the item

Barack Obama.
Just the name said out loud gives me a feeling of pride and inspiration . I am proud to
say that Mr Barack Hussein Obama is the 44th president of the United States of
America and in my opinion it is very much deserved .The election was one of the
most controversial and talked about things all over the world from country to
continent the whole world was talking about Mr Obama. Many people may think that
we as British citizens “didn’t care” about the elections but your wrong.
Obama’s victory wasn’t just because he is black Obama won because of the love and
dedication he has for his country, when I heard his name I nearly burst into tears I
never imagined in a million years that in my life time I would see a black president
grace the halls of the ‘white' house .millions of people of all ages and races have come
together to celebrate and embrace Obama and what he stands for.
Change was never an option until obama came onto the scene in January3, 2005 as a
US senator he then broke all the barriers to become after many obstacles and heart
break the first black president. It is clear that Obama has not only moved a nation
he moved the younger generation with artists like Nas and backing him
110% and influencing young people from all over the world.
The war in Iraq is one of the ,main sources of difficulty he has to face once he is in
the white house . This is an issue that Obama is more than capable solving I know
that he will make the right decision. I also know that Obama will not become an
understudy to his understudy I know he will be the best he can be and never give up
on his dreams ,his goals and his people.
He is a family man . A man who is dedicated to his wife and his two beautiful
daughters Malia Ann and Natasha. I know that he will love not only his country but
the whole world the way that he loves his family .
Barack Obama has continued the work that many other strong black leaders such as
martin Luther king Jr, Malcolm x Rosa parks Jesse Jackson started before him . He
has already gone down in history as the first black president but if he cleans up the
mess that we are in he will become a legend.
I am very proud to be writing this piece on Mr Brack Obama he is an inspiration to
every person - black, white or mixed-heritage. He is an extremely capable and
competent president and I wish him all the best.
Astra – Four Dwellings school