Spring 2004 - NIU College of Education

Spring 2007
GA 220
Wednesdays 3:00-5:40pm
Instructor: Jason Underwood
Email: junderwood@niu.edu
AIM: jasonmunderwood
Phone: 753-2639
Office Hours: See BlackBoard for schedule
Computers in the Classroom – ETT 429
Course Overview
Course Objectives
Course Requirements
This course is a survey of educational uses of computers (technology). It is designed to
develop proficiency in computer applications and educational software; teach principles
and specific ideas for appropriate, responsible, and ethical computer use to make teaching
and learning more effective; promote critical abilities, skills and self-confidence for ongoing professional development.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
1. Approach computer-based technology with an attitude of fearlessness.
2. Use word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation software proficiently.
3. Apply appropriate technologies for data-driven decision making.
4. Demonstrate understanding of hypermedia and the World Wide Web to support
instruction including Web 2.0 technologies
5. Apply the learned software skills and knowledge to support both teaching and
6. Select appropriate media and hardware to deliver your content and lesson plans.
7. Understand the ethical and cultural issues related to the use of technology.
Regular Attendance
Regular attendance is crucial for success in this course. We will meet face-to-face 14 times.
Of those, you are permitted two excused absences without penalty to your grade on the
condition that sufficient make up work is completed. Make up work (and associated points)
will not be accepted for work missed for absences exceeding two.
Grades will be determined based on the following elements:
1. Reflective Reading Responses and Class Discussion (20%)
You will be required to read chapters and selections related to educational technology,
learning theory, and educational psychology and respond to related questions that will be
posted on the course Blackboard. Responses will be judged not for length but for content i.e.,
whether the question has been thoughtfully and appropriately addressed. You will also be
expected to participate fully in classroom discussions particularly focused on the role of
technologies in your current or future setting.
2. Integrating Technology into My Classroom: An Electronic Portfolio (60%)
You will create a reflective electronic portfolio around artifacts created in and out of class.
This will encompass all of your individual projects that accompany the weekly discussions
and topics.
3. Independent Learning Project (ILP) (20%)
As part of your effort to become an independent consumer of technologies to enhance your
craft, you will be required to independently investigate a particular technology or set of
technologies appropriate for your current or future needs. You will learn the technology
using resources that you identify (with help, if necessary), demonstrate proficiency with the
technology and create a document introducing your technology to your colleagues. There are
no restrictions on topic, as long as it is instructional and includes the appropriate use of
educational technology demonstrating growth in your knowledge and skills. Creativity in the
instructional strategies will be highly valued. This project will be more completely described
at a later date.
Course Grades
Grading Scale
100%-90% A, 89%-80% B, 79%-70% C, 69%-60% D
Due Dates
Most assignments will be submitted electronically. Assignments not submitted when due will
be reduced 10% per day past due date.
Project Grading Criteria
Grading Criteria/Rubrics will be provided to as you begin to design your projects.
My expectation is that every class member will produce outstanding work. I expect to provide
regular feedback to you as your work progresses. There should be no surprises at final grade
time. At the same time, I need your honest feedback as well. I can only help you to attain
your own goals if I know what is or is not working. Never hesitate to ask. I will do everything
possible to make this an enjoyable and valuable experience for you.
Course Materials and
Teach yourself visually: Office 2003
ISBN: 9780764596872
I am fully aware that there is a new version of Microsoft Office, released in 2007. Currently,
many labs, including those in the College of Education, have not upgraded to Office 2007 and
do not plan to do so within this semester. We will discuss this further in class.
Additional Resources:
Some materials, including articles and chapters will be posted to BlackBoard. You will be
held responsible for reading these materials. Others, marked “Optional” will be posted and
serve as resources if you need them.
This and other important documents will be posted on BlackBoard. The course calendar will
also be updated regularly, please check at least weekly for updates and announcements.
Projects and files in this and other technology courses are often very large and therefore
cumbersome to move from place to place. One solution is to purchase a number of CD-R or
CD-RW disks. Another solution that is particularly efficient is a category of devices that are
often referred to as a “flash drives.” These devices can store between 256MB and 8GB+
depending on the model and can be purchased starting at around $20. This will be discussed
further in class.
Resource Access
This course will use Blackboard as an integral part of the experience. Assignments will be
posted and submitted, grades will be posted, and discussions will be facilitated. To use
Blackboard, you must log in with your z number and your password. The web address for
Blackboard is http://webcourses.niu.edu If you do not know your z number or password, call
Classroom/Lab Computers
For computers in the classroom and the labs to function properly, you must log in to Novell.
Use your z number in the following format: .z#####x.x.students.niu.edu where x is the last
digit of your z number.
ETT 429 Computers in the Classroom 2
Course Schedule
Given the nature of this course, an exact timetable is difficult to specify. Adjustments may be
made to address needs of class members. The following tentative schedule will be updated
regularly on the course Blackboard.
Date Topics
Course Introduction
BlackBoard, Surveys
Hardware Lab
Network Basics
Word I
PowerPoint I
Handheld Computers
Web Technologies
Using the Web for Learning
Online Searching
Web Evaluation
Online Activities (No Class)
Web Development I
Concept Mapping
Web Development I
Apple Computers
Digital Imaging
No Class-Spring Break
Digital Audio
PowerPoint II
Digital Video
Educational Software
Software Evaluation
Media Selection
New Media
Online Activities (No Class)
Web 2.0 Technologies
Wikis, Blogs, Podcasts
Games and Simulations
Official Business
Word Activity
PowerPoint Activity
Excel Activity
Web Evaluation Rubric
New Technologies
Webpage Storyboard
Web Page
Digital Image
Podcast Files
Multimedia PowerPoint
Evaluation Rubric
Activity Report
Game Teacher’s Guide
Virtual Worlds
ILP Presentations
Winter Weather, Travel, and Class Cancellations
To learn about official NIU status, a weather status line is available:
752-OPEN (752-6736) or 1-888-4NIU-OPEN (1-888-464-8673) toll-free. Unless the
university closes officially, you may assume that I will be here for class when scheduled. If
something were to necessitate my canceling class on a date not announced in advance and not
part of an official closing, the IT office will make every effort to contact you by email as
early in the day as possible.
Disabilities Accommodation
Northern Illinois University abides by section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, which
stipulates that no student shall be denied the benefits on an education solely by reason of a
handicap. Disabilities covered by law include, but are not limited to learning disabilities and
hearing, sight or mobility impairments. If you have a disability that may have some impact on
your work in this class and for which you may require accommodations, please discuss your
needs with me so that such accommodations maybe arranged.
ETT 429 Computers in the Classroom 3