CL 104 is an introduction to ancient Greek and Roman literature in

CL 104.02
W 12-14:00; F 11-12:00
Dr. Clifford Endres
Syllabus: Spring 2015
The course reader is available at Doğa Kirtasiye. Other readings may be handed out as needed.
Week 1
Feb 9-13
Archaic Greek Epic: Homer, Iliad, Books 1-3 (trsl. Lattimore)
Week 2
Feb 16-20
Homer, Iliad, Books 6, 9, 16, 18, 21 (excerpts)
Week 3
Feb 23-27
Homer, Iliad, Books 22 & 24 (excerpts)
Homer, Odyssey, Book 11 (“Kingdom of the Dead”)
Week 4
March 2-6
Classical Greek Lyric: Archilochus, Sappho, Alcaeus, Anacreon
Greek Tragedy: Aeschylus, Agamemnon (trsl. Fagles)
Week 5
March 9-13
Agamemnon continued
History: Herodotus, pp. 303-311, 321-322, 388-89, 452-455, 477-487
Week 6
March 16-20
Euripides, Medea (trsl. Warner)
History: Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 2.34-46, 4.85-116
Week 7
March 23-27
Greek Comedy: Aristophanes, The Frogs (trsl. Smith)
Week 8 (8-10)
Mar 30-Apr 3
Hellenistic Epic: Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica, Book 3 (trsl. Rieu)
Week 9
April 6-10
Roman Epic: Virgil, Aeneid, Books 1-4 (excerpts) (trsl. Fagles)
Week 10
April 13-17
Virgil, Aeneid, Book 6
Week 11
April 20-24
Week 12
April 28-May 1
Roman Tragedy: Seneca, The Trojan Women (trsl. Boyle)
May Day: no class
Week 13
May 5-8
Roman Lyric: Catullus, Horace, Propertius
Week 14
Catullus, Horace, Propertius
May 13: Last Day of Classes
Policy Statement
CL 104 is an introduction to ancient Greek and Roman literature in its cultural and historical
context, with an emphasis on major genres (epic, lyric, tragedy, comedy). Readings are
Course Goals
Students will become familiar with the foundations of the classical tradition in Western
literature and gain an appreciation of the classical heritage of Turkey.
Course Materials
The reader for Classical Literature 104.02, which includes all required readings for the course, is
available at Doğa Kırtasiye. Supplementary and optional readings may be distributed as
handouts during the semester.
Midterm exam ..………………….. ……
Short papers, reading quizzes, etc……
Final Examination ………………………
Attendance & participation.. …………
Student Responsibilities
Class performance is a large part of your grade; it includes preparation, attendance, and
participation. You should read the text we are covering on a given day before becoming to
class. And bring the text with you!
Note: to be admitted to the final, the student must fulfill the attendance requirement specified
by YÖK. This means that you may miss no more than 12 hours of class, if you wish to take the