6.4 UNF/NDRC Expansion and Improvement of Solar Water Heating Technology in China 1) Background Solar thermal energy has been used widely in China in the form of solar water heaters; and the nation has a good foundation both in the development of the solar water heater industry and in the commercialization of its products. At present, over 1,000 factories and dealers produce and sell solar water heaters in China; and China is a leading country worldwide both in the scale and in the high level of commercialization of its solar water heater sector. Solar water heaters in China are mainly for household use. The ideal building-integrated solar water heater system, which would be easy to install, elegant, practical, and serve directly as the roof or wall of the building with which it is integrated, is not yet being produced in China. In addition, because solar water heating equipment is generally bought by consumers after they have bought their homes, problems and safety issues often arise during installation. In fact, such factors have become barriers to the use of solar water heaters. Finally, some cities have already started to restrict the installation of solar water heaters, so as to avoid what is perceived as a negative impact on the visual environment. In order to promote the rapid upgrading and technical improvement of solar water heater products, to overcome problems in installation and use, to expand the use of solar water heaters, and reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, the project Expansion and Improvement of Solar Water Heating Technology in China was launched in January 2002. The project is supported by the United Nationals Foundation (UNF) and the United Nations International Partner Fund (UNFIP). The duration of the project is three years. The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) represents the Government of China in implementing the project. The UNF has provided US $1,832,400 to support the project; and the Chinese Government and other relevant domestic organizations are providing US $9,600,000 of in-kind co-financing. 2) Project Objectives The project has the following objectives: Widen the use of solar water heaters in residential buildings, thereby reducing the consumption of coal and emission of greenhouse gases. Cultivate a group of engineers and architects that understand the integration of buildings and solar water heaters through capacity building activities. Promote the design and spread of high quality, attractive, building-integrated solar water heaters; increase the market share of solar water heaters; and improve market quality by supporting technical progress in the solar water heater manufacturing sector. Promote sound market development by supporting the formulation and implementation of policies and standards regarding the use of solar water heaters on residential buildings. Raise the level of understanding of home buyers, real estate developers, and city planners of solar water heaters and solar water heater – building integration through carrying out dissemination activities. Figure 23: Residential Buildings with SWH integrated in china 3) Project Activities The project is developing ten pilot building-integrated solar water heater residential complexes in the seven provinces or provincial-level municipalities of Beijng, Tianjin, Shanghai, Shandong, Anhui, Yunnan, and Guangxi. These pilots demonstrate solar water heater – building integration under different climatic conditions. Already, pilot projects have been completed over a total building area of 78,900 square meters; and 158,200 more square meters are under construction. The project has provided technical support to a number of potential solar water heater – building integration retrofit projects. An expert group organized by the project visited more than 20 organizations that had applied to be retrofit pilots as a part of the UNF project. The experts evaluated the design of their potential projects and provided technical support. Four of these projects have been selected for addition retrofit design work, which is currently underway. The project is working to draw up the national standard Technical Code for Civil Building Solar Water Heater Systems. The initial draft has been developed; and it is planned that the draft to be submitted for government approval will be completed in December of 2004, after which the proposed standard will be submitted to the Ministry of Construction (MOC) to be authorized, published, and implemented. The project is preparing Guidebook for the Design and Use of Solar Water Heaters for dissemination to solar water heater manufacturers, architects, and developers. The publishing and distribution of the guidebook is targeted for October of 2004. Market research and policy studies are being conducted, so as to provide input for government decision-making and for the drafting of China’s Promotion Law for Renewable Energy Development and Utilization. Reports completed to date include: “Research on the Situation of Solar Water Heater Integration with Buildings”, “Research on Incentive Policies for Promoting the Development of the Solar Water Heater Industry in China”, “Investigation of the Training Needs of the Solar Water Heater Industry”, and “Research on Targets for Technical Improvements in Solar Water Heaters.” The project is organizing study tours both in China and overseas for the study of advanced experience in solar water heater – building integration. Based on the standard and design guidebook prepared by the project, training materials will also be prepared as a part of the project; and training will subsequently be conducted. Dissemination activities are being carried out as a part of the project, including informational dissemination meetings and workshops. All types of avenues are being used to introduce the social, economic, and environmental benefits of solar water heaters and solar water heater – building integration. Figure 24: Residential Buildings with SWH integrated in china 4) Project Achievements The project has been effective in gaining acknowledgement that building-integration is the necessary path forward for the development of the solar water heater industry. Specific achievements are given below in each of the areas of policy, the market, and technology. Policy and Related Mechanisms The technical code for the use of solar water heater systems in civil construction has been listed in China’s national standards plan. China’s National R&D Program has arranged for research on the special topic on solar water heater – building integration. Four local governments have issued documents and regulations to promote the use of solar water heaters in buildings. In order to promote the widespread use of solar water heaters in buildings, the Solar Energy Building Committee of the Solar Energy Society has been established. Market The benefits of solar water heaters have become widely known. As an example, in the city of Kunming, Yunnan Province, it is difficult to sell real estate projects that do not integrate solar water heaters. Over 20 real estate developers, over ten building design institutes, and over 50 architects have taken part in relevant project activities to date. As a direct result of the project, over 1,000 families are enjoying the benefits of building-integrated solar water heaters. Technology Companies involved in the study of advanced international experience through study tours have begun to benefit from these experiences. China has begun to research, develop, and manufacture solar water heater products that meet the requirements of the international market; and the pace of product upgrading has increased. Figure 25: Residential buildings integrating solar water heater is in Yunnan Province 5) Project Management Office Contact Information: Address: 1416 Guohong Mansion, A 11, Muxidi Beili, Xicheng District, Beijing 100038, China Tel: +86-10-63908480, 63908482 Fax: +86-10-63908468 Email: runqingh@163bj.com