2014-2015 8th Grade Language Arts (UDL Design Model) Week of: September 8-12, 2015 Monday Tuesday Focus: Raymond’s Run Common Assessment #00: Date Wednesday Thursday Friday Content: Raymond’s Run Content: Raymond’s Run Content: Raymond’s Run Content: Argumentative Writing Content: Argumentative Writing Essential Question: How does an author’s style contribute to story elements? Essential Question: How can a theme be determined in a text? Essential Question: How does an author promote a main character? Essential Question: How well am I going to do on the PAQ? Essential Question: How does an author’s style contribute to story elements? Standards of Learning: RL2 - Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text, including its relationship to the characters, setting, and plot; provide an objective summary of the text. W20 - Use words, phrases, and clauses to create cohesion and clarify the relationships among claim(s), counterclaims, reasons, and evidence. (d) Establish and maintain a formal style Vocabulary: characterization dialect dynamic character flat character external conflict internal conflict traits AKS Standards: RL2, W20, W20d AKS Standards: RL2, W20, W20d AKS Standards: RL2, W20, W20d AKS Standards: RL2, W20, W20d AKS Standards: RL2, W20, W20d Material/Resources: Tea party statements from Shared Drive. Material/Resources: 1. Raymond’s run worksheet questions on shared drive 2. How to find theme PPT 3. Theme diagram Material/Resources: 1. Characterization PPT that is a PDF file on shared drive. 2. Characterization chart on shared drive. Material/Resources: Material/Resources: 1. 2. 1. Refer to LOR for additional materials click HERE Warm-up: Review what has been read in story so far. Refer to LOR for additional materials click HERE Warm-up: What words would you use to describe Squeaky? Why? Refer to LOR for additional materials click HERE Warm-up: Get out workbook and notebook. PAQ #3 Essay Refer to LOR for additional materials click HERE Warm-up: Clear desk, pick up answer document. Persuasive Essay PPT on shared drive. 2. Persuasive essay framework on shared drive Refer to LOR for additional materials click HERE Warm-up: Discuss with your partner how your essay is organized. 2014-2015 8th Grade Language Arts (UDL Design Model) Week of: September 8-12, 2015 Focus: Raymond’s Run Common Assessment #00: Date Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Students will complete “Tea party” What has happened in the story so far? How would you describe Sqeaky so far? What words would you use to describe your character? Mini-lesson: Class discussion on what dialect is. Mini-lesson: Mini-lesson: Review ppt (pdf) slides with students on characterization. Mini-lesson: Student Tasks: Student Tasks: Student Tasks: Student Tasks: Student Tasks: Students will work in pairs/groups to discuss statements from “Raymond’s Run.” Students will write a prediction on what they think the story is about based on the statements. Students will do a gallery walk using the questions presented in the worksheet “questions for thought.” Students will complete characterization chart using evidence from the text within group. Students will complete PAQ#3 and work on argumentative essay after completion. Students will self and/or peer edit their drafts comparatively to the frame and examples from the powerpoint. Students will then begin reading Raymond’s Run Closure: Class will discuss if their predictions are correct so far. Anticipatory Set: Anticipatory Set: Compare your essay to the persuasive essay frame work provided. How does yours compare? Mini-lesson: Discuss appropriate transitions. Students will then view theme PPT, take notes and complete theme diagram with partner. Students will continue writing and editing essays. Closure: Closure: Students will discuss their findings with the class and do complete ticket out the door of how to find theme. Students will respond to the critical thinking question from the raymond’s run worksheet and share with class. Closure: Closure: Discuss with your partner how you have made changes for a more effective essay. 2014-2015 8th Grade Language Arts (UDL Design Model) Week of: September 8-12, 2015 SWBAT: To determine the who and the what of the story read thus far. Focus: Raymond’s Run Common Assessment #00: Date SWBAT: Determine what theme is and how to determine theme, and what the theme of raymond’s run is. SWBAT: SWBAT: SWBAT: Determine how the protagonist changed throughout the course of the story. Recognize if they have written a clear argumentative essay. *Plans may change to meet the needs of all students. Daily Lesson Format: Warm-up Anticipatory Set Mini-lesson Student Tasks Closure **SWD/ELL Modifications: per IEP and/or WIDA standards, identified students will be given differentiated instruction to meet individual learner needs. Learning Barrier Possible Solutions Resources Student cannot read at grade level Preview text *eClass Learning Objective Repository Student has difficulty comprehending the material Post and review objectives for daily/modeling/thinking map/minlesson/small groups/summarize *Language Arts Online Activities & Resources Student has difficulty mastering the vocabulary Pre-teach vocabulary/pictures, symbol, & definitions charts Student have limited prior knowledge of content being presented Preview material by placing in classroom website *County LASequential Lesson Plans *Teacher’s websites *Discovery Education 2014-2015 8th Grade Language Arts (UDL Design Model) Week of: September 8-12, 2015 Student has difficulty understanding what is expected Checklist/rubric Student has difficulty expressing or discussing what he/she learned Audio/video demonstration with teacher checklist or rubric Student has difficulty with transition and transitioning to new concept Use a timer or music Focus: Raymond’s Run Common Assessment #00: Date