PTVN09: Mid-term Review The midterm is scheduled for the week of March 9th 2015 (10th or 12th) You will be given 100 questions worth 100 points. You will have 100 minutes to take the test. There are three components to the mid-term. Each component will be covered on the mid-term. o nursing concepts – @ 20 questions o medical terminology – @ 40 questions o dimensional analysis – @ 40 questions Nursing Concepts 1. Professionalism a. What are the 6 characteristics of a professional (know what each one means) 2. Nursing history a. Who were the first nurses? b. Who where the following people and what is their role in nursing history? i. James Durham ii. Florence Nightingale iii. Mary Jane Seacole iv. Clara Barton v. Louisa May Alcott vi. Linda Richards vii. Dorothea Dix viii. Mary Eliza Mahoney ix. Ellen Dougherty c. Which country (in the world) had the first nursing registry d. Which State in the US had the first nursing registry/and nursing laws e. What was the name of the first nursing journal f. What was the first American (United States) nursing organization called and when did it begin Medical Terms 1. Lists 1-6 2. All combining forms covered 3. All prefixes covered 4. All suffixes covered 5. (Chapter 1-3 in the medical terms text book) Elizabeth Keele Dimensional Analysis (Chapters 1-5 of the Dimensional Analysis text book) 1. Identify the number with the highest value? 0.1 0.01 0.001 2. Which one of the following is written correctly (nursing format) .1 0.1 0.10 3. Add the following 1.25 + 0.3 4. Subtract the following 0.82 – 0.743 5. Multiply the following 1.3 x 0.07 6. In this fraction what is the number on the top called? What is the number on the bottom called? 0.25 0.125 7. Express this number to the nearest tenth 1.25364759 8. Express this number to the nearest hundredth 1234.56789 9. Tablets are labels 0.2 mg and you are to give 3 ½ tables. What is the total dosage you are giving? 10. Solve the following whole number equation. Express to the nearest tenth. 2 x 5 7 6 11. Solve the following. Express to the nearest hundredth 3 x 500 x 1000 x 7 60 20 12. Solve the following equation and express to the nearest hundredth 0.3 x 2.5 1.75 13. Convert 9 mg into micrograms 14. Convert 9 mcg into milligrams 15. Convert 9 g into kilograms 16. Convert 900 mL into liters 17. What are the abbreviations / symbols for units, milliequivalents, drop & drops? 18. Know the correct abbreviations for the metric units. 19. Which is strongest; 1% solution or 10% solution? 20. Which is the strongest;1:2 or 1:20 medication 21. 100 mL of a 3% solution contains how many grams of drug? 22. 250 mL of a 6 % solution contains how many grams of drug? 23. How many mL in 2 ounce? 24. How many mL in 2 tablespoon? 25. How many mL in 2 teaspoon? 26. How many mL in a drop? Elizabeth Keele