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CNA145 - Child and Adolescent Health
CNA145 - Child and Adolescent Health
CNA145 - Child and Adolescent Health
Offered By: Health Science
Lecturer: Dr Lindsay Smith
Unit Code: CNA145
Unit Info
Utas Catalogue
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Attree, P., 2004, 'Growing up in disadvantage: a systematic review of the qualitative evidence', Child: care,
health, and development , 30, 6, 679-689
Bronfenbrenner, U., Ceci, S., 1994, 'Nature-nurture reconceptualized in developmental perspective: a
bioecological model', The psychological review , 101, 4, 568-586
Campbell, F.A., , Breitmayer, B., Ramey, C.T., 1994, 'Effects of early intervention on intellectual and
academic achievement: a follow-up study of children from low-income families', Child development , 65, 2,
Campbell, S., 2009, 'Editorial: An ecological context of childhood', Neonatal, paediatric, and child health
nursing, 12, 3, 1-2
Davidov, D.M., Jack, S.M., 2013, ''Nurse home visitors' perceived awareness of mandatory reporting
requirements: pregnant women's and children's exposure to intimate partner violence', Journal of advanced
nursing, December, 1-10
Eronen, R, Pincombe, J & Calabretto, H., 2010, 'The role of child health nurses in supporting parents of
young infants', Collegian , 17, 3, 131-141
Gillespie, Brigid M; Chaboyer, Wendy; Wallis, Marianne. , 2007, 'Development of a theoretically derived
model of resilience through concept analysis', Contemporary Nurse : a Journal for the Australian Nursing
Profession, 25, 1/2, 124-135
Haley, C. c2013, Chapter 32. Nursing care of a family with a school-age child (in) Haley, Christine, Stott,
Amanda, Pillitteri, Adele.: Pillitteri's child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Sydney, N.S.W.
Haley, C. c2013, Chapter 29. Nursing care of a family with an infant (in) Haley, Christine, Stott, Amanda,
Pillitteri, Adele.: Pillitteri's child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, Sydney, N.S.W.
Haley, C. c2013, Chapter 33. Nursing care of a family with an adolescent (in) Haley, Christine, Stott,
Amanda, Pillitteri, Adele.: Pillitteri's child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Sydney, N.S.W.
Haley, C. c2013, Chapter 28. Principles of growth and development (in) Haley, Christine, Stott, Amanda,
Pillitteri, Adele.: Pillitteri's child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, Sydney, N.S.W.
Haley, C. c2013, Chapter 31. Nursing care of a family with a preschool child (in) Haley, Christine, Stott,
Amanda, Pillitteri, Adele.: Pillitteri's child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand, Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins, Sydney, N.S.W.
Haley, C. c2013, Chapter 30. Nursing care of a family with a toddler (in) Haley, Christine, Stott, Amanda,
Pillitteri, Adele.: Pillitteri's child and family health nursing in Australia and New Zealand, Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins, Sydney, N.S.W.
Harms, Louise. 2010, Chapter 1. A Multidimensional Approach (in) Harms, Louise., Innes-Will, Kirstie.:
Understanding human development : a multidimensional approach, Oxford University Press, South Melbourne,
Lerner, R. c2002, Life-span, action theory, life-course and bioeccological perspectives. pp. 238-242 (in)
Lerner, Richard M., NetLibrary, Inc.: Concepts and theories of human development, L. Erlbaum Associates,
Mahwah, N.J.
Li, J.; McMurray, A.; Stanley, F., 2008, 'Modernity's paradox and the structural determinants of child health
and well-being', Health sociology review, 17, 1, 64-77
Nayda, R., 2005, 'Australian nurses and child protection: practices and pitfalls', Collegian, 12, 25-28
Newman, L., 2004, 'How to treat child abuse and neglect', Australian doctor, 6 August, 29-35
Nunn, K.P., 2010, 'Bullying', Journal of paediatrics and child health , 46, 4, 140-141
Patterson, J.M., 2002, 'Understanding family resilience', Journal of clinical psychology , 58, 3, 233-246
Ridge, T., 2003, 'Listening to children: Developing a child-centred approach to childhood poverty in the UK',
Family matters : newsletter of the Australian Institute of Family Studies, 65, 4-9
Simpson, J.C. et al., 2009, 'Child home injury prevention: understanding the context of unintentional injuries
to preschool children', International journal of injury control and safety promotion, 16, 3, 159-167
Wasik, B.H. et al., 1990, 'A longitudinal study of two early intervention Strategies: Project CARE', Child
development , 61, 6, 1682-1696
Wilks, T., Gerber, J., Erdie-Lalena, C., 2010, 'Developmental Milestones: Cognitive Development',
Pediatrics in review, 31, 364-367
Zortich, B., Roberts, I., Oakley A., 2000, 'Day Care for preschool children (review)', The Cochrane library ,