Hayfield Secondary School Honors and AP Informational Night January 28, 2013 6:00 – 8:30 p.m. HAYFIELD HONORS PROGRAM OVERVIEW The Fairfax County Public Schools' high school honors program provides educational opportunities designed and coordinated to meet the needs, abilities, and interests of gifted and talented students who are willing to challenge themselves academically. The high school has implemented honors courses in four academic disciplines-mathematics, science, English, and social studies, and provides challenging courses for students who demonstrate advanced academic ability. Differentiated curricula and teaching strategies which stress critical thinking skills, creativity, and problem-solving are integrated into the content of each honors course offering seen below. Descriptions of honors courses can be found by looking at the Standard Course Offering booklet at http://www.fcps.edu/HayfieldSS/stu_services/hs_courseofferings.html (Course Offering booklet reflects the 201112 school year, the 2012-13 booklet will be available online soon). Counselors, department chairs (see list below) and students’ current teachers can assist in deciding whether a student should be placed in an honors course. Honors Courses Offered at Hayfield Grade 9 10 11 12 English Honors English 9 Honors English 10 Honors English 11 Honors English 12 Mathematics Honors Geometry Honors Algebra II Honors Pre-calculus Science Honors Biology Honors Chemistry Honors Physics Honors Geosystems Social Studies Honors World History I Honors World History II Honors US/VA History Honors US Government HAYFIELD AP PROGRAM OVERVIEW Advanced Placement (AP) courses are considered college-level courses and have exams adminstered by the Educational Testing Service. Students who take AP classes are required to sit for these external exams and receive an additional quality point value added to the final passing grade. The AP program is offered in English, Social Studies, Math, Science, World Languages, and Fine Arts. AP courses are open to all students committed to rigorous, academic, college-level work. In addition to subject content, students will work on improving anyaltical reasoning, advanced mathematical skills, research, writing, study habits, and learning strategies. Hayfield also offers a variety of support programs meant to help students transition into the rigor of AP level courses. These include a summer institute, mentoring program, and Advanced Academic Learning Seminar course. AP Courses offered at Hayfield are listed on the next page along with teacher contact information. More information about the national AP Program as well as information related to specific courses can be found at College Board’s website (http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/about.html) or by contacting Hayfield’s AP Coordinator, Matthew Mough via email (Matthew.Mough@fcps.edu), or phone (703) 924-7643. Additional Information about Hayfield’s Advanced Academic Program can be found on the school website using the following link: http://www.fcps.edu/HayfieldSS/Academics/ap/ap_index.htm If you have questions about course scheduling, please contact your child’s counselor (emails and phone numbers can be found at the following link: http://www.fcps.edu/HayfieldSS/stu_services/hs_studentservices.html 1 Useful Contact Information AP Teachers If you have further questions specific to the AP courses offered at Hayfield, please feel free to contact the course’s teacher(s). Subject(s) Teacher (s) Email Address AP American Civilization Wendy Feilen Wendy.Feilen@fcps.edu (AP US & AP Lang combo) Theresa Poquis Theresa.Poquis@fcps.edu AP Biology Lauren Cirino Lauren.Cirino@fcps.edu AP Chemistry Sara Hubbart Sara.Hubbart@fcps.edu AP Calculus AB Thomas Glynn Thomas.Glynn@fcps.edu Jack Mika John.Mika@fcps.edu AP Calculus BC Jack Mika John.Mika@fcps.edu AP Statistics Jack Mika John.Mika@fcps.edu AP Computer Science Doug Oberle Doug.Oberle@fcps.edu AP English Language Theresa Poquis Theresa.Poquis@fcps.edu Sarah Corso Sarah.Corso@fcps.edu Sarah Small Sarah.Small@fcps.edu AP English Literature Mary Prunchak Mary.Prunchak@fcps.edu Brian Hannon Brian.Hannon@fcps.edu AP French Laurie Donovan Laurie.Donovan@fcps.edu AP Environmental Science Meredith Meadows Meredith.Meadows@fcps.edu AP U.S. Government & AP Ken Halla Ken.Halla@fcps.edu Comparative Government Rich Hoppock Richard.Hoppock@fcps.edu AP Japanese Kyoko Vaughan Kyoko.Vaughan@fcps.edu AP Latin Vergil Irina Greenman Irina.Greenman@fcps.edu AP Music Theory Stephanie Lewis Stephanie.Lewis@fcps.edu AP Physics Dave Hincher William.Hincher@fcps.edu AP Psychology Mary Shoukat Mary.Shoukat@fcps.edu AP Spanish Language Jennifer Mathews Jennifer.Mathews1@fcps.edu AP Studio Art & Drawing Sallye Mahan-Cox Sallye.Mahan-cox@fcps.edu AP United States History Ryan Mrowka Ryan.Mrowka@fcps.edu AP World History Matthew Mough Matthew.Mough@fcps.edu Levi Brown Levi.Brown@fcps.edu Tara Cook Tara.Cook@fcps.edu Hayfield High School Director of Student Services Alfonso Smith Alfonso.Smith@fcps.edu Hayfield High School Department Chairs English – Theresa Poquis Mathematics – Jack Mika Science – Meredith Meadows Social Studies – Ken Halla Foreign Language- Sarah Swihart Fine Arts - Pat Burke 2 Theresa.Poquis@fcps.edu John.Mika@fcps.edu Meredith.Meadows@fcps.edu Ken.Halla@fcps.edu Sarah.Swihart@fcps.edu Pat.Burke@fcps.edu 3