By Colleen Hannafin & Brian “Uncle Squaty” Schellinger
Workshop: SD-AEYC, May 2009 Permission to duplicate handout.
© Colleen Hannafin / Brian Schellinger 2004/2005/2008
& traditional songs/ chants
Colleen and Uncle Squaty / North Side Music
1314 Birch St. Eau Claire, WI 54703 Phone # 800-491-6055
Web Site:
Songs, chants, activities by Colleen & Uncle Squaty.
We have also added a few “favorites” for the classroom, please read they are easy to “learn and use” with your children.
Book companions to songs are listed on the last page of this handout.
SING-A-MOVE-A-DANCE by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS005
Singing – loud and soft voice
Moving – wave right and left hand, both hands
Dancing – dance with your right and left foot, both feet
Books: “How Can You Dance” by Rick Walton/ Dance like: a kangaroo, your mom, frog, crab.
“Dancing In My Bones” by Sylvia Andrews / Dancing/ tapping/ bouncing/ singing in my mouth. Ends with: Dancing in my heart!!
Right/ Left – Hands CHANT
This is my right hand, I’ll raise it up high (raise right hand)
This is my left hand, I’ll raise it up high (raise left hand.
Right hand, (show right palm)
Left hand, (show left palm)
Roll them around.
Left hand, (show left palm)
Right hand, show right palm)
Pound, pound, pound. (pounding hands together)
WAY OVER THERE by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS002
Hello song –
*Introduce children by their name.
*where is your house – point in a direction on way-o
*extension: parent(s) caregiver’s name/ address/ phone#
*child’s photo
Let’s meet ___________, who in the world is she/he.
She’s a mighty fine girl, from a mighty fine world, and a mighty fine girl is she.
Or He’s a mighty fine lad, from a mighty fine world, and a mighty fine lad is he.
And she/he’s from way-o, way-o, way-over-there, from way-o, way-o, way-over there.
Hello in different languages:
In Swahili they say Jambo, Jambo means hello,
Jambo, Jambo, Jambo means hello.
German – Gutten tag (gooten-tog) Hebrew – Shalom (shalome)
Chinese – Neehow (nee-how) Japanese – Ko-nee-chee-wa
Itailian – Saluto (sa-loo-toe) Hong Kong – La Ho Ma (long vowel in La /
THIS OLD MAN – traditional song
Counting song with actions – develop rhythm – identify rhyming words – build new vocabulary.
This old man, he played one (put 1 finger in the air)
He played nick-nack, on my thumb (point to)
With a nick-nack (clap hands above head)
Patty-wack (pat thighs)
Give the dog a bone (point thumbs right and then left)
This Old Man cam rolling home (roll arms together)
#1. Thumb/ play drum #4. Door/ scub floor #8. Gate/ lick (his/her) plate
#2. Show/ say boo #5. Hive/ dance & jive #9. Spine/ cry & whine
#3. Knee / climb a tree #6. Sticks/ wash (his/her mits) #10.Back again/ stretch & bend
MY LITTLE HAND – (This Old Man) fingerplay
My little hand, finger one, it’s the same as my thumb.
My little hand, finger two, I can place it on my shoe.
My little hand, finger three, I can touch it to my knee.
My little hand, finger four, I can reach it to the floor.
My little hand, finger five, It’s the baby by it’s size.
THIS OLD MAN – Movement
This old man, he can shake. He can shake while baking a cake.
This old man, he can jump. He can jump while doing the bump.
This old man, he can dance. He can dance, and shake his pants.
This old man, he can hop. He can hop and hop and hop.
THIS OLD MAN – Counting Rhyme
One, two, three, count with me. It’s as easy as can be.
Four, five, six, seven-eight, nine, ten.
Now let’s count them over again. (sing and count again)
Ending verse: Now we all can count to ten.
I GOT A WIGGLE by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS002
Ragtime Style/ body part identification/ movement
I got a wiggle in my toe. I got a wiggle in my toe. Oh, No, I think I got a wiggle in my toe.
I got a wiggle in my toe, and I don’t know where it’s gonna go.
Wiggle-waggle-wiggle. I got a big wiggle in my toe.
I got a wiggle in my knee. I got a wiggle in my knee. Oh, No, I think I got a wiggle in my
Knee. I got a wiggle in my knee, as you can plainly see.
Wiggle-waggle-wiggle. I think I got a wiggle in my knee.
3. Foot/ it won’t stay put. 5. Hand/ I don’t know where it’s gonna land.
4. Leg/ like walking on eggs. 6. Nose/ came all the way from my toes.
BOOK: “Wiggle” by Doreen Cronin / Atheneum Books for Young Readers
Invites readers to wiggle along with the story. “Do you wake up with a wiggle? Do you wiggle out of bed?”
JAWS (Traditional Camp Song)
Arranged and recorded by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS001
1. Baby Jaws. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (thumb/pointer)
2. Child Jaws. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (hands)
3. Teenager Jaws. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (arms)
4. Mama Jaws. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (front clap)
5. Daddy Jaws. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (big front clap)
6. Grandma Jaws Doot-doot-doodley doot. (knuckles with wrist)
7. Grandpa Jaws Doot-doot-doodley doot. (knuckles with arms)
8. Jaws swimming. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (thumb on forehead/ wiggle fingers)
9. Girl swimming. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (forward swimming motion)
10. Boy swimming. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (back-stroke swimming motion)
11. Shark attack!! Shark attack!! (shout it out- with arms up in the air)
12. Feeling fine. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (rub tummy, thumb on forehead/wiggle fingers)
13. This is the story. Doot-doot-doodley doot. (rub tummy, thumb on forehead/wiggle fingers)
14. About Jaws. Yeah (clap once, then both arms out in front of you)
ELEPHANTS HAVE WRINKLES –Traditional/ arranged and recorded by
Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS005
Echo song / Circus/ zoo/ animal theme / body part identification / Letter E/
Color Gray
Elephants have wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles.
Elephants have wrinkles, wrinkles everywhere.
On their toes. Echo- On their toes. (point to toes)
No one knows . Echo- No one knows.
(arms in air and shrug shoulders)
Add: knees, hips ears, trunks, teeth.
The elephant goes like this and that. (pat thighs)
He’s terribly big. (big circle with arms above head)
And He’s terribly fat. (arms rounded at your sides)
He has no fingers. (wiggle fingers)
He has no toes. (point to toes/ wiggle toes)
But oh, my, my, what a nose. (make an elephant trunk/nose with your arm)
ELEPHANT TRUNK – Art Project/ Prop for song
Need construction paper 11 X 17
Color or decorate with stampers/ crayons/ google eyes
1 – colored sports sock (for trunk)
*make elephant head with large ears, put a hole where the trunk goes.
*sock goes on your arm, for the trunk, and then through the hole.
(traditional Puerto Rican)
Circle game/stand in place/ parachute
Rumble To The Bottom by Colleen and Uncle Squaty
#1. Oh, we’re going to the circus, we’re going to the fair.
To see the seniorita, with flowers in her hair.
CHORUS: Oh, shake it baby, shake it. Shake it if you can. Shake it like a milkshake, and do the best you can.
Oh, rumble to the bottom, rumble to the top. Turn around and turn around until it makes you stop.
#2 Senior, dancing in his chair
#3 Elephants, with their trunks up in the air.
Circle Song Directions: form a circle, Leader in the middle. Outside circle joins
Hands – all sing together.
Words “Rumble to the Bottom” everyone sinks down.
Words “Rumble to the Top” Leader in middle rises up, outside circle stays down.
Words “Turn around, and turn around until it makes you stop” Leader blinds eyes
While turning around pointing at the outside circle.
Words “Until it makes you stop” Leader stops and points to “New Leader”
That person comes in the circle middle, and repeat song.
new words by Colleen & Uncle
Oh, We’re going to the country, we’re going to the farm, to see all the animals that live in the barn.
CHORUS: Oh, shake it baby, shake it. Shake it if you can. Shake it like a milkshake, and do the best you can.
Oh, rumble to the bottom, rumble to the top. Turn around and turn around until it makes you stop.
new words by Colleen & Uncle Squaty
We’re going to the ocean, we’re going to the sea, to see the birds and fishes,
Swimming and flying free.
CHORUS: Oh, shake it baby, shake it. Shake it if you can. Shake it like a milkshake, and do the best you can.
Oh, rumble to the bottom, rumble to the top. Turn around and turn around until it makes you stop.
: (piggy back song from our teacher friends in Iowa)
Oh, we’re going to our day care, we’re going to our school
To see all our teachers, who are really, really, cool.
Book: “Rumble In The Jungle” Scholastic Publication
THREE SHORT-NECKED BUZZARDS – traditional – arranged and recorded by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS003
*counting – addition and subtraction *flannel board *action chant
3 short-necked buzzards, 3 short-necked buzzards, 3 short-necked buzzards.
Sitting on a dead tree. 1 flew away, what a shame. How many are left?
2 short-necked buzzards, 2 short-necked buzzards, 2 short-necked buzzards.
Sitting on a dead tree. 1 flew away, what a shame. How many are left?
1 short-necked buzzard, 1 short-necked buzzard, 1 short-necked buzzard
Sitting on a dead tree. He flew away, what a shame. How many are left?
No more short-necked buzzards, no more short-necked buzzards, no more short-necked buzzards.
Sitting on a dead tree. 1 has returned, let us rejoice!
Continue bringing back (2) more buzzards or how every many you choose to begin with!
BARNYARD BOOGIE by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS005
Movement song/ Story Song Theme: Barnyard Animals and The Farm
Well, the cat said to the cow, “I’m really thirsty now.
I been out all night, some warm milk would be nice.”
And then the cow said as smooth as silk, “I haven’t made any milk.
‘Cuz I been shakin’ my tail all day, just swattin’ the flies.”
Shake that tail shake! Shake that tail shake!
Shake that tail shake, to the Barnyard Boogie!
Now the dog said to the horse, “Oh won’t you run with me outdoors?
Everybody says we’re so fast, we should run a race.”
And then the horse shuffled his feet and he smiled with missin’ teeth,
‘cuz he ran so fast, he fell right on his face.
Run those legs run! Run those legs run!
Run those legs run, to the Barnyard Boogie!
Now the rooster said to the hen, “I’m gonna sing my song again.
I’m gonna flap my wings up and down the hollow.”
“Well you can cock-a-doodle-doo, but you gotta keep it cool.
And you better not wake me up until tomorrow!”
Flap those wings flap! Flap those wings flap!
Flap those wings flap, to the Barnyard Boogie! (Now listen.)
The man who owned the farm had to build a brand new barn, to keep the barnyard animals warm in the winter.
And he woulda done it all by himself, but all the barnyard animals helped.
And when the barn was built they all had a party in there.
Everybody danced! Everybody danced!
Everybody danced to the Barnyard Boogie!
Shake that tail shake! Run those legs run!
Flap those wings flap, to the Barnyard Boogie!
I LIKE FARM ANIMALS (sung to Frere Jacques)
If you work with older kids, and have 3 adults to lead each verse, it’s a great round.
1. I like cows, I like cows.
Moo, moo, moo: moo, moo, moo.
Eating all the grass. Eating all the grass.
Moo, moo, moo: moo, moo, moo.
2. I like pigs, I like pigs.
Oink, oink, oink: oink, oink, oink.
Fat and round pigs. Fat and round pigs.
Oink, oink, oink: oink, oink, oink.
3. I like horses, I like horses.
Neigh, neigh, neigh: neigh, neigh, neigh.
They run fast. They run fast.
Neigh, neigh, neigh: neigh, neigh, neigh.
Books: “Cow” by Jules Older / Charlesbridge Shows different cows & where they originated, questions about cows- what they produce, body parts, etc….. Great facts!!
“Click, Clack, Moo- Cows That Type” by Doreen Cornin Funny story about a farmer’s cow’s that type him a letter with demands. Other barnyard animals get involved to help.
“Cows Can’t Fly” by David Milirim / Penguin Putman A boy’s drawing into the air, suddenly cows can fly!! Isn’t anything possible??
by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS005
Story song / action song or chant Themes: Pets, Dogs, Nature Pocket Story
Alice the beagle went to the barn, to chase the kitties who lived on the farm.
The kitties got mad and they spit and they spat, and Alice didn’t know what to think of that.
So she….Puffed herself up. (puff yourself up)
She stamped her feet. (stamp your feet)
She barked real loud. (bark like a dog)
And she waged her tail (happy, happy, happy).
Then she ran so happy down the Bear Creek Trail. (slap your knees while singing)
Alice the beagle sniffed through the leaves. She saw a squirrel scurry up a tree.
The squirrel did scold her as he sat on a limb, and Alice didn’t know what to think of him
Alice the beagle went to the creek. She was searching for her favorite stick.
She saw a snake slither and she heard him hiss, and Alice didn’t know what to think of this.
Alice the beagle went to the field. She saw some deer kicking up their heels.
A fawn stood still and she did not stir, and Alice didn’t know what to think of her.
So she…Chorus:
Alice the beagle went to the pond, to see which lily pad the froggies were on.
They all started jumping from pad to pad, and Alice didn’t know what to think of that.
Alice the beagle went who knows where, and out in the woods she met a big black bear!
The bear stood up and he started to roar, and Alice didn’t have to think no more.
Her eyes got big. She started to shake. She gave a little whimper. And she tucked her tail. (I’m so scared!) Then she ran so scared down the Bear Creek trail.
Alice the beagle ran to her house. They called her name but she wouldn’t come out.
They opened the door and took a little peek, And Alice was curled up, fast asleep!
Alice had a very big day! Alice the beagle, “Goodnight”.
*We use puppets with this song. Children come alive when they get to role-play the different creatures Alice meets during her day walking down Bear Creek Rd.
*This is a great Song/Story chart
*Pocket story for each child – have kids draw and cut out the creatures and store in a story envelope. Let them tell their own story and come up with new ideas with sounds.
Or have ready-made creatures for them to color.
Lyrics by Lynn Malmberg / song by
by Colleen & Uncle Squaty / recorded on : Sing-A-Move-A-Dance
Galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping ‘round the room.
Galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping ‘round the room.
Horses and Zebras and donkeys, too.
Like to gallop just like you.
Galloping, galloping, galloping, galloping ‘round the room. Freeze. Listen.
Hopping, hopping, hopping, hopping ‘round the room.
Hopping, hopping, hopping, hopping ‘round the room.
Bunny’s and frogs and kangaroos.
Hop around in fields and zoos.
Hopping, hopping, hopping, hopping ‘round the room. Freeze. Listen.
Splish-Splash, Splish-Splash.
Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming ‘round the room.
Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming ‘round the room.
A fish in the water is were he should be.
Dolphins and whales live in the sea.
Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming ‘round the room. Freeze. Listen.
Now let’s get on our hands and knees and we’ll go….
Creeping, creeping, creeping, creeping ‘round the room.
Creeping, creeping, creeping, creeping ‘round the room.
Turtles and snails move awfully slow.
They carry their homes were ever they go.
Creeping, creeping, creeping, creeping ‘round the room. Freeze. Listen.
Wiggling, wiggling, wiggling, wiggling ‘round the room.
Wiggling, wiggling, wiggling, wiggling ‘round the room.
Worms and caterpillars crawl on the ground.
You can’t hear them, they don’t make a sound.
Wiggling, wiggling, wiggling, wiggling ‘round the room Freeze. Listen.
Sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting on the floor.
Sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting on the floor.
Now we’re finished moving around.
So we’re sitting on the ground.
Sitting, sitting, sitting, sitting on the floor.
CHE CHE KOOLEY/ traditional from Ghana
#CUS004 Movin’ Party by Colleen and Uncle Squaty
Che Che Kooley means “ if your out in the ocean on your boat, return quickly, rain is coming”.
Che che koo-lay. (echo)
Che che koo-fee sa. (echo)
Koo-fee san lan-ga. (echo)
Ka-ta chee lan-ga. (echo)
Koom a day hay (echo)
Koom a day hay. (echo)
Hey. (echo)
Dance movement means: I have good thoughts in my head. I have cloths for my shoulders.
I have food in my belly. I will dance for you.
Chant and echo while dancing.
Che che kooley. (hands on your head)
Che che koo-fee sa. (hands on your shoulders)
Koo-fee sa lan-ga. (hands on your waist/ left side, then right)
Ka-ta chee lan-ga. (hand pat your opposite/raised knees/ left knee, then right)
Koom a day hay. (hands touch your opposite/raised toes/ left toe, then right)
Koom a day hay. (hands touch your opposite/raised heels, behind your back
Left heel, then right)
Hey. (touch elbows to knees / squatting position)During instrumental part, you may use the same dance movements as the vocal part.
BOOK- “The Laughing River” by Elizabeth Haze-Vega…$16.95/ hard cover
This book has the song and actions for a simple version of Che Che Kooley.
UKEULE BLUE YODEL By Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS005
Yodeling- fingerplay
I’ve got one finger up on my hand. I’ve got one finger up on my hand.
If you look at me, then you’ll probably see I’ve got one finger up on my hand.
I’ve got two fingers up on my hand. I’ve got two fingers up on my hand.
I guess I thought I was done when I only had one. Now there’s two fingers up on my hand.
I’ve got three fingers up on my hand. I’ve got three fingers up on my hand.
Yes, I know that it’s true. There’s more than one or two.
I’ve got three fingers up on my hand.
Oh! Ukulaayleehee! (Ah, Sing it!) Ukulaayleehee!
Ukulaayleehee! Ukulaayleehee…..heehee!
I’ve got four fingers up on my hand. I’ve got four fingers up on my hand.
Oh, how can this be? ‘Cuz I thought there were three. But now there’s four fingers up on my hand.
I’ve got five fingers up on my hand. I’ve got five fingers up on my hand.
I can’t look anymore, because I thought there was four. I’ve got five fingers up on my hand.
by Rob Reid
NEW RECORDING: “Shake Down, Turn Around” by Colleen & Uncle Squaty
3 little smelly skunks.
Sleeping in their smelly bunks.
Didn’t hear an owl sneak in.
A “whoo-whoo” woke them quick as a wink.
1 forgot to spray it’s stink.
Now there are 2 smelly skunks.
2 little smelly skunks.
Sleeping in their smelly bunks.
Didn’t hear a human sneak in.
A “gottcha” woke them, quick as a wink.
1 forgot to pray it’s stink.
Now there is 1 smelly skunk.
1 little smelly shunk.
Sleeping in it’s smelly bunk.
Didn’t hear a dog sneak in.
A “ruff-ruff” woke it quick as a wink.
It remembered to spray it’s stink.
Now there is 1 smelly dog.
– Tune: Five Little Fishes Lyrics by: Colleen and Uncle
NEW RECORDING: “Shake Down, Turn Around” by Colleen & Uncle Squaty
Deep in the jungle where nobody goes. 3 monkeys swingin’ by their toes.
The first monkey said “I wanna get down”
And he jumped and he jumped, and he fell to the ground.
Deep in the jungle where nobody goes, 2 monkeys swingin’ by their toes.
The next monkey said “I wanna get down”
And she jumped and she jumped, and she fell to the ground.
Deep in the jungle where nobody goes, 1 monkey swingin’ by his toes.
The last monkey said “I wanna get down”
And he jumped and he jumped, and he fell to the ground.
Deep in the jungle where nobody goes, no monkey’s swingin’ by their toes.
They all jumped down and they fell to the ground,
Night time (or nap time’s) here it’s time to lay down.
PICKIN’ IT UP by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS005
Rock N’ Roll Clean-up song.
When we work and play sometimes we just set stuff down.
And when we leave things lay, pretty soon they’re layin’ all around.
Gather round now children and take a look around the room.
It may be kind of messy, but we’re gonna clean it up soon!
So let’s start…
Pickin’ it up, pickin’ it up.
Everbody’s workin’ at cleanin’ it up, cleanin’ it up.
Let’s get together and tidy it up, tidy it up.
Putting things away is fun when everyone helps.
In a box or in a drawer, or maybe on a shelf.
When we work and play sometimes we like to try somethin’ new.
But before we try it we’ve got some cleanin’ up to do!
So now we’re… Chorus:
Let’s get together and we’ll pick it up fast, so that it’s clean when we come back to class.
Working together can be so much fun.
Before you know it, the job is done!
Pickin’ it up is easy, when everyone helps.
And everybody knows it’s no fun, doin’ it by yourself.
So gather ‘round now children and take a look around the room.
It may be kind of messy but we’re gonna clean it up soon.
That’s ‘cuz we’re… Chorus:
Pickin’ it up!
It’s time to clean the room up!
Listen to the song.
Move with the beat, and it won’t take long.
SONG: CLEAN-UP THE ROOM (sung to “Mulberry Bush)
Now it’s time to clean-up the room.
Clean-up the room, clean-up the room
Now it’s time to clean-up the room
Endings: Our school day is done!
It’s time to go outside!
It’s time to eat our lunch!
It’s time for us to rest!
WINDMILL- English folk song- arranged and recorded by Colleen and
Uncle Squaty #CUS003
Individual, partner-song or circle song/ good cool down activity/ great for parentchild activity
Fun activity to do with infants on your lap.
If I could have a windmill, a windmill, a windmill. If I could have a windmill,
This is what I would do. (stretch arms in air- join hands with you partner or partners)
I’d have it pump some water, some water, some water. I’d have it pump some water,
This is what I would do. (join hands- waist height and move arms front and back)
And then we’d have a duck pond, a duck pond, a duck pond. And then we’d have a duck pond.
This is what I would do. (join hands with your partner and make a big circle- gently sway to the beat)
The ducks would make their wings flap, their wings flap, their wings flap.
The ducks would make their wings flap, This is what I would do. (flap arms)
If I could have a windmill, a windmill, a windmill. If I could have a windmill,
This is what I would do. (stretch arms in air- join hands with you partner or partners)
1,2,3, FOUR-EVER FRIENDS by Colleen and Uncle Squaty #CUS002
So I guess you’re mad that I’m angry with you.
And I guess you’re mad that I sent you to your room.
Well, here’s a little counting song, one that you can count upon.
And if you listen, you will feel better soon.
I’ve got one heart that loves you. I’ve got two arms that reach for you.
I’ve got three wishes that you love me too. I’ve got four-ever love for you.
WAVE GOODBYE –lyrics by Rob Reid, song by Colleen and Uncle
Squaty #CUS003
Rap the lyrics, or sing the song. Book- “Wave Goodbye” Lee & Low
Body part identification/ space
Wave high, wave low. I think it’s time we gotta go.(point to clock or watch on wrist)
Wave your elbows, wave your toes. Wave your tongue, and wave your nose.
Wave your knees, wave your hair, wave your belly, and derrière.
Wave your chin, wave your eyes, wave your hand(s) and say good-bye.
Title / Author / Publisher Song Title / Recording
“Alice The Beagle” Sing-A-Move-A-Dance
ANIMAL THEMES/ farm, zoo, sky, forest, water,
Near water, jungle, grasslands, baby animals, pets
Ants / Rumble To The Bottom
“Dog Days” Rhymes around the year Dogs/ Seasons by Jack Prelutsky / Knopf
“Critters” by Learning Props – Racine, WI
“Thump, Thump, Rat-a-Tat-Tat by Gene Baer