The Ministry of Education and Science of Kazakhstan Karaganda State Technical University "Approve" Chairman of the Academic Council, rector, academician NAS of Kazakhstan Gazaliev A.M. _______________________ "____" _________ 2013 EDUCATION PROGRAM BY SUBJECT FOR THE STUDENT (SYLLABUS) Disciplines Inf 1102 - «Informatics» specialty 5В070700 – Mining Mining Institute Institute ICTS Department of "Informatics" 2013 Preface Education program by subject for the student developed: assistant professors V. V. Likhachev, O. A. Kan, a senior lecturer A. T. Zharkimbekova. Discussed at a meeting of the department "Informatics" Protocol № _________ of "___" ________ 2013 Head of Department Likhachev V.V. ______________ «___» ________ 2013 Approved by the methodical office of the Institute CTS Protocol № _________ of "___" ________ 2013 Chairman Kapzhapparova D.U. ____________ "___" ________ 2013 It is coordinated with chairs: « Mining » Head of Department ______________ Isabek T.K. «____»___________ 2013. Information about the teachers and contact information: Likhachev Vladimir Victorovich, assistant professor; Kan Oleg Aleksandrovich, assistant professor; Zharkimbekova Aizhan Temirzhanovna, senior lecturer. Department of "Informatics" is located in the first building KSTU, B of Piece 56, aud. 157, telephone contact numbers: 3 Form of lessons number of contact hours ECTS credits 1 The number of credits Semester The complexity of the discipline lectures 5 15 practical laboratory training training - 30 Number of hours of SIWT 45 Total hours Number of hours of SIW Total number of hours Form of control 90 45 135 exam Characteristics of discipline Discipline "Informatics" is one of the general educations for students of all disciplines. The purpose of discipline Discipline "Informatics" put purpose to provide students with theoretical and practical information reflecting the main trends in computer science, to introduce the elements of discrete mathematics, to give an idea of the computer architecture, operating systems and networks, to teach students the skills of constructing algorithms and flow charts, learn the basics computer graphics. Tasks discipline Objectives of discipline include: teaching students the basics of algorithmic problems, the construction of efficient algorithms and the use of software packages, the study of the possibilities of modern information technologies and their development prospects, the study and the status and prospects of the hardware and software of computers and computer networks As a result of studies of the discipline, students must: have a presentation: - The tasks of discipline; - On the main trends of development of computer science; - New information technologies; - About the methods and techniques of construction of algorithms and flow charts; to know: - Basic concepts of computer science and the structure of science; - The place of computer science in the sciences; - Basics of discrete mathematics; - Basic concepts of architecture; - Know the structure of computer memory and the trend of development of computer architecture; be able to: - Independently develop new knowledge of all sections of computer science; - Work with multiple external devices; - To work with packages of applied programs of general and special purpose; - Programming tasks in high level languages; - To use modern computer networks and telecommunications; acquire practical skills: - Work on the use of modern software; - Modern computer technology, communication and information transfer; - Methods for the development of algorithms and flow charts for solving problems; - Own methods of work in local networks and telecommunications; - Own methodology of mathematical models and computer implementation. Prerequisites For the study of the discipline necessary to assimilate the following courses (with chapters (topics)) Discipline Section (that) 1. Informatics The school course 2. Mathematics The school course 3. Physics The school course Post requisites The knowledge gained in the study of the discipline "science" are used in the development of the following subjects: 5В070700 – «Geoinformation systems». Thematic plan of discipline Name of the section (theme) 1. Introduction. Computer science as unity of science and technology. Elements of discrete mathematics. Architecture of the computer. Notations. Algorithms and their properties. Construction of effective algorithms, optimization of algorithms. Programming paradigms. Structure of programs. Operational systems. Work in the Internet. Graphic applications. The basic concepts of computer science. Computing as a unity of science and technology. The structure of modern science. Place computer in the sciences. Information, its types and properties. Different levels of representation of information. Storage media. Data operations. work content by type of occupation, h. lectures practice labs SIWT SIW 2 - - 6 3 8 - 3 - 6 3 2 - 3 - 6 3 2 - 3 6 3 2. Work with service Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint). 3. Fundamentals of discrete mathematics. Functions, relations and sets. Basic logic, propositional logic, logical connectives, truth tables. Graphs and trees. 4. Boolean algebra. Logical operations. Formulas and their conversion. 5. The basic concepts of computer architecture. Overview and history of computer architecture. Computer logic elements: logic gates, flip-flops, counters, registers. Presentation of data in memory, bits, bytes, words, a presentation of numerical data, and the number system, symbolic representation and presentation of additional code, the basic operations on bits, introduction of non-numeric data. Machine organization: principles of von Neumann, the control device, system commands, and all types. I/O and interrupts. Memory system. Memory hierarchy. Main memory organization and operations. Virtual memory. Input-output devices. Overview of the current hardware. 6. Computer architecture. Storage of information. Number system. 7. Algorithmic problem solving, analysis of algorithmic complexity. Problem-solving strategies. Algorithms and solutions. Concept and properties of algorithms. Strategy algorithms. Data structures: primitive types, arrays, strings. Block diagrams as graphics algorithms. Different types of flow charts. Implementation of algorithms. Fundamental computing algorithms: finite automata, Turing machines, easily and intractable problem. Analysis of Algorithms: standard complexity classes, the cost in terms of memory and time. 2 2 2 8. Algorithms. Fundamentals of algorithm development. Flowchart (flowchart elements, types of blocks) 9. Getting to know programming languages. Overview of programming languages: History of programming languages. Fundamental programming constructs: basic syntax and semantics a high-level programming language, variables, expressions, and assignment, simple I/O, the operators of branching and iterative statements. Programming paradigm. Procedural programming. The concept of modular and structured programming. Object-oriented programming. 10. Fundamentals of operating systems and networks. Overview of the current application software. Basic concepts of operating systems. The history of operating systems. Operation of a typical operating system. Decomposition methods for the operating system: a monolithic, multi-level, modular, microkernel model. Process control. Planning and scheduling. Filesystems. Utility. Drivers. Networks and telecommunications. Network Security. Web as an example of the "client-server". 4 - 3 2 6 3 2 6 3 - 3 9 3 11. The main elements of operating systems (command, utilities). 12. The graphics and the Internet. Hierarchy of graphics software. Simple color models: rgb, hsb, cmyk. Graphics systems. System raster and vector graphics. Video output device. Graphical editors. Graphic communication. The history and origins of the Internet. Theoretical basis of the Internet. Internet services. Information Security and its components. Information security threats and their classification. Archivers. Antivirus software. 2 3 13. Internet. Basic concepts (the site, IP-address, port, socket, server, client). 6 - 3 14. Working with graphics applications. 6 - 6 30 45 45 TOTAL 15 A list of labs 1. Work with service Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint). 2. Boolean algebra. Logical operations. Formulas and their conversion. 3. Computer architecture. Storage of information. Number system. 4. Algorithms. Fundamentals of algorithm development. Flowcharts. 5. The main elements of operating systems (command, utilities). 6. Internet. Basic concepts (the site, IP-address, port, server, client). 7. Working with graphics applications. Thematic plan of independent work of the student with the teacher (SIWT) Name of topic SIWT Topic 1. Introduction. Computer science as unity of science and technology. Elements of discrete mathematics. Architecture of the computer. Notations. Algorithms and their properties. Construction of effective algorithms, optimisation of algorithms. Programming paradigms. Structure of programs. Operational systems. Work in the Internet. Graphic applications. The basic concepts of computer science. Computing as a unity of science and technology. The structure of modern science. Place computer in the sciences. Information, its types and properties. Different levels of representation of information. Storage media. Data operations. Topic 2. Fundamentals of discrete mathematics. Functions, relations and sets. Basic logic, propositional logic, logical connectives, truth tables. Graphs and trees. Topic 3. The basic concepts of computer architecture. Overview and history of computer architecture. Computer logic elements: logic gates, flip-flops, counters, registers. Presentation of data in memory, bits, bytes, words, a presentation of numerical data, and the number system, symbolic representation and presentation of additional code, the basic operations on bits, introduction of non-numeric data. Machine organization: principles of von Neumann, the control device, system commands, and all types. I/O and interrupts. Memory system. Memory hierarchy. Main memory organization and operations. Virtual memory. Input-output devices. Overview of the current hardware. Topic 4. Algorithmic problem solving, analysis of algorithmic complexity. Problemsolving strategies. Algorithms and solutions. Concept and properties of algorithms. Strategy algorithms. Data structures: primitive types, arrays, strings. Block diagrams as graphics algorithms. Different types of flow charts. Implementation of algorithms. Fundamental computing algorithms: finite Purpose of The form of the the lesson classes An indepth study on the topics section An indepth study on the topics section Knowledge of the basic definitions. Oral interview Problem solving at the logical level The content of the job Abstract Executing jobs. Examples of problem solving recommend ed reading [1-4] [5-9] [10,11] An indepth study on the topics section Reporting schemes in computer memory Submission of abstracts. Abstract [12,13] An indepth study on the topics section The challenges and development of algorithms in the form of block diagrams. Execution of individual tasks. automata, Turing machines, easily and intractable problem. Analysis of Algorithms: standard complexity classes, the cost in terms of memory and time. Topic 5. Getting to know programming languages. Overview of programming languages: History of programming languages. Fundamental programming constructs: basic syntax and semantics a high-level programming language, variables, expressions, and assignment, simple I/O, the operators of branching and iterative statements. Programming paradigm. Procedural programming. The concept of modular and structured programming. Objectoriented programming. Topic 6. Fundamentals of operating systems and networks. Overview of the current application software. Basic concepts of operating systems. The history of operating systems. Operation of a typical operating system. Decomposition methods for the operating system: a monolithic, multi-level, modular, microkernel model. Process control. Planning and scheduling. Filesystems. Utility. Drivers. Networks and telecommunications. Network Security. Web as an example of the "client-server".. Topic 7. The graphics and the Internet. Hierarchy of graphics software. Simple color models: rgb, hsb, cmyk. Graphics systems. System raster and vector graphics. Video output device. Graphical editors. Graphic communication. The history and origins of the Internet. Theoretical basis of the Internet. Internet services. Information Security and its components. Information security threats and their classification. Archivers. Antivirus software. An indepth study on the topics section Oral survey on the history of creation and destination languages Конспект [12,13] Разработка базовых структур алгоритмов. Выполнение заданий . [14,15] An indepth study on the topics section An indepth study on the topics section Theme of the checking tasks for SIW 1. basic concepts of computer science. 2. structure of computer science. 3. place of Informatics in the sciences. 4. information, its types and properties. 5. different levels of information. 6. data carriers. Data operation. 7. fundamentals of discrete. 8. functions, relations, and sets. Ways and principles of functioning of the operating system. Development of file system. Development Of The WEB. Network security techniques Familiarization with the work in different graphical environments. Get skills of work in the Internet. Syllabus material. Executing jobs. Development and presentation of WEB pages. Practical work in the network. Practical work in the Internet, [16] creating mailboxes, working with search engines. 9. the foundations of logic and discourse, logical connectives, truth tables. 10. graphs and trees. 11. computer architecture concepts. 12. review and history of architecture computers. 13. the logical elements of the computer. 14. submission of data in a computer's memory. 15. the machine. I/o and interrupts. 16. computer memory device. Memory hierarchy. 17. the main memory and the operation. Virtual memory. 18. input and output Devices. 19. review of current hardware. 20. Algorithmic problem solving, analysis of algorithmic complexity. 21. strategies to meet the challenges. 22. algorithms and search solutions. 23. the concepts and properties of algorithms. 24. strategies for implementing algorithms. 25. the structure of the data. 26. the various types of flowcharts. 27. The main computational algorithms: finite state machines. 28. The analysis of algorithms. 29. a review of programming languages. 30. the basic programming constructs. 31. programming paradigms. 32. Procedural programming. 33. The concept of modular and structured programming. 34. Object-oriented programming. 35. Fundamentals of operating systems and networks. 36. Review of current application software. 37. Basic concepts of operating systems. 38. The history of operating systems. 39. The operation of a typical operating run. 40. Methods of decomposition operating run: monolithic, layered, modular, microkernel model. 41. The management of the processes. 42. planning and scheduling. 43. file systems. 44. the utility. Drivers. 45. networks and telecommunications. 46. network security. 47.WEB example of client-server architecture. 48. the graphics and Internet. 49. the hierarchy graphic software. 50. graphics systems. 51. the system of raster and vector graphics. 52. image editors. 53. the history and origins of the Internet. 54. the Internet Service. 55. information security and its components. 56. information security threats and their classification. 57. Archivers. 58. antivirus programs. Criteria for assessing students The examination of the discipline is defined as the sum of the maximum performance indicators for watershed control (60%) and final examination (exam) (40%) and the value is up to 100% in accordance with the table. Estimation on alpha system Digital equivalents of the alpha estimation Percent contents of the adopted knowledges А АВ+ В ВС+ С СD+ DF 4,0 3,67 3,33 3,0 2,67 2,33 2,0 1,67 1,33 1,0 0 95-100 90-94 85-89 80-84 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 0-49 Estimation on traditional system Excellent Good Satisfactorily Unsatisfactorily Rating "A" (excellent) is exposed in the event that a student during the semester showed excellent knowledge of all program matters of discipline, as well as on the topics of independent work, regularly rented a milestone task to show independence in learning theoretical and practical issues of the main program, study subjects, as well as extra-curricular issues. Grade "A-" (Excellent) assumes perfect knowledge of the basic laws and processes, concepts, and ability to generalize the theoretical questions of discipline, regular delivery of many foreign assignments for classroom and independent work. Grade "B +" (good) is exposed in the event that a student has shown good to excellent knowledge on the subject, regularly handed semester assignments primarily as "excellent," and some "good". Score of "B" (good) is set in the event that a student showed a good knowledge of the issues, which reveal the main content of a particular subject discipline as well as the topics of independent work, regular semester handed the job to "good" or "excellent." Grade "B-" (good) student is exposed in the event that he is well versed in the theoretical and practical matters of discipline both in classroom and on the topics CDS, but occasionally handed over the semester and had set a landmark cases retake semester assignments discipline. Grade "C +" (satisfactorily) is exposed to the student if he owns the conceptual nature of the questions on all kinds of classes and CDS, may disclose the contents of Attendance lecture Attendance lab. work Lab. work Control-jobs SIW Survey jobs SIWT Teoret. Module Whole on qualifications Exam Total Academic period of the education, week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0,5 * * * * * * * * * * * 0,5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3 * 11 12 * Total, % %-th contents Type of the checking the individual modules of discipline, shall be "good" or "satisfactory" semester assignment. Assessment of the "C" (satisfactorily) is exposed to the student if he owns the conceptual nature of the questions on all kinds of classes and CDS, may disclose the contents of the individual modules of discipline, shall be "satisfactory" semester assignment. Grade "C-" (satisfactorily) is exposed to the student if the student during the semester regularly handed the job, but on the classroom and the CDS has only general concepts and can explain only some patterns and understanding within a particular theme. Rating «D+» (satisfactorily) is exposed to the student if he occasionally rented semester tasks for classroom and CPC owns only general concepts and can explain only some patterns and understanding within a particular theme. Rating «D-» (satisfactorily) is exposed to the student if he occasionally rented semester tasks for classroom and CPC has a minimum amount of knowledge and allowed absences. Rating «F» (Unsatisfactorily) exposed when a student has almost no minimum theoretical and practical classroom material and the CDS on discipline, regularly attends classes and not losing time semester assignment. Boundary line of control is carried out on the 7 th and 14 th weeks of training and formed the basis of the following types of control: 13 14 15 * * * * 7,5 * * * * 7,5 * * * 21 0,5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7,5 0,5 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 7,5 4,5 * * 9 30 30 60 40 100 Policies and procedures In the study of the subject "Informatics" please observe the following rules: 1. Do not be late for class. 2. It is the responsibility of the student includes a visit to all types of employment, absenteeism for sickness medical reference provide, in other cases - explanatory note signed by the dean. 3. Missed practical and laboratory work at the appointed time teacher. 4. Dispose of all types of control, according to the time schedule of the learning process. 5. Be tolerant, open, frank and friendly to fellow students and teachers. Educational and methodological support of discipline S. N. P. of the author David Cyganski, et al. Simonovic S.V., et al. Name scholastic-methodical literature Amount copy Publishers, year of the publishing Basic literature Information Technology: Prentice Hall, 2003.– Inside and Outside 338p. http://en.books4study.or Informatics. Basic course In library On departme nt - - Microsoft Office 2010 Workbook. The Essential Guide to Computing: The Story of Information Technology (Essential Guide Series) Cengage Learning, 2010, 272p. - - Prentice Hall, 2000.– 499p. - - K.L. Chowdhary Fundamentals of Discrete Mathematical Structures PHI Learning Private Limited, M-97, 2008. Halmos, P. Lectures on Boolean Algebras Princeton: Van Nostrand (Scholar), 1963 Heindorf, L., and Shapiro, L. Nearly projective Boolean algebras, Lecture Notes in Mathematics. Berlin: Springer-Verlag (Scholar), 1994 Gary B. Shelly Garrison E. Walters Jech, T., Monk, J. D., and Bonnet, R., (eds) John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson Laplante, Phillip A. Niklaus Wirth. Set Theory Handbook of Boolean algebras 2nd corrected edition, Berlin, New York: Springer-Verlag (Scholar), 1997 Amsterdam: NorthHolland. (Scholar), 1989 Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (Third Edition ed.) Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Dictionary of Computer Science, Engineering, and Technology. On the Design of Programming Languages. In Information Processing CRC Press. pp. 94–95. ISBN 0-8493-2691-5, 2001 New York, N.Y. NorthHolland Publishing Co, 1974 in electronic form R. D. Tennent Tanenbaum A.S. Silberschatz A., P.B.Galvin Tanenbaum A.S. D.L. Spohn Gary B. Shelly. Language Design Methods Based on Semantics Principles Modern Operating Systems Acta Informatica, 8:97112, 1977 Prentice Hall, 1992 John Willey & Sons, Operating System Concepts 1997 Computing Reviews Nr. Data Network Design, 9709-0622, Sept. 1997 Additional literature Microsft Office 2007: Course Technology, Introductory Concepts and 2007, 320p. Techniques Abelson, H.; G.J. Sussman with J. Sussman Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (2nd ed.) MIT Press. ISBN 0-26201153-0, 1996 C. A. R. Hoare. Hints on Programming Language Design. In Anthony I. Wasserman, editor, Tutorial Programming Language Design pages 43-52. IEEE, October 1980. Solomon D.A., Russinovich M.E. Inside Microsoft Windows 2000. Microsoft Press, 2000 This approach allows beginners to easily break and design complex software systems History of Scientific Computing Introduction to Computer Theory See S. G. Nash. A D. I. A. Cohen P. Norton, Peter Norton's W. Biermann R. L. Oakman R. Maran S. Tanenbaum and J. R. Goodman Introduction to Computers - - - in electronic form http://www.codeproject.c om/useritems/System_D esign.asp 1990. 2d ed. 1996 2d ed. 1996 Great Ideas in Computer 2d ed. 1997 Science: A Gentle Introduction The Computer Triangle: 2d ed. 1997 Hardware, Software, People Computers Simplified 4th ed. 1998 Structured Computer Organization 4th ed. 1998 Timetable for the implementation and delivery of jobs by discipline Type of control Attendance lecture Attendance lab. work Purpose and content of jobs An indepth study of the theoretical material on discipline. An indepth study of the theoretical material on discipline. Recommended literature Execution duration Form control [ 1-16], syllabus of lectures 15 hours current Completi on date every weeks [ 1-16], syllabus of lectures 15 hours current every weeks Laboratorywork Control-jobs SIW Survey jobs SIWT Theoreticalkya modules Exam The acquisition of practical experience An indepth study of the theoretical material on discipline. An indepth study of the theoretical material on discipline and the acquisition of practical experience for the discipline. Verification of learning discipline Verification of learning discipline [ 1-16], syllabus of lectures 15 hours current 5,6,8,10, 12,13,15 weeks every weeks [ 1-16], syllabus of lectures 45 hours current [1-16], syllabus of lectures 45 hours current every weeks syllabus of lectures The whole list 0,5 hours landmark 2 contact hours final 7 and 14 weeks during the session Questions for self-control 1. What are the definitions of "science"? 2. As the term "computer science"? 3. List the components of the computer? 4. What is the object and the subject of the study of computer science? 5. The place of the science in the sciences? 6. What is the structure of modern science? 7. What are the Information Technology? 8. Define the number system? 9. What is called the base STS? 10. What form of information - continuous or discrete - is acceptable to the computer? 11. What are the main properties of the information? 12. What is the format of the information used in computer science? 13. With so much information? 14. How is the amount of information? 15. What are the basic units of information? 16. What is called a graph? 17. Which graph is complete? 18. Which graph is called a tree? 19. What is called a directed graph? 20. What is the origin of the word algorithm? 21. Describe how to present algorithms? 22. What are the properties of the discrete algorithm? 23. What does "mass algorithm"? 24. What are the elements of graphic representation schemes algorithms are used to show the basic algorithmic structures? 25. Why did the math needed to formalize the concept of an algorithm? 26. What functions are called computed? 27. What is the unit of the Turing machine? 28. As described by a Turing machine? 29. What is decomposition? 30. What is a modular approach to software development? 31. What is the object approach to software development? 31. What are the principles of the von Neumann architecture? 33. What is the format for recording the number in the computer? 34. What is a computer word? 35. What is the normal form of the numbers? 36. What is in the operation of a computer program? 37. Consists of the components field a team? 38. What is the address of the team? 39. What is the operating part of the team? 40. All machine teams are divided into groups? 41. What is the character set? 42. Which character set adopted as a standard? 43. What is memory? 44. What is static memory? 45. What is the heap? 46. Name the modern input devices? 47. Name the output device? 48. What is a virtual machine? 49. What is virtual memory? 50. What is a programming language? 51. Language alphabet - is that ...? 52. The syntax of a programming language - it is ...? 53. What is semantics? 54. Programming language consists of three components? 55. Fill in the basic design of programming languages? 56. What is a programming paradigm? 57. What is procedural programming? 58. Enter the concept of modular programming? 59. Enter the concept of structured programming? 60. What is an Operating System? 61. Tell the story of the development of the OS? 62. What is a file system? 63. What's a tool? 64. What is a driver? 65. What kinds of networks do you know? 66. What is network security? 67. What types of graphs? 68. Specify the raster graphics program? 69. Name the graphics system? 70. What is the Internet? 71. When there was a system of WWW? 72. What Internet services are available? 73. What do I need to send information to the network? 74. What is the protocol? 75. What is an IP-address? 76. For what is a modem? 77. What is the ARPANET? 78. Enter your Internet service? 79. Telnet - is it? 80. Network news - it is ..? 81. What is communication protocols and what they are for? 82. What services do you know of online communication? 83. Describe the possibilities settings Internet Explorer? 84. Which search engines do you know? 85. What software do I need to create a lock. seismological network? 86. What network applications are called client-server? 87. What networks are called global? 88. What does the acronym TCP / IP? 89. Describe the protocol HTTP? 90. What image formats are used in the design of WEB-pages? 91. Client software for viewing WEB-pages? 92. Specify design tools WEB-pages? 93. What is the structure of the internet - the addresses in numeric form? 94. Name the new types of Internet service? 95. Network technology - is it? 96. AC adapter serves as ...? 97. What is the network topology? 98. What types of network topologies exist? 99. What is a Router? 100. What is an archive? archiver program? EDUCATION PROGRAM BY SUBJECT FOR THE STUDENT (SYllABUS) Disciplines Inf 1102 - «Informatics» specialty 5В070700 – Mining Mining Institute Institute ICTS Department of "Informatics" State pub. Lic. № 50 from 31.03.2004. Signed for printing _________ format 60 × 90/16. Circulation ______ copies. Volume ______ Order number ___________ Contract price _______________________________________________________________ 100027, Publisher KSTU, Karaganda, Boulevard of Peace, 56