UCLA-DFH Paramedic Education Program

LACoFD Field Performance Standards
The following evaluation standards have been created to assist interns and preceptors in evaluating the performance of the intern during the field
internship. Utilize these standards when completing the field internship evaluations. Interns must achieve a three (3) rating in every category to be
eligible for certification.
Evaluation Factor
Safety & Work Environment
Universal Precautions
Crowd Control
Physical Examination
Assessment Interpretation
Chest Auscultation
Cardiac Rhythms
Patient Management
Additional Assistance &
Primary Assessment &
Patient Response to Therapy
Rating 1-Fails to Perform
Rating 2-Borderline/ Inconsistent
Scene Management
Fails to acknowledge or correct
Slow to correct scene safety issues;
scene safety; puts self or crew in
needs prompting to create optimal
danger; does not wear PPE; lacks
work environment; wears PPE
confidence to address crowd; does inconsistently or applies PPE after
not request or cancel additional
procedures have begun; addresses
crowd infrequently or without
authority; requests additional
resources late or only after
Patient Assessment
Misses elements of the initial
Initial assessment complete but
assessment; fails to intervene when disorganized; initial assessment
a life threat is discovered; misses
occasionally missing an element;
many pertinent elements of the
slow to initiate treatment when a
history or physical exam; often
life threat is discovered; continues
incorrectly interprets the
interview after treatment should
assessment findings; reports
have already begun on serious
inaccurate chief complaint;
patients; history and physical exam
misinterprets lung sounds or EKG
missing pertinent elements or
or fails to assess these elements at
disorganized; usually interprets
all; requests wrong treatments; fails EKG and lung sounds correctly;
to reassess patient enroute to
needs prompting to determine and
communicate proper treatment
plan; often forgets to reassess
vitals, IV or response to treatments
Rating 3-Competent
Consistently provides a safe
working environment for self, crew
and patient by wearing proper
equipment, turning on lights,
turning off distractions, minimizing
interruptions, moving patient when
necessary, requesting additional
units for manpower, etc.
Assessments are complete and
organized most of the time;
assessment findings are correctly
interpreted and proper treatment
plans are formulated; anticipates
orders from base hospital; lung
sounds and EKG interpretation is
correct; consistently reassesses
patient enroute to hospital for
response to treatments
Rapport with Patient, Family,
Communication with Team
Radio Reports
Working Relationships with Team
Communication Skills
Communication style is abrasive,
Intern is polite but passive and fails
rude, judgemental, argumentative;
to get all of the required
intern stumbles over words, repeats information needed on scene;
him or herself excessively; does
intern fails to establish therapeutic
not listen to answers to questions
communication with family or
asked; does not ask or listen to
patient; radio reports are complete
report from first responders and
but long or reports are occasionally
bystanders; radio reports are
incomplete; communication is
scrambled or missing pertinent
unprofessional in language or tone;
elements; documentation illegible, documentation is incomplete or
incomplete or takes excessive time untimely
to complete
Intern is polite and professional,
yet firm if needed; demonstrates
caring attitude; has good rapport
with family, patient and other EMS
crews; radio reports are timely and
organized; documentation is
complete and legible
Feedback and Guidance
Leadership Skills
Intern fails to delegate treatment
Intern is not aggressive, but can at
skills in a timely fashion; fails to
least be heard on scene; delegates
intervene or correct tasks that are
treatment skills but fails to
not getting accomplished properly; supervise their delivery; fails to
is rude or unprofessional in
check back on the findings of
delegation and supervision of
delegated assessment items such as
tasks; fails to direct team members vitals or EKG; is dismissive to or
during patient care to keep call
fails to incorporate first responders
moving; is unkempt or out of
or ambulance crew in patient care;
uniform; ignores preceptor
must turn over difficult or unusual
feedback; argues during call
situations to preceptors such as
critiques; refuses to take orders or
disruptive or abusive patients and
direction on scene; fails to correct
bystanders; listens to feedback and
identified performance problems;
call critiques but fails to implement
makes excuses or tries to justify
suggestions in a timely fashion;
improper actions
receives but does not solicit
feedback on his or her performance
Intern is calm and confident on
routine calls; is able to maintain a
leadership role on critical runs; is
able to orchestrate patient care on
major trauma calls and cardiac
arrests if not involved in a
treatment skill such as intubation;
always uses appropriate language
and tone with family, bystanders
and crew; assumes a leadership
role with subordinates at the station
such as Explorers or other students;
solicits feedback about his or her
performance; engages preceptors in
questioning, practice, review and
discussion; quickly initiates
necessary steps to correct
performance problems
Inventory Maintenance
Equipment Operation
Airway Management & Oxygen
Advanced Airway Skills
Pleural Decompression
Defibrillation & Cardioversion
IV Access
Bandaging & Splinting
Extrication & Patient Positioning
Spinal Immobilization
Drug Administration
Drug Knowledge
Treatment Skills
Fails to perform inventory at start
Is inconsistent with maintenance
of shift; does not restock after runs; and restocking of squad;
fails to ensure necessary supplies
occasionally fails to ensure
and equipment are available for
equipment is present and in
patient care; fails to learn how to
working order; is slow or needs
use equipment; uses equipment in
prompting to recognize need for
an unsafe manner; does not
advanced treatment skills; is
recognize need for advanced
tentative or slow performing
treatment skills such as intubation
advanced treatment skills; is
or needle decompression; fails to
usually accurate with routine
successfully execute a treatment
treatment skills such as splinting,
skill; has sloppy BLS treatment
IV’s and EKG interpretation; rarely
skills such as bandaging and spinal has to turn over care to preceptors
immobilization; performs skills in
during treatment skills; has
an unsafe or incompetent manner
working knowledge of drugs
where preceptor has to intervene to
protect patient; has inadequate
knowledge of drugs; cannot recall
drug information in station or drill
Consistently ensures squad is well
stocked and functioning properly;
patients are well oxygenated with
appropriate delivery device
including intubation; is timely in
recognition of need for advanced
treatment skills; initiates treatment
confidently and competently