REVISION LIST FOR ITALIAN School year 2010/11 Year 7 (Sections listed below include grammar points to revise) UNIT 1 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Introducing yourself and asking people names (e.g. Mi chiamo…/ Come ti chiami?) Page 12 b) Counting in Italian Page 14 c) Asking people where they live and saying where you live (e.g. Dove abiti/ abita? Abito/ Abita a …) Page 15 d) Talking about your age and saying when your birthday is (e.g. Ho dieci anni) Page 16 e) Talking about brothers, sisters and pets (e.g. Ho una sorella e un fratello/ Ho un cane e un gatto) Page 18 f) Present tense of AVERE (to have) and ESSERE (to be) UNIT 2 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Things in your bag and pencil case (e.g. Nello zaino ho una penna,…) Page 24 b) School subjects and opinions (e.g. Studio la matematica/ La mia material preferita è…) Page 26 c) Timetables, times and lessons (e.g. Il giovedi ho Italiano alle 9.00/ Sono le tre e un quarto…) Page 28 d) Present tense of regular –ARE verbs (e.g. STUDIARE – to study) UNIT 3 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Talking about Hobbies and what you like and dislike (e.g. Mi piace la musica/Non mi piacciono la matematica e l’arte) Page 36 b) Saying what your favourite hobbies are (e.g. Il mio passatempo preferito è l’equitazione. E’ interessante/favoloso/divertente) Page 38 c) Saying where you go to do things (e.g. Vado al cinema/Vado a scuola) Page 40 d) Present tense of verb ANDARE REVISION LIST FOR ITALIAN School year 2010/11 Year 8 (Sections listed below include grammar points to revise) UNIT 6 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Saying what you like to drink b) Talking about food c) Saying what you’d like to eat d) Planning to buy food/quantities Page 74 Page 76 Page 78 Page 80 UNIT 7 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Talking about parts of the body and how you feel b) Saying there is something wrong with you c) Talking about what is good and what is bad for your health d) Talking about what sports you do Page 88 Page 90 Page 92 Page 94 UNIT 8 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Talking about plans for the weekend/The verb VOLERE b) Finding out what you can do in a town/The verb POTERE c) Asking and giving directions/The verb DOVERE Page 100 Page 102 Page 106 UNIT 9 (Tutti Insieme 1) a) Talking about what countries you’d like to visit b) Talking about the weather c) Talking about the time and when you do things Page 112 Page 114 Page 118 Talking about colours and clothes/Telling what people wears (Notes & photocopies) REVISION LIST FOR ITALIAN School year 2010/11 Year 9 (Sections listed below include grammar points to revise) UNIT 1 (Tutti Insieme 2) a) Clothes and colours; likes and dislikes b) Clothes you like/dislike; saying what you wear for different occasions c) Asking and saying whether clothes suit someone and why Page 10 Page 12 Page 14 UNIT 4 (Tutti Insieme 2) a) Saying what you have done b) Describing your daily routine c) Agreeing/disagreeing d) Writing to a penfriend Page 48 Page 50 Page 52 Page 54 UNIT 5 (Tutti Insieme 2) a) Dates, special events, festivals; greetings b) Celebrating special occasions; favourite celebrations Page 60 Page 62 UNIT 6 (Tutti Insieme 2) a) Transport b) Holidays (place, transport, length of stay) c) Describing holidays Page 72 Page 74 Page 76 UNIT 7 (Tutti Insieme 2) a) Pocket money; spending on items, saving b) Jobs to earn money c) Talking about spending habits d) What preparations you made for a party; what present you bought Page 86 Page 88 Page 90 Page 92 UNIT 8 (Tutti Insieme 2) a) Talking about different ways of learning a language Page 98 REVISION LIST FOR ITALIAN Year 10 School year 2010/11 UNIT 1 (Amici) a) Name countries, nationalities and languages; introduce yourself and others; rules for adjectives and verb essere; auxiliary verb essere; adjectival agreement Page 14-15 b) Revise the Alphabet; filling in forms with personal details; revise and learn numbers 40- three billion pp. 16-17 c) Describe yourself; describe your family and friends; auxiliary verb avere pp. 18-19 UNIT 2 (Amici) a) Talk about different sports; express opinions and preferences; use the negative; use the definite article; verbs (piacere, preferire, detestare, odiare) followed by infinitives; negative forms; definite articles: il, lo, l’, la, i, gli, le; articulated prepositions (e.g. a + il = al, etc.) pp. 20-21 b) Talk about what you do in your free time, when, where and with whom; use the Present tense Indicative; present tense of regular verbs (-are, -ere and –ire), -isc verbs (e.g. capire, preferire) and common irregular verbs andare, fare and uscire pp. 22-23 c) Say when you and other people have particular subjects; ask which subjects someone has on what day and at what time Grammatica 1 pp. 24-25 pp. 26-27 UNIT 3 (Amici) a) Talk about your home town; give opinions about the town or area; modal verbs volere, dovere and potere in the present tense indicative b) Say the type of accommodation you live in; describe own place; prepositions of place (di fronte, dietro, accanto and intorno) c) Describe the rooms in your house; say where things are; peculiar position of adjectives bello, buono, brutto, cattivo, giovane, grande, grosso, largo, lungo, piccolo, vecchio UNIT 4 (Amici) a) Talk about what you do everyday; use reflexive verbs; talk about time of the day; reflexive verbs in the present tense indicative b) Talk about jobs about the house; use the present tense of stare + gerund form; present continuous c) Talk about setting the table; talk about mealtimes UNIT 5 (Amici) a) Learn about the school system in Italy; describe your school b) Describe a typical day at school and timetables – Use Possessives Grammatica 2 UNIT 6 (Amici) pp. 30-31 pp. 32-33 pp. 34-35 pp. 36-37 pp. 38-39 pp. 40-41 pp. 42-43 pp. 44-45 pp. 48-49 a) Find out information about train, bus and tram departures; buy tickets b) Ask for directions; say where places and buildings are; use the imperative c) Ask for information at the tourist office; request brochures and leaflets; make comparisons UNIT 7 (Amici) a) Talk about holiday preferences; express plans and intentions; use expressions of time; question words and expressions b) Describe a past holiday; the past tense- Il Passato Prossimo with avere and essere c) Say what the weather is like at different times of the year; describe a holiday in the past and say what the weather was like; understand and use the imperfect tense pp. 56-57 pp. 58-59 pp. 60-61 pp. 62-63 pp. 64-65 pp. 66-67