Strategic Plan Directional Plan - Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association

NACA Strategic Plan
This Strategic Plan, prepared by the Nunavut Arts and Crafts
Association (NACA) in July 2009, provides a direction for what
the Association “should do” based on existing realities and
emerging trends. A key strength of Strategic Planning is that it
deals with the organization as a “whole”. When properly
implemented, the process opens the door for ownership and of
the selected direction. Within the Strategic Plan we use phrases
such as existing realities and the willed future. These terms need
to be understood.
Existing Realities
Describes present strengths, weaknesses, opportunities
and threats, as well as emerging political, environmental,
social and technological trends
Willed Future
Describes the position and capabilities determined to be
appropriate to achieve NACA’s “vision” for the future
As part of the work associated with developing the strategic plan
we asked the following types of questions?
What NACA activities should be emphasized / entered /
What services should be offered?
Who should be NACA’s clients?
How should NACA’s services be made available to artists?
What resource capabilities should NACA continue to
maintain and acquire?
How should NACA’s resources be managed?
How should NACA communicate with its various target
audiences and “stakeholders”?
What management processes should be designed to ensure
What are the relevant standards of success?
The initiatives identified in the Strategic Plan provide the logical
framework for identifying projects most relevant to the NACA’s
priorities. Projects are ranked according to their contribution to
identified organizational priorities, allowing resource (money)
decisions to be considered and time constraints to be factored
into decision-making. Following development and approval of the
Strategic Plan NACA needs to develop a set of Key Initiatives that
will work to drive the plan forward as well as issues that might
present possible roadblocks.
Key Initiatives
Identify the major actions that must be accomplished to
successfully resolve important NACA issues and transform
the organization
Describe the primary factors that act to block or promote
the transformation of NACA from its present state to the
“willed future”
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT
For the issues that have been identified in this SWOT Analysis,
NACA seeks to maximize its strengths and opportunities and
minimize weaknesses and emerging threats.
NACA has a solid foundation from which to build
Artist groups support and are working with NACA
NACA has an experienced and reputable Board of
NACA has effective relationships with funding agencies
Communication with artists is difficult due to distances
Airfare costs and distances create a situation where the
Board does not have sufficient time to be together and
develop more meaningful relationships
Lack of presence within the communities is a challenge
for NACA
Lack of direction in the past has been an issue—with this
Strategic Plan this weakness will be addressed
NACA policies, bylaws and procedures need to be
updated and strengthened
NACA has had some difficulties in the past and this
history continues to be with us to some degree
Clean slate to move forward and “go for it!” with funders
2010 Vancouver Olympics represents an opportunity to
showcase Inuit arts and crafts on a world stage
Additional money is available from Indian and Northern
Affairs Canada (INAC) for a variety of economic
development opportunities
Opportunity currently exists with the Government of
Canada to access $90 million over five years for the
North, allocated to the three territories. This money is
labeled under the heading of Strategic Investments for
Northern Economic Development. Funds are to be used
for innovative ideas, targeted ideas and to help with job
creation and employment—there will be an additional $5
million this year and next year
Funding is available for an officer to manage projects
Art and Crafts Strategy developed by the Government of
Nunavut known as Sanaugait represents an
opportunity—it provides a possible funding platform for
Nunavut Brand coordinated look represents an
opportunity for Inuit artists to obtain recognition and
The Government of Canada is focusing on the North at
the present time
Arts and Crafts Development Fund represents an
opportunity for NACA
The growing use of the Internet represents an
opportunity for artists to sell their arts and crafts—a new
marketing channel
Development of the Artist Database represents an
opportunity to understand the significant contribution of
the Inuit arts and crafts industry
The opportunity exists to integrate the history of Inuit
arts and crafts as well as lessons and instruction into the
school curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 12 and
into community colleges
Under the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, stones can
be quarried without a permit—this represents an
 NACA needs to act now and take advantage of
opportunities or else the Association’s reputation will be
 NACA needs to act now or the current favorable political
will may evaporate
 AMMPA restricts trade of all marine animal products
 European markets are very difficult at this time due to
the ban on seal products
 H1N1 and its potential spread represents a threat
 Cost of travel creates a barrier to exporting Inuit arts
and crafts and to inbound tourism
 Lack of a sustainable industry in Nunavut represents a
threat for NACA if the economy is not doing well it
creates a challenging environment for the arts
 Despite having an artist community of more than 4,000
the Nunavut arts and crafts industry continues to
operate below capacity
 Funding
o Changing priorities
o Due dates too close
o Translation timing and costs are always an issue
o Flexibility
 Lack of information related to arts and crafts within
communities represents a threat
 Application forms for grants and other types of funding
are not always clear
Political, Environmental, Social and Technological Analysis
(PEST Analysis)
Currently NACA enjoys a situation where it has a
considerable amount of support
Another federal election could be looming and this will
have the effect of delaying Government of Canada
funding and initiatives
The Harper Government has cut the arts in the past and
this remains a potential threat
US and Europe represent challenging markets for Inuit
arts and crafts due to perceptions related to “seals”
Distances between communities and the separation of
artists from each other is a challenging environmental
factor that NACA deals with constantly
Lack of stone for carvers and art supplies for those
working in other media represents an environmental
Climate change issues, locating and mining soapstone,
as well as sealskin harvesting are all environmental
Fewer young people are choosing to be artists (depends
on community)
Recognition of value of art, being sold for what artists
need now rather than recognizing the value of their time
and the actual costs is a social issue
Language barriers are always an issue
Availability of tools is a significant issue
Lack of financial institutions in the North creates a
situation where it becomes difficult to purchase / order
tools from southern retailers and distributors
Willed Future
Key for assigning priority levels and year of
Priority Level—A, B, or C
Fiscal-year 1, 2, 3—1 is current year ended March 31st
2010, 2 is year ended March 31st 2011
N/R No direct involvement by NACA required
Where there is a direct linkage to Sanaugait the
Government of Nunavut’s Arts and Crafts Strategy this is
Helping Artists
A. 1 Artists have better access to carving tools and art
Artists in each community have good access to high
quality carving tools and other arts supplies they require
To assist retailers, NACA conducts a survey of its
membership to compile specific requirements of artists
for tools
NACA helps artists with the process of ordering tools and
NACA sends letters and in some cases visits tool and art
supply retailers to help facilitate connections. Letters are
sent to manufacturers, distributors and retailers on what
they should carry to effectively serve artists in
NACA works to encourage tool distributors and art
supply dealers to visit communities and talk to artists
A. 2-4 Artist associations exist in each community
Local associations of artists exist in each community
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal Year 20102011: Fund shared studios to create affordable
workspaces that are conducive to sharing new ideas,
fostering learning and mentoring skills development
within a safe environment promotional activities
(including online direct sales) to further develop
Nunavut art markets and cultural events)
Visual artists working in all media are provided support
by local associations
Local associations connect to regional associations and
in turn to the Territorial Association (NACA)
Individual attention, mentoring, knowledge and skills
transfer is provided to each artist
Local associations lead marketing efforts to coordinate
activities with visiting cruise ships
Marketing training is provided including direct marketing
Associations help to facilitate tours for artists to go
south to display their works in shows and connect with
dealers and gallery owners
Associations organize local artist events and promote
A. 2-5 NACA supports improved arts training for youth
NACA supports improved arts and crafts training for
youth so that knowledge is transferred and skills are
passed down
NACA applies to the Canada Council for Mentorship
funding in support of training for youth
B. 2 Knowledge transfer and artist training
NACA facilitates access to grants for local artists
Carving tools and other arts and crafts supplies are
available with which to train youth
Stone and other art supplies are available for training
B. 3 Regional youth visual arts awards program exists
Three regional youth awards are established
Young artists are featured in galleries
B. 3 Recognition and awards for artists
Better recognition exist for the truly great visual artists
of the Territory perhaps with involvement from the Inuit
Arts Foundation or in conjunction with the
Commissioners Award Program
B. 3-4 Kindergarten to Grade 12 an on to community
college teach Inuit art history, art classes and
NACA assists the Government of Nunavut determine the
feasibility of an augmented arts skills curriculum from
kindergarten to the community college level that focuses
on Inuit Arts and Crafts
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20092010: Determine the feasibility of an augmented arts
skills curriculum from kindergarten to the community
college level)
A.1 Biographies of artists
Biographies for all artists are available in four languages
A.1 Marketing training for Nunavut artists
Training is provided to artists so they are completely
familiar with direct marketing, as well as have the knowhow to effectively market and sell their arts and crafts
using alternative marketing channels—direct to tourists,
online sales to southern markets, direct sales to galleries
in the south and other direct mechanisms
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20092010: Work with NACA to create a database for artists
and buyers alike and increase the artists’ direct
marketing skills and abilities)
A. 1 Effective communications
NACA provides effective communications to each
o Timely communications
o Focused messages—the right information
o Appropriate languages are always used in
communicating messages
o Correct media are always used, perfect for the
context—local radio, print, online
o Produces podcasts with CARFAC on its programs
providing support for artists such as information
on copyright law
NACA deals with News North and Nunatsiaq News to link
to the news media’s visual arts articles and the
Association repurposes this information via an online
NACA art news website
A. 1 Branding—supporting the new Nunavut Brand
An effective partnership exists with the Igloo Tag
Branding Program
The Nunavut Brand is regarded as a solid, authentic
symbol for marketing and communicating the value of
Inuit art
Nunavut brand is sought after by buyers
Buy-in exists across the territory from all artists
Nunavut Brand becomes similar to the “Nike of shoes”
NACA encourages the Government of Nunavut to
administer the brand properly and maintain it so that it
holds its authenticity
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20122013: Assist GN in advocating on behalf of the Inuit
artists of Nunavut—Keep Igloo Tag Program Alive
Fiscal year 1012-2013: Secure market share through
international brand recognition—all Nunavut exports to
share a common brand based on the excellence of their
arts and the traditions on the land)
A. 1 Effective communications and relations with art
dealers and art galleries and other relevant
Consistent and effective communications are maintained
with buyers, galleries, and other relevant organizations
in the south
NACA works to create closer ties with the Inuit Art
Foundation (IAF). A joint board meeting is held at the
next possible opportunity to discuss projects where
NACA and IAF can collaborate
NACA acts as a coordinator, rather than buyer, deals
with patrons and facilitates art going to shows and then
into galleries (NACA will work out the mechanics)
Artists associations in each community and eventually
an artists’ retail outlet in each community will be a
bridge to the Art Dealer and Art Gallery Network
Working with NDC, NACA develops an effective online
marketplace for dealers, galleries and others to buy
Inuit arts and crafts.
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20092010: NDC’s website development serves as a third-party payment
processor to allow on-line billing
Fiscal year 2010-2011: Including an Internet shop in
conjunction with NACA)
NACA works on a joint exhibition in England with NDC
and the Narwhal Gallery to promote Inuit art in the UK
A. 2 Retail outlets for Inuit arts and crafts exist in each
NACA advocates for the establishment of retail outlets in
each community featuring Inuit Arts and Crafts
Flea markets exist in each community
A. 2 Develop a newsletter for southern galleries
NACA develops an effective online newsletter featuring
stories, artist profiles and photographs
NACA works with Nunatsiaq News and other media to
repurpose the content from news media into the
NACA creates and maintains a Facebook page and BEBO
page to get information out to the younger generation of
A. 2 NACA is involved with showcasing artists and
organizing world-wide exhibitions
Carvers and other artists showcase their artwork to
international markets
NACA facilitates the creation and development of
marketing channels that get Inuit art to worldwide
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20092010: Determine international markets and potential
web based sales
Fiscal year 2013-2014: Expand international market
A. 3 NACA develops a template to help artists tell the
stories of their work
NACA assists artists to tell the story of their piece of
NACA develops a “fill-in-the-blank” template to assist
artists in creating an effective biography
B. 1 NACA works to increase integration with Nunavut
Tourism and work to promote and sell Inuit art
Tourists to Nunavut represent an important market and
NACA works with representatives of Economic
Development and Transportation (ED&T) to coordinate
marketing efforts
Develop a package tour that Nunavut Tourism can use
to market and sell the experience of an art vacation—
visiting communities where arts and crafts are being
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20092010: Fund promotional activities (including online
direct sales) to further develop Nunavut art markets and
cultural events)
B. 1 NACA has developed a world educational and
promotional program
NACA assists Judith Varney Burch serve as an
Ambassador for Inuit arts and crafts, sending a
representative with her, at least ensuring that she has
the information she will need to tell the stories related to
Inuit arts and crafts effectively
NACA assists in educating buyers regarding Inuit art and
crafts while delivering the whole picture of the range of
artists and their work
C. 4 Edinburgh Festival-Hogmaney: New Year’s Eve
festival that includes opportunities to market Nunavut as a
Nunavut representatives and artists attend this world
recognized festival to promote the Territory. Daily
attendance at the event sometimes tops 100,000 with
about 300,000 visitors in total over the four day festival
A. 1 Nunavut Arts Festival
Regular showcases exist featuring the very best in visual
arts in Nunavut
Nunavut Arts Festival in combination with Alianait and
Nunavut Film Festival are a world renowned tourist
N/R Nunavut Centre for the Arts
NACA supports the creation of an Arts Centre where
visual arts exhibitions and live performing arts events
are held
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year20112012: Establish a location in Iqaluit for Nunavut’s arts
collection for the world to enjoy. Design web based tour
of the northern lights gallery promoting tourism and
economic growth in the arts)
NACA involvement includes lending support and
advocating that the Government of Nunavut move
ahead with this Centre
NACA supports the Nunavut Art Bank, owned by ED&T,
to make its Inuit art collection public for all to enjoy
through travelling exhibits and an online gallery
(Funding available through Sanaugait—Arts and
Crafts Government of Nunavut, Fiscal year 20112012: Create a touring Nunavut art collection for
international venues
Fiscal year 2012-2013: Construction of Nunavut’s arts
collection for the world to enjoy. Web based tour of the
northern lights gallery)
Appendix A
Sanaugait—Arts and Crafts Government of Nunavut
Fiscal year 2009-2010
Verify statistics and employment levels
Determine the feasibility of an augmented arts skills
curriculum from kindergarten to the community college
Analyze data to determine the economic impact of the
arts sector
Work with NACA to create a database for artists and
buyers alike and increase the artists’ direct marketing
skills and abilities
Determine international markets and potential web
based sales
Fund promotional activities (including online direct sales)
to further develop Nunavut art markets and cultural
NDC’s website development
serves as a third-party payment processor to allow online billing
Fiscal year 2010-2011
Fund shared studios to create affordable workspaces
that are conducive to sharing new ideas, fostering
learning and mentoring skills development within a safe
environment promotional activities (including online
direct sales) to further develop Nunavut art markets and
cultural events
Provide financial assistance for individuals and
organizations purchasing or creating wholesale and retail
operations in the arts sector
Including an Internet shop in conjunction with NACA
Complete a database of both artists and buyers alike
and increase the artists’ direct marketing skills and
Hold marketing panels. Artists, government and
industry to expand international market share
Fund promotional activities (including online direct sales)
to further develop Nunavut art markets and cultural
Secure market share through protection of intellectual
property rights
Fiscal year 2011-2012
Invest and sponsor artist fellowship programs, promote
and sponsor artist circles
Invest to improve quality, stimulate innovation and
support sustainability, in partnership with Nunavut
Coordinate business training and follow-up business
support services in communities
Establish a location in Iqaluit for Nunavut’s arts
collection for the world to enjoy. Design web based tour
of the northern lights gallery promoting tourism and
economic growth in the arts
Create a touring Nunavut art collection for international
Fiscal year 2012-2013
Assist GN in advocating on behalf of the Inuit artists of
Nunavut—Keep Igloo Tag Program Alive
Secure market share through international brand
recognition—all Nunavut exports to share a common
brand based on the excellence of their arts and the
traditions on the land
Construction of Nunavut’s arts collection for the world to
enjoy. Web based tour of the northern lights gallery
Repatriate the Government of Nunavut’s existing
collection to a permanent public gallery to be located in
Re-evaluate Sanaugait
Fiscal year 2013-2014
Provide current and accurate information about the arts
Expand international market share
Identify new markets not impacted by trade restrictions
Develop alternative national and international markets
Completion of Nunavut’s arts collection for the world to
enjoy. Web based tour of the northern lights gallery
Lease selected works from the Government of Nunavut’s
art collection to international galleries