BELLEVUE YOUTH RECREATION ASSOCIATION (BYRA) Bellevue, MI 49021 Adopted 2001 Bi-Laws ARTICLE I – NAME This Association shall be known as the Bellevue Youth Recreation Association, hereinafter referred to as the "Association" or "BYRA". The term ‘board’, hereinafter refers to the active governing board for BYRA. ARTICLE II – OBJECTIVE Section 1 - The objectives of BYRA shall be to implant firmly in the youth of the community the ideals of sportsmanship, team play, honesty, loyalty, courage and respect for authority. BYRA will attempt to provide an environment that will also remain sensitive to the physical and emotional well being of the boys and girls. Section 2 - Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, BYRA is organized exclusively for one or more of the purposes as specified in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, and shall not carry on any activities not permitted to be carried on by an Association exempt from Federal income tax under IRC 501(c) (3) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent tax law. In any taxable year in which BYRA is a private foundation as described in IRC 509(a), BYRA shall distribute its income for said period at such time and manner as not to subject it to tax under IRC 4942, and BYRA shall not: (a) (b) (c) (d) engage in any act of self-dealing as defined in IRC 4941(d), retain any excess business holdings as defined in IRC 4943(c), make any investments in such a manner as to subject BYRA to tax under IRC 4944, or make any taxable expenditure as defined in IRC 4945(d) or corresponding provisions of any subsequent Federal tax laws. Upon the liquidation or dissolution of BYRA, after payment of all of the liabilities of BYRA, or due provisions therefore, all of the assets of BYRA shall be disposed of pursuant to Michigan General Laws. ARTICLE III –GENDER Any word used herein in the masculine gender shall also include the feminine gender in all cases where appropriate. BYRA does not discriminate against any form of gender. ARTICLE IV – MEMBERSHIP Section 1 Eligibility and Classes - Any person sincerely interested in active participation to support the objectives of BYRA may apply to become a member. Such membership roster shall include the following classes of members: a. Player Members: Any boy or girl meeting the requirements set forth by BYRA and who resides within the authorized boundaries of BYRA shall be eligible for participation, but shall have no rights, duties or obligations in the management or in the property of BYRA. b. Regular Members: A member of the league is any interested person who has been acknowledged and confirmed by the Board. All Board members, coaches, parents, volunteers and/or other elected or appointed officials are active members in good standing. Section 2 - Player Registration Registration will begin during the month of March annually. The sign up process will consist of six walkin sign up periods; four (4) in the month of March and two (2) in the month of April. Annual sign up dates will be selected by the BYRA Director and presented to the board. The registration period will conclude by April 15th with the following exceptions. a. Registrations for BYRA Recreational Divisions (T-Ball and Coach Pitch Teams) All players wishing to participate in T-Ball or Coach Pitch may register at any time during the registration period. Annually a date will be selected to place players on teams and will normally be the last Saturday of April. Registration forms received after teams are drawn will be placed on teams ensuring a balance. Although shirt orders are placed during the first week of May, players new to the school district may register through May 15 th. Late registration is possible by ordering extra shirts. b. Registrations for BYRA Competitive Travel Teams (10u, 12u and 14u) Students attending Bellevue Community Schools who wish to participate will be given priority on all travel teams through the first four (4) sign up periods (held in March). Vacancies on teams will then be filled starting in April on a first come first serve basis by registered players who do not attend Bellevue Community Schools. Non-Bellevue Community School players may register in March and a note will be placed on their registration form with the date and time received. These players will have priority over other non-Bellevue students who register in April until vacancies on the respected team are filled. Annually April 15th is the cut off period to add any players to teams. At this point, BYRA will determine if they are able to field a team in a respective division or may need to recruit players. While the travel leagues have roster limits, BYRA coaches have the final say as to the number of players they will roster. Section 3 – Termination: Membership may be terminated by resignation or by action of the Board due to just cause. Just cause may be determined as acts or deeds which are contrary to the welfare of BYRA or its players. A majority vote is required for termination. To eliminate any vagaries, behavior shall be defined as acts or deeds of any player or regular member that are contrary to the objectives as outlined in Article II, either within the confines of the Village of Bellevue or as representatives of BYRA. a. The Board, by a two-thirds vote of those present at any duly constituted meeting shall have the authority to discipline, suspend or terminate the membership of any members of any class when the conduct of such person is considered detrimental to the best interests of the Bellevue Youth Recreation Association as defined above. The member involved shall be notified of such meeting, informed of the general nature of the charges and given the opportunity to appear at the meeting to answer such charges. b. The Board shall, in case of a player member, give notice to the coach of the team that the player is a member. Said coach shall appear, in the capacity of an adviser, with the player and their parents or guardian, along with any witnesses, written statements or witnesses on their behalf before the board, which shall have the full power to suspend or revoke such player's right to future participation. Any manager or coach who is ejected from a game for the second time in a season shall appear before the Board, which shall have the full power to suspend or revoke such coach right to future participation. Discipline will be progressive in nature. Decisions of the board are final. ARTICLE V - BOARD Section 1. Description: A Board elected in accordance with BYRA rules shall govern BYRA. The Board is authorized to establish policies and procedures for administering the affairs of BYRA in accordance with these by-laws. Directors shall upon election immediately enter upon the performance of their duties and shall continue in office. Section 2. Officers: The offices for BYRA shall include: President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who serve a one year term. Section 3: Board: The Board is comprised of the officers listed above along with the Director of Umpires, Director of Fields, Division Coordinators (board members), Director of Player Development and other appointments or positions may be added that are determined by the Board to efficiently operate BYRA. Section 4. Nomination and Election: Board elections will be held as required during the first annual meeting of each season. Board officers will hold their office for a period of one (1) year, until resignation or removal by two-thirds votes of the Board. Elections to the Board shall be determined by a vote of the general membership during the election meeting (generally during the first season meeting). Any member of BYRA or interested individuals can make nominations to positions on the Board. Post election vacancies that may occur on the Board due to death, resignation or termination may be filled by a majority vote of the remaining members of the Board at any Board meeting. The members of the Board shall immediately assume the performance of their duties and shall continue in the office until their successors have been duly elected. Section 5. Resignation: A member of the Board may resign by delivering a written resignation to the BYRA president, or designee. Such resignation shall be effective upon receipt (unless specified to be effective at a later date by the resigning member) and acceptance thereof shall not be necessary to make it effective unless so stated in the resignation. Section 6. Meetings and Quorums: Regular meetings of the Board may be held at any such time as the Board may determine. The president of BYRA may call special meetings of the Board. A majority of the total membership of the Board or two-thirds attendance constitutes a quorum for a regular meeting. A quorum for special meetings requires a minimum of the president and either three other members of the Board. Section 7. Duties and Powers: The Board shall have the power to appoint special committees, as it shall determine and to delegate such powers to them as the Board shall deem advisable. The Board may adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings and the management of BYRA as it may deem proper. The Board shall have the power by a two thirds vote of those present at any regular or special meeting to discipline, suspend or remove any director, committee member or member of BYRA in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article IV. Section 8. Voting: Only the members of the board can vote on matters at any BYRA meeting. Members of the board must attend two consecutive meetings before their vote is valid. This eliminates board members from voting on instinct. Proxy, written or any other form will not constitute as being a valid voting option and will not be counted as such. ARTICLE VI - OFFICERS DUTIES AND POWERS Section 1. Duties and powers of BYRAs officers: a. President (1) shall have general charge and supervision of the affairs of BYRA (2) shall set, organize and preside at all meetings of the Board (3) shall be primarily responsible for executing such policies and procedures that may from time to time be established by the Board (4) shall (with the assistance of the treasurer) prepare and submit an annual budget to the Board for its approval and be responsible for the proper execution thereof shall represent BYRA at any district, national or other BYRA programs of which BYRA is associated ie. Travel teams, fundraisers (5) shall assure that all necessary permits are attained to allow the efficient operation of BYRA regarding fields, fund raising, concession stand (6) shall (with the assistance of selected board members) examine the application and supporting proof-of-age document of player candidates and certify to the age and residence (7) shall maintain association records, record of the board and coaches addresses (8) shall ensure safe and ample equipment is available for all players, umpires and coaches, in addition inventory equipment before and after each season (9) shall prepare and present a schedule of practices and games to the board for review and approval (10) shall coordinate team pictures and season tournament b. Vice President (1) shall have and may exercise all of the powers and duties of the BYRA president during the absence of the president or in the event of his/her inability to act shall be responsible for acting as a liaison between BYRA and the sponsors of BYRA by keeping them informed of league activities (2) shall ensure division leaders fulfill their roles and responsibilities and facilitate all division issues that may arise (3) shall have such additional duties and powers as the Board may from time to time delegate (4) shall set, review and approve the schedule of structure, practice and game schedules for the baseball and softball divisions (5) shall perform other duties and powers as may be delegated by the Board c. Secretary (1) shall keep full and accurate records of BYRA and shall report on the organizational affairs at each meeting of the Board (2) prepare and distribute meeting minutes (3) prepare and distribute sponsor support letters, request receipts from the treasurer for sponsors, receive sponsor monies and present to the treasurer for deposit, serve as the liaison with sponsors to ensure they receive game schedules (4) prepare and disseminate BYRA documents (5) shall supervise the registrations process, prepare registration process resources, organize and schedule team draws (6) prepare and coordinate press releases, present notices to schools for BYRA events (7) shall organize and prepare coaches packet (8) coordinate all organizational mailings (9) shall perform other duties and powers as may be delegated by the Board d. Treasurer (10) shall be the chief financial officer and the chief accounting officer of BYRA and prepare an annual financial statement (11) shall be in charge of BYRA's financial affairs and shall safeguard all funds, securities, and valuable papers, receive all monies and deposit into an approved depository (12) shall keep full and accurate records thereof shall report on the financial affairs at each meeting of the Board (13) shall issue all checks as needed to umpires, vendors, board as need (14) shall monitor and administer the monies allocated to the operation of the concession stand, umpires equipment procurement, fund raising activities, Tshirts / uniforms etc. (15) shall compile and order uniform orders and schedule delivery to coaches (for travel teams, coaches may work this in coordination with the treasurer (16) shall perform other duties and powers as may be delegated by the Board. e. f. Director of Umpires (1) shall be responsible for the recruiting and training of umpires for all divisions on BYRA rules and regulations (2) shall be responsible for scheduling umpires for all games (3) shall be responsible to ensure umpires are paid (4) ensure fields are safe for game play (5) shall be responsible for ensuring required umpires are certified / registered (i.e.. Boys umpires AABC) Director of Fields: (6) shall be responsible for the recruiting and training of field prep crews (7) shall be responsible for scheduling field prep crews (8) shall be responsible to ensure field prep crews are paid (if not volunteering their time) (9) ensure fields are safe for game play (10) ensure field prep crews are familiar with field layouts, equipment needed, and field marking requirements (11) shall be responsible for setting and organizing the annual field clean-up day g. Division Coordinators (as appointed): (1) shall ensure league structure, team composition, and All Star (selection process formats are conducted fairly, if used) (2) shall schedule the end of season tournament (3) shall maintain communication with coaches, players and parents of their division to resolve BYRA issues as they arise (4) shall have such additional duties and powers as the Board may from time to time delegate (5) monitor practices and games, distribute and collect equipment and uniforms, distribute schedules (6) shall ensure the playing area is cleaning and returned to an acceptable level after each practice and game for their division coaches h. Director of Player Development: (7) shall ensure league structure, team composition, and All Star (selection process formats are conducted fairly, if used for tball and coach pitch divisions) (8) shall schedule the end of season tournament for coach pitch players (9) shall maintain communication with coaches, players and parents of their division to resolve BYRA issues as they arise (10) shall have such additional duties and powers as the Board may from time to time delegate rules and policy changes to coaches (11) monitor practices and games, distribute and collect equipment and uniforms, distribute schedules (12) shall ensure the playing area is cleaned and returned to an acceptable level after each practice and game i. Concession Stand Manager: (1) shall report under the treasurer (2) shall be responsible for the operations of the concession stand during the months of BYRA (May through the end of June) (3) shall be responsible for the procurement of the necessary goods to sell at the concession stand (4) shall be responsible for the scheduling of members to assist in the staffing of the concession stand during hours of operation. These members will be responsible for the opening and cleaning of the rest rooms, preparation of food, delivery of food and cleaning of the concession stand. (5) develop and distribute a schedule for the board for season opening cleaning, board duty nights, end of season cleaning (6) develop a schedule for concession sales during the 4th of July fireworks ARTICLE VII - COACHES AND UMPIRES Section 1.Coaches: The BYRA Board determines the selection process for coaches. Coaches: a. shall be responsible to teach the fundamentals of baseball / softball and good sportsmanship to their players b. shall distribute playing time (per BYRA rules) and position play in a fair manner giving due consideration to the skill level of the players involved c. shall attempt to maintain a safe environment for their players to play in d. shall issue and/or collect uniforms and equipment distributed by BYRA as requested by the Division Coordinator e. are responsible to comply with the guidelines established by BYRA f. are responsible for the actions of the other coaches, parents and players that are assigned to his/her team g. will make themselves available for meetings called for by the Division Coordinator or dictated by BYRA (i.e.,First Aide Training). h. shall ensure the playing area is cleaned and returned to an acceptable level after each practice and game i. shall ensure game cards are completed, signed and returned to the concession stand after each game j. shall not allow unregistered or falsely registered players to participate in practices and games Section 2. Umpires: a. shall be selected by the Director of Umpires or alternate board member as applicable. b. will make themselves available for meetings called for by the Head Umpire or dictated by BYRA (i.e.,First Aide Training). c. will provide an available work schedule to the Director of Umpires d. shall ensure they have in possession at each game a set of BYRA rules e. shall ensure they wear the BYRA provided uniform / shirt for all games f. shall perform in a professional manner during game play g. shall report all inappropriate behavior to the Head Umpire or BYRA board member ARTICLE VIII - FINANCES AND ACCOUNTING Section 1 - The Board shall decide all matters pertaining to the finances of BYRA and it shall place all income in a common league treasury. Section 2 - The Board shall not permit the disbursement of Association funds for purposes other than the conduct of league activities. Section 3 - Two signatures will be required (one by the Treasurer and the other by the Director) for the disbursement of funds exceeding $5,000 unless voted by the Board. Section 4 - No director, officer or member of BYRA shall receive directly or indirectly any salary, compensation or emolument from BYRA for services rendered as director, officer or member. Section 5 - The fiscal year of BYRA shall begin on the first day of January and shall end on the last day of December. Section 6 - The accounting books shall be reviewed by two members of the Board as appointed by the Director at the end of each fiscal year. In addition, the filing of taxes both state and federal shall be accomplished no later than November 15 of the following year. Section 7 - DISTRIBUTION OF PROPERTY UNDER DISSOLUTION - Upon dissolution of the Bellevue Youth Recreation Association and after all outstanding debts and claims have been satisfied, the members shall distribute the property of BYRA to other such organizations maintaining an objective similar to that set forth herein, which are or may be entitled to exemptions under section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code or any future corresponding provision. ARTICLE IX – AMENDMENTS Constitution and by-laws of BYRA may be amended, repealed or altered in whole or in part by a majority vote at any meeting of the Board, provided notice of a meeting and proposed changes are given in writing ten (10) days prior to the scheduled meeting. Updated / Reviewed by Board March 15, 2009 Updated / Reviewed by Board April 22, 2012 Updated / Reviewed by Board April 26, 2014