Computer Coordinator Allocation Memorandum 98/081

Computer Coordinator
Resource Material
This document provides a series of resources to assist schools in coordinating Information and
Communications Technologies (ICT).
Updated versions of this document can be found on the TRIFFID website
This version last updated: Monday, 3rd April 2006
Created on: 16-Apr-04
Last Updated: 6-Mar-16
Table Of Contents
Helpdesk Support ........................................................................................................................... 4
Technology for Learning (T4L) ........................................................................................................ 4
Can we engrave our T4L equipment? ......................................................................................... 4
Secure Internet Browsing and Email ............................................................................................... 5
School Administration – OASIS....................................................................................................... 5
OASIS - boot disks: ..................................................................................................................... 5
OASIS –Tutorials ........................................................................................................................ 5
Hardware and Software Services .................................................................................................... 6
Software Services ....................................................................................................................... 6
Microsoft Agreement ................................................................................................................... 6
Microsoft Student Select ............................................................................................................. 6
Apple Volume License Agreement .............................................................................................. 6
Novell Agreement ....................................................................................................................... 6
Antivirus Agreement .................................................................................................................... 6
Peripheral devices .......................................................................................................................... 7
DET Websites Reference Guide ..................................................................................................... 7
Web Portal .................................................................................................................................. 7
DET Enterprise Portal ................................................................................................................. 7
Curriculum Resources .................................................................................................................... 9
Centre for Learning Innovation .................................................................................................... 9
TALE (Teaching and Learning Exchange) ................................................................................... 9
CLI Connected learning support .................................................................................................. 9
Learning Design and Resource Development ............................................................................. 9
Using Computer-Based Technologies in the KLA’s ..................................................................... 9
NSW HSC Online ........................................................................................................................ 9
Learning Objects Repository ....................................................................................................... 9
Curriculum K-12 .......................................................................................................................... 9
DET- Learning and teaching ....................................................................................................... 9
NSW Country Area Program website ........................................................................................ 10
NSW Board of Studies .............................................................................................................. 10
Professional Learning ................................................................................................................... 10
Curriculum K-12 ........................................................................................................................ 10
Centre for Learning Innovation .................................................................................................. 10
Intel Teach to the Future ........................................................................................................... 10
Integrating ICT in teaching and learning .................................................................................... 10
NSW DET Quality Teaching ...................................................................................................... 10
TRIFFID .................................................................................................................................... 10
Australian Government Quality Teacher Programme (AGQTP)................................................. 11
Education Network Australia EdNA ........................................................................................... 11
Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE) ............................................................ 11
ICT integration online survey ..................................................................................................... 11
National Centre for Technology in Education ............................................................................ 11
The MATRIX ............................................................................................................................. 11
Interactive STaR Chart .............................................................................................................. 11
Forums and Associations .............................................................................................................. 12
DET Curriculum K-12 ................................................................................................................ 12
NSW HSC Online ...................................................................................................................... 12
CLI TaLE................................................................................................................................... 12
EdNA ........................................................................................................................................ 12
NSWCEG.................................................................................................................................. 12
Technical Support Links ................................................................................................................ 13
Apple......................................................................................................................................... 13
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Mac OS X Server Documentation.......................................................................................... 13
TILT Plus Networking Apple Course for OSX ........................................................................ 13
Apple Resources ....................................................................................................................... 13
Wazza’s web stuff ................................................................................................................. 13
Microsoft ................................................................................................................................... 13
TechNet ................................................................................................................................ 13
Microsoft Education ............................................................................................................... 13
TRIFFID ................................................................................................................................ 13
Windows 2K Logon Wizard ................................................................................................... 13
Altiris ..................................................................................................................................... 13
About Windows ..................................................................................................................... 13
Windows System Update Service (WSUS) ............................................................................ 13
Novell ........................................................................................................................................ 14
TRIFFID ................................................................................................................................ 14
Novell Netware Individual Logins........................................................................................... 14
Educational support and development team (ESDT)..................................................................... 14
Virus & system updates: Symantec Anti Virus............................................................................... 14
Windows software update services (WSUS) ................................................................................. 14
Dealing with Spam ........................................................................................................................ 15
Networks - Wide area network (WAN)........................................................................................... 15
Routers ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Switches ................................................................................................................................... 15
Setting Internet Protocol (IP) ranges ......................................................................................... 15
Proxy Automatic Configuration – PAC files ............................................................................... 15
School Technology Funding Sources ............................................................................................ 16
Computer Coordinator Allocation Memorandum 98/081 ............................................................ 17
Other sources of Funding .......................................................................................................... 17
Commonwealth funding through Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) ........ 17
Policies, memoranda and guidelines relevant to ICT in schools .................................................... 18
Policies ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Professional Learning Policy for Schools............................................................................... 18
Use by Staff of Employer Communication Devices ................................................................ 18
Policy Guidelines for Mobile Communication Devices and Associated Services .................... 18
Policy and procedures for joint funding of capital works in schools ........................................ 18
Memoranda ............................................................................................................................... 18
Guidelines ................................................................................................................................. 19
Internet Publishing ................................................................................................................ 19
Global Funding Guidelines and Procedures .......................................................................... 19
School Asset Management Guidelines .................................................................................. 19
Strategic plans and priorities ................................................................................................. 19
Computer Coordinator Allocation Memorandum 98/081 ................................................................ 19
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Helpdesk Support
ITD Helpdesk – 1800 338 483
Secure Internet Browsing and Email - 1800 555 950
Technology for Learning (4L) Hotline - 1800 338 457
Software Sales Hotline Ph: 1800 065 324
Technology for Learning (T4L)
DET have allocated computers to schools since 1996 originally under the “Computers in Schools
Program” (CISP 1996-2003) and now the “Technology For Learning” (T4L 2005 – current)
The memorandum containing details of the T4L program can be found at
CISP computers have a 3 year warranty (those received from February 2003 are currently still
covered). T4L computers have a four year warranty. The schools assets register in OASIS will
assist you in determining the age of a computer if required. You should be aware of the age of
computers in the school fleet so you can ensure all necessary warranty work is completed during
the warranty period.
The T4L program also provides for additional support staff in Regional ICT Services units to assist
in supporting T4L equipment and systems in schools. In Western Sydney Region these staff are
part of the ICT Support Team and further details of these positions is provided elsewhere in this
document. With the introduction of the T4L program, the Department has also undertaken to
introduce appropriate standards, including a department wide SOE, to help achieve cost effective
technical support. Naming standards have been implemented to identify computers for the effective
provision of remote support, with remote support software being licensed by DET to assist regional
technical support staff.
T4L allocations are based on a school’s enrolments. Additional purchases beyond T4L allocations
may be made from school funds and schools are encouraged to purchase additional computers
from the T4L suppliers. Any queries in this regard can be addressed through the Technology
Advisers or Operations Managers.
Can we engrave our T4L equipment?
The T4L equipment is purchased by the Department for your school. Once your school receives
the equipment, it becomes school property. Therefore it is your school's decision whether to
engrave or not.
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Secure Internet Browsing and Email
This DET initiative provides all NSW government school staff and students with safe and secure
internet browsing access and a fully functional email account through an authenticated login
process and educational portal. Email accounts can be accessed from any computer with internet
access, both at school or at home.
Helpdesk support is available 24 hours, 7 days per week all year on 1800 555 950.
A project link is being developed for the secure internet browsing and email project. For further
information refer to the following InPrincipal links.
School Administration – OASIS
The purpose of this website is to enhance the support services provided to schools. They provide a
number of resources to help resolve problems, report bugs, download software and suggest
improvements to OASIS products and service. They also provide details on printers, UPS, network
cards, OASIS reports and FAQs. You may also obtain technical support for OASIS from the IT
Help Services Unit on Ph: 1800 338 483.
School Systems (OASIS):
OASIS - boot disks:
This page contains the self extracting images of OASIS Boot disks for the latest rollout machines.
OASIS –Tutorials
Including exporting oasis to third party software and exporting student absences for comparison
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Hardware and Software Services
Software Services
Software Services web site can be found at
This unit is responsible for:
 Contracts - state-wide contracts for DET common use software
 Software - supply of contract software and software licensing advice to all DET
Roles of the Software Services unit include:
 Negotiation and management of software agreements… for both curriculum and
administrative use
 Supply of software … a hotline (1800 065 324) for latest pricing and licensing
 Reviews of hardware and desktop configuration for the T4L program
Microsoft Agreement
DET has entered into a three year Enterprise Agreement with Microsoft. The agreement will allow
the majority of desktops within the DET to use a suite of the latest Microsoft applications for both
the Windows and Macintosh platforms as well as providing the latest Windows operating system.
The object of an Enterprise Agreement is to obtain access to the most frequently used software at
a low cost. These Microsoft programs are available under home usage rights for staff.
Microsoft Student Select
Microsoft's Student Select is a program that allows Australian students to buy genuine Microsoft
software at school prices for their own use at home. This program has been made available due to
the licensing agreement NSW Department of Education has with Microsoft. Further information can
be found at
Apple Volume License Agreement
DET has entered into a schools licensing agreement with Apple Australia. The agreement will
provide a one off upgrade for Mac desktops and servers To OSX 10.4. This initiative is only for
existing licensed school Mac OSX – capable desktops and existing school Mac servers obtained
under the T4L or CISP Programs. For more information on eligibility and procedures please refer to
the following site:
Novell Agreement
DET has entered into a licensing agreement with Novell Australia. The NSW DET Novell
Agreement provides access to Novell products.
Antivirus Agreement
DET has a current agreement for Symantec antivirus server and desktop software. DET staff are
also covered for home use of the product.
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Peripheral devices
For more information please visit the following site
Many peripherals have software installation CD’s specifically for that device. These CD’s are
generally required when installing these devices. Locating and storing these CD’s will assist
installations. Possible devices include: Scanners, Digital Cameras and Digital Video Cameras.
The IP addressing standards can be found here – it
is important that each school has a list of the allocated static IP addresses with the school, mostly
for troubleshooting purposes.
DET Websites Reference Guide
Web Portal
A web portal is a web site that provides a starting point, a gateway to other resources on the
Internet or an intranet. Intranet portals are also known as "enterprise information portals" (EIP).
DET Enterprise Portal
The DET Enterprise Portal is a web site that provides a gateway to a secure, browser-based,
single point of access to DET applications, services and information from the Internet or Intranet.
It has been customised for each type of user based on their role within DET so that each user is
presented only with those applications, services and information that are pertinent to them.
DET Internet Website
DET Intranet – Currently only available from DET sites or through the Enterprise Portal
DET Enterprise Portal (Employee Self Services and Job File plus more)
DET Public Schools Site (Internet)
DET Staff Directory Search (Intranet)
Find contact details of DET staff by searching on name (surname and/or given name), location or
unit. -
School Web Development (Intranet)
This website is designed to assist you to create, upload and/or maintain your School's web
presence. Additionally, it provides information for basic or intermediate web development and
deployment. -
The username and passwords for are available from helpdesk.
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TRIFFID (Intranet)
(Technology Resources, Information, Files, FAQ, Instructions, Downloads) This is a DET approved site. Published on TRIFFID are resources for.
Network and Workstation Operating systems; Microsoft Office – really useful documents about
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, FrontPage and Outlook; Security – Antivirus, Updates and
Policies; Web; Network; Useful Web Links – Internet, DET, Linux, Macintosh and Windows;
Support and Files.
Centre For learning Innovation (Intranet)
Curriculum K-12 (Internet)
OASIS- School Systems (Intranet)
Software and Hardware for schools and DET staff (Intranet)
Use by Staff of Employer Communication Devices - Policy Statement (Intranet)
School asset management guidelines - Key roles and responsibilities. (Intranet)
This site provides an overview of the Principal's responsibilities along with other sources of advice
and information for asset management.
School asset management guidelines - Key roles and responsibilities.
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Curriculum Resources
The availability and use of all kinds of ICT-based learning activities, projects and software
applications provide tools to assist teachers to make learning experiences more dynamic and
interactive. There are many activities, teaching ideas and support available online in the form of:
internet projects, WebQuests, book raps, and treasure hunts that can readily be integrated into
An explanation of the differences between Internet,
Intranet and Portal access is explained in Appendix 5.
Centre for Learning Innovation
The Centre for Learning Innovation was established in
2004 and is part of the NSW Department of Education
and Training. Its role is to provide excellence in learning
resource production, and leadership in the strategic use of technology in education and training.
TALE (Teaching and Learning Exchange)
TaLE is a single, convenient gateway to quality educational resources and information to help
students learn. Three portals provide access to teaching and learning resources, professional
learning and parents and community information. It enables a multiple DET sites search in seconds
CLI Connected learning support this page offers links to e-learning resources.
Learning Design and Resource Development
Teaching and Learning Resources K-12
Formerly the Learning Materials Production Centre producing distance education materials now
available to all schools.
Using Computer-Based Technologies in the KLA’s
These documents were distributed to every teacher in 1997. Case studies and content contained in
these books is still valuable.
NSW HSC Online
Curriculum support and professional learning materials for students and teachers.
Learning Objects Repository of Learning Federation learning objects accessed through (available through TaLE, needs portal
Curriculum K-12 (formerly Professional Support and Curriculum)
On this web site you will find a range of information, including teaching ideas, support resources
across the curriculum K-12, research and professional development advice.
DET- Learning and teaching
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NSW Country Area Program website
This site has a host of online resources, including units of work and technology resources
NSW Board of Studies
Access to syllabuses and syllabus support materials:
Professional Learning
The following links provide a range of resources schools may require when planning their ICT
professional learning requirements. These include online tools to identify professional learning
needs, surveys, lists of teacher competencies and links to professional learning resources
programs and associations .
Curriculum K-12
On the web site you will find a range of information, including teaching ideas, support resources
across the curriculum K-12, research and professional development advice.
Centre for Learning Innovation
The Centre for Learning Innovation was established in 2004 and is part of the NSW Department of Education
and Training. Its role is to provide excellence in learning resource production, and leadership in the strategic
use of technology in education and training.
Intel Teach to the Future
“A professional development program for teachers to improve the effective use of ICT in the
classroom”. The Intel Teach to the Future program is centred on the creation of a unit of work that
integrates a range of ICT applications into teaching resources and student work activities. “It has
been implemented in NSW Department of Education and Training schools since 2003. It is part of
the Intel Innovation in Education initiative run in collaboration with the NSW Department of
Education and Training”.
Integrating ICT in teaching and learning located under TaLE, these online learning modules offer a range of
self-paced tutorials that focus on the integration of ICT. Each module is supported with teaching
and learning activities designed to meet syllabus outcomes through the use of ICT. The site can be
navigated through multiple pathways.
NSW DET Quality Teaching
This website provides a range of information, school ideas, research and resources to support the
implementation of the NSW Quality Teaching model in government schools.
TRIFFID stands for: Technology Resources, Information, Files, FAQ, Instructions, Downloads.
There are numerous ‘how-to files in the section called “Useful Web Links”, then “Curriculum”. You
can find these at
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Australian Government Quality Teacher Programme (AGQTP) This is the Australian Government Quality Teacher
Programme (AGQTP) national website. The AGQTP consists of:
 state and Territory professional development projects and
 strategic national projects into teacher quality issues.
AGQTP implements the Teachers for the 21st Century initiative. This site is an information
exchange for the Australian Government Quality Teacher Programme, particularly best
practice in teacher professional development.
Education Network Australia EdNA is a portal to just about anything you could want for professional learning,
learning communities and as an index to education resources. Have a look at this section called
ICT leading practice at or this one filled with links to
Australian resources on building ICT skills . There are
six pages of school education groups you can join at (check p3 for the ICT ones). The
related links page at is a general educational links page;
however it includes a number of specific links for ICT.
ICT leading practice website in EdNA (Education Network Australia)
Australian Council for Computers in Education (ACCE)
Teaching learning technologies competencies, links to tools to support ICT integration & skills
ICT integration online survey
S.A. Technology School of the future ICT integration online survey (use as a guide) College WA: PL Duffy Resource
centre website. Links to sites on teacher competencies Links to sites on curriculum
National Centre for Technology in Education (Ireland): The ICT advice sheets provide
information on ICT equipment, peripherals, networking and software. They will be particularly
helpful to principals and teachers making ICT purchases for their school
The enGauge Online Assessment (USA) is designed to provide a system-wide view of a
school's and/or district's use of technology for teaching and learning.
The MATRIX is an online tool, developed by NCSL and BECTA, (UK) which facilitates selfevaluation and action planning.
Interactive STaR Chart (ISTE, USA) School Technology and Readiness (STaR) Chart, a selfassessment tool designed to provide schools with the information they need to better integrate
technology into their educational process.
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Forums and Associations
DET Curriculum K-12 has a comprehensive list of teacher professional associations can be
found at
NSW HSC Online includes a list of professional associations, organisation, discussion groups
and listservs can be found at
CLI TaLE includes links to professional associations and forums through the DET portal at .
EdNA includes links to many forums, groups and associations. There are six pages of school
education groups you can join at and
a page of links to pages of teacher professional associations listed by state (and international) at,20399,20499,4541 Apply to establish your own, or join up
to one of the existing discussion groups on EdNA at
NSWCEG (Computer Education Group) This group maintains the computer coordinators
(NSWCC) listserv. To join the listserv and browse the website.
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Technical Support Links
Mac OS X Server Documentation
TILT Plus Networking Apple Course for OSX select the “Network OS” link, then “Apple OS”
Apple Resources
Wazza’s web stuff
There are many links related to the use of technology in K-12 education, both curriculum ideas and
technical details. For technical aspects and considerations go to
Warren’s site is designed to support teachers and Computer Coordinators in NSW schools.
Microsoft Education
TRIFFID select “Network OS”, then “Windows”.
Windows 2K Logon Wizard
This is a "Wizard" to create individual student logins on a Windows 2000/2003 server.
About Windows
Windows System Update Service (WSUS)
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Located on the TRIFFID website. The Novell section is aimed at school Novell Network
Administrators. Information contained on this site has been contributed by its members (past and
present), who have found ways of supporting, maintaining and implementing Novell based
solutions in NSW DET schools.
select “Network OS”, then “Novell”
Novell Netware Individual Logins
Is located at This is a "Wizard" designed to create
individual student logins on a Novell Netware server - either v4.11 or v6.
Educational support and development team (ESDT)
This team has designed, developed and deployed the Standard Operating Environment (SOE)
image which has been rolled out with all T4L computers. They have also developed the Altiris
infrastructure for deployment of images directly to school computers. The ESDT site can be found
here . This site contains valuable resources related to the SOE.
Virus & system updates: Symantec Anti Virus
With the increasing use of the internet and e-mail, viruses can now spread extremely quickly. All
servers and desktops should be protected with the DET licensed Symantec antivirus software for
Microsoft Windows and Apple OSX operating systems. Where possible schools should consider a
fully or lightly managed solution to ensure definitions are kept up to date.
In the installation files section of the DET Antivirus site you can download client and server install
files for Mac and Windows platforms as well as the full product CD to set-up managed installations.
Staff members are also covered for home use under the agreement.
Critical alerts and Antivirus information can be found at:
Information on set-up of managed SAV server and clients can be found on the TRIFFID website and select “Security”, then “Antivirus”.
Unmanaged sites should use the Symantec Live Update service or manually download updates
from the DET Antivirus site to ensure definitions are kept up to date. Such sites should consider
implementing lightly managed solutions as employed on the T4L SOE to ensure currency of
updates, information and utilities are available on the Antivirus site.
Windows software update services (WSUS)
Software Update Services (SUS) is used to distribute official updates to Microsoft Windows
2000 and Microsoft Windows XP computers, this includes servers and desktops Software
Update Services
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Dealing with Spam
This site provides an insight into Spam and advice about how you should deal with any Spam you
receive and what you can do to minimise the receipt of Spam. Dealing with Spam pages can be
found at
Networks - Wide area network (WAN)
DET Networks branch has responsibility for providing and maintaining the network infrastructure
outside of the school as well as the school router which provides connectivity between the school
LAN and the DET WAN. These services provide access to the Internet for communication at the
physical level. The Networks branch website is–
Each school has a router supplied by Networks branch (along with a modem from the school’s
Internet Service Provider – ISP) to provide access to the wider DET Network. It is placed in a
cabinet normally found either in the library or the Administration area. The router is controlled and
maintained by Networks and should be left alone unless a school is specifically contacted by
Networks in the event of a failure
Each school is responsible for the purchase and maintenance of switches which allow network
traffic to flow from classrooms in buildings to other classrooms and buildings within the school and
to the router and the wider DET network. Western Sydney region recommends the purchasing of
Hewlett Packard switches. Please contact your Technology Adviser if new switches need to be
purchased due to failure or if plans are being made to extend the school network infrastructure.
Setting Internet Protocol (IP) ranges
Networks branch maintains guidelines on the allocation of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses within
schools. Some IP addresses are reserved for specific items within the school, for example the
router is always 10.x.x.1 and the OASIS server will always be given the address 10.x.x.16or
Proxy Automatic Configuration – PAC files
Pac files are files designed to simplify access to the internet. Further information on PAC files can
be found at
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School Technology Funding Sources
Global funding allocations are calculated annually for each school, at the beginning of each school
year and distributed on a semester basis. The allocations are a combination of historical figures
and formula based on staffing and student numbers. Schools receive two schedules detailing the
breakdown of the funding allocation these are as follows:
Global Allocation Advice Schedule A (computer education as an untied grant)
Specific Purpose Grants Schedule B (computer coordinator allocation, as a tied grant).
An explanation of the information contained in each schedule is provided in the document . The Finance Directorate
web page can be found at
The Schedule A Computer education allocation has two components, the first based on
enrolment band and the second on student population per capita.
The total amount of global funding for primary schools for computer education is calculated by
adding the relevant student bandwidth PLUS the per capita amount i.e.
801 +
$7.82 per
Therefore the formula for a school with 400 students is $2885 + (7.82 x400)
The total amount of global funding for secondary schools for computer education is calculated by
adding the relevant student bandwidth PLUS the per capita amount i.e.
1201 +
$7.82 per
Therefore the formula for a school with 400 students is $12038 + (7.82 x400)
The total amount of global funding for central schools for computer education is the relevant
student bandwidth (no per capita amount applies).
The total amount of global funding for Schools for Specific Purposes (SSP) for computer education
is the relevant student bandwidth (no per capita amount applies).
Student Bandwidth
26 +
Computer Education
In 2006 there is no specific computer funding
for EEC’s.
Special Factors Loading Items
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In addition to the global funding allocations for schools, there are a number of special factors
loadings and Specific purpose program funding that a school may receive according to set criteria.
Technology Schools
Specific purpose program funding allocations from various Directorates are paid to schools at the
same time as the global funding payment. Schedule B provides details of your school’s specific
purpose program funding allocation each semester. Schools should take care to ensure that these
funds are receipted to the relevant tied funds income dissections in OASIS. The memorandum that
follows (98/081) contains guidelines for the use of these tied funds.
These funds are calculated on the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) teacher bandwidths. The table below
represents the formula used in calculating this funding allocation. This is accurate as at February
2006 and may be different in subsequent years.
FTE Teachers
Per Semester
0 – 9.99
$1 784
10 –
$3 568
25 –
$7 024
40 –
$10 146
50 –
$12 598
70 –
$21 072
80 –
$25 197
85 –
$29 433
$33 670
Per Annum
$3 568
$7 135
$14 048
$20 292
$25 197
$42 143
$50 394
$58 866
$67 340
Computer Coordinator Allocation Memorandum 98/081
This memorandum clarifies the provision and purpose of the tied grant for computer coordinator
funding. Appendix 2 contains a copy of this memorandum.
Other sources of Funding
Joint Funding of Capital Works in Schools
Joint funding is available to schools for a range of infrastructure projects including network cabling.
Further information can be obtained by following the link below.
Commonwealth funding through Department of Education, Science and Training
Investing in our schools program
Commonwealth funding available through a submission process. Details can be found at
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Other sources of funding including Success for Boys, and Australian Government Quality Teaching
Program (AGQTP) can be located at
Policies, memoranda and guidelines relevant to ICT in
Current DET policy and related documents can be found at
Professional Learning Policy for Schools
Use by Staff of Employer Communication Devices
Policy Guidelines for Mobile Communication Devices and Associated Services
Policy and procedures for joint funding of capital works in schools
Memo / Circular / Bulletin
Computer Coordinator
School Photographs and
Video and Other Media
Student Access to the
School Publishing On the
Student Safer Searching
on the Internet
Computer skills
assessment year 6
Technology For Learning
Asset Management
Computer Coordinator Resource Material
Privacy Bulletin No 7
23 October 2002
The memorandum containing details of the T4L program can be
found at
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Internet Publishing Guidelines for Schools - information on Privacy and child safety on the
Global Funding Guidelines and Procedures
School Asset Management Guidelines
Strategic plans and priorities
Computer Coordinator Allocation Memorandum 98/081
The Principal
All Government Schools
The Government’s Computers in Schools Program includes provision for computer coordinator support in
government schools
The Minister has recently approved of an annual computer coordinator allocation being provided to all
schools in the form of specifically identified funds according to the relative size of each school as measured
by teacher numbers. This new allocation is additional to the computer education funding component already
included in each school’s general operations grant.
Principals will be given maximum flexibility in determining how the computer coordinator allocation may be
best applied to facilitate the use of computers for educational purposes.
The options, depending on the size of the school include:
 Employment of teachers as computer coordinators
 Employment of computer technicians or computer maintenance personnel
 Pooling allocations with other schools to employ a computer coordinator
 Employment of casual teachers to release teaching staff to undertake computer coordinator duties
 Expenditure on computer related functions such as networking and cabling
 Entering into a contract with service providers to ensure that technology support is available to the
Principals may wish to seek advice from their district technology adviser on the most effective means of
utilising their computer coordinator allocations.
Details of your computer coordinator allocation are attached. This allocation is your school’s entitlement for
the 1997/98 financial year and will be paid direct to your school back account shortly. Allocations will be
increased for the 1998/99 and again for the 1999/2000 financial year. Future payments will be made as halfyearly instalments with your global funding allocation commencing from semester two, 1998. The computer
coordinator allocation is to be accounted for as a tied grant within the school’s chart of accounts.
Any enquiries concerning your school’s funding entitlement should be directed to the Department’s School
and College Financial Support Unit by phone on 13 10 72.
Ken Dixon
Computer Coordinator Resource Material
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Created on: 16-Apr-04
Last Updated: 6-Mar-16
General Manager of Finance
6 April 1998
Computer Coordinator Resource Material
Page 20 of