Evidence of Evolution Evidence of evolution suggests that the mechanisms of inheritance, accompanied by selection, allow change over many generations. Explain how Darwin/Wallace’s theory of evolution by natural selection and isolation accounts for divergent and convergent evolution. Background: It was observations of variations between species and individuals by scientists in the 19th century that led to the proposal by Darwin and Wallace of the theory of natural selection. Evolution - this is the way in which living things change genetically to produce new more complex forms of life over long periods of time. So, evolution refers to lasting change to a population over generations. In his book the ‘Origin of Species’ Darwin argued that evolution was an inevitable consequence of two indisputable facts of nature – individual variation and the struggle for existence. The Theory of Evolution by means of Natural Selection: The theory of natural selection proposes that it is the environment that selects favourable variations and eliminated harmful ones. After many generations of selection, the characteristics of a population may change and the population becomes adapted to the environment. The theory of evolution by natural selection had 4 main points: 1. In any population there are variations. 2. In any one generation there are offspring that do not reach maturity and reproduce. The characteristics of these organisms are removed from the population. 3. Those organisms that survive and reproduce are well adapted to that environment; they have favourable variations (survival of the fittest) 1 4. Favourable variations are passed on to offspring; they become more common in the population. The main contributions by Darwin and Wallace to the theory of evolution were a.) the idea that species change, and b.) the mechanism of natural selection to explain how change takes place. Practical 1 – An investigation to model natural selection Aim: To plan a first hand a investigation to model natural selection. You need an investigation design that will allow valid and reliable data to be collected. A simple but useful investigation is called ‘Stick bird’. Within a hypothetical population of ‘worms’ (toothpicks) that inhabit a predominantly green coloured environment (green grass), there are two colour variations; cream and green. The worms are food for a predator known as a ‘stick bird’ (students). Stick Bird – scenario Toothpicks are mixed and scattered randomly over a measured grassed area. Stick birds (students) are later brought to that area and remain outside a ‘fence’. They are told to prey on the worms in the field (collect as many toothpicks as they can in) a given time. After the given time is up, the ‘stick birds’ are driven from the field by the farmer (teacher!). They escape back to the class room with their prey. Tally and compare the numbers of green and cream toothpicks recovered. Calculate percentages of each colour recovered. 2 Outline the impact on the evolution of plants and animals of: o Changes in physical conditions in the environment. o Changes in chemical conditions in the environment. o Competition for resources. Evolution is the process of change that occurs in living organisms over many generations. It is the result of natural selection by the environment of favourable variations in the organisms. Changes in the environment of living organisms may lead to the evolution of a plant or animal species. These environmental changes in condition may be physical, such as temperature change, or chemical such as changes in salinity of water. Change may also be triggered by competition – e.g. competition for resources such as food and water, or competition to reproduce. Physical Changes to the Environment: These include natural conditions such as temperature and availability of water. For example: the Australian land mass has become drier over time. This has lead to changes in the species of kangaroo that are present today. Approximately 25 million years ago, Australia was considerably wetter than today and was covered with large areas of rainforest. During this period kangaroos were small and omnivorous, with unspecialized teeth, eating a variety of foods from the forest floor. Food was nutritious and abundant; there was no need for specialized grinding teeth. As Australia became more arid and grass became the dominant vegetation in some areas, environment selective pressure resulted in larger kangaroos favouring teeth suitable for grass. These teeth, high crested molars, efficiently grind low-nutrition 3 grass into more easily digestible paste. Slicing pre-molars are of little use and so became much reduced from ancestral kangaroos. Chemical Changes to an Environment: Chemicals that can affect the evolution of species include salts and elements such as iron. Many parts of Australia have soils that have high salinity. There are a range of salt tolerant plants that have evolved to inhabit those areas. The animals that feed off those plants have also evolved to inhabit those areas. Example: Chemicals such as dieldrin and organophosphates have been used extensively to control the sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina. (A major problem to sheep industry – it stresses, weakens and can be lethal to sheep). Genetic resistance has occurred within the fly population in response to those chemicals. A possible case study of changes in a species! Competition for Resources: This occurs within a species and between species. If a new species is introduced to an area then the competition may lead to different species using different resources. Resources may include food, space or mates. If populations that live in the same area could specialize on slightly different resources or breed at different times they would avoid direct competition. Some species of fruit fly have evolved into different species with each confined to a different type of fruit tree. This is possible if there are different flowering and fruiting times on each tree type suited for different breeding cycles in the fruit flies. Eventually two distinct species can result. Possible case study of change in species! 4 Case studies: Effects of environmental change on evolution of living things. o Analyse information from secondary sources to prepare a case study to show how an environmental change can lead to a changes in a species. Aim: To prepare a case study to show how an environmental change can lead to changes in a species. A case study here would need to describe the Australian example (a report) and would need to explain how environmental pressures can change species over time (an explanation). o Access a range of resources including popular scientific journals, CD – ROM encyclopedias and the internet. o You will need to extract information, and summarise and collate your data. o Analyse the information to make and justify generalisations that have led to changes in species. Evolution Down Under – Changes in a species! Here are some possible case studies of changes in species for you to consider! Choose 1 case study from those listed below or one of your choice. a.) Changes in physical conditions in the environment – teeth of kangaroos have evolved in response to changes in physical conditions in Australia over the last 25 million years. b.) Changes in chemical conditions – use of chemicals to control sheep blowfly, Lucilia cuprina, genetic resistance has occurred within the fly population in response to these chemicals. c.) Competition for resources – some species of fruit fly have evolved into different species with each confined to a different type of fruit tree. 5 The areas of study supporting the theory of evolution are listed and discussed below. A.) Palaeontology Background: Palaeontology is the study of fossils. Fossils are the preserved remains or traces of past life on Earth. Fossils are mainly found in sedimentary rocks. Fossils can include preserved body parts, moulds or casts of decayed organisms or imprints left in the mud such as footprints. Fossils can provide evidence for evolution. The fossil record provides a time line of evolution of life engraved in the order in which the fossils appear in the rock layers. Some parts of the fossil record show a gradual change in life forms over millions of years. Fossils discovered to date show changes when compared to modern organisms. Some fossilized organisms do longer occur as living organisms (they are extinct) In other cases there is no fossil record of modern species – this could be due to the modern species being recently formed and therefore having no fossil record. The more modern fossils show an increase in complexity. Very often the fossil evidence can be linked to environmental change, i.e. organisms had new environments in which they had to adapt. Comparisons of fossils with present day life forms: The fossil record of the modern horse is very well documented. It covers a time span of about 60 million years and involves many hundreds of species, most of which are now extinct. 6 There are many trends to be seen in the evolution of modern horse – the two main changes seen were; 1.) the increase in size and 2.) the reduction in the number of toes. Of particular interest are the transitional fossils that have characteristics belonging to ancestral and descendant groups. Transitional Forms These are examples of organisms that indicate the development of one group of organisms form another or from a common ancestor. They help to give us an understanding of how evolutionary change may have come about. A study of the fossil record suggests that the modern groups of vertebrates appeared in the following order: Jawless fish – 500 million years ago Bony fish – 400 million years ago. Amphibians – 360 millions years ago Reptiles – 300 million years ago Birds – 190 million years ago Mammals – 150 million years ago The fossil record also supports the theory that they developed from each other as many intermediate types have been found which show the transition from one major group to another. 7 Example1: The most famous transitional form is Archaeopteryx. A small dinosaur with feathers appeared in the late Jurassic period. This is a fossil first thought to be a therapsid reptile (mammal like reptiles).Its reptilian features include teeth and a reptile like skeleton. Archaeopteryx also had feathers and a wishbone sternum used to attach flight muscles. This provides evidence of an evolutionary pathway from dinosaurs to birds. Figure 2: Archaeopteryx Diagram 3: The Features of Archaeopteryx suggest that birds developed from reptiles Table 1: Features Shared by Archaeopteryx with reptiles and birds Reptilian Features Bird Features Teeth Feathers Long tail Wishbone Claws No keel Solid bones 8 Example 2: `Crossopterygian Fish that could absorb oxygen from the air appeared about 400 million years ago at the end of the Devonian age. It is thought that amphibians developed from fish along this line of descent The crossopterygian fish had bones in its fins which suggests it could ‘drag itself’ on land. Diagram 3: Crossopterygian 9 Table 2: Features that the crossopterygian shared with fish and amphibians. Fish Amphibian Scales Lobe-fins (useful on land) Fins Lungs Gills Example 4: Plants The fossil record suggests that modern groups of true land plants appeared in the following order. Seed ferns, lycopods, horsetails, ferns 400 million yrs ago Gymnosperms 300 millions yrs ago Angiosperms 185 million yrs ago The origin of angiosperms is not well documented; however seed ferns appear to be ancestors of present day gymnosperms. Seed ferns are extinct but their fossil record shows them to have a fern like appearance (firs classified as ferns), however naked seeds have been seen attached to the leaves. All the evidence suggests that their life history was similar to that of gymnosperms. 10 B.) Comparative embryology Comparative embryology is the study of embryos of different organisms looking for similarities and differences between them. There is an obvious similarity between embryos of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. A comparison of embryos of vertebrates shows that they all have gill slits (pharyngeal(throat) pouches) at some stage of their development, even though they do not remain later in life, except in fish. (Amphibian larvae also) This similarity suggests a common ancestry. Why do human embryos possess gill pouches? Perhaps, because life on Earth began in an aquatic environment, we inherited them from an aquatic ancestor. Embryology of vertebrates Embryology (also known as ontogeny) is the study of the development of embryos. 19th century biologists studying the development of embryos made observations on variation amongst different species and their relationships (phylogeny). It was noted that structures present early in embryonic development are widely distributed among different animal groups, while more specialised features, which distinguish the groups, appear later in embryonic development. For example, a human embryo at an early stage has characteristics of all animals in the vertebrate group. The embryo develops mammalian characteristics followed by characteristics relating to the primate order, the human species and finally the traits (characteristics) that make the individual. Charles Darwin also recognised a connection between embryology and evolution. He proposed that primitive features in organisms tend to be generalised while derived features tend to be specialised. Darwin realised that you could infer evolutionary change by observing changes in development. The following 19th century drawings (not to scale) illustrate comparable stages of development in a series of vertebrate embryos. The embryos in each comparative stage are remarkably similar and provide evidence of a common ancestry. The following diagrams are attributed to Haeckel (1866). 11 (Haeckel, 1866) In the first series of diagrams, during early development, each of the embryos demonstrates the basic traits of the primitive vertebrates, eg gill slits and a vertebral column. (Haeckel, 1866) In the second series of diagrams the embryos have developed further. The fish and amphibian are noticeably different from the other vertebrates which are all similar in appearance and which have developed limb buds. (Haeckel, 1866) In the third series, during late development, the reptile and bird embryos have characteristic features of their classes. With the exception of the lack of a tail in the human embryo, the four mammal embryos all look similar. 12 C.) Comparative anatomy Comparative anatomy is the study of the differences and similarities in structure between different organisms. The structures that they have in common are evidence of similar inherited characteristics from common ancestors. Modern day vertebrates are grouped into classes as they possess quite distinct features. However, there are other underlying similarities that suggest they are more closely related than appearances might suggest. The structures that they have in common are evidence of similar genes inherited from a common ancestor. Example 1: The pentadactyl (5 –fingered) limb All land vertebrates show a similar basic pattern in the bones of their arms and legs. It is believed that they inherited this from their aquatic ancestors, the lobed finned fish. Homologous Structures – these are organs with similar structures but different functions. The fore limbs of vertebrates provide a good example of this. In each case the limbs have the same basic structure (anatomy) but are adapted for different functions. 13 Comparative anatomy also shows the presence of vestigial organs. These are structures which are the remains of something that once functioned in an ancestor. Their existence indicates that organisms change (evolve) so that organs sometimes loose their function but are retained as they cause no harm. Humans are thought to have more than one hundred vestigial organs: some examples include the appendix, the coccyx (tail vertebrae) and muscles to move the ears. Other vestigial structures include: hind legs in whales, wing bones in flightless birds, vestigial eyes in animals that live underground or in dark caves. 14 Example 2: Xylem Structural similarities between some plant groups suggests that they shared a common ancestor. Ferns, conifers and flowering plants all have vascular tissue, including conducting vessels (xylem) which transports water throughout the plant. In a leaf they are found in the veins. D.) Biochemistry Studies of animals have found that many possess many similar molecules. The degree of similarity reflects genetic closeness. Some molecules studied include: haemoglobin, RNA and hormones. When scientists are studying these proteins they look at the amino acid sequence this is a clue to relationships between animals. From these studies it has be shown that humans are most closely related to the chimpanzee than the gorilla, gibbon, monkeys or other mammals. Other studies involve the compatibility of blood when it is mixed. Closely related animals have a small antigen-antibody reaction. These studies help clarify the groups into which organisms should be classified. DNA sequencing methods have allowed the DNA or organism to be compared directly. The nucleotide sequences making up the gene or chromosome can be analysed and compared. The greater the similarity found the closer the relationship between the organisms in question. DNA Hybridisation DNA hybridization can be used to identify similarities in DNA structure. In a process called chemical hybridization the DNA molecules from different species can be compared. The following is carried out during this process: 1. Two strands of DNA are separated using heat. 2. The single strands formed are mixed with single strands from another species. 15 3. The two different strands will join to form a hybrid molecule. However, not all the base pairs will match. This is because there are differences in the sequences of bases for each species. 4. The degree of pairing depends on the similarity of the two different kinds of organisms. A high degree of pairing will occur if the two sequences are very similar. However a low degree of pairing will occur if they are very different. Figure 9: DNA Hybridisation Species that have diverged recently from a common ancestor would be expected to show a high degree of hybridization because their DNA sequence would be very similar. However, species which have diverged from a common ancestor a very long time ago would show less hybridization. Example: Hybridisation studies of primates, supported by studies of haemoglobin have shown that humans are more closely related to chimpanzees than to gorillas. Orangutans are a ‘sister species’ to all three other primates – they were the first to diverge from a common ancestor. 16 The current view of the evolution of primates is as follows: According to anthropologists this means that the family of apes includes humans: we are therefore not only descended from apes - we are apes! DNA Sequencing Allows scientist to compare genes, chromosomes even entire genomes of different organisms. It was Frederick Sanger who developed the major method of sequencing in 1974. he won a Nobel prize for his work in 1980. Using the sanger sequencing method, sections of DNA 500 to 800 bases long can be ‘read’. Today advances in technology have been able to speed up Sangers method. DNA databases are now established and work continues to map genomes of living organisms. The human genome project started in 2000 and finished in 2003. 17