Union College MER201– Particle Mechanics LAB Exercise -Particle Kinematics and Kinetics In this laboratory exercise we will use direct measurements and Videopoint to examine the motion of two constrained particles. Materials: You will need to assemble the following equipment: one rod pulleys, one free pulley, a set of weights, a stop watch, a vertical force table, a long bar, 2 clamps, and a 2 m length of string. Procedure: Part 1: Analytical Results Fig 1. Schematic of pulley system to be studied. Step 1: Analyze the pulley system shown in Figure 1 by drawing a free body diagram and a mass acceleration diagram. Calculate the theoretical acceleration of blocks A and B as a function of the mass of each block. Be sure to note any assumptions that enter into your analysis. Part 2: Experimental Results – Force Tables Step 1: Set up the pulley system shown in Figure 1 using the vertical force tables, pulleys, bars and weights. Use a 200g mass for Block A and a 300g mass for Block B. Make sure that all connecting strings are vertical. Maximize the distance traveled by hanging the blocks off the edge of the table. Step 2: Using a stopwatch, determine the time for block A to drop to the floor (be sure to record this distance). Repeat the experiment 10 times, recording both the distance traveled and the time to drop. Step 3: Analyze the data from Step 2 by calculating the acceleration of block A for each of the 10 cases. Determine the average acceleration and the standard deviation. Compare your measured value to the theoretical value. Step 4: Repeat Steps 1-3 using a 400g mass for Block A and a 500g mass for Block B. Part 3: Experimental Results - Videopoint Step 1: Analyze the Videopoint movie 200_300.mov which used a 200g mass at A and a 300g mass at B. Determine the particle location, velocity and acceleration as a function of time (use Videopoint to do this) for both blocks. (When you open the movie indicate that you want to locate 2 features.) Fit your position versus time data to a second order polynomial and determine the acceleration by differentiating. Note the diameter of the upper pulley is 44 mm. Use this dimension to scale your movie. Fall 2005 Union College MER201– Particle Mechanics Step 2: Analyze the Videopoint movie 400_500.mov which used a 400g mass at A and a 500g mass at B. Determine the particle location, velocity and acceleration as a function of time (use Videopoint to do this) for both blocks. (When you open the movie indicate that you want to locate 2 features.) Fit your position versus time data to a second order polynomial and determine the acceleration by differentiating. Note the diameter of the upper pulley is 44 mm. Use this dimension to scale your movie. Discussion Questions Address the following questions in your lab write up. 1. 2. 3. 4. How do your measured results compare to the analytical results? How do the different measurement techniques compare to one another? How does the acceleration of Block A compare to that of Block B for all of your measured cases? How should they compare? Discuss possible errors that could have been introduced into the experiments and how those errors affect your results. How do you think friction affects your results? Lab Report: You must turn in the attached grading sheet The format for full lab reports can be found on the course web page. You do not need to write an abstract but you should include all other parts of a full lab report as indicated on the web page. See the attached grading sheet for guidance. Student A – Introduction, Procedure and Conclusion Student B – Results and Discussion Fall 2005 Union College MER201– Particle Mechanics EVALUATION FORM: LABORATORY - Particle Kinematics and Kinetics Names: Please attach this to your completed lab report when you pass it in! CATEGORY TECHNICAL EVALUATION Title Page Was it included? Was all of the requisite information present? Introduction Was it included? Did it properly introduce the lab? Was the objective stated? Was the rest of the report forecasted? Experimental Procedures Was the pulley system used in the lab described? Was a figure of the pulley system included? Were the weights described? Was the experimental procedure used to time the blocks explained in detail? Was the Videopoint procedure described in detail? Results Were the equations of motion for the theoretical system included and described? Were the free-body and mass-acceleration diagrams included and properly labeled? Was a data table for the stop watch measurements included? Were data tables and plots for the Videopoint measurements included? Was a summary table of acceleration measurements included? Discussion Were the theoretical, stopwatch and Videopoint results discussed? Were the stopwatch results discussed? Was the accelerations for Blocks A and B compared? Were the differences between the experimental and theoretical results explained? Were sources of error discussed? Was the effect of friction discussed? Were any other interesting points about the outcome of the lab discussed? Were summary figures/tables used to aid the discussion? Conclusion Was the objective of the laboratory restated? Were the main results of the lab summarized? Were recommendations made? Does it concisely summarize the lab? Acknowledgments and References WRITING EVALUATION Organization Presentation Grammar and Spelling Flow (how well do the two parts fit together?) TOTAL Comments: Fall 2005 Possible Points Earned Points Responsible Person (initial) 5 10 20 15 15 10 5 80 5 5 5 5 100