Eastern Connecticut State University EDU 554: Logo, a Programming Language Instructor: Sudha Swaminathan Contact Information: Please communicate through WebCT email only. Department: Education Course Title: Logo, a Programming Language. Course Number: EDU 554 Credit Hours: 3 Catalog Description: Examines rationale, development, and use of Logo to promote critical thinking, mathematics, and writing. (Acceptable for Elementary Education endorsement.) Course Prerequisites: Admission to the graduate education program. Purpose of the Course: To understand the educational value of Logo for developing students’ mathematical and problem-solving abilities, to study the developmental implications of Logo for the classroom and to develop effective logobased computer environments for students. Required Software: 1. Microworlds EX home use option (available at our bookstore or online at the LCSI website, www.microworlds.com or through www.campusestore.com (800-874-9001) Required Reading: 1. Select articles from the LCSI website at www.microworlds.com 2. Select articles from the Logo Foundation at http://el.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/index.html 3. Others as stated in the units. Disability statement: If you are a student with a disability and believe you will need accommodations for this class, it is your responsibility to contact the Office of AccessAbility Services at 465-5573. To avoid any delay in the receipt of accommodations, you should contact the Office of AccessAbility Services as soon as possible. Please note that I cannot provide accommodations based upon disability until I have received an accommodation letter from the Office of AccessAbility Services. Your cooperation is appreciated. EDU 554 1 Swaminathan Course Outcomes Aligned with the Education Department's Performance Expectations, NETS*T (ISTE) Standards and with Related Key Experiences Outcomes 1. Articulate the rationale for Logo as a viable educational tool in the classroom. 2. Understand the theoretical background to Logo. 3. Understand the research base for Logo applications in the classroom. 4. Develop a working knowledge of Logo and be able to solve Logo-based problems. 5. Develop a Logo-based problem-solving environment for students that are appropriate and effective. 6. Develop lesson plans that integrate Logo within the curriculum. 7. Be able to assess students’ programming to understand their cognitive capabilities. 8. Critically evaluate the instructional value of Logo projects. EDU 554 Performance Expectations 1.1 4.1 NETS*T & CCCT Key Experiences NETS*T 1, 2, 3; CCCT I5, II2, I4 Research paper Discussions 1.1 2.1 3.2 4.1 3.1 NETS*T 1; CCCT I5, II2, II1 Research paper NETS*T 1, 2, 3; ; CCCT I5, II2, I4, III4 Research paper 1.1 2.3 NETS*T 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; CCCT III4, I3, II1 Discussions Logo lesson plans Logo projects Logo projects 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 4.1 5.1 NETS*T 1, 2, 3; CCCT I1, 2; II1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4 4.1 5.1, 3.1 1.1 2.4 NETS*T 1, 2, 3; CCCT I1, 2; II1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Logo lesson plans NETS*T 1, 2, 3; CCCT I1, 2; II1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 NETS*T 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; CCCT I1, 2; II1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Logo lesson plans Mini-projects Discussions 3.1 3.2 2 Swaminathan Course Outline: EDU 554 1. Logo programming: Basic commands, repeat, procedures. 2. Logo environments: Background and animation. 3. Theory and research behind Logo. 4. Implications of NCTM and ISTE Standards for Logo. 5. Developing Logo-based environments. 6. Assessing students’ work within Logo. 7. Evaluating Logo projects. 3 Swaminathan Assignments All assignments are due on or before the date indicated. Some of the assignments (such as the discussions) also have after date as well, that is, these should not be submitted before the date specified. My rationale is that you give yourself processing time for each activity or discussion and pace yourself optimally. Should there occur an emergency, please contact me immediately to explain and request an extension of dates. All assignments are described in greater detail later. 1. Review of Practices paper Due: TBD 20 points Compile a review of practices paper that examines the instructional value of Logo. You may narrow the focus of your paper to a specific area within education (such as Math or Art). Your paper should be well-analyzed, comprehensive, and APA referenced. Referenced articles need not be solely research papers but should be from reputable journals. Please plan on using APA style for all references. 2 Logo projects Due: TBD 45 points Create 5 logo projects as per directions given. 3 Lesson plan (with Logo project 5) Due: TBD 15 points Develop complete a lesson plan describing the integration of your logo project # 5 within the classroom curriculum. 3. Discussions Due: TBD 20 points Please participate in all necessary discussions as well as responses to postings, as indicated in the relevant units. Other Important Information Final grades will be assigned according to the scale below: A AB+ B BC+ EDU 554 ≥96 ≥92 ≥88 ≥85 ≥82 ≥78 C CD+ D D- 4 ≥75 ≥72 ≥68 ≥65 ≥62 Swaminathan Tentative Schedule for EDU 554 Week 1 Unit 1: Logo Programming: Basic commands History and Rationale for Logo Discussion 1 due Project 1 due Week 2 Unit 2: Logo Programming: Procedures, Recursive Procedures NCTM and ISTE Standards Discussion 2 due Project 2 due Week 3 Unit 3: Logo: Backgrounds, Animations and Music Logo Projects Discussion 3 due Project 3 due Week 4 Unit 4: Developing Logo Projects Discussion 4 due Project 4 due Week 5 Unit 5: Curricular Integration Review of Practices Paper Due Week 6 Unit 6: Assessment and Reflection Project 5 and Lesson Plan Due EDU 554 5 Swaminathan EDU 554: Evaluation of Responses to Discussion Questions Throughout this course, you will respond to four discussion questions. These will be due on the dates specified in the class schedule above. In responding to these discussions, please remember to write professionally (in both style and language) and to address all pertinent points relevant to the topic. Your responses should very clear and very explicit reference to class readings and topics. Do feel free to refer to articles or websites assigned as readings for the week. Please be succinct and crisp in your writing. While it is tempting to write long, please remember that “brevity is the soul of wit” (Shakespeare). In addition to responding to the question, I do expect you to read responses posted by other students. For at least two discussion topics, please post a response to two other students’ original response (a total of 4 re-responses). In these responses, please remember to be professional and courteous. Responses to discussion questions will be evaluated based on your timely and professional completion. Please peruse the rubric below for further guidance on evaluation of discussions. Grading Rubric 4 3 2 1 0 Timely: Responses are posted within the time limit. Style: Written in a clear, succinct and coherent manner. Work is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Style of writing is professional and courteous of peers. Pertinent: Responses address all aspects of the topic adequately and clearly. Connections: Responses show explicit and clear connections to class readings and topics. Re-responses: Posts at least two reresponses to peers on two different topics (a total of 4 re-responses). Re-responses show clear evidence of reading peers’ postings. EDU 554 6 Swaminathan EDU 554: Review of Practices Paper Guidelines and Scoring Rubric Due: TBD 20 points Please select a topic of interest within the global framework of teaching students. These may range from curricular topics such as Math or Art, to topics such as diversity and special education. As you complete the readings for each week, and enhance your working knowledge of Logo, you should be able to hone in on a topic of interest. Please discuss your topic with me before digging deeper into it. Once your topic is chosen, explore and collect quality educational papers related to it. These may be culled from any of the class readings, from websites referred to in class, or quality paper journals at the library. Do make the effort to visit either our library or a library near you; to search through their journals and to access relevant print journals. You should have a good mix of online and print journals within your reference list. Referenced articles need not be solely research papers but should be from reputable journals. Be extra cautious about articles on Logo posted on the internet and scrutinize them for their credibility, reliability and intrinsic value. If in doubt about a certain article, please run it by me. Compile your readings into a well-organized coherent paper. Your paper should be a synthesis of your readings and not a summary of each article. It should highlight key implications from the articles for teaching Logo and for learning with Logo. References should be richly intertwined within the article. Please use the APA manual for formatting guidelines. You may include your personal viewpoints and your personal experiences. However, these should not form the fulcrum of the article. The primary purpose of the paper is to present a collective synthesis of your readings of other articles. Your viewpoints are valuable only so far as to indicate their effect on you. Your paper should contain the following: 1. Introduction: Outline the topic, describe it and rationalize your choice in deciding on this topic. 2. Body of the paper organized within subtopics. Each subtopic should have a clear introduction, descriptions and implications for teaching and learning with Logo or other appropriate details. 3. Conclusion: Outline the major findings, implications and effects on your thinking. 4. Bibliography: Present a complete APA-style reference list. EDU 554 7 Swaminathan EDU 554: Scoring Rubric for the Review of Practices Paper Name: Topic: Score: 4 3 2 1 0 Organization: Clear introduction, and relevant conclusions. Subtopics are well chosen and guide the reading of the paper. Clarity: Written in a clear, succinct and coherent manner. Work is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Style of writing is professional. Synthesis: Readings from articles are compiled and presented coherently and logically. Synthesis is clear and pertinent. Implications: All subtopics carry implications drawn from the articles. Implications offer clear instructional ideas for the teacher, students and the parents. References: Articles listed in the bibliography are authentic and reliable. Both print and online articles are used. Paper has references listed within the body of the text relevantly. Reference list is formatted APA-style. 4: Excellent performance. All aspects are addressed with exceptional detail and clarity. Work goes beyond expectations. 3: Very good performance. All aspects are addressed with good detail and clarity. Work shows good promise. 2: Good performance. All aspects are addressed. Work meets basic requirements. 1: Questionable performance. Only some aspects are addressed, with detail and clarity lacking in key aspects. Work needs improvement. 0: Poor performance. Relevant aspects are missing. Poor in detail and clarity. Work does not merit grading. EDU 554 8 Swaminathan EDU 554: Logo Projects All Logo projects should be done in Microworlds EX. Please save each project in the following naming format: “Logo Project 1 Sudha S” —name of project with the number followed by your first name and last name initial. Projects not labeled in this format will not be accepted. Before you drop off assignments in the assignment drop-off area, please check to make sure that the pages are named, all textboxes are visible and the project is saved properly. At appropriate times, I will post samples of each of these projects. Please use these samples as general examples and try to do better than them. And please add your own reflections to them. I. Logo Project I Due: TBD 9 points. Please use the basic commands (PD, FD, BK, RT, LT, HT and ST) to have the turtle draw the following: A path with an acute turn. A path with an obtuse turn. The first letter of your first name, drawn solely rectilinearly, that is “S” would be drawn with straight lines as in the posted sample. Please make sure that each is drawn in a different page. Name the page after the shape. Create two text boxes for each page. In one, please copy and paste the command center commands. In the other, reflect on your process of creating the shape. II. Logo Project II Due: TBD 9 points. Please use repeat, basic commands and procedures to do the following: A square with each side measuring 100 steps. A rectangle of sides 30 and 60 steps. An equilateral triangle with each side measuring 80 steps. Another equilateral triangle with each side measuring 120 steps. Please make sure that each is drawn in a different page. Name the page after the shape. Create two text boxes for each page. In one, please copy and paste the command center commands. In the other, reflect on your process of creating the shape. III. Logo Project III Due: TBD 9 points. Please use repeat, basic commands and procedures to do the following: A circle that is the size of a quarter. Create a recursive procedure of your choice. It should have procedures embedded within procedures. EDU 554 9 Swaminathan Please make sure that each shape is drawn in a different page. Name the page after the shape. Create two text boxes for each page. In one, please copy and paste the command center commands. In the other, reflect on your process of creating the shape. IV. Logo Project IV Due: TBD 9 points. Please create a pictorial scene with a background, relevant animation and music. You may use any of Microworlds tools, but please make sure that you have a moving shape with specific commands for direction and/or speed. Please make sure the scene is based on a popular classroom topic, such as My community, Nutrition, or Transportation. Feel free to choose any topic relevant to your curricular age group. Please make sure that you write your reflection on the process of creating the scene in a different page (appropriately named). V. Logo Project V Due: TBD 9 points. Please create a Math-based activity for students. First develop a background scene that simulates a popular children’s book of your choice. You may choose to focus on one particular scene within the book. Ensure that there is one active turtle preferably in a shape that is relevant to the storyline. Have buttons for various relevant movements. Within a textbox, please provide appropriate instructions for students to engage mathematically in the activity. Please see the posted sample, modeled after Eric Carle’s The very hungry caterpillar. Please make sure that you write your reflection on the process of creating the scene in a different page (appropriately named). This last project is done in conjunction with the Lesson Plan assignment. Please refer to the guidelines for that for more detail. EDU 554 10 Swaminathan EDU 554: Scoring Rubric for Logo Projects I-IV Name: Score: 3 2 1 0 Logo commands: Accurate and fulfills task requirements completely. Reflection: Clearly highlights key aspects of the process, including debugging and learning through errors, rationale for choice of shapes and sizes and growing self-awareness of Logo’s capabilities. Clarity: Drawing and textboxes do not obscure each other. Pages are clearly named. Overall presentation is clear and professional. Scoring System: 3: Exceptional detail and analysis provided. Shows deep reflection and understanding of students. 2: Adequate detail. Analysis covers all angles. Shows some reflection and understanding of students. 1: Several critical details are missing. Analysis lacks depth. Reflection shows meager attempts to understand students. 0: Inadequate or totally missing details. Insufficient analysis and reflection. EDU 554 11 Swaminathan EDU 554: Lesson Plan Due: TBD 15 points The basic purpose of this assignment is to develop a Logo-based lesson that students can engage in. It should be developmentally appropriate and creatively use the unique power of the Logo Microworlds. The logo lesson that you develop must be based on a children’s literature of your choice. The assignment paper should include the following: A. Book: Name the children’s literature or book, describe it briefly and your rationale for choosing that book. Outline the math connections in the book. Include information about how you would initiate the book. Specifically mention how you would incorporate introduction to the logo project within the discussion of the book. B. Lesson Plan: Provide a detailed lesson plan for the implementation of the logo project in the classroom. Your lesson plan should follow the CT SDE lesson format (see below). C. Reflection: Reflect on the process of creating this mini curricular project for students. Weave in references to articles or website links that guided your thinking as you developed the project. What were some of the most difficult parts of this process and how did you problem solve? EDU 554 12 Swaminathan Grading Rubric for the Logo Project V and Lesson Plan Name: Score for Logo Project V: Score for Lesson Plan: Logo Project V 3 2 1 0 3 2 1 0 Logo—Clarity: Overall design of the logo environment is clear and easily comprehensible. Logo—Directions and Scaffolding: Directions for students presented within the project and others in worksheets (if any) are optimally presented. Logo—Math Skills: Environment invites exercise and practice of relevant Math skills. Lesson Plan Scope and sequence: Overall plan, objectives and sequencing are developmentally appropriate and logical. Creativity: Extension of the literature, logo environment, and lesson planning show creative use of resources and concepts. Children’s Literature: Selection is appropriate; math connections; initiation, and extension into logo outlined. Assessment: Assessment plans are outlined clearly and rubrics for assessing objectives are provided. Reflection Paper: Clearly presented, shows deep reflection and is professionally presented. References are included. Scoring System: 3: Exceptional detail and analysis provided. Shows deep reflection and understanding of students. 2: Adequate detail. Analysis covers all angles. Shows some reflection and understanding of students. 1: Several critical details are missing. Analysis lacks depth. Reflection shows meager attempts to understand students. 0: Inadequate or totally missing details. Insufficient analysis and reflection. EDU 554 13 Swaminathan Note: This document is a template in MSWord. As you type into the form, it will expand to accommodate what you have written. CT SDE Lesson Plan Format Student Teacher ________________________ Grade Level______ Date of lesson_______________ Institution ___________________________ Length of lesson_______________ Content Standards: Identify one or two primary local, state or national curricular standards this lesson is designed to help students attain. How will the learning tasks lead students to attain the identified standards? Learner Background: Describe the students’ prior knowledge or skill related to the learning objective(s) and the content of this lesson, using data from pre-assessment as appropriate. How did the students’ previous performance in this content area or skill impact your planning for this lesson? Student Learning Objective(s): Identify specific and measurable learning objectives for this lesson. Assessment: How will you ask students to demonstrate mastery of the student learning objective(s)? Attach a copy of any assessment materials you will use, along with assessment criteria. Materials/Resources: List the materials you will use in each learning activity including any technological resources. Learning Activities: Identify the instructional grouping (whole class, small groups, pairs, individuals) you will use in each lesson segment and approximate time frames for each. Initiation: Briefly describe how you will initiate the lesson. (Set expectations for learning; articulate to learners what they will be doing and learning in this lesson, how they will demonstrate learning, and why this is important) Lesson Development: Describe how you will develop the lesson, what you will do to model or guide practice, and the learning activities students will be engaged in order to gain the key knowledge and skills identified in the student learning objective(s). Closure: Briefly describe how you will close the lesson and help students understand the purpose of the lesson. (Interact with learners to elicit evidence of student understanding of purpose(s) for learning and mastery of objectives) Individuals Needing Differentiated Instruction: Describe 1 to 3 students with learning differences. These students may be special or general education students and need not be the same students for each lesson. Students may represent a range of ability and/or achievement levels, including students with IEPs, gifted and talented students, struggling learners, and English language learners. EDU 554 14 Swaminathan Note: Differentiated instruction may not be necessary in every lesson. However, over the course of the student teaching placement, it is expected that each student teacher will demonstrate the ability to differentiate instruction in order to meet the needs of students with learning differences. Which students do you anticipate may struggle with the content/learning objectives of this lesson? Student name Evidence that the student needs How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson to support student differentiated instruction learning? Which students will need opportunities for enrichment/higher level of challenge? Student name Evidence that the student needs How will you differentiate instruction in this lesson to support student differentiated instruction learning? Notes from the pre-conference EDU 554 15 Swaminathan