BOOKING FORM A – RETURN WITHIN TWO WEEKS TO BOOKING SECRETARY (RETAIN COLOURED CARBON COPY – DO NOT SEND TO BOOKING SECRETARY!) A. BOOKING REQUIRED: For one-off Booking -Date(s) ……………………………………………………………………… For Regular Bookings- Day …………………………………Term-time only /Not Bank Hols (circle) Time required (Hours) To include setting up time. ……………………… From ……………. to ……………….…. . Group/Purpose of Hire …………………………………………No of people………………. B THE HIRER: Name …………………………………………………………………………… Address ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Post Code …………………………..Email address ……………………………………………… Telephone ……………………………mobile………………………… web site. www. I have retained a copy of the Hire Agreement and Schedule 1 and accept the full terms and conditions of hire contained therein. Signature ………………………………………………Date ……………………………………… C THE ASSOCIATION (a) Registered Charity No: 1016780 (b) Booking Secretary - Gloria Colston 54 Melbury Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2RP. Telephone – 0117 9778065 Signature ……………………………………………………. Date ………………………. This signed document also forms the receipt for the payment of the key deposit and damage waiver and deposit as detailed at 2 on Schedule 1. An invoice will be issued for the balance of payment if not paid directly to the Booking Secretary. D. HIRE CHARGES - for exclusive use of the building Regular weekly/monthly hire - Commercial use - £10 per hour Non-commercial Community Group - £8 per hour One-off bookings - £10 per hour Charity fund raising events at the discretion of the management committee. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OFFICE USE ONLY - Cheques payable to Redcatch Community Association Total cost of hire £ ………………. Deposit paid………………… ………………… Balance Due £…………. …. .paid ………………….. Key Deposit paid …………. returned………………. Damage Waiver paid ………… returned ………………… 1 BOOKING FORM B – TO BE RETAINED BY HIRER WITH SCHEDULE 1 AND HIRING AGREEMENT A. BOOKING REQUIRED: For one-off Booking -Date(s) ………………………………………………………………….. For Regular Bookings- Day …………………………………Term-time only /Not Bank Hols (circle) Time required (Hours) To include setting up time. ……………………… From ……………. to ………………… Group/Purpose of Hire ………………………………………No of people…………………….. B THE HIRER: Name …………………………………………………………………………….…. Address ……………………………………………………………………………………………............ Post Code ……………………Email address ………………………………………………………….. Telephone ……………………. mobile…………………………. web site. www. I have retained a copy of the Hire Agreement and Schedule 1 and accept the full terms and conditions of hire contained therein Signature …………………………………………………. Date ……………………………………….. C THE ASSOCIATION (a) Registered Charity No: 1016780 (b) Booking Secretary - Gloria Colston 54 Melbury Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2RP. Telephone – 0117 9778065 Signature ……………………………………………………. Date ………………………. This signed document also forms the receipt for the payment of the key deposit and damage waiver and deposit as detailed at 2 on Schedule 1. An invoice will be issued for the balance of payment if not paid directly to the Booking Secretary. D. HIRE CHARGES - for exclusive use of the building Regular weekly/monthly hire - Commercial use - £10 per hour Non-commercial Community Group - £8 per hour One-off bookings - £10 per hour Charity fund raising events at the discretion of the management committee. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------OFFICE USE ONLY - Cheques payable to Redcatch Community Association Total cost of hire £ ………………. Deposit paid………………… ………………… Balance Due £…………. …. .paid ………………….. Key Deposit paid …………. returned……………….. Damage Waiver paid ………… returned ………………… 2 P.T.O SCHEDULE 1 - STANDARD CONDITIONS OF HIRE 1. BOOKING IS NOT SECURE UNTIL the Booking Secretary has received this signed agreement, within two weeks of receipt, with a £5/£10 non-returnable deposit or payment in full - cheques payable to Redcatch Community Association. 2. £60 Deposit. Key Deposit ( £10) and Damage Waiver (£50) by cash or cheque - as agreed with Booking Secretary. See section 16 for conditions. Key to be collected from the Booking Secretary at least two days before the event. 3. Sale of Alcohol is forbidden. See section 10 4. Return all tables and chairs to correct store cupboard always using wheeled carriers to protect the wooden floor. Return all catering equipment to the correct kitchen cupboards as marked inside the doors. 5. CHECK BOTH FIRE DOORS ARE SECURE on leaving and ALL LIGHTS ARE OFF – (gents and ladies lights are automatic – disabled toilet light is not). Ensure no-one remains in the building. 6. TURN OFF ALL ELECTRICAL SWITCHES and unplug any appliances in the kitchen. 7. No tea-towels or rubbish bags are provided. 8. Take All rubbish away for disposal – There is no collection at the centre. 9. No sticky tape, bluetac or drawing pins are to be used on walls – use only the hooks provided for decorations. No property or fittings are to be removed from the premises. No food or drink are to be left at the centre. 10. No bouncy castles, smoke machines, silly string or bubble machines may be used. see section 6 f. 11. Lock front door and gate on leaving - and close the gate for security during your period of hire. 12. A Responsible person must be in attendance during the period of hire and any damage must be reported to the Booking Secretary immediately. See section 16 regarding retention of damage waiver and payment of any excess. 13. Fire Exits are identified by lit ‘running man’ signs – two at front of building, one in the small meeting room. Fire Extinguishers – in kitchen for electrical fires - powder filled and a fire blanket mounted on wall. In electricity room powder filled . In hall mounted on wall Foam filled for non electrical fires. 14. Leave the centre clean for the next user – broom cupboard is at the back of the main hall. Use only a damp mop for spills on the parquet floor. 3 HIRING AGREEMENT BOTH PARTIES 1) The person or organisation named in clause B of Booking Form (‘the Hirer’). 2) The Redcatch Community Association acting by its Management Committee (‘The Association’) represented by the Booking Secretary at clause C of Booking Form AGREED as follows: In consideration of the hire fee described in clause D of Booking Form , the Association agrees to permit the Hirer to use the premises for the purpose and for the period(s) described at clause A of Booking Form . This Hiring Agreement includes the annexed Standard Conditions of Hire set out in the attached Schedule. General Rules Governing the Use of REDCATCH COMMUNITY CENTRE Redcatch Road, Knowle, Bristol BS4 2EP The management of the community centre is vested in the Management Committee of the Community Association, whose powers and composition are defined in the constitution, a copy of which may be obtained from the secretary of the association. Under the provisions of the constitution, the Management Committee is empowered to make rules or to withdraw or amend them. 1. Use of centre Use of the community centre and its facilities is subject to the following rules and, in the case of hirers, the signing of these rules forms the official hiring agreement. 2. Equal opportunities Users of the community centre must comply with the Equality Act 2010. They must ensure that the community centre is open to all members of the community regardless of sex, sexual orientation, nationality, age, disability, race, or of political, religious or other opinions. No harassment or abuse on the premises will be tolerated and actions which will be taken are detailed in the Association’s Equalities Policy. 3. Applying to use the centre (a) Application for use of the centre shall be made to the Booking Officer. See attached Booking Form. The right to refuse any application for the use of centre facilities is reserved to the Management Committee or the Booking Officer, provided that the Booking Officer reports his/her action to the next meeting of the Management Committee. The Management Committee may refuse an application to use the centre’s facilities if the use by a particular association or individual presents a risk of public disorder or of alienating the Association’s beneficiaries or supporters, or causing a disturbance to local residents. In any circumstance of doubt, the Booking Officer shall report the matter to the Chair and shall not confirm the letting without the agreement of the Chair. P.T.O (b) 4 (c) (d) 4. All arrangements for the use of centre facilities are subject to the Association reserving the right to cancel bookings when the premises are required for use as a Polling Station or are otherwise rendered unfit for the intended use. Sections and affiliated groups of the Association shall normally have priority use of its facilities, but all arrangements to hire facilities made with outside bodies and individuals shall be honoured by the Association except as provided for in (c) above. Hours of opening Facilities at the community centre are normally available for the use of its members and of outside hirers between the hours of 8am and 11pm. 5. Maximum capacity The centre hall has a maximum capacity of 150 (these figures include helpers and performers) and on no account shall these figures be exceeded. 6. Safety requirements All conditions attached to the granting of the centre’s Premises Licence or other licences shall be strictly observed. Nothing shall be done which will endanger the users of the building or invalidate the policies of insurance relating to it and to its contents. In particular: (a) obstructions must not be placed in gangways or exits, nor in front of emergency exits, which must be immediately available for free public egress; (b) the emergency lighting supply is always turned on and illuminates all exit signs and routes; (c) fire fighting apparatus shall be kept in its proper place and only used for its intended purpose. (d) the Fire Service shall be called to any outbreak of fire, however slight, and details of the occurrence recorded in the Fire/Accident book in the First Aid Box and the Booking Officer must be informed. (e) performances involving danger to the public shall not be given. (f) highly flammable substances shall not be brought into or used in any part of the premises. No bouncy castles, disco smoke machines or foam making machines may be used and no silly string used. No internal decorations of a combustible nature (such as polystyrene, cotton, etc.) shall be undertaken or erected without the consent of the Management Committee; (g) no unauthorised heating appliances shall be used on the premises; (h) the First Aid box is located on the wall in the main hall. An entry must be made in the Fire/Accident book (kept in the first left hand top cupboard in the kitchen) of any accident or injury occurring on the premises and the Booking Officer must be informed. (i) all electrical equipment brought into the building shall comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and any subsequent legislation. The Management Committee disclaims all responsibility for all claims and costs arising from the use of any equipment that does not so comply. (j) there is no telephone on the premises - it is the responsibility of the hirer to ensure a mobile phone is available for emergencies. 5 7. Supervision The hirer or person in charge of an activity shall not be under 18 years of age and shall be on the premises for the entire period of hire or duration of the activity. S/he shall not be engaged in any duties which prevent him/her from exercising general supervision. When the premises or any part of them are used for the purpose of public entertainment, there shall be a minimum of two persons, neither of whom shall be less than 18 years of age, on duty where under 100 persons are attending the entertainment. The number of adult attendants required is increased in the following circumstances: (a) where 100-150 people are present - to three; (b) when the majority of those present at the entertainment are less than 16 years of age and/or when many people with disabilities are expected to attend, the numbers of adult supervisors required will be increased. All persons in charge or on duty shall have been informed of the procedure for evacuation of the premises and shall familiarise themselves with the fire fighting equipment provided. 8. Safety of vulnerable people No activities or groups involving either children or vulnerable adults will be permitted on the premises except with the agreement of the Management Committee, which will require that the relevant provisions of the Children Act 1989 and subsequent legislation, the Home Office Code of Practice Safe from Harm and any conditions required by the Office for Standards in Education (OFSTED) or by the local Social Services Department (as appropriate) are complied with before giving such permission. All organisers of activities involving children and/or vulnerable adults should comply with the recommendations of Community Matters technical guidance on ‘Safeguarding Children and Young People’, ‘The Criminal Records Bureau’ and ‘The Vetting and Barring Scheme’ and the Management Committee reserves the right to exclude from the premises any organisation that fails to comply with this requirement. In the case of affiliated groups or outside hirers, it is the responsibility of the organisers of the activities concerned to ensure compliance with these requirements, so that only fit and proper persons have access to young children and/or vulnerable adults and that such persons shall at all times be in attendance upon children and/or vulnerable adults who are on the premises for the activities concerned. 9. Supply of food and drink Only persons who have satisfactorily undertaken any relevant training required by the Council’s Environmental Health Department, and otherwise satisfied the requirements of current legislation, shall be permitted to prepare food on the premises. Such persons at all times shall observe the Code of Conduct displayed in the kitchen. 10. Intoxicating liquor Under the terms of the lease no intoxicating liquors are permitted to be bought or sold on any part of the premises. P.T.O. 6 11. Music in the centre The premises are licensed with PRS for Music and with Phonographic Performance Ltd (PPL) for the playing of recorded copyright music and for the live performance of copyright music. Any hire for commercial use ie Keep Fit classes, must also obtain their own PPL licence. An application form can be obtained from the Booking Secretary. 12. Betting, gaming and lotteries Nothing shall be done on or in relation to the premises in contravention of the law relating to betting, gaming and lotteries and the persons or associations responsible for functions held in the centre premises shall ensure that the requirements of the relevant legislation are strictly observed. 13. Storage The permission of the Management Committee must be obtained before goods or equipment are left or stored at the community centre, except that the Booking Officer is authorised to grant permission for the overnight storage of goods and equipment brought to the centre for a particular function or event. No food or drink items are to be left or stored at the centre. 14. Loss of property The Association cannot accept responsibility for damage to, or the loss or theft of, centre users’ property and effects. 15. Nuisance (a) Litter shall not be left in or about the centre premises and all rubbish must be taken away for disposal. Smoking is only allowed in the garden and all butts must be disposed of in the receptacle provided. Except in the case of trained guide dogs for sight or hearing impaired owners, dogs are not allowed on the premises or in the garden. Hirers and organisers of events in the community centre are responsible for ensuring that the noise level of their functions is not such as to cause inconvenience for the occupiers of nearby houses and property and should avoid undue noise on arrival and departure. (b) (c) 16. Cleaning and security All use of centre premises and facilities is subject to the users accepting responsibility for returning furniture and equipment to their original position and for securing doors and windows of the premises as directed by the Booking Officer. All users shall also leave the premises and surroundings in a clean and tidy condition, as may be directed by the Booking Officer. Once it is confirmed that the centre has been left in an acceptable condition the damage waiver and key deposit will be returned. In the case of damage, part or all of the damage waiver will be retained and you will be advised accordingly. The cost of any damage in excess of the damage waiver will be charged to the hirer. END 7