Minutes - Xavier University

SAC Meeting
Call to Order: (3:00PM)
Roll Call: Blake Barlow and Ian Kerley were absent
Prayer: Given by LeeAnn, Kevin to give prayer at next meeting.
Approval of minutes: 10-26-11 minutes were approved without change.
Public Forum
Johari Idusuyi, Senator: Old ride board space idea. Would like your input.
Review of the Budget
Crystal Guffey
My sweater is read; Jimmy’s shirt is blue. Look at me now; I’ve got a budget update for you.
Report of the SGA Executive
Report of the President, Ryan Alleman
I hope that all of you had a great Halloween weekend, and that you week is going well thus
I have a pretty short report for you today. First, thank you to Matt Morefield and Morgan
Zuziak for helping out with the Chartwells visit yesterday. The three of us had the opportunity
to speak with Karla Lux – the director of Strategic Solutions for the Compass Group which also
owns Chartwells.
One pretty important item that I wanted to your attention is the potential future of Pell Grants.
For those of you who are unaware of what Pell Grants are, they are a form of governmentprovided, need-based financial aid. If I’m correct, Pell Grants provided students with up to
$5,550/year to attend school. Many of you will probably recall the rather significant debt crisis
that the United States found itself in towards the end of the summer, and the establishment of
the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, whose charge is to continue the work of the
summer by cutting the long-term deficit by 1.2 trillion. Currently, that committee is
considering a 20% cut to Pell Grants – for students who truly are need-based – could be quite
significant. Many higher education institutions are rallying against this proposed cut, and
Xavier is beginning to articulate its own response. For those of you who are interested, SGA
has been asked to help examine the student aspect of this issue – currently I have 4
interested Senators. We would likely be working over the next few weeks to draft a student
response. If you would like to assist in this effort, please let me know.
Finally, I have a meeting set with Auxiliary Services and Enterprise Rent-A-Car for tomorrow
to discuss the WeCar car sharing program. I will have more updates for you next week
regarding this meeting.
That’s all I have for today. If you have any questions, I’d be happy to take them at this time.
Could you explain more about grant? (Explanation) How often will that group be meeting? No
formal time, we’ll meet in the next few days. We’ve talked to University Communications, will
be talking to Newswire. Could you talk to students who have Pell grants? That’s a good idea. I
(Jimmy) can help.
Report of the Legislative Vice President, Brock McMorran
I only have a few items that I would notify you all of, so my report should be pretty brief:
1.) First, I do want to apologize for tone of my report last week regarding printing. My
comments may have been accusing and harsh, and I want you to know that I feel as
though I made them on a weak basis. After doing some preliminary investigating, it
appears as though SGA may not be culprit in this matter. By the end of the week be
looking for new policies regarding printing.
2.) The Ad Hoc Committee for the Provost had their first meeting yesterday, which was
very beneficial. Essentially the five us will answering three main questions:
a. What are job descriptions of a Senator, SACer, Executive, etc…?
b. How does SGA serve the student body in terms of its growth in mind, body,
and spirit? and
c. How can SGA support the work of the Provost and vis versa?
As there will be a discussion/activity regarding the charge of this committee at
workshop, the five of us will be meeting 2x per week to get everything accomplished.
As President Alleman stated in his previous report, we hope to have a final draft of
everything by semesters end.
3.) Something that was suggested in my evaluation is that I try to be more familiar with
each committee and the work they do. Somebody commented that I attend a meeting
of each committee just to observe and listen, and I really like this idea! Chairs- I will
be in touch with you to see if there is a time a can make your meetings so that I can
get to know you all a little better and get a glimpse into your life of SAC.
4.) Lastly, I will be meeting with Amy Reed, Director of TRiO (SSS), to discuss how SGA
can help supplement her work and vision for student support.
Report of the Administrative Vice President, Lydia Gerlach
Please thank Megan and Matt for the snacks! Next week, Makenna’s SAC Snack is “to be
For my project update, only one thing:
LGBTQ Position: LGBTQ Training and Support Intern (LTSI)
1.Now that you have had a chance to look the application over, are there any questions,
comments or concerns?
Report of the SAC Chair, Morgan Zuziak
Workshop: Don’t forget workshop is coming up! November 18th and 19th!
Evaluations: I got my evaluations today and I want to thank the 10 of you who turned it in for
your feedback, I really appreciate it. I’m here as a resource to you all and I really appreciate
any feedback that you all have so I can be the best SAC Chair I can be for this board. I wish
that more of you would’ve turned them in so I could’ve gotten more feedback, however,
evaluations aren’t the only time you can give me feedback. So if there is anything that you
ever notice that I can do to better your experience on the board please let me know!
Pictures: First Year SACers, Next Wednesday November 9th from 2:45 – 3:15 in the Alumni
Center rm. 109 Greg Rust, the university photographer will be taking your pictures as well as
the 1st year Senators pictures for the picture board! Because of the SAC meeting, I will not be
there, however, the lovely Senate Coordinator, Seth Walsh, will be there to show you all
where the room is!
Meeting with UC:
i. November 20, 2011 (still figuring out time and place)
Proposals due Sunday October 30th:
ii. L&C Event on November 30th
iii. Late Night Snack on December 1st
iv. Festival of Lights on December 2nd
v. Mr. Muskie on December 6th
vi. Breaking Dawn – Tomorrow
vii. Thank you Jacquelyn for cleaning it out!!!
Is there a better way to fix the system so you are not excluded from evaluation? We are going
to look into how evaluations are done.
Report of Advisor, Dustin Lewis
First off, I want to give a big shout out to Concerts and Campus Traditions on knocking out a
couple of big programs this past weekend. Katie Sellers, in particular, deserves some praise
as she did a fantastic job with decorations for the Friday Fright Night event! And now, for
your Senate Minute:
Drew Dziedzic is working with Res Life to renovate the Buenger Music Room. The
room has been used in the past by the many music majors that lived in Buenger Hall
as a space where they can rehearse or practice and it has been used recreationally by
other residents in that building as a space where they can play the piano or
congregate for other events. The room has in recent years been in disarray but is now
being brought back to life. Drew worked with Shonda Daniels and Lori Lambert to
have the carpets cleaned and is now working with Tom Merrill in the Music Department
to try and secure either a replacement piano for the one in Buenger that is busted up
and missing strings/keys, or to have a tuner and repair person come in to fix the
upright piano they currently have. With any hopes, Drew would like to procure “new”
furniture for the room from existing pieces once Res Life offices and others begin their
transition to the Musketeer Mezzanine space.
Johari Idusuyi reported earlier that she is working on creating an SGA is Listening
space where the old ride board used to be on the first floor of Gallagher. Please make
sure you turn in your notecards giving her feedback on this project. Additionally, she
is working with Adam Lamb and Needom Mitchell to survey resident students about
parking and dining to report back to the campus Parking and Dining Committees. If
you are a resident, please take time to fill out the survey from your RA.
Jared Greene is working with Lori Lambert and Bob Cotter to build a new plan for the
print stations SGA purchased for students to use in The Village, The Commons and
Buenger Hall (also accessible by UA and Manor House).
I want to remind everyone that when you are making purchases for SAC, SGA or for the
University, you need to be using the Tax Exempt Form and making sure that the tax is taken
off of your purchase. Not only should we comply with this tax rule for the university’s tax
reporting, but it will also save SAC a lot of money. Lately I’ve seen more and more purchases
made that include tax – which is not the best practice to help make the student’s dollars
spread out further. Please remember to get the tax taken off and take an exemption form
with you when you’re shopping.
I passed out the new SGA Workshop Participant Agreement earlier in the meeting so that
everyone could have a chance to look it over and prepare any questions you have. Please ask
me questions about this during the meeting or if you prefer to discuss anything with this
agreement after the meeting, I will be available.
Going around the meeting now is an updated report about SGA event attendance. Please take
a moment to make sure that your events are fully updated and double check the last column
where I’m looking for co-sponsors you may have worked with on your events.
Just a reminder for the new SAC’ers about the Emerging Leaders Retreat. I do encourage all
of you to attend and again, SGA will cover the cost of the retreat for you. Please remember to
print off the application I sent you, fill it out and leave it in my mailbox. I have received 3
from Senate and 1 from SAC so far.
Finally, just a reminder that today is your deadline to turn in your SGA Workshop Assumption
of Risk and Medical Releases to me so that you can attend the workshop.
Did you know Matt and I are alum of retreat, and encourage all to attend? Is this the first year
we’ve done a participate agreement form? Yes. Is this brought on by last year’s workshop?
Yes. I think that this is important for clubs to know about, not just us.
Report of the SGA Resource Assistant, Crystal Guffey
I went to the Mike Posner conference on Saturday. It was great. Audience really seemed like
they were having fun.
I’ve been covering ways to disseminate information in my report. This week I have this 10
ways we can make your life easier and improve your communications poster issued by
I know many of you are concerned with how to reach out to commuter students. Leah passed
down ideas for Commuter Friendliness. I’ll be sending you two pdf that have some really great
ideas to pull from
Programming 1.PDF
Programming 2.PDF
Alumni Weekend is this weekend. OSI is having an open house Friday evening 5-7pm. Hang
around to talk with some SGA alumni, I’m sure they would be interested in what you all are
Opinion Entries
Proposals (must be emailed prior to meeting)
FAC, Jim Reitenbach
Blast from the Past
Late night movie – Scream 4: 115 people attended.
The theatre was really bright; do they always leave the lights on?
Mike Posner: Everyone I talked to said they had fun, Newswire had a positive article. 1200
tickets sold.
Friday Fright night: Thanks to all that came. 350 people showed up, goal was only 150.
Here and Now
Xavier’s Got Talent: Wednesday. 9 entertainers will be performing. Prize is gift cards.
Yum Cupcakes: Thursday. Come out to support. Serving milk, 1 whole cupcake per person.
Committee Reports
Financial Affairs Committee, Jim Reitenbach
We met with Active minds and allocated them an extra 500.00 to participate in the stress
relief day. We saw this as an unforeseen event. We went over our evaluations and dicussed
some new projects to work on.
Publicity, Annette Frac
Hey guys for those who are proposing next week remember our meetings are Sunday at 7.
Stress relief promo just came in so that should be in the office. Jimmy Gieiser came to our
publicity meeting last week and he expressed a concern that SAC is not being very considerate
when it comes to hanging up promo. So try to avoid covering up other fliers and be sure to
take down old promo when going around and hanging up your new promo. Also I will soon be
in contact with Jordan Bramel from web services. For those of you who are familiar with the
Xavier app, you know that there is an “Events” section on the page. I will work on trying to
get our SAC events on there to further promote our events.
Late Night Programming, LeeAnn Scherbauer
Hey SAC! Late Night Snack is tomorrow with Xavier's Got Talent. Please come out at 10pm,
but we will start setting up at 9:30pm. We are continuing to work on MAD as it approaches
next Friday! Expect a proposal on Wednesday for Late Night Snack in December. Thanks!
Life & Culture, Analisa Condon
Not Emailed
Campus Traditions, Sarah Richardson
In our committee meeting this past week, we spent some time evaluating Friday Fright Night
to determine what went well and what we can improve on for next year! We were very happy
with the attendance, enthusiasm, DJ, and decorations, and feel like the costume contest could
have gone a little smoother with more organization! On a different note, Mr Muskie
applications are out and available!! Please spread the word, they are due in the SAC office
November 18! Lastly, Matt and Dustin have put in a request for our "First Plan" for lectures
and are waiting to hear back about it, hopefully we will have an answer by next week!
Concerts, Matt Morefield
Thank you everyone for your help with Mike Posner. It went really well and I've only heard
good things from students that went. The attendance ended up being approximately 1200
tickets which is great. Thank you to my committee and Lauren, Molly Dugan, Dustin and
Whitney for their help on the day of the show.
Xavier's Got Talent is this week. I hope you can all make it out there to support Fara and
Travis at their event. Auditions were held Monday and they currently have 8 acts to perform
during LNS.
Did you know Posner pictures are up on my (Dustin’s) Facebook page. If you would like
original, let me know. Will there be a spring concert? It depends on how our budget breaks
Closing Sentiments
Cynthia Bear was given to Katie Sellers, What are your Thanksgiving Day plans?
Adjourned: (4:00PM)