THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS OF THE PERMIAN BASIN INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS HANDBOOK Approved by the Assessment Review Committee April 29, 2008 INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS HANDBOOK The Handbook is designed to assist instructional, administrative and support offices and departments with developing and implementing institutional effectiveness processes that improve student learning, support services, institutional activities, policies and procedures. As a basic reference for faculty and staff members, it provides information about the development of useful and meaningful mission statements, goals, objectives, and outcome statements, and the selection of appropriate assessment methods in order to obtain and use the results of evaluation. The Assessment Review Committee for 2007-2008, whose membership is shown in Appendix A, was instrumental in the development of this document. Without them this Handbook would not have been possible. In addition, the Handbook has benefited tremendously from the work of colleagues at many other institutions, and their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. A listing of helpful handbooks and manuals is shown in Appendix B. Comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome and should be sent to Denise Watts in the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness at i The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1 Characteristics of Institutional Effectiveness ................................................................................ 2 Planning ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Strategic Planning .................................................................................................................. 3 The Compact with the University of Texas System ............................................................... 5 University Budget Hearings ................................................................................................... 5 Program Review and Disciplinary Accreditation .................................................................... 5 Institutional Effectiveness Process ........................................................................................ 6 Steps in the Planning Process` .............................................................................................. 7 Assessment .................................................................................................................................. 8 Common Misconceptions Associated with Assessment ........................................................ 9 Some Important Philosophical Guidelines ........................................................................... 10 Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning ................................................................... 11 Assessing Student Learning ................................................................................................ 12 Preparing the Institutional Effectiveness Plan ..................................................................... 13 Student Learning Goals, Objectives and Outcome Statements .......................................... 13 Assessing General Education Outcomes ............................................................................ 18 Administrative and Support Outcomes ................................................................................ 19 Choosing an Assessment Method ....................................................................................... 21 Common Assessment Methods ........................................................................................... 22 Some Final Thoughts ........................................................................................................... 33 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 34 Appendices A. Assessment Review Committee 2007-2008 .................................................................. 35 B. Helpful Handbooks, Manuals, and Wisdom from Other Institutions ............................... 36 C. Budget and Planning Committee................................................................................... 37 D. Guidelines and Instructions for Institutional Effectiveness Reporting ............................ 38 E. Examples of Correct and Incorrect Student Learning Outcomes ................................... 76 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin ii Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook F. Action Verbs for Writing Outcome Statements ............................................................... 78 G. Core Curriculum: Assumptions and Defining Characteristics ........................................ 80 H. General Education Results Form ................................................................................... 86 I. General Education Results Form Example ...................................................................... 87 J. Examples of Correct and Incorrect Administrative and Support Office Outcomes ........ 91 K. Institutional Effectiveness Forms Rubric ........................................................................ 93 L. Further Reading .............................................................................................................. 96 M. Reporting Departments/Offices and Degree Programs ................................................ 100 iii The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook INTRODUCTION At the most basic level planning is the process of thinking about and deciding how to approach the future. Assessment is the process of understanding the level of performance attained. When formalized, institutional effectiveness involves identifying the future’s most significant forces and finding ways to mitigate the damage or enhance the impact while simultaneously attaining the unit’s goals in the anticipated world defined by the planning horizon. Uncertainty and risk always exist, and longer planning horizons involve greater elements of both. When the margins for error are slim, the need to plan is greatest. When times are tough, the need to be constantly gathering evidence about how well the plan is working and where the next problematic force or event is likely to arise is most intense. Even with its formidable downsides thinking about ways to shape the future is worth the time and effort involved. In anticipating the future we also anticipate a way forward and the contingencies involved in taking the path. Unfortunately, the world is not static and planning is never perfect so an important attribute of most planning systems is that they are forgiving. Plans need to be revisited often and revised frequently, but always with the goals in sight and always in cooperation with those who are expected to help put the plans into motion. No group on campus lacks goals although they may differ from person to person especially when they remain unarticulated. Not to plan makes the department a victim; not to revisit the plan often makes it a fool. With these ideas in mind, planning at all levels of the University makes sense. At UTPB, planning and assessment take place throughout the organization, and it is hoped that this Handbook can help in the effort to do it well. As a regional accrediting group SACS is charged by the member colleges and universities to help improve institutions of higher education. SACS has also been concerned about helping member schools to articulate their goals, devise plans, and develop information useful to the pursuit of those goals. Since 1984 when the College Delegate Assembly first voted to replace the Standards of the College Delegate Assembly with the Criteria for Accreditation, institutional effectiveness has been a centerpiece of the accreditation process. In 2001 when the College Delegate Assembly approved the Principles of Accreditation, institutional effectiveness remained an important element of gaining and retaining accreditation. All institutions were expected to be in complete compliance with the institutional effectiveness standards by 1991. With the Principles SACS has moved institutional effectiveness from the focus of accreditation to a major compliance element. Institutional effectiveness is a phrase devised by SACS to encompass both planning and assessment. Core Requirement 2.5 of The Principles of Accreditation: Foundation for Quality Enhancement is focused on institutional effectiveness. Since it is a core requirement, it is one of “the basic expectations of candidate and member institutions.” (Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 2008: 9). According to Core Requirement 2.5, “The institution engages in ongoing, integrated, and institution-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes that incorporate a systematic review of programs and services that (a) results in continuing improvement and (b) demonstrates that the institution is effectively accomplishing its mission.” (Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 2008: 10). According to the Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, the institutional effectiveness process in an institution must be a “systematic, explicit, and documented process of measuring performance against mission;” the process is “continuous, cyclical . . . participative, flexible, relevant and responsive;” and it includes “all programs, services, and constituencies and is strongly linked to the decision-making process at all levels, including the institution’s budgeting process (Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, 2005:9).” 1 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Institutional effectiveness at the University of Texas of the Permian Basin includes three major elements: 1)the institutional planning process which includes the University Strategic Plan, the University Compact with The University of Texas System, and the University Budget Hearings; 2)program review and disciplinary accreditation; and 3)the departmental/office institutional effectiveness process that supports both planning and student learning, administrative, and support service outcomes assessment. These process elements provide the major impetus for systematic and continuous improvement at the institution. Continuous Improvement Continuous improvement Strategic Planning UTPB Compact with The University of Texas System Budget Hearings Administrative and Support Dept/ Office Institutional Effectiveness Processes Unit Compacts Program Review or Disciplinary Accreditation Academic Institutional Effectiveness Processes Unit Compacts Continuous Improvement Continuous Improvement CHARACTERISTICS OF INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS Effective planning and assessment are characterized by a number of design and process elements. The institutional effectiveness process is Mission-centered: The institutional effectiveness system is designed to demonstrate that every institutional component including divisions, colleges, schools, departments and offices is helping to realize the mission of the University while successfully accomplishing its own mission. Improvement-oriented: In addition to being centered on mission, planning and assessment must be clearly focused on continuous improvement in each unit and throughout the University. It should be clear that outcomes are evaluated and the results used to improve the level of student learning and the effectiveness and efficiency of offices and programs. Participative: Planning and assessment are shared responsibilities that extend to faculty and staff involved in the programs and activities to be evaluated. Planning and assessment work best when participation is broadly-based. On-going: Planning and evaluation are not one-time events. Institutional effectiveness is regularly scheduled, regularly reviewed, and regularly documented. Systematic: Planning and assessment are designed to evaluate and improve all elements of the University through routine goal setting and evaluation of the extent to which both planning and assessment goals are achieved. Student learning goals for every degree program are set to ensure that each academic program attains the high goals set for it by program faculty members. While every element of mission and all program goals do not need to be evaluated every year, all should be evaluated on a regular schedule. 2 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Integrated: The various planning and assessment processes are interconnected with budget, with one another, and with institutional decision-making to provide the most productive system possible. Planning and assessment processes are also integrated with external processes and reporting systems that affect the University. Such areas of interconnection exist with The University of Texas System, the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), other state agencies, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and federal agencies. (University of Montevallo, 2002: 5-6) PLANNING Planning has an extended history at UTPB. The first long range plan was developed in 1982. In 1991 House Bill 2009 which required every state agency and higher educational institution to develop an agency plan every other year was passed by the 72 nd Legislature. The first agency plan was submitted in 1993. Since that time a number of formal planning efforts have been undertaken by the University. The current planning process at UTPB is shown in the diagram on the next page. As a component of the University of Texas System and a public university, UTPB must be responsive to the strategic plans of The University of Texas System and The Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). In addition, the University must monitor and plan for national and regional needs and trends and internal issues. STRATEGIC PLANNING Strategic planning addresses the long-term (10 year) planning horizon for the institution. It is initiated by the Budget and Planning Committee which is chaired by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Committee roster for 2007-08 is shown in Appendix C. It is composed of all of the vice presidents, a dean, a department chair, faculty members, staff members, the Faculty Senate Chair and the Chair of the Student Senate. The Committee uses information from a number of other planning activities including The University of Texas System Strategic Plan, THECB strategic plan, the UTPB budget hearings, and the issues of the nation and the region in its deliberations. The draft strategic plan is developed by the Committee, and released for review to the University community through the Administrative Council and via the University homepage. Comments are incorporated as needed into the final version. Once approved the Plan is submitted to The University of Texas System for review. The institutional planning process is shown on the next page. A number of other issue-oriented plans are also part of the planning activities at UTPB. These plans are more restricted in scope than the Strategic Plan since they cover a single or a cohesive set of concerns. The issue-oriented plans are developed in response to perceived needs and the requirements of a variety of state agencies and UT System initiatives. These plans include the Facilities Master Plan, the Distance Education Plan, the Information Resources Plan, the HUB plan, the Recruitment and Retention Plan, and the Enrollment Management Plan. 3 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook The Institutional Effectiveness System at UTPB Other State Agencies Coordinating Board Coordinating Board UT System UTPB Divisions Academic, Administrative and Support Service Office Compacts UTPB Compact UT System Budget Hearings Regional Needs Closing the GapsTHECB Plan Strategic Plan Program Reviews/ Accreditation UTPB Strategic Plan Noninstructional Institutional Effectiveness Plans UT System Coordinating Board Capital Improvement Plan Academic Affairs Institutional Effectiveness Plans Issue Plans- Appendices Master Plan Recruitment/ Retention Plan Distance Education Plan Enrollment Management Plan Information Resource Plan HUB Plan Other State Agencies 4 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook THE COMPACT WITH THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SYSTEM The Compact is a short-range action plan. It is updated annually in August and is based on the University strategic plan. Planning horizons range from 2 to 5 years. UT System instituted the development of the Compacts in 2003 as written agreements between the Chancellor of The University of Texas System and the presidents of each of the component institutions. The Compacts contain both goals and evaluation measures and document progress on the major goals of each institution. Prior to being finalized, the UTPB Compact is reviewed by the University community, and comments are submitted to the Budget and Planning Committee. Once completed on campus, the Compact is submitted to and reviewed by The University of Texas System. The completed and approved Compact is available both in its brief form which is used by The University of Texas System and in the full-text form on the University’s home page UNIVERSITY BUDGET HEARINGS University Budget Hearings are held over a two-day period each November. Vice presidents and academic deans present needs, plans, and funding issues from their divisions, college, or schools. These presentations are constructed from budget hearings on the departmental and office compacts held within the divisions, colleges and schools. All University Budget Hearings are overseen by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Vice President for Business Affairs. The President and the Vice President for Student Services attend as many of the University Budget Hearings as possible. The members of the Budget and Planning Committee are encouraged to attend as many of the hearings as possible. They are open meetings and notice of when and where they will be held is distributed by e-mail. The members of the Budget and Planning Committee use the information gained from the hearings in the development of the Strategic Plan, the update of the institutional Compact, and in review of budget priorities. The vice presidents and President also use the information in budgeting and planning both at the institutional and divisional levels. PROGRAM REVIEW AND DISCIPLINARY ACCREDITATION Each unaccredited academic degree program is reviewed by external reviewers as part of the program review process which is a part of the institutional effectiveness process of the University. Programs accredited by a disciplinary accrediting association are regularly evaluated by external reviewers and are therefore not required to participate in the institutional program review process. Since the programs in the Schools of Business and Education are nationally accredited, program reviews are undertaken primarily in the College of Arts and Sciences. Over a five-year period all unaccredited programs are scheduled for review. Degree programs designated for review conduct and write a self-study using guidelines identified by the Dean of Arts and Sciences. Reviewers are recommended by the disciplines under review and approved by the Dean and Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. All reviewers for all programs are brought in and conduct the reviews simultaneously. Thus, an external review team will make both general remarks that transcend the disciplines being reviewed and remarks uniquely addressed to the particular degree program for which each reviewer is responsible. The external reviewers prepare a written report to which the degree programs reply in writing. Recommendations accepted from the program reviews are expected to become a part of the planning and evaluation at the departmental and discipline level and are reflected in disciplinary and departmental planning and compacts. 5 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS PROCESS Academic Planning and Assessment The Assessment Review Committee is responsible for oversight of all campus assessment activities. The Budget and Planning Committee is responsible for review of the University mission and institutional strategic planning, and it is part of the linkage between planning and budget. As is true at all levels of the institution, planning is bound to evaluation and both are bound to improvement in all aspects of a department, discipline and/or College or school’s programs, activities, and services. When academic goals focus on the achievement of student learning outcomes, evaluation is called assessment. Assessment of student learning goals in academic areas is so important that it is covered extensively in another section and therefore will not be discussed here. Other goals known as program goals might cover, but are not limited to, student advising, student or faculty recruitment, retention, degree completion rates, curricular review, research or scholarly productivity, grant activity, faculty or student service activities or student satisfaction and are covered in the planning for the department. Planning and assessment are directly related to a department’s mission statement. A good mission statement is Focused: The unit’s purpose within the University is the nucleus of the statement. Brief: It usually contains no more than 100 words in 3 or 4 succinct sentences. Clear: It is coherent, free of jargon, and communicates plainly. Positive: The statement projects a positive image without being self-aggrandizing. Values Driven: It delineates the principles shared and practiced by members of the unit. Adaptable: The mission statement changes as the unit’s purpose changes. Beginning with the mission, faculty and staff define a series of goals. Since most departments contain more than one discipline and/or degree program, it is important to note that goals include those for the entire department and major goals for disciplines and/or degree programs. Academic planning defines short-term academic goals called planning outcomes that are documented at the level of the department. Planning outcomes encompass the upcoming year and are identified on Form 1 of the institutional effectiveness documentation (See Appendix D). Planning outcomes are aligned with the goals of the University Strategic Plan, the Compact, and the College or school compact. Each department is different and will have some planning outcomes that address their unique circumstances as well. For instance, some applied programs have industry regulatory issues that must be addressed either in the curriculum or in other ways; disciplines that are moving toward accreditation may have outcomes that focus on compliance with accreditation mandates; departments and disciplines in rapidly changing fields might have equipment and/or curricular outcomes that focus on maintaining currency in the discipline and so on. The extent to which a unit is achieving its goals is critical information for continued improvement. The planning documentation includes progress measures and how the results of evaluating progress have led to additional change or changes in strategies or tactics (Form 3 Appendix D). Support and Administrative Office Planning Offices that do not deliver direct instruction are also expected to plan and document their planning. As is true with academic units, support and administrative offices plan for improvements in such areas as services, programs, personnel, policies, procedures, resource acquisition, activities, events, and documentation. Planning goals are developed with an understanding of the environment within which the office operates. Broad-based participation by the members of an office who will be affected by the plan is also an important attribute for planning success. The broader the participation in setting the goals; the more likely members of the unit will actively attempt to achieve them. 6 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Planning must be congruent with the goals of University Strategic Plan, the Compact, and the division compact, and address the unique elements of the office. For example, financial aid offices must address a challenging regulatory environment and need to address the continuing education needs of staff. Computing services units face rapidly changing hardware and software demands, staff training needs, changing educational technology, a rapidly shifting security environment, and considerable regulation. The capacity of many offices to maintain acceptable programs and services is dependent on their ability to stay ahead of the next big change in their environment. Planning outcomes are short-term and usually restricted to the next year to two years. In most cases a planning outcome contains the objective and at what level the office hopes to accomplish the objective. Planning outcomes, progress measures and methods for measuring progress are documented on the office planning form (Form 5 is included in Appendix D). The results of activities associated with achieving the outcome and the use that the office will make of the results obtained are on the planning results and use form (Form 7) shown in Appendix D. Assessment of support and administrative office outcomes will be covered in the next section. STEPS IN THE PLANNING PROCESS Step 1: Mission or Purpose. There are usually several reasons for the existence of a unit. Once those reasons are enumerated, the unit develops a brief statement of purpose or mission. This statement should reflect a purpose to which the members of the unit are committed because it will become the foundation for all institutional effectiveness activities. While a mission statement may capture the purposes of a unit perfectly at one particular time, no unit is immune to change. Significant changes in purpose should be captured in the mission statement which means that unit mission statements need to be reviewed periodically to keep them current and accurate. This need to review why a unit exists is especially important in a University undergoing rapid change. A serious reconsideration of the purpose of a unit should be undertaken any time the unit adds or loses responsibilities and at least once every five years. Step 2: Understand the Environment. All units exist in a rich environment of goals, issues, needs, regulations, expectations and requirements. These forces exist both inside and outside the University. Once the important elements of the environment are identified it is clearer what the unit needs to do to move forward. Since no one can predict the future with unerring accuracy having an understanding of the likelihood of a future event and the type of response required is critical since important, high priority events must be addressed while other events may have a low probability of occurrence, but would be serious in their consequences if they were to occur. For instance, the possibility that the University might suffer a shooting incident like the one that occurred at Virginia Polytechnic and State University is not high, however should such an incident occur, emergency services on campus including the Police Department, Physical Plant, Student Services including Counseling, Academic Affairs, Public Relations, and the President’s Office will be expected to act rapidly and decisively. Rapid decisive action is almost impossible in the absence of adequate planning. Step 3: Develop Goals. Offices and departments use a variety of different sources to assist them in developing goals. The University goals articulated in the Strategic Plan, the Compact, the plans from the UT System and THECB, College and school goals, program review, accrediting standards, disciplinary trends, state and federal regulations, and departmental issues among other elements form the basis for departmental goal formation. As much as possible, plans should be synchronized with the goals of the University and should cover the major internal and external challenges. Everyone in the unit who will be expected to help achieve the goals should be involved in development of the plan. Involvement fosters understanding and buy-in both of which contribute to goal attainment. The goals are broken into a series of shorter term objectives that are enumerated on the appropriate forms each year. 7 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook The forms that document the plans and assessments that will occur each year are submitted once a year. However, plans are always subject to change as the environment changes. When planned activities and assessments change, the department or degree program amends its forms and submits them through its administrative channels to the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness. Step 4: Implement the Plan. Departments must put their plans into action to realize the benefits. Working on implementation of objectives should be continual over the year rather than a hurried attempt to complete the objectives because the results are overdue or due in the near future. A simple, but highly effective technique for supporting a set of objectives is to assign responsibility for implementation and establish a timeline. The timeline provides obvious opportunities for checkpoints on what has and has not been completed and a basis on which to encourage action. Unassigned responsibilities are not likely to be performed unless the department chair or the director initiates implementation activities. Step 5: Build on Success. Once a plan has been put into motion it is important to check progress regularly. With a planned activity, unless it is a very simple and straightforward activity, there are milestones along the way to accomplishing the goal or objective. Taking time to consider progress at those milestones allows mid-course corrections that reinforce the likelihood of success. Attaining an objective is a moment to celebrate, but also a moment to consider what comes next. Documenting the results of planning takes place on either form 3 for instructional areas or form 7 for administrative or support offices (Appendix D). Results of planning need to be displayed in column three of both forms. It should be clear how the planning results have led to actions shown in column four of the forms. ASSESSMENT Assessment has been widely discussed in higher education since the 1980s. Interest in finding ways to improve learning in colleges and universities was the subject of numerous reports and commissions in the 1980s and 1990s. What began as a call within the academy for greater concern about our students learning, has become a call for greater accountability by all educational institutions. Interest in assessment now extends from the federal government through governors and state officials and into coordinating boards and boards of trustees and regents. Both disciplinary and regional accreditation groups now require student learning to be measured and action taken to improve it. The belief that public colleges and universities should be more transparent and accountable to parents, state officials and taxpayers is not confined to any political party, and it is unlikely to diminish in the near future. Despite changes in rhetoric, assessment should be of continuing interest among faculty members in colleges and universities. It is the learning of our students that is the focus of so much attention. The degrees those students obtain have the names of our universities imprinted on them. Assessment should be our concern just as teaching and learning is our concern. There are many definitions of assessment in the literature; however for the purposes of the Handbook we will use the following definition from Upcraft and Schuh (1996:18) Assessment is any effort to gather, analyze, and interpret evidence which describes institutional, divisional, or agency effectiveness. Assessment takes place throughout the University in both instructional and non-instructional areas. While the subjects of assessment differ depending on whether the unit offers formal instruction, all of assessment is focused on improvement. As Schuh and Upcraft (2001:4) note Effectiveness includes not only assessment of student learning outcomes, but assessing other important outcomes such as cost effectiveness, clientele 8 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook satisfaction, meeting clientele needs, complying with professional standards, and comparisons with other institutions. Assessment . . . is not restricted to students, but may include other constituents within the institution, such as the faculty, administration, and governing boards, and outside the institution, such as graduates, legislators, funding sources, and accreditation agencies.” COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS ASSOCIATED WITH ASSESSMENT 1. Faculty members already evaluate students through the grades they issue in their classes. Program assessment is redundant. Faculty members do evaluate students routinely and assign grades to reflect individual levels of accomplishment on tasks, tests, and courses. However grades reflect a variety of types of learning, activities, bonus credits, and expectations that vary from instructor to instructor. Assessment requires a program’s faculty to make a joint decision about what specific learning should be evaluated and what knowledge, skills, and attitudes are indicative of the major learning goals set for the program. Programmatic assessment, unlike grades, is designed to evaluate the level of accomplishment of a program not an individual student. Programmatic evaluations examine the aggregate level of accomplishment of a program’s students as a way to establish whether or not the program as a whole is performing at a high level. 2. Staff members already know about the processes and procedures, bottlenecks and issues that they have with their users. Assessment does not tell us anything new. Staff members do know a lot about the issues and problems that exist in their offices, but are often too close to the problems, too invested in the processes and procedures, or just too busy to develop solutions to the problems that they know exist. Assessment forces staff members to step back, examine issues and problems from a new perspective, and rethink the activities of the office. No office is so perfect that examination of issues and problems will not allow staff members to make improvements in how the office functions. 3. Assessment violates academic freedom. When appropriately conducted neither faculty knowledge nor judgments in teaching or research are violated. While the joint faculty deliberations that produce program goals do produce parameters within which instruction takes place, it has always been true that the faculty as a group is responsible for a program’s curriculum. No faculty member is free to teach anything they wish in a course. The discipline defines what is appropriate in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes, while course descriptions and programmatic needs define what is taught in any particular course. No one has ever had the right to teach a course just as she pleases; we always are bound by the rules of responsible interaction with students, by departmental agreement about what a course will cover, and the requirement that we assign each student a grade that is public to limited audiences. We hand out a syllabus or put it on the web. We establish goals for the course and share them with colleagues and students. We share problems in student learning and plans for a course whenever we submit a course to the curriculum committee for approval, ask for new resources, come up for tenure, or engage in a departmental discussion about improving our teaching. Assessment asks for an extension of this collegial work (Walvoord, B.E. 2004: 8). In a degree program, the disciplinary faculty define the goals of the program, interprets the meaning of assessment results, determine the degree to which students have acquired appropriate learning, and decide what will improve student attainment. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 9 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 4. Assessment should only be used to demonstrate a program’s or office’s successes. Assessment in instructional areas is based on the improvement of student learning and program success. In non-instructional offices or departments, it is based on improvement in the efficiency or quality of services. If the program or office has no room for improvement then assessment is of no use. It follows then that the areas in which assessment should be concentrated are those in which the greatest improvements can be made. The reality is that every program and every office can get better, and assessment can provide information to inform decisions about improvement. 5. Assessment is just another form of faculty and staff evaluation. The University has processes for evaluating faculty and staff. There is no interest on any administrative level at UTPB in evaluating individual faculty or staff members through the assessment system. Assessments are created by the faculty and staff, conducted by the faculty and staff, analyzed by the faculty and staff, and any changes are initiated by the faculty and the staff. The types of changes that are appropriate in instructional areas include but are not limited to adding or changing student assignments, adding or dropping prerequisites, adding courses, changing course descriptions, restructuring degrees and so on. In non-instructional areas appropriate changes are related to finding new efficiencies, changing policies or procedures, and improving communication with their users. Changes are not related to personnel; they are related to improving academic programs and university services. 6. Assessment is only useful for getting through the SACS reaffirmation process. The gist of this misconception is that assessment is a waste of valuable faculty and staff time, but we have to do it so we will put in as little time and effort as possible. It is true that the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) requires that assessment be conducted and used. If, however, SACS requirements are the only reason why we conduct assessments then faculty and staff time is indeed being wasted, but SACS is not the guilty party. Assessment is like most things, the value of the return is dependent on the time, effort and thought expended. Faculty members who view assessment as a form of research into the effects of their program are often rewarded with information that can make a real difference in the extent to which student’s achieve. Staff members who are willing to examine the services that they provide in-depth are often surprised by the difference that changes can make. Faculty members, especially those who just want to get through the chore, can probably predict how valuable the effort will be—they have experience with the same attitudes and outcomes in their classes. SOME IMPORTANT PHILOSOPHICAL GUIDELINES 1. Assessment matters because the faculty and staff at UTPB believe that student learning matters. Assessment will therefore be created, conducted, analyzed, and used by the faculty and staff for improvement. 2. The assessment process will respect academic freedom and honor faculty responsibility for general education and program curricula. 3. The assessment process will respect the expertise of the staff and honor their commitment to conduct their responsibilities appropriately and professionally. 4. Assessment includes the routine, systematic collection of reliable and valid information about student achievement of program goals and the operation of non-instructional services. Its 10 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook purpose is to assist faculty in increasing student learning and staff in improving university functioning at all levels. 5. While assessment results are used to improve student learning in programs and operational effectiveness in offices, results alone do not dictate how improvement should take place. The faculty and staff, exercising their professional judgment and values, are responsible for deciding on appropriate changes to improve student achievement and University operations. 6. Assessment will not be used for the purpose of evaluating faculty or staff members. 7. Assessment is an on-going process that will be a part of the institutional culture and regular faculty and staff work at UTPB. GOOD PRACTICE FOR ASSESSING STUDENT LEARNING The American Association for Higher Education published the following nine principles for assessment of student learning in 1992. While these good practice characteristics were formulated for academic instructional assessment, they are valuable for all members of the University community who are involved in the assessment process. They are as valid today as they were when they were first published. The assessment of student learning begins with educational values. Assessment is not an end in itself but a vehicle for educational improvement. Its effective practice, then, begins with and enacts a vision of the kinds of learning we most value for students and strive to help them achieve. Educational values should drive not only what we choose to assess but also how we do so. Where questions about educational mission and values are skipped over, assessment threatens to be an exercise in measuring what’s easy, rather than a process of improving what we really care about. Assessment is most effective when it reflects an understanding of learning as multidimensional, integrated, and revealed in performance over time. Learning is a complex process. It entails not only what students know but what they can do with what they know; it involves not only knowledge and abilities but values, attitudes, and habits of mind that affect both academic success and performance beyond the classroom. Assessment should reflect these understandings by employing a diverse array of methods, including those that call for actual performance, using them over time so as to reveal change, growth, and increasing degrees of integration. Such an approach aims for a more complete and accurate picture of learning, and therefore firmer bases for improving our students’ educational experience. Assessment works best when the programs it seeks to improve have clear, explicitly stated purposes. Assessment is a goal-oriented process. It entails comparing educational performance with educational purposes and expectations derived from the institution’s mission, from faculty intentions in program and course design, and from knowledge of students’ own goals. Where program purposes lack specificity or agreement, assessment as a process pushes a campus toward clarity about where to aim and what standards to apply; assessment also prompts attention to where and how program goals will be taught and learned. Clear, shared, implementable goals are the cornerstone for assessment that is focused and useful. Assessment requires attention to outcomes but also and equally to the experiences that lead to those outcomes. Information about outcomes is of high importance; where students “end up” matters greatly. But to improve outcomes, we need to know about student experience along the way; about the curricula, teaching, and kind of student effort that lead to particular outcomes. Assessment can help us understand which students learn best under what conditions; with such knowledge comes the capacity to improve the whole of their learning. 11 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Assessment works best when it is ongoing, not episodic. Assessment is a process whose power is cumulative. Though isolated, “one-shot” assessment can be better than none, improvement over time is best fostered when assessment entails a linked series of cohorts of students; it may mean collecting the same examples of student performance or using the same instrument semester after semester. The point is to monitor progress toward intended goals in a spirit of continuous improvement. Along the way, the assessment process itself should be evaluated and refined in light of emerging insights. Assessment fosters wider improvement when representatives from across the educational community are involved. Student learning is a campus-wide responsibility and assessment is a way of enacting that responsibility. Thus, while assessment efforts may start small, the aim over time is to involve people from across the educational community. Faculty members play an especially important role, but assessment’s questions can’t be fully addressed without participation by student affairs educators, librarians, administrators, and students. Assessment may also involve individuals from beyond the campus (alumni/ae, trustees, employers) whose experience can enrich the sense of appropriate aims and standards for learning. Thus understood, assessment is not a task for small groups of experts but a collaborative activity; its aim is wider, better-informed attention to student learning by all parties with a stake in its improvement. Assessment makes a difference when it begins with issues of use and illuminates questions that people really care about. Assessment recognizes the value of information in the process of improvement. But to be useful, information must be connected to issues or questions that people really care about. This implies assessment approaches that produce evidence that relevant parties will find credible, suggestive, and applicable to decisions that need to be made. It means thinking in advance about how the information will be used and by whom. The point of assessment is not to gather data and return “results”; it is a process that starts with the questions of decision-makers, that involves them in the gathering and interpreting of data, and that informs and helps guide continuous improvement. Assessment is most likely to lead to improvement when it is part of a larger set of conditions that promote change. Assessment alone changes little. Its greatest contribution comes on campuses where the quality of teaching and learning is visibly valued and worked at. On such campuses, the push to improve educational performance is a visible and primary goal of leadership; improving the quality of undergraduate education is central to the institution’s planning, budgeting, and personnel decisions. On such campuses, information about learning outcomes is seen as an integral part of decision-making, and avidly sought. Through assessment, educators meet responsibilities to students and to the public. There is a compelling public stake in education. As educators, we have a responsibility to the publics that support or depend on us to provide information about the ways in which our students meet goals and expectations. But that responsibility goes beyond the reporting of such information; our deeper obligation to ourselves, our students, and society is to improve. Those to whom educators are accountable have a corresponding obligation to support such attempts at improvement. ASSESSING STUDENT LEARNING As is true with the definition of assessment, there are many different definitions of academic assessment in the literature. One of the better definitions emphasizes the four major attributes of student learning assessment: 1) it involves faculty articulating their values and expectations; 2) setting high standards for learning; 3) investigating the extent to which the learning goals are attained and 4) using the information to further improve student learning. 12 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Assessment is an ongoing process aimed at understanding and improving student learning. It involves making our expectations explicit and public; setting appropriate criteria and high standards for learning quality; systematically gathering analyzing, and interpreting evidence to determine how well performance matches those expectations and standards; and using the resulting information to document, explain, and improve performance (Tom Angelo as quoted in unpaginated University of Texas System web page, Student Learning Assessment, Frequently Asked When applied to Questions). degree programs, assessment of student learning involves the faculty in a degree program deciding on the program’s major goals, setting learning expectations for those goals; deciding how the goals will be evaluated, and using the results of the evaluation to improve the program’s ability to provide a high quality learning experience for students. PREPARING THE INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS FORMS Institutional effectiveness in instructional areas has two components: departmental planning and degree program assessment. The forms for those activities are shown in Appendix D. On all forms, the information about a particular outcome must be lined up horizontally on each form (objective, outcome, methodology or progress measure, results, use) to facilitate reading and understanding the material. Planning Planning is used in two contexts in this discussion. The first usage is more global than the second. This more global usage indicates that departments and offices must make explicit what they will be doing in both new initiatives and assessments to be conducted. The second more limited use of planning is to restrict it to the items listed on form 1 for the upcoming year. In this usage an academic department, college, or school uses form 1 to describe the major initiatives to be undertaken during the upcoming year. These plans may be initiated in any area of the unit’s work and may be based on any legitimate source of information including professional judgment, direction of the discipline, recognized needs in the department, recommendations from program review committees or accreditation site visits, etc In deciding what changes to activities, services, policies, procedures, equipment, staffing, etc. will be of high priority in the coming year, the department/office must take the elements of the University’s current Compact with The University of Texas System. The Compact is available on the University’s Web site in the links listed underneath the University’s address at . Each dean’s office and academic department must submit a planning form to their next higher level supervisor on the schedule issued by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness each year. The results of planned change in the unit are reported on form 3 and how the current state of progress will be used to inform continuing change or institutionalization of the change initiative are also reported in the column on use of results. Assessment In instructional areas assessment of student learning is the primary focus. As Banta et al. (1996:11) write, “Effective assessment programs reflect the imaginative, creative, and energizing aspects of learning, not only so as to more accurately measure the breadth and depth of the learning experience but also to contribute to the ongoing spirit of inquiry, reflection, and growth that characterize the university as an institution.” Assessment focuses on three elements of learning: core content or knowledge, skills that allow knowledge and facts to be applied, and dispositions that represent the beliefs that students should attain as educated citizens and members of their discipline. Student Learning Goals, Objectives and Outcome Statements 13 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Student Learning Goals and Objectives. Program assessment is focused on five major questions: What do we, as a faculty, expect a student to know, be able to do, or believe as a result of going through the program? How well are students achieving those results? How do we know? How do we use the information to improve student learning? Do the improvements to the program make a difference? Assessment is directly related to a degree program’s major student learning goals. These goals are the beginning point for assessment. Goals are broad statements of what students who complete the program will know, be able to do or will believe. Learning goals are not usually directly testable. For instance, the goal that “students will be able to write an acceptable research report” would be difficult to test without specific information about what constitutes “acceptable” in the discipline; what the correct format for a research report was in the discipline; and what constitutes appropriate content for a research report in the discipline. Examples of goals might be: “Students will have the scientific tools to expand knowledge in the discipline” “Students will understand the major theoretical frameworks in the field” “Undergraduate majors will have a broad understanding of the major concepts and vocabulary of the discipline.” Statements which begin with “The department will provide . . .” or “The program will strive to . . .” may be goals, but they are not student learning goals. The focus of a student learning goal is on what student’s learn not what faculty members teach or what the program seeks to accomplish. The goals are translated into more testable statements called objectives. These objectives make clear the meaning of the goal within the framework of the discipline and the specific degree program. For instance, an acceptable research report in psychology might entail the objective that “students will write a research report using APA format that contains a clear description of the research question, an appropriate review of the literature, acceptable hypotheses for the original research that the student has undertaken, appropriate tests of the hypotheses using data gathered and analyzed by the student and the drawing of appropriate conclusions from the literature and the analysis.” The same type of operationalization of the goals could be done for each of the goals noted above. Writing Student Learning Outcomes. The next element in a degree program assessment is the statement of the student learning outcomes. Learning Outcomes are statements of what students will know, be able to do, or value as the result of an academic program or learning activity. An outcome is stated in such a way that it is clear what target a group of students must attain on a specific measurement tool in order to be considered to have successfully attained the student learning goals and objectives. Student Learning Objectives are specific, observable and measurable. There are a number of interesting systems for writing outcome statements. The University of Central Florida in their Academic Program Assessment Handbook (2005: 30-31) describe the SMART system. Specific 14 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Define specific learning outcomes. Clearly define the expected abilities, knowledge, values, and attitudes a student who graduates from your program is expected to have attained. Focus on critical outcomes. When data are available, there should an opportunity to make improvements in the program. Measurable It should be feasible to collect accurate and reliable information on the student learning outcome. Consider your available resources in determining the method for data collection. Aggressive but Attainable When defining the learning outcomes and setting targets, use targets that will move you in the direction of your vision, but don’t try to be perfect all at once. Some questions that might be helpful are o How have the student’s experiences in the program contributed to their abilities, knowledge, values and/or attitudes? What do students know? What can students do? What do students care about? o o o What knowledge, abilities, values, and attitudes are expected of graduates of the program? What would the outcomes in a perfect program look like? What would the outcomes in a good program look like? Results Oriented and Timely Define where the program would like to be with a specified time-limit (i.e. an increase of 10% in test scores over the next year, 90% attainment this year, 15% improvement in the rubric scores on communication within a year). Also determine what standards are expected from students in your program. For some outcomes, you may want 100% attainment, while for others a lower target is reasonable. In order to write a student learning outcome, both the student learning objective and the method of assessment must be known. An outcome statement defines explicitly what constitutes successful attainment of a particular objective and therefore successful attainment of the goal to which the objective is related. Thus for instance, a student outcome might be “Overall, students in PSY 4350 will have an average of 5 on the research report rubric.” If use of a microscope were defined as one of the “scientific tools” that students had to master in order to “expand knowledge in the discipline,” the objective might be phrased as “All students will be able to set up a microscope and successfully view a prepared slide.” A student outcome from this objective might be, “By their sophomore year 100 percent of biology majors will pass the microscope test with an 80 or above.” A list of correct and incorrect student learning outcomes are shown in Appendix E. Identifying Skills and Knowledge for Student Learning Outcomes. The use of a taxonomy of learning domains may be helpful in writing learning outcomes. The best known of these frameworks is Bloom’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives (1956). Bloom’s taxonomy recognizes three domains of educational objectives: cognitive, skills, and affective. Cognitive Domain Description 15 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Mastery of subject material; includes observation and recall of information; knowledge of dates, events, places; knowledge of major ideas. Ability to predict consequences and future trends; includes understanding information; grasp of meaning; translating knowledge into new contexts; interpreting, comparing and contrasting material; ordering, grouping and inferring causes Ability to solve problems using required knowledge/skills; includes using information, material, methods, concepts, theories, etc. in new situations Ability to break down material and recognize structure of organization; includes seeing patterns; organization of parts, recognition of hidden meanings, identification of components Synthesis Ability to use old ideas to create new ones; includes generalizing from given facts, relating knowledge from several areas, predicting and drawing conclusions Evaluation Ability to judge and assess value of material; includes comparing and discriminating between ideas; assessing value of theories, presentations, etc., making choices based on reasoned argument, verifying value of evidence, recognizing subjectivity Affective Domain Receiving Responding Valuing Organization Characterization by value Awareness; willingness to participate Actual participation in learning activity; demonstrates interest Attaching value or worth to object, person, activity, phenomenon Prioritizing values; comparing and contrasting values to build a new value system Modifies behavior based on new value system Skill Domain Perception Use of sensory organs to guide actions 16 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Set Readiness to act Guided Response Mechanism Complex Overt Response Imitation; knowledge of steps required to complete task Ability to repeat complex motor skill Display complex movement with skilled performance Adaptation Modifies motor skill to address changed situation Origination Creates new movement pattern in changed situations Action Verbs Associated with Different Learning Domains. Action verbs associated with various learning domains may be helpful in constructing learning outcomes. Use of the verbs below helps to clearly define what students are expected demonstrate in terms of the assessments. Learning Domain Action Verbs Knowledge Articulate, describe, define, name, indicate, order, recognize, know, repeat, memorize, label, tabulate, quote Comprehension Discuss, explain, interpret, distinguish, suggest, summarize, understand, translate, classify, contrast Application Apply, investigate, experiment, solve, practice, predict, utilize, develop, illustrate Analysis Analyze, categorize, correlate, inform, infer, prioritize, criticize, differentiate, examine, interpret Synthesis Arrange, collect, compose, assemble, compile, create, design, formulate, organize, manage, propose, validate Evaluation Rate, conclude, appraise, evaluate, judge, defend, grade, assess 17 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Receiving Identify, select, choose, describe Responding Recite, discuss, present, answer Valuing Describe, explain, differentiate, join, share Organization Order, arrange, combine, integrate, synthesize, generalize Characterization by Value Perception Qualify, practice, listen, influence, share, propose Identify, detect, describe, isolate Set Respond, show, react, display Guided Response Construct, manipulate, assemble Mechanism Build, fix, organize, work, calibrate Complex Overt Response Manipulate, measure, mix, dismantle Adaptation Alter, revise, change, vary Origination Compose, construct, design (Adapted from Western Carolina University’s Handbook for Program Assessment, pages 29-30) Additional action verbs useful for writing outcomes are shown in Appendix F. ASSESSING GENERAL EDUCATION OUTCOMES The general education curriculum must also be assessed. It is different from evaluation in other programs as the result of having the most basic goals of the curriculum defined by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). In 1997, the Texas Legislature required THECB to develop the “content, component areas, and objectives of the core curriculum.” This resulted in the “Core Curriculum: Assumptions and Defining Characteristics” (Appendix G) which identified the assumptions, defining characteristics of intellectual competencies, perspectives, and exemplary educational objectives by component area. As a result of THECB guidance in evaluation of the core curriculum UTPB has identified the following college level competencies for its core curriculum: Students will be able to communicate effectively in clear and correct prose appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience. Students will be able to apply mathematical tools in the solution of real-world problems. 18 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Students will be able to understand, construct and evaluate relationships in the natural sciences and understand the bases for building and testing theories. Students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities through knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behaviors, ideas, and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Students will have knowledge of how social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events and ideas. Each of the competencies is associated with a series of exemplary educational objectives (EEOs). The University is required by law evaluate and report to THECB on attainment of the EEOs every 5 years. According to THECB’s “Core Curriculum: Assumptions and Defining Characteristics (Rev. 1999),” Exemplary educational objectives become the basis for faculty and institutional assessment of core components (p. 4).” With the competencies and the exemplary educational objectives in mind, the disciplines and departments have identified the defining characteristics, perspectives and exemplary educational objectives addressed in each core course. Instructors in each core course have developed student learning outcomes that operationalize the exemplary educational objectives chosen for a course and conducted assessments of the extent to which students have attained the EEOs. Any course that seeks to become a part of the core curriculum must identify the EEOs addressed by the course and develop a methodology for assessment of the student learning outcomes that correspond to the chosen EEOs in the appropriate component area. Forms for the identification of appropriate EEOs may be obtained by contacting the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness. The reporting forms for identification of the student outcomes for each selected EEO, the assessment methodology, the results and use of assessment are shown in Appendix H along with an example in Appendix I. The Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness is responsible for working with the General Education Oversight Committee in supporting the assessment process and completing appropriate reports. ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT OUTCOMES Administrative and support offices and departments provide critical services to the University and to students even though they do not provide direct instruction in classes. They include, but are not limited to offices like Financial Aid, Student Activities, Human Resources, Physical Plant, Writing Center, Dunagan Library, and the Advising Center. Like instructional departments, administrative and support offices develop plans and conduct assessments in order to provide information for improvement in their programs, policies, procedures, publications, services, activities, and events. Institutional effectiveness forms and instructions are located in Appendix D. Forms 5 and 6 can be amended by sending the revised forms through the office’s administrative line to the Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness. In all cases, the information about a particular outcome must be lined up horizontally on each form (outcome, methodology, results, and use) to facilitate reading and understanding the material. PREPARING THE INSTITUTIONAL EFFECTIVENESS FORMS Planning Administrative and support office planning should be aligned with the University strategic plan, the University Compact, the compacts of their division and any externally imposed goals that result from regulatory bodies, government agencies or program audits. Every office is a part of the whole and needs to work diligently to help the University achieve its highest priority goals. Every office is also unique and needs to ameliorate its weaknesses and promote its strengths and opportunities for success. 19 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Planning is related to the department or office mission which should fall within the mission for the University. Missions are brief, clear statements about the essential reasons for a unit’s existence. Goals for the department or office are written, coordinated with progress measures, and used to increase the effectiveness of the unit. Assessment Outcomes Statements Assessment among administrative and support departments and offices is different from instructional units although many of the same techniques can be used. Unit outcomes are intended, observable, measurable results of processes, programs, services, policies, activities, or events. It is not useful to evaluate all possible outcomes for an office. As a rule, outcomes that are most closely related to the mission need to be evaluated most frequently. Other areas that may be the foci of assessment include processes perceived as problematic, or procedures or activities that have been changed recently. Support units that have direct contact with students may also have student outcomes. Student outcomes should be developed as in academic areas. Please refer pages 12-18 for more information on student learning outcomes. A good paradigm for construction of administrative or support outcomes is the ABCD Model Audience (specify the group that is affected by the process, policy, activity, etc.) Behavior (measurable, observable variable that is being assessed) Condition or Circumstance (the situation within which the expected behavior must occur) Degree (minimum acceptable performance target) (Adapted from the University of Virginia Assessment Workshop, Assessment Plan DevelopmentInstructional Programs Open Forum Presentation) Another model for developing administrative or support unit outcomes gives a pattern for developing outcome statements: Name of unit will . . . provide improve decrease increase provide quality target . . .Name of current service. Client . . . . . . . . . will be satisfied . . . .target . . .. . name of current service. Students Service verb+objective . . . Faculty Tutoring Target . . . will improve . . . Alumni attending Academic Advising will increase . . . Staff Counseling sessions will understand . . . (Adapted from Cleaves, Cheryl et Training al. A Road Map for Improvement of Student Learning and Support Services through Assessment, p. 148 as shown in Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness: An Introductory Manual, Texas Tech University) In student services areas including academic advising, housing and residence life, learning assistance, student conduct programs, financial aid programs and 17 other areas the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) has developed a series of national standards to facilitate the improvement of support services. These standards provide an excellent starting place for offices looking for significant planning and outcome areas. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 20 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook A list of verbs that can help you in devising outcomes is contained in Appendix F and some examples of correct and incorrect outcomes by common university offices are shown in Appendix J. Assessment Methodologies Methods for conducting outcome assessment are often congruent with those for academic instructional areas especially in terms of assessing student learning outcomes. Student learning should be assessed using direct methods for knowledge and skills outcomes. Attitudinal outcomes such as satisfaction are evaluated using indirect methods such as surveys and focus groups. Non-instructional areas are most likely to use indirect means of assessment and may also use other forms of assessment including, but not limited to techniques such as participant counts, time to completion, ratios, utilization measures, error rates, demographic information, activity logs, audit findings etc. Results and Use of Results As with student learning outcomes, all administrative and support offices are required to report the results of their assessments and discuss the use made of the results to improve their services, policies, programs, and procedures. Results need to be reported in such a way that it is possible to understand whether or not the target set in the outcome statement has been achieved. If the outcome target was achieved, no further action on that particular outcome is necessary unless the target is to be raised. However, as is often the case, the target may have been achieved, but in the course of conducting the assessment other information about the outcome may have been obtained that allows for improvements to be made. In those cases, the results column on the form should show not only whether or not the target was achieved, but also the information that led to the particular improvements to be implemented. Documentation Documenting the planning and assessment outcomes, the progress measures, methodologies of assessment, results, and use is extremely important. A schedule that lists due dates for plans and results is published and distributed by e-mail each year. It is extremely important that deadlines be respected and materials sent forward on time. Missed deadlines increase everyone’s workload. Problems and questions can be referred to the Office of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness. The Office is always interested in helping offices to develop, conduct, and use the results of planning and assessment. CHOOSING AN ASSESSMENT METHOD There are several important choices to be made as you consider assessment methods. First, how appropriate is the measure for the objective to be measured. Applicability refers to the degree to which a measure can actually serve to return the information necessary to understand whether or not an objective has been achieved. A second consideration is the degree to which the method returns diagnostic information that will allow intervention in the program in ways that improve the extent to which a particular objective is attained. A third consideration is the extent to which the measure will return consistent information about the objective under consideration. A final consideration is whether or not the measure is unbiased. Does it offer reasonable and useful information across a broad spectrum of groups? Finally, is the data obtained from the chosen method understandable? The difference between data and information is the difference between having results and being able to use them. COMMON ASSESSMENT METHODS Categories of Assessment Methodologies 21 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Methods fall into two categories either direct or indirect. Direct methods return evidence of attainment through a demonstration of accomplishment. These performance-based methods include such things as examinations, projects, portfolios, juries, or audio or videotape evaluations. Objectives and outcome statements related to knowledge and skills should be evaluated using at least one direct method of assessment. Indirect methods include assessments based on perception. These methods include, but are not limited to surveys, both questionnaires and interviews, job placement rates, focus groups, benchmarking and graduate or professional school acceptance rates. These methods are good secondary measures for knowledge and skills, but do not return actual evidence acceptable for student learning outcome statements. Indirect methods may be the best evidence for other types of outcome statements like student perceptions of the advising system or satisfaction with services. Course embedded assessments like all other programmatic assessments need to be selected, evaluated and approved by a designated faculty group or by the faculty as a whole in the disciplinary area in which the assessment will be conducted. The assessments take place within courses and students understand the assessment as a regular course assignment or a regular examination. The examination or assignment may be graded by the faculty member and be a part of a student’s grade. However, when used for assessment, the test or assignment is graded according to criteria that are specific to a student learning outcome statement(s) for the purposes of evaluating and improving student learning. Unless the embedded assessment is very straightforward, it is desirable that more than one faculty member perform the evaluation. If a sampling methodology is employed, not all student assignments will be selected for evaluation. Disadvantages to embedded assessments are that faculty members may be asked to include assessment instruments in their courses that their colleagues agree upon, but they may not find desirable. For all assessment methods, the faculty as a whole or a designated faculty group must decide how, when, and under what conditions the assessment will take place, and how the results of the evaluation be considered by the disciplinary faculty as a whole. It will also be necessary to decide which students or student groups need to participate and whether or not all students in the group or a sample of the students will be evaluated. If a sample is used it is important that a representative group of students be included in the evaluation. The writer of this manual is indebted to the Skidmore College Assessment Handbook for the format and some of the information in the following discussion. Direct Assessment Methods Examinations Examinations may be either standardized or locally developed, and are used in a variety ways in assessment. Standardized examinations may be either norm-referenced or criterion-referenced. Normreferenced tests compare a student score against the scores of a group that have been selected as representative of the larger group of which the student is a part. The representative group is known as the norm group. The Major Field Test in selected disciplines sold by the Educational Testing Services is an example of standardized norm-referenced examinations. Criterionreferenced tests demonstrate to what extent a particular body of knowledge has been learned. There is no comparison group. Advantages 1. The tests are already developed and field tested reducing faculty time and effort. 2. Reliability, validity and bias have already been evaluated and high quality information is available to facilitate evaluation of the tests. 22 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 3. In most cases, the testing company will score the examination and return a series of standard reports. 4. It is possible to compare one’s students to students nationally. Disadvantages 1. The test may not reflect the program of study for a particular program. 2. It may be difficult or impossible to disaggregate results in such a way that program components can be evaluated. 3. Students may not be highly motivated to do well if the assessment is not a part of their grade. 4. Standardized tests are expensive. 5. The purpose for which the examination was constructed must be carefully considered. Examinations such as the GRE, MCAT, GMAT, and LSAT were constructed in order to predict probable success in graduate and professional school, and their value for even that purpose tends to be limited to predicting success only in the first semester. The instruments were not constructed to measure knowledge or ability at the conclusion of an academic program. Scores may be returned for the entire examination or at most only a few subscores may be available which seriously limits their diagnostic potential for a degree program. Implementing a Standardized Examination 1. Decide on the student learning objectives the test will evaluate. 2. Decide on the level at which the learning objectives will be evaluated (i.e., recall, comprehension, analysis, application, etc.). 3. Make the specific knowledge, skills, or affective components that are to be evaluated explicit. It is important that faculty members have a clear conception of exactly what they expect the results of the examination to tell them about their students’ knowledge and abilities. 4. Obtain examination copies of the standardized examinations that appear to be most appropriate. 5. Decide on whether or not the scores and subscores will return enough information for the examination to be useful in program evaluation. 6. Decide whether students should get individual score reports. 7. Decide how to pay for the examinations. 8. Decide who will be responsible for ordering the tests and how the testing company will get the raw data (online or on paper). 9. Decide how, when and by whom the examinations will be conducted. 10. Decide who will be responsible for conducting the analysis of the score reports and reporting to the faculty as a whole. Locally developed examinations are composed by departmental faculty members. Questions should be field tested to make sure that they return valid and reliable information about the student learning outcomes for which they will be used. Advantages 1. 2. 3. 4. Locally developed examinations are inexpensive to develop. They are inexpensive to administer. They reflect actual rather than generic program objectives. Faculty members are more likely to trust and use the results since they have participated in their construction. Disadvantages 23 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 1. Locally developed examinations usually have not been examined for reliability, validity, or bias. 2. Student results can only be compared to prior student groups taking the test and to standards set by the faculty in the department rather than to a national sample or norm group. 3. Faculty time is necessary in order to score the examination and document the results. Developing Local Examinations 1. Decide on the student learning objectives to be evaluated. 2. Decide on where in the curriculum the examination will be given. 3. Decide on the level at which the objectives will be evaluated (i.e. recall, comprehension, analysis, application, etc.). 4. Develop and field test the questions to make sure that they are comprehensible and appropriately discriminate student ability or knowledge. 5. Decide on how and when the scoring and analysis will be conducted. 6. Decide on how the results and the analysis will be considered by the faculty. Portfolios Portfolios are a compilation of student work which may include works over some time period and/or works in which students may be asked to reflect on their learning in terms of specific learning objectives and discuss how the elements of the portfolio support their conclusions. There are several different types of portfolios which are not necessarily mutually exclusive in use across the country including electronic or e-portfolios, showcase portfolios, and developmental portfolios. Electronic portfolios may use either specialized software available from several vendors including LiveText ( ), eFolio ( ), Concord ( ), iWebfolio ( ), Open Source Portfolio Initiative ( )and many others or other non-specialized software ( ). Portfolios contain electronic artifacts (text, images, audio clips, video clips, blogs, etc.) assembled by a student and managed by the student usually on-line. The electronic portfolios are usually submitted on websites or on compact discs. They solve the storage problems encountered when students must submit their work in paper folders or binders and allow a much greater variety of products to be included. Showcase portfolios ask students to submit their finest work or the work of which they are proudest in order to demonstrate their learning. Typically, the student introduces the portfolio and each piece of work and then discusses why they chose the particular piece of work and how the student believes that it demonstrates their learning on the student learning objectives. Showcase portfolios have been common in the arts for some time although the rest of the academy is learning to understand their value. Showcase portfolios may be either paper or electronic although electronic portfolios are more versatile. Developmental portfolios demonstrate the acquisition of one or more student learning objectives by including both early work and later work. The inclusion of work over time allows the student to demonstrate how and in what ways his/her understanding and skill levels have changed over time to give a value-added component to the portfolio. It also forces a student to reflect on the learning experience in order to demonstrate its progression. Advantages 1. Portfolios can be a rich source of information about what students learn. 2. They can be used to evaluate complex learning including applications and integration of learning in the discipline and even in interdisciplinary products. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 24 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 3. It can be used to provide evidence of both the finished products and earlier drafts of products or projects. 4. It allows students to think about what they have learned and how to demonstrate it effectively. 5. It can be used to demonstrate to potential employers, graduate student selection committees and others the quality and potential that the student brings to their tasks. Disadvantages 1. They are time consuming for students to construct and for faculty to encourage and evaluate. 2. They require considerable consideration and management for implementation to be successful. 3. They require storage capacity combined with careful consideration of student privacy and confidentiality. Development of a Portfolio Assessment. Although portfolios are a rich and varied source of information about student learning, they require considerable thought and deliberation in their implementation. Use the steps below to initiate a system: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Spend time looking at resources on portfolios and at information on how portfolios have been implemented in other colleges and universities. Decide on the student learning objectives that the portfolio will be designed to demonstrate. Decide on the type of portfolio that will best demonstrate the objectives you have selected and over what period of time. Portfolios can span a student career or major or may be confined to a particular course or cluster of courses. Obtain agreement among faculty members about what particular pieces must be included in the portfolio given the objectives that it is designed to reveal. Portfolios might contain examinations, essays, projects, case studies, recordings of recitals, pictures of juried pieces, research papers and many other items. Also consider whether or not students will be allowed to substitute pieces if, through no fault of their own, they are unable to include a required piece of work. Decide whether or not students will be allowed to include other information. Decide whether there will be a minimum length or a maximum length. Decide how the portfolio will be handled. Will it receive a grade? If yes, consider whether or not the pieces in the portfolio are previously graded. If the portfolio pieces have already been graded, then will the portfolio itself be graded? How? How will the pieces be verified as the authentic product that was originally graded? Will submission and/or creation of the portfolio be a course requirement and if so, in what course(s)? If the portfolio is a course requirement what kinds of accommodations might be necessary for students with disabilities? Decide how the portfolios will be evaluated to provide the necessary information on the student learning objectives. Develop the rubric that will be used to evaluate the portfolio. Consider when and what students will be told about the portfolio. Write instructions indicating how to create the portfolio, what is included, what an exemplary portfolio looks like, what other resources might be available to improve the portfolio and be sure to include the portfolio rubric so that students understand what will be evaluated. Make it clear that the student is responsible for the creation and maintenance of the portfolio. Determine and explain how the student should partition the portfolio for different learning objectives. Decide whether the portfolio belongs to the student or to the program. 25 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 14. 15. 16. Determine who will have access and under what circumstances to the portfolios. You must determine in advance how student privacy and confidentiality will be maintained. Decide when and who will score the portfolios on the rubric for evaluation of the student learning objectives and whether or not all portfolios will be evaluated or a sample will be used. If more than one evaluator will be used decide on the measures to promote inter-rater agreement, and what will be done when there is score disagreement among raters. Whether or not portfolios that are truly distinguished will be acknowledged in some way. Rubrics for Scoring Portfolios 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. List each of the learning objectives that the portfolio is designed to demonstrate. Identify the elements of the learning objectives that collectively demonstrate the objective’s attainment. Develop a scale for scoring the rubric. You can use a numeric scale or a series of descriptors (i.e., unacceptable, acceptable, exemplary; pass, fail; poor, below average, average, above average, commendable) and you can use any number of scale categories. Decide what each scale category looks like for each element of the rubric. You must identify each category of quality of work to a degree that different raters will be able to use the rubric in ways that result in similar evaluations. Calibrate the use of the rubric by having raters evaluate actual portfolios prior to beginning the actual evaluation. Discuss the ratings obtained for each element in the rubric. Use the discussion to improve the rubric over time. Give raters space on the rubric form to make notes on what they see in particular portfolios in order to improve the rubric form and to provide additional information about the strengths and weaknesses of the students to enrich the discussion of the extent to which student learning objectives have been attained and in what way they can be improved. Demonstration (Performance) Demonstration encompasses a wide range of different types of student work that can be evaluated. The evaluation of student performances has a long and distinguished history in higher education. It can encompass a wide variety of activities including juried art exhibits, musical recitals and juried recitals, experiments, oral examinations, a painting, speeches and physical performances (American Sign Language, swimming, marathons, gymnastics, CPR, etc.). Demonstrations used to assess student learning outcomes are usually scored by using rubrics or scoring guides. Advantages 1. Students usually perform demonstrations as a regular part of their student work. 2. Faculty usually grade demonstrations as a regular part of the course grade and the performances can be used as embedded assessments. 3. The performance often offers a rich, diagnostic experience that can be useful for students and very useful for programmatic assessment. Disadvantages 1. Faculty members may resent using the performances as embedded assessments as intrusions into their courses. 2. Scoring guides and rubrics require faculty members to agree on the elements of the performance to be evaluated and the weight to be given to each element. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 26 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Development of a Demonstration Assessment 1. Faculty members must identify the student learning objectives to be evaluated. 2. It must be decided what individual or group will conduct the assessment. It is always more appropriate to have more than one evaluator. 3. A rubric or scoring guide needs to be constructed that indicates the elements of the student learning objective to be evaluated in order to decide whether or not the objective has been attained, the categories of attainment, and the description of each category of attainment on each element of the rubric. 4. Decide when and where the assessment will take place. 5. Decide how the assessment will be used to improve programs. Paper and Project Assessments Research papers, essays, computer programs, projects and other written and oral activities can also be used to evaluate student attainment of learning objectives. As embedded assessments, paper and project assessments offer the opportunity to evaluate reasonably complex learning outcomes and depending on the instructions, some beliefs and attitudes. The assignments that prompt the paper or project activities need to evoke products that demonstrate the student learning outcomes of interest. Advantages 1. The students perform such activities as a regular part of their course work. 2. Faculty members are experienced at evoking learning on particular desired learning outcomes through the use of such activities with students. 3. The learning outcomes examined may be relatively simple or quite complex. 4. Such activities may encompass several different kinds of skills and knowledge. For example, students might be asked to develop a research paper that shows their ability to chose an appropriate topic, do a literature review, conduct an piece of research using appropriate methods for the discipline, write it in a way that is both grammatically correct and competently written and present it orally in their native or a target language using appropriate technology. 5. By sharing the rubric or scoring guide with students, they may have a clearer idea of what is expected of them in the paper or project. Disadvantages 1. Faculty members may find it difficult to select a particular project or paper that is a culminating expression of one or several student learning objectives especially in disciplines that are more horizontally organized. 2. Depending on the number of parts of the paper or project to be evaluated, faculty members may need to construct a number of parts or several scoring guides or rubrics to conduct the assessment. 3. The weights given to different elements of the scoring guides or rubrics may be a matter of contention among faculty members. Development of a Paper or Project Assessment 1. Decide on the student learning objectives to be evaluated. 2. Decide in which course or courses the evaluation assignments will be conducted and when the assignments will be conducted both in the curriculum and in the career of the student. 3. Decide on the instructions for the assignment such that the degree of attainment of the student learning objectives among students can be identified. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 27 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 4. Decide on the scoring guides or rubrics to be used for each of the student learning objectives to be evaluated. 5. Decide on who and when the rubrics or scoring guides will be used. As with all assessments using rubrics or scoring guides, it is strongly encouraged that more than one individual should score the paper or project. 6. Decide whether all the papers or projects will be evaluated or a sampling design will be used. 7. Decide how the information will be used to improve the academic program. Field Experiences and Internships A wide variety of disciplines in higher education offer some form of field experience, practicum or internship experience. The experiences provide an important opportunity to gain information on student learning as students apply the knowledge, skills and attitudes gained in a program in a more “real world” environment. There is usually an evaluation form that the internship supervisor completes, the faculty supervisor completes and often there is a self-evaluation form that the student completes. If the feedback forms are to be used for program assessment it is necessary that the student learning outcomes of interest be included on the feedback forms. Advantages 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Student motivation to do well is high. Students must apply knowledge and skills thus demonstrating higher levels of learning. Attitudes and beliefs can be observed at the level of action. There are often two observers (supervisor and faculty supervisor). Evaluation instruments can be targeted to student learning outcomes. Faculty and student time is conserved. The cost is relatively low in both time and money. Disadvantages 1. Supervisors who are not members of the faculty may not have a clear idea of the student learning outcomes and may not give as useful feedback as hoped. 2. Different types of field experiences and internships within the same program may not yield comparable information depending on what students actually do. Development of a Field Experience or Internship Evaluation 1. Decide on the student learning objectives to be evaluated. 2. Decide on or revise the evaluation instrument to be used for the field experience or internship experience in order to have particular student learning objectives evaluated. 3. Decide who will gather and analyze the data. 4. Decide how and when the analysis will be considered by the faculty as a whole. 5. Decide how the information will be used to improve the academic program. Indirect Assessment Methods Surveys Surveys include both questionnaires and interviews. They gather opinions, beliefs, attitudes and perceptions. The instruments themselves and methods of administration vary widely. Common surveys on college and university campuses include those on advising, administrative and support services, student characteristics, student expectations, and perceptions of the academic program. Surveys are used with a wide variety of groups including alumni, employers, and students at various times in their matriculation. It is common for campuses to have departments that conduct exit interviews and phone interviews on specific topics. Surveys may be constructed The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 28 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook locally or commercially available. Commercial surveys on a variety of topics and appropriate for use with a variety of respondents are widely available. Surveys may be conducted in-person, in groups, or online, and they may be narrowly or broadly focused. Advantages 1. They are relatively easy to administer and may be administered to large numbers of subjects. 2. They can be designed to allow statistical analyses to be conducted. 3. Faculty members in several different departments in most universities have experience with the design and conduct of surveys. 4. They can cover a broad range of information in a relatively short period of time. 5. The results are relatively easy to understand. 6. They may offer an access to individuals who might be difficult to include in other forms of assessments (i.e., alumni, employers, parents, etc.) Disadvantages 1. They provide perceptions only. Thus they are not usually appropriate as a primary measure for knowledge and skills. 2. Designing valid and reliable surveys is not necessarily easy. Survey results may be influenced by the instructions, word and/or question order, vocabulary used, survey organization, different methods of administration and the personality of those who conduct the survey. Interviewers may require training to return reliable results. 3. Designing good surveys and interviews usually takes a considerable amount of time and effort. 4. Interviews can be very challenging to conduct and analyze especially if a large number of interviews will be conducted. 5. Unless there is a captive subject pool available, return rates for mail and online surveys may be low and there are real difficulties in obtaining an unbiased sample. For mail or online surveys it is not unusual to need to make several attempts to stimulate the surveys return. 6. Certain types of surveys may be expensive in terms of time and money to administer. 7. Commercial surveys usually are written to be appropriate for a broad range of institutions and thus, will not reflect any particular college or university. 8. Research has demonstrated that beliefs and attitudes are usually not good guides to the actions of respondents. 9. Surveys that rely on the memories of respondents to answer particular questions must be very carefully worded since memory has not proven to be highly reliable among survey respondents. 10. Unless the surveys are conducted online or can be scanned into a computer file, there may be a considerable cost incurred in time and money for data entry and validation. 11. Surveys must be designed to facilitate the statistical analysis to be performed; thus data analysis needs to be a component of survey design. Developing a Survey 1. Decide clearly what objectives are to be evaluated. 2. If possible seek assistance from an individual with experience in designing and administering surveys of the type proposed. 3. Design questions carefully and in field testing, use several versions of the same question to test which one returns the best information. 4. Keep the survey as concise as possible to encourage higher response rates and maintain the goodwill of participants. 5. In both questionnaires and interviews be sensitive to the effect that particular interviewers and survey administrators may have on the results. Faculty members who may be a The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 29 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. continuing influence on a student’s career may not be appropriate as an interviewer or survey administrator for some surveys just as a student’s advisor may not be the best person to administer an advising survey. If you are considering a commercial product, obtain review copies and evaluate it carefully to decide if it will successfully return the type of information required. For commercial products, evaluate carefully whether or not you can successfully perform the tasks that will be required of you and that the information the product will return justifies the cost. Make provisions to maintain respondent confidentiality and anonymity if anonymity has been promised. If responses are to be disaggregated by particular student characteristics, be sure to include information that will allow that disaggregation to occur, and if you desire to compare groups within the response set be sure that enough respondents will be included in each group to make comparisons meaningful. Do not abuse the patience of respondents by surveying the same group of respondents over and over. Consider carefully how, when, and by whom the responses will analyzed and if a particular statistical package is to be used, be sure that the package is available for use on campus and that the data analyst is skilled at using it. Decide when and by whom the results will brought to the faculty for discussion and how decisions about use of the information will be made. Focus Groups Focus groups are structured, face-to-face, group interviews. Much of the success of a focus group depends on the skill of the facilitator who must maintain the group’s concentration on the particular topics to be covered, elicit comments from all members of the group and ask probing questions without losing the confidence and trust of group members. Leaders in focus groups must be viewed by participants as credible, competent and trustworthy and they must be highly skilled in group dynamics and handling conflict. The 5 to 7 participants in focus groups must be carefully chosen to represent the group whose opinions are being sought. In many cases a series of focus groups may be the most appropriate technique for obtaining the quality of information sought. In planning for a focus group, it is necessary to identify the set of topics to be considered and the depth in which in each will be covered. The leader uses a series of scripted questions and prompts to elicit the desired information. There is some leeway in most focus group scripts for the leader to probe interesting or unanticipated information, but for the most part the leader will stick to the script provided. The focus group is usually documented with an audio recording although it is not uncommon for video taping to also be used. Participants need to be aware of and give consent for audio and/or video taping. Usually transcripts of the proceedings are also prepared to facilitate analysis. In order to get the highest quality responses, participants must be assured that no information they divulge will used in ways that would be detrimental to them, and if confidentiality at some level or anonymity is promised that promise must kept. It is usually preferable to have a neutral leader for a focus group. If the focus group is being held to evaluate a particular program or service, faculty and staff members associated with the program or service may not be able to maintain an appropriate distance from the content of the questions or responses. In addition, participants who are likely to find themselves in continuing contact with a faculty or staff member in the conduct of their student careers may be prone to withhold or be less than candid because of their fear of reprisal or fear of the loss of a faculty or staff member’s esteem or friendship. Advantages1 30 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 1. There is usually a pool of individuals on college and university campuses trained to conduct focus groups. 2. The format is flexible and can include a wide variety of questions. 3. There is the opportunity to probe topics in greater depth than in some other formats. 4. It may be possible to elicit the reasons for a participant or participants’ beliefs, attitudes or actions. 5. Because the format is with a group, it may be possible to uncover the degree of consensus among the participants on topics and to probe the depth with which particular positions are held. 1 Adapted from Mary J. Allen, Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education, Bolton, Massachusetts: Anker Publishing Company. 2004. pp. 128-129. Disadvantages2 1. Since focus groups are an indirect measure, it is not possible to ascertain actual levels of student learning. 2. A skilled facilitator is a necessary component of the process. 3. The quality of the questions is extremely important in the process for eliciting useful feedback from participants. 4. Recruiting appropriate participants and scheduling focus groups can be extremely challenging. 5. Focus groups can be quite expensive if a facilitator must be hired, participants paid monetary inducements, and the transcript must be prepared by a professional. 6. A single group may not return either the quality or the range of opinions, perceptions or attitudes that exist within the population as a whole. 7. Analysis of focus group data can be very challenging. (Adapted from Mary J. Allen, Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education, Bolton, Massachusetts: Anker Publishing Company. 2004. pp. 128-129.) Using a Focus Group 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Decide on the outcomes to be assessed. Decide on the number of groups to be conducted. Decide whether appropriate facilitators are available to conduct the group(s). Decide whether or not appropriate participants are available and whether inducements to participate are likely to be necessary. Decide on the topics to be covered, the questions and prompts, and the degree to which the facilitator may probe participant responses. Establish the script and decide whether the group will be audio and/or videotaped. Find an appropriate place to conduct the group. Schedule the group or groups to facilitate participation. Decide how, when and by whom the analysis will be conducted. Decide how the analysis will be used by the faculty. External Review A wide variety of external review options exist for a program. Entire programs, samples of student work and or particular programs or services may be reviewed by one or more external reviewers. External reviewers may be representatives of disciplinary groups, members of a discipline, or in some cases practitioners in the discipline may be used. The basis of the evaluation is usually standards in the discipline or the area of practice. Advantages 1. External reviewers offer an unbiased, third-party evaluation of the program, service, or student products. 2. Reviewers use standards common in the discipline. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 31 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 3. The review is normally structured by the program or service provider to focus on particular issues. 4. The self-study that is often a part of external program reviews can be very useful in providing programs an opportunity to evaluate themselves. 5. Since the external reviewers are not involved in the program or service on the campus, the recommendations or conclusions offered may have greater credibility at program level at higher levels within the university. 6. External reviews are typically structured in such a way that replies to the recommendations and conclusions of the outside reviewers are normal and expected, and discussions about appropriate changes to the program or department take place at a number of levels within the university. 7. An external review report may provide support for needed changes that will require resources. Disadvantages 1. An external reviewer(s) must be chosen carefully to provide an unbiased and useful evaluation of the program, service or student products. 2. Conducting an external review takes a great deal of time and effort on the part of a program or service provider especially when self-studies must be conducted. 3. External reviewers may be costly since a program must pay for transportation, lodging, and usually a stipend for the reviewer(s), and for the costs of the external review report’s development and reproduction. 4. If colleges and universities expect programs and services to prepare and conduct external reviews, then the institution incurs the responsibility for supporting needed changes with appropriate resources. Conducting External Reviews External program review processes are usually structured by institutions. External reviews of student products 1. External reviews of student products need to be structured so that student learning outcomes are an explicit part of the review. 2. Students need to give consent to have their work evaluated. 3. Appropriate safeguards for the transportation of the work and the confidentiality of students submitting work need to be established. 4. If the reviewers come to the campus to review the student work, then appropriate arrangements for transportation and lodging for reviewers needs to be considered. 5. Expectations for when review reports are expected and the format and elements of the review need to be clear. 6. Reviewers need to respected member of the discipline or practitioners in order for faculty to have confidence in their assessments. 7. Program faculty need to decide who will choose the reviewers, who will make the arrangements, how expectations are developed and approved and who will be responsible for follow-up. 8. Program faculty need to decide how the information obtained from reviewers will be used to improve the program. Documenting and Using Results The institutional effectiveness system is also used to document results and the use of results of planning and assessment. Academic degree programs should submit goals and objectives, for the program and to the extent that it is appropriate conduct assessments and document results; 32 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook however, within the first 4 years of a degree program’s existence it is not required to make changes to the program based on assessment results unless it feels that the changes will be an improvement to the program. It is important that new programs have an opportunity to see the curriculum through at least once before programmatic changes are required. Documenting data and conducting an analysis of the data is required on at least an annual basis. Results are the information gathered or progress made on planned outcomes and assessment activities. For instance, a department has planned to increase student enrollment in a particular degree program by having faculty members give lectures in high school classrooms at the request of the high school teachers. Two faculty members give 3 lectures a piece in local high school classrooms. The results are that student enrollment does not increase. The use of the results are that the department will attempt to increase student enrollment by asking the faculty member and a major in the program who graduated from the same high school to team teach the lecture in the local high school classroom. Sixty percent of students attained an outcome, but the knowledge or skill evaluated is important to a graduate educated in the field so the 85 percent target was not met. Use might include restructuring the program, teaching the knowledge or skill multiple times or improving prerequisites for a course. Staff evaluators may find that a particular event is not particularly helpful to their users and decide to redesign the presentation and so on. What ever the evaluation, it is very important to record the results and any activities designed to enhance attainment. An assessment rubric is contained in Appendix K to assist you in evaluating the extent to which your documentation is written appropriately. SOME FINAL THOUGHTS Planning and assessment if done deliberately and diligently can make a tremendous difference in the quality of UTPB’s graduates and in the services that the institution provides. The University believes in ability of the faculty and staff to develop high quality, challenging goals, design appropriate methods to do the research necessary to establish an in-depth understanding of whether the goals are being achieved, and power of thought necessary to devise strategies for improvement. The Office of Institutional Research, Planning and Assessment can provide a sounding board for ideas, suggest methodologies, improve documentation and find other forms of assistance. The staff would be delighted to provide any assistance required; please use them as a resource to enhance your achievement. 33 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, M.J. (2004). Assessing Academic Programs in Higher Education. Bolton, Massachusetts: Anker Publishing Company. Astin, A., et al. (1992). Nine Principles of Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning. Developed under the auspices of the AAHE Assessment Forum with support from the Fund for the Improvement of Post-Secondary Education with additional support for publication and dissemination from the Exxon Education Foundation. Banta, T. et al. (1996). Assessment in Practice: Putting Principles to Work on College Campuses. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Bloom, B., Englehart, M., Furst E., Hill, W. and D. Krathwohl. (1956). Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay. Cleaves, C. et al. (August 2005). A Road Map for Improvement of Student Learning and Support Services through Assessment. New York: Agathon Press, as quoted in Office of Institutional Planning and Effectiveness. Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness: An Introductory Manual, Texas Tech University. Commission on Colleges. (2008). Principles of Accreditation 2008 Interim Edition. Decatur, Georgia: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Commission on Colleges. (2005). Resource Manual for the Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement. Decatur, Georgia: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. Dean, L.A. (2006). CAS Professional Standards for Higher Education (6th ed.). Washington, D.C. Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education. Information, Analysis and Assessment. (February 2005). UCF Academic Program Assessment Handbook as adapted from the Guidelines for Program Assessment: Standards and Levels, 2002; and UCF Continuous Quality Improvement website, 2003. Office of Institutional Research and Planning. (Spring 2006). Unit Effectiveness Process Assessment Handbook. The University of Arlington. Ohia, Uche (September 2004). “Assessment Plan Development-Instructional Programs.” Open Forum Presentation. Rodrigues, R.J. (Unknown). Skidmore College Assessment Handbook. Schuh, J.H. and M.L. Upcraft (2001). Assessment Practice in Student Affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. University Planning Committee (Fall 2002). A Guide to Planning at Assessment at the University of Montevallo 3rd Edition. Montevallo, AL: University of Montevallo. Upcraft, M.L. and J.H. Schuh. (1996). Assessment in Student Affairs: A Guide for Practitioners. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Walvoord, B.E. (2004). Assessment Clear and Simple. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Wargo, M.C. (August 2006). Handbook for Program Assessment. Western Carolina University. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 34 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix A Assessment Review Committee 2007-2008 Leslie Toombs, Chair Chad Vanderford Kay Ketzenberger Emilio Mutis-Duplat Chad Greenfield Sherry McKibben Cherry Owen Jeannine Hurst Linda Isham Hector Govea William Fannin - ex officio This committee oversees and makes recommendations on campus assessment activities as contained in the plan submitted to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). From University Committee Assignments 2007-2008 35 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix B Helpful Handbooks, Manuals and Wisdom from Other Institutions Assessment Steering Committee (June 29, 1999) The Assessment Program. University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. Dane, A. J. (2005-2006). Institutional Effectiveness Manual. oc. Kohout, S.L. and H.D. Stearman. (September 2006). Assessment of Institutional Effectiveness: An Introductory Manual. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center. Lyon, L. (Undated). “Ten Myths of Academic Program Assessment at Baylor.” Baylor SACS Reaffirmation Web Site Office of Institutional Effectiveness and Planning. (January 2006). Institutional Effectiveness Practitioner’s Manual. Texas A&M International University. Office of Institutional Research and Planning. (Spring 2006). Unit Effectiveness Process Assessment Handbook. The University of Texas Arlington. Office of Planning and Assessment. (2001-2002). Eastern Kentucky University Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment Principles, Procedures and Resource Manual. Wargo, M.C. (August 2006). Western Carolina University Handbook for Program Assessment. 36 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix C Budget and Planning Committee Academic Department Chair: Faculty Senate President: Human Resources Director: Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chair: Vice President for Student Services: Vice President for Business Affairs: Director of Accounting: Interim Director of Physical Plant: Academic Dean: Student Senate President: Information Resources Director: Faculty A: Faculty B: Faculty C: Institutional Effectiveness Director: This committee makes budgetary, mission, and strategic planning recommendations, both on process and substance. 37 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix D Guidelines and Instructions for Institutional Effectiveness Reporting For 20XX-20XX, each budget unit will submit institutional effectiveness planning and assessment forms for this year on the dates shown on page XX of this document. All institutional effectiveness reports will be submitted through regular reporting channels both electronically and on paper. The Institutional Effectiveness Program (IEP) is a method of tracking improvement in programs and services over time. The IEP reports will include the following items: INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS Unit Planning Form for Instructional Departments (Form 1) University Mission This will be the same for every unit and program. It is consistent from year to year, updated only when the University adopts a new, authorized mission statement. Mission of Academic Affairs Each of the major divisions of the University has a mission statement. It is consistent from year to year, updated only when the division adopts a new statement. Mission of the College/School Each college/school has a mission statement. It is consistent from year to year, updated only when the college/school adopts a new statement. Mission of the Department This statement identifies the purposes of the unit and defines its role in the University. The mission will be different for every unit, but will be consistent from year to year, unless the unit adopts a revised mission statement. Planning Outcomes Each department/office will identify planning outcomes for the next 3 to 5 years based on the strategic plan of the university, the university compact, and the missions of the university, the division, the college/school and the unit itself. Planning outcome statements focus on what the unit intends to accomplish in the areas of university compact success, academic quality, educational support quality, operational efficiency and effectiveness, and service or unit program delivery. The areas of the university compact are growth, quality, graduation rate improvement, research, and partnerships. Departmental planning outcomes should produce a clear focus on what needs to be accomplished given the conditions that must be addressed. 38 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Planning has no magic formulas. Outcomes, in and of themselves, do not produce resources nor are there simple formulas for identifying and implementing important and/or hard to accomplish objectives. Plans do not “work” – people do. The magic in planning is the quality of thought, ingenuity and ability of those who do the planning. Progress Measures Progress measures identify the methods for evaluating progress associated with each planning outcome. 39 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 1) Compact elements this year are growth, quality, graduation rate improvement, research, partnerships, and public trust and accountability. University Mission Statement: Academic Affairs Mission Statement: (College/School) Mission Statement: 40 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook (Department or Office) Mission Statement: Planning Outcomes Progress Measures 41 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Instructional Unit Assessment Plan (Form 2) An Instructional Unit Assessment Plan Form needs to be submitted for each degree program in the department. Degree Program Learning Goals Learning goals are broadly focused on knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students should attain as a result of completing the degree program. Goals are the foundation for all that follows in assessment. They are the basis on which assessment is constructed. For each academic degree program at both the undergraduate and graduate level, the faculty need to identify 3 to 4 major goals focused on what students know, can do, and believe as a result of being in the degree program. Degree Program Learning Objectives For each degree program at both the undergraduate and graduate level, objectives need to be developed. Objectives identify specific, observable behaviors and actions related to a particular degree program goal that faculty will use to describe, monitor and assess student achievement. Objectives are indicators for goals. In any single year, no more than 3 to 5 objectives should be identified for evaluation. Student Learning Outcomes Student learning outcomes will be identified for each degree program objective. These outcomes should identify the precise behaviors and actions of students that will be evaluated and the desired levels at which those behaviors and actions must be demonstrated by students in order for the objective to be considered satisfactorily accomplished. Expected outcomes contain a reference to time or other constraints (if any), a description of the knowledge, skill or attitude desired, and a level of attainment. The level of attainment does not need to be a number or a percentage, but it should be specific enough that it can serve as a triggering mechanism to signal when a change to the program or service should be put into motion. Learning outcomes are dynamic. They should be revised over time to maintain their relevance. Assessment Methodology The assessment methodology specifies the means of measurement. The assessment methodology section of the assessment plan needs to include a description of the methodology that contains enough detail that a third party reader can readily understand what is being planned. The assessment methodology should be the best possible evaluation of the outcome balanced against the cost of conducting the measurement. Measurements may be direct or indirect with the proviso that if the outcome being measured is a knowledge or skill outcome then at least one direct measure is required. Direct measures require that students demonstrate the knowledge or skill through a performance of that knowledge or skill. Direct measures include for example, a content examination, a case study analysis, a computer program, an oral proficiency evaluation, etc. Indirect measures examine students or others’ perceptions of learning or other attributes and include such measures as surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. Indirect measures are acceptable and for some outcomes, they represent an excellent evaluative tool. Methodologies for evaluating outcomes may include both quantitative and qualitative methods and may be expressed in either numerical data or narrative description. 42 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Department: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Degree Program: Date Submitted: INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT ASSESSMENT PLAN 20XX-20XX (Form 2) One form for each degree program in the department (Degree Program) Learning Goals Degree Program Learning Objectives Student Learning Outcomes 43 Assessment Methodology The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Instructional Unit Planning Results Form (Form 3) The results form documents the planning and evaluation conducted during the academic year. The items in the form include: Planning Outcomes These are the same planning outcomes planned for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Progress Measures The progress measures for each planning outcome should be the same as those in the planning forms submitted for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Results The section should briefly describe the actual results from each progress measure. Please feel free to attach any appendices that you feel are necessary to describe the results in greater detail. It should be possible for a third party reader to understand the results and to make a judgment about how the results obtained led to the way the results were used to improve the programs or services of the department. Use of Results Describe any actions designed to improve the department or programs within the department as a consequence of the results obtained for each planning outcome. It should be clear to a third party reader how the use of results is related to the actual results of the progress measure. 44 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 3) The planning outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX, including those required by the University Compact with The University of Texas System. Planning Outcomes Progress Measures Results 45 Use of Results The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Instructional Unit Assessment Results Form (Form 4) An Instructional Unit Assessment Results form needs to be submitted for each degree program in the department. Student Outcomes These are the same student learning outcomes planned for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Assessment Methodology The assessment measures for each student outcome should be the same as those in the planning forms submitted for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Results The section should briefly describe the results from each student learning outcome. Please feel free to attach any appendices that you feel are necessary to describe the results in greater detail. It should be possible for a third party reader to understand the results and to make a judgment about how the results obtained led to the way the results were used to improve the degree program. Use of Results Describe any actions designed to improve the degree program as a consequence of the results obtained for each student learning outcome. It should be clear to a third party reader how the use of results is related to the actual results of the student learning outcome. 46 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Department: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Degree Program: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 2007-2008 (Form 4) Student outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX Student Outcomes Assessment Methodology Results 47 Use of Results The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS/OFFICES The requirements for institutional effectiveness plans for support offices and departments differ from those required of degree programs in several important ways. Since there are no degree programs in support offices, they will have outcomes for the office rather than for a particular program. In addition, in many support offices, student learning may not be the primary focus for direct accomplishment of their mission. As a consequence, outcome statements in support offices will focus on the basic services and consumers of services provided by the office. Unit Planning Form for Non-Instructional Departments (Form 5) University Mission This will be the same for every unit and program. It is consistent from year to year, updated only when the University adopts a new, authorized mission statement. Mission of the Division Each of the major divisions of the University (i.e., Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and Business Affairs) has a mission statement. It is consistent from year to year, updated only when the division adopts a new statement. Mission of the College/School (if applicable) This segment of the form is only applicable to staff offices that reside inside a college/school in the division of Academic Affairs. Each college/school has a mission statement. It is consistent from year to year, updated only when the college/school adopts a new statement. Mission of the Department This statement identifies the purposes of the unit and defines its role in the University. The mission will be different for every unit, but will be consistent from year to year, unless the unit adopts a revised mission statement. Planning Outcomes Each department/office will identify planning outcomes for the next 3 to 5 years based on the strategic plan of the university, the university compact, and the missions of the university, the division, the college/school and the unit itself. Planning outcome statements focus on what the unit intends to accomplish in the areas of service quality, operational efficiency and effectiveness, user satisfaction, service delivery, and the university compact. The areas of the university compact are growth, quality, graduation rate improvement, research, and partnerships. Planning outcomes should produce a clear focus on what needs to be accomplished given the conditions that must be addressed. Planning has no magic formulas. Planning outcomes, in and of themselves, do not produce resources nor are there simple formulas for implementing important and/or hard to accomplish tasks. Plans do not “work” – people do. The magic in planning is the quality of thought, ingenuity and ability of those who do the planning. Progress Measures Progress measures identify the methods for evaluating progress associated with each planning outcome. 48 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 5) Compact elements this year are growth, quality, graduation rate improvement, research, partnerships, and public trust and accountability. University Mission Statement: (Division) Mission Statement: (College/School) Mission Statement 49 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook (Department or Office) Mission Statement: Planning Outcomes Progress Measures 50 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Non-Instructional Unit Assessment Plan Form (Form 6) Department/Office Mission Statement This statement identifies the purposes of the unit and defines its role in the University. The mission will be different for every unit, but will be consistent from year to year, unless the unit adopts a revised mission statement. Department/Office Outcomes Department/office outcomes must be identified for each significant element in the mission statement. These outcomes will be primarily focused on whether or not services are efficient, effective, satisfactorily delivered, and they need to demonstrate that the mission of the unit is fulfilled. Support offices especially in some academic areas and in some student affairs areas may be and probably should be focused on the students who are their primary target user group. In which case, those offices would also write one or more outcome statements focused on what students know, can do or believe as a result of participation in the programs and services provided by the office. Expected outcomes contain a reference to time or other constraints (if any), a description of the student or service outcome, and a level of attainment. The level of attainment does not need to be a number or a percentage, but it should be specific enough that it can serve as a triggering mechanism to signal when a change to the program or service should be put into motion. Outcomes are dynamic. They should be revised over time to maintain their relevance. Assessment Methodology The assessment methodology specifies the means of measurement. The assessment methodology section of the assessment plan needs to include a description of the methodology that contains enough detail that a third party reader can readily understand what is being planned. The assessment methodology should be the best possible evaluation of the outcome balanced against the cost of conducting the measurement. Measurements may be direct or indirect with the proviso that if the outcome being measured is a student outcome focused on a knowledge or skill then at least one direct measure is required. Direct measures require that students demonstrate the knowledge or skill through a performance of that knowledge or skill. Direct measures include for example, a content examination, an actual performance of a skill, a case study analysis or other directly observable demonstration. Indirect measures examine student or others’ perceptions of learning, satisfaction, understanding, or other attributes and include such measures as surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc. Indirect measures are acceptable and for some outcomes, they represent an excellent evaluative tool. Methodologies for evaluating outcomes may include both quantitative and qualitative methods and may be expressed in either numerical data or narrative description. 51 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 6) Department/Office Outcomes Assessment Methodology 52 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Non-Instructional Unit Planning Results Form The form reports the results of the planning and evaluation conducted during the academic year. The items in the form include: Planning Outcomes These are the same planning outcomes planned for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Progress Measures The progress measures for each planning outcome should be the same as those in the planning forms submitted for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Results Results should briefly describe what the results were from each progress measure. Please feel free to attach any appendices that you feel are necessary to describe the results in greater detail. It should be possible for a third party reader to understand the results and to make a judgment about how the results obtained led to the way the results were used to improve the programs or services of the department. Use of Results Describe any actions designed and implemented to improve the department or programs within the department as a consequence of the results obtained for each planning outcome. It should be clear to a third party reader how the use of results is related to the actual results of the progress measure. 53 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 7) The planning outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX, including those required by the University Compact with The University of Texas System. Planning Outcomes Progress Measures Results 54 Use of Results The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Non-Instructional Unit Assessment Results (Form 8) Department/Office Outcomes These are the same assessment outcomes planned for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Assessment Methodology The assessment measures for each outcome should be the same as those in the assessment planning forms submitted for the year unless an amendment to the plan has been filed. Results Results should briefly describe what the results were from each outcome. Please feel free to attach any appendices that you feel are necessary to describe the results in greater detail. It should be possible for a third party reader to understand the results and to make a judgment about how the results obtained led to the way the results were used to improve the programs or services offered by the office. Use of Results Describe any actions designed and implemented to improve the programs or services of the office as a consequence of the results obtained for each outcome. It should be clear to a third party reader how the use of results is related to the actual results of the outcome methodology. 55 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Submitted by: Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Date Submitted: UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 8) The outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX. Department/Office Outcomes Assessment Methodology Results 56 Use of Results The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Generic Institutional Effectiveness Schedule 20XX-20XX Activity Date Responsible All planning /assessment plan forms for 2008-09 due (Academic depts. form 1 & form 2 for each degree program) (Non-Instructional Units send Forms 5 & 6) May XX, 20XX Dept Heads submit to Deans or VP Academic departments, degree programs and offices submit completed results/use forms for 2007-2008 (instructional forms 3&4, non-instructional forms 7&8) May XX, 20XX Dept Heads submit to Deans Administrative/support offices submit completed results/ use forms for 2007-2008 (forms 7&8) May XX, 20XX Office heads submit to VPs Academic planning/assessment forms for 2008-2009 and academic results/use forms for 2007-2008 June X, 20XX Deans submit to Provost Submit all planning/assessment forms for upcoming year and results/use forms for current year June XX, 20XX Provost and VPs submit to President 57 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook EXAMPLES INSTRUCTIONAL AND NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 58 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School: Arts and Sciences Submitted by: Dr. J. D. Clark Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Anthropology Date Submitted: May 14, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 1) Compact elements this year are growth, quality, graduation rate improvement, research, partnerships, and public trust and accountability. University Mission Statement: The mission of The University of Texas of the Permian Basin is to provide quality education to all qualified students in a supportive educational environment; to promote excellence in teaching, research, and service; and to serve as a resource for the intellectual, social, economic, and technological advancement of the diverse constituency in Texas and the region. Academic Affairs Mission Statement: Academic Affairs promotes teaching, learning, inquiry and public service in support of the mission of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin and The University of Texas System. We are committed to Providing an innovative and dedicated faculty and staff; Supporting excellence in instruction and enhancing the teaching-learning environment; Maintaining academic programs responsive to the needs of learners, the State and the region; Supporting faculty research and creative activities of regional, state and national distinction; Serving as a resource for the intellectual, cultural, technological and economic advancement of Texas’ citizens, particularly those in West Texas; and Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of instructional and support programs to achieve the standards of performance Texans expect from their higher educational institutions. Arts and Sciences Mission Statement The mission of the College of Arts and Sciences of The University of Texas of the Permian Basin is To support The University’s goal of providing the responsible student with a quality liberal arts and sciences education within the context of a growing computerized environment and an ethnically and culturally diverse and global society. To interweave the arts and sciences with professional education which provides the student with the freedom to realize one’s potential as an independent person with critical thinking, openness, adaptability, tolerance, integrity, a capacity for life-long learning. Central to this task is the general education curriculum, which requires study in a broad array of disciplines designed to provide breadth and diversity of knowledge and skills. To address the needs of those students who desire intensive study in a special field in the arts and sciences. To make the most of a liberal arts education, these students must move beyond the breadth of general education to an emphasis on learning about a discipline in considerable depth and to be able to speak and write effectively. To offer a quality set of master’s level research and applied programs designed to prepare advanced students for careers in teaching, research, creativity and other areas of scholarly or public service. To provide a level of excellence in the teaching field for students seeking teacher certification. To contribute through excellence in teaching, scholarship and creative activities to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge; and, in so doing maintain statewide and national recognition with regard to these activities. To recognize the special needs of a community and nontraditional student population. To provide special programs and services for the cultural enrichment of the community 59 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Department of Anthropology Mission Statement: The mission of the department is to provide students with an understanding of the nature and role of cultural and physical diversity in the world and throughout the history of human development through the sub-disciplines of archaeology, physical anthropology, linguistics, and cultural anthropology. In addition, through research and service, the department provides the community and region with professional expertise in a variety of specializations within the discipline. Planning Outcomes Progress Measures 1. The department will fund two internal research projects from departmental development funds, one in linguistics and one in cultural at a level of $3,000 for one year. (Compact Element-Research) a. Physical anthropology and archaeology will compete for the funds next year. b. The applications for research funds will be competitive and evaluated by a committee of faculty members including at least one in the sub-discipline and 3 members of the advisory committee. 1. The process for evaluating the applications will work smoothly and a research stipend will be given in both linguistics and cultural. 2. Linguistics will undergo a complete curriculum review this academic year. (Compact Element-Quality) 2. The curriculum review will be completed and changes to the curriculum will be prepared for submission through the university curriculum process by the end of the academic year. 3. At least three members of the department will be asked to give a lecture in a high school classroom in the coming year in order to increase freshman anthropology majors. (Compact Element-Growth) a. The chairman of the department will contact social studies teachers in high schools in the surrounding area with a list topics faculty would be willing to do a lecture on in their classrooms. b. The chairman will also accept offers to discuss topics not on the list and attempt to find a faculty member qualified and willing to do the lecture. 3. At least three faculty members will give at least one lecture in a high school classroom in this academic year. 4. The department will continue to pursue a contract with the City Coroner’s Office for forensic anthropology services. 4. A contract will be finalized with the City Coroner’s Office this academic year. 60 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Department: Anthropology Submitted by: Dr. J.D. Clark Academic Year 20XX-20XX Degree Program: BS Anthropology Date Submitted: May 14, 20XX INSTRUCTIONAL UNIT ASSESSMENT PLAN 20XX-20XX (Form 2) One form for each degree program in the department Anthropology Program Learning Goals The undergraduate program is committed to applying the scientific method to the study of evolution, diversity and commonality of humans as members of a species, as members of societies, and as members of particular cultures. We seek to promote in students a critical understanding of biological diversity and the social worlds in which they live. Students will gain basic knowledge in the four subfields of the discipline and will learn to think holistically and comparatively about humans and their evolutionary relatives. Upon completion students will be prepared to proceed to graduate school or attain positions commensurate with their training. Degree Program Learning Objectives 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the breadth of anthropology, including its main subfields, and its ties to other scientific disciplines. Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Methodology 1a. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the core portion of the departmental exit examination. 1a. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 1b. 80 percent of graduating seniors will agree or strongly agree that they have a basic understanding of the main subfields and anthropologies ties to other scientific disciplines on the exit survey. 1b. A short exit survey is conducted in the last week of classes in the capstone course. The survey covers self-reported learning items, scheduling, advising, plans for the future, and areas for improvement in the anthropology program. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of the range of past and present human cultural systems, including ecological relationships, subsistence, social organization, and belief systems. 2. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the cultural portion of the departmental exit examination. 2. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of the range of human language systems and elements, their relationships, and the 3. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the physical anthropology portion of the departmental 61 3. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook relationship to social organization, and belief systems. exit examination. examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of evolutionary theory as it applies to human and nonhuman primate biological phenomena; this should include the ability to summarize the basic timeline and processes of general primate and specific hominid biological evolution. 4. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the physical anthropology portion of the departmental exit examination. 4. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of the methods used discover physical remains of peoples and cultures and to reconstruct and develop propositions about the past. 5. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the archeology portion of the departmental exit examination. 5. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 6. Formulate a critical, scientific understanding of the basis for contemporary human variation, in the student’s area of specialization, including appreciation of related ethical concerns. 6. 75 percent of graduating seniors will receive a 25 or above overall on the research paper rubric of the capstone course and 90 percent of seniors will receive a nothing less than a grade of satisfactory on each element of the rubric. 6. The culminating project in the capstone course is a major research paper in the student’s area of specialization. Papers in each subfield will be read and scored on the research paper rubric by one or two faculty members in the appropriate subfield. Rubric scores, both aggregated and disaggregated by field, are brought to first faculty meeting of the fall semester for discussion. 7. Graduates will be prepared for employment or acceptance to graduate school. 7. At least 60 percent of graduates will either be employed or in graduate school within 1 year after graduation. 7. The results of the alumni survey question on employment and the question on enrollment in graduate school will be brought to the first faculty meeting of the year. 62 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School: Arts and Sciences Submitted by: Dr. J.D. Clark Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Anthropology Date Submitted: May 9, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 3) The planning outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX, including those required by the University Compact with The University of Texas System. Planning Outcomes Progress Measures Results 1. The department will fund two internal research projects from departmental development funds, one in linguistics and one in cultural at a level of $3,000 for one year. (Compact Element-Research) 1. The process for evaluating the applications will work smoothly and a research stipend will be given in both linguistics and cultural. 1. Two research stipends were awarded, one to Dr. Smith to assist with his studies of Urdu and one to Dr. Jones to assist him in his work among the Ainu in Japan this summer. All participants in the process were basically satisfied with the process, however several faculty members thought that extra time should be allowed for submission of materials. 1. The schedule for research proposal submissions has been changed from January 15th to February 15th of each year. 2. The curriculum review will be completed and changes to the curriculum will be prepared for submission through the university curriculum process by the end of the academic year. 2. The curriculum review was completed as scheduled and the 2 course changes and 1 added course have been prepared for submission to the university curriculum process. 2. If the curriculum submissions are successful at the university level, the department will continue to monitor the changes as they go through the system and THECB levels. 3. At least 3 members of the department will be asked to give a lecture in a high school social studies classroom in the coming year in order to increase freshman anthropology majors. (Compact Element-Growth) 3. At least three faculty members will give at least one lecture in a high school social studies classroom in this academic year. 3. Two faculty members were invited to give at least one lecture in a high school social studies classroom this academic year. An additional faculty member in physical anthropology was invited to discuss osteology in a biology classroom. 3. Next academic year we will broaden the program to include high school biology classrooms. We will also monitor how many freshmen majors if any result from these lectures over the next 3 years through a poll of new freshmen majors. 4. The department will continue 4. A contract will be finalized with 4. A contract was finalized with 4. In addition to the faculty member 2. Linguistics will undergo a complete curriculum review this academic year. (Compact Element-Quality) 63 Use of Results The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook to pursue a contract with the City Coroner’s Office for forensic anthropology services. the City Coroner’s Office this academic year. the City Coroner’s Office as of April 30, 20XX. 64 mentioned in the contract, two additional student internship positions will be set up by the department to comply with the terms of the contract. The internships will be paid by the city. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Department: Anthropology Submitted by: Dr. J.D. Clark Academic Year 20XX-20XX Degree Program: BS Anthropology Date Submitted: May 9, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 4) Student outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX Student Outcomes Assessment Methodology Results 1a. 75 percent of anthropology 1a. A locally developed 100 1a. 82 percent of majors majors will score 70 percent or question exit examination is scored 70 percent or above on the core portion of given as the final in the above on the core portion the departmental exit capstone course. The of the departmental exit examination. multiple choice examination examination. is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. Use of Results 1a. No further action is anticipated at this time. 1b. 80 percent of graduating seniors will agree or strongly agree that they have a basic understanding of the main subfields and anthropology’s ties to other scientific disciplines on the exit survey. 1b. A short exit survey is conducted in the last week of classes in the capstone course. The survey covers self-reported learning items, scheduling, advising, plans for the future, and areas for improvement in the anthropology program. 1b. 91 percent of graduating seniors either agreed or strongly agreed that they have a basic understanding of the main subfields and 86 percent agreed or strongly agreed that they understood anthropology’s ties to other scientific disciplines on the exit survey. 1b. The target on this outcome measure will be raised to 85 percent next academic year. 2. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the cultural portion of the departmental exit examination. 2. 2. 2. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each 76 percent of majors scored at least 70 percent or above on the cultural portion of the exit examination. However, an analysis of the responses indicated that only 50 percent of students satisfactorily answered the questions on kinship 65 Kinship is taught as part of at least 3 courses in cultural anthropology. It was agreed by the faculty that in ANTH 3340 students will be required to conduct a short project that requires the use of kinship associations and relationships. The department will continue to The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook academic year. associations. monitor the results on the exit exam. 3. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the physical anthropology portion of the departmental exit examination. 3. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 3. 80 percent of majors scored 70 percent or above on the physical anthropology portion of the exit examination. 3. No further action is necessary at this time. 4. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the linguistics portion of the departmental exit examination. 4. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 4. 70 percent of majors scored 70 percent or above on the linguistics portion of the exit examination. 4. The linguistics faculty have submitted several revised course descriptions as part of the curriculum review that should increase scores on this examination. We will continue to monitor this outcome. 5. 75 percent of anthropology majors will score 70 percent or above on the archeology portion of the departmental exit examination. 5. A locally developed 100 question exit examination is given as the final in the capstone course. The multiple choice examination is graded by the faculty member of record and the grades on each section of the test are brought to the first faculty meeting of each academic year. 5. 87 percent of majors scored at or above 70 percent on the archeology portion of the exit examination. 5. No further action is required at this time. 6. 75 percent of graduating seniors will receive a 25 or above overall 6. The culminating project in the capstone course is a 6. Overall, the average score on the rubric for all 6. The faculty continues to discuss the best approach to 66 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook on the research paper rubric of the capstone course and 90 percent of seniors will receive a nothing less than a grade of satisfactory on each element of the rubric. 7. At least 60 percent of graduates will either be employed or in graduate school within 1 year after graduation. major research paper in the student’s area of specialization. Papers in each subfield will be read and scored on the research paper rubric by one or two faculty members in the appropriate subfield. Rubric scores, both aggregated and disaggregated by field, are brought to first faculty meeting of the fall semester for discussion. 7. The results of the alumni survey question on employment and the question on enrollment in graduate school will be brought to the first faculty meeting of the year. specializations was 20 or above indicating that the papers were at least acceptable. However, for those papers in which qualitative research was chosen as the methodology, an overall weakness was identified in the analysis of the data and the use of the data in drawing conclusions. 7. 47 percent of the alumni surveyed returned questionnaires. Of that group of participants, 70 percent are either pursuing a graduate degree or are employed. 67 remedy this weakness. It is anticipated that a proposal for strengthening the qualitative methodology components of the program will be brought to the November faculty meeting for discussion. The proposal should result in some form of curricular change for the next academic year. We will continue to monitor this outcome carefully. 7. No further action is required at this time. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Academic Affairs Submitted by: Dr. S. Pearson Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Institutional Research Date Submitted: September 14, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 5) Compact elements this year are growth, quality, graduation rate improvement, research, partnerships, and public trust and accountability. University Mission Statement: The mission of The University of Texas of the Permian Basin is to provide quality education to all qualified students in a supportive educational environment; to promote excellence in teaching, research, and service; and to serve as a resource for the intellectual, social, economic, and technological advancement of the diverse constituency in Texas and the region. Academic Affairs Mission Statement: Academic Affairs promotes teaching, learning, inquiry and public service in support of the mission of the University of Texas of the Permian Basin and The University of Texas System. We are committed to Providing an innovative and dedicated faculty and staff; Supporting excellence in instruction and enhancing the teaching-learning environment; Maintaining academic programs responsive to the needs of learners, the State and the region; Supporting faculty research and creative activities of regional, state and national distinction; Serving as a resource for the intellectual, cultural, technological and economic advancement of Texas’ citizens, particularly those in West Texas; and Enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of instructional and support programs to achieve the standards of performance Texans expect from their higher educational institutions. College/School Mission Statement: NA 68 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Office of Institutional Research Mission Statement: The Office of Institutional Research provides decision support services for the President, Vice Presidents, Deans and other administrative offices. The Office conducts research studies, provides external and internal reporting, completes the University Fact Book, coordinates the planning and assessment system and acts as the regional accreditation liaison. Planning Outcomes Progress Measures 1. The IR Office will act as staff support for the Enrollment Management Task Force. (Compact Element- Growth) 1. All requests for data and data analysis made by the Task Force will be completed on time and in a satisfactory manner. 2. A study of retention and progression of students will be completed on time and submitted to the Vice President for Student Affairs. (Compact Element-Graduation Rate Improvement) 2. The study will be completed and at least some of the recommendations will be approved for implementation. 3. Two of the three computers in the department that are 4 or more years old will be replaced. 3. The computers will be successfully replaced. 69 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Academic Affairs Submitted by: Dr. S. Pearson Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Institutional Research Date Submitted: May 12, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 6) Department/Office Outcomes Assessment Methodology 1. 95 percent of external reports will be submitted prior to or on the due date. 1. The office logs every report in on the day it arrives and notes the due date and if the due date changes, the office logs in the revised due date. The office also logs out every report with the day the report was submitted to the requesting agency. At year’s end the, the office compares the due date and the submitted date and calculates a percentage of reports submitted by the due date. A justification is required for reports that were submitted late in order to improve to the system to the greatest extent possible. 2. The University Fact Book will be evaluated as “helpful” or “very helpful” by at least 85 percent of the respondents on the annual satisfaction survey administered by the Office. 2. The Office administers a satisfaction survey to all administrative and support offices each year in April. The responses are returned to the Office of the Provost and Vice President. The usefulness of the University Fact Book is routinely evaluated by the instrument. Any comments that suggest improvements are reviewed and changes are made as needed. 3. The President and vice presidents will evaluate the information provided by the office as “important” or “very important” to their work. 3. An evaluation of the usefulness of the information provided to the President and vice presidents is conducted by the Provost each year. The overall evaluation of the importance of the information and any suggestions for improvement are evaluated carefully for implementation by the Office and the Provost. 70 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Academic Affairs Submitted by: Dr. S. Pearson Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Institutional Research Date Submitted: May 30, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 7) The planning outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX, including those required by the University Compact with The University of Texas System Planning Outcomes Progress Measures Results Use of Results 1. The IR Office will act as staff support for the Enrollment Management Task Force. (Compact Element- Growth) 1. All requests for data and data analysis made by the Task Force will be completed on time and in a satisfactory manner. 1. All requests for data and data analysis were completed on time and the satisfaction card that accompanies all completed studies indicated that they were “very satisfactory.” 1. No further action in required. 2. A study of retention and progression of students will be completed on time and submitted to the Vice President for Student Affairs. (Compact ElementGraduation Rate Improvement) 2. The study will be completed and at least some of the recommendations will be approved for implementation. 2. The retention study was completed on schedule and 3 of the 4 recommendations are contained in the approved retention plan. 2. No further action is required. 3. Two of the three computers in the department that are 4 or more years old will be replaced. 3. The computers will be successfully replaced. 3. One of the three computers was replaced. 3. An additional budget request for year-end funds will be submitted to fund the replacement of at least one more office computer. 71 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook College or School or Division: Academic Affairs Submitted by: Dr. S. Pearson Academic Year 20XX-20XX Department: Institutional Research Date Submitted: May 30, 20XX UNIT PLANNING FORM FOR NON-INSTRUCTIONAL DEPARTMENTS 20XX-20XX (Form 8) The outcomes shown below must correspond to those planned for academic year 20XX-20XX. Department/Office Outcomes Assessment Methodology Results 1. Use of Results 95 percent of external reports will be submitted prior to or on the due date. 1. The office logs every report in on the day it arrives and notes the due date and if the due date changes, the office logs in the revised due date. The office also logs out every report with the day the report was submitted to the requesting agency. At year’s end the, the office compares the due date and the submitted date and calculates a percentage of reports submitted by the due date. A justification is required for reports that were submitted late in order to improve to the system to the greatest extent possible. 1. 93 percent of external reports will be submitted prior to or on the due date. Of the 4 reports that were not on time, 3 were the result of extensive reprogramming required by changes in Federal student aid programs. 1. The Director has contacted the Office of Student Financial Assistance to explain the importance of reporting requirements and to make sure that those requirements are taken into account in revisions to financial aid programs. 2. The University Fact Book will be evaluated as “helpful” or “very helpful” by at least 85 percent of the respondents on the annual satisfaction survey administered by the Office. 2. The Office administers a satisfaction survey to all administrative and support offices each year in April. The responses are returned to the Office of the Provost and Vice President. The usefulness of the University Fact Book is routinely evaluated by the 2. The University Fact Book was evaluated as “helpful” or “very helpful” by 92 percent of the respondents to the survey. 2. The target in the outcome statement will be raised to 90 percent in next year’s institutional effectiveness planning. 72 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook instrument. Any comments that suggest improvements are reviewed and changes are made as needed. 3. The President and vice presidents will evaluate the information provided by the office as “important” or “very important” to their work. 3. An evaluation of the usefulness of the information provided to the President and vice presidents is conducted by the Provost each year. The overall evaluation of the importance of the information and any suggestions for improvement are evaluated carefully for implementation by the Office and the Provost. 73 3. The President and all of the Vice Presidents rated the information provided by the office as “important” or “very important “to their work. A suggestion was made to develop a list of comparable of institutions for standard comparisons of university data. 3. The Office will select a list of comparable institutions, justify the selection of those institutions on the list, and have the list approved for comparative use in institutional studies within the next academic year. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix E Examples of Correct and Incorrect Student Learning Outcomes Biology Correct: 85% of senior Biology majors will demonstrate their ability to engage in scientific inquiry by attaining 50 or more points on the research paper rubric. Incorrect: Senior Biology majors will engage in scientific inquiry by demonstrating competency in analytical, information and communication skills. History Correct: 85% of history seniors will be able to develop and conduct an analytically sound study within a historiographical context. Incorrect: Students will be able to conduct historical research. Kinesiology Correct: Using case studies appropriate for their concentration 90% of seniors will be able to apply kinesiological principles integrate and apply multiples effectively and communicate a plan to enhance the quality of life and encourage healthy lifestyles within the target group. Incorrect: Seniors will understand the relationship between movement and quality of life. English Correct: All seniors will be able to analyze a text using at least two different approaches from literacy, rhetorical and/or linguistic theories. Incorrect: Students will be able to evaluate sources relevant to the English language. Spanish Correct: 95% of seniors will score at the “acceptable” level or above on the evaluation of the analysis literacy texts in research paper in Span 4391. Incorrect: Students will demonstrate familiarity with major literacy trends in Spain and Latin America. Mathematics Correct: 95% of graduating seniors will be able to model and analyze a real world problem in Math 4362 by reformulating the problem in mathematical context. Incorrect: Graduating seniors will have both breath and depth of knowledge in mathematics. Computer Science Correct: 90% of students will be able to analyze a problem and identify and define a set of appropriate computing requirements for its solution. Incorrect: Graduates will be able to formulate, analyze, and implement appropriate solutions to computing problems. Chemistry Correct: 90% of seniors will demonstrate the ability to clearly communicate the results of scientific investigation in writing by obtaining at least an “adequate” on the research paper rubric. Incorrect: 85% of students will be bale to identify and solve chemical problems. Environmental Science Correct: 85% of seniors will be able to analyze scientific information and develop an appropriate management strategy to manage a particular environmental or resource issue. Incorrect: Students will have the ability to apply scientific principles and technology to resource and environmental problems. 74 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Geology Correct: 95% of graduating seniors will demonstrate the ability to write technical reports that receive at least an “acceptable” in the areas of research, organization, illustration, and writing skills. Incorrect: Graduating seniors will understand basic concepts in geological knowledge. Psychology Correct: 90% of seniors will apply basic research methods including research design, data analysis and interpretation to a research question in PSYC 4392 and receive at least an “acceptable” on all 3 areas. Incorrect: Graduates will be able to weigh evidence, act ethically and reflect other values in psychology. Criminology Correct: 90% of senior students will demonstrate the ability to read and understand selections from the literature by constructing an acceptable annulated bibliography on an appropriate topic in the discipline. Incorrect: Students will have intellectual skills adequate to function as a field fraction. Leadership Correct: 95% of students will attain an “adequate” or better on an in-box exercise concerned with ethical issues related to a leadership dilemma in LEAD 4325. Incorrect: Students will develop critical thinking skills. Political Science Correct: 90% of seniors will receive at least 50 points on the research paper rubric in the area of 1) Ability to conceptualize a research question. 2) Formulation or testable research hypothesis. 3) Application of satisfied techniques and drawing appropriate conclusions from the analysis. Incorrect: Students will be able to critically examine major governmental institutions. Sociology Correct: 95% of seniors will demonstrate the ability to understand and apply the fundamental principles of research design and elementary data analysis by receiving no less than an acceptable on those 20 areas of the research paper rubric. Incorrect: Students will apply a sociological perspective to social problems. Social Work Correct: 100% of social work seniors will demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully engage in the entry level practice in social work by earning a satisfactory or better on the field practicum evaluation completed by the field supervisors. Incorrect: Students will understand human behavior. 75 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix F Action Verbs for Writing Outcome Statements Knowledge Acquisition and Application Add Change Compute Describe Dramatize Explain Indicate List Modify Point Rank Record Restate Specify Translate Apply Chart Construct Discover Draw Express Inform Locate Name Predict Read Relate Review State Use Arrange Choose Count Discuss Duplicate Graph Interpolate Manipulate Operate Prepare Recall Repeat Select Stimulate Calculate Classify Define Distinguish Employ Identify Interpret Match Order Produce Recite Report Show Subtract Categorize Complete Demonstrate Divide Examine Illustrate Label Memorize Outline Quote Recognize Reproduce Solve Summarize Assess Compare Criticize Differentiate Formulate Invent Order Propose Related Rewrite Survey Calculate Compile Defend Dissect Generate Investigate Organize Rate Reorganize Select Synthesize Categorize Compose Design Estimate Group Judge Plan Rearrange Research Separate Test Adjust Assemble Clean Construct Design Dissect Install Measure Produce Reorganize Select Sort Use Align Calibrate Combine Correct Detect Distinguish Isolate Operate React Repair Separate Test Vary Alter Change Compose Create Differentiate Employ Locate Originate Rearrange Replace Set Transfer Higher Order Thinking Skills Adapt Classify Contrast Devise Evaluate Infer Justify Prescribe Reconstruct Review Specify Transform Analyze Combine Create Diagram Explain Integrate Modify Produce Reflect Revise Summarize Psychomotor Skills Activate Apply Check Conduct Demonstrate Dismantle Follow Make Perform Relate Respond Show Troubleshoot Adapt Arrange Choose Connect Describe Display Identify Manipulate Prepare Remove Revise Sketch Tune 76 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Attitude, Values, and Dispositions Accept Adopt Approve Assume Change Comply Deny Endorse Form Help Integrate Justify Perform Protest Resolve Share Tell Work Acclaim Advocate Arrange Attend Choose Conform Describe Enjoy Formulate Hold Interpret Listen Persuade Qualify Respect Show Use Accommodate Alter Ask Balance Classify Cooperate Develop Establish Give Identify Invite Obey Practice Question Revise Solve Verify Act Answer Assist Believe Combine Debate Differentiate Express Greet Influence Join Organize Present Reflect Select Subscribe Volunteer Adhere Applaud Associate Challenge Complete Defend Display Follow Have Initiate Judge Participate Propose Report Serve Support Weigh (Adapted from Morningside College, Assessment Handbook as quoted in The University of Arlington, Unit Effectiveness Process Assessment Handbook, p. 48) 77 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix G Core Curriculum: Assumptions and Defining Characteristics (Rev. 1999) Senate Bill (SB) 148, enacted in 1997 by the 75th Texas Legislature, requires the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to adopt rules that include "a statement of the content, component areas, and objectives of the core curriculum," which each institution is to fulfill by its own selection of specific courses. Those rules are included in Chapter 5, Subchapter S, Sections 5.390 through 5.404. The Coordinating Board has adopted this document in order to provide additional guidance to institutions as they refine their core curricula to comply with SB 148 and the Coordinating Board rules that implement the statute. The Assumptions, Defining Characteristics of Intellectual Competencies, Perspectives, and Exemplary Educational Objectives (listed by component area) contained in this document are derived from the Report of the Advisory Committee on Core Curriculum (1997-98). That Advisory Committee based its work on the 1989 Report of the Subcommittee on Core Curriculum, which the Board received and endorsed in accordance with House Bill 2187 of the 70th Legislature. That legislation required all institutions to adopt, evaluate, and report on an undergraduate core curriculum. Each institution should consider these guiding principles carefully as it proceeds with the revision of its core curriculum. ASSUMPTIONS In establishing its guidelines for core curricula, the Board has made the following assumptions: 1. Every institution of higher education is required by law to adopt a core curriculum of no less than 42 semester credit hours which is consistent with the Texas Common Course Numbering System and the statement, recommendations, and rules issued by The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. [The Core Curriculum Advisory Committee (1997-1998) has defined "consistent with the Texas Common Course Numbering System" as meeting one of the following criteria: a) the course already has a common course number, b) application for a common course number has been made, or c) the course is not a common course but at least one common course number that may be accepted in lieu of the course is designated by the institution.] 2. If a student successfully completes the 42-hour core at an institution of higher education, that block of courses must be substituted for the receiving institution's core curriculum. A student shall receive academic credit for each of the courses transferred and may not be required to take additional core curriculum courses at the receiving institution unless the Board has approved a larger core curriculum at the receiving institution. 3. Students who transfer without completing the core curriculum shall receive academic credit in the core curriculum of the receiving institution for each of the courses that the student has successfully completed in the core curriculum of the sending institution, with certain exceptions noted in the rules [Chapter 5, Subchapter S, Section 5.403 (h)]. 4. The basic intellectual competencies discussed in this document -- reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy -- should inform the components of any core curriculum. Moreover, a core curriculum should contain courses that provide multiple perspectives about the individual and the world in which he or she lives; that stimulate a capacity to discuss and reflect upon individual, political, and social aspects of life so students understand ways in which to exercise responsible citizenship; and that enable students to integrate knowledge and understand the interrelationships of the disciplines. 5. There should be no attempt by the state to prescribe a specific set of core courses or a single core curriculum that would be uniform across all Texas colleges and universities. 78 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 6. A core curriculum should be described and assessed by faculty and institutions in terms of basic intellectual competencies and perspectives, and of specified student outcomes, rather than simply in terms of specific courses and course content. DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS OF BASIC INTELLECTUAL COMPETENCIES IN THE CORE CURRICULUM The core curriculum guidelines described here are predicated on the judgment that a series of basic intellectual competencies -- reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy -- are essential to the learning process in any discipline and thus should inform any core curriculum. Although students can be expected to come to college with some experience in exercising these competencies, they often need further instruction and practice to meet college standards and, later, to succeed in both their major field of academic study and their chosen career or profession. READING: Reading at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret a variety of printed materials -- books, articles, and documents. A core curriculum should offer students the opportunity to master both general methods of analyzing printed materials and specific methods for analyzing the subject matter of individual disciplines. WRITING: Competency in writing is the ability to produce clear, correct, and coherent prose adapted to purpose, occasion, and audience. Although correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are each a sine qua non in any composition, they do not automatically ensure that the composition itself makes sense or that the writer has much of anything to say. Students need to be familiar with the writing process including how to discover a topic and how to develop and organize it, how to phrase it effectively for their audience. These abilities can be acquired only through practice and reflection. SPEAKING: Competence in speaking is the ability to communicate orally in clear, coherent, and persuasive language appropriate to purpose, occasion, and audience. Developing this competency includes acquiring poise and developing control of the language through experience in making presentations to small groups, to large groups, and through the media. LISTENING: Listening at the college level means the ability to analyze and interpret various forms of spoken communication. CRITICAL THINKING: Critical thinking embraces methods for applying both qualitative and quantitative skills analytically and creatively to subject matter in order to evaluate arguments and to construct alternative strategies. Problem solving is one of the applications of critical thinking, used to address an identified task. COMPUTER LITERACY: Computer literacy at the college level means the ability to use computer-based technology in communicating, solving problems, and acquiring information. Core-educated students should have an understanding of the limits, problems, and possibilities associated with the use of technology, and should have the tools necessary to evaluate and learn new technologies as they become available. Some of these intellectual competencies have traditionally been tied to specific courses required of all students during their first two years of college. For example, courses in college composition, together with mathematics, have long been the cornerstone experience of the freshman year. But a single course or two-course sequence in college composition can do little more than introduce students to the principles and practices of good writing. Within the boundary of three to six semester credit hours of course work, neither of these sequences can guarantee proficiency. Moreover, in most curricula there are no required courses specifically dedicated to reading or to The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 79 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook critical thinking. Thus, if a core curriculum is to prepare students effectively, it is imperative that, insofar as possible, these intellectual competencies be included among the objectives of many individual core courses and reflected in their course content. PERSPECTIVES IN THE CORE CURRICULUM Another imperative of a core curriculum is that it contains courses that help students attain the following: 1. Establish broad and multiple perspectives on the individual in relationship to the larger society and world in which he or she lives, and to understand the responsibilities of living in a culturally and ethnically diversified world; 2. Stimulate a capacity to discuss and reflect upon individual, political, economic, and social aspects of life in order to understand ways in which to be a responsible member of society; 3. Recognize the importance of maintaining health and wellness; 4. Develop a capacity to use knowledge of how technology and science affect their lives; 5. Develop personal values for ethical behavior; 6. Develop the ability to make aesthetic judgments; 7. Use logical reasoning in problem solving; and 8. Integrate knowledge and understand the interrelationships of the scholarly disciplines. INSTRUCTION AND CONTENT IN THE CORE CURRICULUM Education, as distinct from training, demands a knowledge of various contrasting views of human experience in the world. Both the humanities and the visual and performing arts deal with the individual's reaction to the human situation in analytical and creative ways. The social and behavioral sciences deal with the principles and norms that govern human interaction in society and in the production of goods and services. The natural sciences investigate the phenomena of the physical world. Mathematics examines relations among abstract quantities and is the language of the sciences. Composition and communication deal with oral and written language. Each of these disciplines, using its own methodology, offers a different perspective on human experience. Taken together, study in these disciplines provides a breadth of vision against which students can establish and reflect on their own goals and values. The outcomes which are specified for the disciplinary areas are thus intended primarily to provide students with a perspective on their experience through an acquaintance with the subject matter and methodology of each discipline. They provide students with the opportunity to understand how these disciplines present varying views of the individual, society, and the world, and of appreciating the methods by which scholars in a given discipline organize and evaluate data. The perspectives acquired in these studies describe the potential, as well as the limitations, of each discipline in understanding the human experience. The objective of disciplinary studies within a core curriculum is to foster multiple perspectives as well as to inform and deliver content. Disciplinary courses within a core curriculum should promote outcomes focused on the intellectual core competencies, as well as outcomes related to establishing perspectives, and the basic concepts in the discipline -- methods of analysis and interpretation specific to the discipline. Institutions are urged to consider development and utilization of appropriate interdisciplinary courses as a means of helping students develop multiple perspectives on the individual in relationship to other people and societies. Comparison and contrast of disciplinary perspectives on an issue within the context of a single course can be a particularly effective instructional device. 80 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook CORE COMPONENTS AND RELATED EXEMPLARY EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES In designing and implementing a core curriculum of at least 42 semester credit hours, each Texas college and university should select and/or develop courses which satisfy exemplary educational objectives specified for each component area. The following exemplary educational objectives should be used as basic guidelines for selected component areas. Exemplary educational objectives become the basis for faculty and institutional assessment of core components. Since it is difficult to define exemplary educational objectives for a core curriculum outside of some framework of the general areas of content, the objectives and outcomes described below are suggested as those that meet the intent of Senate Bill 148. The outcomes for student learning provide both guidelines for instruction and a profile of students as they complete each component of a core curriculum. Although these component areas could easily be "translated" directly into disciplinary or departmental terms, it is not necessary to restrict the areas to one or a few departments. These objectives could be met in a number of differing course configurations, including multi-disciplinary courses. Colleges and universities across the state have specific missions and different roles and scope. The way in which colleges and universities achieve these outcomes will thus vary. These outlines are not intended in any way to impose restrictions on the creativity of the classroom instructor or to dictate pedagogical methods. The emergent profile of the students, however, will presumably have common characteristics insofar as they achieve the specified outcomes. A core curriculum experience will prepare them to learn effectively through the rest of their college years so that they carry these aptitudes for learning into their life careers. I. COMMUNICATION (composition, speech, modern language) The objective of a communication component of a core curriculum is to enable the student to communicate effectively in clear and correct prose in a style appropriate to the subject, occasion, and audience. Exemplary Educational Objectives 1. To understand and demonstrate writing and speaking processes through invention, organization, drafting, revision, editing, and presentation. 2. To understand the importance of specifying audience and purpose and to select appropriate communication choices. 3. To understand and appropriately apply modes of expression, i.e., descriptive, expositive, narrative, scientific, and self-expressive, in written, visual, and oral communication. 4. To participate effectively in groups with emphasis on listening, critical and reflective thinking, and responding. 5. To understand and apply basic principles of critical thinking, problem solving, and technical proficiency in the development of exposition and argument. 6. To develop the ability to research and write a documented paper and/or to give an oral presentation. II. MATHEMATICS The objective of the mathematics component of the core curriculum is to develop a quantitatively literate college graduate. Every college graduate should be able to apply basic mathematical tools in the solution of real-world problems. 81 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Exemplary Educational Objectives 1. To apply arithmetic, algebraic, geometric, higher-order thinking, and statistical methods to modeling and solving real-world situations. 2. To represent and evaluate basic mathematical information verbally, numerically, graphically, and symbolically. 3. To expand mathematical reasoning skills and formal logic to develop convincing mathematical arguments. 4. To use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding and to solve mathematical problems and judge the reasonableness of the results. 5. To interpret mathematical models such as formulas, graphs, tables and schematics, and draw inferences from them. 6. To recognize the limitations of mathematical and statistical models. 7. To develop the view that mathematics is an evolving discipline, interrelated with human culture, and understand its connections to other disciplines. III. NATURAL SCIENCES The objective of the study of a natural sciences component of a core curriculum is to enable the student to understand, construct, and evaluate relationships in the natural sciences, and to enable the student to understand the bases for building and testing theories. Exemplary Educational Objectives 1. To understand and apply method and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences. 2. To recognize scientific and quantitative methods and the differences between these approaches and other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings, analyses, and interpretation both orally and in writing. 3. To identify and recognize the differences among competing scientific theories. 4. To demonstrate knowledge of the major issues and problems facing modern science, including issues that touch upon ethics, values, and public policies. 5. To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and their influence on, and contribution to, modern culture. IV. HUMANITIES AND VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS The objective of the humanities and visual and performing arts in a core curriculum is to expand students' knowledge of the human condition and human cultures, especially in relation to behaviors, ideas, and values expressed in works of human imagination and thought. Through study in disciplines such as literature, philosophy, and the visual and performing arts, students will engage in critical analysis, form aesthetic judgments, and develop an appreciation of the arts and humanities as fundamental to the health and survival of any society. Students should have experiences in both the arts and humanities. Exemplary Educational Objectives 1. To demonstrate awareness of the scope and variety of works in the arts and humanities. 2. To understand those works as expressions of individual and human values within an historical and social context. 3. To respond critically to works in the arts and humanities. 4. To engage in the creative process or interpretive performance and comprehend the physical and intellectual demands required of the author or visual or performing artist. 5. To articulate an informed personal reaction to works in the arts and humanities. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin 82 Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook 6. To develop an appreciation for the aesthetic principles that guide or govern the humanities and arts. 7. To demonstrate knowledge of the influence of literature, philosophy, and/or the arts on intercultural experiences. V. SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES The objective of a social and behavioral science component of a core curriculum is to increase students' knowledge of how social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions, events, and ideas. Such knowledge will better equip students to understand themselves and the roles they play in addressing the issues facing humanity. Exemplary Educational Objectives 1. To employ the appropriate methods, technologies, and data that social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition. 2. To examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods, social structures, and cultures. 3. To use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories. 4. To develop and communicate alternative explanations or solutions for contemporary social issues. 5. To analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on the area under study. 6. To comprehend the origins and evolution of U.S. and Texas political systems, with a focus on the growth of political institutions, the constitutions of the U.S. and Texas, Federalism, civil liberties, and civil and human rights. 7. To understand the evolution and current role of the U.S. in the world. 8. To differentiate and analyze historical evidence (documentary and statistical) and differing points of view. 9. To recognize and apply reasonable criteria for the acceptability of historical evidence and social research. 10. To analyze, critically assess, and develop creative solutions to public policy problems. 11. To recognize and assume one's responsibility as a citizen in a democratic society by learning to think for oneself, by engaging in public discourse, and by obtaining information through the news media and other appropriate information sources about politics and public policy. 12. To identify and understand differences and commonalities within diverse cultures. VI. INSTITUTIONALLY DESIGNATED OPTION An institution may wish to include in its core curriculum courses that address exemplary educational objectives not covered in the preceding broad discipline categories. Such courses may include computer literacy, kinesiology, health/wellness, interdisciplinary or linked courses, or other courses that address a specific institutional role and mission. From The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Website 83 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix H General Education Results Form Course Prefix and Number: EEO Data Collection Semester/ Year: Student Outcome Methodology Information Provided By: Results Use of Results 1. 84 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix I General Education Results Form Example Course Prefix and Number: Biology 1307 EEO for Biology 2 1. To understand and apply method and appropriate technology to the study of natural sciences 2. To recognize scientific and Data Collection Fall 2007 Information Provided By: Donald M. Allen, Ph.D. Student Outcome a. 60 % of students will be able to a) correctly develop a testable hypothesis, b) identify appropriate methods for obtaining data and c) analyze/interpret data to support or reject a hypothesis Methodology a. Students will show mastery of these elements as in b (below): 1- ability to correctly phrase a testable hypothesis, 2- identify appropriate methodology; 3-ability to foresee, collect and interpret data to support or reject a hypothesis and/or correctly make identify an appropriate conclusion. Results a. On a midterm exam, 54 students answered 5 MC questions at an average correct response rate of 45%). Use of Results a. Improve delivery of instruction and homework activities to provide the experience necessary to attain the EEO at the desired level. b. 60 % of students will correctly answer test questions which require an understanding of hypothesis formation, data collection and quantitative methodology within sub-disciplines of Biology. b. Students will answer several questions (multiple choice or essay on mid-term exam and/or Final exam). Student must match or exceed a 60% correct response rate in order to demonstrate mastery of this EEO. b. 56 students took the final exam. Of 9 MC questions, the average correct response rate was 56.7%. The average correct response for 3 essay questions was 62.6 %. b. Add more time for instruction and recitation in those subject areas in which the number of students deemed proficient fall below 60% correct. a. 60 % of students will be able to distinguish a. Student responses will be evaluated for 85 The EEO was not attained at the desired response rate (60% correct response rate). Specific areas of concern are indicated. a. 54 students answered 9 MC questions on a a. Improve delivery of instruction and the homework The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook quantitative methods and the differences between the approaches and other methods of inquiry and to communicate findings, analyses, and interpretation both orally and in writing 3. To demonstrate knowledge of the major issues and problems facing modern science, including issues that touch upon ethics, values, and public policies between different experimental designs and the appropriate methods for obtaining data under these designs; and will be able to interpret data, display data in graphic or tabular form and communicate their findings in written or oral form. understanding of the EEO using the rubric elements, as in b. (below): 1- ability to correctly identify and/or use a quantitative analysis; 2- ability to analyze, interpret and present data in written and graphical formats, and 3-to apply the data to support a hypothesis or distinguish between hypotheses. midterm exam for a 64% correct response. activities associated with the quantitative methods and other methods of inquiry to provide the experience necessary to attain the EEO at the desired level. b. 60 % of students will understand different quantitative methods and experimental approaches. b. Students will answer questions (multiple choice or essay) on a mid-term and/or Final exam. Answering these questions correctly would demonstrate attainment of the EEO. Students must show mastery of these elements (1-3, in a. above) for 3 of 5 questions to demonstrate proficiency (60%). b. On the final exam, 56 students answered 6 MC questions with a 54.2 % correct response rate. The students also answered 3 essay questions with a 62.6% correct response rate. b. Add more time for instruction and recitation in those subject areas in which the student responses fall below 60% correct response rate a. 60% of students will be able to demonstrate informed opinion on one or more major issues in the Biological Sciences which interface with ethics, values and public policy. a. Students will be evaluated for understanding of the EEO using the rubric elements, as in b. (below): 1- ability to correctly identify and interpret any of several issues facing mankind. 2- ability to understand 86 Results are mixed. EEO was attained less than 60% of the time by testtaking students. Areas of concern are being identified. a. 54 students answered 8 MC and 2 essay questions for a mean correct response rate of 72%. a. No actions necessary at this time. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook and/or communicate ideas for solutions to problems based on scientific knowledge. 3ability to recognize both ethical and political dimensions of any actions that might be taken. b. 60% of students will be asked to state their opinions on various issues. The scientific bases of their responses should permit an assessment of whether they could be considered adequately informed with respect to science (biological) background. 4. To demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of science and technology and their influence on, and contribution to modern culture a. 60% of students will demonstrate knowledge of the interdependence of modern biological science and technology, including the computational sciences and to understand relationships affect culture. b. 60% of students will be asked to state their b. Students will answer questions (multiple choice or essay) on a mid-term and/or Final exam which requires attainment of the EEO as in a. above. Students must show mastery of these elements for 3 of 5 questions to demonstrate proficiency (60%). a. Student responses will be evaluated for understanding of the EEO using the rubric elements as in b. (below): 1- ability to understand the interdependence of science and technology; 2- ability to communicate this understanding; 3ability to recognize the role of science and technology as a determinant of modern human culture and society. b. Students will answer questions (multiple 87 b. 55 students took the final exam and answered 4 MC questions with a 60.2 % correct response rate. They also answered 2 essay questions at an 83% correct response rate. Overall, this EEO is being attained. a. 54 students took the midterm exam and answered 3 MC questions at a 51% correct response rate and answered 2 essay questions at a 63% correct response rate. a. No actions necessary at this time, except that delivery of instruction and the homework activities should continue to attain the EEO at the desired level. b. On the final exam, 55 students answered 3 b. Instruction and recitation should be increased in those The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook knowledge on various issues related to the interdependence of science and technology AND show understanding of how science has and will affect human culture (society). choice or essay) on a mid-term and/or Final exam which requires attainment of the EEO, using the rubric of a. (above). Students must show knowledge of these elements for 3 of 5 questions to demonstrate proficiency (60%) essay questions at an 80.3% correct response rate. subject areas in which the student responses fall below 60% correct response rate. Taken together, the data indicated that the EEO is being attained by a sufficient number of students. However, the low response rate in the 3 MC questions must be addressed. *NOTE: Each question used and the number of students answering it correctly and incorrectly will be archived at the Department Level (Biology Department). A new RRF will be submitted along with new data and use of data each semester at the conclusion of each semester during which the course is offered. 88 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix J Examples of Correct and Incorrect Administrate/Support Office Outcome Statements University Police Department Correct: Eighty-five percent of the students will indicate that they are “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the campus escort service on the Graduating Senior Survey. Incorrect: Students will approve of the campus escort service. Purchasing Correct: The numbers of errors in purchase orders submitted to Purchasing will decrease by 10% within one month after the Purchasing Workshop. Incorrect: The accuracy of information on Purchase Orders will improve. Physical Plant Correct: The number of gallons of water used per square foot of landscaping will decrease by 5% once the new pump controller is installed. Incorrect: The new pump controller will decrease water usage. Human Resources Correct: The number of date input errors will decrease by at least 5% per month in the first two months of the fall 2008 term with the use web- based system for data entry. Incorrect: Data errors will face when the Office begins using the new web-based system for data entry. Student Housing Correct: Overall satisfaction with life in student housing will not face below 3.5% on the annual housing survey. Incorrect: Students will be satisfied with student housing. Compliance Correct: At least ninety-five percent of graduating seniors answering the Graduation Survey will be “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the services of the Cashiers Office. Incorrect: Students will approve of the Cashiers Office Accounting Correct: At least seventy-five percent of graduating seniors responding to the Senior Survey will be “satisfied” or “very satisfied” with the services of the Cashier’s Office. Incorrect: Students will approve of the Cashier’s Office. Central Services Correct: With the exception of computer equipment, ninety-five percent of packages received in Central Receiving will be either delivered or picked up within 24 hours of the time and date logged in as received. Incorrect: Personnel in Central Services will deliver packages as quickly as possible after delivery. Admissions Correct: Ninety percent of inquiries will receive a reply within 24 hours of the receipt of the inquiry in Admissions. Incorrect: The Office will reply to inquiries quickly. Career Center Correct: All the final resources completed by students in the Sell Yourself Workshop will show at least 3 points of improvement from the initial resume constricted by the students in the Workshop. Incorrect: 90% of students will be better resume writers after the Sell yourself Workshop. 89 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Financial Aid Correct: Eighty-five percent of students believe their log in time and the time that a counselor logs them in to their office will spend less than 30 minutes waiting. Incorrect: Students will not experience long wait times in the office. PASS Office Correct: Students who attend 3 or more tutoring sessions will on average have higher grades by 0.05 to higher in the tutored subject than a comparison group who did not attend tutoring. Incorrect: Students who attend tutoring will do better academically than those who do not. Student Activities Correct: At least fifty percent of students will vote in the Student Senate Election. Incorrect: More students will vote in the Student Senate Election. Student Recreation Correct: User complaints about the cleanliness of the weight room will fall by at least 20%. Incorrect: Complaints about the facilities will decrease. Counseling Center Correct: From May 1, 2007 to August 30, 2008, the number of repeat drug and alcohol offenders who were referred to the Counseling Center on their first offence will fall 5%. Incorrect: Repeat drug and alcohol offenders will decrease this year. Dean of Students Correct: The number of students referred to students discipline will fall by at least 25 during between June 1, 2007 and June 1, 2008. Incorrect: The number of drug and alcohol cases will fall this academic year. Athletics Correct: The 4-year graduation rate for student athletes will exceed the 4-year graduations rate for the student population as a whole. Incorrect: Graduation rates for athletes will be higher than the general student population. Continuing Education Correct: 200 or more children will enroll in Camp Falcon during summer 2008. Incorrect: More children will sign up for Camp Falcon. Registrar Correct: Transcript requests will be completed within 24 hours of their receipt. Incorrect: Transcripts will go out in a timely fashion. Library Correct: There will be an increase of 20 percent in the number of students trained to use the Library in 2007-2008 over the number of students trained in 2006-2007. Incorrect: Students will be trained in information literacy. Institutional Research Correct: 95% of external reports and surveys will be completed and certified (as required) by the agency established deadline. Incorrect: External reports will be submitted promptly. Athletics Correct: Each year students originally recruited as athletes will have a higher four-year graduation rate than the general university population. Incorrect: Athletes will graduate at a higher rate than the general university population. 90 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix K Institutional Effectiveness Forms Rubric Organization Clarity Goal Statements Excellent Each goal has at least one objective/outcome statement. Each objective has one or more outcome statements. Each outcome statement has one or more methods. Results and use to improve the program/service are clear. Improvements show an understanding of the significance of results. All statements are logical and easily understood. Goals, objectives, outcomes, methods and use of results are stated are at appropriate level. Outcome targets are stated. It is clear whether or not the outcome targets were attained. Goals are broad statements of what students should know, do or believe; or functions and how they operate. Goals are appropriate for Adequate 80% to 90% of goals have at least 1 objective/outcome. Each objective has one or more outcome statements. Each outcome statement has one or more methods. Results and use of results to improve the program/service is clear in most cases. Improvements appear useful to the program. Needs Work Major goals are not addressed by objectives/outcomes. Most objectives have an appropriate outcome. It may be unclear which outcome is associated with which method. It is unclear which results come from which method. How results led to use is unclear. Improvements are rare, routine and inconsequential. Unacceptable Major goals unaddressed by an objective/ outcome. It is not clear which objectives are associated with which outcomes. It is unclear which outcome statement is associated with which method. It is unclear how results were obtained. Use is unrelated to any of the statements of results. Statements are basically logical and understandable. Statements have enough detail to understand what is happening and why. Outcome targets are stated in most cases. It is usually clear whether or not the outcomes were attained. At least some statements are confusing or poorly stated. Statements do not contain enough information about what is being done or why. Some outcomes have targets. In some cases it is unclear whether or not the outcomes have been attained. Statements are difficult to understand. Statements have insufficient information to clarify what is being done or why. Outcomes lack targets. Unclear whether or the outcomes are attained. Some goals are too specific or too general. Goals are appropriate for a college level program or university office. Goals are too specific or too broad. Goals are appropriate for a college level program or university office. 91 Goals are too specific or too broad. Goal statements are missing. One or more goals are inappropriate for a collegelevel program or the office. The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Objectives (if applicable) Outcomes Methods Results Use of Results a college level program or university office. Objectives are measurable. Objectives follow clearly from goals. Outcomes have challenging targets for attaining the objective. Outcomes are good operational representations of the objectives. Methods are appropriate for outcomes. Description of the method and its implementation are complete. Methods are understood from initiation through interpretation of results. The methods give diagnostic results that can be used. Pertinent results are stated clearly and concisely. In all cases in which the target was not attained the results were used. One or more cases the results were used for program/service improvement. Most objectives are measurable. Most of the objectives are derived the goals. Most of objectives are too broad to be measurable. It is mostly clear which objectives are derived from which goals. Outcomes have clear if not always appropriate targets for success. Most outcomes are reasonable representations of their associated objective. The objectives are too broad to be measurable. It is unclear why objectives were chosen and how they relate to the goals. Most outcomes have no clear target or the target is too low to be appropriate. Most outcomes are poorly represent objectives or are unrelated to an objective. Methods are appropriate. Methods and their implementations are basically clear. Methods are understood at least through implementation although the analysis may need work. The methods give some diagnostic/useable results. Methods are mostly appropriate. Description of methods and implementations needs to be clearer. It is not clear how well methods are understood. The methods could yield diagnostic/useable results. Methods are inappropriate for the outcomes. The method can only be poorly implemented if at all The methods in the majority of cases appear to be poorly understood. The methods will not yield diagnostic/useable results. Pertinent results are included in the statement of results. Some pertinent results are missing or confusing worded. Appropriate results are missing or poorly worded. Results were used in all cases in which the target was not attained. In one or more cases the results were used for improvement. There is a relationship It is not clear that in all cases in which the target was not attained the results were used. It is not clear that results were used for improvement. The relationship between When the target was not attained the results were not used or an attempt was made to explain them away. None of the results were used for improvement. Outcomes have reasonable targets. Outcomes are reasonably valid representations of their associated objective. 92 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook There is a clear relationship between the results shown and how the results were used. between the results shown and their use. results and use may not be completely clear. The relationship between results and use is unclear. Comments: 93 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix L Further Reading Adelman, E. (Ed.). (1986). Assessment in higher education: Issues and contexts. Washington, D.C.: Office of Educational Research and Improvement. U.S. Department of Education. Allen, M.J. (2006). Assessing general education programs. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co. ___________ (2004). Assessing academic programs in higher education. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co. Angelo, T.A. (1996). Transforming assessment. AAHE Bulletin , 48 (8), 3-4. ___________ (1995). Reassessing (and defining) assessment. AAHE Bulletin, 48 (3), 7-9. ___________ (1995). Reassessing assessment. AAHE Bulletin, 47 (8), 10-13. ____________ & Cross, K.P. (1993). Classroom assessment techniques (2nd ed.). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Assessment Forum. (1992). Principles of good practice for assessing student learning. Washington, DC: American Association of Higher Education. Astin, A.W. (1993). Assessment for excellence. Phoenix: Oryx Press. ___________ (1993). What matters in college? Four critical years revisited. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Banta, T.W. et al. (2002). Building a scholarship of assessment. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Banta, T.W. & Palomba, C.A. (Eds). (2001) Assessing student competence in accredited disciplines: pioneering approaches to assessment in higher education. Sterling, VA: Stylus. Banta, T.W. (1999). Assessment essentials: planning, implementing, and improving assessment in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Banta, T.W., Lund, J.P., Black, K. E. and Oblander F.W. (1996) Assessment in practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Banta, T.W. (Ed.). (1988). New directions for institutional research series: implementing outcomes assessment: promise and perils. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Barr, M.J., Upcraft, M.L. & Associates. (1990). New future for student affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Bennion, D.H. & Work, S.D. (1996). Building trust and promoting faculty involvement in a comprehensive assessment program at a large regional university. Assessment Update 8, 10-11. Bresciani, M.J. (Ed.) (2007). Assessing student learning in general education. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Co. 94 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Cambridge, B.L. et al. (Eds). (2001). Electronic portfolios: emerging practices in student, faculty, and institutional learning. Sterling, VA: Stylus. Curry, L., Wergin, J.F., and Associates (1993). Educating professionals: responding to new expectations for competence and accountability. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Denny, L (1994). Institutionalizing assessment. Assessment Update, 6 (2), 8-9. Dillman, D.A. (2000). Mail and internet surveys: the tailored design method. 2nd Ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Donald, J. G., (2002). Learning to think: disciplinary perspectives, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Erwin, T.D. (1991). Assessing student learning and development. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Ewell, P. (1994). A policy guide for assessment. Princeton: Educational Testing Service. __________. (Ed.) (1985). Assessing educational outcomes. New directions for institutional research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. __________ (Ed.) (1989).: Enhancing information use in decision making. New directions for institutional research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Gray, P.J. (1985).: Achieving assessment goals using evaluation techniques. New directions for higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Hart, D. (1994). Authentic assessment: a handbook for educators. White Plains, NY: Dale Seymour Publisher. Juillerat, S. & Schreiner, L.A. (1996). The role of student satisfaction in the assessment of institutional effectiveness. Assessment Update 8, 8-9. Keller, P.A. (1994). Using student quality focus groups to assess department climates for teaching and learning. Mansfield, PA: Mansfield University. Liddell, D. L.& Lund, J. P. (2000). Powerful programming for student learning: approaches that make a difference. New Directions for Student Services, no. 90. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Light R. (2001). Making the most of college: students speak their minds, Boston, MA: Harvard Press. Madison, B.L. (Ed.) (2006). Assessment of student learning in college mathematics: towards improved programs and courses. Volumes 1 and 2. Tallahassee, FL: Association for Institutional Research. Marchese, T.J. (1994). Assessment, quality, and undergraduate improvement. Assessment Update, 6 (3), 1-2, 12-14. McKeachie, W.J. & Kaplan, M. (1996). Persistent problems in evaluating college teaching. AAHE Bulletin, 48, 5-8. 95 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Mentkowski, M. et al (2000). Learning that lasts: integrating learning, development, and performance in college and beyond. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Morgan, D.L. (1988). Focus groups as qualitative research. Newbury Park: Sage Publications. Nichols, J.O. (1991). A practitioner's handbook for institutional effectiveness & student outcomes assessment implementation. New York: Agathon Press. Nichols, J. O.; Nichols, K. W. (2001). General education assessment for improvement of student academic achievement: guidance for academic departments and committees. New York: Agathon Press Nichols, K. W. and Nichols, J.O. (2000). The department heads guide to assessment implement in administrative and educational support units. New York: Agathon Press. Pascarella, E.T. & Terezini, P.T. (1991). How college affects students. San Francisco: JosseyBass. Ratcliff, J. L.; Lubinescu, E. S.; Gaffney, M. A. (Eds). (Spring 2001). How accreditation influences assessment. New Directions for Higher Education, no. 113. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Ratcliff, J.L. (1992). Assessment and curriculum reform. New directions for higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Romberg, E. (Ed.). Outcomes assessment: a resource book. Washington, D.C.: American Association of Dental Schools. Schiltz, M.E. (Ed.). (1992). Ethics and standards in institutional research. New directions for institutional research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Schuh, J.H. & Upcraft, M.L. et al (2000). Assessment practice in student affairs: an applications manual. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Steen, L.A. (Ed). (2006). Supporting assessment in undergraduate mathematics. The Mathematical Association of America, Inc. Stufflebeam, D. L., (Spring 2001). Evaluation Models. New Directions for Evaluation, no. 89. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc. Publishers. Suskie, L.A. (1992). Questionnaire survey research - what works. Tallahassee: Association for Institutional Research. Suzuki, L. A.; Ponterotto, J. G.; & Meller, P. J. (Eds). (2001). The handbook of multicultural assessment: clinical, psychological, and educational applications, 2nd ed. San Francisco: JosseyBass. Upcraft, M.L. & Schuh, J.H. (1996). Assessment in student affairs. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Voorhees, R.A. (Ed). (2001). Measuring what matters: competency-based learning models in higher education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Walvoord, B.E. (2004). Assessment clear and simple. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. 96 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Yance, B.D. (1988). Applying statistics in institutional research. New directions for institutional research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. 97 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Appendix M Reporting Departments/Offices and Degree Programs* President’s Division Athletics Continuing Education and Outreach Internal Audit Publications and Special Projects Institutional Advancement Academic Affairs Division College of Arts and Sciences Department of Biology B.S. in Biology B.A. in Multidisciplinary Studies M.S. in Biology Department of History B.A. in History B.A. in Humanities M.A. in History Department of Kinesiology B.S. in Kinesiology B.S. in Athletic Training B.A.A.S. (tracks in Health Professions, Graphic Arts, and Human and Legal Studies) M.S. in Kinesiology (collaborative online program) Department of Literature and Languages B.A. in English B.A. in Spanish M.A. in English M.A. in Spanish Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences B.S. in Computer Science B.S. in Information Systems B.S. in Mathematics M.S. in Computer Science Department of Physical Sciences B.S. in Chemistry B.S. in Environmental Science B.S. in Geology M.S. in Geology Department of Psychology B.A. in Child and Family Studies B.A. in Psychology M.A. in Clinical Psychology M.A. in Applied Research in Psychology Department of Social Sciences B.A. in Criminology B.S. in Criminal Justice (collaborative online program) B.A. in Leadership Studies B.A. in Political Science B.S.W. in Social Work B.A. in Sociology M.S. in Criminal Justice Administration MPA in Public Administration-Leadership 98 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Department of Visual and Performing Arts B.A. in Art B.F.A. in Art B.A. in Communication B.A. in Humanities (Music Track only) Academic Advising Center Laboratory Division Math and Science Center Writing Center School of Business B.A. in Economics B.B.A. in Accountancy B.B.A. in Finance B.B.A. in Management B.B.A. in Marketing M.B.A. M.P.A. (Professional Accountancy) Department of Engineering and Technology B.A.A.S. (Industrial Technology Track only) B.S. in Industrial Technology B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Small Business Development Center School of Education Department of Curriculum and Instruction M.A. in Education in Bilingual/ESL M.A. in Early Childhood Education M.A. in Special Education M.A. in Reading Department of Leadership, Counseling, and Foundations M.A. in Educational Leadership M.A. in Professional Education M.A. in Counseling Certification Office Office of Field Experience Center for Energy and Economic Diversification Dunagan Library Graduate Studies and Research HT3R Information Resources Division Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness JBS Public Leadership Institute Registrar’s Office REACH Business Affairs Division Accounting Compliance Human Resources Purchasing Central Stores Physical Plant Student Housing University Police 99 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook Student Services Division Admissions Career Services Financial Aid Hispanic Serving Institutions Programs** Mentor Program PASS Office Student Engagement/ Dean of Students (Student Discipline) Retention Student Life Intramurals Gym Counseling Center *Degree programs are shown in italics. Assessment forms must be turned in for each degree program except shared online programs through the UT telecampus.) **Grant programs are temporary and submit effectiveness information to the granting agency. 4-12-09 100 The University of Texas of the Permian Basin Office of Institutional Effectiveness Institutional Effectiveness Handbook