Checklist for Making Confirmation For second year candidates Confirmation Mass Date: Saturday, April 25th, 2015 at 11AM [ ] [ ] [ ] Complete a registration form & submit a copy of your baptism certificate. Attend the confirmation Exit Interview between candidate and youth minister during the spring semester. Submit your choice for your Confirmation Saint prior to March 1st. [ ] Complete the required class attendance: (All classes are 2:30PM – 4PM on Sundays) Fall Classes 2014 (2nd Year) ( ) Oct 12th = Sacraments (2:30PM - 4PM) ( ) Oct 19th = Church History - Part I (2:30PM - 4PM) ( ) Oct 26th = The Mass (2:30PM - 4PM) (Parents must attend this class) ( ) Nov 2nd = Church History - Part II (2:30PM - 4PM) Spring Classes 2015 (2nd Year) ( ( ( ( ) ) ) ) March 1st = Morality (2:30PM - 4PM) (Parents must attend this class) March 6th - 8th = Confirmation Retreat (2nd Year only) March 15th = Evangelization (2:30PM - 4PM) March 22nd = Gifts & Fruits (2:30PM - 4PM) [ ] Complete the Semester Assessment Exam at the end of each semester. Exams will be available online at (once there, register for the site & search for the confirmation class by typing in “Confirmation Year 2014” in the search box.) ( ) Fall Semester Exam (available from Nov 2nd - Nov 9th) ( ) Spring Semester Exam (available from March 22nd - 29th) [ ] Attend the Confirmation Retreat (March 6th - 8th) [ ] Submit your letter to Fr. Frank by January 31st [ ] Complete the three service projects and submit the completion forms ( ) Family Completion Form (1) ( ) Church Completion Form (1) Detailed explanations & examples of these ( ) Community Completion Form (1) projects can be found below. [ ] Attend at least one hour of Eucharistic Adoration. You must spend one hour in adoration at some point during the year. You may split the time into 30 minute intervals if you want. [ ] Attend the Advent & Lenten Penance Services* (should also attend Reconciliation other than the Penance services) * Catholics are required to participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation at least once each year to remain a Catholic in good standing. [ ] Holy Week Services: Holy Week (from Palm Sunday - Easter Sunday) is considered the holiest time of the year for Catholics and as such, teens are asked to participate in some or all of the Holy week activities, as their schedule allows. (March 29th - April 5th). [ ] Confirmation candidates are required to be active participants* in the confirmation program. * Active participation includes regular participation in various youth ministry activities such as Fearless Nights, DEEP nights and/or retreats, service projects and other events (or any combination thereof). All forms and other paperwork are available on the web at Michael Gagnon: 770-887-9861 ext. 33 or Letter to Father Frank Every candidate is required to write a personal letter to Fr. Frank. This letter is asking for his recommendation to the Archbishop. Fr. Frank will list all the names that he is going to recommend and give them to the Archbishop. If your name is not on the list, you will not be confirmed. This letter is short and simple. You should introduce yourself and then ask Fr. Frank for his recommendation. After that you should state why you want to be confirmed. This letter does not need to be more than one – two paragraphs. Please include your mailing address so that Fr. Frank can respond to your letter. This letter is due in January of the second year of your Confirmation prep. If you have any questions, then please contact Michael in the youth office at 770-887-9861 ext. 33. Confirmation Saint Name The name you choose for your Confirmation name reflects all that you have learned during your preparation period. It tells others what you think is important and what kind of person you would like to be. Your selection should reflect how you interpret your Christian responsibility. You can find information about saints online at or in the youth ministry office. There are also many great books on the lives of the saints. In order to make your selection in a reflective fashion we ask that you complete the form found on the Sr. Youth website ( We ask that you make your name selection during the fall of your 2nd year of preparation, so that you will have experienced a significant portion of the Confirmation preparation program. The selection of your name and the form should be returned to the Youth Ministry Office no later than January 31st, 2015. Service Project Ideas Family Service Project Ideas: · Cooking family dinner, once a week, for 2 months (& cleaning up) · Cleaning out the attic/basement & holding a yard sale, then using the $ for the family · Helping dad/mom build/repair something in the yard · March For Life– Pro Life event downtown Atlanta (in January) · Volunteer at Whispering Hope Women’s Crisis Pregnancy Clinic 770-889-9070 · Cooking Thanksgiving & Christmas meals & cleaning up afterwards · Helping an elderly neighbor who has trouble maintaining their yard (must be more than one time—like mowing their yard during the summer), or repairing something in their house that they can’t do themselves. Church Service Project Ideas: · Sunday Nursery (for a minimum of 6 Sundays) · Volunteer at Whispering Hope Women’s Crisis · Religious Ed. Assistants (for the school year) Pregnancy Clinic · Altar servers (for the entire year) · Summer camps throughout the summer · Maintaining plants in the church (year round) · Children’s Liturgy of the Word · Help decorate the church for Christmas & Easter · March For Life– Pro Life event in Atlanta (Jan 22nd) Community Service Project Ideas: · You may do something through your school or other organization, but please check with Michael first. · March For Life– Pro Life event downtown Atlanta (in January) · Volunteer at Whispering Hope Women’s Crisis Pregnancy Clinic · Helping the boy scouts / girl scouts build a community improvement project. · Volunteering at the Humane Society, Whispering Hope or other charitable organization · Participate in Box City -The MSG Foundation (Soup Kitchen) -Various Walk-A-Thons: Some Walk-a-thons I will not approve so please check with Michael Confirmation Program for 2014 - 2015 Class / Retreat schedule 1st Year Students: - - Fall 2014: o Sept 7th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) (Parents must attend this class) - “What is Confirmation” o Sept 14th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Revelation” o Sept 21st = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Revelation” o Sept 28th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “The Creed” Spring 2015: o Jan 11th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Prayer & Spirituality” o Jan 25th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Morality” o Feb 8th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) (Parents must attend this class) - “Theology of the Body” o Feb 22nd = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “The Mass” 2nd Year Students: - - Fall 2014: o Oct 12th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “The Sacraments” o Oct 19th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Church History: Part 1” o Oct 26th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) (Parents must attend this class) - “The Mass” o Nov 2nd = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Church History: Part 2” Spring 2015: o March 1st = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) (Parents must attend this class) - “Morality” o March 6th - 8th = Confirmation Retreat (2nd year only) - “Set the World on Fire” o March 15th = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Evangelization” o March 22nd = Class (2:30PM - 4PM) - “Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit” Class Structure: - Each class teens will be divided into 3 teams led by CREW Peer Leaders - Class will begin in the Teen Room with a snack and brief overview of the topic. - Teams will then rotate between three stations for 20 minutes each o Each station will teach on a different point within the same subject (such as Morality) Absence Policy: - Teens are allowed to miss 1 class each semester without having to repeat the year. - If teens do not do well on the quiz they will be asked to write a makeup paper for any classes missed. Parent Involvement: - Parents are required to attend one class each semester with their teens. A Spanish language track will be provided for Spanish only speaking parents). - If a parent has children in each level then they must attend one class per level each semester. - Parents have the option to chaperone a retreat rather than attend one class. Other Requirements: - Confirmation Sponsor: o o Teens must choose a confirmation sponsor (similar to a God parent) prior to Nov 30th of their 1st Year. The sponsor must submit a “validation certificate” that has been signed by their pastor attesting to the sponsor’s ability to act as a sponsor. - Service Projects o Teens must complete 3 service projects each year; one in each of the three areas of service. - Family - Church - Community o A Project completion form must be completed for each project and submitted prior to Easter. - Interviews: o Teens must complete an interview with the Confirmation Director each year: 1st Year students = Entrance interview conducted during the Fall Semester 2nd Year students = Exit interview conducted during the Spring Semester each year. - Assessment: o o - Confirmation Saint Name: o o - o o o All 2nd Year candidates must write a brief letter to Fr. Frank asking for his recommendation to the Archbishop for Confirmation. The letter must be submitted during the 2nd year prior to the Jan 31st. The letter should simply describe why the candidate wishes to be confirmed. Please submit the letter to Michael Gagnon who will note that it was completed and then forward it to Fr. Frank who will read and then reply to the candidate. Youth Group Attendance: o - Teens are required to choose a saint name to be confirmed under and submit the appropriate form describing why they chose that particular saint. This must be completed before or during their second year. Letter to Fr. Frank: o - An online assessment will be required at the end of each semester for all teens. Each grade’s assessment will be made available after that grade’s final class of the semester and will be available for the duration of one week. Students must register (parents are also welcome to register and take the quizzes) at (look for the “Student Login Page” on the right hand side). Once registered with quizstar, log in and search for your class. Year 1 candidates should search for “Confirmation Year 1” Year 2 candidates should search for “Confirmation Year 2” Once you’ve accepted by Michael Gagnon and a list of available quizzes will appear. Confirmation candidates are required to be active participants in the High School Youth program. Active participation includes regular participation in various youth ministry activities such as Fearless Nights, DEEP nights and/or retreats, service projects and other events (or any combination thereof). Other: o Teens are asked to participate in the following activities: 1 hour of Eucharistic Adoration (may be done in smaller blocks of time) The Advent & Lenten Penance Services* (may also attend Reconciliation other than the Penance services) Holy Week Services: Holy Week (from Palm Sunday - Easter Sunday) is considered the holiest time of the year for Catholics and as such, teens are asked to participate in some or all of the Holy week activities, as their schedule allows.