Algebra II, Track 1 Logo Project (3rd Quarter) Designing A Logo The logo pictured is the symbol for the Olympic Games. These five rings represent the five parts of the world, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and the Americas. At least one of the colors of the logo appears in the flag of every nation. The interlocking rings symbolize the meeting of athletes from all over the world. A logo is a symbol that visually represents an organization. A good logo will often suggest or explain something about the organization it represents. In this project, you will design a logo for an organization that interests you. Project Goal: Use a graphing calculator to design a logo composed of any combination of the following: Linear Functions Quadratic Functions Cubic Functions Polynomial Functions Absolute Value Functions Exponential Functions Conics Stat Plots Materials Needed: 11” X 14” poster board (Use Vertically) Markers, crayons, etc 8 ½ “ X 11” computer printout of equations Mrs. Smith Project Directions: 1. Sketch your logo idea. Your logo design should meet the following criteria: The logo should be simple and easy to read. The logo should be distinctive and easily understood. The logo should feature information about the organization’s functions, services, or products. 2. Use your graphing calculator to enter equations to draw your logo design. 3. You have available seven (7) equations. You may need to restrict your domain to properly replicate your design. 4. You may also use your stat plots to complete your design. 5. Adjust your window to best display your design. 6. Using your USB port, link your calculator to your computer. Use the screen capture feature of TI Connects to import your equations, window size, and graph to a word document. 7. Your document should be headed with the name of your organization. In a brief paragraph, describe the organization. 8. Print out this document and glue it to the back of your poster board. 9. Draw your design on the front of your poster board. You may use color to enhance your logo, but it should closely resemble your calculator graph. Mrs. Smith 95 Project Rubric: You select an organization and design an interesting logo using a variety of functions. The logo is appropriate for the organization contains all the features listed in the instructions. The poster of the logo is well drawn and neatly done. Your explanations are clear and all directions have been followed. 85 You select an organization and design an interesting logo using a variety of functions. The logo is appropriate for the organization contains most features listed in the instructions. The poster of the logo is well drawn and neatly done. Your explanations are clear and most directions have been followed. 80 You select an organization and design a logo using some simple functions, but the design selected does not relate to the organization or is not easily understood. A neatly drawn poster is made of the logo. Your explanations are not clear and/or some of the directions have not been followed. 75 You select an organization and design a logo using very few, simple functions. The design selected does not relate to the organization or is not easily understood. A poster is made of the logo, but it is not neatly done. Your explanations are not clear and/or few of the directions have been followed. Note: You may earn up to 5 points for creativity of your final project. Mrs. Smith