SHUN-CHIAO CHANG EDUCATION Harvard School of Public Health Doctor of Science in Epidemiology Major Field: Epidemiology Minor Field: Biostatistics and Genetic Epidemiology Dissertation: The Investigation of Common Genetic Variation in Autism Spectrum Disorders Boston, MA May 2010 Taipei, Taiwan National Taiwan University May 2003 Master of Science in Epidemiology Thesis: Association between Genetic Polymorphisms in Estrogen Signaling Pathway and Female Hepatocellular Carcinoma In A Case-Control Study: Independent and Complex Interactive Effect Analysis National Taiwan University Bachelor of Science in Public Health Taipei, Taiwan May 2001 RESEARCH INTERESTS Understanding risk factors as well as protective factors underlying psychiatric disorders and other chronic diseases including obesity, coronary heart disease, and type 2 diabetes Molecular mechanisms (including biomarkers, genetics, epigenetics, and proteomics) underlying complex disorders, particularly psychiatric disorders Understanding how molecular profiles change in response to exogenous and endogenous environmental exposures (gene-environment interactions), including psychological, dietary, behavioral, and environmental factors, including socioeconomic position, modify an individual’s genetic susceptibility to diseases and health disparities Understanding gender- and race-specific effects on mental health and physical health RESEARCH KEYWORDS Genetic epidemiology, genomewide-association study, epigenetics, Mendelian randomization, geneenvironment interaction, epidemiology, autism, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, positive psychology RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Boston, MA Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Harvard School of Public Health 2010-2015 Postdoctoral Research Fellow Investigated genetic and molecular variation and gene-environment interaction on risk for posttraumatic stress disorder Examined epigenetic signatures between socioeconomic position and risk of mental illness Performed Mendelian Randomization analysis to investigate the effects of obesity and type 2 diabetes on depression and anxiety, creating polygenic risk scores as an instrumental variable Conducted meta-analysis of genome-wide association data to examine the effects of common genetic variations on depression and social relationship Investigated the association between social integration and the risk of coronary heart disease Managed data cleaning and merging, quality control, statistical analysis, literature review, and manuscript writing Boston, MA Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health 2004-2005 Research Assistant Worked on a meta-analysis project evaluating the effects of environmental risk factors on 27 different health outcomes Made decisions about whether manuscripts provided relevant information to be included in the metaanalysis Managed data extraction, Mandarin to English translation CONSULTING EXPERIENCE Page 1 of 5 SHUN-CHIAO CHANG Boston, MA Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Department of Medicine 2005-2007 Epidemiology Consultant , Rheumatology, Immunology, and Allergy Conducted statistical analyses for multiple hormone receptor genes, performing SNP and haplotype association analyses, gene-environment and gene-gene interaction analyses, on the risk of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in case-control studies nested in Nurses’ Health Study (NHS) I and II cohorts Developed and implemented new analytic methods to study gene-environment interaction between the strongest risk factor for RA, HLA-DRB1, and smoking exposures in the NHS dataset Performed prospective cohort analyses of associations between geographic variation and the risk of RA in women INTERNSHIP Taipei, Taiwan Centers of Disease Control and Prevention 2000 Intern, Division of Surveillance and Investigation Participated in disease surveillance and investigation Wrote reports and presented findings and recommendations to local public health leaderships COMMUNITY SERVICE National Taiwan University Public Health Service Team Taipei, Taiwan Summer 1999-2000 Provided public health services and concepts to villagers in remote areas Conducted survey studies to investigate and to improve public health conditions in an individual level as well as the village level Implemented health education based on the local needs INVITED LECTURES Guest lecturer in Molecular Biology for Epidemiologists course Genetic Association Studies Fall 2006 PUBLICATIONS Published 1. Yu MW, Chang HC, Chang SC, Liaw YF, Lin SM, Liu CJ, Lee SD, Lin CL, Chen PJ, Lin SC, Chen CJ. Role of reproductive factors in hepatocellular carcinoma: Impact on hepatitis B- and C-related risk. Hepatology. 2003;38(6):1393-400. 2. Costenbader KH, Chang SC, De Vivo I, Plenge R, Karlson EW. PTPN22, PADI-4 and CTLA-4 Genetic Polymorphisms and Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Two Longitudinal Cohort Studies: Evidence of Gene-Environment Interactions with Heavy Cigarette Smoking. Arthritis Research & Therapy. 2008;10(3):R52. 3. Costenbader KH, Chang SC, Laden F, Puett R, Karlson EW. Geographic Variation in Rheumatoid Arthritis Incidence among Women in the United States. Archives of Internal Medicine; 2008;168(15):1664-1670. 4. Karlson EW, Chang SC, Cui J, Chibnik LB, Fraser PA, Devivo I, Costenbader KH. Geneenvironment interaction between HLA-DRB1 shared epitope and heavy cigarette smoking in predicting incident RA. Ann Rheum Dis. 2010;69(1):54-60. 5. Karlson EW, Chibnik LB, McGrath M, Chang SC, Keenan BT, Costenbader KH, Fraser PA, Tworoger S, Hankinson SE, Lee IM, Buring J, De Vivo I. A prospective study of androgen levels, hormone-related genes and risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Res Ther. 2009;11(3):R97. 6. Weiss LA, Arking DE, The Gene Discovery Project of Johns Hopkins, the Autism Consortium (AGRE genome scan team: Weiss LA, Green T, Chang SC, Gabriel S, Gates C, Hanson EM, Kirby A, Korn J, Kuruvilla F, McCarroll S, Morrow EM, Neale B, Purcell S, Sasanfar R, Sougnez C, Stevens C, Altshuler D, Gusella J, Santangelo SL, Sklar P, Tanzi R, Daly MJ). A genome-wide linkage and association scan reveals novel loci for autism. Nature. 2009;461(7265):802-808. 7. Chang SC, Pauls DL, Lange C, Sasanfar R, Santangelo SL. Common genetic variation in the GAD1 gene and the entire family of DLX homeobox genes and autism spectrum disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2011;156(2):233-9. Page 2 of 5 SHUN-CHIAO CHANG 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Uddin M, Galea S, Chang SC, Aiello AE, Wildman DE, de los Santos R, Koenen KC; Gene expression and methylation signatures of MAN2C1 are associated with PTSD. Dis Markers. 2011; 30(2-3):111-21. Koenen KC, Uddin M, Chang SC, Aiello AE, Wildman DE, Goldman E, Galea S. SLC6A4 methylation modifies the effect of number of traumatic events on risk for posttraumatic stress disorder. Depress Anxiety. 2011;28(8):639-47. Cornelis MC, Glymour MM, Chang SC, Tchetgen EJ, Liang L, Koenen KC, Kang JH, Pasquale LP, Rimm EB, Kawachi I, Kubzansky LD. Oxytocin receptor (OXTR) is not associated with optimism in the Nurses' Health Study. Mol Psychiatry. 2012;17(12):1157-9. Chang SC, Koenen KC, Galea S, Aiello AE, Soliven R, Wildman DE, Uddin M. Molecular variation at the SLC6A3 locus predicts lifetime risk of PTSD in the Detroit Neighborhood Health Study. PLoS One. 2012;7(6):e39184:1-6. Chang SC, Xie P, Anton RF, De Vivo I, Farrer LA, Kranzler HR, Oslin D, Purcell SM, Roberts RL, Smoller JW, Uddin M, Gelernter J, Koenen KC. No association between ADCYAP1R1 and posttraumatic stress disorder in two independent samples. Mol Psychiatry. 2012;17(3):239-41. Uddin M, Chang SC, Zhang C, Ressler K, Galea S, Keyes KM, McLaughlin K, Wildman DE, Aiello AE, Koenen KC. ADCYAP1R1 genotype, post-traumatic stress disorder and depression among women exposed to childhood maltreatment. Depression and Anxiety. 2013;30(3):251-8. Uddin M, Galea S, Chang SC, Koenen KC, Goldmann E, Wildman DE, Aiello AE. Epigenetic Signatures May Explain the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Position and Risk of Mental Illness: Preliminary Findings from an Urban Community Based Sample. Biodemography and Social Biology. 2013;59(1):68-84. Chang SC, Pauls DL, Lange C, Sasanfar R, Santangelo SL. Sex-specific Association of a Common Variant of the XG Gene with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet 2013;162(7):742-50. Chang SC, Glymour MM, Rewak M, Cornelis M, Walter S, Koenen KC, Liang L, Tchetgen EJ, Kawachi I, Kubzansky LD. Are oxytoxin pathway genes important to social integration? Results from two large U.S. cohorts. Psychoneuroendocrinology [in press] Walter S, Glymour MM, Liang L, Tchetgen EJ, Koenen K, Cornelis M, Chang SC, Rimm E, Kawachi I, Kubzansky LD. On the Genetics of Phobic Anxiety: Considering a Polygenic Score. PLoS One [in press] Under Revision 18. Chang SC, Glymour MM, Walter S, Liang L, Koenen KC, Tchetgen EJ, Cornelis M, Kawachi I, Rimm EB, Kubzansky LD. Candidate and genome-wide polygenic scoring for a 14-year long-term average depressive symptom phenotype [submitted to Brain and Behavior] Under Preparation 19. Chang SC, Glymour MM, Rewak M, Cornelis M, Walter S, Koenen KC, Liang L, Tchetgen EJ, Kawachi I, Rimm EB, Kubzansky LD. Social integration on coronary heart disease incidence in women: prospective findings from Nurses’ Health Study 20. Chang SC, Walter S, Glymour MM, Tchetgen EJ, Liang L, Cornelis M, Koenen KC, Kawachi I, Rimm EB, Kubzansky LD. The effect of type 2 diabetes on depression and anxiety: a Mendelian Randomization Study 21. Cornelis MC, Chiuve SE, Glymour MM, Chang SC, Tchetgen EJ, Liang L, Koenen KC, Rimm EB, Kawachi I, Kubzansky LD. Marital status and risk of type 2 diabetes in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. 22. Walter S, Glymour MM, Tchetgen EJ, Liang L, Cornelis M, Chang SC, Koenen KC, Kawachi I, Rimm EB, Kubzansky LD. Does elevated BMI increase risk of anxiety? Evidence for a shared genetic risk factor 23. Walter S, Tchetgen EJ, Liang L, Cornelis M, Chang SC, Koenen KC, Kawachi I, Rimm EB, Kubzansky LD, Glymour MM. Revisiting Mendelian Randomization studies of the effect of BMI on depression 24. Boehm JK, Chang SC, Kubzansky LD. Positive psychological well-being and risk of coronary heart disease and type 2 diabetes: findings from Nurses’ Health Studies Page 3 of 5 SHUN-CHIAO CHANG CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 1. “Sex-Specific Genetic Effect of Autism Spectrum Disorders in a Genome-Wide Association Analysis.” International Meeting for Autism Research, May 2010 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS/POSTERS 1. “The PTPN22 polymorphism and the risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Results from the Nurses’ Health Study” ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, 2005 2. “Geographic Variation and the Risk of Rheumatoid Arthritis in Women” ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting, 2006 3. “Gene-environment Interactions Between Heavy Cigarette Smoking and HLA-DRB1 Shared Epitope in Predicting Incident RA, Data from a Two Large Prospective Cohort Studies” FOCIS Annual Meeting, 2007 4. “Socioeconomic position modifies methylation status of nervous-system-related loci to predict PTSD” IGSS Annual conference, 2011 5. “The Causal Effect of Obesity on Anxiety: Genetic IV analyses in the HRS Study” SER Annual Meeting, 2013 6. “A Genetic IV Analysis to Assess the Effect of Body Mass Index on Depression in the HRS Study” SER Annual Meeting, 2013 7. “Candidate and genome-wide polygenic scoring for a 14-year long-term average depressive symptom phenotype” World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, 2013 JOURNAL REFEREE Journal of Abnormal Psychology Nature Genetics Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Depression and Anxiety PLoS ONE Human Molecular Genetics Archives of General Psychiatry TEACHING EXPERIENCE Harvard School of Public Health Teaching Assistant Introductory Statistics for Medical Research (John Orav, ~175 students) Advanced Statistics for Medical Research (John Orav, ~120 students) Statistics for Medical Research II (George Reed, ~40 students) Fundamentals of Epidemiology (Albert Hofman, ~40 students) Molecular Biology for Epidemiologists (Immaculata De Vivo, ~40 students) Principles of Epidemiology (Julie Buring, ~120 students) National Taiwan University Teaching Assistant Case Study on Epidemiology (Ming-Whei Yu, ~40 students) HONORS & AWARDS Harvard School of Public Health Certificate of Distinction (teaching award of Dept. of Epidemiology) Departmental Honors Taiwanese Physicians’ Scholarship Wang Yuan-Chun Memorial Scholarship Award Harvard Club of the Republic of Taiwan Scholarship National Taiwan University Kingstone Medical Charity Foundation Scholarship Presidential Award Boston, MA Summer 2008-2012 Summer 2008-2011 Summer 2011 Summer 2007 Fall 2005-2007 Fall 2005-2007 Taipei, Taiwan Fall 2002-2003 Boston, MA 2006-2007 2005 2003-2004 2003 2003 Taipei, Taiwan 2000 2000 Page 4 of 5 SHUN-CHIAO CHANG SKILLS Data analysis tools: SAS, R, SPSS, STATA, PLINK, FBAT Programming languages: Perl Operating system: Linux/Unix OS, MS-Windows, Mac OS Bench work: PCR-RELP, real-time PCR, pyrosequencing Page 5 of 5