2010 - 2011
Sunday, March 06, 2016
Friday, October 1, 2010
Continue with Unit 1 review & class discussion
Ethical computer use
Begin: Copyright laws
Monday, October 4, 2010
Continue with Unit 1 review & class discussion
Ethical computer use
Copyright laws
Visit: - “Taking the Mystery Out of Copyrights”
Copyright Exposed
Files on Record
Reading the fine pring
Steps to copyright
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Continue with Unit 1 review & class discussion
Ethical computer use
Copyright laws
Visit: to research the answers to the following:
How much does a Copyright cost?
How long does a Copyright last?
Do you have to register & pay to own a Copyright?
Discuss copyrights in reference to Disney’s “Mickey Mouse”
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Continue with Unit 1 review & class discussion
Use Your Computer Safely and Responsibly
Respect computers and other users
Get to know your classroom computer
Operate computers safely
Use proper ergonomics
Use computers responsibly
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Continue with Unit 1 review & class discussion
Operate Your Computer
Getting Started
Get to know the windows desktop
Get to know your mouse
Work with multiple applications
Get to know your keyboard
Close windows
Friday, October 8, 2010
CW: Create a Poster to be turned in for a grade, due by end of class Monday, October 11th. Tuesday, Oct. 12.
Create a poster about one of the following topics. The poster must include both text and clip-art and should
communicate a message that you believe is important.
 Computer ethics
 Computer safety
 Workstation ergonomics
 Decide on the topic of your poster
 Decide what the message of your poster will be. You can make a poster about one specific issue, or list several
issues, but the message you send should be clear.
 Make sure the information in your poster is correct and factual. Use the information in Unit 1 to back up your
Create: Create your poster using Microsoft Word. Your poster must include the following:
 At least one image (clip-art)
 A definition or description of your topic
 At least six rules that apply to your topic
CW: Unit 1 Open Book Quiz Tuesday, October 9th
Monday, October 11, 2010
Finish Friday’s poster assignment & turn it in for a grade.
CW: Unit 1 Open Book Quiz Tuesday, October 9th
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
1. CW: Unit 1 Open Book Quiz (due to computer technical problems, the quiz will be given tomorrow)
2. Finish CW: Create a Poster to be turned in for a grade
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
1. CW: Unit 1 Open Book Quiz
2. Finish CW: Create a Poster to be turned in for a grade
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Introduce Unit 2: Computer Hardware and Software
05.0 Identify and understand computer hardware:
The student will be able to:
04.01 Discuss the use of different computer platforms.
Essential Questions:
How do computers work?
What is computer hardware? What are some examples of computer software?
How is memory and storage used?
What is computer software? What are some examples of computer software?
How does a network work?
Key Terms: personal computer (PC); central processing unit (CPU); bit; byte; hardware; input; output; random-access
memory (RAM); read-only memory (ROM); storage device; software; operating system (OS); network; file manager;
drive; folder; file; save as; shortcut; keyword; content search; index search; keyword search
1. Go to the Online Learning Center at Choose Before You Read Quizzes and take
the Unit 2 Pre-Quiz
2. Activate Prior Knowledge: Pre-reading strategy – Quick Write Quick Draw, Quick Talk
3. Introducing Your Computer
a. Types of Computer: Personal computer (PC); Minicomputer; Mainframe or super computer
i. PCs and Macs
b. How does my computer work? Central processing unit (CPU)
i. Bits, Bytes, and Binary Numbers
4. Learn how to write your name in bits and bytes. Go to the Online Learning Center at
Choose Tech Talk Activities then Unit2.
Friday, October 15, 2010
1. Video “Inside the Computer” Part 1 (10 minutes) – Discuss the concept of the computer hardware being similar to
the human brain since both process information.
2. Vocabulary Worksheet, 4 column notes – turn in for a grade. Complete the worksheet for the following key terms
and turn the worksheet in:
a. Personal Computer (PC)
b. Central processing unit (CPU)
c. Bits
d. Bytes
Monday, October 18, 2010
1. Video “Inside the Computer” Part 2 (10 minutes) – A microprocessor is an essential component of a personal
computer. Despite its complexity and millions of components, a microprocessor is very small in size.
2. Vocabulary Worksheet, 4 column notes – turn in for a grade. Complete the worksheet for the following key terms
and turn the worksheet in:
a. Hardware
b. Input
c. Output
d. RAM
e. ROM
f. Storage device
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
1. Video “Inside the Computer” Part 3 (10 minutes) – Students will learn how the binary system used by computers
can represent colors in a graphic and thus how a computer can work with colored pictures.
2. Review Unit 2 pages 43 – 46 (Powerpoint presentation)
Hardware Basics
How do I connect components?
What are input and output devices?
Computer memory and storage devices
When do I use RAM and ROM
How is information stored?
3. Finish the Vocabulary Worksheet, (4 column notes assigned yesterday) – turn in for a grade.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
1. Video “Inside the Computer” Part 4 (10 minutes) – Computers contain electronic circuitry, students will be
introduced to the concept of an electrical current and what a transistor is able to do..
2. Discuss Unit 2 pages 47 – 49 (Powerpoint presentation)
a. Software Basics
i. How do I use software?
1. Operating system (OS) software – (main program, makes the computer work)
2. Application software – (E-mail, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, PowerPoint)
3. Utility software – (helps you control your computer, keeps it in good running condition)
ii. What is an operating system?
1. controls all the other software programs, allows hardware devices to work properly
a. Microsoft Windows – PC’s
b. Mac OS – Apple
c. Linux
d. Handheld OS – PDAs, PM3, cellphone
iii. What is a GUI?
1. A graphical user interface, lets you use a pointing device, such as a mouse, to click
images and icons or select menus. Allows you to use your mouse instead of typing in all
of your commands to tell the computer what to do.
b. Computer Network Basics
i. LAN – local-area network, small network covers a small area such as an office or school
ii. WAN – wide-area network, covers a large geographic area such as an international corportation
iii. Internet is the biggest network there is connecting computers around the world.
iv. Intranet works like the Internet but allows only people in the same organization to share
Thursday, October 21, 2010
1. Video “Inside the Computer” Part 5 (10 minutes) – Students will increase their understanding of the manner in
which a computer chip is manufactured. Students will know what a chip looks like. Students will know how a chip
is fabricated. Students will know about fabs and clean rooms.
2. Review Unit 2 pages 51 – 65 (Textbook projects/exercises)
a. Use Microsoft Windows – Students will learn how to manage files and folders, find files, and view details
about them, called properties.
i. File management
1. Exercise 1-1: Get to know windows explorer
a. file manager
i. drive
ii. folder
iii. file
Vocabulary quiz Tuesday – HW: Use your vocabulary worksheet to study for vocabulary quiz (PC, CPU, bit,
byte, hardware, input, output, RAM, ROM, storage device, software, operating system, network)
Friday, October 21, 2010 – End of 1st 9 week grading period, report cards go home November 1st.
1. Video “Inside the Computer” Part 6 (10 minutes) – Segment 6 of the video addresses ways in which personal
computers are changing our world. An analogy is made with the effects of Johannes Gutenberg’s invention – the
printing press – and present day computers.
2. Get caught up!!! – I’m posting grades this weekend. Finish working on any assignment that is not completed and
turn it in before the end of class.
3. Study for Vocabulary quiz Tuesday – HW: Use your vocabulary worksheet to study for vocabulary quiz
(PC, CPU, bit, byte, hardware, input, output, RAM, ROM, storage device, software, operating system,
Monday, October 25, 2010 – Teacher planning day, students have the day off.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
1. Vocabulary quiz
2. Read pages 52 - 58
3. CW (4-column notes) – On a new vocabulary worksheet, complete the key terms: file manager, drive
folder, and file, pages 52 – 58. Due today for a grade.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
2. Exercise 1-2: Work with folders – Students will use Windows Explorer to create a new
folder. Students will copy a folder and paste it into a new folder.
a. Organize
b. Name or rename
c. Move or copy
d. Delete
Thursday, October 28, 2010
3. Exercise 1-3: Work with files – Students will move a file by copying it, then pasting it.
Practice renaming and deleting the file.
4. Exercise 1-4: Create a copy using save as – Students will use Save As to save from a
data file to their own folder and rename it.
Friday, October 29, 2010– School picture make up date
1. Catch up on any missed work/assignments. (Check your vocabulary to make sure you have all the vocabulary
words to date.) Finish any part of the Exercises 1-2 through 1-4 that you didn’t finish previously.
2. CW (4-column notes) – On a new vocabulary worksheet, complete the key terms: Save As, shortcut,
(pages 59 – 61).
5. Exercise 1-5: Work on the Desktop – Students will create, rename, and move files on the
desktop instead of in Windows Explorer. shortcut
6. Exercise 1-6: Search for files (page 64) – Students will use the Windows Search
CW (4-column notes) – On a new vocabulary worksheet, complete the key terms: keyword, content search,
index search, keyword search, (pages 69 – 70).
2. Review Unit 2 pages 51 – 78 (Textbook projects/exercises)
ii. Using Microsoft Help – Students will use Microsoft Windows Help and Microsoft Office Help to
find answers to their questions about Microsoft software.
Exercise 2-1: Get to know Microsoft Windows Help – Students will learn about the
different ways to search for information using Microsoft Windows Help. Keyword;
content search; index search; keyword search
2. Exercise 2-2: Perform a Search – Students will perform a content search, a keyword
search, and an index search to find information about how to open an application.
3. Exercise 2-3: Get to Know Microsoft Office Help – Students will learn how to use the
different Help options in Microsoft Word.
4. Exercise 2-4: Search Microsoft Word Help – Students will use a number of search
methods to learn how to create a table. Students will see that they can find the exact
same information through Help when they search using different methods.
Monday, November 1, 2010 – Report cards go home