Practice of selling more than one product for a single lower price is

1. Practice of selling more than one product for a single lower price is:
A. Price Lining
B. Tactical Pricing
C. Price Bundling
D. Price Fixing
2. The following are all listed goals for coupons EXCEPT:
A. Prompt consumers to buy a product
B. Save the consumer money
C. Encourage Repurchases
D. Reward Loyal Customers
3. Occurs when competitors that produce and sell competing products work together to control
A. Horizontal Price Fixing
B. Vertical Price Fixing
C. Price Control Fixing
D. Collude Price Fixing
4. As their name implies, _____ determines the final price to charge by starting with the cost.
A. Competitor based pricing
B. Premium pricing
C. Value based pricing
D. Cost-based pricing
5. By assigning a price to a category like “cheap,” “expensive,” and “fair,” suggests that consumers
are affected by ______.
Psychological Factors
Emotional Factors
Marketing Factors
6. Pricing strategies include all of the following except:
A. Cost-Based
B. Competitor-Based
C. Region-Based
D. Value-Based
7. By reducing consumers’ search cost, Everyday Low Pricing
A. Adds value
B. Reduces price comparison with competitors
C. Prices tend to be lower overall
D. All of the above
8. An example of Entrepreneurial Marketing the book uses would be:
A. Target
B. Family Dollar
C. Sam’s Club
D. Macy’s
9. Price Skimming appeals to consumers who are willing to pay a premium price to have the
innovation ________
A. Before it is available to the public
B. Delivered
C. First
D. None of the Above
10. Price reductions aimed at consumers include the following except:
A. Markdowns
B. Seasonal Discounts
C. Coupons
D. All of the above
Answer Key:
Chapter 14 Quiz – Group # 9
1. __________ is the tactic that involves marketers
setting a price ceiling and a price floor for an entire
line of similar products and then setting a few other
price points to represent differences in quality.
a. Price Lining
b. Slotting allowances
c. Cash discount
d. Price bundling
2. What is the tactic that involves the practice of selling
more than one product for a single, lower price?
a. Leader pricing
b. Price bundling
c. Market penetration strategy
d. Price skimming
3. Which of the following is an example of consumer
price reductions?
a. Quantity discounts
b. Markdowns
c. Seasonal Discounts
d. All of the above
4. When a firm sets a very low price for one or more of
its products with the intent to drive its competition
out of business, it is using:
a. Price discrimination
b. Bait-and-switch
c. Loss leader pricing
d. Predatory pricing
5. What is NOT one of the pricing strategies discussed in
the chapter?
a. Cost -based pricing
b. Competitor-based pricing
c. Quality-based pricing
d. Value-based pricing
6. What is it called when a firm deliberately prices a
product above the prices set for competing products
to capture those consumers who always shop for the
a. Cost of Ownership method
b. Premium pricing
c. Reference pricing
d. Everyday low pricing (EDLP)
7. How did Texas Instruments decide to price their new
DLP technology when it was first introduced?
a. Priced low at first then increased the price over
b. Priced low at first and kept the price low
c. Priced high and kept the price high in comparison
to its competitors
d. Priced high initially and then priced lower in
response to competition
8. What is everyday low pricing?
a. a strategy where companies stress the continuity
of their retail prices at a level somewhere
between the regular, non-sale price and the
deep-discount sale prices their competitors may
b. a tactic that attempts to build store traffic by
aggressively pricing anda advertising a regularly
purchased item, often priced at or just above the
store's cost.
c. a price that ends in an odd number.
d. a strategy that relies on the promotion of sales.
9. Why are "odd prices" used?
a. To prevent sales clerks from pocketing money.
b. Consumers look at the "12" of "12.99" and think
it's significantly lower than "13.00"
c. Consumers infer that an odd price must be
precisely calculated.
d. All of the above
10. Which of these is not a business to business pricing
a. Seasonal Discounts
b. Cash Discounts
c. Allowances
d. Leader Pricing
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. C
6. B
7. D
8. A
9. D
10. D