stops in his tracks. GEN panics, running out of ideas, as TESSA swipes her keycard from inside the door. She pulls GEN into the room. Security guard turns around. TESSA lays on top of GEN on the other side of the door. Guard looks around in suspicion. GEN cracks a smile as TESSA notices. Guard goes on about his business, as TESSA pops her head up to check if the coast is clear. The guard is no where in sight. TESSA and GEN get up. TESSA What the hell was the last thing I said to you? GEN Pass the Cheetos. TESSA Oh. GEN Where the hell did you come from? 72 TESSA (Smiling) What? You’re not happy to see me? She pauses and looks down on GEN TESSA(cont’d) He is… GEN’S looks down at his crotch and notices, he has a bulge. He tries to fix it but falls to the ground. EXT. RUEBEN’S PATIO – NIGHT DANNY and RUSTY exit through patio door. They close the door after themselves. RUSTY Tell me that this is not about her…Tell me that this is about her or I am walking…I am walking off this job right now. DANNY It’s not about her…it’s Not entirely about her… Russ do you remember when we got into this business we said that we were going to play it like we have… RUSTY (with Danny) …nothing to lose DANNY (cont’d) Well I lost something… RUSTY So now were stealing two things. And when push comes to shove, if you can’t have both, which are you going to choose? And remember, Eleanor doesn’t split 14 ways… DANNY You mean Evelyn… RUSTY No, I clearly said Eleanor? 73 DANNY Who the hell is Eleanor? RUSTY points behind DANNY, as DANNY turns RUSTY Eleanor. In the distance the Gold SHELBY GT MUSTANG from “Gone In Sixty Seconds”. DANNY squints his eyes and looks back at RUSTY. DANNY No…dumb ass, Evelyn Mercy. RUSTY So this is all because of Evelyn? DANNY Something like that? Look here’s what happened. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER – NIGHT GEN and TESSA run down a hallway coming to another door. TESSA pulls out a key ring with several keys on it. GEN What are you a janitor? TESSA I will be when I mop the floor up with your greasy ass. GEN Oh…I see you got some Fi-yah! (fire) TESSA smiles at GEN. TESSA We’re about to go into the Operation’s complex… so, watch out there’s plenty of trip wire and motion censors… GEN Hey I’m the ghost man! The door opens, and they enter EXT. RUEBEN’S PATIO 74 DANNY So that’s basically what happened. RUSTY Why haven’t you told the brothers that? Clear your name. DANNY It’s pathetic. RUSTY Yeah, you’re right, it is. But let’s finish the job worry about this later DANNY Yeah. Danny and Rusty exit INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER OPERATIONS CENTER (ala Ocean’s Twelve) GEN runs ahead of TESSA, as TESSA closes a door behind her. GEN comes to a corner. GEN peeks his head around the corner, suddenly turns the corner in confidence, and smiles. GEN Now that’s what I’m talking about. As we PAN away from the area in front of the operation’s door, random setting laser trip wires go back and forth. GEN puts on his headphones and starts to break dance through them. TESSA walks into frame. She looks at GEN dancing and dodging the beams, and realizes. TESSA No, Gen? those are decoration beams. She motions for his attention more, and gives up. She walks passed GEN stepping through the laser beams letting him know that they’re not motion censors. He keeps maneuvering with his eyes on the floor. She walks passed him and shakes her head. She gets up to the operations door. She types in a four digit code sequence. The door opens, and she looks back at GEN. He is still dancing around the beams. She shakes her head and enters room. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY A security guard approaches a vending machine. He puts in one dollar, and presses “D4”. The M&M’s bag starts to drop, but a mechanical arm catches it and puts it back. Security guard notices and bangs the machine. 75 SECURITY GUARD Hey! Give me my candy! The vending machine screen displays in flowing words: “It’s my candy nigga”. The guard takes this in. SECURITY GUARD …Well then give me back my money… Vending machine screen reads: “It’s my guard gets upset, and walks away. Cuts says: “Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha”…The guard comes To the screen that says: “Oh shit”…The Glass covering, snatches all the candy walks away. money too, bitch”…Security Back to the screen that back with a fire axe. Cuts guard smashes in the from the machine, and INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER OPERATION’S ROOM – NIGHT TESSA just finishes her virus plant, logs out of her file, and turns the computer off. She looks over at the security monitor. She sees GEN getting off an elevator and enter a hallway where she sees two guards walking towards him in the adjacent hallway. TESSA Oh shit. She summons him on his earpiece INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER NORTH HALLWAY TESSA (v.o) Gen stop walking…there are guards right around the corner from you. GEN reacts accordingly, as the guards turn the corner. They walk directly to the elevator talking to each other. AMC GUARD #1 And then this arm grabs the M&Ms and puts them back…can you believe that shit? That Arnold Benedict is a cheap son of a bitch. They press the elevator button and the elevator door opens. They step into elevator, as the doors close. TESSA(v.o) Alright the coast is clear. Nothing happens. She calls him again. All of a sudden, GEN drops from the ceiling. Broken ceiling tiles surround him as he stands up and brushes himself off. GEN waves at TESSA in camera. 76 GEN (laughing) I’m freakin’ Spiderman dog. TESSA sighs to herself TESSA Alright, Gen…Get into position I’m about to get out of here! GEN gives her a thumbs up in the monitor and then takes off. EXT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER BALCONY – NIGHT (ala Mr. and Mrs. Smith) TESSA steps out on the balcony, as she pulls her purse out and connects it to a gargoyle head. She steps on the ledge, and leaps off the balcony. She travels through the air holding her purse that distributes a wire. The wire gets stuck. She cuts the wire and falls to the ground making a loud thud. She hops to her feet as we hear her car unlock. She enters the vehicle, and drives away. EXT. CAMERA ANGLE OF THE SKY MUSIC SCORE BEGINS The sun rises and sets in FAST MOTION INT. UPPER LEVEL OF RUEBEN’S GARAGE – NIGHT (ala Gone in 60 seconds) DANNY searches on the second floor of RUEBEN’S garage. He grabs an old box from the shelf and places it on a table. He opens it, and brings out of the box a leather jacket, and holds it in front of him. DANNY (to himself) I am a baaaaaad man! Lots of dust flies through the air. DANNY inhales some and starts to sadistically cough. INT. LOWER LEVEL OF RUEBEN’S GARAGE - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES DANNY walks down the steps of the garage with a tight leather jacket on. The garage door opens as TESSA pulls up in the driveway. She gets out of the car, as RUSTY looks at her in suspense. TESSA nods to RUSTY, and he smiles. DANNY stands in the middle of the group as we PAN all around him. DANNY Thanks…thanks for doing this…keep steady…think slow…we should be fine. 77 QUICKCUTS to PAULKER and TYRIEK, RUSTY and RUEBEN, BASH EAR and STANLEY. CUTS TO TESSA. DANNY Tyriek…Low rider… Tyriek? TYRIEK Uh…I don’t have Low Rider… DANNY sighs DANNY Well just give me whatever you have. TYRIEK presses button on the stereo. Music Begins (Can I Get A… by Jay-z). RUEBEN looks around at everybody as he smokes a cigar. Cuts To TYRIEK doing the robot. DANNY, in a tunnel vision raises his hands with a gesture to his ears, as his hands begin to shake. DANNY Okay let’s ride They all exit garage EXT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER – NIGHT – “WORLD PREMIERE NIGHT” RYAN SEABASS, spoofing American Idol’s host Ryan Seacrest, stands in a suit holding his earpiece in his ear. He can hardly hear himself speak because of the ovation. RYAN SEABASS Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Ryan Seabass. I’m outside of the Majestic 20, where the biggest movie premiere of the century is about to begin in a half hour. I’ve been running back and forth through the LA Plaza and the Majestic 20 trying to catch Filthy Scent before he enters. The turn out this evening has been tremendous at both locations and it keeps rising…I wonder who this could be. A limousine pulls up to the red carpet where RYAN SEABASS is. The driver exits and opens the door, as RYAN searches for who it is. RYAN It’s…It’s P.Didly…Let’s see If we can get a word from him. P.DIDLY, spoofing P.Diddy, exits the limousine. He waves to the 78 Crowd surrounding outside of the Majestic 20 theater. RYAN Hey…P.Didly how’s it going? P.DIDLY It’s going great. I’m happy to be here. RYAN I under stand you’re now working on “Making the Band 26”. Your time has passed, why don’t you just throw in the towel? P.DIDLY Cause this is Bad Boy baby and we don’t stop. RYAN But your last group sold like 11 records. P.DIDLY raises his voice P.DIDLY CAUSE THIS IS BAD BOY BABY AND WE DON’T STOP!!!! P.DIDLY grab RYAN SEABASS by the throat, and chokeslams him out of frame. He follows up with an elbow drop, completely disappearing out of frame as well. P.DIDLY raises into frame again. He adjusts his suit, and licks his lips. P.DIDLY Come on “Platinum Didly girls” P.DIDLY reaches his hand into the limo door, and grabs a little girl’s hand. Four 10 year old girls with tons of make-up on with a Paris Hilton swagger exit the limousine. They walk down the red carpet together, RYAN slowly rises to his feet. RYAN (in pain) That’s why you need a girl bitch… P.DIDLY runs back over to RYAN and “Judo Kicks” him in the face. P.DIDLY walks back. RYAN takes the hit and slowly timbers out of frame again. RYAN Seabass…out. EXT. CARNIVAL GROUNDS - NIGHT 79 A BHL delivery van pulls onto the carnival grounds. PAULKER, TYRIEK, and BASH EAR. They walk over to a covered piece of equipment labeled “Powerbomb”. PAULKER and TYRIEK look at each other as they assist BASH EAR in lifting the equipment into the van’s trunk. The van drives off. TYRIEK is left behind as he chases them out of the amusement park. EXT. LA PLAZA THEATER – NIGHT – WORLD PREMIERE CAMERA CUTS to an empty news camera frame. We shortly see RYAN SEABASS run into frame. He is bent over holding his knees breathing very heavily. RYAN SEABASS (breathing hard) Ladies and Gentleman this is Ryan Seabass…I’m now in front of the LA Plaza where the anticipation of Filthy scent’s arrival is still getting bigger… Another limousine pulls up to the red carpet. RYAN notices and moves in closer. RYAN This could be him ladies and Gentlemen…this could be Filthy Scent. The door swings open. BRITNEY SPREES, spoofing Britney Spears, exits with a baby stroller. RYAN gets soft. RYAN (to Britney) Oh, is this baby Sean? BRITNEY turns stroller around BRITNEY No…it’s baby Kevin. KEVIN FEDERLINE, grown man with 5 o’clock shadow, face is on a baby’s body. Kevin stares at RYAN SEABASS. RYAN’S terrifying facial expression. RYAN SEABASS Damn it. RYAN gets down in a track runner’s position. CAMERA MAN raises a gun and shoots it in the air. RYAN SEABASS starts to run. As he runs down the street, he dodges an old women on a walker. She raises her walker and hits him with it. He goes flying into trash cans on the curb. 80 EXT. MAJESTIC 20 LOADING DOCK - NIGHT A BHL van pulls into the loading dock behind the Majestic 20 theater. A black cat crosses their path, as PAULKER stops the van and motions his hand for the cat to cross. The cat waves back and begins to cross alleyway. All of a sudden, PAULKER steps on the accelerator. As speeding van is headed for the cat, it’s eyes get wider. The cat rolls over the van as PAULKER keeps driving. TYRIEK looks over at PAULKER. PAULKER looks back at him. PAULKER What? TYRIEK Was that really necessary? PAULKER That cat was black man, I don’t need nothing messing up this job. BASH EAR shaking his head. EXT. LA PLAZA THEATER – NIGHT – WORLD PREMIERE RYAN SEABASS gets excited as the limousine door opens. ARNOLD BENEDICT and GINGER KNOWSALL exit the limousine. ARNOLD BENEDICT We hear the crowd calling his name. He holds up a middle finger and shows it to everybody. RYAN SEABASS gets a word with him. RYAN SEABASS Here he is the man himself…Mr. Arnold Benedict CEO and founder of the Majestic 20, The American AMC, and the LA Plaza…what would you like to say to the folks at home? He turns the microphone over to ARNOLD BENEDICT, as BENEDICT pauses. BENEDICT Has Filthy Scent arrived yet? RYAN SEABASS Uh…no he hasn’t. ARNOLD takes this in. he walks away pulling GINGER by her arm. Cuts Back to RYAN SEABASS looking at the camera man shrugging his shoulders. RYAN SEABASS 81 I don’t know what that was about. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER - NIGHT QUICKCUTS around to the capacity of the theater. ARNOLD BENEDICT and GINGER socialize with guests as RUSTY monitors GINGER and ARNOLD BENEDICT from a distance. GINGER and BENEDICT walk passed RUSTY. GINGER glances at RUSTY, as RUSTY glances back. A crowd makes its way into theater #1. INT. P-UNIT MERCHANDISE WAREHOUSE - THEATER SCREEN FILTHY SCENT creeps against a wall, trying to stay out of sight. Men with guns, in S.W.A.T attire, guard a room that is glowing. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – EYE IN THE SKY STANLEY (to himself) Okay, Ginger is in place. STANLEY rapidly types on his laptop STANLEY (on earpiece) Okay Rusty, we’re set. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – GAME ROOM – Music Score Begins RUSTY inconspicuously walks through the game room. RUSTY (on cell phone) Okay Ginger we’re set. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – THEATER #1 GINGER sits next to ARNOLD BENEDICT in a dark theater. GINGER Paulker…Tyriek…we’re set. Women in front of GINGER shhhh’s her, as GINGER shhh’s her back INT. MAJESTIC 20 – BASEMENT PAULKER, TYRIEK, and BASH EAR push the “Powerbomb” down a corridor in the basement, as PAULKER gets on his rover. PAULKER (on walkie) Hold on man, we haven’t even set the damn thing up yet. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – THEATER #1 GINGER 82 (frustrated) Are you kidding me? our cover could be blown any minute now. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – BASEMENT PAULKER drops his walkie PAULKER Shit. TYRIEK and BASH EAR await instructions. PAULKER You guys we gotta think of something fast. Something catches BASH EAR’S eye. A switch on the wall cuts into camera frame as they move towards it. The switch is labeled “Power to the entire city”. They look at each other. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – GAME ROOM RUSTY sips a Pina Colada as four beautiful women pass him and smile, RUSTY smiles back. PAULKER (v.o) Okay, Rusty…we’re set. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – BASEMENT BASH EAR flips the switch “off”. EXT. CITY OF LOS ANGELES The entire city turns black in an instant SCREEN GOES BLACK. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER – BASEMENT – COMPLETE DARKNESS TYRIEK (in the dark) Don’t we gotta turn this shit back on? PAULKER We gotta wait 30 seconds. TYRIEK Well how much time has it been? PAULKER I don’t know. 83 The lights come back on. BASH EAR stands next to the light switch looking at his watch. PAULKER and TYRIEK hold each other in fright. BASH EAR looks at PAULKER, as PAULKER pushes TYRIEK off. They pause a minute. PAULKER How you think it’s going up there? INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER LOBBY – Music begins The entire capacity in a riot. We see Women running, and men fighting and shoving. A women jump off concession stand counter and kick another women in the face. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER SECURITY CENTER Several security guards rooting in front of a monitor. cuts to the monitor, they’re watching a bra and panties match between two women in WWE Smackdown. We PAN behind the guards. We notice the monitor with the commotion down stairs is unattended. INT. MAJESTIC 20 – THEATER #1 BENEDICT and GINGER look on at the action as it continues in their auditorium. BENEDICT is in confusion. BENEDICT (to Ginger) Get your coat. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER LOBBY (ala Ocean’s Eleven) BENEDICT and GINGER exit through the theater doors. The riot is still going on in the lobby of the theater. Employees and theater guards try to restrain them. BENEDICT and GINGER continue to burrow through the congestion. a cell phone rings. BENEDICT looks over at GINGER. BENEDICT Aren’t you going to get that? GINGER I don’t have a cell phone. She reaches in her pocket and pulls out a cell phone. GINGER This isn’t mine. The cell phone that has pink glittery letters on it, that say “GINGER’S phone”. BENEDICT looks at GINGER. GINGER It’s not. BENEDICT flips open the cell phone. it has a screen saver of 84 BENEDICT and GINGER at Disneyland. BENEDICT looks at GINGER again, as she confesses. GINGER Oh, you thought I said Cell phone?…I said smell Phone…you know that phone That you can smell who You’re talking to… BENEDICT looks at GINGER in suspicion. The cell phone says: “One missed call”. BENEDICT opens the phone and calls back. We hear RUSTY’S ring back tone. (“Ain’t no other man” by Christina Aguilera). RUSTY picks up. BENEDICT Hello? RUSTY Hello Arnold…would you like To play a game? BENEDICT Jigsaw? RUSTY No. BENEDICT Than who is this? RUSTY The man who’s robbing you. CAMERA PANS into BENEDICT’S face, as he turns to GINGER. they pause a minute. They both get tackled by passing brutes. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER SECURITY CENTER (ala Ocean’s Eleven) BENEDICT and GINGER enter the security center. Watchers who are off task snap into shape when they see BENEDICT enter the security center. BENEDICT What the hell is going On in the vault? WATCHER #1 Nothing sir. It’s all normal. BENEDICT Show me. The watcher switch through the monitors cameras. He comes to the vault’s image. It’s all clear. 85 BENEDICT Nice try as hole. RUSTY (v.o) Your watching your monitor? …okay, keep watching. The vault image changes. Three men, dressed in black, work inside the vault. They are filling duffle bags up with stacks of cash. They stop and wave at the monitor, then they start to break dance. BENEDICT Find out how much money we have down there. BENEDICT(cont’d) (Ginger) It would be better if you weren’t around… He turns around and ginger is no where in sight. the glass door that they came through gently comes to a close, as BENEDICT takes this in. BENEDICT (on cellular) Okay, so you broke in My vault…you’re a dead Man. RUSTY(v.o) Maybe. BENEDICT Maybe? May I ask how you expect to leave. Do you think that I’m going to allow you to carry bags of my money out of my theater doors? INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER GAME ROOM RUSTY walks through the game room, holding a cell phone to his ear. RUSTY Nope your going to carry It out for us. BENEDICT(v.o) And why would I do such a thing? 86 RUSTY Take a closer look at your Monitor. As your manager is probably reporting to you now, you have a little over $757,000— in your vault tonight. You may notice were only packing about $433,985. The gross for “Get Bitched or die cryin’”. RUSTY stops walking a minute RUSTY (cont’d) All the other money were leaving in your vault, booby-trapped, as a hostage. CAMERA CUTS to the monitor screen. We PAN INTO the screen and see three black duffle bags wrapped with c4. RUSTY I don’t need to tell you what the situation is. You know. CAMERA PANS into ARNOLD BENEDICT’S face. He has a large booger in his nose. RUSTY (v.o) You let our money go and you Get to keep the rest. The rest That your theater is actually Entitled to. That’s the deal. You try and stop us, we’ll blow both cash points. BENEDICT pauses a moment BENEDICT (to manager) Make the call. Theater manager with phone in his hand dials. INT. EYE IN THE SKY STANLEY in his room smoking with RUEBEN. The room is full of smoke. the phone rings, and STANLEY answers. STANLEY The boys in blue. MANAGER What? STANLEY (realizing) 87 Oh shit…uh…hold please. He puts manager on hold. We hear holding music, as manager puts the phone on speaker. All the manager’s dance slowly except BENEDICT. BENEDICT HEY! They all stop dancing, as STANLEY gets back on the line. STANLEY (v.o) Security Center. Manager nods at BENEDICT, as BENEDICT acknowledges. BENEDICT Okay…you have a deal. RUSTY Fantastic…here’s what you do. RUSTY walks out of frame as the SCENE SHIFTS INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER LOBBY – Music score begins RUSTY The guys in the vault will deposit six bags into the vault elevator. Three of your guards will pick up the bags and carry them out to the theater floor…Now if they take More than 10 seconds to reach the theater floor, or if we think the switch has been made…we’ll blow the money in the bags and the money in the vault. Guard #1 in the elevator attempting to open one of the bags. Guard #2 slaps his hand. Guard #2 discreetly reaches his hand in the bag, gets shocked, and drops the bag. The open bag on the floor REVEALS an electric fence that is labeled: “STRONG FENCE” RUSTY (v.o) As soon as your guards hit the floor…two BHL delivery vans are going to pull up in your valet station. Your guards will load the bags in the van’s rear. If any one so much as looks in the driver’s door, we’ll blow everything. Five syntax security guards run right by RUSTY on his phone RUSTY (cont’d) 88 When I get word the van is away, and the money is secure, my men will exit the building and once their safety is confirmed…you’ll get your theater back. Three men in all black, exit the elevator. They dance and taunt the theater staff as they make their way to the exit. A brute guard approaches them, as another guard holds him back. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER SECURITY CENTER BENEDICT Now I have complied with your every request, would you agree? RUSTY I would. BENEDICT Good…than I have one of my own…run and hide ass hole… run and hide…if this time next week you’re sharing a margarita and a hot tub with four girls named Paris and Nicole…I am going to be extremely disappointed because I want my men to find you, and when they do, you’ll be sharing a shower with Kane and the Undertaker. So my advice is simply run and hide. That’s all that I ask. BENEDICT looks at his phone realizing there is no one on the other line with him. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER RESTROOM RUSTY’S phone sinking to the bottom of a fish tank next to a gold fish. The gold fish gets eaten by a shark. INT. MAJESTIC 20 THEATER SECURITY CENTER CAMERA SLOWLY PUSHES into BENEDICT’S face BENEDICT Take the van. EXT. LAX AIRPORT PARKING LOT – NIGHT Two BHL vans pull into the airport parking lot followed by nine special security vehicles. The vans come to a complete stop parallel to each other. Security officers exit their vehicles and get into position pointing their guns. 89 SECURITY OFFICER #1 Get out of the van now! The two immobile BHL vans park parallel to each other, as the engines continuously run. SECURITY OFFICER #1 Take the tires. Security officers shoot out the back two Security officer #1 approaches the first and opens it rapidly. A blow up sex doll seat. He looks at the other officers, as tires on both vans. van’s driver side door, sits in the driver’s they await an answer. SECURITY OFFICER #1 I’ll be right back. Security officer #1 pulls off his suit coat and drops it on the ground. He unzips his pants and enters the driver’s door and closes it. Security officer #2 shakes his head, as other officer’s approach both trunks of the vans. We PAN INTO the double doors as they creep closer and closer. KABLAAAMMMMMM!! A Blue Mini Cooper blasts out of the first van’s trunk, and a Red Mini Cooper blast out of the other trunk simultaneously. This happens quicker than the officers can react, some officers get ran over by the coopers. The Mini Coopers drive out of the airport parking lot. (ala The Italian Job) SECURITY OFFICER #2 Follow those bugs. SECURITY OFFICER #3 They’re Mini Coopers. SECURITY OFFICER #2 Whatever. They get back into they’re squad cars, and they drive after them. Camera Cuts to the driver’s side door of the BHL van. Security officer #1 gets out of the van with his pants around his ankles holding his head with the blow-up doll covering his penis. SECURITY OFFICER #1 What the hell was that? EXT. ABANDONED WAREHOUSE – NIGHT (ala 2fast 2furious) Two Mini Coopers pull into the warehouse parking lot followed by squad cars. They drive towards the warehouse’s garages. Two garage doors let up, as the coopers drive inside. The garage doors 90 close, as the security officers once again take position with their guns pulled. CAMERA CUTS to the warehouse garages, as we hear engines revving in the distance. Security officers look at each other. All of sudden the garage doors open. The security officers get ready. Two dozen mini coopers exit the warehouse. Security officers slowly let down they’re weapons looking on at the cluttering. The mini coopers begin to drive around the squad cars, as the officers draw they’re weapons, and they command everyone to stop. All of the mini coopers stop simultaneously, and just sit there. Security officers have no idea what is about to happen. All of a sudden. The Mini Cooper’s doors open. The officers are awaiting the worst getting ready to fire. Another moment. All of a sudden midgets exit from both driver’s and passenger’s doors in all the Mini Coopers. They run around screaming in a rampage. CAMERA CUTS to the expressions on the security officer’s faces. They just stand there with their mouth’s open. INT. DIM ROOM WITH A SINGLE CHAIR (ala Mission: Impossible III) The bloody face of DANNY SEAWATER. He opens his eyes after being shocked with a device. Standing over him is ROBBY MERCY with a serious expression. He stands in front of someone in a chair with bag covering their face. He takes off the bag. TESSA is terrified with tape on her mouth. ROBBY What happen to Evelyn? DANNY (in a daze) I…I thought I told you. ROBBY I’ll ask you again…what happen to Evelyn? DANNY (in a daze) I told you we…we um…we were in the truck with Filthy Scent. QUICKCUTS TO ANGEL with a serious expression as well. QUICKCUTS TO RONALD and JAKE with a similar look. ROBBY You have ten seconds to tell me what happened to her. Nine. DANNY tries to shake out of his shackles but it’s no use. he calms down DANNY (calmly) 91 Wait…wait…She’s in…She’s In Detroit. ROBBY She’s not in Detroit. Eight. DANNY Just let Tessa go…and we can talk like gentlemen. ROBBY We are talking. Five. DANNY pauses DANNY Wait what happen to seven, six? ROBBY You just said them. Four. DANNY What? ROBBY You’re not listening. Tell me what happened to Evelyn. Three. DANNY I know…I know…I’ll tell you…but let her go. This is between us. So let her go and I’ll tell you. ROBBY (Shouting) YOU THINK THIS IS A GAME? YOU DON’T THINK I’LL DO IT! I’LL KILL HER I SWEAR TO GOD! TWO! ONE! ZERO! DANNY starts to hyperventilate. TESSA that looks at ROBBY. We hear a loud gun shot, as DANNY faints. screen goes black A pair of eyes start to open. ROBBY stands over DANNY holding in an uncontrollable urge to laugh. ROBBY Damn, Danny, we were just messing with you. TESSA and ANGEL laughing in the background. Cuts To JAKE and 92 RONALD also hysterical. ROBBY Hey? It’s a fake gun. DANNY How’d my face get so bloody? JAKE Oh that’s not blood. You fell asleep in your Ravioli, so we decided to mess with you. INT. OFFICE BUILDING – NIGHT ANGEL Rusty’s team already hit the Majestic. They gave us the green light. The security at the LA Plaza is heavy because of the other heist…Arnold Benedict even showed up. DANNY looks up at ANGEL DANNY Where are we? JAKE We’re in the Snyder & Billikans building…it’s the law office across from the L.A plaza. The LA PLAZA building is visible through a large window in the room. JAKE (cont’d) We need to figure our Infiltration point. DANNY gets up with an idea of how they can enter the building. DANNY Wait a minute. DANNY picks up a sharpie marker. He approaches the glass window that they can see the LA PLAZA from. He starts to write on the window talking to himself through his equation. Cuts To ROBBY and JAKE. cuts to ANGEL and TESSA. TESSA The hell is he doing. 93 ANGEL I think he’s trying to work the physics of it. Right? I mean what else would he be doing? DANNY has drawn a dog, a tree, and two stick figures holding hands next to a lake on the window. DANNY Tessa? Remember that Time we went to the lake? TESSA Danny? What the hell? DANNY What? TESSA How are we going to get to the plaza? DANNY pauses EXT. ROOF TOP OF SNYDER AND BILIKANS BUILDING DANNY Now just follow my lead. DANNY picks up a construction pole. He breaks it in half, and picks up his jacket. He places the two pieces of the wooden poles into his jacket in a crucifix shape. DANNY spreads his arms in a wingspan. ANGEL Who is he, Macgyver? He runs to the edge, jumps off of it, and falls straight down. The group runs to the edge looking for DANNY’S flattened body on the ground. When they reach the edge they look down at the ground. ANGEL Shit…Do you see him? ROBBY Nah. TESSA You guys look. From the roof of the LA PLAZA, DANNY waves at them from the ledge. ROBBY and ANGEL looking at each other. 94 ROBBY Who’s next? JAKE sees a sign that says “this way to the La Plaza roof”. they follow it. EXT. ROOF TOP OF THE LA PLAZA They meet DANNY on the other side. DANNY Why didn’t I think of that? TESSA This doesn’t seem way too easy for you guys? The other look around at each other. GROUP (together) Nope. INT. EYE IN THE SKY – NIGHT STANLEY and RUEBEN sit in the room still smoking. A condom is stretched over the smoke detector. We hear a knock on the door, as RUEBEN get’s up and opens it. RUSTY, PAULKER, TYRIEK, BASH EAR, and GINGER enter the room. RUEBEN and STANLEY begin to clap. RUSTY Thank you…Thank you. Where are we now boys? STANLEY Well… STANLEY types on his laptop STANLEY (cont’d) Tessa’s cracking the safe INT. LA PLAZA THEATER – NIGHT The attendants of the La Plaza theater watching the lobby monitors, that have the commotion of the Majestic 20 riot. ANGEL, DANNY, and JAKE up on the ceiling ledge. ARNOLD BENEDICT looking at the monitors as well. DANNY How’s that safe coming Tessa? 95 INT. LA PLAZA THEATER VAULT TESSA listens through a stethoscope in her ears, pressing the receiver on the safe door. TESSA (on earpiece) Well I just about got it. She puts the last number in, and turns the knob. It doesn’t open. She turns in again. She yanks on it a couple times. She picks up a wrench and knocks the knob off. TESSA Piece of cake. She opens the safe, but it is empty. TESSA (on earpiece) You guys, the safe is Empty. INT. EYE IN THE SKY STANLEY glances at RUSTY, and picks up his radio INT. LA PLAZA THEATER LOBBY STANLEY (v.o) Danny? Tessa said the vault is empty. DANNY What? ANGEL taps DANNY on the shoulder. DANNY is attentive. ANGEL points to the lobby floor. A briefcase sits in the middle of the floor. We PAN forward a little bit. A guard walks away from it. We PAN BACK to the briefcase. ARNOLD BENEDICT approaching it. DANNY No, we got it. Tell Isabella she’s up. INT. EYE IN THE SKY STANLEY looks over at PAULKER and TYRIEK. PAUKER gets on his rover. EXT. LA PLAZA THEATER PARKING LOT A very sexy ISABELLA in a red midriff gown, sits in an orange Lamborghini, putting on lip stick. 96 PAULKER (v.o) Isabella? Your up. ISABELLA Copy that. She starts her engine. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER - BASEMENT – NIGHT DANNY changing clothes and ANGEL booting up his laptop. DANNY You guys weren’t really gonna kill me were you? ANGEL laughs ANGEL Nah…we like to joke around…you know we used to have our own show. DANNY takes this in as CAMERA SLOWLY PANS into his face DANNY Really? JAKE climbs out of ventilation shaft. JAKE Hey, you talking about when he fainted? ANGEL Yeah. They both start to laugh hysterically. DANNY sighs. EXT. LA PLAZA PARKING LOT ISABELLA pulls up in an orange Lamborghini. She steps out of it, and hands the keys to the valet. She enters the building. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER BASEMENT JAKE comes from out of ventilation shaft again. JAKE She’s here. DANNY Tell her to get as close as she can. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER CEILING LEDGE 97 ROBBY monitors BENEDICT’S activity up on the ceiling ledge. ROBBY (v.o) Okay, Isabella…make sure you get as close as you can… INT. LA PLAZA THEATER LOBBY (ala Mission: Impossible III) ISABELLA I know, I got it. ISABELLA inconspicuously walks about five feet in front of ARNOLD BENEDICT who’s still staring at the monitor. She applies make-up, to her face while pointing a hidden camera it bares at Mr. BENEDICT. She snaps a couple of pictures and sends them to ANGEL via email. She trips while she is walking and falls out of frame. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER – BASEMENT – NIGHT ANGEL rapidly types on his laptop. ANGEL Okay, now…we wait. Benedict’s ugly ass grill needs to pop up on my scana-bana. DANNY pauses DANNY Can somebody translate. JAKE We need to wait for Benedict’s profile to download so that we can make a duplicate head mask for you. DANNY Thank you. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER – LOBBY – NIGHT ISABELLA on the ground, buried in a large cake. This catches BENEDICT’S eye, as he approaches ISABELLA. ISABELLA Oh shit. BENEDICT Here let me help you. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER CEILING LEDGE 98 ROBBY (on Rover) Shit. Benedict made Isabella! INT. LA PLAZA THEATER BASEMENT DANNY snatches ANGEL’S radio out of his hand and calls ROBBY on his rover. DANNY Robby…Tell Isabella to do it now…it’s on to plan B. tell her to do it now. ANGEL stares at DANNY a moment DANNY What? ANGEL snatches radio back from DANNY ANGEL Don’t you ever touch a black man’s radio boy! INT. LA PLAZA THEATER LOBBY BENEDICT help up ISABELLA, as she puts her hand to her ear piece. BENEDICT Are you okay? ISABELLA grabs a glass of wine from passing waiter’s tray and splashes it on BENEDICT’S shirt. BENEDICT wonders. ISABELLA Oh…Oh…I am so sorry. BENEDICT It’s quite alright. I enjoy having red wine splashed on all my white shirts. ISABELLA But why? BENEDICT looks at ISABELLA, then walks away ISABELLA 99 (on earpiece) Okay…Danny. He’s coming your way. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER BASEMENT DANNY looks somewhat similar to ARNOLD BENEDICT. DANNY is about to enter the ventilation shaft leading to the men’s room, when ANGEL stops him. ANGEL Wait, Danny. DANNY What? ANGEL The voice box that I downloaded is having a little trouble. DANNY Trouble like what? ANGEL There’s sort of a glitch in the program so it might seem like you have a little bit of a stutter…and it may jolt you a little bit. DANNY Oh, well…I can handle that. DANNY climbs up into ventilation shaft. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER MEN’S RESTROOM (ala Mission: Impossible III) BENEDICT enters the restroom. He makes his way over to the sink. He turns the water on. He grabs a hand full of paper towels. He dabs the paper towels into the water. He starts to scrub his shirt. He puts his face down into sink. DANNY, who looks like BENEDICT, approaches him from behind. BENEDICT brings his head back up into frame. DANNY holds a recording device to his back. He brings BENEDICT to the floor. BENEDICT Who the hell are you you sexy bitch? DANNY holds a cue card in front of BENEDICT’S face 100 DANNY Read it…Read it! BENEDICT starts to read. BENEDICT The Perfect inside job is done in an Ocean’s Space with an Italian Swordfish. DANNY Thanks. He knocks out BENEDICT, and pulls him up on the sink. BENEDICT’S tie gets stuck in the sink drain. DANNY pulls him repeatedly from behind him. someone steps into restroom. DANNY stands behind BENEDICT in a compromising position. (Getting him from the back) we hear DANNY making noises. DANNY C-C-C-C-mon Come-come-come. Man backs out of bathroom. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER LOBBY Three security guards walk through the entrance doors looking around. they approach nearest associate watching monitor. BRUTE GUARD #1 Where is Arnold Benedict? ASSOCIATE #1 I think he’s in the bathroom. BRUTE GUARD #1 We don’t pay you to think… you’re fired! He nods at another brute guard. BRUTE GUARD #1 Take him out. Brute guard #1 and #3 continue walking. Brute guard #2 grabs associate and gives him the “Pedigree” in the background. INT. LA PLAZA THEATER LOBBY ARNOLD “DANNY” BENEDICT exits the Men’s restroom. He passes the guards. BRUTE GUARD#1 101 Are you alright Mr. Benedict? BENEDICT turns to them “DANNY” BENEDICT I’m F-F-F-F…fine just shut the F-F-F-F-…just be quiet. He continues walking. ISABELLA approaches “DANNY” BENEDICT. ISABELLA Oh, I do apologize… might I take you back to my room and pleasure you orally? DANNY smiles at her BRUTE GUARD #1 I don’t think that’s such a good idea, sir. A beaten and battered associate walks into frame with crutches. ASSOCIATE #1 We don’t pay you to think bitch. Associate starts to laugh, as brute guard #1 snaps his fingers at brute guard #2. In the background brute guard #2 picks up a steel chair and hits associate over the head with it. Associate spins around once, then hits the floor. Cuts To “DANNY” BENEDICT and ISABELLA look on at the bashing. They glance at each other, then turn back to the guard. DANNY The last thing I need is a B-B-B-B-B-aby S-S S-S-Sitter. So just L-L ISABELLA intervenes ISABELLA He doesn’t need a babysitter so just leave him alone. DANNY (out of breath) Thank you. ISABELLA Let’s go. “DANNY” BENEDICT and ISABELLA walk away from guards. CAMERA SLOWLY PANS into the guards face. 102 BRUTE GUARD #1 That’s not our Benedict. EXT. LA PLAZA THEATER PARKING LOT ISABELLA and “DANNY” BENEDICT make their way towards the orange Lamborghini. They enter the vehicle, and ISABELLA starts the car. They drive over a man hole, and stop. INT. ORANGE LAMBORGHINI (ala Mission: Impossible III) “DANNY” BENEDICT take off his mask. ISABELLA notices. ISABELLA Too easy. ISABELLA pushes a button on the dashboard, that opens a secret passage door in the floor of the Lamborghini. The man hole opens, and ANGEL come up into frame. ANGEL Sup? DANNY S—S-S-S… ISABELLA (intervening) Sup. ANGEL Did you get it? DANNY opens the briefcase. A manuscript labeled: “Get Bitched or Die Cryin’ 2” followed by: “written by Curtis Ellington” ANGEL That’s Filthy Scent’s real name? DANNY shrugs his shoulders. DANNY closes the briefcase and hands it to ANGEL. DANNY and ISABELLA unbuckle their seatbelts. EXT. LA PLAZA THEATER PARKING LOT The orange Lamborghini sits in the middle of the road blocking traffic. All of a sudden. The Lamborghini explodes in an instant. The guards look on through a window in the La Plaza. They look at each other, then crack a smile. EXT. ROOF OF SYNDER & BILLIKENS BUILDING ROBBY, BASH EAR, JAKE, and TESSA stand on the roof looking down at the detonation with shades on their face. BASH EAR holds a remote detonator. 103 TESSA Two down…One to go. The other driver’s get out of their car, and look at the flaming vehicle. GEN (v.o) My name is Gen Natalia. pay strict attention to what I say because I choose my words carefully… and I never repeat myself. INT. GEN’S CELL – UNDETERMINED GEN is up to his neck in a brown liquid substance. He is barely able to speak, as he is being submerged further. GEN I told you my name that’s the who…the where… INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER – NIGHT QUICKCUTS around the American AMC theater. Maintenance men mop the floors. Maintenance women wipe down windows. GEN (v.o) …can most readily be described as a shit hole. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER - “NIGHT BEFORE THE WORLD PREMIERE” QUICKCUTS around the American AMC theater’s restrooms. GEN (v.o) …But there’s a vast difference between being stuck in a tiny hole, and being stuck in shit. GEN struggles in the middle of the restroom floor stuffing himself inside of a silver septic tank. INT. RUEBEN’S BASEMENT – NIGHT GEN looks over blueprints with DANNY in a dark room lit by only a tiny ceiling lamp. GEN (v.o) The what is easy. Recently I helped plan and set in motion events to execute the perfect robbery. That’s also when. As for the why…beyond the obvious financial motivation it’s exceedingly simple…because I can. Which only leaves us 104 with the how… GEN’S dialogue echoes and fades INT. RESTROOM – NIGHT We slowly PAN into a restroom stall. CAMERA PUSHES through the door to a still toilet. It starts to shake around. It jumps up and down. A toilet flies across the room and shatter on the wall. GEN is covered from head to toe with…shit! INT. BACK DOOR – NIGHT GEN opens the emergency back exit. we reveal TESSA, PAULKER, and TYRIEK in maintenance clothes looking at GEN waiting to enter. TYRIEK Dude, you smell like shit. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER – LOBBY – NIGHT BENEDICT wakes up in the middle of the lobby floor. Man with a mask behind box office area gazes at him. BENEDICT looks around. Hostages are tied up on the floor, all wearing a P-UNIT vest and bandana’s over their face. BENEDICT gets up. BENEDICT Hey, you. What the hell is this? GEN This is your retirement Party, Mr. Benedict. BENEDICT The hell you talking about? GEN so dark the con of man. BENEDICT What the hell? Do I look like Tom Hanks? I don’t know what you think your doing, but you better hope Filthy Scent doesn’t hear about this. GEN Oh, I don’t believe we’ll be hearing from Filthy Scent for a long time… BENEDICT stares at GEN as he takes this in EXT. FROZEN LAKE MICHIGAN – MORNING (ala Four Brothers) 105 A parked car sits on a frozen lake, as the four brothers stand around it. They look in a certain direction. ANGEL You think he’s coming? ROBBY turns to ANGEL. ROBBY He’ll be here. The brothers glance at each other, then face front. JAKE Here they come. ROBBY smiles In the distance a red Hummer drives towards them. The brothers step forward a bit. The hummer gets stuck in the snow, as TOMMY YOYO and YOUNGSUCK get out and push. They get the car moving again. They pull up next to the brothers. FILTHY SCENT, LLOYD SPANX, TOMMY YOYO, and YOUNGSUCK exit the vehicle. FILTHY SCENT approaches ROBBY. FILTHY SCENT The Mercy Brothers…back in town. Who’s gonna be the one man? The brothers just lock eyes with FILTHY SCENT. ROBBY Neither one of us. The P-UNIT starts to laugh as they slap five with FILTHY SCENT FILTHY SCENT See they recognize, they recognize…ya’ll must have heard about me, huh? ROBBY Yeah actually we have. From the cop that served us this restraining order that you got against us. TOMMY YOYO, YOUNGSUCK, and LLOYD SPANX stop laughing and look at FILTHY awaiting an explanation. TOMMY YOYO Is that true Filthy? 106 FILTHY hesitates a moment FILTHY SCENT Nah man…never that. TOMMY YOYO snatches the paper from ROBBY’S hands. The signature at the bottom is FILTHY SCENT. TOMMY YOYO is disgusted TOMMY YOYO That ain’t gangsta Filthy. P-UNIT walk over to the brothers side. FILTHY SCENT gets upset. FILTHY SCENT What I don’t need Yall…who wanna do it? Huh? Who’s gonna take on the champ? You Tommy? The brother’s and the P-UNIT’S eyes shift behind FILTHY. FILTHY SCENT realizes, and turns around. A figure walks in the distance. TOMMY YOYO Damn…it’s gonna take a long ass time for him to get over here. He continues to walk, as the brothers and P-UNIT roll craps. Cuts To the figure still walking, as the brothers and P-UNIT playing cards. the figure getting closer, as the CAMERA CUTS to the P-UNIT and the brothers standing by a water cooler talking. FILTHY SCENT lays on the ground doing push-ups, as a pair of boots walk into frame. FILTHY SCENT Eighteen, nineteen, two hundred nigga. FILTHY SCENT hops to his feet. FILTHY SCENT So who yall wanna see get beat up, huh? Who’s gonna be the one? P-UNIT and the brothers smile to themselves, as FILTHY keeps talking. FILTHY SCENT What? As FILTHY SCENT turns around, “THE GAME” stares down FILTHY with furious expression. 107 FILTHY SCENT Oh shit. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY – NIGHT (ala Inside Man) BENEDICT What do you think you know? GEN Let me tell you a story. 16 years ago, a man was a working replica of J.D Rockefeller. He used others who were new to the movie industry; stealing their ideas, cheating them out of what was rightfully theirs. This greedy man ripped off rising movie studios, shut down sets, and bankrupted companies. Not only did hundreds of people loose their jobs, but he used the money he stole…to start a movie theater…Mr. Benedict, what would you think of a man who built his entire fortune and empire on scams and low morals? BENEDICT considers BENEDICT I’d say that’s one smart son-of-a-bitch. GEN pauses at remark GEN You’ll have to excuse me Mr. Benedict…but I have some money to withdraw. BENEDICT’S guards outside of the American AMC doors hold guns with bulletproof vests, behind patrol cars. BENEDICT You better hope that I don’t get out of here cause if I do… GEN (offering the door) Be my guest… BENEDICT takes this in BENEDICT Oh, well… 108 They start to walk to the door BENEDICT Hey, what do you say, we forget about this dangerous hostage situation, and we go across the street I’ll buy us a couple of steaks…no hard feelings? GEN The only cow worth killing and carving steaks out it’s back is you. BENEDICT and GEN exchange glances. CUTS TO BENEDICT. CUTS TO GEN. BENEDICT tackles GEN. They roll down the steps. INT. AMERCIAN AMC THEATER VAULT TESSA working on a computer, as PAULKER and TYRIEK stand behind her. PAULKER notices GEN’S trouble on security monitor. PAULKER Hey look. TYRIEK and TESSA look at monitor. TESSA Oh shit…what do we do? PAULKER exits. TYRIEK See that’s why we should have brought guns. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY A man in identical attire enters frame holding a rolled up movie poster. He approaches BENEDICT and GEN. BENEDICT has GEN in the “sharpshooter”. PAULKER Hey…Hey!…we done? BENEDICT let’s go of GEN. BENEDICT What are you going to do paper cut me to death? GEN pulls out a 9mm pistol, cocks it, and puts it to BENEDICT’S back. GEN 109 You just crossed the line we’ll be seeing you. EXT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER ENTRANCE DOOR (ala Inside Man) The door opens, and BENEDICT is being directed out the door with a pistol to his back. They push him out and close the door. BRUTE GUARD #3 Mr. Benedict are you alright? BENEDICT Shut up. He approaches the door again. BENEDICT What do you think your doing? Your not gonna get away…THIS AIN’T NO BANK ROBBERY! GEN reopens the door GEN I never said it was. He closes the door. BENEDICT Yes you did. GEN reopens the door GEN No. I didn’t. He closes the door. BENEDICT Yes, You did. GEN REOPENS THE DOOR GEN No. I didn’t. He closes the door. BENEDICT Yes, You did. GEN reopens the door GEN Yes, I did. 110 He closes the door. BENEDICT No, you didn’t. GEN reopens the door GEN Told you. He closes the door. BENEDICT Damn. BENEDICT gets frustrated and rips his tie off. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY GEN shuts the door. He walks with PAULKER. PAULKER Where the hell did you get a gun? GEN Relax. GEN shoots PAULKER and startles him. PAULKER Shit man…What the hell. JELLY BEANS lay on the floor by their feet GEN I got it from Target, it shoots “Jelly Bellys”. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER VAULT GEN and PAULKER enter GEN What the hell is taking So damn long? That could Have been my ass. TESSA It’s still going to take some time to transfer the money to all these accounts. The bank needed time to verify the transaction since it’s so large. It’s probably going to be another half hour. 111 GEN Half hour? TESSA Yeah, just go out there and stall…I need more time…make some demands order pizza or something. PAULKER and GEN exchange smerks EXT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER ENTRANCE DOOR The door opens. A man holds a gun to another man’s back with the same attire, he hands BENEDICT a sheet of paper. BENEDICT snatches it. They back up. The door closes. Brute guard trying to rush inside, as the door closes, he runs into it and falls BENEDICT (reading paper) 15 hungry people need food now…we also want a Jet and Samuel L. Jackson to stop making bullshit movies. What the hell is a Snake doing on a plane anyway? BRUTE GUARD Don’t you think it’s time we called the police, Mr. Benedict? BENEDICT slaps guard in the face BENEDICT No, there’s no cops. I’ll handle it. BENEDICT takes a cell phone out of his pocket. He dials. It rings. We hear a women answer. INTERCUT between BENEDICT and woman BENEDICT I believe we have another situation. INT. DARK OFFICE - NIGHT Women sits in an office lounge chair turned away from the camera. WOMEN At which branch? EXT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER PARKING LOT – NIGHT BENEDICT 112 At the American AMC. WOMEN (v.o) I’ll be there. She hangs up BENEDICT hangs up BRUTE GUARD #1 Who was that? BENEDICT I’m sending in a specialist. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY TYRIEK, PAULKER, and GEN sit around 10 boxes of Pizza Hut pizzas. GEN See…when you want something all you have to do is ask. We got our pizza…and thanks to Arnold Benedict…there’s not going to be a “Snakes on a Plane 2”… SAMUEL L. JACKSON tied up with the other hostages squirming around trying to un-tie himself. GEN walks over to SAMUEL and starts petting his bald head. GEN Who’s the man, that understands, that he’s not going to make no more shit flix? What? SAMUEL makes a noise GEN Damn right. EXT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER PARKING LOT – NIGHT A WHITE LINCOLN CONTENINTAL PULLs UP IN FRONT OF THE American Amc. BENEDICT approaches it. the door opens BENEDICT What took you so long? EVELYN MERCY I had to thaw my self…what the hell do you think. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER VAULT 113 A computer screen says…”Transactions complete”. TESSA smiles to herself. She glances over at the security monitor and double takes. TESSA Oh shit. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY PAULKER, TYRIEK, and GEN. GEN’S radio signals. GEN picks it up. GEN WGEN 97.3, what is your request? TESSA (v.o) Get all of your asses up here right now! PAULKER, TYRIEK, and GEN look at each other INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER VAULT – NIGHT PAULKER, TYRIEK, and GEN ENTER. TESSA hiding behind a chair. PAULKER Tessa? What the hell is going on? TESSA points at the security monitor TESSA Evelyn Mercy’s here. GEN Who the hell is Evelyn Mercy? PAULKER I thought Evelyn Mercy was dead? TESSA I thought she was too…look I used intern with her… INT. BEAUTY TEEN MAGAZINE HEADQUATERS – MORNING (ala The Devil Wears Prada) TESSA come in through glass doors. An office chair with it’s back to the camera. TESSA comes in quietly. TESSA Excuse me I have an appointment With Evelyn Mer… The women in the chair turns to the front. 114 EVELYN MERCY Who are you? TESSA Hi, my name is Tessa Bene… EVELYN MERCY Oh, yes Arnold’s daughter. Well, From what he says you sure don’t look like much. You have no style No sense of fashion, split ends… TESSA Excuse m… EVELYN MERCY ACCHH! Don’t finish your statement. TESSA How dare yo… EVELYN MERCY Zip it… TESSA If I… EVELYN MERCY zap it… TESSA I never… EVELYN MERCY That’s all. TESSA storms out of the office. Before she completely exits she knocks over a couple of books, she kicks the trash can. She starts to fling books and office accessories at EVELYN. EVELYN dodges everything. She grabs the receptionist desk. EVELYN with a calm expression, looks up at TESSA. EXT. SIDE OF OFFICE BUILDING - MORNING The receptionist desk flies out of the 11th story window and smashes on TESSA’S car. EVEYLN floats in the air and descends gently back into her seat and continues reading her book. TESSA looks out the window and sees her car smashed. She lets out a terrible scream… INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER VAULT – NIGHT (FLASHBACK ENDS) GEN, PAULKER, and TYRIEK watching TESSA’S every move. TESSA 115 You guys, if he’s sending her in…we need to abort this mission right now. GEN How the hell are we going to do that? Benedict and Evelyn will recognize you. CAMERA PUSHES into PAULKER and TYRIEK PAULKER We still have those Mini Coopers. EXT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER PARKING LOT – NIGHT ARNOLD BENEDICT with bulletproof vest standing behind the patrol car doors with the other guards. EVEYLN smoking a cigarette. BENEDICT (to guards) There was like three Of them…they grabbed Me from behind so I Started stomping them… EVELYN MERCY Please Arnold…If only your branch was as big as your bark. BRUTE GUARD #1 You mean bark is as big as your bite? Right? EVEYLN MERCY No. (Gesturing her fingers) Branch. Brute guards begin to laugh. BENEDICT I can see you’re wearing your Prada shoes today. The entrance door open, and guards get ready. SECURITY GUARD #1 Showtime. The security guards cock their guns ready to fire. Midgets exit the building. The security guards lower their weapons. SECURITY GUARD #1 (frustrated) 116 Okay I’m done. SECURITY GUARD #3 (nonchalant) You guys wanna go get a beer? All the security guards enter their vehicles and exit. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY – NIGHT ARNOLD BENEDICT, EVELYN MERCY, and brute guards enter the doors. They look around. Brute guard gets the others attention towards a huge passage in the floor and foot prints leading to the opening. BENEDICT What the hell is this? EVELYN MERCY Looks like they found Arnold’s escape route… BENEDICT (Not convincing) How’d that get there? BRUTE GUARD #1 Well they couldn’t have gotten far…if their on foot…or they could be on a… INT. TUNNEL – NIGHT Two Mini Coopers fly down the tunnel in a straight line. PAULKER and TESSA are both in the driver’s seat. GEN begs TESSA to slow down. TYRIEK begs PAULKER to slow down. The two vehicles drift around a sharp corner. INT. AMERICAN AMC THEATER LOBBY – NIGHT BENEDICT We can cut them off at the end of the tunnel… They exit. We PAN back from the entrance door. ARNOLD, EVELYN, and brute guards get into their vehicles and drive away. CLOSE ON: A closet door moves. The closet door swings open, and SAMUEL L. JACKSON exit. SAMUEL Man…I’ve had it with these mutha flippin’ 117 pranks, and these mutha flippin’ games…Ima go home…get some mutha flippin’ sleep… SAMUEL L. JACKSON exits still yelling to himself. We PAN BACK to the computer screen. The computer screen displays an automated shutdown counter with 10 seconds left. It also bares all 14 bank accounts with names and a bank balance of: $28,285,714.30 in every account. the computer shuts off. CAMERA PANS into the blackness of the computer screen. MUSIC BEGINS (“WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD” by Louis Armstrong) EXT. FRONT OF WATERFOUNTAIN – NIGHT (ala Ocean’s Eleven) – MUSIC CONTINUES DANNY, RUSTY, RUEBEN, GINGER, STANLEY, ROBBY, JAKE, ANGEL, RONALD, and BASH EAR lean on a railing looking at the water fountain. Two Mini Coopers pull up. PAULKER, TYRIEK, GEN, and TESSA exit vehicles. They join the others. They all look at GEN disgusted by the smell. TESSA looks over at GINGER. She squints her eyes and shakes her head. GINGER shrugs her shoulders. DANNY looks over at TESSA. They gaze at each other. DANNY pulls out a T-mobile Sidekick. He sends her a text message. TESSA picks hers up. She reads DANNY’S message. It says: “How long till you think we get caught?”. TESSA silently laughs. She writes back “a year and a half”. They both walk out of frame together. RUSTY smiles at RUEBEN. He gives RUEBEN a pat on the back. Then he exits. RUEBEN exits. The four brothers exit. STANLEY winks at GINGER, then exits. BASH EAR exits. PAULKER and TYRIEK give five. Then they exit. GINGER glances at GEN, who is already looking at her. He winks his eye at her. GINGER scowls at him and then exits. GEN remains at the fountain alone. The entire group comes up behind GEN, grabs him, and throws him into the water. They throw bars of soap in after him. GEN starts to laugh. GINGER falls into water as well. TESSA, who obviously just threw her in the water, gives GINGER the middle finger than exits. GINGER and GEN remain in the water. GEN gives GINGER a seductive look, then goes under water. WE FADE OUT “A YEAR AND A HALF LATER” EXT. SWITZERLAND DOCK – MORNING (ala Swordfish) GINGER bears a different hair style. A completely different look. It’s more conservative. She walks towards a yacht after leaving a Swiss bank. STANLEY stands at the wheel of the yacht. He waves to GINGER. GINGER waves back. She drops a quarter, and bends down to pick it up. In the distance STANLEY gets thrown off the yacht, as another man stands at the wheel. She gets on the yacht. GINGER Well, Stanley. $28 million 118 a piece…that Benedict is a real dumbass, huh? BENEDICT stands at the wheel of the yacht with a cigar in his mouth as turns around and smiles at GINGER. GINGER screams. MUSIC SCORE BEGINS INT. TOKYO PARKING GARAGE – NIGHT (ala Fast and the Furious: Tokyo drift) PAULKER and TYRIEK stand by three sexy asian girls next to their car. PAULKER has a shirt that says “Drift”, TYRIEK has a shirt that says “King”. LIL’ JJ walks into frame. he gives them a message. PAULKER and TYRIEK look at each other. PAULKER and TYRIEK enter their car. PAULKER starts the engine. They pull up next to a red Lamborghini. We slowly pan up into the passenger door. PAULKER and TYRIEK pull up next to the car looking in to see who it is. A tinted window. The window rolls down. BENEDICT! PAULKER and TYRIEK look at each other and scream! INT. PRISON CELL – MORNING – MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES PAULKER and TYRIEK are brought into a cell. STANLEY already sits in the cell soaking wet. INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT – MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES GEN stands in the recording “booth”. He hangs up headphones, and exits the booth. He “slaps five” with the producer, picks up his bag, and exits studio. GEN enters the hallway as he presses the elevator button. The elevator opens. BENEDICT stands there with hip-hop gear holding up a sign with his fingers. GEN runs, but gets clotheslined by a brute guard. GEN is dragged into the elevator. GEN screams. The elevator closes INT. SHOOTING RANGE – MORNING We PAN DOWN, and see men with ear muffs shooting at a target. We PAN DOWN to BASH EAR, who has no ear muffs. BASH EAR reloads his gun. He looks around. All the men leave. He faces front. His eyes get wide. BENEDICT stands pointing a gun at him. He shoots BASH EAR. BASH EAR on the ground with a rubber bullet laying next to him. BASH EAR getting dragged away. INT. PRISON CELL – MORNING – MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES PAULKER, TYREIK, GEN, and STANLEY in the cell. The cell door open. BASH EAR gets thrown into the cell. The cell door closes. BASH EAR gets up and holds the bars. BASH EAR screams. INT. BAR – NIGHT - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES The four brothers sit at a bar with shot glasses in their hands giving a toast. They knock their glasses together, as they shatter. ROBBY going to pay the bartender. Bartender lets him know, “it’s been taken care of”. ROBBY wonders, as bartender points in a direction. BENEDICT and four brutes toast him from 119 another table. The four brothers look at each other and scream. INT. MASSAGE PARLOR – MORNING - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES RUEBEN face down on a massage chair. a women sitting on his back rubbing him. Women being taken off his back, and large man gets on his back and starts choking him. the man turns RUEBEN’S head to the side. benedict on a massage chair getting rubbed by woman. benedict waves at RUEBEN, as RUEBEN screams. INT. FASHION SHOW RUNWAY – NIGHT - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES MODELS walk up and down the runway modeling lingerie. ISABELLA walks down the runway. She sees a handsome guy as she struts. as she walks back, she looks to eye the same guy but she sees BENEDICT and two brutes. ISABELLA screams. INT. HOTEL BAR – NIGHT - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES RUSTY sits at bar having a drink. He sees a beautiful women and approaches her. He whispers something in her ear. She smiles, gets up, and leaves with him. We see that she was sitting with two brutes that nod to each other, and follow them INT. HOTEL ROOM – NIGHT - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES RUSTY enters the hotel room with gorgeous women. He closes the door behind them. When he turns to face her, she takes off a mask, it’s BENEDICT laughing. RUSTY screams. INT. DANNY AND TESSA’S NEW HOME – MORNING - MUSIC SCORE CONTINUES Moving boxes pave a spacious kitchen. TESSA and DANNY cut into FRAME. She pulls a picture out of a box, she proposes that it be hung on the wall above the stove we notice that it’s the picture from DANNY’S apartment that says: “till death…no really till death”. DANNY hesitates. A black Lincoln navigator crashes into their kitchen. TESSA and DANNY are startled. The door opens as two brute followed by BENEDICT exit. TESSA and DANNY look at each other, and scream. INT. PRISON CELL – MORNING – MUSIC SCORE ENDS DANNY, RUEBEN, RUSTY, BASH EAR, PAULKER, TYRIEK, GEN, ROBBY, ANGEL, RONALD, and JAKE sit in the cell. There is an awkward silence. A guard approaches the cell door. CELL GUARD Seawater, you got a visitor. DANNY gets up and makes his way over to the cell door. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM – NOON DANNY SEAWATER enters the room. He hesitates when he realizes who 120 his visitor is. CUTS TO BENEDICT with coffee cup in hand. BENEDICT Daniel Seawater. Who would have thought the student would have ever become the teacher. How’d you do it? DANNY How’d you find out? They exchange glances a moment BENEDICT You first. BENEDICT and DANNY stare at each other a moment. INT. LIBRARY – NIGHT - FLASHBACK DANNY sits at a table, with a pencil in his mouth, reading a book in an empty library. DANNY(v.o) Well first of all…I did my research on you. BENEDICT(v.o) No, No, No…get to the good stuff…how’d you rip me off? INT. INTERROGATION ROOM – MORNING CAMERA CUTS to DANNY and BENEDICT DANNY Well, we first hit the Majestic 20… INT. MEN’S PRISON CELL – NOON The group still sits in silence. GEN How the hell did we get caught? We hear the group now talkative. Guard walks into frame from outside of the cell. CELL GUARD Hey! Shut the hell up bitches. We hear the men silent again. 121 GEN Hey guard…tell your Mom same time next Week but to take Her teeth out this time. CELL GUARD that was walking away now stops in his tracks. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM – MORNING BENEDICT Okay, Let me get this straight, stop me if I’m wrong. You stole the gross for “Get bitched or Die Cryin” so I would know that it was you who was robbing me. Knowing I wouldn’t call the police, because I stole the movie from you in the first place. CAMERA CUTS TO DANNY BENEDICT (cont’d) …And you stole my budget money for “Dark Doom 3” and had me sign a bogus contract by one of your people… DANNY Ginger. BENEDICT Right, Ginger…Had me sign a contract giving you permission to use the budget, and shoot a movie in my theaters, So none of the footage that I have on my video monitors of you cunts actually robbing the place would be valid. And then, even if you got caught, you recorded me speaking in code, acknowledging that I was the one behind this entire operation. Is that everything? DANNY Just about. INT. MEN’S PRISON CELL – MORNING A BRUTE GUARD has GEN in a headlock. The four brothers get up, but get knocked back down by two other guards. INT. INTERROGATION ROOM – MORNING BENEDICT 122 Well then tell me the rest so that this recording will hold up when I take you to court. BENEDICT brings out a recording device. DANNY I stole “Get bitched or die Cryin 2” because some dumb Ass by the name of Filthy Scent, thought it would be smart to write a true story about all the shitty deeds you’ve gotten away with citing the real victims as characters. BENEDICT takes this in. he yells and slams the device on the floor. it shatters. CUTS TO DANNY smiling. BENEDICT rubs his eyes. BENEDICT Okay, enough bullshit…Let’s look at our situation for what it is…I want my money back, you pricks wanna keep the money. I wanna get you bastards back for ripping me off, and you wanna get my guards back for kickin’ the dog shit out of you…Now where does that leave us? We hear a door open. DANNY and BENEDICT look towards the door. Enters WARDEN CLINTWOOD, 65, spoofing James Cromwell’s character from The Longest Yard. WARDEN Good evening, Gentlemen. Pardon me for intruding on your conversation but I couldn’t help over hearing your dilemma. BENEDICT Who the hell are you? WARDEN Oh, excuse me. Where are my manners…my name is Easte Clintwood… DANNY and BENEDICT that glance at each other with a smerk. WARDEN (cont’d) …Chairman of the XFL and the warden of this prison. 123 And you gentlemen just gave me a terrific idea for my season opener… BENEDICT and would that be hot shot? WARDEN “The Seawater Con Artists” v.s “The Benedict Guards” in a great American throw down… BENEDICT Who ever heard of cons playing guards in football? ADAM SANDLER walks passed the door and looks in the room. he looks into the CAMERA, shrugs his shoulders, and walks away. BENEDICT You know what? I have nothing to worry about. It’s a sure thing; every one of my guards is 6”3, 280 pounds…who do you have, midgets? DANNY stands to his feet DANNY As a matter of fact, we do. BENEDICT My guards versus your jokes, winner takes all. WARDEN CLINTWOOD whistles WARDEN Do we have a deal Mr. Seawater? DANNY You’re on. DANNY and BENEDICT shake hands. MUSIC BEGINS (“HEY” NFL theme) EXT. XFL FOOTBALL STADIUM – MORNING – MUSIC CONTINUES QUICKCUTS around the XFL football stadium. Thousands of Attendants cheer in the stands. Vehicles arrive in the parking lot. Other vehicles that can’t find a parking space pile up on top of other cars. QUICKCUTS around the XFL stadium continue. 124 RYAN SEABASS (v.o) Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Ryan Seabass…still wondering why I’m the only host in this movie…But I am out here at the season opener of the XFL, where it will be a little bit of a different event taking place today. It’s a grudge match, a score that needs to be settled, we don’t really know much more than that, except it’s going to be a big one. INT. SEAWATER CON LOCKER ROOM – MORNING – MUSIC ENDS The men change into their equipment. STANLEY and COACH SMILEY, Short, black, never stops smiling, enter holding a box. The men are attentive. STANLEY Gentlemen, gather round. The men get closer to STANLEY and SMILEY in the center. STANLEY (cont’d) This is assistant coach Smiley. He’s in charge of our whole football operation. TYRIEK So, what’s in the box? STANLEY puts the box down on a bench and opens it. TYRIEK picks up a jersey. The name on the back of the jersey says “WAIST DEEP”. TYRIEK looks at it. TYRIEK I guess, this one’s mine. All the other men pick out their jersey. DANNY’S jersey that says “Ocean’s Eleven”, PAULKER’S jersey that says “Into the Blue”, ROBBY’S jersey that says “Invincible”, and GEN’S jersey that has a question mark on the back. GEN That’s messed up. STANLEY (smiling) Wait till you see the guards jerseys. INT. BENEDICT GUARDS LOCKER ROOM – MORNING 125 A brute guard picks up a jersey out of an open box. He lifts the jersey into CAMERA VIEW. It says “Dick Guards” on the front, and a logo in the shape of a penis. The name on the back says “Pussy #1” BRUTE GUARD What the…SMILEY! INT. SEAWATER CON LOCKER ROOM – MORNING RUSTY approaches SMILEY and STANLEY. RUSTY What about other players? There’s only about 11 of us. STANLEY Smiley also hooked us up with some gentlemen that also wanna piece of Arnold Benedict. The Con’s locker room door crashes down. Ten brutes in Seawater Con jerseys, with the sleeves ripped off, approach RUSTY, STANLEY, and SMILEY. RUSTY Where have I seen these Guys before? STANLEY Remember “Dark Doom 2”? Dark Doom 3 was supposed to be there big break. One of the Con Brutes picks up an empty soda can and eats it. RUSTY is impressed. RUSTY What about cheerleaders? GINGER, TESSA, and ISABELLA enter the door way with “SEAWATER CON” uniforms on. The men are really attentive. a dozen other model looking women come into the locker room. RUSTY (smiling and winking) Where did they come from? ISABELLA These are models from my Agency. RUSTY (to Stanley) And the guards? 126 SMILEY Let’s just say we kept It in the penitentiary. INT. BENEDICT GUARD’S LOCKER ROOM – MORNING The guards locker room door opens. a group of inmate convicts dressed as cheerleaders being led by MICHAEL JACKSON, enter the locker room. MICHEAL JACKSON Hello boys. The guards look up, as their expression turns to fright. INT. SEAWATER CON’S LOCKER ROOM – MORNING midgets put on their jerseys, as PAULKER and TYRIEK look on. DANNY Alright men huddle up. The group get into a huddle. CUTS TO ROBBY, and ANGEL. DANNY (cont’d) Let us all remember what’s on the line…respect…is the ultimate currency… The men look around at each other. GEN Damn that, I’m tryna get this money man. The entire group cheers as DANNY gets convinced as well. GEN (cont’d) (yelling) Who are we? All the men begin to yell but cut themselves off realizing what the name on the jersey is. TYRIEK Why we gotta be the Seawater cons, man? STANLEY and DANNY exchange glances. EXT. XFL STADIUM FOOTBALL FIELD – MORNING RYAN SEABASS (v.o) And here come the “Seawater Cons”…led by the infamous Danny Seawater…and what looks 127 Like to be former NCAA Gator Bowl M.V.P Robby Mercy. The SEAWATER CONS come through rip through a banner that says the banner and all fall to the cuts the banner. The other men the bleacher tunnel. They try to “Seawater Cons”. The midgets hit ground. GEN takes out a razor and come through it. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) The Seawater Cons have to bring way much more than that, if they wanna beat these guards…and speak of the devils… The DICK GUARDS come through the bleacher tunnel. They approach a brick wall that has painted letters on it saying “Dick Guards”. they smash through the brick wall in a stampedes rage. The Seawater Cons take this in. The guards and the Seawater Cons meet at center field for the coin toss. REFEREE (to the guards) Heads or tails? BRUTE GUARD #1 Heads. BRUTE GUARD #1 snaps his fingers. BRUTE GUARD #2 grabs the referee and flips him in the air. The referee flips in the air and land on his head. BRUTE GUARD #1 Heads it is. They move away from each other. PAULKER (to Tyriek) What the hell are we going to do man? TYRIEK looks up at a billboard. A billboard that says “XFL: Extreme Football League, weapons welcome”. TYRIEK looks over at the sideline. He sees a baseball bat, a man hole cover, tables, ladders, and chairs. PAULKER and TYRIEK look at each other. They get the other Cons attention. In the stands, BENEDICT claps his hands while EVELYN fans herself. BENEDICT It’s going to be a good one. EVELYN It better be. 128 MUSIC SCORE BEGINS All the men on the field get into formation. All the Cons hold some type of weapon. PAULKER kicks off, as a Guard catches the ball and runs. The guards are attacked by, kitchen sinks, television sets, fishing poles, wooden doors, and more. The Cons attack allows the Guard with the ball to run by them. The guard scores a touchdown. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) That’s a ninety yard return and I’ve gotta tell you, the Con artist look like they’re more interested in hitting the Guards, than tackling the ball carrier. RUEBEN, STANLEY, and COACH SMILEY stand at the sideline RUEBEN That’s how you crack some ass. The Cons get into formation to hike the ball. GEN locks his eyes on Brute Guard #1. Cuts To a flashback of Brute Guard #1 dragging GEN into an elevator, as GEN screams. Cuts Back to the field where GEN is still locked on him. DANNY hikes the ball. GEN leaves ROBBY unprotected, and runs up to Brute Guard with a cinder block. Brute Guard #1 runs, as GEN throws cinder block against his helmet. The cinder block shatters, as the guard spins to the ground, and just lays there. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) Wow…that looks like a personal foul…but…this is the XFL! CUT TO: EVELYN and BENEDICT in the stands BENEDICT What the hell was that? EVELYN Keep your pants on. The Cons get into formation again. RUSTY locks his eyes on two Brute Guards. Cuts To a flashback of two guards, dressed like KANE and THE UNDERTAKER, in the shower with RUSTY. Cuts Back to RUSTY still having his eyes locked on the two guards. DANNY hikes the ball, as RUSTY heads for the guards. RUSTY leaves his man wide open, as he takes out the two guards with a basketball hoop. RUSTY’S man is wide open in the endzone, as he catches the ball, scoring a touchdown. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) 129 In the first ninety seconds, the Dick guards are up by two touchdowns. The SEAWATER CONS call a timeout. CUTS TO the CON’S sideline. TESSA locks her eyes on GINGER. CUTS TO a flashback, where GINGER kisses BENEDICT with her eyes locked on TESSA. CUTS BACK to TESSA as she runs over to GINGER and tackles her. The other Con cheerleaders notice and get in on it, as they all dog pile on each other. The guards sideline celebrates. GUARD is being taken out of the game on a stretcher. MICHAEL JACKSON approaches and check on him. MICHAEL JACKSON Oh my god…are you okay? Do you want me to rub your shoulders for you? DICK GUARD #4 What am I? Five years old?…Get away from me… MICHAEL JACKSON Do you know someone whose Five years old that wants Their shoulders rubbed? CUT TO: The CONS in a huddle. DANNY Look guys…$20 million each. Now do we want it or not. The other Cons are in remorse. GEN My fault guys. RUSTY Yeah, my bad. MIDGET #1 Yeah, my bad too. STANLEY Alright, now let’s get it started! GROUP YEAH! We hear all the men shouting as they run back on the field. cuts to the press box. 130 WARDEN CLINTWOOD I think they’re ready to get started. MUSIC BEGINS (“Let’s get retarded” by The Black eyed peas) CUT TO: The Dick Guards kick off. TYRIEK catches the ball, and runs. He passes a couple of Guards that are taken out by GEN and PAULKER with a kitchen sink and flat screen television. TYRIEK keeps running as two guards tackle him. (the Dudley boyz with a 3-D through a table) RYAN SEABASS (v.o) And the cons are on the map ladies and Gentlemen. Let’s see if they can make anything happen with the first down. The men get into formation again. DANNY hikes the ball, and throws it to MIDGET #2. DARK DOOM BRUTE #1 picks midget up and runs with him. The approaching Dick Guards are taken out by Seawater Cons with wheel barrels, and armchairs. Two dick Guards get through the others and hit Dark Doom Brute with lounge chair. As Dark Doom brute falls to the ground, he laterals midget to GEN. GEN catches midget in a wheel barrel, and keeps running. A Dick Guard hits GEN with a fax machine. Midget gets thrown out of the wheel barrel, as ANGEL catches him in a shopping cart. ANGEL rolls midget into the endzone. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) TOUCHDOWN! CUT TO: The ovation in the Dick Guards side of the crowd, as we hear booing and trash talk. MICHAEL JACKSON Stop booing people… that’s not how we do it in Neverland. BENEDICT stands up. BENEDICT Hey, Michael…shut the hell up. MICHAEL JACKSON Only if you come and make me Arny! BENEDICT sits back down and shakes his head. He looks over at 131 EVELYN who is already looking at him. EVELYN Arny? BENEDICT Don’t ask. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) And the Seawater Cons will make it count. CUT TO: The Seawater Cons formation, as DANNY runs over to the midgets. DANNY You remember the AMC Job? All the midgets nod their heads “yes” DANNY (cont’d) Well that’s our next play. RUEBEN rocks back and forth on the sideline with STANLEY, and COACH SMILEY RUEBEN Popcorn…Popcorn…I need Some popcorn. RUEBEN gets up, as STANLEY looks at him DANNY hikes the ball. He discreetly hands off to a midget running. All the midgets begin to scatter all over the field. The Dick Guards begin to run after them. Dick Guard #2 tackles a midget. Midget reveals that he doesn’t have the ball. They keep running. Dick Guard #3 tackles another midget, and he reveals that he doesn’t have the ball either. The Dick Guards stop running and look around the field. They see a catapult on the 30yard line, as a midget loads himself on it holding the football. The midget waves to the other guards. BASH EAR pulls the lever on the catapult sending the midget flying in the air. Guards look on at the flying midget. The midget land in the endzone as the referee blows his whistle. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) And they score another one! That leaves the DICK GUARDS and the SEAWATER CONS tied at 14. DANNY (to cons) Relax Gentlemen we got this in the bag. 132 MUSIC BEGINS (“Blue Danube” by Strauss) A Dick Guard runs with the football in hand. The Seawater Cons run after him. PAULKER and TYRIEK gain on the guard. They get stopped by a guard on a horse that throws a rope around them, and hog ties them. The guard score a touchdown. CUTS TO STANLEY on the sideline with RUEBEN, and SMILEY. RUEBEN grips a trash can full of popcorn. Guard catches football, and runs with it, as GEN is hit with a shovel. PAULKER and TYRIEK are hit with a wrecking ball, as guards score another touchdown. ANGEL catch a football, and run with it. He gets hit in the helmet with a ball and chain, as he fumbles the ball. It is picked up by GEN. GEN runs with the football, as he dodges guards. He gets tackled (being thrown into the Gatorade table) MUSIC ENDS. Seawater Cons call timeout. The score board. It’s the “Dick Guards:35” and the “Seawater Cons:35”. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) And the Seawater Cons call a timeout, with the score tied at 35. CUT TO: SEAWATER CONS huddle. DANNY What the hell is going on? TYRIEK You said relax. DANNY Yeah relax, but don’t let them score. TYRIEK Oh…my bad. DANNY Angel, Robby?…it’s game time. ROBBY Don’t worry about it, we got it covered. The team “breaks” the huddle and gets back into formation. we hear a whistle from the audience. This gets JAKE’S attention, as BENEDICT and EVELYN MERCY in the stands. JAKE takes this in. He gets ROBBY, ANGEL, and RONALD’S attention. They look at EVELYN in the stands, and then they look at DANNY. They exchange glances 133 and get into the formation. DANNY hikes the ball. RONALD and ROBBY leave DANNY unprotected. DANNY gets tackled and fumbles the ball. The guards pick up the ball and run, as JAKE and ANGEL let the guards run passed them. The guards score a touchdown. DANNY wonders. The guards kick off. JAKE catches the ball, but doesn’t run. He waits for a guard to come for him, then he throws him the ball. The guard catches the ball, looks at JAKE, and then runs. They score another touchdown. DANNY runs over to JAKE. DANNY What the hell are you throwing the game for? JAKE (innocently) I’m not. The guards kick off again. GEN catches the ball and runs. GEN spins off two guards, and keeps running. GEN looks behind him for guards. When he turns back around, all four brothers hit him with a ladder, sending him to the ground as the ball fumbles. The guards recover the ball, and run. The guards score another touchdown. STANLEY calls a timeout. The Seawater Cons meet on the sideline. STANLEY (to the brothers) You just cost us three touchdowns, what the hell are you doing? ANGEL (furious) Ask Danny. STANLEY What the hell does Danny have to do with this. ROBBY We took this job because we were under the impression that Benedict was responsible for what happened to our mom. he forgot to mention the fact that she was never killed in the first place. STANLEY How do you know that? JAKE Look for yourself. 134 STANLEY looks up in the stands. EVELYN MERCY in the crowd next to BENEDICT, as she waves a “F*CK THE CONS” foam finger. STANLEY Danny, what the hell is going on…no bull shit. DANNY hesitates a moment, as the CAMERA PANS into his face. CUT TO: EXT. BRIDGE IN SNOWY MOUNTAINS – MORNING – FLASHBACK (ala “The Italian Job”) DANNY (v.o) We just finished shooting the film, when I was going to get paid for my script… An oncoming black van approaches, and a tailgating black van follow, a Lincoln navigator which plate read “BENEDICT”. Approaching black van begins to veer into the center. DRIVER Would you look at this Idiot right in the middle of the road. CAMERA ANGLE is behind EVELYN MERCY not exposing her face to audience view. EVELYN MERCY What’s this, What’s this-FILTHY SCENT This is as far as you go. FILTHY SCENT tries to pull gun out of his pocket but his hand gets stuck. EVELYN notices. The two vehicles pass BENEDICT’S navigator honking. EVELYN No bitch, this is as far as you go… EVELYN smacks FILTHY SCENT, as he screams. BENEDICT And I’ll take this. BENEDICT snatches briefcase out of DANNY’S hand. EVELYN smacks DANNY, as she takes the gun out of FILTHY’S pocket. EVELYN Matter fact, give me everything you got. She pulls the gun on DANNY and FILTHY SCENT. 135 EXT. BRIDGE IN SNOWY MOUNTAINS – MORNING we hear a vehicle door open, and close. The car pulls out of FRAME, as DANNY and FILTHY SCENT shiver in their underwear. DANNY has on boxers and tank top, FILTHY SCENT has on pink lingerie. FILTHY SCENT Danny come here…I need your body heat. DANNY runs away. CUT TO: EXT. XFL STADIUM FOOTBALL FIELD – NOON (FLASHBACK ENDS) DANNY And Filthy Scent made up the rumor that we killed Evelyn to keep his street cred. The brothers register the expanation. JAKE So actually…not only you not kill her…but ended up robbing the of you, and you were embarrassed? did she both just DANNY Yeah. DANNY looks down ashamed QUICKCUTS TO the brothers, QUICKCUTS TO the rest of the group. The entire group starts laughing. TESSA, GINGER, and ISABELLA laughing. CUTS TO the referees laughing. The entire audience laughs. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) Well ladies and Gentlemen I don’t know what everyone’s laughing at, but this sure beats American Idol… JAKE That’s a relief, Danny. Now we don’t have to lick your ass. DANNY is confused. DANNY You mean kick my ass, 136 Right? JAKE No. JAKE holds a straight face, as DANNY scared solid. ROBBY Okay, lets go out there and win this shit. The Seawater Cons all yell and hype themselves up, as they head back on the field. MUSIC SCORE BEGINS The Dick Guards kick off. ANGEL catches the ball and runs. As Dick Guards approach, he laterals to midget #3. PAULKER and TYRIEK pick midget up, put him in a tractor wheel, and start to roll him. PAULKER and TYRIEK get tackled, as GEN catches the wheel and continues to roll him. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) With a very unorthodox style, they make it to the 40…the 50. GEN gets taken down by a wooden fence. The wheel keeps rolling as Dark Doom Brutes roll the wheel the rest of the way. They score touchdown. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) Another Touchdown by the Seawater cons, as they drop the lead to two touchdowns. TESSA and GINGER cheer, as GINGER bumps into TESSA. They stop, look at each other, and continue cheering. Midget gets out of wheel holding his helmet and falls to the ground. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) At third down and six, the Dick guards have the ball on their own 29-yard line… Pussy #1 needs a first down to put this game away. The men get into formation. The guards hike the ball. Dark Doom Brute throws a brick at the helmet of the quarterback guard. The ball fumbles. The ball gets recovered by angel. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) With just under three minutes left, this has turned into a game… CUT TO: 137 The men get into formation. GEN kneels down with a medal fence wrapped around his jersey. DANNY hikes the ball, and hands off to GEN, as he runs up the field. Guards try to tackle GEN as they keep getting shocked on the electrical fence. GEN continues to run as, the Guards back off. GEN scores a touchdown. The guards are livid. The guards on their sideline kick around tables and gatorade coolers RYAN SEABASS (v.o) This is really starting to get amazing. CUT TO: STANLEY consults with DANNY and ANGEL on the sideline. STANLEY has drawn up a play on the board. They nod their heads “yes”. The men get into formation. Dark Doom Brute sprays corn oil on the football, as the guards hike it. The ball slips out of the quarterbacks hands. MIDGET #1 recovers the ball. The quarterback picks the ball up, while the midget still holds it, and shakes him off. As the guard starts to run, two midgets simultaneously kick the quarter back in the stomach. The ball fumbles, as MIDGET #2 picks the ball up. MIDGET #2 looks up and sees seven Dick Guards running his way full speed. We hear a plane engine in the distance. As the Dick Guards leap to tackle MIDGET #2, a rope yanks MIDGET #2 into the air. As MIDGET #2 is traveling in mid air, he looks up and sees RUEBEN flying the plane, saluting him. Guards jump, in the air, trying to catch him. RUEBEN cuts the rope, and midget falls into the endzone. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) Another touchdown. CUT TO: Seawater Cons sideline. DANNY Okay, we’re tied with 13 seconds left. How can we come up with the ball. RUSTY thinks a moment. RUSTY turns his head to the side. ISABELLA rubs her legs with sunscreen. She notices RUSTY, smiles, and blows a kiss at him. RUSTY I got it. RUSTY walks over to the cheerleaders. CUT TO: 138 The men get into formation. The Dick Guards are ready to hike the ball, as all the attention turns towards the Seawater Con sideline. All the cheerleaders take off their uniform and cheer in lingerie. DICK GUARD QUARTERBACK Down…set…hut, hut…hike. None of the Dick Guard players move as all eyes are on the Con cheerleaders. Dark Doom Brute approaches quarterback with sledge hammer. Quarterback just hands Dark Doom Brute the ball, and runs away. The other players notice dark doom brute with the ball and tackle him. A timeout is called. The Seawater Cons run to the sideline. STANLEY Alright men…do we go for the win or the tie? JAKE Just a quick recap…what happens in the event of a tie? STANLEY We split the money fifty-fifty. JAKE: (to the other men) Should we just tie? All the men slap his helmet and jersey. PAULKER and TYRIEK dump the Gatorade cooler over his head. RUSTY So I guess that means we’re going for the win. DANNY Hell guys we’re con artist…We play to win. RUSTY Well put Danny…as a matter of fact you just givin’ me an idea. RUSTY looks down at DANNY’S feet. RUSTY Your shoe’s un-tied. DANNY bends down to tie his shoes. RUSTY huddles with the rest of the men. He gives them a play. They break as DANNY gets back up. 139 DANNY Okay guys, so what’s the play? STANLEY Just block for Robby. All the men run back onto the field. DANNY looks at RUSTY, RUSTY shrugs his shoulders. CUT TO: THE SCORE BOARD. “DICK GUARDS: 35” and the “SEAWATER CONS: 35” with 7 seconds left in the game. The men get into formation on the guards 20-yard line. They hike the ball. DANNY runs passed everyone, being the only receiver. ANGEL throws the ball to DANNY. DANNY catches ball confused. He looks up and sees Dick Guards on the ground with their shoe strings tied together. DANNY looks up at the clock that has five seconds left. He starts to run. The crowd stands to their feet. RYAN SEABASS (v.o) …And here it is ladies and Gentlemen. This is the game. DANNY raises both his arms as he runs to the twenty, the ten… The cheerleaders and RUSTY already celebrate. The other Cons walk to their sideline and sit on the bench. Cuts To the endzone we don’t see DANNY. we hear the crowd stop cheering. We PAN OVER and see DANNY standing in front of the touchdown line fast asleep. The guards untie their shoes, and run after DANNY. GEN Oh shit. GEN gets up from the bench and runs towards DANNY, as the guards gain on him. CUTS TO the clock with three seconds. Dick Guards get closer. GEN stops, and loads himself into the catapult. The guards keep running and see GEN flying over them. CUTS TO GEN in the air as he gives the guards the finger. CUTS TO DANNY still a sleep in place. Guards are behind DANNY about to tackle him, as GEN CUTS INTO FRAME from an Aerial. CUTS TO the clock with 2 seconds left. GEN jump kicks DANNY in the back with both feet. DANNY tumbles into the endzone, as the buzzer rings. Everyone in the stadium cheers. The score board reads “Dick Guards:35” and “Seawater Cons:42”. CUTS TO BENEDICT cheering and clapping his hands up in the stands. EVELYN What the hell are you so happy about, you just lost Arnold. BENEDICT What? 140 EVELYN You lost, look at the God damn score board. BENEDICT looks up, sees the score, and is livid. MICHAEL JACKSON walk up the steps next to BENEDICT. MICHAEL JACKSON (to Benedict) We won, we won. BENEDICT looks over at a little boy eating cotton candy. He puts MICHAEL JACKSON’S hand in little boy’s pants. BENEDICT Security!? Three security guards tackle MICHAEL. BENEDICT Well, that felt better. BENEDICT walks down to the field. CUT TO: Seawater Con endzone. DANNY just wake up next to GEN DANNY What happened? GEN You got all narcoleptic on us just before you scored. I had to run and knock you in the Endzone. DANNY looks around. DANNY You did all that with only four seconds left? GEN Yeah. This is a movie, Danny…you know four seconds is really like 10 minutes. DANNY You’re right. CUT TO: DANNY and the cons meet BENEDICT and his guards in the center. 141 WARDEN CLINTWOOD walks up with a lockbox. BENEDICT Well Seawater, you beat me. DANNY Yes we did…we’ll take that money now. BENEDICT Yeah…I’m a man of my word. WARDEN CLINTWOOD hands DANNY the lockbox. WARDEN CLINTWOOD Would you like to do the honors? DANNY inserts the key in the lockbox. QUICKCUTS to the excited faces of BASH EAR, GEN, STANLEY, PAULKER, AND TYRIEK. DANNY opens the box. DANNY What the hell? CUTS TO AN EMPTY LOCKBOX. RUSTY Is this a joke. WARDEN CLINTWOOD I don’t understand the check was just here a minute ago STANLEY Wait, where the hell are the brothers? BENEDICT looks around BENEDICT Where the hell is Evelyn? CUT TO: EXT. XFL STADIUM PARKING LOT – AFTERNOON A mustang pulls up to the entrance. EVELYN MERCY is in the driver’s seat. The four brothers exit the stadium and hop in the car. EVELYN Do you have it? 142 ROBBY Of course I do. EVELYN Then I guess we don’t need these anymore. EVELYN takes off a mask. We reveal that EVELYN is really MARTHA STEWART. ROBBY and JAKE take off their mask. We reveal that ROBBY is JON ABRAHAMS (Bobby Prinze from Scary Movie) and JAKE is MITCH MULLANY (White Mike from Wayans Bros.) WHITE MIKE I don’t know I just think that stealing is wrong. ANGEL and RONALD take off their mask. We reveal that RONALD is really MARLON WAYANS. MARLON WAYANS What you mean? We stole what was rightfully ours. We reveal that ANGEL MERCY is really SHAWN WAYANS. SHAWN WAYANS Yeah. We stole from the man that shut down our show…remember? MARTHA STEWART (smoking a cigarette) …and the man that snitched on me. WHITE MIKE Oh yeah, yeah…but we still got paid so it’s all good. We see a check in the amount of: $396,120,282.00. GROUP It’s all good. They all laugh as they drive away. MARTHA turns on the radio, and we hear a Gangsta rap tune. FADE OUT 143