Diagnostic Essay


ENG 101/MAT 096 Cluster

Spring 1 2009

Andrew McCormick, Instructor

Diagnostic Essay

Choose one of these topics and write a full length essay in response to it. Try to write at least 300-500 words. This diagnostic essay will not affect your grade in the course. It is just to give me an idea of everyone’s writing skills.

Topic A: Fries for Life

We all know that living expenses are rising nowadays, and of the many things that you need to worry about paying for—Metrocard, clothes, tuition, rent, etc.—food is definitely high on the list. It seems like just feeding yourself is growing increasingly expensive these days, even fast food. But you are being presented with a once-in-alifetime opportunity to never have to worry about paying for your food again. The

McDonald’s corporation is making you an offer: they will pay for every meal you consume for the rest of your life. The only condition is that you will only be allowed to eat food from McDonald’s. This means that if you accept this offer, you will have to sign legal forms agreeing to exclusively eat food from McDonald’s for the rest of your life.

But remember, it will be totally free. Do you accept this offer? Why or why not? In an essay, discuss several reasons why you do or do not accept McDonalds’s offer. (Just

choose one side, yes or no). If your answer is yes, what are several specific benefits or advantages that you think you will get from this arrangement? On the other hand, if your answer is no, what are several consequences that accepting the offer might introduce? Why might it be a bad idea?

Topic B: Health, Shmealth.

Pretend someone said to you that taking care of your health is a complete waste of time, that life is too short to worry about eating healthy and exercising or to read the labels on food products…or to follow the doctor’s advice to cut down on certain tasty foods and eat more of the healthier, not-so-tasty ones. If someone made this claim in a conversation with you, how would you respond? Do you agree or disagree with these claims? In an essay, discuss whether or not you agree with the above claims. Is taking

care of your health, watching what you eat, exercising, etc., all a big waste of time? Is life too short to worry about that stuff? Should we just eat and do what we want?

Provide several reasons as to whether you agree or disagree with these ideas.
