Husker News from


Husker News from the Counselor’s Corner

Jennifer Hobbs, Counselor

Welcome Back!

Greetings from the Counselor’s Corner! For those of you who I’ve not met, my name is Jennifer Hobbs. I am excited to offer many services to our students and extend an invitation to each of you to contact me with any concerns that may arise over the coming months. My office is located in the Student Service Center where

Michele Summers serves as secretary.

I provide a quarterly newsletter to parents and students with information about upcoming programs, college and scholarship information, ACT testing dates, career information, parenting tips, and various issues currently facing our adolescent population. I encourage each of you to regularly visit

and click on the High School tab. There, you will find direct links to the

Counselor’s Corner and Scholarship pages, as well as other services designed to support our students.

Please do not hesitate to call or stop by the counseling office for more information. An abundance of literature and other resources can be obtained from the office created to help you in each step of your educational journey.

SAT 10 Testing Just Around the Corner!

The Stanford 10 test will be given to ALL freshman students during the week of September 8-12, 2008. The

Stanford 10 (SAT 10) is a multiple-choice assessment that helps educators find out what students know and are able to do. This instrument provides a valid and reliable tool needed for objective measurement of achievement.

Teachers use the scores to identify and help children who are at risk of being left behind.

To help your children perform to the best of their ability, it is important that they get adequate sleep (8-9 hours), eat a well-balanced breakfast of juice and cereal (avoid foods with high sugar content), and wear glasses if they require them for reading and class work. It is important that students be at school during testing, so make every effort to ensure their attendance during the week of September

8-12. Also, don’t forget to remind your child to bring two

#2 non-mechanical pencils and calculators!

Michele Summers, Secretary

The PLAN (or Pre-ACT) test will be administered to all sophomores free of charge on October 21, 2008.

Additionally, the PSAT/NMSQT test will be offered to interested juniors on October 15, 2008. The PSAT is not mandatory, and those who choose this assessment will incur a fee of $13. Considered a Pre-SAT exam, high scores may qualify students for the National Merit


2008-2009 ACT Test Dates

Mark your calendars if you plan to take the ACT during the 2008-2009 school year. We recommend that juniors take the ACT at least once, usually during the April test.

Although seniors may choose to take the test several times, testing in either September or October will ensure

ACT scores for the December 1 st Priority Application

Deadline designated by most Missouri four year colleges and universities. The Priority Deadline of December 1 st is not only tied to housing and scholarship dollars, but also allows seniors to have a jump start on college planning. For more information on application deadlines, contact Mrs. Hobbs in the Guidance Department.

Register for the ACT online at


Test Dates

September 13, 2008

October 25, 2008

December 13, 2008

February 7, 2009

April 4, 2009

June 13, 2009

Registration Deadline

August 12, 2008

September 19, 2008

November 7, 2008

January 6, 2009

February 27, 2009

May 8, 2009


The C-I Academic Partners (CAPS) Academic Awards

Ceremony will be held on September 18 at 2:30 in the high school gym. Eligible recipients will be notified in the coming weeks of their invitation. Any student receiving an award who currently has a work permit should make it a point to return to school on that day so they may be recognized for their excellence in academic performance.

Free Scholarship Search

Over 1.3 million awards worth $3 billion!

Distance Learning Opportunities

A new opportunity for advanced coursework is now available for C-I students! Interactive television, or I-TV, uses video conferencing technology to connect our school to academic programming that includes dual credit courses, upper level high school classes (including

Calculus and Advanced Biology), and a variety of special programs, such as virtual field trips. Several options for school curriculum expansion are provided, as well as multiple sections of course offerings. College credit is available through UCM and Central Methodist University.

To learn more about integrating distance learning into your schedule, contact Mrs. Hobbs.

Senior Salute

Senior year is an exciting time for many, but it can also be a time of uncertainty and worry. To assuage some fears you may have, listed below are a few important facts and dates that will keep you abreast of the many opportunities offered to C-I seniors.

 Because so many of our seniors take dual credit coursework at Wentworth, attend the Technical

Center in Lexington, or utilize work permits in the morning blocks, they miss the valuable information shared in the daily bulletin. Read the bulletin on Mrs.

Graham’s window as you arrive, or take time to visit the school website (

) where announcements are posted each day.

 Familiarize yourself with the registration/application deadlines for colleges, the ACT test, scholarships, and service opportunities. The main reason students don’t get their first choice college or housing or scholarship dollars is because they miss crucial deadlines.

 The fall is the best time to visit the campuses of your favorite colleges. Use one of your college visit days to check them out first hand! Obtain more information on how to do this in the counselor’s office.

Remember these important dates:

9/25 College & Career Night at Richmond High School

6:30-8:00 p.m.

10/1 Wendy’s High School Heisman Scholarship due

10/23 Parent/Teacher Conferences

10/30 Horatio Alger Scholarship due

10/31 Coca-Cola Scholarship due

11/13 Scholarship & Application Workshop-HS Library

6:00-8:00 p.m.

11/25 Career Day at Laf.Co. C-I

12/1 Priority Deadline for scholarships to most universities (including MU!)

Back to School Tips for Parents



Education is a partnership, and children are more likely to succeed if they have the support of parents, teachers, and adult mentors. Here are a few tips to keep our children safe and help them achieve:

1) Avoid chaos and make a smooth transition from summertime to school time by beginning to


3) change the family schedule. Establish routines which include regular bed and meal times.

Have a positive attitude toward education, and let your child know you value learning. Let your child see you reading, pursuing your own interests and developing new skills.

Talk to children about school. Ask open-ended questions and listen to the answers. Your






9) curiosity and attention will make them feel important and spark their enthusiasm for learning.

Establish a set time for homework, and if possible, create a homework area.

Establish and maintain a relationship with your child’s teacher.

Don’t speak negatively in front of your child about his/her teacher or school. If you have a problem, address it with the school.

Get to know other parents. They are a great resource for information and support.

Encourage your child’s natural curiosity and interests through extracurricular activities.

Celebrate effort and learning—not just grades

New To School or Need a Change?

Get Involved!

C-I has many options for students who want to make the most out of their high school career. Join today!

Academic Team

Art Club

Drama Club

Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America

Future Business Leaders of America

Higginsville Youth Directing Realistic Opportunities

Husker Blue Knights Marching Band

Math Relays

National Honor Society

The National FFA Organization

Peer Helpers

Science Club

Spanish Club

Students Against Destructive Decisions

Student Council
