Marc Sternhagen - Principal Consultant, Noll & Associates Marc is a media industry specialist focused on Sales Training and Business Development Consulting. Marc brings 28 years of media industry experience to Noll clients. 14 years in broadcasting; on air, sales and management. 10 years with Birch / Scarborough Research (ratings and qualitative) o o SR,VP. TV Sales & Marketing / Internet Group / Training Group Reg. Mgr: NY, LA, Chi, Dal, Atl; 4+ years consulting and training with Noll associates Marc has delivered onsite training and consulting to several hundred TV, Radio, Cable, Newspaper, Magazine and Internet sales teams. “Learning HOW to help a client talk about their problems was a REVELATION!" "Finally! A simple strategy to get past the "blockers" and right to the real decision-maker!" "This workshop is great for the new seller as well as the seasoned pro!" "This is completely new material that I have never seen before in any other sales training - and I've been around for awhile!" Texas Association of Broadcasters 2004 Regional Sales Seminars “Good speaker” “Enthusiasm” “Frequent discussion at table, systematic plan and good video and slides” “Interactivity – I liked discussions with people from other markets” Oregon Association of Broadcasters Annual Fall Conference 2004 “I would recommend this seminar to anyone who wants a career not just a job in TV Sales” “Went away with good ideas to achieve personal sales goals & ideas for planning” “Gets people involved; discussion rather than all instruction” “Marc was excellent; quick, concise, while maintaining a high level of effectiveness” Mississippi Association of Broadcasters TV Ad Sales Seminar Dec 2004 Marc joined Noll & Associates in 2001. At Noll he has recently worked with: Advanstar Communications Arkansas TBA Bay Area STAR (Society of TV & Radio) Bresnan Communications Comcast Communications Comm. Corp of America (CCA) Cox Communications CoxMedia Emmis Communications FoxSportsNet Granite Broadcasting Hearst-Argyle Communications Max Media Mississippi Assn of Broadcasters NCC (National Cable Communication) Nielsen Media Research Oregon Assn of Broadcasters Pittsburgh Pirates Primedia Magazine Group San Diego Padres Scarborough Research Simmons Research Sinclair Television Susquehanna Radio Texas Assn of Broadcasters Time Warner/AOL Univision/Telefutura Wyoming Broadcasters Marc lives in Corrales, New Mexico with his wife and two sons and travels regularly to work with clients across the US. 2005 Noll & Associates * Marc Sternhagen * 505-898-3002 *