Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Convention Center * Sunday * February 13 * 3:00p – 6:00p 1. 'Stinky Thinking' the Basis of Academic and Behavior Problems Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 1, 2, 3 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Bert Allain, MSW, LCSW, ipcsa@bellsouth.net The typical irrational thinking of youth cause most school academic and behavior problems. Learn an easy, fun and effective way to teach youth, elementary through high school and their parents more appropriate 'Good Thinking' Skills. Audio and other reproducible materials are provided to the participants and no cost. 2. Ready, Set, Action: Adventure Based Counseling in the School Setting Room: Topic: Presenter: M-5 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling David Christian, MS, LPC-Intern, david.christian@unt.edu Adventure Based Counseling (ABC) is a unique form of experiential group counseling that can be utilized in a variety of settings. The information and activities will be tailored for school counselors and will address fostering communication, self esteem, and cooperation. ABC is applicable to both elementary as well as secondary school populations. During this session, participants will receive an introduction to ABC, learn techniques for delivery, and engage in experiential activities. Let's get Moving! 3/80. Solution Focused RTI: Creating Opportunities for Success Room: Topic: Presenter: M-6 Elementary School Counseling Linda Metcalf, PhD, LPC, LPC-S, LMFT, lmetcalf@txwes.edu Response to Intervention intends to assist students to be more successful in the classroom, yet often uses a problem focus to develop interventions that work, lessening the chance of success. This workshop will show how the solution focused approach drastically lowered special education referrals in a community in Iowa, increased student competence, teacher confidence and parent involvement. Forms will be provided to enable participants to use the ideas immediately. 4. Yardsticks and Building Blocks: A Developmental View of Young Children Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 9, 10, 11 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Sarah Carlson, MA, LPC-Intern, NCC, sarah.carlson@unt.edu Chronological and developmental age often vary due to environmental, emotional, and sociological influences. Because developmental appropriateness is important in understanding individual children, the presenter will discuss the Gesell Developmental Observation, a tool for assessing the developmental level of children across various spectrums. Participants will learn about typical developmental patterns and common behaviors of young children. Additionally, Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 participants will gain knowledge about tools to assist the needs of children in the home and school settings. 5. Are You as Smart as a Buzzard? How to Avoid Becoming Ethical Roadkill! Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - A Ethics Betty White, MEd, LPC-S, CSC, kidtools@academicplanet.com What happens when an ethical biologist becomes an ethical counselor? An entertaining look at what our fine feathered friend, the buzzard, can teach us about ethics! Ethics does not have to be boring! Join us as we look as how emulating 'buzzard' behavior can help us stay on the ethical 'fast track'. In addition to a review of the ACA ethical code, this workshop will explore the changes in the 2010 ASCA Ethical Standards. 6. Self-Care for the School Counselor Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - D Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Christine Guthrie, MS, LPC-Intern, NCC, christine.guthrie@unt.edu The purpose of this presentation is to help school counselors design a personal self-care practice that sustains their ability to ethically and effectively function in their roles with students and teachers. Counselors will also gain practical information on creating an environment that enhances wellness attitudes in the school setting. Convention Center * Sunday * February 13 * 3:30p – 5:00p 7. Small Group Counseling: Everyone Needs a Bag of Tricks! Room: Topic: Presenter: M-7 Secondary School Counseling Remona Clark, MEd, LPC, NCC, remonaclark@katyisd.org Do you want to offer small groups but are unsure where to begin? Do you want to add new activities to your repetoire? If so, this session is for you. Activities for anger management, grief, self esteem, and social skills will be demonstrated. Participants will take home activities that they can use immediately. 8. The College Financial Aid Process: What Counselors Need to Know Room: Topic: Presenter: M-8 Secondary School Counseling Lynda LeClair Stacy Hall, MEd, LPC-Intern, srb012@shsu.edu Highlights the FASFA from the application process to the student’s award letter. Financial aid process allows students' circumstances to be reviewed on a case by case basis. The appeals process requires documentation that is provided by high school counselors. The process and required documents will be reviewed. Common essay themes and successful writing structure for scholarship applications will also be discussed. [Participants will receive handouts covering each learning objective.] Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Sheraton * Sunday * February 13 * 3:00p – 6:00p 9. How School Counselors Can Assist Students with Near-Death Experiences Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom II Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Janice Holden, EdD, LPC-S, LMFT, NCC, jan.holden@unt.edu Kathleen Bell, MEd James Bedwell, MEd Based on a recent comprehensive, critical review of all scholarly publications on near-death experiences (NDEs), the presenters will provide an overview of NDEs and their aftereffects, including illustrative NDE interview video clips, as well as implications for understanding human consciousness and purpose in life. They then will review literature on how NDEs effect students’ academic and social functioning at school and how school counselors can identify and assist student NDErs to maximize success at school. 10. Beyond Consequences: Helping Children with Challenging Behaviors Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom III Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Kim Combes, MEd, kcombes@netins.net BEYOND CONSEQUENCES: A Love-Based Approach to Helping Children with Severe BehaviorsThis training reveals the connection between the body/mind system as it relates to trauma and stress reflected in the works of Dr. Bruce Perry and Bryan Post, Ph.D. It reveals our own fears, invites us to step into our child’s internal world, and demonstrates how to respond to them with love in the classroom. Come with an open mind and heart. 11. Using Expressive Arts to Cope with Divorce Room: Topic: Presenter: Super Bowl Elementary School Counseling Kasie Lee, MEd, LPC-Intern, NCC Maggie Morganfield, MS Leah Miller, MA Expressive arts group therapy is an intervention that school counselors can use to effectively target the developmental needs of pre-adolescent students, while at the same time efficiently navigating demanding time constraints. In this experiential session, presenters will demonstrate a 12-session group model utilizing expressive arts techniques with students ages 8-12 whose families are experiencing divorce. Practicalities of implementing this model within a school setting will also be addressed. 12. Teen Gambling: What's at Stake? Room: Topic: Presenter: World Cup Secondary School Counseling Faith Teel, PhD, LPC-S, LMFT, ftell@umhb.edu Vanessa Brandt, BS Danielle Sirles, BS Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Teen Gambling has become an epidemic. All over the United States teenagers are stealing credit cards, neglecting school work, skipping classes, and lying to hide their gambling problems. Through the use of a PowerPoint presentation, handouts, and group discussion we will explore the signs of gambling, reasons for gambling, and treatment strategies. 13. Conducting Solution Focused Conversations with Kids Room: Topic: Presenter: World Series Counselor Education & Supervision Elliott Connie, MA, LPC, LPC-S, contact@elliottconnie.com The solution focused approach is a pragmatic and effective of having conversations with kids and their families. Attendees to this workshop will learn how to conduct solution focused conversations with kids from the greeting to the goodbye. This type of conversation is built on the child's talents and his best hopes for his future. This workshop is highly interactive, involving excises and demonstrations to go along with the lecture. Sheraton * Sunday * February 13 * 3:30p – 5:00p 14. Enhancing the School Success of Students with Emotional Disturbances Room: Topic: Presenter: Stanley Cup Secondary School Counseling LaWanda Evans, EdD, CSC, lawandaevans@hotmail.com Research states that students with ED perform below grade level in the academic areas of reading and math. This presentation will discuss research-based academic, classroom, and behavior strategies that are useful for enhancing the school success of students with emotional disturbances. Convention Center * Monday * February 14 * 8:00a – 9:30a 15. Supporting the Grieving Teen Room: Topic: Presenter: E-2 Secondary School Counseling Barbara Petsel, MS, LPC, RN, barb@barbpetsel.com When teens grieve, they are often discounted, avoided, or treated as grownups. While facilitating teen bereavement support groups, they taught me what helped and what has been hurtful. By attending this session you will learn creative activities and strategies to assist them in processing their grief and reconciling their losses. Discover why grief is especially difficult in the teen years. Encourage them to grieve in a healthy manner-It could make a life-time difference! 16. Love, Marriage, Baby Carriages: Teaching Relationship & Parenting Skills Room: Topic: Presenter: E-3 Secondary School Counseling Janet Pozmantier, MS, LPC, LMFT, RPT, jpozm@aol.com Rebecca Koch, BS Where do youth learn violence? Is it literally taught in the home? Can child abuse and violence be prevented in future generations by teaching children today the relationship and parenting skills Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 they will need tomorrow? This fun, highly interactive workshop explores innovative, awardwinning, research-based programs designed to build healthy relationships today and prevent child abuse from extending into the next generation. Participants will receive proven activities that can be used with all age groups. 17. How to Help The Dying - and The Living Room: Topic: Presenter: E-4 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Jill Riethmayer, EdD, LPC, NCC, LMFT, jillriethmayer@clear.net Nothing is as challenging as facing death – our own or someone we care deeply about. There is no “teacher” who has been there and then comes back teaching us how to either make the journey or assist others making the journey. However, there is a wealth of knowledge about the dying process. Learn what the following individuals can teach us: researchers, hospice nurses, survivors of NDE, grief counselors, and the dying. 18. Enhancing Relationships: An Effective Teacher Consultation Model Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 1, 2, 3 Elementary School Counseling Sarah Carlson, MA, LPC-Intern, NCC, sarah.carlson@unt.edu Positive teacher-child relationships in elementary schools influence students' academic, social, and emotional success. Participants will learn about current research being done in local elementary schools, utilizing play therapy principles to reduce teacher stress and enhance teacherchild relationships. The presenter will outline the teacher consultation model that helps teachers address individual student concerns and overall classroom management. After the workshop, participants will understand the characteristics of delivering effective teacher consultations to improve the overall school climate. 19. Gross Guidance Room: Topic: Presenter: M-5 Elementary School Counseling Stephani Short, MS, CSC, sshort@dentonisd.org Shannon Raikes, MA The purpose of this session is to show how music and a creative approach can be incorporated into a regular school counseling guidance program in order to teach topics such as social skills, bully prevention, character building, and much more. Speakers will perform live music focusing on social issues. These matters are sometimes neglected and overlooked; however, a strong social skills guidance program can deter less than desirable behaviors. 20. Burning Out or Catching Fire? Room: Topic: Presenter: M-6 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Paula Heller-Garland, MS, LCDC, paulahellergarland@yahoo.com Unfortunately, when working with others, it is not if you will deal with burnout but when and how you will deal with it. As well as giving you a symptom checklist and ideas for minimizing and overcoming compassion fatigue, this workshop will be uplifting and filled with humor. Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 21. NCAA Clearinghouse – How to Empower the Parent to Manage the Process Room: Topic: Presenter: M-7 Secondary School Counseling Dan Eassa, BA, dan@corecoursegpa.com Budgets are being cut, the issue of NCAA (Clearinghouse) elgibility remains. Learn how to empower the parent and the student athlete to manage their NCAA core course academic process starting in the freshman year. New NCAA rules concerning on line credit recovery starting August 1, 2010 make tracking NCAA core courses early that much more critical. 22. Locating authoritative online clinical and patient education information Room: Topic: Presenter: M-8 Secondary School Counseling Lisa Smith, MS, lisa.smith@unthsc.edu The authoritative clinical and patient education databases produced by the National Library of Medicine (an Institute of the National Institutes of Health) will be demonstrated. Techniques for locating research articles, information describing diseases, medical procedures, drug information, and bilingual patient education handouts will be presented. All materials and resources are freely available via the internet. 23. Parent Preferences for Secondary School Counselor Professional Activities Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 9, 10, 11 Secondary School Counseling Christopher Wilder, PhD, LPC-S, CSC, chris.wilder@unt.edu Dee Ray, PhD The purpose of this study was to examine parent preferences for secondary school counselor professional activities using an adapted version of the School Counselor Activity Rating Scale (SCARS; Scarborough, 2005).The primary focus of this research presentation is to inform school counselors about what counseling activities are valued and preferred by parents according to demographic and educational factors. 24. Ready-Set-Go!! Ten Minute Character Lessons for Busy Counselors Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - A Elementary School Counseling Betty White, MEd, LPC-S, CSC, kidtools@academicplanet.com We all have to do character education, and we are all too busy. What's the answer? Brief character lessons, with an introduction for the classroom teacher to carry out, a short, catchy lesson with a 'hook', and an 'after' lesson for classroom follow-up. In this session, you will receive 15 lessons that allow you to get in, 'get-er-done', and leave a lasting impression with your students. 25. Navigating RtI: What Type of Assessment Do I Need? Room: Salon A - D Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Topic: Presenter: Elementary School Counseling Anise Flowers, PhD, Psychologist, anise.flowers@pearson.com Tammy Stephens, PhD Across the three tiers of RtI, different types of assessments may be used to evaluate student proficiency and progress such as screening instruments, curriculum-based measures, criterionreferenced assessments, or standardized assessments. This session will compare the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and the type of scores obtained with examples of each type of assessment. Also, the application of what might be most appropriate at each Tier of RtI will be emphasized. Sheraton * Monday * February 14 * 8:00a – 9:30a 26. School Counseling Leadership - It's not an Oxymoron Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom I Secondary School Counseling Brenda Fore, MEd, brenda.fore@gcisd.net Professional School Counselors (PSCs) and the AmericanSchool Counselor Association (ASCA) diligently address theissue of professional identity for PSCs. Although historicalepistemology has provided the driving force in many antiquated school counseling programs, a new, leadership oriented,school counselor identity is emerging. This presentation examines the benefits of collaborative leadership between school counselors and school administrators to effectively address students’ attendance, classroom behavior, academic performance, and on-time graduation, as well as applicable strategies and benefits. 27. Advocating H.O.P.E. for Children and Families Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom II Elementary School Counseling George Ayala, MEd, LPC, gayala03@sisd.net Amelia Leony-Carrete MS Cristina Nunez, MEd Alejandra Camack, MEd Project H.O.P.E. ( Heightened Opportunities to Promote Excellence) is an elementary school counseling project targeting four schools in El Paso's Socorro ISD. This three year grant has allowed for the reduction of counselor to student ratios and enabled students and families to receive therapeutic services by an on-site therapist. Students are impacted by the increasing drug cartel violence . Presenters will share techniques on creating an ASCA based counseling program infusing the 40 Developmental Assets. 28. Differentiating Instruction - The Magical RTI Tool Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom III Elementary School Counseling Maryln Appelbaum, PhD, reneb@atiseminars.org Participants at this session will learn powerful, innovative 'how to's' for differentiated instruction that they can share with their schools. Participants will receive solutions that work for students with special needs. They will learn the nuts and bots of assessment and receive powerful solutions for classroom organization and management. Participants will learn how to easily join learning levels and curriculum. Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 29. Investing in the Junior Class Room: Topic: Presenter: Stanley Cup Secondary School Counseling Debra Creel, MEd, dcreel@conroeisd.net Cynthia Rehrig, MEd The junior year is a crucial year in college planning. This presentation of best practices gives practical suggestions on specific guidance curriculum that can be applied to both small and large high schools. With a typical graduating class of 600+ students, outreach must reach both a large audience and still be personalized for today's demanding student and parent. With practical applications that you can take back to your campus, we believe your juniors will benefit. 30. Counselor Initiatives for Special Needs Students Room: Topic: Presenter: Super Bowl Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Patricia Andersen, EdD, Psychologist, patricia.andersen@mwsu.edu Shonna Norton, BA Angie Vaughn, BA Mary Hernandez, BA To implement a comprehensive counseling program serving all students, counselors need to assist special needs students, including those diagnosed with psychological disorders (Asbergers, ADD, ADHD, Conduct Disorders)and those meeting 504 criteria. Utilizing standard counseling techniques and advanced strategies, counselors can improve student inclusion experiences, self esteem, learning, and behavior. Case studies and role plays demonstrate effective interventions to promote student developmental, resiliency, social, and career planning needs. Special students' needs---an important, sometimes overlooked---counselor responsibility. 31. School Counselor Accountability: Who Needs It? Room: Topic: Presenter: World Cup Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Leon Kilpatrick, EdD, LPC-S, lkilpatrick@dallasisd.org Sherri Vault, MEd School Counselor Accountability: Who Needs It? This session will focus on how school counselors can demonstrate to administrators, parents, and other stakeholders how their counseling program impacts student success through the use of accountability projects. Participants will learn why, where, and how the utilization of data can show accountability for school counselors. 32. Texas Private Higher Education - It's Not What You Think Room: Topic: Presenter: World Series Secondary School Counseling Donna Eberhart, BS, donna.eberhart@icut.org In 2008, Independent Colleges and Universities of Texas, Inc. (ICUT) – the association of the 40 SACS accredited private institutions of Texas – conducted a survey of 200 Texas high school counselors to determine their knowledge and perceptions of Texas private higher education. Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 ICUT learned there is a prevalence of misinformation about this higher education sector. Come learn the facts – private higher education in Texas is accessible, affordable, and available! Convention Center * Monday * February 14 * 12:00p – 1:30p 33. School Counselor Intervention for At-Risk Boys Room: Topic: Presenter: E-2 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Lawrence Taylor, MEd, CSC, mr_taylor06@yahoo.com Statistical information presented has informed us that if an intervention is not in place for at risk boys, some are headed on a path of destruction. The school counselor can intervene and impact the lives of at risk boys. I will provide information and procedures from my experience as a school counselor implementing an at risk boys group at the elementary and secondary level. Best practices in implementing at risk groups will be provided. 34/69. Solution-Focused Brief Counseling-A Practical Approach Room: Topic: Presenter: E-3 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Beverly Russell, MEd, CSC, barussell@prodigy.net With caseloads often exceeding 500 students, counselors can devote little time to providing students with adequate individual counseling. In this presentation, counselors will explore the basic concepts and techniques of solution-focused brief counseling, a unique counseling method that promotes change in a shortened period of time. Join us for an interactive session where participants will practice SFBC techniques using real problems. 35. Color Children's Character Room: Topic: Presenter: E-4 Elementary School Counseling Gary Parady, MEd, colorchildrenscharacter@yahoo.com To provide innovative lessons and activities to use in classroom and individual counseling. To motivate and encourage counselors to excel in their field with practical advice and techniques. Highly visual, interactive lessons and activities will be presented to assist you in the areas of selfesteem, feelings. compassion, creativity, tolerance, bullying, fathers on board, and more. Laugh, sing and dance as you let your creative side emerge and discover the real you! Door prizes and surprises! 36. Educational Rights and Services for Highly Mobile Youth Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 1, 2, 3 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Jeanne Stamp, MSW, LCSW, LMFT, LCDC, jeannestamp@austin.utexas.edu Federal and State laws define the rights of highly mobile homeless and foster children from Head Start to college graduate. Counselors need to understand the laws in order to advocate for their student's best interests, improve stability at home and at school, and better work with community service providers for improved access to mental and physical health care. 37/83. School Counselors Meet the Needs of Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Room: Topic: Presenter: M-6 Elementary School Counseling Joan Strutton, PhD, LPC-S, jnstrut@yahoo.com This program will address the responsibilities of school counselors in meeting the needs of children who are being raised by their grandparents. Attendees will learn the complexity of these interrelationships and the movement of our society toward a nontraditional family structure. Over the last several decades, there has been a significant increase in what is known as the “custodial grandparent phenomenon;' therefore, it is imperative that educational and counseling needs be met. 38/85. Counselors: Campus Change Agents Room: Topic: Presenter: M-5 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Cynthia Schiebel, MEd, LPC-S, LCDC, cschiebel@austin.rr.com On any school campus, the counselor has the unique opportunity to shape lives: the life of a student, the life of a teacher, the life of an administrator... the life of the campus. By exploring the concepts of risk factors, protective factors and developmental assets, counselors can develop strategies that foster connections amoung youth and adults. These bonds help create caring campus environments that support pro-social behavior and academic success. 39. Flip© Out Over Course Selection! Room: Topic: Presenter: M-7 Secondary School Counseling Dianne Baskin, MEd, CSC, LPC, dbaskin@dentonisd.org Diane Smith, MEd, CSC Grab a Flip© video camera and perk up your spring course selection and 5th grade transition presentations. We will share how to capture and keep students' attention while efficiently sharing important information in a presentation that anyone can facilitate. Ease transition for your elementary students by taking a virtual tour of your building and meeting next year’s teachers. Quick, easy, fun, and stress-free course selection: what could be better? 40. Turning Fits and Fights into Fabulous Learning Opportunities: An Evidence-Based Approach to Managing Challenging Behavior Room: Topic: Presenter: M-8 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Dianna Clayton, MS, LPC-Intern, claytondr@jacksboroisd.net Michelle Simmons, MA Discover the motivation and function behind the inappropriate behaviors of the most behaviorally challenged students. Learn an approach for motivating students that nurtures their inner spirit. Leave this session with tools that can be implemented immediately. The resources include behavior assessment tools, data collection forms, reinforcement menus, preference assessments, and intervention techniques that include token systems, motivational punch cards, and behavior contracts. The intervention techniques align with Student Support Teams, RTI,and IDEA federal guidelines. Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 41. Academic Success through Need Satisfaction Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 9, 10, 11 Secondary School Counseling Brenda Faulkner, MEd, LPC-S, bfaulkner54@yahoo.com Using William Glasser's Choice Theory/Reality Therapy, participants will receive researched techniques to guide even the most challenging students to academic success. By scaling the five genetic needs - survival, love and belonging, power, fun, and freedom, students can identify what they need thereby helping counselors understand how to best assist the most at-risk students. This workshop is designed to be interactive with proven take-away skills. 42. Essential Skills for Leading Groups in Schools Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - A Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Ed Jacobs, PhD This fast moving workshop will present an active, creative approach to leading groups in schools. Ten essential skills will be demonstrated and discussed. Brief video clips will be shown demonstrating these skills. Ways to cut-off, draw-out and process exercises to meaningful levels will be shown. Common mistakes of group leaders in schools will also be discussed. 43. Five Things You Need to Do About Bullying at Your School Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - D Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Brad Schwall, PhD, drbrad@coolkidschannel.com Dr. Brad Schwall will describe five strategies for preventing and dealing with bullying at your school. Dealing with bullying requires a proactive, social and emotional skill-based approach that focuses on more than just bullying incidents. We will explore common myths about bullying and steps to engaging parents and the community in creating a culture of respect at your school. You will leave with an action plan for developing a respectful, safe, and positive learning environment. Sheraton * Monday * February 14 * 12:00p – 1:30p 44. Tolerant or Competent? Counseling LGBT Students in Schools Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom I Secondary School Counseling Michael DeVoll, MEd, LPC, michael@devollcounseling.com Often, the goal for school counselors working with lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered students is tolerance. Recent incidences of suicides by identified or perceived LGBT youth show us that tolerance is not enough. The goal should be that all counselors, including school counselors, are competent when working with this population. The Competencies for Counseling LGBT Clients will be examined to see how they apply to school counselors, working either with LGBT students or parents. 45. TAKS/STAAR Training - The Comedy Room: Topic: Champions Ballroom II Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Presenter: Sarah Blalock, MEd, LPC, RPT, sblalock@coppellisd.com Pam Mitchell, MEd Debbie Youngs, MEd Who says training has to be boring? Revitalize your presentations. Learn how to energize anad engage your audience while providing essential (sometimes dry) information. This workshop is for anyone who provides training, particularly school counselors who dread presenting the mandated yearly TAKs training (and the teachers who dread sitting through it.) Break down the boredom barrier. Make TAKS/STAAR training entertaining as well as informative. Experience music, dance, skits, games and - above all - HUMOR. 46. Playfully Resolving Loss Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom III Elementary School Counseling Diane Cantrell, MA, LPC-S, dcantrell@satx.rr.com Shanna Goff-Sulak, MEd Everyone and every age level experiences loss. Loss, either through death, divorce, a parent’s deployment or other life transitions can result in devastating trauma or serve as an opportunity for growth. This program will expand your knowledge base on grief and loss; provide a wide variety of hands-on activities and helpful resource materials as well as therapeutic play and art activities to assist children in developing effective coping strategies for healing and transformation. 47. Ethical and Legal Issues for School Counselors Room: Topic: Presenter: Stanley Cup Ethics Judith Beechler, PhD, LPC-S, NCC, Judith.beechler@mwsu.edu School Counselors are confronted with ethical and legal issues often in their career. This presentation will address issues surrounding confidentiality, informed consent, ethical decisionmaking, duty-to-warn, and ways to identify these issues, and engage in behavior to, both protect the student/client and avoid malpractice. Information will be interactive, presented through group discussion of scenarios, role play. 48. Parents Can Be Your Positive Energy Partners for Student Success Room: Topic: Presenter: Super Bowl Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Grace Hennig, MEd, ghennig@itascaisd.org Tony Price, MEd Parents desire to support their children the best way they can. How can counselors tap into this positive energy... through parent workshops...because parents need instruction too! But unfortunately, training parents to support students' academic & personal development is often lost under the mounds of paperwork on the counselor's desk. At this session, learn effective, proven, quick & easy ways to put on a workshop for parents & how to get your parents to attend. 49. Research Findings: Raising Awareness of Career Technical Education in Texas Schools Room: World Cup Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Topic: Presenter: Secondary School Counseling Kurt Gore, kurt.gore@governor.state.tx.us Identify promising practices in Texas high schools to the provision of information and support in the decision making that enable counselors, students, and parents to understand and value the career options and pathways afforded by career technical education (CTE) programs. These practices were disaggregated to activities to determine the commeon elements. The common elements were then validated against national examples of best practices. 50. Counseling Gang Involved Youth: A Humanistic Approach Room: Topic: Presenter: World Series Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Megan McCarty, MA, LPC, CSC, mccarty_megan@hotmail.com Connecting with and counseling gang involved youth can be challenging for school officials. Therefore, it is vital for educators to have a strong knowledge base concerning this population. Understanding issues such as how and why youth get involved and learning ways to connect and work with these students are key to offering them avenues of hope and change. Current updated information on gang identification, suppression, and intervention will be presented and discussed. Convention Center * Monday * February 14 * 2:00p – 3:30p 51. Funding is Available: 'Get Connected' to the Texas Virtual School Network! Room: Topic: Presenter: E-2 Secondary School Counseling Laura Hodges, MA, LPC-S, NCC, ACS, laura.hodges@region10.org Funding is now available! Your state virtual school, TxVSN, provides districts and openenrollment charter schools access to rigorous online courses. The TxVSN course catalog includes electives and foundation courses needed for 4X4 graduation plans, Advanced Placement (AP), and courses for college credit. TxVSN levels the playing field by giving students the opportunity to participate now in a learning environment that is rapidly becoming a standard in higher education and advanced work force training. 52. Just Cut It OUt Room: Topic: Presenter: E-3 Secondary School Counseling Janet Froeschle, PhD, CSC, LPC-Intern, jefroeschle@msn.com Charles Crews, PhD Michael Moyer, PhD Loretta Bradley, PhD Participants will be given a review of the literature on self mutilation and new tools to work with this population. Ethical considerations when working with these students will be discussed. The presenters will provide participants with an in depth look at the culture of the self injuring student. Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 53. WATCH D.O.G.S. (Dads Of Great Students) Room: Topic: Presenter: E-4 Elementary School Counseling Eric Snow, BS, sperry@watchdogs.net WATCH D.O.G.S. is an innovative program focusing on education and safety in schools by using the positive influence of fathers and father-figures to provide an unobtrusive fathering presence, and a positive and active role-model for students. Fathers, stepfathers, grandfathers and uncles are asked to spend at least one day volunteering. 54. Organizational Bootcamp Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 1, 2, 3 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Kimberly Harding, MS, kim_harding@allenisd.org Renae Perez, MEd Organizational Bootcamp is a program to help students become more successful through improved organization. Topics include: keeping an agenda, time management, how to break projects down, keeping binders/lockers organized and creating a positive workspace at home. The program also includes a parent education piece. You will leave the presentation with information to help you get started on your campus. The Bootcamp covers many ASCA National Standards for Academic/Career/Personal Social Development. 55. Culture Bound Syndromes & Counseling Native American Adol/Child in public Room: Topic: Presenter: M-5 Secondary School Counseling Karen Linstrum, PhD, LPC, kslinstrum@nwosu.edu Purpose: 1. Investigate the concept of Historical Trauma developed by Braveheart 1998. 2.Explore counseling interventions proposed by counselors such as storytelling, blending spiritual concepts, and alternative interventions. 3. Investigate Native American student preferences for and of their counselors. 4 Investigate assessment tools to help with diagnosis and approaches. 56. Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) for School Counselors: Tools and T Room: Topic: Presenter: M-6 Child & Adolescent Counseling Bill McHenry, PhD, LPC, wmchenry@tamut.edu Geney Morton, BA REBT, a results-based approach, is effective in helping adolescents who exhibit and become mired in irrational thought. The school counselor will become familiar with REBT as a means to better assess and work with student concerns. School counselors will develop an increased focus on the process of thought preceding the student’s negative actions. Finally, connections between irrational thought and serious mental health concerns such as depression, drugs and alcohol and anxiety will be addressed. 57. Communicating for Results Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Room: Topic: Presenter: M-7 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Anne Pritchard-Grady, MA, annepgrady@gmail.com Only 15% of our success is due to technical knowledge, skills, and abilities. The other 85% of our success stems from our ability to effectively communicate. Successful communication requires skills and awareness that help individuals tailor their message to their specific audience. This session is an opportunity to learn about your own behavior style, how to identify the behavior style of others, and modify your style in order to create successful relationships. 58. Online Communities that Enhance the Social & Educational Needs of Students Room: Topic: Presenter: M-8 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Siobhan Flowers, MA, s.flowers@fwisd.org Learn to use SocialGo with your counseling groups and mentoring programs to build rapport amongst students using the method they feel most comfortable with - social networking. Get your students to open up, share and bond with each other by using SocialGo to create online journals, goal-oriented discussion boards, and as a private place for students to seek guidance from trusted adults. Parent-approved, SocialGo is a SAFE and FREE alternative to dangerous social networking sites. 59. The Lone Ranger Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 9, 10, 11 Secondary School Counseling Stacy Jones, MEd, CSC, s.jones@goldisd.net Are you the only counselor on your campus or even in your district? Come to this session to laugh, learn, and share techniques that help manage the day to day circus that comes with being the 'Lone Ranger'. This session includes a facilitated round table discussion, handouts with practical tips, and an option to become part of a network with others in similar positions. 60. The Magic of Counseling Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - A Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Carl Olson, MS, LPC-S, carl@energizeroldon.com The Magic of CounselingByCarl Olson Counselors are truly magicians! In order for a magician to be effective, they have to be able to engage their audience. They have to establish trust, make connections and inspire confidence. In this workshop, Carl Olson will use magic and magic concepts to give counselors ideas for use in the classroom and for enhancing their presentations. Counselors have to deliver information to students, staff, parents and the community 61. How To Jump Start Your Guidance Program Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - D Elementary School Counseling Sharon Keith, MS, sharon@arpisd.org Kristy Thomas, MEd Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 If you're looking for a way to incorporate guidance, motivation, character education, academic skills and citizenship into your counseling program on a daily basis, this session is for you. 'Jump Start' will help you create and enhance unity among your students and faculty and will provide countless opportunities for students to grow both academically and emotionally while strengthening the overall comprehensive guidance program of your school. Sheraton * Monday * February 14 * 2:00p – 3:30p 62. Learn How to Navigate the New CREST Document Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom I Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Pat Freberg, MA, CSC, frebergp@needvilleisd.com Charles Crews, PhD Sylvia Lopez, EdD Lynda Shuttlesworth, MEd CREST, sponsored by the Texas School Counselor Association, is a continuous improvement document that gives your school counseling program an opportunity to demonstrate effective communication and a commitment to getting results. Counselors who apply for CREST are advocating for their school counseling program and showing how it supports student success. The new CREST document is here and ready to use for 2011. Learn how to navigate this user friendly document andbecome a CREST winner. 63. Red Flag in Elementary! Helping Students in Meltdown Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom II Elementary School Counseling Jeff Grote, MEd, CSC, jefflgrote@aol.com Even if this is your first introduction to Love and Logic, these true stories will give you techniques you can use as soon as you get home to help students regain control. Combining control theory and L&L techniques, you will be able to be the hero when students scream, yell, rebel, and get locked into power struggles with teachers. Prepare to laugh as we look at situations from Headstart to Seniors, and maybe even teachers! 64. Guidance and the TEKS: A Partnership that Works! Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom III Elementary School Counseling Rene Moore, MS, rene.moore@fwisd.org Tija Johnson Nute, MEd Belen Parga, MS Fort Worth ISD received a USDOE Elementary Guidance Grant and used the opportunity to develop an elementary guidance curriculum that is aligned with the TEKS, counseling strands and even the 40 Developmental Assets. This session will provide an overview of the importance and benefits of aligning your guidance lessons with the TEKS and how to do it! 65. Financial Aid for College – How it Works; State Programs Room: Stanley Cup Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Topic: Presenter: Secondary School Counseling Jane Caldwell, MBA, jane.caldwell@thecb.state.tx.us Do you wonder how the financial aid process works? Are you familiar with state financial assistance programs? If you answered ‘no’ to either of these questions, this session should help remove some of the mystery. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions as the presentation proceeds, making sure the presenter spends time addressing the concerns of attendees. 66. Counselor to Counselor: AchieveTexas Best Practices in Action Room: Topic: Presenter: Super Bowl Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Karen Alexander, PhD, karen.alexander@ttu.edu Nancy Shepherd, MS This session will highlight Counselor to Counselor AchieveTexas Best Practices and include additional resources such as Programs of Study to support counselors to build local college and career implementation. 67. The GO Center Challenge Room: Topic: Presenter: World Cup Secondary School Counseling Janise Pries, LPC-S, NCC, castruitam@yahoo.com Manuel Castruita, MEd Jeffrey Taylor, BS Find out how 2010 Ysleta ISD Seniors earned over $49 million in scholarships and financial aid. GO Centers, a network of campus student centers at each of the comprehensive high schools, link College Readiness efforts and the district’s mission for all students to continue their postsecondary education. GO Center Specialists, along with high school counselors and district administrators, assist students with the college admissions process, financial aid, and scholarships. Presenters will highlight best practices. 68. The Eight Components of College and Career Readiness Counseling Room: Topic: Presenter: World Series Secondary School Counseling Allana Patterson, MA, CSC, apatterson@irvingisd.net The Eight Components of College and Career Readiness Counseling represent a comprehensive set of practices that, when implemented systematically across grades K–12, can ensure that all students have access to the social capitaland information needed to become college and career ready after high school.Participants will assess their schools’ relevant data elements, discuss best practices for implementation and develop a strategy to incorporate counseling practices that address their students’ needs and increase college and careerreadiness. Convention Center * Tuesday * February 15 * 8:30a – 10:00a 70. Self-Injury Cutting Room: Topic: E-3 Secondary School Counseling Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Presenter: Gary Parady, MEd, colorchildrenscharacter@yahoo.com Cutting is becoming more prevalent with today's adolescents and many counselors lack the information and counseling skills to effectively work with students that cut. Come and acquire information on the self-injury known as cutting. Through a unique power-pint and video you will learn why students cut. counseling techniques, how to assist parents and available resources that will help you and your students. 71. The Social Side of Learning Disabilities: From Friendship to Bullying Room: Topic: Presenter: E-4 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Jill Wiseman, MA, LPC, jwiseman@briarwoodschool.org This solution-focused session gives school counselors an in-depth understanding of how learning disabilities and A.D.H.D. may affect the whole child. Children with L.D. often have difficulty making and keeping friends and may be at-risk for bullying. This session provides skills and resources for educators and parents to facilitate friendship and promote protective factors to deal with potential bullying, thus providing children with L.D. a more satisfying and successful day at school. 72. Specific and Effective Tools to renew Motivation and Build Resiliency Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 9, 10, 11 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Christian Moore, MSW, LCSW, jessica@whytry.org Attendees will be provided with renewed motivation and specific tools to build resiliency while teaching important social and emotional skills. The presenter will introduce a strength-based approach using multiple intelligence methods that emphasize the youths’ learning styles, including visual analogies, music, and physical activities, to teach youth in ways that they understand and remember. This presentation emphasizes practical methods to teach important pro-social skills such as building support systems, problem solving and overcoming peer pressure. 73. Supporting and Companioning the Grieving Elementary Student Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - A Elementary School Counseling Barbara Petsel, MS, LPC, RN, barb@barbpetsel.com In our grief-avoidant culture, often bereaved elementary children are ignored or discounted. Left on their own to grieve, they often engage in unhealthy ways of coping. By attending this session you will learn developmental levels of children's grief and gain creative tools through which you can assist the children to cope with expressive art and fun activities. Companioning grieving children in the darkness of grief can shed light for increased healthy self-understanding and hope. Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Sheraton * Tuesday * February 15 * 8:30a – 10:00a 74A/34. No Place for Hate: An Anti-Bullying Program Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom II Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Kimeya Courts-Chapman, MS, LPC, kcourtschapman@dpisd.org Denise Batchelor, MEd The No Place for Hate® initiative provides educators and students with the resources to ensure that anti-bias and diversity education are an integral part of the school curriculum and helps to create and sustain inclusive school environments where all students feel valued. This presentation will walk participants through the process required to become a No Place for Hate school and will give real-world suggestions of what inclusion lessons can be used in their schools. 75. Connecting Your Students to Opportunity, Freedom, and SelfRespect Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom III Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Lesa Pritchard, MEd, CSC, lesa.pritchard@humble.k12.tx.us Matthew Smith, MEd This course focuses on the implementation of the Why Try program at the district, school, classroom, group, and individual level. The Why Try program addresses drug and alcohol prevention, violence prevention, drop out prevention, truancy reduction, and increasing academic success. District and campus personnel will share how Humble ISD is using the Why Try program from kindergarten to our alternative discipline program. 76. How 'Clueless' Helped Us Get a Clue Room: Topic: Presenter: Stanley Cup Secondary School Counseling Diane Gawedzinski, MEd, LPC, kgawed@duncanvilleisd.org Terri Vehon, MEd Collecting course choice sheets each spring was a nightmare at our huge high school, until a collaboration between the counseling department, the theatre department, and the video production department resulted in a short, humorous video about a student named 'Clueless' who doesn't understand the process. The percentage of choice sheets turned in greatly increased, and 'Clueless' is now starring in a sequel about college! We'll show how this has been a springboard for other creative solutions to counseling challenges. 77. ACT and the Texas College Preparation Program Room: Topic: Presenter: Super Bowl Secondary School Counseling Kira Holt, MA, kira.holt@act.org Randy Palmatier, PhD Learn about ACT’s Longitudinal Ssystem for College ReadinessBased on empirical research, this session will focus on using student level and campus reports to help counselors understand how ACT data can help students become better prepared for college and how to select majors based on occupational aspirations.Texas public school districts will test students in grades eight and ten in Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 the 2010-2011 to determine their level of college readiness to diagnose if interventions are needed. 78. Addressing the Emerging Epidemic of Mental Health Issues in Schools Room: Topic: Presenter: World Cup Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Bill McHenry, PhD, NCC, LPC, wmchenry@tamut.edu David Hurlburt, BA Jennifer Lance, BA Robert Morris, BA School counselors are charged with addressing significant student mental health problems and diagnoses. The role today’s school counselor plays includes working with students with mental health concerns that may be neurological-based, psychologically oriented and/or relationally complicated in nature. This presentation addresses major student mental health issues including anxiety disorders, PTSD, depression, ADHD and autism spectrum disorders. Included are tools to assess, work with and document student progress across the mental health continuum. 79. Maximizing Federal Goverment Career and Testing Resources Room: Topic: Presenter: World Series Secondary School Counseling Dywaine Robinson, EdD, dywaine.robinson@usarec.army.mil The ASVAB Career Exploration Program and March2Success Program are two federally funded programs that provide educators and other stakeholders resources designed to increase the career exploration and standardized test taking abilities of today's high school and post-secondary students. Both programs include interactive websites that expose users to world class, comprehensive learning opportunities based on current career development and standardized test taking theories. Program usage maximizes economic resource availability while enhancing student productivity. Convention Center * Tuesday * February 15 * 10:30a – 12:00p 81. I'm Grieving as Fast as I Can! Room: Topic: Presenter: E-2 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Jill Riethmayer, MEd, LPC, NCC, LMFT, jillriethmayer@clear.net We live in a world filled with losses; however, rarely are we given the opportunity to grieve our losses. Come and explore the reasons why as well as identify ways to assist giving others (& yourself) “permission” to grieve. Discover the critical questions for those experiencing a loss. “Ungrieved” past losses magnify new losses and rob us of living in the present - we are held 'hostage' in the past. Identify grief tools and resources. 82. Group Work in Schools: A Source for Student Connection and Academic Succes Room: Topic: Presenter: E-3 Secondary School Counseling Samuel Bore, PhD, NCC, sam_bore@tamu-commerce.edu Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Groups provide opportunities for students to connect through a unique experience of universality. Groups are effective in changing faulty thinking, increasing social behaviors, and enhancing learning. Yet, many school counselors avoid running groups citing lack of time and group leadership skills. This presentation will discuss how conducting groups is an economical use of time. Additionally, essential skills necessary for facilitating groups will be described. A live group will be demonstrated with participants from the audience 84. Working with Emotion in Counseling Room: Topic: Presenter: M - 9, 10, 11 Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Linda Duncan, EdD, LPC, LMFT, NCC, duncan@tarleton.edu Emotion is present in everything we do and yet everyone, including counselors, is often stymied as to how to deal with feelings, particularly when they impact us negatively. Workshop presents a theory of emotion and shows how to work with fear, anger, sadness, and joy in therapy. Includes experiential exercises and demonstration as necessary. 86. Stop School Bus Bullying Room: Topic: Presenter: Salon A - D Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Lynn Smith, MEd, CSC, LPC, lynnsmithlpc@gmail.com Stop School Bus Bullying provides K-12 school counselors tools to decrease bullying and bus discipline referrals resulting in increased attendance and academic achievement. An overview of a program on a 10 minute DVD followed by samples/examples of the tools: rules, bus meetings, banners, lunch with drivers- all in handouts, will equip attendees for success in their own school counseling programs. Presenter is trained in Choice Theory & Reality Therapy from the William Glasser Institute. Sheraton * Tuesday * February 15 * 10:30a – 12:00p 87. A Psychoeducational Group Experience to Enhance Children's Social Skills Room: Topic: Presenter: Champions Ballroom I Elementary School Counseling Jenifer Ware, MSEd, LPC, jware@hotmail.com Jonathan Ohrt, PhD Children with developmental delays, such as Asperger's Syndrome, often struggle with social interactions, relationships, and communication (Baird et. al, 2001). The purpose of this presentation is to: (a) describe the risk factors associated with developmental delays, (b) introduce an 8-week psychoeducational social skills group, and (c) discuss the preliminary results of a qualitative study investigating childrens' perspectives of the group. We will discuss practical applications and implications for school counselors. 88. Tips To Go' for Leading Small Guidance Groups Room: Topic: Champions Ballroom III Elementary School Counseling Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Presenter: Karen Meyers, MEd, meyerska@friscoisd.org Participants will learn practical tips for advertising, organizing, and energizing your small guidance group program in the elementary school! In these groups the counselor emphasizes social skills in action and teaches students healthy coping skills for life. Learn how to include students, teachers, and parents in referring young friends for group as well as communicating what group was all about once students are finished meeting. Join us for a 'Groovy Guidance Group' experience! 89. Building Relationships Through Your Guidance Program Room: Topic: Presenter: Stanley Cup Secondary School Counseling Leslie Laws, PhD, LPC, LPC-S, stalc@prodigy.net Cindie Cooper, MEd Barbara Ferguson, MA Tricia Tamayo, MA The session will provide an insight into how to organize and successfully work with outside resources and college partners. Presenters will relate what resources are available in the counseling design of guidance, college and career, and system support. Lastly, the audience will learn how accountability projects can work for you in overseeing your guidance program. 90. Counselors Counseling? Are you Serious?! Room: Topic: Presenter: Super Bowl Secondary School Counseling Janise Pries, LPC-S, NCC, castruitam@yahoo.com Manuel Castruita, MEd Imagine a school where counselors counsel! This is the new reality in Ysleta ISD. Presenters will highlight the transformational journey which shifted counselor focus from administrative responsibilities to student counseling: individual, group, and classroom at the middle and high school levels. Participants will learn how district and campus counselors, in collaboration with an active school board, advocated and changed counselor responsibilities: no more master scheduling or testing coordination. 91. Understanding Multicultural Competence Room: Topic: Presenter: World Cup Elementary & Secondary School Counseling Christie Melonson, MA, LPC, melonson@student.uiwtx.edu Multicultural competence requires self-knowledge, understanding of various belief systems, and the ability to critically reflect on and operate within multiple cultures at once. This workshop will discuss skills that professionals must master in order to deliver quality counseling services to multicultural populations. The participants will be introduced to The Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity developed by Bennett, and will learn ways to develop themselves to become more culturally competent in professional practice. 92. Free Resources for the Secondary School Counselor Room: Topic: World Series Secondary School Counseling Draft Program Book – 2011 School Counselor Conference as of 1-12-11 Presenter: Jennifer Akins, MEd, LPC, CSC, jennie.akins@gmail.com Jeff Cranmore, MEd Are you worried about budget cuts in your district? Are you already operating with little or no funds for purchasing guidance materials? This is the workshop for you. We will review state and federal programs, community and private organizations, and quality websites that provide fantastic FREE resources for secondary students. We will discuss materials on topics such as financial aid, college and career planning, suicide prevention, and teen dating violence prevention. Handouts will be provided.