April 2013

PO Box 239
885 8th St.
Baldwin, MI 49304
Meeting called to order at 7:00pm.
1. Roll Call
Supervisor Jeff Chamberlain-present, Clerk Kellie Allen-present, Treasurer, Julie Hoffman-present, Trustee Craig
Davis-present, Trustee Deb Russell-present
Trustee Russell motioned to accept the minutes as presented; Trustee Davis seconded. All in favor: none apposed.
Motion carried.
3. Visitors:
Mr. Scott Olson-LOSB-Scott discussed the process for the township to obtain financing for the new township
hall. Lake Osceola State Bank would need a copy of the township audits for the past two years and both profit and
loss statements. Scott stated that the interest rate is lower for municipalities. Scott presented a couple of scenarios
with the intent that the township will be financing $500,000.00. Payment for a 10 year loan would be
approximately $5005.00 a month, $15000.00 a quarter or $60,000.00 a year. Payment for a 15 year loan would be
approximately $3750.00 a month, $11250.00 a quarter or $45,000.00 a year. The bank will complete all the
follow up with what is required for the state of Michigan.
Mr. Doug Walls: Explained that the Equalization Direction is retiring at the County. He stated that the hiring
process of a new Equalization Director is still on going. He gave a brief update regarding the new Ambulance
Mr. Lenn Todd: Mr. Todd addressed the open issue of the Oakwood manor Pilt agreement being expired.
Supervisor Chamberlain talked with someone and faxed a copy of the ordinance. Supervisor Chamberlain
explained that there should still be agreement regarding Oakwood Manor Pilt verses paying Taxes. Treasurer
Hoffman stated she spoke with the assessor and the ordinance that the township has on file does not expire for a
long time. Mr. Todd stated that his understanding of the ordinance is that it expired in 2009. There was a brief
discussion regard the confusion of when the ordinance expires. Mr. Todd explained that the situation is resolved
at the Village level. Treasurer Hoffman suggested that Supervisor Chamberlain contact the assessor to question
where he is getting his information. The assessor needs to get an SEV on the Oakwood Manor property.
Supervisor Chamberlain will be contacting the assessor to assess Oakwood Manor property.
Mrs. Bonnie Povilaitis (Pathfinder Library): Bonnie presented the Library Service Agreement to the board to
be signed. This agreement was drafted by the township board and approved by the library board. Supervisor
Chamberlain and Clerk Allen signed the agreement. A copy of the agreement was given to Bonnie for her records.
Bonnie also presented a letter from the Library Board stating that they are not going to pay their portion of the
DDA bill. She stated that the library is not a business nor does it make money. She stated that the library board
will be attending the next DDA meeting to see if something can be done. Bonnie stated that the library has never
received a bill for their portion of the DDA payment. Clerk Allen stated she was not aware the library did not
receive the same notice she received. Mr. Wells, a member of the DDA stated that fighting the DDA could be a
challenge. He stated there has been a situation in a large city where big groups and big lawyers were fighting the
same situation and after it was done, they came to no conclusion except, whenever a millage is passed, and there
is a tax incremental increase, the DDA receives a portion of that for the properties within the DDA: Which is the
law. This should be in the wording of the millage. It was stated that they DDA expires in 2019. Mr. Wells stated
to contact him and he would be willing to talk with anyone regarding the DDA.
4. Audience Comments
Dan and Kristin Taylor attended a meeting a year ago requesting a street light because he pays taxes for a street
light and they do not have. He also briefly discussed getting his road paved. He went on to discuss the conflicting
information regarding being able to combine his properties. He was told that the Michigan Law reads; if your
properties are not contiguous, then they cannot be combined. Mr. Taylor discussed issues with his property
assessment and the Board of Review determinations. He requested a refund because there was no change from last
year to this year. It was explained to Mr. Taylor that the tax reduction only occurs for the year/s the assessor
documents on the forms. If the reduction was documented for multiple years, he would have gotten a refund, but
because it was only for one year, no refund was issued. He was encouraged to contact the assessor to see if the
Board of Review could be for multiple years. He questioned why he has to pay separate garbage for each parcel
that he owns and they cannot be combined. It was explained that that was a millage that was passed. When asked
if someone oversees the process of the assessor, Supervisor Chamberlain explained the only people overseeing the
process of the assessor is the State Assessing Board. Supervisor Chamberlain stated for Mr. Taylor to fill out the
complaint form and it would be discussed again. Mr. Taylor asked again about his street light; Supervisor
Chamberlain stated he would work on it.
Mr. Weeks again discussed his concerns regarding the assessor. He is asking that the board take responsibility
regarding the assessor and correct the situation. He feels the money that the township is paying/has paid the
assessor despite the many issues, many of which have been brought to the board’s attention. It was explained that
the Supervisor over sees the assessor. When a complaint comes to the Supervisor regarding the assessor, the
Supervisor needs to address them with the assessor. There was discussion regarding assessing issues that have
been brought to the Township Board and have been sent to the State of Michigan because there were no results at
the township level.
a. Zoning Administrator/Planning Report
A separate written report was provided at the meeting.
b. Assessor’s Report
No assessor report was presented at the meeting.
c. Cemetery Caretakers report
A separate written report was provided at the meeting.
Sexton Greg Nichols clarified that he is to report to the Clerk Allen. Supervisor Chamberlain answered yes.
Clerk Allen stated that if anyone has complaints, suggestions, etc. regarding the cemetery, they are to come
to her not the sexton. Trustee Russell stated that she would like to see nice visible monuments be placed at
the beginning, middle and end of each row/block. Clerk Allen stated that there will be a survey done of the
entire cemetery, including where the water lines and electrical are located. She stated that because the
records are in such disarray, the board needs to start from square one. She stated that the cemetery is an
embarrassment and we are going to work very hard to get the cemetery in better condition. She stated that
she cannot enforce that people care for their love ones plots if the damage is due to our neglect. She stated
that she will refuse to sell plots around a tree because in time the tree roots will damage the head
stones/markers unless the tree is removed. There are plots that have been sold that have trees right in the
middle of them. Clerk Allen stated that trees will be removed and stumps will be grounded down. She said it
is going to take time but the cemetery will move in a positive direction.
1. Cemetery ordinance-Clerk Allen presented the new Cemetery ordinance to the board. Her request was to
have the ordinance approved at the May meeting to give the board an opportunity to review it. She stated
if anyone had any questions to contact her.
2. Sexton/Caretaker Contract-All corrections to the Sexton/Caretaker contract have been made and there
is now a signed contract for the Sexton/Caretaker.
3. BS&A Cemetery data entry-The data entry for the South side of the cemetery is complete. The data
entry for the North side is a work in progress. There is a complete list of the veteran’s that are buried in
the cemetery. This list will be given to the Sexton/Caretaker so he can place flags on the graves prior to
Memorial Day.
4. Plan for cemetery
a. Order flags and veteran markers-Clerk Allen clarified that she is to order “US Veteran” markers
instead of branch specific. Board agreed. Clerk Allen stated that she will order 250 flags and 250
“US Veteran” markers.
b. Get survey completed-previously discussed during this meeting.
c. Get map of where water and electrical lines are run-previously discussed in the meeting.
d. Get stumps ground down-Clerk Allen stated that the stumps will be ground down in the entire
e. Get North side building finished-Clerk Allen asked the board what they wanted to do with the
existing building; finish it or demolish it and start over. The board decided to finish the existing
building. She stated she will be providing the specifications to finish the existing building and have
them available at the township prior to placing an ad in the paper for contractor bids.
f. Get new building on South side-At this time the board has decided to start with finishing the
existing building and then go from there.
Other things that will be completed are: getting new signs, a map of the cemetery available to the public, a
light for the flag pole. Trustee Russell stated that she will look into the cost of the sign for the cemetery.
Clerk Allen informed the board that she was told a person is harassing the sexton while he is at the cemetery
working. Clerk Allen stated the sexton called the police regarding this person and the police stated that in
order enforce anything the board must send a letter to the person. She stated she would contact the attorney
prior to composing the letter to ensure the board is within the law so there are no legal ramifications.
d. Trustees CommentsTrustee Davis stated that he wants some kind of resolution regarding the assessing complaints. He believes
policies and procedures need to be put in place to assist the board with their rolls. A motion was made by
Supervisor Chamberlain to have the trustees develop policies and procedures and present them to the board
for review. Clerk Allen seconded. All in favor; none apposed. Motion carried.
The purchase agreement for the location of the new building was signed by the Supervisor and Clerk.
Trustee Russell questions what the status of the Sportsman’s Club and the property owned by the township.
She stated that the community needs to know what the status is of this project. She stated that she believes
the airport property is not a good location for the Sportsman’s Club. Supervisor Chamberlain explained that
nothing can be done with the property until he can get Dustin to conduct a title search, because the title the
board has is not a legal title. At this point, nothing is being decided regarding the sportsman’s club until the
title issue is taken care of.
Trustee Russell questioned the status of the deed for the property owned by the Ross family. Trustee Russell
questioned why this has taken since 2012 to get completed. She went on to say that it is not difficult to get
the document notarized and this should not have taken this long to complete. Clerk Allen provided the deed
during the meeting to be signed and notarized. Supervisor Chamberlain stated he did not believe the land was
paid for yet. Clerk Allen questioned why the deed was completed prior to receiving the payment for the
property. Trustee Russell stated for the record that the deed presented and signed at this meeting is void.
Supervisor Chamberlain will contact the Ross family to get the $300 payment then a new copy of the deed
must be reprinted and signed.
Trustee Russell stated that she has been working with Mr. Lenn Todd regarding street lights by the school.
She contacted Consumers Power and they will be installing the requested street lights once the contract is
signed. Supervisor Chamberlain confirmed that the school is not part of the Village of Baldwin. There was a
brief discussion regarding the replacement energy efficient lights being installed throughout the Village of
e. Clerks Report
1. Clerk Allen questioned where the 2013/2014 approved budget was. She also asked Supervisor
Chamberlain if there was anything he needed from her so he could complete the budget. Supervisor
Chamberlain stated he did not need anything from Clerk Allen and she would have a copy of the
final approved budget in three days.
2. Clerk Allen asked the status of the township properties: Whether Supervisor Chamberlain
contacted the County Treasurer to discuss giving the properties to the County to sell. Supervisor
Chamberlain stated that he attempted to call her a couple of time but she was not in. Supervisor
Chamberlain was again reminded that she is off on Thursdays. Supervisor Chamberlain stated he
will be contact the County Treasurer the Friday following this meeting.
3. Clerk Allen made the motion to have Supervisor Chamberlain, Clerk Allen, and Treasurer Hoffman
sign Resolutions for authorization to the township board’s John Hancock account. Supervisor
Chamberlain seconded. All in favor; none apposed. Motion carried.
4. Supervisor Chamberlain will complete the Risk Reduction Grant to obtain a generator for the
township hall. There was a discussion regarding the size of generator to get. Supervisor
Chamberlain will complete the research regarding the appropriate size of generator for the
township hall.
5. Correspondence-Clerk Allen presented a letter regarding maintenance of a Defibulator/AED that
the township previously purchased. She questioned where the AED machine was located in the
hall. Supervisor Chamberlain stated 2 of them were purchased and they were donated to the
sheriff’s department.
Clerk Allen presented a letter from the attorney regarding the Village of Baldwin airport and
zoning matters. There was a brief discussion regarding the letter. There was a concern from a tax
payer regarding the remote control plane event. Mr. Lenn Todd briefly discussed the project. It was
said that the planes would not fly over anyone’s residence. Supervisor Chamberlain stated that he
talked to the tax payer and he instructed her to contact Mr. Todd from the Village of Baldwin.
There will be an open meeting regarding development of the radio controlled planes/car area
project prior to development starting.
6. Clerk Allen asked Supervisor Chamberlain when she will be receiving the Board of Review
minutes. Supervisor Chamber stated she would have them either Thursday or Friday following this
7. Clerk Allen stated she will no longer be completing the monthly Board meeting agenda. Supervisor
Chamberlain will be completing the agenda in the future.
8. Clerk Allen presented an estimate from IT Right to purchase a network server. She gave a brief
description of the services and equipment the company offers. She provided all the information to
the board for possible future purchase.
f. Treasurer’s Report- Treasurer Hoffman presented a letter and questioned if there were rein zones in
Pleasant Plains and when they expire. Treasurer Hoffman will follow up with this. There was a brief
explanation of what a rein zone is.
Treasurer Hoffman stated all the information has been provided to the auditor. Treasurer Hoffman stated that
all bank accounts have been reconciled. The township audit started April 29th. The auditor will be present for
the May 20th meeting. Supervisor Chamberlain signed the engagement letter provided by the auditor. A brief
discussion was conducted regarding getting a new auditing firm in the future.
g. Supervisor’s Report-The millage rate sheet from the County Equalization was signed by Supervisor
Chamberlain and Clerk Allen. Clerk Allen will ensure a copy is given to the County Equalization
department. There was a brief discussion regarding the millage, expiration of mileages. Trustee Russell will
be verifying the expiration of suspended mileages.
Supervisor Chamberlain stated during his checking he noticed one street light that was out. He stated he
contacted Consumers regarding that light.
a. Treasurer Hoffman stated she contacted the electric company regarding her street light and they need a
motion to replace her street light from the board. The motion to replace Treasurer Hoffman’s street light was
made by Supervisor Chamberlain: Seconded by Clerk Allen. All in favor; none apposed. Motion carried.
Treasure Hoffman will provide the electric company with the information needed to replace her street light.
b. The board has decided to not move forward with hiring Sandy Clark as a grant writer at this time because the
board is not ready to move forward with a grant. Trustee Davis made the motion not to sign Sandy Clark’s
contract. Seconded by Supervisor Chamberlain. All in favor; none apposed. Motion carried.
c. Oakwood Manor assessment/tax follow up-Supervisor Chamberlain will follow up with Oakwood Manor
and the assessor to assess their property.
d. Per Supervisor Chamberlain, all streets signs have been either repaired or replaced.
e. Resolution #6-Poverty Guidelines there was a brief discussion regarding the resolution. Clerk Allen made
the motion to except Resolution #6: Seconded by Supervisor Chamberlain. All in favor; none apposed.
Motion carried.
a. Roof leak in Zoning Administrator’s office-The township board discussed a limit of $1000.00 to repair the
roof. Supervisor Chamberlain will obtain an estimate for the roof repair. Trustee Russell stated if the repairs
are over $500, Supervisor Chamberlain is to bring the estimate back to the board for approval. All board
members agreed. Supervisor Chamberlain was approved to contact Dan Tagliareni to repair the roof.
b. Close Transportation fund-Supervisor Chamberlain made the motion to send all funding collected for Dial
a Ride is sent to Dial a Ride, which will close the Transportation account: Seconded by Treasurer Hoffman.
All in favor; none apposed. Motion carried.
c. Zoning Ordinance- Clerk Allen has a copy of the complete zoning ordinance. A brief discussion regarding
the steps to get the ordinance to the stage. The Planning Board approved. Trustee Russell had
questions/concerns regarding the ordinances and expressed her concern that the board should have discussed
the ordinance prior to the meeting to approve it. Trustee Russell stated that she will be bring up issues as
they come up so the ordinances can be amended. Clerk Allen made the motion to except the ordinance a
written with the ability to amend as needed: Seconded by Treasurer Hoffman. All in favor; none apposed.
Motion carried.
a. The township received a bill from the auditor exceeding $2000.00 but the services were not detailed enough
on the bill. There was a brief discussion questioning the amount and service bill for. Clerk Allen will request
an itemized bill from the auditor for record keeping/budget reasons. The itemized bill will be presented to the
board prior to the Clerk paying it.
b. Orshal Construction-Trustee Russell made the motion to Orshal Construction bill dated July 12, 2012
invoice number 1202 in the amount of $24,716.00 Seconded by Treasurer Hoffman. There was a brief
discussion regarding negation of the bill. The attorney has advised that it is more likely that Orshal would
prevail in court and that the amount was reasonable. Roll call: Supervisor Chamberlain-yes, Clerk Allen-yes,
Treasurer Hoffman-yes, Trustee Russell-yes, Trustee Davis-yes. Motion carried.
Motion to pay the bills was made by Clerk Allen: Seconded by Supervisor Chamberlain. All in favor; none
apposed. Motion carried.
c. AUDIENCE COMMENTS LIMITED TO 3 MIN. EACH-Mr. Weeks announced there will be a Capital
Improvement meeting in the next week. He requested that Ryan be placed on the agenda for the May meeting.
Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Treasurer Hoffman. Seconded by Clerk Allen.
All in favor; none apposed. Meeting adjourned at 10:43 pm
Disclaimer: The monthly board meeting can be heard in its entirety by appointment in the Clerk’s office
for up to 30 days after that meeting was held.
Meeting minutes approved by:
Kellie Allen, Clerk
Jeff Chamberlain, Supervisor