patricia a - School of Education

University of Pittsburgh
School of Education
Instruction and Learning Department
5330 Wesley W. Posvar Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Office: 412-648-7558
Fax: 412-648-7081
Ph. D.
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Major: Curriculum and Instruction
Emphasis Areas: Language and Literacy, Early Childhood Education
Dissertation: Reading Bound: A Deconstruction of the Basal Teachers' Manual
Advisor: Patrick Shannon, Ph.D.
M. Ed.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Major: Elementary Education
B. S.
Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Major: Elementary Education
Elementary & Kindergarten Education (K-8), Instructional II Certificate
TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), Endorsement
ACEI Distinguished Education Research Award, Honorable Mention (2015)
Awarded by the Association for Childhood International for an outstanding research article in the Journal of
Research in Childhood Education
Faculty Service Award (2012)
Awarded by the University of Pittsburgh School of Education
Extra Mile Award (2011)
Awarded by the University of Pittsburgh Council for Graduate Students in Education
Elizabeth Breathwaite Mini-Grant Award (2008)
Awarded to an ACEI member who has demonstrated excellence in teaching via implementation of outstanding
educational experiences for children.
Outstanding Article Award (2006)
Presented by the Organization of Teacher Educators in Reading for the Outstanding Article Related to Pedagogy
in the Journal of Reading Education.
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Award for Outstanding Service (2005)
Presented by the University of Central Florida College of Education
Teaching Incentive Program Award (2005)
Presented by the University of Central Florida for excellence in teaching.
Teacher Educator Award for Collaboration (1997)
Presented by the Learning Disabilities Association for collaboration across special and regular education.
Associate Professor
(tenured 2010)
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Instruction & Learning
Associate Chair
University of Pittsburgh
Department of Instruction & Learning
Program Coordinator
University of Pittsburgh
Early Childhood Education Program
Associate Professor
(tenured 2002)
University of Central Florida
Department of Teaching & Learning Principles
Associate Professor
Franciscan University
Education Department
Director of Undergraduate Studies 2004-2005
University of Central Florida
College of Education
Program Coordinator
University of Central Florida
Early Childhood Education
Assistant Professor
University of Central Florida
Department of Teaching & Learning Principles
Children’s Resources International
Step-by- Step Higher Education Program
Assistant Professor
University of Maine at Farmington
Department of Early Childhood & Elementary Education
Graduate Assistant
Pennsylvania State University
Department of Curriculum & Instruction
Primary Grades Teacher
Indiana Area School District
Horace Mann Elementary School
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Crawford, P. A. & Burriss, K. G. (Eds.). (2002). It’s elementary! Special topics in elementary education. Olney,
MD: Association for Childhood Education International.
Guest Editor of Journal
Crawford, P. A. (Ed.). (2013). Writing for publication. Early Childhood Education Journal, 41(1).
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (Eds.). (2011). Children’s literature around the world. Childhood Education,
International Issue 2011, 87(6).
Crawford, P. A. & Sexton, D. (Eds.). (2000). Preparing school personnel for the 21st century. Childhood
Education, Theme Issue 2000, 76(5).
Journal Articles
Crawford, P. A. (in press). Rock of ages: Developing healthy perspectives of aging in the elementary grades.
Childhood Education.
Crawford, P. A., & Bhattacharya, S. (2014). Grand images: Exploring portrayals of grandparents in picture books.
Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 28, 128-144. Received Honorable Mention for ACEI’s
Distinguished Research Article Award.
Roberts, S. K., Brasel, N., & Crawford, P. A. (2014). Poetry as praxis. Journal of Poetry Therapy, 27, 167-181.
Wanless, S. B., Sobolak, M. J., Arlotta-Guerrero, A., & Crawford, P. A. (2014). Eye on practice: Key strategies for
supporting urban children’s development. CUE’d In, 1(1), 1, 5.
Crawford, P. A., & Roberts, S. K. (2011). Introduction: Children’s literature around the world. Childhood
Education, 87, 379-380.
Mattix, A. A., & Crawford, P. A. (2011). Connecting the dots: Exploring themes in adoption picture books. Early
Childhood Education Journal, 29(5), 313-321.
Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S. K., & Hickmann, R. (2010). Nurturing teacher leaders through long-term professional
development. Dimensions of Early Childhood, 38(3), 31-38.
Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P. A., & Hickmann, R. (2010). Teacher research as a path to robust and reflective
professional development. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 31, 258-275.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2009). Ain’t gonna study war no more? Explorations of war through
picturebooks. Childhood Education, 85, 370-374.
Roberts, S. K., & Crawford, P. A. (2009). Children’s literature resources on war, terrorism, and natural disasters for
prek – grade 3. Childhood Education, 85, 385-389.
Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S. K., & Hickmann, R. (2008/2009). All together now: Authentic university-school
partnerships for professional development. Childhood Education, 85, 91-95.
Roberts, S. K. & Crawford, P. A. (2008). Real life calls for real books: Using literature to help children cope with
family stressors. Young Children, 63(5), 12-17. Selected as the opening article for the themed issue on Coping
Skills for Children. Also, posted on NAEYC’s website as an example manuscript in terms of writing.
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Crawford, P. A. & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2008). Those were the days: Learning about history through literature.
Childhood Education, 84, 197-203.
Crawford, P. A. & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2006). All in the family: Connecting home and school with family literacy.
Early Childhood Education Journal, 33, 261-267.
Crawford, P. A. (2005). Primarily peaceful: Nurturing peace in the primary grades. Early Childhood Education
Journal, 32, 321-328.
Roberts, S. K. & Crawford, P. A. (2005). Layering literature in literacy methods classes. Journal of Reading
Education, 30(2), 7-13. Recognized for the Outstanding Article Award for the Journal of Reading Education
Crawford, P. A. (2004). “I follow the blue…” A primary teacher and the impact of packaged curricula. Early
Childhood Education Journal, 32, 205-210.
Little, M. E. & Crawford, P. A. (2002). Collaboration among educators for true innovative programming. Teacher
Education and Special Education, 25(3), 320-324.
Little, M. & Crawford, P. (2001). From experts consulting from the ivory tower to colleagues collaborating within:
A success story of change. Learning Disabilities: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 11, 13-18.
Crawford, P. A. & Hade, D. (2000). Inside the picture, outside the frame: Semiotics and the reading of wordless
picture books. The Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 15, 66-80.
Crawford, P. A. (2000). Crossing Boundaries: Addressing ageism through children’s books. Reading Horizons, 40,
Crawford, P. A. (2000). In the gap: Connecting the generations through literature and learning experiences. Focus
on Elementary Quarterly, 12, (4), 1-7.
Crawford, P. A. & Cornett, J. (2000). Looking back to find a vision: Exploring the emancipatory potential of
teacher research. Childhood Education, 77, 37-40.
Crawford, P. A. (2000). Preparing school personnel for the 21st century: Potential, power, and possibilities.
Childhood Education, 76, 258-259.
Crawford, P. A. & Camp, D. (1999). It’s a writer’s life! Celebrating writing in the pages of children’s literature.
The Florida Reading Quarterly, 36, 6-10.
Crawford, P. A. (1998). Bridging the gap with cross-age grouping. Focus on Elementary Quarterly, 11, 1-5.
Crawford, P. A. (1998). Little hands meet big issues: Another look at Making School by Hand. Teaching and
Learning Literature, 7, 6-12.
Crawford, P. A. & Camp, D. (1998). Literate lives: Celebrating literacy through literature. The Florida Reading
Quarterly, 35, 21-23.
Shannon, P. & Crawford, P. (1998). Summers off: Representations of teachers’ work. Language Arts, 75, 255-264.
Shannon, P. & Crawford, P. (1997). Manufacturing descent: Basal readers and the creation of reading failures.
Reading and Writing Quarterly, 3, 227-245.
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Crawford, P., Hade, D., & Shannon, P. (1997). We’re only in it for the money OR A fist full of dollars: A teachers’
manual for the Stinky Cheese Man. The New Advocate, 10, 61-74.
Crawford, P. A. (1997). Looking for love (and literature and pedagogy) in all the wrong places: Hopeful teachers
and the illusion of change in basal readers. Teaching and Learning Literature, 7, 5-14.
Crawford, P. A. & Schroeder, S. (1997). Authors in the making: An invitation to join the writer’s club. Focus on
Elementary Quarterly, 10, 1-7.
Crawford, P. A. (1996). Books that connect the generations. Language Arts, 73, 352-358.
Crawford, P. A. (1996). Grandma...What gray hair you have! Confronting ageism in the pages of children’s
literature. Teaching and Learning Literature, 6, 2-9.
Crawford, P. A. (1995). Early literacy: Emerging perspectives. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 10,
Invited Columns and Editorials
Crawford, P. A. (in press). Talk about it! Supporting children’s expressive language development. Early Years
Crawford, P. A. (2014). The value of study abroad. ACEI News.
Crawford, P. A. (2009). Play in the pages of picture books. Focus on Pre-K & K, 21(4), 5.
Crawford, P. A. (2009). Saying goodbye: Big and little farewells in children’s literature. Focus on Pre-K & K,
21(3), 4-5.
Crawford, P. A. (2008). Loving our world: Books that nurture a respect for the environment. Focus on Pre-K & K,
21(2), 5, 7.
Crawford, P. A. (2008). Learning, learning everywhere: Books about varied learning environments. Focus on PreK & K, 21(1), 3, 7.
Crawford, P. A. (2008). More than 1-2-3: Books to count on. Focus on Pre-K & K, 20(4), 7-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2008). Reading the rainbow: Exploring color concepts through picture books. Focus on Pre-K &
K, 20(3), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2007). Exploring friendship through literature. Focus on Pre-K & K, 20(2), 6-7.
Crawford, P. A. (2007). Grandparents and more: Meeting older adults through picture books. Focus on Pre-K & K,
20(1), 5, 8.
Crawford, P. A. (2007). Books that celebrate reading. Focus on Pre-K & K, 19(4), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2007). Without a word: Wordless picture books for young storytellers. Focus on Pre-K & K,
19(3), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2006). ‘Tis the season: Books for the winter holidays. Focus on Pre-K & K, 19(2), 6-7.
Crawford, P. A. (2006). Back to school: Books for the new year. Focus on Pre-K & K, 19(1), 6-8
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Crawford, P. A. (2006). Listen to the beat: Celebrating rhythm, music, and movement through literature. Focus on
Pre-K & K, 18(4), 7-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2006). Beyond the ABC’s: Alphabet books for pre-k & k. Focus on Pre-K & K, 18(3), 5-6.
Crawford, P. A. (2006). Beyond the ABC’s: Alphabet books for pre-k & k. Be the Best Nanny, 6(2), 7-8. (Reprint
of above column).
Crawford, P. A. (2006). Holes in the system: Unhappy realities in the lives of children, families, and schools.
Florida Educational Leadership, 6(2), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2005). Natural disasters come home. Florida Educational Leadership, 6(1), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2005). Sad days in the neighborhood: Saying farewell to the good guys of children’s television.
Florida Educational Leadership, 5(2), 6-9.
Crawford, P. A. (2004). Give peace a chance? Helping students to value peace in a time of war. Florida
Educational Leadership, 5(1), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2004). Remembering Brown vs. The Board of Education: A fifty year milestone. Florida
Educational Leadership, 4(2), 6-7.
Crawford, P. A. (2003). To read or not to read? Prospective teachers encounter Harry Potter. Florida Educational
Leadership, 4(1), 6-8.
Crawford, P. A. (2002). All my life’s a circle: Connecting the dots in the politics of reading instruction. Florida
Educational Leadership, 3(1), 6-7.
Crawford, P. A. (2002). Caring educational leadership for troubled times. Florida Educational Leadership, 2(2), 78.
Chapters and Book Contributions
Crawford, P. A. (in press). Expressive language. In D. Couchenour & K. Chrisman (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia
of Contemporary Early Childhood Education. Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE.
Crawford, P. A. (in press). Read-alouds. In D. Couchenour & K. Chrisman (Eds.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of
Contemporary Early Childhood Education. Thousand Oak, CA: SAGE.
Crawford, P. A. (2014). Beyond words—Using language and literature to teach compassion for others. In. M. R.
Jalongo (Ed.), Teaching compassion: Humane education in early childhood (pp. 161-173). Heidelberg: Springer
Crawford, P. A. (2013). Jonathan Kozol: Prolific writer, intellect, and powerful voice for the marginalized. In J.
Kirylo (Ed.), A critical pedagogy of resistance: 34 critical pedagogues we need to know (pp. 93-96). Rotterdam:
Sense Publishers.
Crawford, P. A. (2011). Spirituality and young children: Literature as a support for resilience and coping. In V.
Yenika-Agbaw & M. Napoli (Eds.), African and African American children’s and adolescent literature in the
classroom: A critical guide. (pp. 45-58). New York: Peter Lang.
Crawford, P. A. (2010). It’s not easy being green…but, great books can help: Literature and resources for helping
children to care for the earth. In J. Hoot & J. Szente (Eds.), The earth is our home: Children caring for the
environment. (pp. 151-158). Olney, MD: Association for Childhood Education International.
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Crawford, P. A. (2009). Writing development. In A. Brice & R. Brice (Eds.), Language development: Monolingual
and bilingual acquisition (pp. 290-311). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Roberts, S. K., Zygouris-Coe, V., & Crawford, P. A. (2009). Got history? An examination of attitudes, content
knowledge, and perceptions related to historical fiction in a children’s literature pre-service course. In W. Russell
(Ed.). (2009). The International Society for the Social Studies Annual Conference Proceedings (pp. 61-65). Orlando,
FL: The International Society for the Social Studies.
Crawford, P. A. (2005). Outdoor play environments: A look back. In K. G. Burriss & B.F. Boyd (Eds.), Outdoor
learning and play environments. (pp. 15-20). Olney, MD: Association for Childhood Education International.
Crawford, P. A. & Mutuku, M. (2004). Portraying pets: The significance of children’s writings and drawings about
their animal companions. In M.R. Jalongo (Ed.), The world’s children and their animal companions. (pp. 107-112).
Olney, MD: Association for Childhood Education International.
Crawford, P. A. (2002). Taking care or yourself as a writer. In M.R. Jalongo, Writing for professional publication:
A practical guide for educators (pp. 215-220). Norwood, MA: Christopher-Gordon Publishers.
Crawford, P. A., & Upchurch, R. (1999). Identity through self-awareness: Kathryn Lasky’s Memoirs of a bookbat
(pp. 73-94). In J. Kaplan (Ed.), Using literature to help troubled teenagers cope with identity issues. Westport, CT:
Shannon, P., & Crawford, P. (1998). Image is nothing: Struggling to unsettle basal readers and more (pp. 264-263).
In D. Carlson & M. Apple (Eds.) Critical educational theory in unsettling times. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.
Crawford, P., & Shannon, P. (1994). "These companies don't have much respect for teachers:" Looking at teacher's
manuals (pp. 1-18). In P. Shannon & K. Goodman (Eds.), Basal readers: A second look. Katonah, NY: Richard C.
Reviews of Professional Books
Crawford, P. A. (2013). Review of Bullying hurts: Teaching kindness through read-alouds and guided
conversations, by Lester Laminack & Reba M. Wadsworth. Focus on Elementary, 25, 4-12.
Crawford, P. A. (2009). Review of Storytime: Young children’s literary understanding in the classroom, by
Lawrence R. Sipe. Childhood Education, 85, 198-199.
Crawford, P. A. (2008). Review of Literature is back! Using the best books for teaching readers and writers
across genres, by Carol J. Fuhler & Maria P. Walther. Childhood Education, 85(1), 55-56.
Crawford, P. A. (2007). Review of Black ants and Buddhists: Teaching critically and thinking differently in the
primary grades, by Mary Cowhey. Childhood Education, 83, 330.
Crawford, P. A. (2005/2006). Review of Writing essentials: Raising expectations and results while simplifying
teaching, by Regie Routman. Childhood Education, 82, 115.
Crawford, P. A. (2005). Review of The reading specialist: Leadership for the Classroom, School, and Community,
by Rita Bean. Childhood Education, 82, 53.
Crawford, P. A. (2004). Review of Teaching Goodness: Engaging the Moral and Academic Promise of Young
Children, by Joan F. Goodman & Usha Balamore. Childhood Education.
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Crawford, P. A. (2004). Review of Kids Working It Out, by Tricia S. Jones & Randy Compton (Eds.). Childhood
Education, 80, 166.
Crawford, P. A. (2003). Review of How Do We Tell the Children? A Step-by-Step Guide for Helping Children
Cope When Someone Dies, by Dan Schaefer & Christine Lyons. Canticle, 17, 27.
Crawford, P. A. (2002). Review of Immigrants in Children’s Literature, by Ruth Lowery. Journal of Critical
Inquiry in Curriculum and Instruction.
Crawford, P. A. (2001). Review of Beginning to Read and the Spin Doctors of Science, by Denny Taylor.
Childhood Education, 77, 326-327.
Crawford, P. A. (1999). Review of Living with Uncertainty: The Messy Reality of Classroom Practice, by Curt
Dudley-Marling. The Reading Teacher, 52, 880-881.
Crawford, P. A. (1997). Review of First Steps Toward Teaching the Reggio Way, by Joanne Hendrick (Editor).
Childhood Education, 74, 47.
Crawford, P. A. (1997). Review of Modern Fiction about School Teaching: An Anthology, by J.S. Blanchard and
U. Casanova. Childhood Education, 73, 181.
Crawford, P. A. (1996). Review of Amazing Grace: The Lives of Children and the Conscience of a Nation, by
Jonathan Kozol. Childhood Education, 72, 247-248.
Crawford, P. A. (1996). Review of Should We Burn Babar? by H. Kohl. Reading Horizons, 37, 182-183.
Crawford, P. A. (1995-1996). Review of At Home at School, by K. Shannon. Childhood Education, 72, 113.
Crawford, P. A. (1995). Review of Unequal Opportunity: Learning to Read in the U.S.A. by J.S. Bartoli. Reading
Horizons, 36, 94-96.
Crawford, P. A. (1995). Review of Rethinking Our Classrooms: Teaching for Justice and Equity by B. Bigelow, L.
Christensen, S. Karp, B. Miner, and B. Peterson (Editors). Childhood Education, 72, 46-47.
Reviews of Child and Adolescent Literature
More than 60 individual reviews of child and adolescent literature published in outlets such as Childhood Education
and the ALAN Review. Detailed bibliography available upon request.
Crawford, P. A. (2008). The Wordless Book Nook Project. Association for Childhood Education International
Elizabeth Breathwaite Mini-Grant. $500. (Role: Wrote proposal for service-based research project on young
children’s readings of wordless books).
Crawford, P. A. (2006). Franciscan University Faculty Enhancement Committee. Faculty Enhancement Grant.
$1500. (Role: Wrote funded proposal for release time to do research on representations of older adults in children’s
Robinson, S., West, G., Blair, T., Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S., & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2000). FLARE: State Center
for Family Literacy and Reading Excellence. $932,000. (Role: Member of writing team and co-director of collection
and dissemination of center materials during initial semester of funding).
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Crawford, P. A. (2000). Tech IMPACT. University of Central Florida. $1,000. (Role: Writer of proposal to
participate in technology program for the enhancement of faculty skills and implementation).
Crawford, P. A. (1999). Reading is Fundamental (RIF). Reading is Fundamental Inexpensive Book Distribution
Grant. $2,700. (Role: Grant writer and faculty advisor for student group that implemented RIF program in local
Little, M. and Crawford, P. A. (1999). Learning Disabilities Association. Teacher Educator Grant. Continuing
Collaboration Between Special and Regular Education Faculty. $500. (Role: Co-writer of grant, which funded our
travel to the Annual International Conference of the Learning Disabilities Association (LDA).
Camp, D., Crawford, P. A., and Buchoff, R. (1997). University of Central Florida Distributed Learning Grant.
Teaching Children’s Literature as a web-enhanced Course. $25,000. (Role: Member of writing team and
participant in web-based instruction program).
Little, M. and Crawford, P. A. (1997). Learning Disabilities Association. Teacher Educator Grant. Collaboration
between special and regular education faculty. $1,000. (Role: Co-writer of grant. This grant funded travel to the
Annual international Conference of the Learning Disabilities Association, where we received an award for
collaboration in teacher education).
Invited Presentations:
Donato, R., Crawford, P. A., & Kostowicz, D. (2011, November). Life after the doctorate: The job hunt, being a
new professor, and on the road to tenure. Council of Graduate Students in Education Fall Research Colloquim.
University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Bowler, L., Crawford, P. A., & Ayres, K. (Discussants). (2011, September). Screening of “Library of the Early
Mind.” University of Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (2009, August). Keynote address: Best Practices in Early Childhood Education. Pennsylvania
Department of Education Summit on Early Childhood for Administrators. University Park, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (2009, June). That’s life: Reading as support for life’s lessons. Mid-South Reading and Writing
Institute. Birmingham, Alabama.
Crawford, P. A. & Hammer, K. (2008, September). Resilient readers: Using literature to help cope with life’s
challenges. Beginning with Books Early Literacy Conference. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (2008, April). Big books for little people: Critical perspectives on picture books. University of
Pittsburgh, Office of Child Development Round Table. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S.K. (2006, June). Transforming character education through literature. Regional
Conference for the Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character Education. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1997, August). That thing you do! Celebrating the teaching of reading. Orange County Reading
Council. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A., Shields, M. & Thorson, S. (1996, January). Perspectives on the potentials and pitfalls of
portfolios. Portfolios in Teacher Education Conference. Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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Refereed National/International Conferences:
Genest, M., & Crawford, P. A. (2015, July). Model mentors: How cooperating teachers co-construct literacy
knowledge with their student teachers. International Reading Association. St. Louis, Missouri. (accepted)
Crawford, P. A., & Calabria, K. (2015, May). Youthful wanderings: Spiritual journeys in the works of Kate
DiCamillo. International Scholarly Conference on the Spiritual Way and Its Forms in Literature. Nitra, Slovakia.
Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P. A., & Brasel, N. (2014, December). Capturing our (his/her) stories through poetry.
American Reading Forum. Sanibel Island, Florida.
Genest, M. & Crawford, P. ( 2014, December). Dialogue in the field experience: How mentor teachers support
preservice teachers’ literacy knowledge and instruction. Literacy Research Association, Marco Island, Florida.
Genest, M., & Crawford, P. A. (2014, November). Dialogue about reading aloud: How cooperating teachers
influence the literacy enactments of pre-service teachers. Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers. Delray
Beach, Florida.
Roberts, S. K., Brasel, N., & Crawford, P. A. (2013, December). Poetry as praxis: An exploration of poetry
discourse as qualitative inquiry. American Reading Forum. Sanibel Island, Florida.
Roberts, S. K., Brasel, N., & Crawford, P. A. (2012, December). Poetry as praxis: An exploration of poetry
discourse as qualitative inquiry. American Reading Forum. Sanibel Island, Florida.
Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P. A., & Brasel, N. (2012, March). Poetry as research methodology. Association for
Childhood Education International Global Summit. Crystal City, Virginia.
Brasel, N., Roberts, S. K., & Crawford, P. A. (2011, April). Paths to peace: Every child’s right to a peaceful
classroom. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Miller, S. A., & Crawford, P. A. (2011, April). Ideas for aspiring authors: Sharing your ideas for children and
teachers. (Publications Committee sponsored session). Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood
Education International. New Orleans, Louisiana.
Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S. K., & Hickmann, R. (2010, November). Students and teachers together: Leading
literate lives. Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers or English. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S. K., & Brasel, N. (2010, April). Revisiting family literacy: Strengthening school,
family, and community through children’s literature. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education
International. Phoenix, Arizona.
Miller, S., & Crawford, P. A. (2010, April). Sharing your ideas for children and teachers: Ideas for aspiring authors.
(Publications Committee sponsored session). Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education
International. Phoenix, Arizona.
Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P. A., & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2010, April). Enhancing history within historical fiction:
Exploring strategies and perceptions. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International.
Phoenix, Arizona.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2009, March). Children and families at life’s crossroads: Moving forward with
picture books. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Chicago, Illinois.
Roberts, S. K. & Crawford, P. A. (2009, February). Multiple pathways to literacy leadership: A study of long-term
professional development. Annual Conference of the International Reading Association. Phoenix, Arizona.
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Castle, K., Crawford, P. A., Roberts, S. K., Shreck, P. & Baker, K. (2009, November). Annual Conference of the
National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators. Dallas, Texas.
Crawford, P. A., Brasel, N., & Roberts, S.K. (2008, November). Annual Conference of the National Association for
the Education of Young Children. Dallas, Texas.
Crawford, P. A. & Calabria, K. (2008, March). Make new friends, but keep the old: Nurturing inclusive friendships
through literature and learning. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2008, March). We’re in it together: Exploring the perceptions of teachers in a
three-year collaborative professional development program. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood
Education International. Atlanta, Georgia.
Crawford, P. A. & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2007, May). Those were the days: Bringing history to life through literature.
Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Tampa, Florida.
Roberts, S. K., Crawford, P.A., & Hughes, N. (2007, May). Tough times and transformations: Supporting children
through learning environments and literature. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education
International. Tampa, Florida.
Zygouris-Coe, V. & Crawford, P. A. (2007, March). Placing children first: Understanding home and school
literacies. National Conference on Family Literacy. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2006, April). Children’s literature and character education: A powerful
partnership. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. San Antonio, Texas.
Crawford, P. A. (2005, November). University and school partnerships: On common ground for professional
development. Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2005, April). Life lessons: Exploring the potential of literature in character
education. Learning Institute of the European Branch of the American Counseling Association for Department of
Defense School Personnel. Speyer, Germany.
Roberts, S. K. & Crawford, P. A. (2005, April). The passion and promise of using literature for character
education. Annual Conference of the Association for Supervision & Curriculum Development. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2005, March). All together now: Authentic collaboration for effective
professional development. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International.
Washington, DC.
Crawford, P.A. (2005, March). “Grandma, what gray hair you have?” Exploring images of older women in picture
books. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Washington, DC.
Burriss, K. G., Burriss, L., Crawford, P. A., & Stone, S. (2005, March). Outdoor learning and play environments.
Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Washington, DC.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. K. (2004, June). Life lessons from literature: Using picture books at all grade levels
for enhancing character education. Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character in Education. Orlando,
Roberts, S. K. & Crawford, P. A. (2003, June). What a character! Exploring a range of female characters for
insight into character education. Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character in Education. Orlando, Florida.
Patricia A. Crawford
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Crawford, P. A. (2003, May). Reading through the Ages: Representations of Aging in Children’s Literature.
Annual Conference of the International Reading Association. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A., Burriss, K. G., Burriss, L., & Hughes, N. (2003, April). It’s elementary! Special topics in
elementary education. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Phoenix,
Hughes, N. & Crawford, P. A. (2003, April). Drawing on fine art: Using take-home art bags for family literacy.
Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Phoenix, Arizona.
Jalongo, M. R., Renck, M., Crawford, P. A., & Mutuku, M. (2003, April). The world’s children and their animal
companions. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Phoenix, Arizona.
Roberts, S. K, Crawford, P. A. & Zygouris-Coe, V. (2002, November). Girl Talk: Exploring the lives of female
literacy characters. Annual Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Atlanta, Georgia.
Crawford, P. A. & Nash, M. (2002, April). Tough topics in children’s literature: Nurturing a Critical Perspective.
Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. San Diego, California.
Crawford, P. A. (2001, April). Reading teachers: Exploring teachers’ evolving beliefs about literacy education.
Annual Conference for the Association for Childhood Education International. Toronto, Ontario.
Crawford, P. A. & Hughes, N. (2001, April). Peace talks: Exploring an ethic of care through literature and
learning experiences. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Toronto,
Wilder, S., Kelley, M., Roberts, S., & Crawford, P. A. (2001, May). It’s a win-win situation: Supporting struggling
readers through school-university collaborations. Annual Conference of the International Reading Association. New
Orleans, Louisiana.
Crawford P. A. & Nash, M. (2000, April). All in the family: Connecting home, school, and community through
family literacy. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education. Baltimore, Maryland.
Crawford, P. A, Cornett, J., Camp, D., Roberts, S., Smathers, J., Downs, J., & Hysmith, C. (2000, February). The
culture of teacher research: A unified vision through multiple perspectives. Annual Conference of the Association of
Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Roberts, S. K. & Crawford, P. A. (2000, February). Problematizing literacy practices for preservice teachers
through literature. Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. & Nash, M. (April, 1999). Looking back, looking ahead: Turning the century with children’s
literature. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. San Antonio, Texas.
Little, M. & Crawford, P. A. (February, 1999). University learning communities to enhance collaboration: Two
heads (or more) are better than one! Annual International Conference of the Learning Disabilities Association.
Atlanta, Georgia.
Crawford, P.A. & Little, M. (February, 1999). Teacher education goes to the movies: Exploring pedagogy and
ideology thro ugh popular film. Annual National Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators. Chicago,
Crawford, P. A. & Camp, D. (1998, May). Taking it to the streets: Extending literacy education into the
community. Annual Convention of the International Reading Association. Orlando, Florida.
Patricia A. Crawford
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Crawford, P. A. & Dragich, D. (1998, April). “But, we’re not multicultural!” Exploring issues of diversity in
predominantly white environments. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International.
Tampa, Florida.
Crawford, P A. & Malcolm, S. (1998, April). “Grandma, what gray hair you have!” Confronting ageism through
literature and learning experiences. Annual Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International.
Tampa, Florida.
Crawford, P. A., Shannon, P., Fueyo, J., & Foley, M. (1998, March). White noise: Discerning the undertones of
language and literacy education. Spring Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Albuquerque,
New Mexico.
Shannon, P., Hade, D., Fueyo, J., Crawford, P. A., Berger-Knorr, A., Serrano, R. & Albright, J. (1997, November).
Teacher education as moral action: Talking with Reagan’s children. Annual Convention of the National Council of
Teachers of English. Detroit, Michigan.
Crawford, P. A. & Malcolm, S. (1997, November). Mother Goose, Father Time, and the little old lady from
Pasadena: Using literature and learning experiences to address age-related stereotypes. Annual Conference of the
National Association for the Education of Young Children. Anaheim, California.
Crawford, P. A. (1997, April). Storybook forest: A cross-age walk through children’s literature. Annual
International Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Portland, Oregon.
Crawford, P. A. (1997, April). Beyond “Look! Look!”-Exploring the language of basal reader teachers’ manuals.
Annual International Conference of the Association for Childhood Education International. Portland, Oregon.
Little, M.& Crawford, P. A. (1997, February). What did you say? Learning to communicate as a basis for
collaboration. Teacher Education Symposium. Annual International Conference of the Learning Disabilities
Association. Chicago, Illinois.
Crawford, P. A., Shannon, P., Hade, D., & Fueyo, J. (1996, March). The selling of American literacy instruction.
Spring Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Boston, Massachusetts.
Crawford, P. A., Dragich, D., & Ross, K. (1995, December). Circles of understanding: Nurturing a multicultural
perspective through language, literacy, and learning experiences. Annual Conference of the National Association
for the Education of Young Children. Washington, DC.
Shannon, P., Crawford, P. A., & Foley, M. (1995, March). A conversation about diverse diversities. Spring
Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Shannon, P., Goodman, K., Crawford, P. A., Schwartz, E., & Murphy, S. (1994, May). Basal readers: A second
look. International Reading Association Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Fueyo, J., Fu, D., & Crawford, P. A. (1993, November). Portfolio assessment as emancipatory practice. Annual
Conference of the National Council of Teachers of English. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Refereed Regional/State Conferences:
Brasel, N., Roberts, S. K., & Crawford, P. A. (2015, April). Poetic autobiographies in the new age of standards:
Where am I from? University of Central Florida Literacy Symposium. Orlando, Florida.
Wanless, S., Sobolak, M., Crawford, P. A., Arlotta-Guerrero, A., & Gold Kestenberg, E. (2014, October). Creating
nurturing spaces where all kids thrive. Conference of the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young
Children. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Patricia A. Crawford
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Wanless, S., Popovich, C., Arlotta-Guerrero, A., Bachman, H., & Crawford, P. (2012, September). How and why to
play, play, play! Conference of the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children. Pittsburgh,
Calabria, K. & Crawford, P. A. (2008, October). You’ve got a friend: Supporting inclusive friendships for all
children. Conference of the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Hughes, N., & Crawford, P. A. (2002, March). Connecting young and old through literature, learning, and
intergenerational programming. Annual Conference of the Southern Early Childhood Education Association.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Crawford, P. A. & Hughes, N. (2002, March). Promoting peace and pro-social relationships through literature
and learning experiences. Annual Conference of the Southern Early Childhood Education Association. Oklahoma
City, Oklahoma.
Hughes, N. & Crawford, P. A. (2001, October). Conflict resolution strategies for a diverse world. UCF Diversity
Week Conference. University of Central Florida. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. & Hughes, N. (2001, September). Promoting peace through literature and learning experiences.
Annual Conference of the Early Childhood Association of Florida. Orlando, Florida.
Hughes, N., Crawford, P. A., & Storm, P. (2001, September). Intergenerational learning: Connecting young and
old. Annual Conference of the Early Childhood Association of Florida. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P .A. & Hughes, N. (2001, June). Give peace a chance: Nurturing conflict resolution strategies in
preschool and the primary grades. Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character Education. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A., Daniels, D., & Lewis, N. (2000, May). Family literacy: Making the home-school connection with
reading. Orange County Public Schools/University of Central Florida Literacy Forum. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A., Lewis, N., & Daniels, D. (2000, April). Homerun! Family literacy for life and learning. Annual
Conference of the Southern Early Childhood Association. Birmingham, Alabama.
Atkins, S. & Crawford, P. A. (2000, April). What did you say? Learning from children’s language development.
Annual Conference of the Southern Early Childhood Association. Birmingham, Alabama.
Crawford, P. A. & Roberts, S. (2000, March). Using literature to problematize literacy practices for pre-service
teachers. Florida Association of Teacher Educators. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1998, January). Not a word! Children’s transactions with wordless picture books. Research
Round-up. Volusia County Reading Council. Port Orange, Florida.
Camp, D., Crawford, P. A., & Buchoff, R. (1997, October). Literacy and learning in the 21st century: Children’s
literature on-line. Annual Conference of the Florida Reading Association. Orlando, Florida.
Yardley, K. & Crawford, P. A. (1996, March). An integrated, literature-based approach to environmental
education. Annual Conference of the New England Association for the Education of Young Children. Newport,
Rhode Island.
Crawford, P. A. (1993, May). Alphabet and counting books: Not just for kindergarten. Bloomsburg University
Reading Conference. Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
Patricia A. Crawford
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Crawford, P. A. & Yost, N. (1994, May). Learning links: Exploring mathematical concepts through literature.
Bloomsburg University Reading Conference. Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (1994, April). Lots of talk about wordless books: Children's perspectives. Children's Literature
Matters Conference. The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A., Ross, K., & Shaffer, D. (1993, October). Using children's literature to promote multicultural
sensitivity. Keystone State Reading Association. Split Rock, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (1993, May). Who's in charge of learning? Critical perspectives of the philosophy and language
of basal reader teacher manuals. The Pennsylvania State University, College of Education Research Symposium.
University Park, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (1993, April). As easy as a-b-c, 1-2-3: Using alphabet and counting books in the early childhood
program. Annual Conference of the Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children. Pittsburgh,
Williams, N. & Crawford, P. A. (1992, November). The magic of children's literature in science and math.
Keystone State Reading Association Annual Conference. Champion, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P .A. (2010, April). Interviewed for news segment. Topic: Your Baby Can Read. Action 4 News.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Crawford, P. A. (1999, April). Guest on locally syndicated radio program. A+ Parent, hosted by Angela Leath.
Topic: Books and Beyond: Building character through literature. Make-A-Way Productions. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1998, August). Guest on locally syndicated radio program. A+ Parent, hosted by Angela Leath.
Topic: Into the world: Choosing a quality child care center. Make-A-Way Productions. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1998, July). Guest on locally syndicated radio program. A+ Parent, hosted by Angela Leath.
Topic: Read the summer away: Supporting literacy when school’s out. Make-A-Way Productions. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1998, June). Guest on locally syndicated radio program. A+ Parent, hosted by Angela Leath.
Topic: Books and babies: Reading from the start. Make-A-Way Productions. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1998, May). Guest on locally syndicated radio program. A+ Parent, hosted by Angela Leath.
Topic: It’s the talk that counts: Supporting language development. Make-A-Way Productions. Orlando, Florida.
Crawford, P. A. (1998, April). Guest on locally syndicated radio program. A+ Parent, hosted by Angela Leath.
Topic: Literacy education: What’s it all about? Make-A-Way Productions. Orlando, Florida.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Department of Instruction and Learning (2007-present)
Programs: Early Childhood Education; Language, Literacy & Culture
Administrative Appointments
Associate Chair, Department of Instruction & Learning (2011-present)
Program Coordinator, Early Childhood Education (2010-present)
Patricia A. Crawford
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Graduate Courses Taught:
Reading & Language Arts in the Primary Grades
Teaching Primary-Aged Children 1
Teaching Primary-Aged Children 2
Programs for Infants, Toddlers & Preschoolers
Directed Study in Early Childhood Education
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Language & Literature for the Young Child
Integrated Curriculum
Special Topics in Elementary Education
Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Nature of the Young Child
Advisor to Early Childhood Education Graduate Students
Research Advisor to Doctoral Students:
Mattix, A. (2012). The orphan among us: An examination of orphans in Newbery award winning literature.
In Progress:
Genest, M. (in progress). The nature of cooperating teacher feedback about preservice teachers' read aloud
Membership on Student Doctoral Committees:
Zywica, J. (2014). Using social media to connect families and kindergarten classrooms.
Bishop, E. M. (2013). Becoming activist: Collaboratively documenting the critical literacy praxis of urban
youth organizers. (Co-chaired with John Myers).
Miller, L. (2013). Developing reading identities: Understanding issues of motivation and engagement within a
reading workshop.
Jakrapha, S. (2013). Concepts of literacy of Thai foundation English Teachers: A national study.
Coudriet, A. (2013). A multiple case study examining elementary school art, music and physical education
teachers’ perceptions, attitudes and beliefs related to interdisciplinary teaching practice.
Troyan, F. (2013). Investigating the learner processes and outcomes of a genre-based integrated performance
assessment unit.
Patterson, R. (2012). The role of culturally relevant texts and comprehension strategy instruction on the
literacy engagement of adolescent African American males. (Co-chaired with Kimberley Gomez)
Hall, V. A. (2011). The representation of other cultures in award-winning picture books from the United
States, Australia, and Great Britain (1960-2009).
Anderson, M. R. (2011). Connecting the past to the present: Student Meaning Making in a middle school
world history classroom.
In Progress:
Popovich, C. (in progress). Leadership development: The pathway to quality childcare.
Patricia A. Crawford
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Cunningham, H. (in progress). Developing intercultural competence among student teachers through
international student teaching. (Co-chair with Rich Milner)
Kenevay, L. (in progress). An investigation of the content, resources, an instructional approaches in basal
reading series within a policy context.
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida
Department of Teaching and Learning Principles (1996-2007)
Administrative Appointments
Director of Undergraduate Studies, College of Education (2004-2005)
Program Coordinator, Early Childhood Education (1999-2001)
Graduate Courses Taught:
Methods of Teaching Elementary Language Arts
Children’s Literature in the Elementary School
Directed Studies in Language Arts Education
Investigations in Children’s Literature
Teacher Researcher
Instructional Strategies for 6-12 (Language Arts Component)
Programs and Trends in Early Childhood Education
Organization of Instruction in Early Childhood Education
Directed Studies in Early Childhood Education
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
Literature for Children
Language Arts in the Elementary School
Honors Directed Readings in Language Arts
Honors Undergraduate Thesis in Language Arts
Emerging Literacy
Development of Literacy
Integration Internship and Seminar for Early Childhood Education
Independent Studies in Early Childhood Education
Foundations of Early Childhood Education
Supervision Responsibilities and Clinical Experiences:
Placement of Early Childhood Student Teaching Interns
Supervisor of Early Childhood & Elementary Student Teaching Interns
Advising Responsibilities:
Academic Advisor to Undergraduate Students
Advisor for Honor in Major Thesis Students
Advisor for Master’s Thesis Students
Committee Member for Doctoral Students
Membership on Student Doctoral Committees:
Dwenger, K. (2008). A matter of retention: The essential pieces of induction as seen through the eyes of novice
urban elementary school teachers.
Hoffman, E. S. (2006). Listening to student voices: Fifth graders’ perceptions of their mathematics learning
within the context of a mathematics reform effort.
Patricia A. Crawford
Page 18
Gibson, S. T. (2003). Characteristics that determine appropriate placement of preschool children with
disabilities in Orange County Public Schools.
Daniels, D. C. (2001). A master’s program and teacher change: The impact of the Lockheed Martin Academy
for Mathematics and Science on beliefs and pedagogy. (Co-chaired with Michael Hynes).
Perry, J. A. (2001). Negotiating meaning, demonstrating understanding: Perceptions and intentions in 4th
graders’ mathematical communication.
Lewis, N. (2001). Bridging the gap between theory and practice: The intersection of classroom practice and a
post-modern curriculum matrix.
Willink, S. L. (2001). Homeschool learning environments and developmentally appropriate practices.
Franciscan University of Steubenville, Steubenville, Ohio
Education Department (2006-2007; during leave of absence from University of Central Florida)
Courses Taught:
Foundations of Education
Language Arts
Reading in the Content Areas
Academic Advisor to Education Majors
University of Maine at Farmington, Farmington, Maine
Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Education (1994-1996)
Courses Taught:
Teaching Reading in the Elementary School
Literature for Children
Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School
Integrated Literacy Block
Multicultural Education--Expanding the Boundaries
Supervisor of Education Practicum Students
Academic Advisor to Elementary Education Majors
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania
Department of Curriculum and Instruction (1991-1994).
Courses Taught:
Teaching Reading in the Elementary School
Teaching Language Arts in the Elementary School
Children's Literature
Seminar for Supervised Experience in Teaching
Supervisor of Pre-Student Teachers
International Teaching Experiences:
University of Pittsburgh
Pitt Early Childhood Study Abroad Program, Program Co-leader
Florence, Italy ( 2014-2015, Summers)
Patricia A. Crawford
Page 19
Children’s Resources International
Step-by-Step instructor and consultant for higher education faculty
Tsakhazdor, Armenia. (2000, Summer). Family and School Partnerships.
Sinaia, Romania. (1999, Summer). Individualized Teaching.
Public School Experience:
Indiana Area School District, Indiana, Pennsylvania
Horace Mann Elementary School (1986-1991)
Grades Taught:
First Grade
Second Grade Reading
Supervising Teacher for Pre-student Teachers
Focus on Elementary, Co-editor (2011-present)
Florida Educational Leadership, Co-editor (2001-2006)
Focus on Elementary, Co-editor (1997-2000)
Editorial Board Memberships:
Childhood Education (1996-2003; 2006-present)
Early Childhood Education Journal (2003-present)
Literacy Research & Instruction (2012-present)
The Dragon Lode (2014-present)
Mid-South Literacy Journal (2015-present)
Young Children (1997-2000; 2007-2010)
Focus on Teacher Education (2007-2010)
The Reading Teacher (1997-2000)
Teaching and Learning Literature (1996-1998)
External Reviewer:
Journal of Research in Childhood Education (1999-present)
Age, Culture, Humanities (2014-present)
Adoption Quarterly (2012)
Journal of Early Intervention (2009-2014)
The Reading Teacher (2001-2008)
Childhood Education (2003-2006)
Reviewer of Book Proposals and Manuscripts:
Allyn & Bacon
Association for Childhood Education International
Houghton Mifflin
Rowman & Littlefield
Teachers College Press
Patricia A. Crawford
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Association for Childhood Education International
Publications Committee, Co- Chairperson (2013-present)
Childhood Education Column Co-editor, Focus on Elementary (2014-present)
Early Years Bulletin Column Co-editor, Activities for the Classroom (2015-present)
Publications Committee, Member (1996-2003; 2006--present);
Publications Committee Chairperson (2000-2002)
Focus on Pre-K & K, Columnist (2006-2009)
Annual Conference, Research Strand, Proposal Reviewer (1997)
Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
Literacy Research & Instruction, Reviewer (2012-present)
United States Board on Books for Young People
Ambassador to Pennsylvania (2011- 2012)
National Association for Education of Young Children
Consulting Editors Panel, Member (1997-2000; 2007-2010)
International Reading Association
IRA Student Affiliate Group, UCF Faculty Advisor (1998- 2000)
American Educational Research Association
Literature SIG, Dissertation Research Award, Committee Member (2003; 2005)
National Council of Teachers of English
NCTE Assembly for Research Mid-Winter Conference, Proposal Reviewer (2009)
Beginning with Books
Conference Committee, Member (2008-2010)
Florida Association for Childhood Education International
Nominating Committee, Member (2005-2006)
Service to the University:
University of Pittsburgh
University Level
America Reads, Faculty Coordinator (2009-2012)
School Level
Literacy & LRDC Search Committee, Co-chair (2014)
Center for Urban Education, Faculty Fellow (2014-present)
Center for Urban Education Advisory Board, Member (2013-present)
Undergraduate Education Programs Committee, Member (2013-present)
Tenure & Promotion Committee (2011-2014)
School Council, Member (2010-2013)
Tenure & Promotion, School Council Liaison (2011-2013)
Technology Committee, School Council Liaison (2010-2011)
Patricia A. Crawford
CASE Coordinating Committee, Member (2010-present)
Falk School Search Committee, Member (2009; 2010)
PreK-Grade 4 Curricular Framework Proposal Committee, Member (2008-2010)
Applied Developmental Psychology Search Committee, Member (2008; 2009; 2010)
Department Level
DIL Executive Committee, Member (2009-present)
Social Studies & English Education Search Committee, Co-Chair (2012-2013)
Falk Director Search, DIL Interview Committee (2012)
Teacher Education Committee, Member (2010-2012)
M.Ed. Committee, Member (2010-2011)
Adaptations (Special and General Education) Committee, Member (2008)
Special Education Search Committee, Member (2007-2008)
University of Central Florida
University Level
Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning, Representative (2004-2005)
Graduate Council, Member (2002-2004)
Graduate Appeals Sub-committee, Member (2002-2004)
Faculty Senate, Senator (2001-2002)
Curriculum Materials Center, Advisory Committee Member (2001-2005)
Undergraduate Course Review Committee (2001-2003)
Faculty Senate, College of Education Senator (1999-2000)
UCF Undergraduate Policy & Curriculum Committee, Member (1999-2000)
University/Creative School Playground Taskforce, Member (1999-2000)
College Level
Transition to Teach, Grant Liaison (2004-2006)
Child, Family, & Community Sciences Department Chair Search Committee, Member (2006)
Teaching & Learning Principles Assistant to the Chair Search Committee, Member (2006)
Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute, Board Member (2002-2006)
Tenure & Promotion Guidelines Revision Committee, Chair (2005)
Assistant Dean Search Committee, Co-Chair (2005)
Success to Significance Leadership Team, Member (2004-present)
Tenure & Promotion Committee, Chair (2004-2005)
Tenure & Promotion Committee, Member (2003-2004)
Clinical Experience Advisory Council, Chair (2004-present)
Undergraduate Standards & Curriculum Committee, Ex Officio (2004-2005)
Honors Committee, Ex Officio (2004-2005)
Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute, Grant Reviewer (2004)
CORE Program, Faculty Liaison (2002-2003).
UCF Literacy Forum, Committee Member (2003)
Research Incentive Award Committee, Member (2002)
Research Committee (2001-2002)
Undergraduate Standards & Curriculum Committee, Member (2001-2002)
Area Campus Faculty Members, Search Committee Member (2000-2001)
Orange County Public Schools/UCF Literacy Forum, Committee Member (2000)
College of Education Undergraduate Advising Committee (1999)
UCF READS/IRA Affiliate, Faculty Advisor (1998-2000)
Childhood Education Forum, Member (1996-1999)
M.Ed. Revisions Committee, Member (1997-1998)
Teacher Education Portfolio Assessment Reviewer (1996-2006)
Department Level
Reading Education Search Committee, Member (2005)
Page 21
Patricia A. Crawford
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Assistant Professor for Early Childhood Search Committee, Member (2005-2006)
Early Childhood Education, Assistant Professor Search, Member (2004-2005)
Elementary Education Instructor, Lake Mary, Search Committee, Member (2002)
Elementary Education Instructor, Osceola, Search Committee, Member (2003)
UCF Daytona, Guest Advisor (2002)
UCF at Lake Mary, Faculty Liaison (2002-2003)
UCF at Osceola, Faculty Liaison (2002-2003)
UCF at Ocala, Faculty Liaison (2002-2003)
Early Childhood Education Visiting Instructor, Search Committee, Chair (2000)
Interviewing Team for Provost’s Minority Line, Member (2002)
Early Childhood Associate/Full Professor Search Committee, Chair (1999-2000)
Early Childhood Assistant Professor Search Committee, Chair (1999-2000)
Early Childhood Full Professor Search Committee, Member (1998-1999)
Early Childhood Assistant Professor Search Committee, Member (1998-1999)
Language Arts Search Committee, Member (1998)
Departmental Curriculum Committee, Member (1997-2001)
Service and Consultation to Schools and Educational Groups
Word Play! The Fred Rogers Company. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Focus: Community literacy project designed to
provide family interactions with literacy and technology at urban bus stops. (2012-2013).
Diocese of Orlando, Office of Schools. Orlando, Florida. Focus: Master Teacher Program—a long-term K-8
professional development program based on inquiry, reflection, and action research. (2002-2010).
Fox Chapel Area School District Early Literacy Forum. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Focus: Using literature to nurture
resilience and positive character traits. (2008).
Pittsburgh Public Schools. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Focus: Matrix for third grade reading education crosswalk.
Project CENTRAL. Florida Department of Education. Focus: Action research. (2006).
Martin County Public Schools and the Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character in Education, Fort Pierce,
Florida. Focus: Life lessons through literature: Linking character education and children’s literature. (2004).
St. Margaret Mary Preschool Co-op, Winter Park, FL. Focus: Preparing children to make the transition to
kindergarten. (2003).
Seminole County Public Schools and the Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character in Education, Sanford,
Florida. Focus: Life lessons through literature: Linking character education and children’s literature. (2003).
Pinewood Elementary School, Martin County School District. Stuart, FL. Focus: Professional development for
primary reading teachers. (2001).
Pinewood Elementary School, Martin County School District. Stuart, FL. Focus: Teacher research as long-term
professional development. (1999-2000).
Central Florida Writing Project & Brevard County Schools. Viera, Florida. Focus: Teacher research for enhanced
instruction in English and language arts. (1998-1999).
Red Bug Lake Elementary School, Seminole County Schools. Oveido, Florida. Focus: Red Bug Reads--Supporting
literacy among all learners. (1998- 1999).
Patricia A. Crawford
Page 23
Sunrise Elementary School, Volusia County Schools. Deltona, Florida. Focus: Improving first grade reading
instruction: What do we really care about? (1996).
Boise Cascade Paper Educational Group. Rumford, Maine. Focus: Working with children to develop an
understanding of responsible environmental principles. (1995).
Central Elementary School, Maine School Administrative District #54. North New Portland, Maine. Focus:
Development and implementation of integrated thematic units. (1994).
Mid-West School District. West Snyder, Pennsylvania. Focus: Reading, writing, and building community in the
intermediate grades. (1993).
Project: SUCCESS. Pennsylvania Department of Education. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Focus: Assessment of the
effectiveness of training in developmentally appropriate practice for daycare teachers and caregivers. (1993).
Keystone Central School District. Lock Haven, Pennsylvania. Focus: Writing in the primary grades. (1992).
American Reading Forum
Association for Childhood Education International
Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
Children’s Literature Assembly of the National Council of Teachers of English
Children’s Literature SIG of the International Reading Association
International Reading Association
National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators
National Council of Teachers of English
National Association for the Education of Young Children
Pennsylvania Association for the Education of Young Children
Pittsburgh Association for the Education of Young Children
Teacher Research Network SIG of the National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators