Jacksonville School of Bridge (JSOB) Standard When you fill out a

Jacksonville School of Bridge (JSOB) Standard
When you fill out a convention card, don't assume that you and partner understand a
convention the same way just because you've agreed on the name. Writing down
understandings in detail will help you have a better partnership. Use this as a starting
point. Play what you like, change what you don't.
The general approach of JSOB Standard is Two-over-One Game Force. Choose one of
two ways to show the invitational hands with 6 or more cards in the suit and 10 (or a very
good 9) to 11+ or bad 12 HCP range: Either play that 1 of a suit by Opener-3 of a lower
suit by Responder is natural and invitational (eg.1♠-3♣) or play that Responder's simple
rebid in the 2\1 suit is invitational (eg. 1♠-2♣; 2♦-3♣). 1 of a Major promises 5 in 1st or
2nd seat, but not in 3rd or 4th. Open almost all 12 HCP hands in 1st and 2nd seat except
4333 with more than the average number of Queens and Jacks and fewer than the average
number of 10s and 9s. Open 11 HCP distributional hands. Open "Rule of 20" hands with
a couple of Quick Tricks. Open 2 1\2 Quick Trick 10 HCP hands with a good 6 card suit.
For example, open 1♦ with 10xx, Kx, AK10xxx, xx.
Don't rely on inflexible rules.
If no bid is perfect, choose the least imperfect bid.
Abbreviations: 0\1=splinter, either a singleton or void in that suit; 4M=4-card Major or
4-level of that Major; 5+=5 or more in that suit; 4♥\4♠=either 4Hearts or 4Spades;
Art=artificial; BPH=by passed hand; BUPH= by unpassed hand; CoG=Choice of Game;
CoS=Choice of Slam; F1=1-round force; GF=game force; GI=game invitation(al);
GT=game try; HCP = high card points; IMO: in my opinion; Inv=invitation(al);
JSOB=Jacksonville School of Bridge; KC=key card(s); LHO=left hand opponent;
LR=Limit Raise; M=Major; m=minor; max=maximum; min=minimum; mSS=minor suit
Stayman; NF=not forcing; NMF=new minor forcing; NS=new suit; O=Opener;
oM=other Major; om=other minor; PH=passed hand; Q=cue bid; Qnt=quantitative;
R=Responder; RHO=right hand opponent; RKC=Roman Key Card; SI=slam
invitation(al); ST=slam try; t\o=takeout; UPH=unpassed hand; w\=with; w\o=without;
x=double; xx=redouble
INT Opening
Opening INT is 15 to 17.
 Promote good 14+ HCP with good 5-minor and good spot cards. Demote bad
15HCP with 4333 and fewer than average number of 10s and 9s. Bad 18's can open
1NT if 4-3-3-3, no 10s and 9s.
1NT can have a 5-card Major
Non-forcing Stayman
W\ both 4-card Ms, O responds ♥s first
W\ 5-card M, O jumps to 3M if R bids Stayman.
4-suit transfers (2♦→2♥, 2♥→2♠, 2♠→3♣, 2NT→3♦) O can super-accept.
Texas 4♦ and 4♥
INT-2♣; 2♦-2♥ is weak with both Ms (55, 45, or 44)
1NT-2♣; 2♦-2♠ is weak with 5♠ and 4♥
 Option: Play this sequence as invitational with 5♠4♥. With weak 54, bid Stayman
then 2♥ over 2♦
INT-2♣; 2♥-2♠ shows four ♠s, GI
1NT-2♣; 2♥-2NT is GI without 4♠
1NT-2♣; 2 any-3m=GF and natural
INT-2♣; 2♦-3♥ or 3♠=Smolen
 Jump in 4-card M=GF, 5+ of oM. If the 1NT opening has 3-card support for oM, it
can declare the contract and be protected from the lead
1NT-2♠ transfers to 3♣s
 either weak, invite 3NT (eg. AQxxxx or KQxxxx and out) or strong, depending
upon follow-up
 2NT by O accepts if R was inviting 3NT
INT-2NT transfers to 3♦s (3♣ accepts if R was inviting 3NT).
Transfer to 3♣s or 3♦s followed by NS=0\1 in NS
1NT-2♣; 2any-3m shows a 4-card M and a longer m, GF
1NT-2♣; 2♠-3♥-shows 4♠s with some 0\1, then
 3♠ asks "what singleton or void"?
o R bids: 3NT=0\1♥, 4♣=0\1♣, 4♦=0\1♦
1NT-2♣; 2♥-3♠ shows 4♥s with some 0\1
 3NT asks "what singleton or void"?
o R bids: 4♣=0\1♣; 4♦=0\1♦; 4♥=0\1♠ willing to stop in 4♥; 4♠=0\1♠+enough
extras to make ST beyond game
1NT-2♣; 2♥-4♣=Roman Key Card Gerber for ♥s
1NT-2♣; 2♠-4♣=RKC Gerber for ♠s
1NT-2♣; 2♥-4♦=balanced ST with 4♥s
1NT-2♣; 2♠-4♦=balanced ST with 4♠s
1NT-2C; 2M-4NT=Qnt, not Blackwood, denies 4M, promises 4oM
1NT-2C; 2M-5NT=Stronger than 4NT; denies a fit for O's Major
Forces O to choose slam in 6 of the other Major or 6NT
1NT-2♣; 2♦-4NT=Qnt, not Blackwood
INT-3♣=both ms (5-5 or better) weak
 Option: Better is 3♣ Puppet Stayman, GF, asks if O has a 5-card M.
 If O doesn't have a 5-card M but has 1 or 2 4-card Ms, O bids 3♦.
If O bids 3♦, then:
 with one M, R bids 3 of oM, so O can play the hand if there's a fit
 With 2Ms, R bids 4♣ forcing O to pick a M
 With only interest in 5-3 M fit, R bids 3NT (or 4NT Inv)
If O has no 4\5-card M, simplest (but not best) is to bid 3NT over 3♣.
For more see http://www.wednesdaygame.com/ba/1nt/puppet.htm
1NT-3♦=both ms (5-5 or better) GF
INT-3♥=5-5 Ms, Inv
INT-3♠=5-5 in Ms, GF
1NT-2♥; 2♠-3♥=5-5Ms, slam try.
After Jacoby, w\ 4 trumps O can super accept by:
 jumping to 3M w\ min, or bidding 2NT w\ max (R can retransfer over 2NT)
Jacoby then NS at 3-level bid=GF, natural, 2nd suit. Eg. 1NT-2♥; 2♠-3♣
1NT-2♦; 2♥-2♠=4♠s5+♥s, GI. O chooses suit or NT, 2 or 3 level.
1NT-2♦; 2♥-4♥=mild slam try.
INT-2♦; 2♥-jump in NS=splinter
1NT-2♦; 2♥-4NT=natural, Qnt, ST in 6♥ or 6NT
1NT-2♦; 2♥-5NT=natural, Qnt, forcing choice of slam between 6♥ or 6NT
1NT-4♦; 4♥-4NT=RKC
1NT-2♣; 2♥-4♦; 4♥-5NT forces O to choose between 6♥ and 6NT
1NT-2♣; 2♥-5NT=forces choice between 6♠ and 6NT, denies 4 ♥s, shows 4♠s
 To force choice of 6♥ or 6NT, show ♥ fit first with 4♦
1NT-4NT=Qnt, invites 6NT, NF. Now:
 O's NS at the 5-level=4-card suit interested in a 4-4 fit for slam
 O's NS at 6-level=5-card suit, CoS
1NT-5NT=Qnt, forces 6NT, invites 7NT
1f the opponents compete against our 1NT opening
After penalty x (dbl): xx forces 2♣ so we can play 2♣ or 2♦. Rest of system is on.
After takeout or conventional x: xx=it's our hand, rest of the system is on.
After 2♣ natural\DONT\transfer\unknown suit: x=Stayman, rest of system is on.
After 2♣ or 2♦ showing both Ms: x=penalty of 1 or 2 Ms or GF w\ 2 ms
 2♥ or 2♠=stopper, interest in NT, at least GI
 2NT=Lebensohl.
 3♣ or 3♦=natural, F1.
 (Option: play unusual\unusual: 2♥\2♠=INV or better in ♣\♦ respectively, 3♣\3♦=
to play)
After 2♦, 2♥ or 2♠ showing one suit:
 Lebensohl (slows=stopper) forcing 3♣ to compete at 3-level.
 Direct 3-level bids natural, F1
 Immediate cue bid in opponent's suit=Stayman w\o a stopper.
 Immediate 3NT=no stopper.
 Lebensohl 2NT followed by Q in opponent's suit=Stayman with stopper.
 Lebensohl 2NT followed by 3NT bid by R=stopper.
 Lebensohl followed by a higher suit than the opponent's suit at 3-level is GI
 Texas transfers only if the opponents bid 3♣ or below.
o If opponents bid 3♦ or higher, jumps to 4♥\4♠=natural
After 2♦\2♥\2♠ (that suit+another, eg. DONT\Cappelletti\etc.):
 3NT=to play, nothing about stoppers
Penalty x by O and R behind a bidder who has shown a long suit at 2-level
Takeout x by O and R in front of a bidder who has shown a long suit at 2-level
Negative x by R if right hand opponents jumps to the 3-level over 1NT
 (Option: All R's dbles negative, at least 6-8 HCP, competing for part score, not
promising 4oM).
2NT Opening
20-21 HCP
 Option: 3♣ Puppet Stayman See http://www.wednesdaygame.com/ba/1nt/puppet.htm
Jacoby 3♦ and 3♥
Texas 4♦ and 4♥
3♠=minor suit Stayman
2NT-3♣; 3any-4m=5+m, 4M, ST
2NT-3♣; 3♦; 3M=Smolen, 4M+5oM
2NT-3♦-3♥; 4♥=mild ST (use Texas to get to 4♥ with no slam interest)
2NT-3♥; 3♠-4♠=mild ST (use Texas to get to 4♠ with no slam interest)
2NT-3♣; 3♥-3♠=Art, 4♥s, ST. Then 4NT=RKC.
2NT-3♣; 3♠-4♥ is Art, 4♠s, ST
2NT-3♣; 3♥-4NT = Qnt (to Blackwood, bid 3♠ first to show a ♥ fit then 4NT)
3NT Opening
Gambling 3NT
 Solid 7+m, no outside Ace or King in 1st or 2nd position
 In 3rd seat, discuss with partner if O can have outside stoppers or not
 In 4th seat, promises a long minor + some stoppers.
3NT-4♣ or 3NT-5♣=pass if suit is ♣s, correct to ♦s if suit is ♦s.
3NT-4♦ asks for 0\1
 4M=0\1 in that M
 4NT=7222.
 5♣=♣s with ♦ shortness.
 5♦=♦s with ♣ shortness.
3NT-4NT asks how many cards (5 of O's m=7, 6 of O's m=8)
Over opponents Gambling 3NT: same as Modified Cappelletti
 Double is penalty
 4♣=relay to 4♦, not right for double - either ♦s (or ♣s) a Major-minor 2-suiter
 4♦=both Majors
 4♥\4♠=natural
Major Openings
5-card Majors in 1st or 2nd seat
1NT Forcing by unpassed hand (5+ to a bad 12 HCP)
 With GF values, bid something else
 Option 1: Play 1NT "Semi-Forcing" - O can pass with bad min - as if R was a
passed hand - guarantees no more than a bad 12 HCP
1M-2M is mildly constructive
With 4 trumps, raise immediately unless 4333 with a bad hand
 With only 3 trumps - bid 1NT forcing or semi-forcing with a bad 5 to 7 points,
raise directly with a good 7 to 9 points. Eg. 1♠-2♠ with QJx, xx, Axxx, xxx but not
xxx, Jxx, KJxx, Qxx1M-2M; 4 anything=5-5 slam try
1♠-2♠; 3♥-3♠; 4♥=choice of games
Help-suit game tries (a new suit shows has 2(+) losers and suggests you need help there to
make game)
lM-3M=four-card LR (11 support points)
a LR should cover about 4 losers in O's hand
"cover cards" can be either high cards or distribution
fewer cover cards=single raise; more=GF raise
with a 3-card LR, bid 1NT forcing, then jump to 3 of O's M
1♥-1NT; 2♣-2♠ = the strongest possible ♣ raise
2 over 1 is game forcing, except I recommend you play either:
1M-jump shift to 3 of a lower suit=natural, 9+ to bad 12 HCP, NF,
1♠-2♣ (or 2♦ or2♥); 2NT-3 of same suit=Inv, 6+ card suit
1M-2NT=Jacoby 2NT, GF 4-card raise
 1M-2NT; 4M=weak w\o shortness
 1M-2NT; 3M=a better hand w\o shortness
 1M-2NT; 3NT=15-17 w\o shortness, probably 5332 or some 5422 hand
 1M-2NT; 3NS=0\1in that suit, doesn't promise a good hand
 1M-2NT; 4NS=very good 5 card suit, source of tricks for slam
 have 2\3 of the top honors in side suit
 if side suit doesn't have 2\3 top honors, show 0\1 instead
If the opponents overcall our Jacoby 2NT:
P=no 1st or 2nd round control of their suit
NS=0\1 + at least 2nd round control of their suit
Options: there are better versions of Jacoby, but too many to list
3NT=13-15, balanced, NF w\ 3 trumps, good stoppers in all suits
1♥-3♠=0\1♠, 4+ trump, 11-14 support points
1M-4 of a lower suit=splinter, 4+ trump, 11-14 support points, 0\1 in bid suit
1M-2m; 2NT shows either 12-14 HCP or 18-19 HCP
 suggests, doesn't promise, balanced hand with stoppers in other suits
 with 18-19 HCP, you will bid again when R tries to sign off
1♠-2♦; 3♣=extra values, GF
o Either good 4+card suit + extra HCPs or 2 very good 5+card suits (may\may not
have extra HCP)
1M-2any; 3M+=solid suit or a suit (usually 7) missing only Ace, doesn't promise extra
1♠-2♣; 3♦ or 3♥=0\1, 4+-card trump support, doesn't promise extra HCP
l♠-2♣; 2♦ or 2♥-2♠=3-card ♠ support, but not necessarily slam interest
 NS by either partner below 3NT should be assumed to be looking for best game
l♠-2♣; 2♦\2♥-3♠=3-card ♠ support or better, and slam interest
l♠-2♣; 2♦\2♥-4♠=good ♣s, good ♠s, no red A, K, singleton, or void ("picture bid")
1M-2any; 3NT=15-17 HCP
1M-2any; 2any-3NT=15-17 HCPs
lM-2any; 2M suggests, but doesn't promise, a 6 card suit
1M-2m; 3m strongly suggests 4-card support, or 3-card support with a top honor and 0\1
Minor Suit Openings
3-3 in the minors, open 1♣ in 1st, 2nd or 4th seat except with xxx in ♣s and 3 strong ♦s
 In 3rd seat, with 3-3 in the minors and a minimum hand, choose the best leaddirector
4-4 in the minors, open either
5-4 in the minors, tend to open the 5 card minor unless most of your high card points are in
the 4 card suit
 You may have to rebid 1NT with a singleton, or
 Raise partner's suit with only 3 cards, or
 Rebid the 5-card suit if it is very strong
1♣-1M; 2♣ suggests 6 or a very strong 5-card suit
 2♦ by R=Art, F1, similar to NMF if O had rebid 1NT
 other NS by R=natural, F1
5♠ and 5♣ usually open 1♠ unless the ♣s are very strong and the ♠s are very weak.
 Eg. 10xxxx, Kx, x, AKQxx, I recommend 1♣
1♣-1M: R may bypass a 4-card or longer ♦ suit
 1♣-1♦ style - when do we bypass ♦s:
o R normally responds 1M with 44 in ♦s and a 4-card M
o R normally responds 1♦ with 6 or 7♦ and a 4-card M
o With 5♦s + 4-card M, R:
 usually bypass ordinary ♦s to bid M. Eg. A8, K653, J8542, 87, bid 1♠.
 may choose to bid 1♦ w\ very good 5♦s, a weak M, less than GI
strength. Eg. 84, 8653, AK1042, 87
 w\ INV strength, bid 1♦ more often
 w\ GF strength, usually bid 1♦ even with a 4-card M
 Option: Strict Walsh style always bypasses 1♦ to bid a 4-card M w\
less than GF strength
1m-3 of a higher suit=0\1, GF (Option: ask partner about this. Many play natural,
Opener rebids 1NT over a 1♥ response even with 4♠333 (my recommendation). Now:
 1♣-1♥; 1♠-2♦; 2♥ is not a 4333 pattern. O has extra shape.
1♣-1♥; 1♠-1NT; 2♥ is not a 4333 pattern. O has extra shape.
 Option: There is a split among experts. Many rebid 1♠ even with 4♠333.
1♣-1♦; 1NT=suggests, but doesn't deny, a 4-card Major (my recommendation)
1♣-1♦; 1NT-2M=Inv or better strength, 4M+longer ♦s
1♣-1♥; 1♠=O has at least 4♣4♠ (my recommendation)
1m-1M; 1NT-2om=Art, NMF, F1
 O shows 4 cards in oM before 3-card support for R's suit
 O doesn't jump w\ 3-card support for M. R may have GF support for O's suit, only
After new minor forcing:
 NMF followed by any 2-level rebid by R=Inv
 1m-1M; 1NT-2om; 2M-3M= Inv, NF
 1m-1M; 1NT-2om; 2any other 2-level bid by O-3M by R=natural, GF
Jumping to 3-level in R's M or a lower suit w\o bidding NMF=Inv
 1♣-1♥; 1NT-3♣\3♦\3♥ = natural, Inv
1♣-1♦; 1♥-1♠ = natural, F1
1♣-1♦; 1♥-2♠ = Art, GF
1♣-1♠; 2♣-2♦=Art, F1, similar to NMF (JDB recommendation)
 (Option: Any NS=natural, F1, which is the more common SAYC method)
1♣-1♠; 2♣-2♥=natural, NF (JDB recommendation)
 (Option: Any NS=natural, F1, which is the more common SAYC method)
1♦-1♠; 2♦-2♥=natural, F1
1♦-1♠; 2♦-3♥=5♠5♥, GF
1♦-1♠; 2♦-3♣=F1, could be Art, looking for ♠ support
1♣-1♦; 2NT O can have 1 or 2 4-card Ms
1♣-1♥; 2NT O can have 4♠
1♣-1♦; 2NT-3any=natural, F1
1♣-1♥; 2NT-3♦=Art, NMF
 1♣-1♥; 2NT-3♦; 3any-4♣=natural, ST
 1♣-1♥; 2NT-3♦; 3any-4♣; 4NT=to play
1♣-1♥; 3NT: O=very strong hand, long strong m, usually 0\1 in R's M
4th suit is Art, GF BUPH
4th suit is Art, F1 BPH
1♣-1♥; 1♠-3♦=natural, 5♥ and 5♦, GI
 Warning: some play this 4♥6♦ weak, some play as splinter, some play as GF with
1♣-1M; 1NT: O can have 0\1 in R's M
1♣-1M; 2M: O only promises 3-card support. Now:
 2NT by R asks about the Quantity and Quality of O's support:
o 3♣ = 3 card support, min for previous bidding
o 3♦ = 3 card support, max
o 3♥ = 4 card support, min
o 3♠ = 4-card support, max
o 3NT=max, 3M334
o 4NS=0\1, 4 trump, max for previous bidding
 NS=GI, strongly suggests 5 cards in R's M
 3NT=CoG
1♣-2♦ or 1m-2M jump shift by R=preemptive, 6+card suit, less than 6HCP
Option: BUPH: Strong jump shifts: 1♣-2♦ or 1m-2M=natural, strong 5+
card suit; more than an ordinary game force (game certain, slam possible); 1of 3
hand types: independent suit; 5 card suit in a relatively balanced hand with no 2nd
suit; or good suit + support for O's suit; about 16 HCP, or similar strength w\
distribution in support of partner's suit. BPH: jump shift= max pass w\ both suits,
5+in R's suit+4+ in O's suit
1m-1M; 4m = GF, 4-card support for R's M + very strong m 6+card suit
1m-1♥; 3♠\4om=splinter, GF
1m-1M; 4M=GF, about 19 HCP, not suitable for a splinter or 4m rebid
Jump shift by O=natural, GF
Inverted Minor Raises
1m-2m=LR or better, F1
1m-3m=5+ to 9, less than LR but enough to play game if O bids 3NT w\ 18-19
After an inverted raise: a simple recommended method
 1m-2m; 3m=to play, min hand w\ at least 4m, no GI opposite LR
 1m-2m; 2NT=NF, 11-14 balanced hand, usually only 3m, doesn't show or deny
 1m-2m; NS=F1, GI, length or values in NS, doesn't deny other stoppers. Auction can
end in 2NT, 3m, or, if 3NT not playable, in 4m
 1m-2m; 3NT=18-19 HCP, balanced
If you don't like this method, here are some options:
 Option 1: Show stoppers with any hand strength: After 1m-2m; 2M by O=stopper in
M, denies stopper in oM suit. 2NT by O=stoppers in both Ms. Popular at JSOB. IMO
gives too much info about stoppers to opponents, not enough info about strength and
shape to R
 Option 2: GF Inverted Raise with Crisscross: 1m-2m GF, jump in om=Art, LR. IMO:
unnecessary, loses other uses for jump in om
 Option 3: Washington Standard. Similar to simple recommended method but NS bid
promises shape and extras, and there is one artificial bid: NS bid shows extras,
forcing to 3NT or 4m, and either at least 54 in the 2 suits, or a 4441 pattern. A 3NT
rebid shows 18-19. W\ the 11-14 balanced hand, O splits the ranges into 11-bad 13
(bid 2NT w\o regard to stoppers), and 13+-14 (bid the om artificially showing either
13+-14 balanced or a 2nd suit w\ some extra values, forcing to 3NT, w\o regard to
stoppers, or 4m). Since the om is a 2-way bid, O should bid 3NT next to show
balanced hand type. Recommended for regular partnerships.
 Option 4 etc.: Ask me if you want other methods.
1♦-2♣, 1♦-3♣, 1m-2NT, and 1m-3NT: You must choose these as a group. My
1♦-2♣=natural, GF. O rebids:
2♦=5+♦s, any other rebid denies 5♦ unless O has 6♦+5M
2M=4 cards in M, no more than 4♦ unless O has 6♦+5M
2NT=3343 pattern, 11-14 HCP
3♣=4-card or longer ♣ support
3♦=6+♦s, doesn't promise extra values
3M=0\1 w\ 4-card or longer support for ♣s (w\ 6♦+5M, bid 2M, then3M)
 1♦-3♣=natural, Inv
 1m-2NT=11-12
 1m-3NT=13-15
1♦-2♣; 3♣=Game Force whatever version of 1♦-2♣ you play
Don't like the recommended method? Here's 2 Other Options for the 1♦-2♣, 1♦-3♣, 1m2NT, and 1m-3NT group:
 Option 1: 1♦-2♣=GF except if R rebids 3♣ (natural, Inv), O may pass. If R bids
anything else, including 2NT, that's a GF. 1♦-3♣=other (eg. strong jump shift or
criss-cross); 1m-2NT=11-12, 1m-3NT=13-15, OR
 Option 2: 1♦-2♣=GF except 1♦-2♣; 2♦(Art. and waiting)-2NT\3♣. 1♦-2♣; 2♦ by O
may be 11-13 HCP w\ 3♦ preparing to pass 2NT. 1♦-2♣; 2NT=GF. 1♦-2♣;
2M=4M5♦ w\ 14+ HCP. 1♦-3♣=other (eg. strong jump shift or crisscross);
2NT=12-14 or 18+; 1m-3NT=15-17
 Want other options? There's too many to list. Ask me.
Reverse by Opener:
F1, about 16+ points in playing strength, 5+card 1st suit, O's 2nd suit shorter
O's reverse promises a rebid below game
After a reverse:
o R's 4th suit or 2NT, whichever is cheaper=Art, weak
 2NT by R asks O to rebid 3♣, even with 2 or 3 ♣s. R will place
contract by bidding one of O's suits, or passing 3♣s with long ♣s
 With short ♣s and 6+♦s, O bids 3♦ instead
o Rebid of R's M=promises 5+cards, nothing about strength
o R not forced to rebid 2M if another bid more appropriate
o R's jump rebid of R's M promises 6+ cards in M + GF values
o Other bids=natural, GF
Reverse by O after a 1NT response is F1. R must bid limit of the hand
1♦-2♣; 2M is not a strength showing reverse
1♦-1♥; 2♠ is GF
jump shift, not a reverse
Reverses by R:
Presumed natural. F1 on O
o Eg. 1♦-1♥; 2♦-2♠ F1, some length\strength in ♠s, doesn't promise 4♠
2♣ Openings
2♣=strong, Art., either strong balanced hand or suit hand w\ 9+ tricks
2♦ response=waiting
 Suit bids=natural, positive, do not promise 2\top3 honors, about 1 1\2 + tricks
 May give a positive response w\ fewer HCP w\ 7 card suit or 6-5 hand
 2NT=8-10 HCP, don't rush to bid this w\ 2 unstopped suits
 3NT=not recommended, uses too much space. Bid 2♦, let O bid hand
2♣-2♦; 2♥=natural
 Option: Kokish (2♥ artificial showing either ♥s or a 24+ HCP balanced hand. See
Brian Gunnell's description at http://www.wednesdaygame.com/ba/othop/kokish.htm)
2♣-2♦; 2♠=natural
2♣-2♦; 2M-3♣=Art, 2nd negative
2♣-2♦; 3♣-3♥\3♠=natural, 5+ suit
2♣-2♦; 3♣-3♦=waiting, may or may not have ♦s (to let O show 4-card M)
2♣-2♦; 2NT=22-24 HCP.
 Respond as if O opened 2NT
2♣-2♦; 3NT= 25-27
 R bids: 4♣=Stayman, 4♦ and 4♥=transfers, 4♠=minor suit Stayman,
 Option: play Kokish instead of 3NT\4NT rebids to show O's big balanced hands
2♣-2♦; 4NT= 28-30
 R bids as over O's3NT rebid, ie. 5♣ Stayman, 5♦\5♥=transfers, 5♠=mSS, 5NT=Qnt,
SI to 6NT.
2♣-2♦; 3♥\3♠=GF. Solid trump suit, sets trump. R must Q bid.
If opponents interfere w\ our 2♣ opening:
 x or xx by R=Art, a 2nd negative\really bad hand
 P by R=GF values
 Bids=natural, 5+cards, GF values - don't wait for 2\3 honors
2♦, 2♥ and 2♠ Openings
About 5-10 HCP
5, 6 or 7 card suit
With only 5-card suit, have good suit + another 4\5-card suit
Avoid preempting with 5332. If you must, have great suit (KQJ10x) favorable vul
Have 7-cards only if you can't open a 3-bid using the rule of 2-3-4
 too weak for a vulnerable preempt, eg. 7222 with mediocre suit
 too good for a not vulnerable against vulnerable 3-level preempt
Raise only non-force by unpassed hand (RONFBUPH)
2NT asks for feature (side Ace or King) but only if O has max (Option: Ogust)
2M-2NT; 3NT=AKQxxx
In competition over an opponent's takeout double:
NS promises fit, suggests
good lead,
2NT forces 3♣ so partner
can sign off in another suit
Redouble shows a good
hand. If partner later raises your preempt, it invites game
If you can't decide between opening 1, 2, or 3 of a suit, don't pass. Bid one or the other.
Pass is not a compromise between opening 1 of a suit and preempting 2 of a suit.
In 4th seat, 2♦\2♥\2♠ opening=min or light opening, no game ambitions
Option 1 for 2♦ Opening:
artificial, Flannery
 Option 2 for 2♦ Opening: artificial showing an 18-19 balanced hand (Mexican 2♦)
Options for 2♦ Opening
Option 1: artificial, Flannery
4♠5♥2♦2♣ minimum opening hands are awkward if R bids 1NT Forcing, O has no
good rebid. Flannery was designed to solve those. There are several ways to play
Flannery. I recommend:
2♦ = 5♥ + 4♠, 11-15 HCP
2NT asks for more info. Now:
3♣ = 3 or 4 cards in ♣s, now:
3M = invitational in that suit
4M = to play, not slammish
4 ♣ = natural, invites game
4 ♦ = artificial, ♣ fit, slam try. Now:
5♣ by Opener is a signoff, anything else is a cue bid
3♦ = 3 or 4 cards in ♦s. Now:
Continuations are similar to 2♦-2NT; 3♣
3♥ = 2-2 in minors, minimum. Now:
3♠ = to play
3NT = to play
4m = invitational
3♠ = 4♠ and 6♥
R places the contract
3NT = 2-2 in the minors, maximum. Now:
R places the contract
4m = GF (because O is maximum)
3 ♣ = to play
3 ♦ = natural, invitational
3 of a Major = invitational with a 9-card fit
GF, slam interest in that Major
4♣\4♦ by R directly over 2♦ = transfer to 4♥s\4♠ s respectively
This is how we play the contract from O's side
Now 4NT by R is Roman Key Card in that suit
4M = to play, not slammish.
This is how we play the contract from R's side
1♥-1♠ Playing Flannery, I recommend that 1♠ over 1♥ does not
promise a 5-card ♠suit, but, if 4-cards, it's like AKJx, AQJx, KQ10x, KJ109
Option 2: artificial, an 18-19 HCP balanced hand (Mexican 2♦)
A good alternative to weak 2♦ or Flannery played by several pairs
at JSOB.
Advantages: (1) less pressure on weak distributional hands to
respond to 1m; (2) the strong hand will declare most hands; (3) R controls
how high the auction gets; and, (4) when the opening bid is 1 of a minor, R
knows that O is either unbalanced or weak and balanced.
Disadvantages: (1) You lose 2♦ as a weak 2♦ opening bid, a fairly
frequent and useful lead director; or 2♦ Flannery, which solves O's rebid
problem with 4♠5♥2♦2♣ distribution after a 1NT Forcing response to a 1♥
opening bid. (2) You must find another use for 1m-1M; 2NT.
If you are interested in learning more about this opening, click
these links:
Special Doubles
Negative doubles thru 3♠
l♣-[l♦]-l♥ or 1♠ only promises a 4-card suit
1♣-[1♥]-1♠ is normally five
1♦-[2♣]-dbl could have only one 4-card M
Responsive doubles thru 3♠ of bid and raised suits after t\o x and overcalls inc 1NT
Eg. 1♠-[1 NT]-2♠-[dbl]=takeout for unbid suits
Double of 1NT by partner of overcaller=responsive
Eg. 1♣-[1♥]-1NT-[dbl]=takeout for 2 unbid suits
Support doubles and redoubles
 1m-[any]-1M-[any bid thru 2 of R's M]; x or xx shows 3-card support, unlimited
 Failure to x or xx does not deny 3-card support if O has bad hand or 4333 shape
 1m-[any]-1M-[any bid thru 2 of R's M]; raise=4-card support, 11-14 HCPs
 1♣-[P]-1♦-[1♥]; x=3♦s, denies 4♠s
 1♣-[P]-1♦-[1♥]; 1♠ could have 3♥s
 1♣-[P]-1♦-[1♠]; x=4♥, might or might not have 3♦s
If you don't like this, just play 1♣-[P]-1♦-[1♠]; x=3♦s
 1♣-[P]-1♥-[2♦]; P-[P]-x = takeout
4th Suit (Snap-dragon) doubles
When 3 suits have been bid, x shows 4th suit+tolerance for partner's suit:
o 1♣-[1♥]-1♠-[x]=♦s + tolerance for ♥s
o 1♣-[1♦]-1♠-[x]=♥s + tolerance for ♦s
o 1♣-[1♦]-2♠-[x]=♥s + tolerance for ♦s
Other Conventional Calls
Double jumps in a new suit=0\1 (1♣-1♠; 4♦ or 4♥)
Jump reverse by O in NS to 3-level=0\1, not enough for double jump splinter (1♣-1♠;
After a 2\1 response, jump by O in NS=0\1 (1♠-2♣; 3♦ or 3♥)
1♦-1♥; 4♦=great 4♥6+♦ hand
Bidding and passing after opponents redouble:
 If partner reopens w\ a double 1any-[P]-P-[x], and O redoubles, P by you behind
Opener says you want to play there. If you don't want to play there, you must bid
something. Eg. 1♠-[P]-P-[dbl]; xx-[P]=I want to defend 1♠ redoubled
If partner doubles directly behind the opening bidder, and RHO redoubles:
Passing redouble in front of the long suit says you have no preference
Bidding over a redouble does not show values. It says "we'd better play here."
When partner doubles an opening bid and they xx, jumping=preemptive, not values.
Defense against strong ♣ openings (or strong 1♣-[P]-1♦-[?]
Dbl=t\o for Ms, NT=t\o for the minors
Unusual over Unusual
 When we open, and an opponent makes a bid promising 2 specific suits, treat the
other 2 suits as "our suits." There are several methods used at the JSOB to show support
for our suits, including "Q bid of lower of their suits shows lower of our suits" and "Q
bid of lower of their suits shows O's suit." Best in theory is "lower for the remaining
suit." Eg. 1♠-[2NT], now:
 x=interest in penalty of one of their suits, or start of GF if we don't double
 3♣=LR or GF in remaining suit (♥s)
o O assumes R has Inv values
o W\ no fit, no rebiddable suit, and no clear direction, O can bid 3♦
 3♦=limit or GF in O's suit (♠s)
 3♥=natural, NF, a good weak 2-bid in ♥s
 3♠=natural, NF, a constructive 1♠-2♠ raise
1M-[3M]=bid 3NTw\ a stopper.
W\o a stopper, bid cheapest suit to signoff, Q-bid w\ values.
1m (showing at least 3)-[3m]=natural, preemptive
Defense to short (but not strong) 1♣ and Precision short 1♦
1♣-[2♣]=natural, a normal overcall (to keep them from stealing our suit)
1♣-[2♦]=Michaels, weak or strong
1♦-[2♦]=natural, a normal overcall (to keep them from stealing our suit)
1♦-[2♥]=Michaels, weak
1♦-[3♦]=Michaels, strong
x=t\o for Ms, may be 4432 or 4423 pattern w\ a doubleton in om
In direct seat over 1M-[P]-1M-[2NT]=t\o except 2any-[2NT] (15-18)
We Overcall 1NT
Direct NT overcall range: 14+-18 BUPH
Balancing NT range:
11-14 HCPs over a minor suit
14+-17 over a Major suit
Respond to direct and balancing NT overcalls as if we had opened 1NT. System on.
Double of bid and raised suits by partner of NT overcaller are t\o (responsive)
Sandwich NTs only by passed hand
We Overcall 2NT
15-18 in either seat (2any-[2NT] or 2any-[P]-P-[2NT]=15-18)
3♣ Stayman
 3♣; 3♥-3♠=Art, ST with 4♥s, says nothing about ♠s
3♣; 3♠-4♥=Art, ST with 4♠s, says nothing about ♥s
3♣-3♦; 3M= Smolen, 4M + 5oM
Option: 3♣ Puppet Stayman (note: you lose Smolen when you play Puppet)
3♦ or 3♥ Jacoby
 2NT-3♦; 3♥-3♠= natural, 4♠5♥, ST (with only game interest, use Smolen)
 2NT-3♦; 3♥-4♥=ST, long ♥s
 2NT-3♦; 3♥-4NT=Qnt (4NT after Texas=RKC)
 2NT-3♦; 3♥-4♣ or 4♦=ST, natural, 2nd suit, not a Q bid
4♦\4♥=Texas transfers
Transfer into their suit=ST w\ a long m
Other Balancing Bids
Direct NT overcall range: 14+-18 BUPH
Balancing NT range:
11-14 HCPs over a minor
14+-17 over a Major
Respond to direct and balancing NT as if we opened 1NT. System on.
Balancing 2NT bids when the opponents stop in 2 of a suit are for t\o
Except 2-any-[P]-P-[2NT]=15-18
"Scrambling 2NT" in response to a balancing x of 2m after 1M-[P]-2M-[P]; P-[x]-P-[?]
1♥-[P]-2♥-[P]; P-[x]-2NT=t\o looking for doubler's minor
1♠-[P]-2♠-P]; P-[x]-2NT=t\o for doubler's lowest suit, not sure where to play
 Eg. bid 2NT w\ xxx, Kxxx, Kxx, Kxxx. Doubler should bid 3♣ w\ x,
Qxx, Axxxx, Axxx. 3♣\3♦ are better contracts than 3♥
In balancing seat jump overcalls=intermediate
intermediate=good 6+card suit you might open and rebid w\o jumping
A balancing Q bid=a near GF 2-suited hand too distributional to re-open w\ x
Could be any 2-suits, not necessarily Michaels shape
R should keep bidding until balancing hand either raises or
bids both suits without jumping
We Overcall 3any-[3NT]
4♣ Stayman
Transfer into their suit=ST with a long m
Defense Against Strong NT Notrumps (includes 16 HCP in range)
DONT in all seats
Jumps to the 3-level are preemptive
Defense against Weak Notrumps (does not include 16 HCP in range)
 Doubles of weak NT=for penalty, in direct or balancing seat
o In direct seat, x="top of their range or better" values
o In balancing seat, x can be a little lighter
o If partner of doubler pulls x, bids mean the same as if doubler opened a strong
NT, ie. the whole NT system of responses are on
 2-of-a-M=5+card M suit + a minor
o 2NT asks for m
 GI if partner of Cappelletti bidder corrects 3m to 3M
 2♣=an unspecified one-suited hand.
o 2♦ by partner asks for suit
o If 2♣ is doubled for penalty
 pass by partner of 2♣ bidder shows long ♣s
 2♦\2♥\2♠ are natural
 xx asks the Cappelletti bidder to bid his own suit
 2♦=both Ms
 2NT= minors
 You can bid w\ a light distributional hand.
 Assume jumps to 3-level are intermediate against weak NTs
 In competition:
o x or xx shows support for anything that partner could have
o suit bids by partner of doubler are natural
 Option: If you don't like Cappelletti, play Modified Cappelletti
o Modified Cappelletti reverses the meanings of 2♣ and 2M, ie.
o 2M=natural
o 2♣ relays to 2♦ with ♦s, ♣s, or a Major-minor hand
Defense when We Open 1 of a Suit and They Overcall 1NT
Cappelletti after 1m-[1NT] or 1M-[1NT]
Unusual Notrump
Shows the two lowest unbid suits
Could be light. Jump raise preemptive.
In response to partner's overcall:
New suit=natural, F1 at 1-level (Alan Stout)
New suit=natural, constructive but NF at 2-level
1NT response to partner's 1-level overcall=about 8-11
2NT response to partner's overcall=about 12-14
Jump in a new suit=F1 BUPH
NS at 2-level or higher BPH implies a fit for partner's suit
Jump Q=7-9 HCPs w\ 4+card support
Q bid=fit, LR or better. If you have F1 hand w\ your own suit, jump in it
With a choice of 2 suits to Q bid, higher Q=four+card LR or better,
lower Q shows 3-card LR or better
After they negative x, xx=less than 4-card LR or better, Q=4+card LR or
When Q is doubled, P=weakness, rebid our suit=just competing, in
between suit=Art GI
NS in response to partner's overcall of their preempt=natural, F1
Jump Overcalls
Preemptive. 2NT asks if preempter has 0\1. Rebid of suit denies.
In balancing seat jump overcalls=intermediate
intermediate=good 6-card suit you would open and rebid w\o jumping
Over Opponent's Takeout Double
New suit forcing at one level
Jump shifts are weak
2NT=LR or better w\ 4+ trumps
Jump raise preemptive
Double jumps are splinters
1M-[dbl]2♣= 3-card raise, 7-9 HCPs
1M-[dbl]-3♦=4-card raise, 79 HCPs
Redouble followed by raise=3-card LR
Redouble followed by double=penalties
Pass followed by double=usually a 3-card double w\ 10+ HCP
Opening Preempts
Light non-vulnerable
Could be 6-card suit at 3-level
New suit forcing by passed hand
Over R's 3 of NS, O raises w\ 3-card support or doubleton honor, bids 3NT
Q Bids
Michaels cue bid promising at least 54, weak or strong, relative to
 Option: Michaels promises 55 any strength
1M-[2M]=other M and either minor
 2NT by partner asks for the minor
 If partner corrects 3m to 3M, that's invitational
3NT response to Michaels is natural
W\ the other 2-suits, double or bid 2NT (or sandwich 1NT BPH)
A balancing Q bid=a near GF 2-suited hand too distributional to re-open w\ x
 Could be any 2-suits, not necessarily Michaels shape
 R must keep the bidding open until balancing hand has raised or shown both
Defense Against Preempts
Takeout doubles thru 4♥
Jump in a NS is natural, long suit, very good hand, about 8 tricks
Over 2M:
3M asks for stopper, normally a long minor
4m=that m and oM, at least 5-5 w\ a reasonable opening bid
Over 2♦ weak:
3♦ Q bid=both Ms
4m=♣ and the corresponding M, i.e.
4♣=5♣+5♥ and a reasonable opening bid
4♦=5♣+5♠ and a reasonable opening bid
Lebensohl after 2any-[x]
2NT forces 3♣ then:
Lower suit is weak, higher is Inv
Q shows 4 of the oM w\ stopper ("slow shows")
3NT shows 4 of the oM w\ stopper ("slow shows")
Direct Q bid shows 4 of the oM and denies stopper
Direct 3NT denies 4 of oM
Direct 3-level bid = 8-11
2NT Overcall In either seat 15-18.
 3♣=Stayman
 3♦ and 3♥=Jacoby transfers
 3♠=mSS
 Transfer into their suit=ST w\ a long m
NS in response to partner's overcall of a preempt is natural and F1
4♥-[4NT]=takeout for minors
4♠-[4NT]=2-suited, could be ♥s and a minor, or could be 3-suited takeout
 Eg. 4♠-[4NT]-P-[5♦]; P-[5♥]=♥s and ♣s
Slam Conventions
D1P2=D=1st Step, P=2nd Step if they bid at 5-level lower than our suit
x=1st step (1\4 KCs), P=2nd step (0\3), bids=next step (2 KC w\o Q of
trumps, etc)
DEPO if they interfere with 5 of our suit or higher
(x=0\2 KCs; Pass=1\3)
1430 Roman Key Card Blackwood (RKC) for:
Bid and raised suit, obviously agreed trump, or last suit bid naturally
1♥-2NT (Jacoby); 4NT=RKC (2NT agreed ♥s)
1♥-4NT=regular Blackwood (we didn't bid 2NT to agree ♥s as
Queen ask: cheapest bid after 1\4 or 0\3 response asks for trump Queen.
 If you don't have it, return to 5 of trump suit.
 If you have it, or extra length (so you and partner have at least 10 trumps),
 Q bid a useful K, or jump to six of trump suit w\o K
After Key Card 4NT-any; 5NT promises all KCs and invites a grand.
 If you can't bid a grand slam yourself, or don't know which one to bid, bid a suit
below trump in which you have the K ("specific Kings"). Without a specific K, just
return to 6 of the trump suit.
Assume ♠s are trump, now:
4NT-5♣; 5♠: R passes w\ 0 KCs, answers Queen ask w\ 3 (5NT denies)
4NT-5♣; 5NT-6♣ (6♣=♣K)
6♦ asks partner to bid 7♠ w\ K♦ or Q♦ bid 6♥ w\ King ♥
Grand Slam Force is a jump to 5NT if there is an obvious trump suit.
 W\ 2 of top 3 trump honors, bid 7♣.
 W\ 2 trump honors, bid, w\ ♠s as trumps:
o 6♣ w\ a top honor and extra length,
o 6♦ w\ A or K,
o 6♥ w\ Q or extra length, and
o 6♠ w\ a minimum trump holding w\ no honors.
 If another suit is trump, use your judgment on what to give up.
4NT-5NT=1 or 4 w\ obvious useful void, 4NT-6trump 0\3 KC w\ obvious void, etc.
o Obvious useful void is opponents suit, splinter suit, or unbid suit, not partner's
Gerber must be a jump
 Option: Roman Key Card Gerber: Eg.
After 1NT-4♣, 1st step=1\4, 2nd step=0\3, 3rd step=2 w\ min, 4th step=2
w\ max NT
If 3NT was last bid then 5♣ is Gerber, and 4♣ is natural
If Gerber gets doubled: see D1P2 above
Leads and Signals
Against Notrump:
 4th best, or, from bad suits, 2nd highest or top of nothing
 Lead of Q asks for drop of the J (you have KQ109 or KQ10xx).
 Ace asks for honor unblock or count.
 If leading partner's suit,
o high from 3 small if you've raised the suit,
o low from an honor,
o use your judgment w\ 4 small
 10 or 9=0 or 2 higher honors
Smith vs Notrump:
 You lead a ♣. Declarer wins and leads ♦. You and partner can high-low in ♦s to
show you like ♣s better than what was shown at trick one. Low-high by either
partner says you didn't like the opening lead.
 Exception: give count if dummy's suit has no entry and you have no stopper to help
partner know how long to hold up an A in the suit
Against Suits:
 4th best
o Option: Lowest card from odd number, 3rd best from even number
 Low from 3 small unless you've raised suit, then high to deny an honor
 10 or 9 = 0 or 2 higher.
 K from KQ
 A from AK except K when you are likely to lead an unsupported Ace or you and
partner have bid and raised the suit. Here's a list:
 Against slams
 When you have bid or raised a suit (lead K from AK, 3rd hand gives count
after raising)
 When either opponent has shown 2-suiter 5-5 or better
 When an opponent opens 4 of a suit (3rd hand should give count)
 When the opponents are at 5-level
 When partner leads an Ace and there is a Singleton in dummy:
 High = preference for higher suit
 Low = shift to lower suit
 Middle card = no preference
 Exception: there are 2 honors doubleton in trumps in dummy and partner may
get a trump promotion if dummy is forced to ruff. Then:
o Middle = suggests continuing suit and forcing dummy to ruff
 In middle of hand, either lead attitude or 4th best for count against both suit and NT
depending on what partner needs to know more
 Count situations:
o A led from AK (or K from AK) and Qxx(x) is in dummy
o K led from KQ and AJx(x) in dummy
o Spot card led against NT and you can't beat dummy's Q or lower card
o When declarer leads towards a long suit, defender w\o a stopper should give
count to help partner know how long to hold up an A or K
o When you cannot have a high card in dummy's suit, your attitude towards
other suits is already known, and you're discarding to warn partner how
long to duck
o When you can't have HCPs in any suit, so your attitude is already known
o When partner leads K (from AK) in a suit your side is bidding and raising
o When partner leads K against 4-level preempt or a 5 or 6 level contract
o When your side is in a cash-out situation and count is more important than
o When partner leads A against NT (playing A for unblock or count)
 Current Count (present count): After you've already shown your attitude towards
the suit, your next card shows your remaining count in suit. Eg.
o If you lead A from A9876, then discard the 9 to show even number
o If you lead A from A987, then discard the 7 to show an odd number
o If you played a low card to discourage from 98765, or 975, then play the 9
the 2nd time to show you have an even number of cards remaining in that
o If you played a low card in the suit to discourage from an original holding of
9875, then play the 7 the 2nd time to show you have an odd number of
cards left in that suit
Play high-low in trumps to show 3 if you want ruff
 Option: Trump suit preference:
 From 3 small trump,
o play middle, down, up is neutral - no preference;
o play high, low, middle w\ a preference for higher suit;
o play low, middle, high w\ preference for lower suit.
 From 2 small trump,
o play high low w\ a preference for the higher suit;
o playing low high is neutral.
 When you may be ruffing, playing high low in trumps shows 3 and ability to