Biome Study Guide Name

Biome Study Guide
Name ___________________________
1. Define biome – ________________________________________________________
2. Climate includes _________________ and _____________________.
3. An ____________________ includes living and nonliving things in a given area.
4. List the six land biomes: _________________________________________________
5. Which two biomes get about 10 inches of rainfall per year?______________________
6. Which forest biome is the coldest?__________________________
7. Which biome gets the most precipitation?____________________________
8. Amherst County is in the ______________________ Forest.
9. Permanently frozen soil is called __________________ and it can be found in the
_________________ biome.
10. List two reasons explaining why soil in the deciduous forest is very fertile.________
11. List two reasons explaining why soil in the coniferous forest is not rich in nutrients.
12. The boreal forest is also called the _____________, or the _______________ forest.
13. Taiga means ______________ in Russian.
14. The _______________ biome has hot days and cold nights.
15. The main plant in the _________________ biome is conifers.
16. Cacti can be found in the _____________biome.
17. The _________________biome is found near the Equator.
18. Epiphytes such as Orchids and Bromeliads are adapted to growing in the trees. They
are found in the ___________________ biome.
19. Plants often have red leaves here to absorb heat. ______________ biome
20. Where are Temperate Rain Forests found? ___________________________
21. Temperate Rain Forests are cooler and get some moisture from ________.
22. Grasslands are called ____________in the USA, _____________ in South America,
______________ or ______________ in Africa, and in Asia and Australia a _________.
23. ____________ has the largest grassland.
24. The __________ biome has plants with thick, fleshy stems and leaves to store water.
25. List the three layers of the forest: ____________, ______________, forest ______.
26. List two reasons that large trees don’t root in the tundra._______________________
27. You would find wildcats, boa constrictors, and monkeys in the ___________ biome.
28. Conifers produce their seeds in _______________.
29. List three plant adaptations for the boreal forest._____________________________
30. The ___________ forest biome has four seasons with warm summers and cold
31. You would find pronghorn, bison, antelope, elephants, zebra, hyena, and giraffes in
the ________________ biome.
32. In the ____________ biome, animal adaptations include getting water only from
food and being nocturnal.
33. ______________ trees shed their leaves in autumn and grow new leaves in the
34. Which biome is found near the North Pole? __________________________
35. In which biome would you find caribou, musk oxen, acrtic fox, ptarmigan, and polar
bears? ______________________